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Are you a part of an underrepresented group

Being a girl in an engineering college surrounded by boys, I will say that maybe I am a part of an underrepresented group. They say that the society has changed over years. It’s
true. But yet it doesn’t mean that every girl is given a chance to shine. I come from a middle society. My parents strongly believed in providing good education to their kids, be it a
boy or a girl. I had more than enough resources to help me get into my dream college. But it doesn’t mean that the journey wasn’t full of stones. Being one of the only 2 girls in my
coaching batch(50 students), I was given a tough time sometimes by others. If I asked a doubt after the class, it was considered trivial and the explanation given was never clear
leading me to rely on internet and YouTube sources more. On the other hand, if a boy asked some doubts, it was taken very seriously as they associated boys to be the face of JEE
topper. It was true. Over years, top 10 in JEE ranks are all boys . It seems like a myth for a girl to be a JEE topper.
Although my parents didn’t support any orthodox thoughts, many of my relatives didn’t share the same opinion. They considered my coaching fee as “waste of money” .

In school, in physical education period, boys are given a football to play. While girls were just given a spot to sit and gossip. If a girl asked for a ball, the teachers just laughed like it
was the cutest thing they ever heard.

Back to the boys girls ratio , it is not less pathetic in our college. The ratio is 6:1 . There is not even a single girl in the programming club. It is not that they are not given a chance.
It is that there are so less number of girls, other girls become demotivated to apply. Even the girls in our college believe they don’t compare to boys. We have pool competitions
every year where all boys compete against girls. Imagine how unfair this is when you see the number of boys! We are mocked and ridiculed for even participating in the
competitions which loses the confidence of many.

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