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1. What is the meaning of maxim “Actus me invitofactus non est meus actus”?
A. The act done by me against my will is not my act. B. My act is my will.
C. The guilty intention is required for the crime. D. None of the above
2. Who propounded the mens rea doctrine?
A. Augustine B. Coke.
C. Kenyon. D. Pluto.
3. What is the primary difference between Preparation and attempt?
A. Preparation is an Act of arranging all the necessary B. An attempt is an Act of arranging all the necessary
means or articles or to do an illegal act whereas attempt is means or articles to do an illegal act whereas preparation
an act done as per the planning which amounts to offence is an act done as per the planning which amounts to
in all cases. offence in all cases.
C. There is no difference between them. D. None of the above.
4. In which case it was held that “In every statute, mens rea is to be implied unless the contrary is shown?
A. R v. John. B. Harding v. Prince.
C. Sherras v. De Rutzen. D. Dudley v. State.
5. The maxim “actus non facit rea nisi mens sit rea” is developed by?
A. Equity Courts. B. Common law Courts.
C. Privy Council. D. Supreme Court of India.
6. What is the difference between Intention and Motive?
A. Motive deals with an individual's underlying reasons B. Intention deals with an individual's underlying reasons
for committing a crime, whereas intent is concerned with for committing a crime, whereas motive is concerned with
their willingness to carry out specific actions related to the their willingness to carry out specific actions related to the
offence. offence.
C. There is no difference between Intention and motive. D. None of the above.
7. What is the difference between knowledge and intention?
A. Knowledge is having possible information about the
B. Knowledge is having possible information about the
consequences of an act whereas intent is concerned with
consequences of an act whereas intent deals with an
their willingness to carry out specific actions related to the
individual's underlying reasons for committing a crime.
C. Both principles are the same. D. None of the above.
8. What is the meaning of Latin maxim ‘ignorantiafacit doth excusat, ignorantia juris non excused’?

A. Ignorance of fact is excusable, but ignorance of the law B. Ignorance of the law is excusable, but ignorance of fact
is not. is not.
C. Both Ignorance of law and ignorance of fact is not D. Both Ignorance of fact and ignorance of the law is
excusable. excusable.
9. What is the meaning of maxim “doli incapax”?
A. To enact something contrary to law. B. Let the punishment be proportioned to the crime.
C. The person is deemed incapable of forming the intent
D. None of the above.
to commit a crime or tort, especially by reason of age.
10. The Constitution (One Hundred and Twenty-Sixth Amendment) Bill, 2019 extends the timeline of the reservation
system which was introduced for 70 years for another ___ years?
A. 5 years B. 10 years
C. 20 years D. 30 years
11. The Epidemic Diseases (Amendment) Ordinance, 2020 which was promulgated on ______ amends the Epidemic
Diseases Act of 1897.
A. 2nd March 2020 B. 22nd March 2020
C. 2nd April 2020 D. 22nd April 2020
12. Who introduced the Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Bill, 2019 in the Parliament?
A. Kamal Nath B. Nitin Gadkari
C. P Joshi D. Oscar Fernandes
13. The Citizenship Amendment Act grants citizenship to members of the Hindu, Christian, Sikh, Buddhist, Jain, and
Parsi communities who came to India from Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan till _______?
A. 31st December 2014 B. 1st January 2015
C. 31st December 2015 D. 1st January 2016
14. The Taxation and other Laws (Relaxation of Certain Provisions) Ordinance, 2020 extended the last date of filing of
original as well as revised income-tax returns for the Financial Year 2018-19 (Assessment Year 2019-20) to ____.
A. 31st March 2020 B. 30th June 2020
C. 1st July 2021 D. 31st July 2020
15. On which date was the Jammu and Kashmir Reorganisation Bill, 2019 introduced in the Rajya Sabha?
A. 3rd August B. 4th August
C. 5th August D. 6th August

16. The Finance Bill 2020 was passed by the Lok Sabha that included over ___ Amendments.
A. 30 B. 40
C. 50 D. 60
17. The new regulator introduced by the International Financial Services Centres Authority Bill, 2019 is in charge of
what kind of products that must have prior approval from appropriate regulators?
A. Banking products B. Investment products
C. Financial products D. Any Service products regulated by SEBI
18. The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (Amendment) Bill, 2019 was introduced to resolve insolvency for ______.
A. Companies B. Individuals
C. Both of the above D. Companies and NBFCs
19. The Code on Wages Bill was passed in 2019 by the Minister of Labour _____.
A. Bandaru Dattatreya B. Narendra Singh Tomar
C. Santosh Gangwar D. Sis Ram Ola
20. Who was the first Indian Prime Minister who resigned from Office?
A. Lal Bahadur Shastri B. Narasimha Rao
C. Morarji Desai D. Deve Gowda
21. Who decides the Foreign Policy of India?
A. The Prime Minister B. The President
C. The Council of Ministers D. The Parliament
22. In order for a candidate to be eligible to be elected as the President of India, what is the minimum age such candidate
must be?
A. 25 years B. 35 years
C. 30 years D. 38 years
23. When does the post of the President of India fall vacant?
A. On resignation by President B. On expiry of term
C. Only A and B D. All of the above.
24. Promises which form the consideration or part thereof for Each Other under section 2(f) are called?
A. Acceptance for different proposals B. Agreement
C. Reciprocal promises D. Consideration
25. Which of the following does not make a contract void?
A. Genuine mistake with reference to any law applicable B. The fact that one of the parties is occasionally of sound

in India mind but generally of unsound mind.

C. Mistakes as to the matter of fact essentials to the
D. All are correct

1. A
Sol. “Actus me invitofactus non est meus actus” is a legal maxim in Latin. It means 'the act done by me against my will is
not my act. For example, if someone points a gun at your head and asks you to make a threatening phone call, then
you are innocent and no criminal liability is implied upon you.
2. A
Sol. The phrase mens rea appears in the Leges Henrici description of perjury—reum non facit nisi mens rea—which was
taken from a sermon by St. Augustine concerning that crime.
3. A
Sol. Preparation is an Act of arranging all the necessary means or articles to do an illegal act whereas attempt is an act
done as per the planning which amounts to offence in all cases.
4. C
Sol. In Sherras v. De Rutzen it was held that Where a statute creates an offence, no matter how comprehensive and
absolute the language of the statute is, it is usually understood to be silently requiring that the element of mens rea be
imported into the definition of the crime (offence) so defined, unless a contrary intention is express or implied.
5. B
Sol. Once adopted as a basic principle of criminal law, the legal meaning of mens rea continued to evolve through
common law courts. The early stages of its development are illustrated by the decision in Regina v. Prince.
6. A
Sol. Motive and intent are often used inter changeably, they are distinct concepts in criminal law. Motive deals with an
individual's underlying reasons for committing a crime, whereas intent is concerned with their willingness to carry
out specific actions related to the offence.
7. A
Sol. Knowledge is having possible information of the consequences of an act whereas intent is concerned with their
willingness to carry out specific actions related to the offense.
8. A
Sol. It is a legal principle holding that a person who is unaware of a law may not escape liability for violating that law
merely because one was unaware of its content.
9. C
Sol. Doli Incapax is a Latin term that means “incapable of doing harm”. This term has been used to describe a
presumption of innocence for children in Criminal law in most countries.

10. B
Sol. This law extends the reservation of seats in the Lok Sabha and the Legislative State Assemblies for SC, ST and
Anglo-Indian communities for a period of 10 years. It expired in January 2020 after years.
11. C
Sol. the Ordinance amends the Act of 1897 to further include specific protection that is to be provided for healthcare
personnel who are battling epidemic diseases.
12. B
Sol. The Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Bill sought to amend the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 with specific regard to road
safety, It was introduced by Nitin Gadkari (the current Minister for Road Transport and Highways, the rest of the
options are the Ministers for previous terms). A list of penalties is provided in the Act concerning violations of road
safety rules and standards that are to be adhered to.
13. A
Sol. the Citizenship Act 1955 has been amended by the Citizenship Amendment Act that offers a means for citizenship
for immigrants who had arrived before 31st December 2014 from Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan if they are
Hindu, Christian, Sikh, Buddhist, Jain or from the Parsi communities.
14. B
Sol. the date had been extended as a relief measure as a result of COVID-19 concerning regulatory and statutory
compliances. The Ordinance was issued by the Finance Ministry of India.
15. C
Sol. The Jammu and Kashmir Reorganisation Bill was introduced by the Minister of Home Affairs, Amit Shah on the 5th
of August in the Rajya Sabha. The purpose of the Bill is to reorganise the state of Jammu and Kashmir into a Union
Territory of India, through the revocation of Article 370.
16. B
Sol. As of now, over 40 amendments have been introduced by the government to the Finance Bill 2020. The Bill was
moved for consideration and passed by the Finance Minister by voice vote and no discussion.
17. C
Sol. The law will introduce the International Financial Services Centres Authority as a new regulator which will be in
charge of financial products that include but are not limited to securities, deposits or contracts of insurance, financial
services and financial institutions. These financial products must be approved by any appropriate regulator.
18. C
Sol. The Bill was introduced to amend the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code to provide a time-efficient process for

resolving insolvency in both companies as well as for individuals. Nirmala Sitharaman, who is the Minister of
Finance, introduced the Bill on July 24th in the Rajya Sabha.

19. C
Sol. The Bill regulates payments-both wage and bonus payments to all employments concerning industry, manufacture or
20. C
Sol. Morarji Desai Morarji Desai had become the first non-congress PM of India in 1977 leading the
Janata Party led coalition government. He resigned in 1979

21. C
Sol. The Foreign Policy of India currently faces several strategic issues dealing with neighbouring
countries- it is decided by the council of ministers or the cabinet.

22. B
Sol. Article 58 of the Constitution states that no person shall be eligible for election as President
unless he is a citizen of India and has completed the age of 35 years.

23. C
Sol. Only on resignation of the President or when the President’s term is over does the office of the
President fall vacant.

24. C
Sol. In most commercial contract two or more parties typically undertake to perform certain application vis-a-vis Each
Other such application could be in the nature of reciprocal promises that are promises which form the part of inter
consideration for each other in other.
25. B
Sol. A person is said to be of sound mind for the purpose of making a contract if at the time when the contract is made, he
is capable of understanding it and of forming a rational judgement as it to its effect upon his interest. Thus according

to Section 12 of the Indian Contract Act up a person who is usually of unsound mind but occasionally of sound mind
may make a contract when he is of sound mind.

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