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TEST 43 Example: | 0 Games in space For astronauts on lona missions into space, (0).......... can be @ real problem. In order to help the astronauts, (17) .......... and doctors need to find out what this feels like. As part of the (18) . programme, six volunteers will be locked away for 520 days to see what effect this has on their mind and body. During their time in (19)... the volunteers willbe able to ‘communicate with their controllers, but only in a way that replicates the astronauts’ experience. For example, the further away from ‘Earth’ they get, the longer the delay in the signal, 80 they will be (20) ....... to have a conversation in real time. As part of the experiment, the volunteers will be allowed to play computer games. There will be a (24) ......... f Solo games and competitive games available. Afterwards, they will be asked to give (22) ........ on how hard they found the ‘games to play and what their (23) ... As a result of the (24) ........ gathered, it may be possible to create special software for crews on future missions. BORE ‘SCIENCE ‘SEARCH ISOLATE FEED EMOTION INFORM TEST 44 Example: [0] [T]w[e| HI l Travel posters Travel posters were an important form of advertising in the first part of the (0) century. The classic travel poster was designed to. TWENTY make people believe that they could (17) ......... @ more luxurious. yor lifestyle, They aimed to tempt people away from their ordinary working lives by presenting them with images of (18) . RELAX ‘and glamour. , ‘As travel became less (19)........., posters were produced to SPEND advertise railways, cruise liners, motoring and airlines, as well 28 individual tourist destinations. The golden age of posters, however, was the period from 1910-1950, before television made other ways of advertising more (20) . EFFECT The value of a poster is often linked 10 Ue (21) e.vesee WhO ART ‘created the original. Some of the leading poster designers, influenced by (22) .. ... Such as cubism and surrealism, MOVE created their own style and use of colours, which is (23) INSTANT recognisable. Posters designed by these people are often the .. high prices. SURPRISE ‘most striking and can command (24) ...... TEST 45 TIN|N[r[NI6[s Example: | 0 SSS Review of The Porsche Book Many of the world's biggest brand names had very humble (0) ‘The car manufacturer Porsche is no (17) .......... . Whether you are @ fan of fast sports cars or not, reading about the (18) .......... of ‘a small business into a large internationally renowned company makes for interesting reading. ' This is the story of the company's rise to fame and covers eight decades and the book includes a wonderful (49) ... hundred glossy photographs, including what is (20) .... the most famous cars ever: the shiny Porsche 718 that will be forever associated with the (21).......... actor James Dean, who famously crashed one in 1955. of wo - one of This is a very classy coffee table book that is both (22) ... Informative. It isn’t cheap at £85, but if you are a fan of (23) ... sports cars, you may well find it (24) to resist. and BEGIN EXCEPT GROW COLLECT SURE LEGEND ENJOY GLAMOUR POSSIBLE TEST 46 Example: {0 Understanding time Since the earliest times. civilisations have understood the (0)... of time, If you want to plan your future, or simply IMPORTANT know how long things take to do, then the precise (17) . MEASURE of time is a necessity. That's why ancient cultures put such ‘a lot of effort into the development of (18) ........ calendars RELY ‘and clocks, ' ‘At first, people used the (19) ‘of movements in the night OBGERVE sky as a way of predicting annual events. The Ancient Egyptians realised that it would be (20) to divide days up into smaller. USE Units of time, They were responsible for the (24) ofthe INVENT system of twenty-four hours in a day that we still use today. The first clocks were sundials using the (22)..........ofthe Sun's. LONG shadow to mark the passing of the day. This worked well in sunny countries but was (23) ........ for places where the sky APPROPRIATE ‘was often cloudy. People living there had to wait for the development of the mechanical clock before they could tell the time with any degree of (24) . ACCURATE TEST 47 Example: | 0 | explorer FLORIDA When the famous (0) explorer... Columbus claimed Florida for Spain in 1492, he had never (56). smn @€5 ON it. The area’s most important early (57) . thus set a pattern that has continued for centuries. ‘There is a general (58) amongst people, apparently quite (89) .sonnnnen With whether or not they've been there themselves, that Florida is a good place to go. In fact, itis almost (60) Rot to enjoy yourself in Florida today, given the wonderful (61)... of facilities available to tourists. Some of the world’s most popular tourist (62). soo afe located in the state : beaches welcome 4U million people each year. These days it seems (64) .. to describe Florida's geography and climate, After all, few people would have (65) in finding it on a map and most would know what weather to expect there. Lay visit BELIEVE CONNECT POSSIBLE SELECT ATTRACT SAND POINT DIFFICULT TEST 48 Example: | 0 | interested THE TRAINING PROGRAMME Hf you're (0) interested. in gotting fit, then what you need ie a training programme. Although aimed at improving physical (56). this programme can also be (57) cousin Such & way that it helps in the (58) of particular athletic skils. There is a range of different (59) ...smesssns 40 choose from and a growing amount of scientific (60) to explain the effects of each one. ‘When you begin training, it is important to start (61) nee Faising the (62)... vw» Of the programme in a gradual way. Although it is important to work sufficiently hard to make an (63) ‘on your physical condition, the activities shouldn't be (64) tis (65) therefore, to ignore warning symptoms such as sharp or persistent pain in particular muscles. INTEREST fT DESIGN DEVELOP ACTIVE KNOW GENTLE INTENSE IMPRESS PAIN WISE TEST 49 Example: | 0 | happiness HAPPY IS HEALTHY Medical recearch has found that (0) .AapRINe#e. hes @ strongly beneficial effect on health. The healing properties of (56) . such that humour is now being used alongside more (57) . courses of (58)... .. in some hospitals. In a London children's hospital, for example, two clowns are provided for the (59)... Of patients. Doctors say that these clowns are (60) ...-mnx in making the children feel better. os BFE It seems that when we laugh, there can be a (61 blood pressure and the amount Of (62) jem iM Our Muscles Although itis (63) to prove it at the moment, this may also mean that people who feel unhappy and who are, therefore, (64). to laugh so much, suffer more often from physical REDUCE TENSE POSSIBLE UKELY me TEST 50 Example: | 0 | punctuality ON TIME For many people, (0) ,puneruality. 1s a big Issue. Farents are often keen to impress upon their children the (56) ....nn.:- Of being punctual because they see it as an aspect of (57) soe and consideration for others. Its also a quality that (58) regard as very positive, and those who are (59) sve unpunctual ‘may end up being (60) in their careers as a result. It may be, however, that less punctual people have (61) «1... ‘a more (62) .- lifestyle than those who always arrive on time. They may find it (63) .nennneee When 80 much emphasis is placed on timekeeping. Indeed, if others get (64)... when they are late for appointments, this may not seem (65) to them. SUCCESS CHOOSE RELAX STRESS PATIENCE REASON

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