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1. Extraterrestrial origin- The hypothesis explains that life originated on another planet outside our Solar System.
2. Panspermia- The theory presumes that the “seed” of life exists all over the universe and can be propagated through space.
3. Divine Creation- Many people believe that life was put on Earth by divine forces.
4. Origin from nonliving matter- Scientist believe that life arose on Earth from inanimate matter after Earth had cooled.
5. (Miller-Urey)Stanley Miller an american chemist performed an experiment that replicated early earth conditions.
Together with Harold Urey, he provided proof that amino acids and other organic molecules could be formed.
-generate many amino acids, RNA and DNA nucleotides, lipids, carbohydrates, and adenosine triphosphate (ATP).
6.CHARACTERISTICS OF LIFE-study of life, there is an array of biological characteristics or properties and certain themes
about how the living world works. These properties are shared by all living things, passed down over billions of years
from the first organisms to have evolved on Earth.
7. Charateristics common to all living things are considered in the study of life are cellular organization, metabolism,
homeostasis, reproduction and heredity.
8. Metabolism- The sum of all chemical processes that maintain the living state of an organism
9. ATP- All organisms use energy to grow, and all organisms transport this energy from one place to another within cells
using special energy-carrying molecules
10. Homeostasis- ability to maintain stable internal conditions.
11. Asexual Reproduction produces offsprings that are genetically identical to a single parent
Sexual Reproduction involves two parents contributing genetic information to produce a unique offspring.
12. Heredity- The transmission of characteristics from parent to offspring
13. Pollination- The transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the stigma of the pistil
14. Self-pollination occurs when pollen falls from the anther into the stigma of the same flower.
Environmental factors, such as wind, may also facilitate self-pollination
15. order of events- Pollination, Fertilization, germination
16. Mutualism( both benefit), Parasitism, Commensalism, Competition
17. Methods of Reproduction between animals
18. Cell Energy

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