(CIA) Legal Tenets of The Pursuit of Happiness, The Doctrine of American, That Which Is Inalienable As Fundamental To The Entirety of The Free World

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Date of Publication: 04/10/2024

Sole Author: Shawn Dexter John

RE: it is a matter of faith that Shawn Dexter John is the reincarnated Thomas Jefferson, but it is
factual to us within government circles made privy to covenants negotiated with and briefings
delivered by celestial folk temporarily descending from Above

Legal Tenets of the Pursuit of Happiness, the Doctrine of American, that which is inalienable as
fundamental to the entirety of the Free World

(1) There shall be no doctrine or perspective of any individual, household, corporation,

public institution, or multi-public space which shall or may allow any person to perceive
that his or her pursuit of individual or collective happiness may generally or
circumstantially deprive another of his or her standard right, liberty, or protection, that
which is protected by nominal law (meaning public law enacted by popularly and intently
elected representatives specifically elected into formal legislative Government duly
sanctioned by the United Nations [UN]),
(2) There shall be no process which allows any individual, collective, or entity to oppose the
Constitution of the United States with respective to those within the United States and its
subject possessions toward any end, [whether] libertarian in perpetuation or otherwise,
(3) There are no incentives conceivable and presentable within or via government which
shall hide, make lawful or privileged, or promote any power within government or society
to deny the nominal happiness of visitors, migrants, immigrants, and abroad citizens or
nationals of the United States,
(4) Happyness (Happiness) within the Declaration of Independence of the United States, in
serving clearly as the securement and argument of the Constitution of the United States,
written toward immediately declaring American independence in 1776 and in anticipation
of the drafting, finalization, and publication of the Constitution of the United States a
decade later, refers to being safe and secure within one’s human condition, that allowed
by law, in being protected as harnessing effectual hope for improving this condition
though without breaching the right(s) of any other individual within the respective space
in doing so (or in being ethically motivated by this attribute), a condition which isn't
limited by social perspective but by ethical law which sees no non-biological difference
between man or woman, which provides no privilege to any human not affordable to any
other, which allows each to merit from his or her good deeds as with any other, without
breaching (a) the peculiar privilege sanctionable by law and (b) law itself as both always
respect God’s will and unbreachable power to free all of humankind from hell (and in
ensuring humanity’s payment of moral debt already assured by his past sacrifice on the
Cross as an utterly innocent and intelligent Being) and to keep Himself ethically happy in
doing so and in being lifted on High as perceived by all for being of His (meaning Jesus
Christ, also known as Allah, Brahma, Yahweh, and Buddha, the individual of this
authorship) quality as the endower of the Life of Humankind and the Creator of the
encompassing universe, however, and
(5) There shall be no power of Mankind (man or woman) or entity which allows any
individual to devise means which appreciate the temporal nature of nominal sin, meaning
crime, with the hope of condemning any population or government into perpetual or
indefinite hellish (oppressive or abusive) condition or which sells that life is an
experience not valued by those who do not promote the superficial happiness of oneself
without regard for the innocent (or those not of their associability), those seeking honest
holification, and the gentle at heart, superficial happiness which clearly would lead to the
destruction of humankind itself without escape if it was not for God’s mercy, that
sanctioned by the most ancient (elder) universes (clearly undetectable my humankind of
this universe) and their respective God each.

Notes of relation:

(1) Shawn Dexter John (Thomas Jefferson and Jesus Christ re-incarnated), the only
individual on the planet who, within real life, life-like simulations and obscure rooms and
gateways [as they are all always temporary, always fictitious in effect, and always tests],
and every other space conceivable within, is allowed to walk into literal Heaven (the
Heaven of the Bible), will walk Rashidah Williams (meaning Sally Hemings and Mary
Magdalene reincarnated, as re-incarnated references the same soul who incarnated as
those individuals) into Heaven predictably in May 2024, hand in hand - his ability to
forgive does come with atonement, humanity’s payment of its own moral debt on its own
while Jesus Christ watches over, from here and/or in Heaven (as he chooses), in having
already sacrificed to preserve each’s soul toward the ends denoted as surviving moral
debt payments; we have allowed demonic individuals, often White supremacist agents
who are unimpressed by being good and the apparency of associated weakness, to walk
into simulated spaces purported as that of higher dimensions but they are fooled as both
brief and eternal time will tell.
(2) Shawn Dexter John, as Thomas Jefferson, was humble in having handed over the
Constitution of the United States, his own Work, to James Madison and Benjamin
Franklin (later reincarnated as Franklin Roosevelt) to edit. In being modest, he allowed
historians to argue the falsehood that James Madison (Barack Huissen Obama Jr. in a
past life) wrote the Constitution of the United States. There shall be no such act of
modesty by Shawn Dexter John allowed moving forward other than him allowing Barack
Huissen Obama Jr. to purport being the future author of the Constitution of the
Asia-Pacific, a document which will be authored by Shawn Dexter John as well as all
other Constitutions on the planet (as usual).
(3) Barack Obama Jr., in having found out that he was tricked into believing that he was or is
Jesus Christ (or a Christ) before he was briefed decades ago (and explained otherwise)
isn't a fate of Shawn Dexter John, his divinal Father (in having biologically fathered the
reincarnated Prophet Mohammed when Shawn Dexter John was Sundiata Kieta
centuries past, meaning when Shawn Dexter John was also known as Mansa Musa,
correctly identified and known as Allah and Jesus Christ [perpetually and] while on his
past caravan trip to Mecca in then bringing along the Prophet Mohammed to simply
shock the Islamic world at the time toward allowing permanent Arabian missions to East
Africa and vice versa),
(4) Rashidah Williams was recorded being coerced into attempting to hide that she has had
sexual intercourse with over 30 different men (White, Asian, Hispanic, and Black), not of
the same person or identity, over the past few months and that she needed to purport
right away that she was with only one man by kissing and performing oral sex on only
one man (different men at times including celebrity basketball players) in public and by
purporting rejecting all others. She committed to doing so with painful tears in her heart
while walking away with a coerced smile on her face mildly purporting hope which
wickedly communicated that she went through the misery of FBI coerced prostitution and
pornographic actingnsimoly and substantially to become wealthy and/or famous with
respect to a coerced smile on her face always resulting in her crying tears of pain in a
bedroom rigged with cameras and listening devices undetectable to contemporary
security technology.

INTERPOL-CIA Partnership File Number: 1BYWQBC2

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