Sepaking Quý 1-2024

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Examiner to ask questions from EITHER Frame 1 or Frame 2

Frame 1 (Where you live now)
Let’s talk about where you live now
 Which town or city do you live in now?
I was born and raised in Thanh Hóa, a bustling city. I proudly live in a pretty house with my parents
in the heart of the city.
 Are there any things you don’t like about your area? (What are they?)
You know, one little quirk about my neighborhood is the noise level - it can be a bit much
sometimes, especially when I'm trying to buckle down and focus on work. Another discomfort is
the traffic jam. it is a result of intensive population and the huge number of private
 Do you think you will continue to live there for a long time? (Why? Why not?)
Absolutely! we're planning to make long-term memories here. Plus, living in the city centre has its
own perks – there are so many amenities nearby for inhabitants such as shopping spots, parks or
 Do you live in a house or an apartment?
Well I'm currently residing in a terraced house with my parents. After we renovated it , it's
become a much more modern and roomy place to live in!
 What is your favourite room in your home? (Why?)
I absolutely love my own room, it's my happy place! I can stretch out on my bed, dive into a movie
or a thrilling crime book, and just like magic, my batteries are recharged. Our living room, the
heart of our family life, is our cozy meeting spot where we come together, share stories, chat
about our day, and just enjoy being in each other's company. It's more than just a room - it's our
very own place for creating connections.
 What things make your home pleasant to live in? (Why?)
It's really all about the design that makes our day-to-day tasks and routines a breeze. And the best
part is these designs spring from our very own ideas! It's such a joy to live in a house where we've
had a hand in every stage of its creation.
Frame 2 (Work/ Study)
Let’s talk about what you do.
 Do you work or are you a student?
I am currently a eleven-grade student at ……………………… High School. It's an honor to study at this
high school, as it's one of the most renowned and prestigious in my city.
 What do you study?
I am mainly focusing on the science department in my studies, although I also study subjects from
the social department. I believe it's important to have a well-rounded education, so I do not ignore
the other subjects.
 What do you find most interesting about your studies? (Why?)
What I love about my studies is how we can use what we learn to understand and improve the
world around us. It's amazing to see how classroom ideas can explain everyday things and help
create new technologies and solutions that make our society better.
 Which is more important to you—the teachers or the other students on your course?
In my education, both teachers and peers are crucial. Teachers guide us through course materials,
while peers encourage a teamwork-based learning environment. If asked to choose, I'd prefer
teachers being more important as they establish our learning foundation and mentor us in
achieving academic goals.
 How much time do you spend studying every week?
On average, I spend around …… to …… hours every week studying. This includes not only the time I
spend in classes, but also the time I invest in homework, research, and preparing for tests and
exams. I believe that this amount of time is necessary for me to fully understand what we're
learning in class.
 How do you usually travel to the city where you study?
I typically use my electric motorbike to commute to the city where I study. It's a convenient and
environmentally-friendly mode of transportation. I like being able to move around the city at my
own speed. It's also a good way to avoid heavy traffic.
 Do you study best in the morning or the afternoon? (Why?)
 I'm an early bird! I find my mind is at its sharpest in those tranquil morning hours. So, I
usually kick off my day bright and early, diving into some learning before the school bell
 I'm more of a night owl, finding that my mind really comes alive in the late afternoon. So,
my favorite time to hit the books is after school and any extra classes. That's when I dive in
and tackle all the tasks for the next school day.
 Have you always wanted to study this subject/ these subjects (Why/ Why not?)
 My major is …., which is challenging but quite rewarding. I've always had a passion for
numbers and problem-solving/ physical phenomena and how the universe words/ digital
world and using technology to solve problems since I was very little and it has grown up
little by little.
 Well, not exactly, but these options seem to be just right for me, fitting my skills and
abilities like a glove! If I can master all these and make my way into university, I'll be one
step closer to chasing my dream as a…
Part 1
1. Robots
1. Do you know something about robots?
Not much, I'm afraid. They are machines designed to perform tasks without human intervention.
Robots can be autonomous or semi-autonomous and range from industrial robots to autonomous
drones, and even AI software.
2. Did you like any film has a robot in it when you were a child?
Transformers was a show that I absolutely adored! It really left an indelible mark on my childhood.
From what I recall, the cars, which were seemingly ordinary at first, would undergo an incredible
transformation and become giant robots, always readily jumping into action whenever the world
needed saving.
3. Do you use robot in your daily life?
To be completely honest, I haven't taken the leap just yet. However, the idea of purchasing a
robotic vacuum cleaner has been lingering in my mind for some time now. Not only would this
free up a significant amount of my time, but it could also allow me to focus on other, more
productive tasks.
4. Will you be comfortable if you are on a car driven by a robot?
As long as it gets the green light from the authorities, that's what matters to me. Safety is my top
priority, so I definitely want to make sure this new vehicle has passed all the safety checks before
it hits the road.

2. Geography
1. How do you feel about geography?
Sure, the subject's pretty handy. But the old-school memorization routine in my homeland's
schools, while it does the trick in some ways, unfortunately takes away a bit from the subject's
naturally explorative and insightful nature.
2. Do you think learning geographic knowledge is useful for you?
Sure thing! My geology and climate know-how totally come in handy when I'm exploring new
places. And if Mother Nature decides to throw a curveball (surprise SB with ST unpleasant), I've
got a pretty good handle on what to do, thanks to what I've learned.
3. Have you ever studied geography at school?
Yep, it's a required subject in our curriculum. But honestly? I kind of love exploring it on my own or
with a little help from my dad. It's so exciting to read about the different regions of our country,
their unique customs, and diverse cultures, especially when it's not in the traditional, sometimes
boring, classroom setting.
4. Are you good at reading a map?
Honestly, I wouldn't say I'm a natural at this. I can remember where all the provinces and cities are
in my country, but when it comes to directions, scales, and signals, I'm a bit lost. I think digital
maps might just be my best friend!
3. Helping others
1. Do you usually help people around you?
While I may not be able to do it consistently or regularly due to various circumstances, I've always
made it a point to be there for my friends and loved ones whenever I can. Sometimes, when I'm
snowed under with my own business, it's hard to find the time.
2. How do you help people around you, such as neighbors, family, and friends?
Oh, there's a bunch of ways I can lend a hand! When it comes to my friends and family, I'm always
ready to step in with some financial help if they're having a tough time and I'm able to help. Plus,
I'm a good listener, and I enjoy providing emotional support for them. And my neighbors? Well,
I'm more than happy to help out by babysitting.
3. Have you done voluntary work?
To be honest with you, I haven't had the opportunity yet. I almost had the chance while I was at
university, but my parents advised against it. You see, it's quite physically demanding and I don't
really meet those physical standards.
4. Did your parents help you a lot when you were young?
Absolutely, and they've been what you might call 'helicopter parents', so I grew up in a bubble
wrap. But now, I'm gradually learning to be independent from them. However, they're still there
to lend a hand, always ready to offer advice when I have a big decision to make.
5. Have you helped someone in the community?
Sure thing. It's just simple tasks like assisting them with online transactions or reading medication
instructions. You know, many of them are a bit older, so they might have some trouble with their
eyesight or using digital devices.

4. Gift/presents
1. What is one of the best gifts you’ve ever received? (Why?)
This is the scarf my mom gave me when I was little. She lovingly made it with her own hands.
Receiving this handmade gift for the first time really touched my heart and it holds a special
meaning to me.
2. Are you good at choosing gifts for other people? (Why/Why not?)
You know, it's always a bit of a mystery! Whenever I give gifts, the recipients seem to really love
them. But deep down, I always wonder if it's the gift they're excited about or if it's simply their
appreciation for our relationship shining through.
3. What sort of gifts do you like to buy for friends? (Why?)
So, it's kinda like this. I gotta think about what they're into and what's going on with them before I
pick something out. Like, my dad is super into tech stuff and he's also got this blood pressure
thing, so I got him a health watch.
4. Have you ever given someone a gift that you made yourself? (Why/Why not?)
Absolutely, if you count a handcrafted card. I once made a card for my friend, adorning it with the
cutest designs and pouring my love and feelings into every word. She was so moved, and she was
nearly in tears! I believe it's the most heartwarming way we can express our gratitude and
emotions to the person receiving it.

5. Fish and Fishing

1. How popular is fishing in your country? (Why/Why not?)
Ubiquitous, to be honest. Our country is full of lakes and ponds, that's why this kind of pastime
has always been so popular, especially with retired people, who have plenty of time and patience
to wait for a perfect catch.
2. Do you know any places where you can see many fish? (Where/Why?)
In my local market, which is famous for its seafood, you'll find an amazing variety of fish. It's quite
a sight! For those interested in ornamental fish, there are thousands of stores across the country,
offering a diverse range of species that cater to hobbyists and enthusiasts alike.
3. How do you feel about eating fish? (Why/Why not?)
To be frank, the smell of meat just isn't my cup of tea. I can only manage fish if it's completely free
of any fishy odor. Given a choice, I'd probably skip the fish too!
4. Would you ever keep fish as pets? (Why/Why not?)
Absolutely, I'd love! They're pretty easy to take care of, and I find watching them swim around to
be super soothing and therapeutic. I actually had a little aquarium at home a few years back, but
sadly, a chilly winter took its toll on my fishy friends. I suppose next time around, I'll need to set up
a heating system to keep them cozy and safe!

6. Films
1. What films do you like?
I enjoy various types of movies, but crime and romantic films hold a special place in my heart. You
see, crime movies get my mind whirring, keeping me on the edge of my seat, and romantic
movies, oh how they touch our hearts! My all-time favorites? Well, they have to be the delightful
Sherlock – the BBC version, of course – and the heartwarming The Notebook.
2. Did you often watch films when you were a child?
Well, they weren't exactly 'films', you know. I used to cozy up with my parents every night and
watch dramas on TV. Sure, the content was a bit over my head as a child, but I found myself drawn
in and following along right up to the final episode. I even picked up the tunes and learned to sing
the soundtracks of each drama I watched.
3. Did you ever go to the cinema alone as a child?
You know, when I was a kid, my city didn't have a cinema. It wasn't until I started university that I
had my first experience going to the movies. Thanks God, there a few cinemas in my hometown
4. Do you often go to the cinema with your friends?
You know, I make it a point to catch a movie at the cinema pretty regularly. Although, I don't
always get to go with my friends. You know, my interests are a bit unique, like Oppenheimer and
crime genres, which aren't typically what most girls are into. So, it can be a bit challenging to share
these interests.
5. Do you think going to the cinema is a good way to spend time with friends?
In my opinion, there are even more fun ways to catch up with friends, like grabbing a coffee
together or planning a picnic. They're great opportunities for us to chat and exchange stories.
When a group of pals head out to the movies, they're usually glued to the screen! And even after
the show, the chatter is mostly about the film, not so much about their day-to-day lives.

7. Tea or Coffee
1. Do you prefer drinking tea or coffee? (Why/Why not?)
You know, given a choice between the two, neither would be my top pick. I've been having a bit of
a tussle with insomnia lately, so I'm trying to steer clear of caffeine. But, if I absolutely had to
choose, I'd probably lean towards tea. There's just something about the aroma that's really
2. Do you remember the first time you tried drinking tea/coffee? (Why/Why not?)
Oh, my first time trying coffee is a memory that's a bit fuzzy now. You see, the traditional
Vietnamese coffee is brewed from Robusta beans, and trust me, they pack quite the punch with
their bold, bitter taste. Yep, it definitely had me scrunching up my face a bit!
3. Do you ever give visitors to your home tea or coffee? (Why/Why not?)
Honestly, it seems like we Vietnamese folks might have a bit of a preference for alcohol over
caffeine, so we usually greet our guests with a friendly bottle of beer. But we've always got some
tea on hand for my parents' guests - we wouldn't want our older friends to have any trouble with
their blood pressure from coffee!
4. Which is more popular in your country, tea or coffee? (Why?)
Just like I pointed out earlier, it really comes down to age. The young ones tend to go for coffee - it
keeps them sharp and ready for their tasks. On the other hand, our older friends savour the gentle
taste of tea and the health benefits it offers.

8. Musical instruments
1. Which musical instrument do you like listening to most? Why?
I would say it's the guitar. There is something incredibly captivating about the rustic, earthy sound
that resonates from it.
2. Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument?
You know what, I haven't really. Music isn't my strongest suit, so mostly I just enjoy listening to
songs and singing along when the mood strikes!
3. Do you think children should learn to play an instrument at school?
Definitely! Including it in the curriculum would be fantastic. Children would get to nurture their
creativity and artistic talents, along with their academic skills.
4. How easy would it be to learn to play an instrument without a teacher?
It's great that we can easily learn the basics of any instrument these days, thanks to the countless
tutorials available on platforms like YouTube or TikTok. But if you're aiming for mastery, having a
teacher can be a game-changer. They can provide you with personalized guidance and feedback,
all tailored to your own learning pace.

9. Public transport
1. Do people in your town or city use public transport a lot? (Why/Why not?)
Unfortunately, no. Our public transport system is a bit outdated and needs renovation. Plus, there
are so many quaint little alleys that the buses can't reach, so it's often much more convenient to
use our own vehicles for commuting.
2. When did you last use public transport? (Why?)
It was about 7 years ago, when I first started university. The buses back then were just not
spacious enough for everyone, so we all had to squeeze in. That's when my fear of buses began.
3. What would you like to change about the public transport in your town/city?
(Why/Why not?)
I want the vehicles to be more spacious and modern. The train is over 100 years old and the buses
haven't been maintained for a long time, so if possible, I would like all of them to be replaced with
new ones.
4. Do you think you will use public transport more in the future? (Why/Why not?)
You know, if things stay the same, I probably wouldn't. But if there were some solid investments in
public transportation, making it safer and way more user-friendly, I'd absolutely be willing to hop
on board and give it a go!

10. Noise
1. Do you like to stay in a place with a lot of noise?
No, I prefer quiet and peace when I want to be alone, recharge, or concentrate on my work. Too
much noise can be distracting and irritating.
2. Do you think there is too much noise in today’s world?
Absolutely! It could be anything from your local karaoke night to the honking of car horns, or even
the sounds of construction nearby. It's not so friendly to our ears and it can also be a bit tough on
our mental well-being.
3. Is making noise one of people’s rights?
Absolutely! It's all about balance, right? We should aim to keep the noise down a little to respect
everyone's peace and space. After all, we're all sharing this space, so we need to make sure we're
considerate of each other.
4. What kinds of noises are there in the area where you live?
The most common sounds I hear come from the laughter and excited chatter of children after
school. In the evenings, some of my neighbors enjoy karaoke sessions until midnight, which is
quite annoying and irritating.
5. Do you want to move to a quieter place?
I hope this doesn't come off the wrong way, but I'd love it if the sources of noise could relocate,
rather than us. Our current neighborhood is wonderful, with so many amenities within a stone's
throw - it really is a convenient place to live! As for the noise, I believe if the more boisterous
neighbors took a moment to consider their volume, our living environment could be even better!

11. Chatting
1. Do you like chatting with friends?
day-to-day adventures
a nightly routine for me before tucking in for the night: thói quen hàng đêm trc khi đi ngủ
2. What do you usually chat about with friends?
ups and downs: thăng trầm
swap some good advice: trao đổi lời khuyên
3. Do you prefer to chat with a group of people or with only one friend?
intimate issues: vấn đề tế nhị, riêng tư
reach out to SB
a heart-to-heart (conversation)
4. Do you prefer to communicate face-to-face or via social media?
forge deeper connections: tạo kết nối sâu sắc hơn
non-verbal cues such as facial expressions and gestures: tín hiệu phi ngôn ngữ: nét mặt, cử chỉ
be miles away: ở xa
5. Do you argue with friends?
as rare as a blue moon: cực hiếm
have our moments: có lúc this lúc that
address them promptly: giải quyết kịp thời

keep friendship blooming: giữ cho tình bạn

12. Running
1. Do you go running a lot?
A routine I share with …
lace up our comfy jogging shoes: thắt dây giày
hit the road: xuống đường
2. Where do you usually like to run?
Favorite spot
Within walking distance of my home: rất gần nhà
community hub: nơi tụ họp cộng đồng
3. What do you think of running?
an outdoor enthusiast: ng đam mê các hđ ngoài trời
your golden ticket to exploring nature: cơ hội vàng để khám phá thiên nhiên
perfect excuse to indulge in podcasts: cơ hội hoàn hảo để thưởng thức
4. What do you think of running as a form of exercise?
easy on the wallet: rẻ
do wonders for: có ích cho
boost cardiovascular health: tăng cường sk tim mạch
sharpen mental prowess: rèn luyện đầu óc

13. Map
1. Do you often use map?
turn to digital maps: nhờ đến
a real lifesaver: cứu cánh thực sự
be a bit directionally challenged: hơi mất phương hướng
2. What is the difference between mobile maps and paper maps?
a bit tricky to use
symbols, directions, and scales. >< GPS and a voice assistant
an absolute breeze: dễ
3. Who taught you how to use maps?
how to navigate with a paper map
share a nifty trick with SB
4. How often do you use maps on you phone?
trusty little guide
shortcuts (n) đường tắt
5. Do you put maps on the wall in your room, why?

14. Clothing
1. Do you prefer to wear comfortable and casual clothes or smart clothes?
all about that comfy clothes
facilitate my movements
dress up a bit
2. Do you spend a lot of time choosing clothes?
look my best
lay out my clothes
a feeling of readiness
3. Do you like wearing T-shirts?
a rainbow of t- shirts in my closet: nhiều áo phông với đủ màu trong tủ quần áo
versatile (a) linh hoạt
pair it with/ team it up with: kết hợp với
4. What kind of clothes do you like to wear?
let me move with ease
…………….. is my go-to
dress to the nines in my best outfits

15. Travelling
1. Do you like travelling?
broaden my horizons: mở mang tầm hiểu biết

2. How often do you go travelling?

take a trip at least once a year

3. Where do you usually travel?

venture into the southern provinces
it's quite the investment: đắt
4. How do you feel when you are travelling?
brim with joy and enthusiasm: tràn ngập niềm vui
eager to explore unseen corners: háo hức khám phá những nơi chưa ai đến
from dawn till dusk: từ sáng đến tối

16. Sunglasses
1. Do you often wear sunglasses?
the glare a bit too much for my eyes
be extra careful to keep them shielded
2. Do you spend a lot of money on sunglasses?
not in the habit of buying them too often
be up to the task of taking care of my eyes
fit into my budget.
3. Do you give sunglasses as a gift?
a practical yet stylish gift
suitable for virtually any occasion
4. Why do you wear sunglasses?
intense summer months
They shield my eyes from UV rays
my go-to fashion accessory

17. Social Media

1. Do you think you spend too much time on social media?
get carried away with social media
lose track of time while scrolling
2. Do your friends use social media?
go-to method to keep in touch

3. What do people often do on social media?

be drawn to fresh trends, catchy tunes, and blockbuster movies
a handy tool to stay in the loop with worldly happenings
4. When did you start using social media?
my first encounter with
a gathering place for people

18. Video Game

1. Do you like playing video games or watching others play video games?
a pampering day
2. What kinds of video games do you like to play?
lose myself in the captivating Candy Crush
truly hooked on the game
3. Is it good for young people to play video games?
a double-edged sword
moderation is key

19. Colors
1. What is your favorite color?
pastel colors = lighter, softer colors
bold hues
gravitate towards
2. Do you usually wear clothes in your favorite color?
burst with pastel shades
lights up my face
give me a less thin appearance.
3. Are there any colors that have a special meaning in your country?
red symbolizes luck, prosperity, and celebration
black signifies loss and trauma
4. Do you think different types of people like different colors?
speak about personality
be a bit on the shy side

20. Cakes and other sweet things

1. Did you enjoy cakes and sweets when you were a child? (Why/ Why not?)
lean towards the less sweet side of things
cream-less gateaux
a huge sweet tooth
2. Have you ever made a cake yourself? (Why/Why not?)
whip up: make a dish quickly
strict guideline adherence and precise measurements
3. On what occasions do people in your culture eat special cakes or other sweet food? (Why?)

4. Do you enjoy eating something sweet at the end of a meal? (Why/Why not?)
be one for sweets: person who likes sweet things
make me feel a bit too full.

21. Memory
1. Do you need to remember things often?
bear in mind
keep track of my work process
2. Are you good at memorizing things?
stumble upon a cool fix
create a to-do list
3. Have you ever forgotten something important?
that's not happened to me
the simple stuff like pressing the button on my rice cooker - be a breeze to fix
4. Why do some people have good memory while others just don’t?
differ from person to person
have a naturally better memory
specific techniques like visualization
5. Why do more people rely on cell phones to memorize things?
have too much on our plate to deal with,
that's what our trusty cell phones are for
personal little reminders

22. Advertisements/commercials
1. Do you often remember advertisements/commercials that you’ve seen? (Why/Why not?)
there was nothing better than
increasingly intrigued by the creativity
2. What do you usually do when an advertisement/a commercial comes on TV or the internet?
(Why/Why not?)
pop up on TV or online
give it a watch- learn about new stuff out there.
hit the skip button if I can - stuff that doesn't matter to me
3. Have you ever seen an advertisements/a commercials that you really didn’t like? (Why?)
ad for the diabetes product
pretend doctors - tackle anything from diabetes to cancer
cross some legal boundaries.
4. Would you like to be in an advertisements/a commercials one day? What kind/Why (not)?
the allure of being in a TVC
step into the spotlight
public figures and influencers
23. Crowded place
1. Is the city where you live crowded?
a real hub of activity
hit the road at the same time
2. Is there a crowded place near where you live?
a vibrant spot, buzzing with energy and activity
3. Do you like crowded places?
quiet, chilly places
be drawn to vibrant and cosy spots
hidden gems of pubs or cafes tucked away in quaint little alleys
4. When was the last time you were in a crowded place?
eagerly await the fireworks
far from annoyed

24. Losing things

1. Do you often lose things?
misplace the little things
easy to overlook and hard to spot once they're gone
2. What can we do to avoid losing things?
keep things in their specific spot
put it right back where it came from immediately
3. Why do some people tend to lose things more often than others?
a lack of organization
easy to forget their last location
get distracted or we're juggling too many tasks at once
naturally have a memory that's a bit less sharp
4. What will you do if you find something lost by others?
stumble upon a lost item
put on my detective hat - track down the owner
get in touch with local authorities

25. Feeling bored

1. Do you often feel bored? (Why/Why not?)
the daily grind of repetitive tasks
2. Did you ever find school boring, when you were a child? (Why/Why not?)
spark my interest
teaching style was mainly lecture-based
3. What sort of things do you find most boring now?(Why/Why not?)
lose a bit of their sparkle for me
doing the same kind of work day in, day out
4. What do you do to stop yourself feeling bored?( Why/Why not?)
I sense a hint of boredom
dive into a book that's been waiting patiently on my shelf
explore some fresh tunes
stretch my legs with a revitalizing walk
shatter the sameness

26. Singing
1. Do you like singing?
Be magnetically drawn to a compelling melody
keep the music at full volume
sing along to the lyrics
2. Does your school teach you to sing?
adorable kiddie tunes
the art of reading musical notes
a calming respite from the rigorous academic lessons
3. Do many people in Vietnam know how to sing?
hold a tune
enthusiasm in singing beats being a good singer
4. Did you enjoy singing when you were younger?
have a blast in karaoke sessions
had all the lyrics memorized

27. Spending money

1. Do you spend a lot of money?
Be quite mindful of something
set aside some savings for a rainy day
spoil myself every now and then
2. What do you usually spend money for?
little surprises that life loves to dish out
have a little nest egg tucked away for unexpected moments.
3. Do you use credit card?
everything off in one go
come across any unexpected expenses
4. How do Vietnamese people generally make payments?
to pay in cash
gravitate towards online transactions and credit cards
28. News
1. Do you read the news?
catch up on all the latest happenings
2. Do famous people often appear in the news?
big names tend to make the headlines
become the talk of the town
have a notable influence on our society and culture
3. Do you like to follow celebrities in the news?
keep up with their activities
a part of the glitz and glamour of the entertainment world
4. Do you think what is said in the news is correct?
authorized publications and national television
on the fence - half and half
stay sharp to tell the difference between reliable news and the not-so-true stuff

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