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测评标配教师人数: 1名中教;1名外教

教 师 分 工: 中教主要负责记录测评情况外教主要负责测评

步骤 备注

1 顾问老师提前通知测评 说明时间,年龄段,孩子和家长特点,以供老师准备

2 中外教老师准备 相关级别的试题双份,复写纸,闪卡,中性笔

3 途中,顾问老师说明:测试结果以何种方式公布

寒暄 中教:“你叫什么名字?几岁了?喜欢什么呀?……一会儿外教和我都会用英文来说话,你如果能听
4 (先用中文沟通,目的祛 懂就开口跟老师聊,听不懂也没关系,这就是个变身外国人的游戏,十五分钟后我们就恢复了。(呵
除孩子的紧张情绪) 呵)准备好了吗?

K阶段 Model sentences/tips

Part 1 :Greeting "Hello,I'm Ivy.What's your name?"

At the beginning,you can choose simple different kinds of flash
Part 2: Vocabulary cards of this level to check the child,and then come to the test
paper .
1.Check if the child can sing the Alphabet song
Part 3 :Alphabet
2.check if the child can recognize the single letter

Teacher does for example first ,"m a p--map,can you show me this
Part 4 :Phonics&Reading
one?"--ask the child to do on the test paper

5 外教评测,中教记录
1.Check if the child can follow the dotted line
Part 5 :Writing Skill 2.Check if the child can write letter through looking at the letter
3.Check if the child can write letter by listening to the teacher
5 外教评测,中教记录 P阶段 Model sentences/tips

"Hello,I'm Ivy.What's your name?How are you?How old are you?

Part1:Speaking What color do you have?……"(You can choose some of the
sentences according to the respond of the child)

Can you read these sentences?(if child can read some of the
words in this sentence ,Chinese teacher will write on comments)

"Look at these pictures,there is a square in the corner.I will say five

Part3:Listening words.listen carefully.Tick what you heard in the square.(TPR)Are
you ready?"

Part4:Writing "Look at the words and pictures,read it and write down a sentence."

1."Can you say the letter sounds?"

2."Look at the picture and fill in the blanks."

6 结束语 中教告知孩子英文时间结束,可以说中文了

7 中教出教室公布测试结果 依据顾问的要求:1.老师直接跟家长公布2.顾问直接跟家长公布

8 老师跟孩子告别 直到家长来接孩子,把孩子交给家长后方可离开

9 测评结果存档 把测评结果放入指定文件夹

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