ViewFullCycle V1.0

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Create the Sales Order#180313682801

2. Update orig_sys_ocument_ref in header and orig_sys_ocument_ref and attribute9 in line

update oe_order_headers_all
set orig_sys_document_ref = '180313682-822' --hypen added in so
where header_id = 1411139

update oe_order_lines_all
set orig_sys_document_ref = '180313682-822', --hypen added in so
attribute9 = null
where header_id = 1411139

3. Insert SO into common lookup 'VIEW_POP_MES'

4. Run concurrent program 'AutoCreate Configuration Items' to create config items

5. Booked the order.

6. Run concurrent program ' View AutoCreate Final Assembly Orders' to create job against SO.

Job# Job659364

Navigation: WIP -> Discrete -> Discrete Jobs

Program has also updated the order level attribute with Job Name.
7. Change the Job status to Released

8. Move Transactions
Navigation: WIP -> Move Transactions -> Move Transactions

9. Complete Transactions – Enter Quantity to complete and serial information (YB18031368282201 to

Navigation: WIP -> Material Transactions -> Complete Transactions
Now Job# Job659364 has completed the 2 quantity
10. Reservation is done by business with the help of ‘View Mark Id Assignment’ form (Apex). But here SO is copied
from existing SO, apex is unable to do the reservation. Below are the manual step –

11. As Serial Number is manually entered while completing the job, need to update attributes of Serial.
update mtl_serial_numbers
set attribute1 = 'S28', --Mark Id
attribute2 = '180313682822', --SO#
attribute3 = '2259412', --Line Id of Config Item
attribute4 = sysdate, --Assignment Date
attribute5 = 'Y', --Assigned Flag
attribute6 = null --MES Update Date
where serial_number like 'YB1803136828220%'
and current_status = 3 --resides in stores
and inventory_item_id = 1095095 --Item Id of Config Item

12. Container Creation

Step 1: Navigation: IGU Packing Station -> Tools -> Container -> New Button
Enter Organization, Opportunity, Container Type and Number of Crates (Here entered 2 as we have two serials) and
click on Create button to create container.

Step 2: Navigation: IGU Packing Station

Save -> Stage -> Pack
13. Packing of Container
Navigation: IGU Packing Station -> Tools -> Container

Select the Container and enter the Gross Wt and Packing Complete as Y and click on Complete Packing. Follow the
same process for remaining Container.
14. Auto-Create Deliveries and Ship Confirm

Navigation: Order Management -> Shipping -> Transactions

Ship Confirm:

In Dev, need to run concurrent program ‘Workflow Background Process’ to change the line status to closed.

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