Constitution - New - Oct

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Article 1- The organization shall be known as the Idylwylde Daytime Ladies Curling Club (hereafter
referred to as the Club) and is a section of the Idylwylde Golf and Country Club.
Article 2- The Club shall be a member of the Northern Ontario Curling Association (NOCA). The
Club shall pay such fees as shall be required of clubs by the NOCA. The Club shall be
governed in accordance with the constitution and by-laws of the NOCA.
Article 3- That all members in good standing of the Club be eligible to vote. A member in good
standing is a member whose current year’s curling dues are paid in full.

The control and management of the Club shall be vested in the following officers of your
executive as elected for the term of one year. The officers shall be: President, Past
President, First Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Games Captain and the following
Chairwomen: Bonspiel, House, Publicity, Prize and Ranking.

Article 5- BY-LAWS

1. Should a vacancy occur among the Executive, such vacancy should be filled by
nominating and balloting at the next general meeting, with the exception of the
Past- President, who will be appointed by the Executive.

2. There must be a minimum of two (2) General and two (2) Executive meetings in a
curling year, or as many more as are deemed necessary by the President.


1. Reading of minutes

2. Business arising out of minutes

3. Report of the Treasurer

4. Reports of the Committees

5. Old business

6. New business

7. Election of Officers

8. Installation of Officers to take place at last General Meeting

9. Adjournment

4. A) A quorum of the Executive Council shall be necessary to pass any motions. A

quorum shall consist of ½ plus 1 of the elected members.

B) A quorum of members in good standing will be necessary to pass any motions in

a General Meeting. A quorum shall consist of ½ plus 1 of the members in good


Nominations are to be started one month before the last general meeting. Only
members in good standing may stand for office.


PAST PRESIDENT – Shall form the nominations committee.

PRESIDENT – Shall call all meetings and shall preside thereat. In all Executive and
General Meetings she shall give a casting vote in case of a tie. May be a member of
all committees. Shall act as a liaison with the other Idylwylde curling sections. Shall
have signing privileges on all cheques along with the Treasurer. Shall sign all
minutes. Shall arrange to have the books audited yearly.

FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT – Shall perform all duties of the President in her absence.
Shall be in charge of on-going curling development. Shall assist the Games
Committee by being in charge of the Fun Days and clinics.
SECRETARY – Shall keep the minutes of all meetings and send to President for
approval before sending to the members. Shall conduct all correspondence arising
out of minutes. Shall be responsible for any correspondence relevant in the Club.

Shall e-mail/call the current members to announce meeting dates and times as
requested by the President. Shall be responsible for sending cards or condolences in
time of illness or death. Shall see that all pertinent records and communication is
passed on to the newly elected executive member in each position in order for them
to carry out their duties. Shall keep all minutes of the Club and Executive for a period
of at least seven (7) years in the Club’s archives.

TREASURER – Shall collect all special fees, pay bills and keep receipts for such. Shall
keep all financial records for a period of at least seven (7) years in the Club’s
archives. Shall provide a written report for each meeting with revenues and

GAMES CAPTAIN – Shall head the Games Committee. The function of the Games
Committee is to prepare the schedule for the season, make the draws, and arbitrate
any disputes arising out of games.

RANKING CHAIRWOMAN – Shall schedule ranking meetings. Shall make up ranking

lists and turn results over to the Games Captain. Shall hold such ranking results
secret. Shall post an alphabetical ranking list after each ranking meeting. She is
elected by a majority vote of the skips.

BONSPIEL CHAIRWOMAN – Shall head the Bonspiel Committee, arrange and conduct
the Annual Bonspiel. Shall have a financial report submitted to the Club treasurer
within sixty (60) days of the Bonspiel.

PUBLICITY – Shall report the activities of the club in news media and prepare
information bulletins for monthly Idylwylde newsletter.

PRIZE CHAIRWOMAN - Shall purchase prizes for all club events and arrange for
presentation of same at Annual closing banquet. Shall be responsible for the
maintenance of trophies. Shall be responsible for confirming draw sponsorship.
HOUSE CHAIRWOMAN- Shall compile membership list. Shall be contact person for
new members. Shall arrange and book all Club functions. Shall take orders and
purchase nametags for members as required.


ENTERTAINMENT – Arranges entertainment as required. May attend Executive

Committee meetings as a non-voting member.

ASSISTANT GAMES CAPTAIN – Shall be chosen by the Games Captain. May attend
Executive Committee meetings as a non-voting member. Shall assist the Games

ARTICLE 8 - All amendments shall have one (1) reading at a general meeting, be voted on, and
be passed by the majority before being added to the Constitution.

ENACTMENT This Constitution and By-laws shall be effective immediately following its adoption
by a majority vote of the members of the Club.

First Reading: Oct 12th, 2010

Second Reading (date)

Adopted by the General Membership

Oct. 12th, 2010

Karen Luczak

President, Idylwylde Daytime Ladies Curling

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