Isiah 5810-11

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Isiah 58:10-11

10 and if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the
oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become
like the noonday.
11 The LORD will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched
land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a
spring whose waters never fail.

Isiahh ini sering mentions bagaimana religions cuman sebagai Performance. Kasih
Lihat Bagaimana kita lakuin segala sesuatu buat itu dan ga ada real action in it.
The most highlighted itu puasa, Banyak orang puasa buat kasih lihat devotion gua ke
tuhan tapi isnt loving other people the thing we must do rathen than apa yang kita
berusaha kasih lihat ke tuhan. Itu Remind gua apa yang yesus bilang di sermon of
the mount "Siapa yang berusaha menyelamatkan nyawanya will lose it".Gua Selalu
focused on apa yang gua bisa lakuin buat tuhan , Quite time lancar2 aja. Secara
history i am doing well, daily quite time but i felt that i did it for me to feel
good about my self. I came to god with no heart in my mind. Tapi tuhan reminds me
again today about it. About not Come to god for my own gains but with a heart in
mind and To Glorify Him by loving other people . Being a Light in The Darkness For
God and not for myself. Thx also for reminds me of your providence in my life. You
Guided me until now, You love Satisfy my thrist like drinking from a spring of
never ending clear water.

Thx yah tuhan lu udah guide me until now meskipun gua ga layak, Reminds me to come
to you as my only source of everything. Help god to be able to come to you with
honestly, bringing my broken heart and not hide in facade of thinking that i am
okay. Thx also god for your promise, That you will guide me always, Satisfy my

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