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"A Study on the Impact of Social Media Marketing
in a Non-Governmental organisation”

(SESSION 2022-2024)



I Gayatri Goswami, hereby declare that the project report

entitled “A Study on the Impact of Social Media Marketing in a
Non- Governmental organisation” is record of original and
independent study carried out by me and has been submitted for
the partial fulfilment of the requirement of degree of Masters of
business administration.

Student’s Name: - Gayatri Goswami

Class: - 3rd semester
Roll no. :- 221405960011


An endeavour over a period can be successful only with the

advice and support of well – wishers. I take this opportunity to
express my gratitude and appreciation to all those who
encouraged me to complete this project.
I express my profound and sincere thanks to the H.O.D Dr. Amit
Joshi and all the faculty members of DMS for their support and
Thanks to the all mighty god for keeping me strong with high
spirit till the end of the project.
Last but not the least I am grateful to my parents for providing
me the opportunity to be a part of such a reputed institute &
generous constant to undertake this project.



1 Introduction to company 1-3
2 Introduction to topic 4-14
3 Literature review 15-16
4 Objective of the study 17
5 Research Methodology 18-20
6 Data Analysis & interpretation 21-31
7 Findings suggestions & conclusion 32-35
8 Bibliography 36
9 Questionnaire 37-39


AASHMAN Foundation was started in the year 2009, as a group

of people who wanted to give something back to the society in
some or the other way. Later in the year 2012 it got registered as
a Non-Governmental Organization.
AASMAAN Foundation works with a vision to create a society
where children can prosper to their complete potential and enjoy
equality in its true essence. Aashman Foundation works for
Women Empowerment, Poor families and Underprivileged
Children through healthcare and environmental based
livelihood. Aashman Foundation is an NGO working for the
social and economic upliftment of the underprivileged
women and children.

AASHMAN Foundation has more than 1000 volunteers who
work hard round the year for the betterment of society.
It has been working since 2013 for under and less privileged
children in the field of education, health, and rights. It promotes
a culture of kindness and wants to instil a sense of giving back
to society amongst modern youth. It is working for the
upliftment and betterment of the less-privileged kids, in the field
of child's education, health, and rights. Over the years,
AASHMAN Foundation has conducted a plethora of projects
which not only include grass-root level projects which are
directly related to the kids but also include fund-raising events.

Aashman Foundation is the only NGO working for single

income family widows, Widow & Women Empowerment and
Child Education.

• Founder: - Munish Pundir

• Ambassador: - Aarav Chaudhary

• Voice Brand Ambassador: - VJ Aman



Social media marketing is a powerful strategy that involves

using social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter,
and LinkedIn to connect with your target audience and promote
your products, services, or causes.

Here are some key aspects of social media marketing:

1. Building a Presence: Create and optimize your social media

profiles to reflect your organization's branding. This includes
adding a profile picture, cover photo, and relevant information
about your organization.

2. Content Creation: Develop engaging and shareable content,

such as posts, images, videos, and stories, to captivate your
audience's attention and encourage interaction.

3. Audience Engagement: Actively engage with your audience

by responding to comments, messages, and mentions. This helps
foster relationships and build trust with your followers.

4. Hashtag Strategy: Utilize relevant hashtags to increase the

visibility of your posts and reach a wider audience. Research
popular hashtags in your industry or cause to maximize your

5. Influencer Partnerships: Collaborate with influencers or
micro-influencers who align with your organization's values and
target audience. Their endorsement can help expand your reach
and credibility.

6. Paid Advertising: Consider running targeted ads on social

media platforms to reach specific demographics or promote
specific campaigns. Social media platforms offer robust
targeting options to help you reach the right audience.

7. Analytics and Insights: Monitor the performance of your

social media efforts by analyzing metrics like engagement,
reach, and conversions. This data can provide valuable insights
to optimize your strategy.

 Advantages of social media marketing

1. Increased Brand Awareness: Social media platforms allow

you to reach a large audience and increase your brand's

2. Targeted Advertising: You can target specific

demographics, interests, and behaviors to reach the right
audience for your products or services.

3. Cost-Effective: Compared to traditional advertising methods,

social media marketing can be more affordable, especially for
small businesses or nonprofits.

4. Engaging with Customers: Social media provides a direct
line of communication with your audience, allowing you to
engage, respond to inquiries, and build relationships.

5. Increased Website Traffic: By promoting your content and

sharing links, social media can drive traffic to your website,
increasing your chances of conversions.

6. Access to Analytics: Social media platforms provide

analytics tools that offer insights into your audience,
engagement, and campaign performance.

7. Building Brand Loyalty: Regularly interacting with your

audience and providing valuable content can help foster brand
loyalty and customer retention.

8. Competitive Advantage: By effectively utilizing social

media marketing, you can gain a competitive edge over
businesses that are not active on social media.

9. Viral Potential: Social media has the potential to make your

content go viral, reaching a large audience and generating
significant exposure.

10. Flexibility and Adaptability: Social media platforms are

constantly evolving, allowing you to adapt your strategies and
stay up-to-date with the latest trends.

 Disadvantages of social media marketing

1. Time-Consuming: Managing social media accounts and

creating engaging content can be time-consuming, especially if
you need to maintain a consistent presence across multiple

2. Negative Feedback and Public Criticism: Social media

provides a platform for customers to voice their opinions, which
can sometimes lead to negative feedback or public criticism that
needs to be managed appropriately.

3. Information Overload: With the abundance of content on

social media, it can be challenging to cut through the noise and
capture the attention of your target audience.

4. Privacy Concerns: Social media platforms collect and store

user data, raising concerns about privacy and data security.

5. Potential for Miscommunication: The fast-paced nature of

social media can lead to miscommunication or
misunderstandings, which can harm your brand's reputation if
not addressed promptly.

6. Dependence on Algorithms: Social media platforms use

algorithms to determine what content users see, which means
your posts may not always reach your entire audience.

7. Return on Investment (ROI) Uncertainty: It can be

challenging to measure the direct impact of social media

marketing on your bottom line, making it difficult to determine
the return on investment.

8. Platform Dependency: Relying solely on social media

marketing means your brand is at the mercy of platform
changes, algorithm updates, or even platform shutdowns.

9. Difficulty in Standing Out: With the sheer volume of

businesses using social media for marketing, it can be
challenging to stand out and differentiate your brand from the

10. Potential for Negative Publicity: Social media platforms

can amplify negative experiences or incidents, potentially
leading to a public relations crisis if not managed effectively.

 When it comes to social media marketing, there are several

"Ps" that are often discussed:

1. Platform: Choosing the right social media platforms that

align with your target audience and goals.

2. Profile: Creating an engaging and informative profile that

reflects your brand's identity.

3. Posting: Consistently sharing relevant and valuable content to

keep your audience engaged.

4. Promotion: Utilizing various strategies to promote your

content and reach a wider audience.
5. Participation: Actively engaging with your audience by
responding to comments, messages, and mentions.

6. Performance: Monitoring and analyzing the performance of

your social media efforts to make data-driven decisions.

7. Paid Advertising: Utilizing paid advertising options on social

media platforms to boost visibility and reach.

Social media marketing strategies refer to the plans and tactics

that businesses or organizations use to promote their products,
services, or causes on social media platforms. These strategies
are designed to engage with the target audience, build brand
awareness, drive website traffic, and ultimately achieve specific
marketing goals.

 Some common social media marketing strategies include:

1. Content Creation: Creating and sharing relevant and

valuable content, such as articles, videos, images, and
infographics, to attract and engage the target audience.

2. Audience Targeting: Identifying and understanding the

target audience's demographics, interests, and behaviors to tailor
the content and messages to their preferences.

3. Community Building: Building an active and engaged

community by fostering conversations, responding to comments
and messages, and creating a sense of belonging among
4. Influencer Marketing: Collaborating with influencers or
individuals who have a significant following and influence on
social media platforms to promote products, services, or causes.

5. Paid Advertising: Utilizing paid advertising options on social

media platforms, such as Facebook Ads or Instagram Ads, to
reach a wider audience and increase brand visibility.

6. Social Listening: Monitoring social media platforms to

understand what people are saying about the brand, industry, or
relevant topics, and using that information to inform marketing
strategies and improve customer experience.

7. Analytics and Measurement: Tracking and analyzing social

media metrics, such as engagement, reach, conversions, and
sentiment, to measure the effectiveness of the strategies and
make data-driven decisions.

 Social media marketing strategies can be highly effective

for NGOs in raising awareness, engaging with supporters,
and driving action. Here are some ways social media is
used in NGO marketing strategies:

1. Storytelling: NGOs can use social media platforms to share

impactful stories about their mission, projects, and the people
they serve. By sharing compelling narratives, NGOs can connect
with their audience on an emotional level and inspire them to get

2. Visual Content: Visual content, such as photos and videos,
can be powerful tools for NGOs to communicate their message.
Platforms like Instagram and YouTube allow NGOs to showcase
their work, share success stories, and highlight the impact they
are making.

3. Community Engagement: Social media provides NGOs with

an opportunity to engage directly with their supporters and build
a community. NGOs can respond to comments, messages, and
mentions, fostering meaningful conversations and building
relationships with their audience.

4. Fundraising: NGOs can leverage social media platforms to

launch fundraising campaigns and mobilize their supporters.
They can create compelling campaigns, utilize donation features
on platforms like Facebook, and encourage their followers to
share the campaign with their networks.

5. Advocacy and Awareness: Social media can be a powerful

tool for NGOs to raise awareness about social and
environmental issues. By sharing educational content,
infographics, and news updates, NGOs can inform their
audience and inspire them to take action.

6. Influencer Partnerships: NGOs can collaborate with

influencers or social media personalities who align with their
cause. These partnerships can help amplify their message, reach
a wider audience, and generate support for their initiatives.

Project undertaken by Aashman Foundation

 Project: Ability Development

Skills transform lives and drive economies. Without adequate

investment in skills, people languish on the margins of society,
technological progress does not translate into economic growth,
and a society is unable to compete in an increasingly
knowledge-based global arena.

People with poor skills face a much greater risk of experiencing

economic disadvantage, and a higher likelihood of
unemployment and dependency on social benefits. Skills affect
people's lives and the well-being of nations also in ways that go
far beyond what can be measured by labour-market earnings and
economic growth.

 Project: Women Empowerment Centre

To promote or undertake activities for the promotion of, or to

provide credit as an instrument of socio-economic change and
development through the provision of financial and social
development services for the upliftment of women. To support
women to become independent in spirit, in thought, in action
and have full control over their lives rather than be the victim of
the actions of others. This particular project by the organisation
aims to achieve socio-economic empowerment of women
through their operational units.

 Project: Widow Support

The NGO supports widows by providing them with monthly

grocery, medical treatment, and also education to their children.
Apart from this they support them through their project called
Socio-Economic Empowerment of Women. They provide them
with rural based skill training to make them self-sufficient and
further aid them to manage credits so that they can safeguard
their hard carned money and multiply their savings. Upliftment
of widows socially and financially is one of their primary

 Vision

With the help of common man, Corporates & Established

Institutions we will create values; enhance skilful environment
& Uplift social & financial level into the different segment of
society & Bring change into the lives of people with the
Emotional, Financial & Social development Support so that they
can feel and be empowered.

Human life is the most valuable asset of any Nation. We will go

extra mile to help the underprivileged human being to support
them into the Health segment and prevent them from the evil of
malnutrition into children (0-6 Year), pregnant females &
surviving income less family members after dismissal of only
earning hand.

Furthermore, we will try to increase the expectancy of life for

the people who are suffering from unfortunate diseases like
cancer & kidney related issues.

 Mission Statement

The dream of Aashman Foundation is to work unconditionally

on Women Empowerment, Single Income families and
underprivileged children through relevant healthcare, innovative
education and environmental based livelihood programs.


 Molly Chaturvedi, Ashish Kumar Biswas

Academy of Marketing Studies Journal 26 (6), (2022)
This study elaborates and explains the finer nuances of the social
marketing strategies and the use of digital mediums, in special
reference with Non-Governmental organisation. A detailed
survey is undertaken to understand the role of strategies and
volunteers, who plays a significant role in communication of the
intended message and connecting to the larger section of the

 Christelle Swart, Charmaine du Plessis, Elnerine Greeff

South African Journal of Information Management 23 (1), 1-9,
The findings of this study highlight several key areas and topics
that organisations should consider an integrated social media
communication approach as an alternative for content marketing
in the non-profit sector.

 Sara Shawky, Krzysztof Kubacki, Timo Dietrich, Scott

Weaven Journal of Social Marketing 9 (2), 204-224, (2019)
The majority of the identified programmes used Facebook, and
social media were mostly used to share content-based
information in an attempt to connect with target audiences, raise
awareness and reach less accessible populations with
programme messages. Social media served as an extended
channel to traditional media efforts, and very few programmes
used social media to create mechanisms for supporting their
target audiences’ ability to revisit their social media

communications and encourage them to act as advocates for the
programmes’ activities.

 Avis Gordon
Walden University, (2017)
Data collection occurred through semi structured interviews,
review of organizational documents pertaining to social media
marketing strategies of innovam the conc media content, social
media challenges, and brand aware The findings of this study
could help organizational leaders use social media marketing
strategies effectively for engagement and organizational
sustainability. The implications for positive social change
arising from the use of social media by leaders in nonprofit
professional membership organizations include opportunities to
connect with and engage the public to build stronger
communities through collaboration.


 Assess the effectiveness of various social media handles in

reaching and engaging with the targe audience of the NGO.

 Analyze the impact of Social Media campaigns on

increasing brand awareness and visibility for the NGO.

 Evaluate the role of Social Media marketing in driving

donor acquisition and retention for the NGO.

 Explore best practices and strategies for implementing

successful Social Media marketing campaigns.

 Explore the challenges and opportunities faced by

nonprofit organizations in implementing and optimizing
Social Media marketing strategies.


With a view to conducting a research study, it is needed to

design the framework and select The appropriate research
methodology. A research design is simply a framework or a plan
for a study that may be used as a guide in collecting and
analysing data. The research Methodology is a way to
systematically solve the research problem.

• Sources of Data collection

1 Primary Data: Primary data has been collected from –

 Face to face interview through online platforms.

 Group discussion with the company personnel.
 Questionnaires with Structure questions.
 My observation at Aashman foundation.

2 Secondary Data: Secondary data has been collected from –

 Social Media Handles Of Aashman Foundation

 Official Website of Aashman foundation.
 Internet Searches

 Sampling technique - "judgmental sampling."

This technique involves deliberately selecting participants who
are believed to be knowledgeable or have relevant experiences

related to the research topic. I have chosen employees of the
NGO because they are directly involved in the non-
Governmental organization and can provide valuable insights of
the questionnaire. This technique allows to gather specific and
targeted information from individuals who have the expertise
and experience you are seeking.

(i) Sample Size – I Have Selected 30 interns and

Employees through Judgemental Sampling Technique.

 Sampling design –

convenience sampling Convenience sampling can be a practical

and efficient way to gather data, especially when time and
resources are limited. It involves selecting participants based on
their availability and accessibility, such as employees of the
NGO who are readily accessible . While convenience sampling
may not provide representative sample of the entire population,
it can still offer valuable insights and perspectives from those
directly involved in the organization's digital marketing efforts.

 Research design -
Mixed methods research design.
This design combines both qualitative and quantitative
approaches to provide a comprehensive understanding of the
topic. qualitative methods such as interviews and focus groups
to gather in-depth insights and experiences from individuals
involved in the organization's digital marketing efforts.
Additionally, quantitative methods like questionnaire and data
analysis can help collect measurable data on the effectiveness
and outcomes of different digital marketing strategies. By using
a mixed methods design, we can gain a more holistic
understanding of the topic and explore both success stories and
innovative approaches within nonprofit organizations.

• Data collection instruments

The study was carried out based on both primary and secondary
data. Primary data was Collected from Aashman foundation.

• Analysis of Data

The questionnaire method has been used to analyse and assess

the employee motivation of aashman foundation employees.
The questionnaire was distributed to 30 interns / employee of
social media marketing department.



1- Which digital marketing channels have you found most

effective in reaching and engaging with the target

Interpretation- 68.8% respondent feels social media platform as

the most effective platform 18.8% believe online advertising
and 12.5% says email marketing.

2- How would you rate the effectiveness of digital marketing
in increasing the visibility and reach of the NGO's

Interpretation - 45.2% respondent rate digital marketing

somewhat effective 38.7% find it very effective and 16.1% says

3- Have you witnessed any specific campaigns where digital
marketing played a significant role in achieving the
organization's goals?

Interpretation- 83.9% respondent witnessed a specific campaign

play a significant role in achieving the organisational goal.

4- Which social media platforms have been most successful
in raising awareness about the NGO's mission and

Interpretation - as we can see the 64.5% respondent believes

Instagram to be the most successful platform for using
awareness about NGOs missions and activity.

5- How does the NGO measure the success and impact of
their digital marketing efforts?

Interpretation - according to 42.9% respondent engagement

matric help in measuring the success and impact of the digital
marketing efforts 22.9% says conventional rate and 14.3% says
reach and impression

6- What are the main challenges faced in implementing
digital marketing strategies within the NGO?

Interpretation -35.5% feels NGO faces challenges like limited

budget and resources 29% believe lack of expertise and training
,22.6% keeping up changing of trends and 12.9% feels
difficulties in measuring RoI.

7- Have you implemented any innovative approaches in your
digital marketing strategies?

Interpretation - according to 74.2% respondent they have

implemented an innovative approach and digital marketing

8- How does the NGO leverage online advertising to attract
and retain donors or sponsors?

Interpretation - 51.6 % feels social media and does the leverage

online advertising to attract and retain donor and sponsors and
19.4% believe display ads on relevant websites, 16.1% believe
sponsor and 12.9% says Google ads.

9- Which marketing strategies was most successful for ngo?

Interpretation - according to respondent awareness campaign

was most successful followed by donation for cause widow help
desk and milk plus paneer campaign.

10- How do you think digital marketing strategies can help
the NGO in achieving its overall mission and goals?

Interpretation - 41.9% respondent feel by expanding the reach

and impact of program 32.3% by increasing awareness and
visibility 16.1% by driving mode donation and support 9.7% by
foster of stronger relationship with stakeholders.



 68.8% of respondents believe that social media

platforms are the most effective for digital marketing
in nonprofit organizations.
 64.5% of respondents consider Instagram to be the
most successful platform for raising awareness about
NGO missions and activities.
 83.9% of respondents witnessed a specific campaign
playing a significant role in achieving organizational
 74.2% of respondents have implemented an
innovative approach and digital marketing strategy.
 51.6% of respondents believe that social media and
online advertising are leveraged to attract and retain
donors and sponsors.

These findings highlight the importance of social media,

innovative approaches, and specific campaigns in the
success of digital marketing strategies for nonprofit


1. The Power of Social Media: Explore how social media

platforms have become powerful tools for raising
awareness and driving social change.

2. Incentives: Incentives should be Provided to

Intern/Employee to enhance their morale.

3. Influencer Marketing: Examine the role of influencers

in digital marketing strategies for social change.

4. Storytelling and Empathy: Explore how storytelling

through digital platforms can create empathy and
emotional connections with the audience.

5. Measurement and Evaluation: Explore different

metrics and tools that organizations can use to assess the
success of their campaigns.


The study's highlight the immense potential of digital marketing

strategies in driving success for NGO By harnessing the power
of social media, content marketing, and online advertising,
nonprofits can expand their reach, connect with their target
audience, and achieve their mission more effectively. The use of
innovative approaches, such as storytelling through compelling
visuals and videos, interactive campaigns, and personalized
communication, can further amplify the impact of digital
marketing in the nonprofit sector. These strategies not only help
in raising awareness and funds but also in mobilizing supporters
and driving meaningful change. It's truly inspiring to see how
digital marketing can make a difference in the non governmental


For the successful competition of this project information was

taken from many sources.

Name of the sources are as under:-

Website referred:



1- Which digital marketing channels have you found most

effective in reaching and engaging with the target

a) Social Media Platform

b) Email Marketing Campaigns
c) Online Advertising

2- How would you rate the effectiveness of digital marketing

in increasing the visibility and reach of the NGO's

a) Very effective
b) Somewhat effective
c) Neutral
d) Not Very effective
e) Not al all effective

3- Have you witnessed any specific campaigns where digital

marketing played a significant role in achieving the
organization's goals?

a) Yes
b) No

4- Which social media platforms have been most successful
in raising awareness about the NGO's mission and

a) Facebook
b) Instagram
c) Twitter
d) Linkedin
e) Youtube

5- How does the NGO measure the success and impact of

their digital marketing efforts?

a) Number of website visitors

b) Engagement Metrics
c) Conversion rates
d) Reach and impressions

6- What are the main challenges faced in implementing

digital marketing strategies within the NGO?

a) Limited budget / resources

b) Lack of Expertise / training
c) Difficulty in Measuring ROI
d) Keeping up with changing trends

7- Have you implemented any innovative approaches in
your digital marketing strategies?

a) Yes
b) No

8- How does the NGO leverage online advertising to attract

and retain donors or sponsors?

a) Google Ads
b) Social Media ads
c) Display ads on relevant websites
d) Sponsored

9- Which marketing strategies were most successful for


a) Widow Helpdesk
b) Milk and paneer campaign
c) Awareness campaign
d) Donation for cause

10- How do you think digital marketing strategies can

help the NGO in achieving its overall mission and goals?

a) By Driving more donations and support

b) By increasing awareness and visibility
c) By Expanding the reach and impact of programs
d) By fostering stronger relationships with stakeholder

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