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We will design a database schema such that we can have multiple categories in which we
can add multiple sub-categories or directly display the multiple products.

Categories => Multiple Subcategories => Multiple Products

Categories => Multiple Products

1.) IN which we will provide the option of POR(Price on Request) in every field like you
can Give POR to every category or a single category.
2.) Or you have the option to change the price to POR of All Subcategories or a Single
3.) Or you have option to change price to POR for All Products or a single product
4.) & inside the single product you have the options of size/package in which you have an
option of price to por of each size/package.

We can provide user product details description as mentioned in the below image *
Data should be provided by you for each single product.
We can display the image according to the selected size.
Product detail description with the size/package with their price in the same screen only.
We will provide the option 2 buttons to the user :-
1.) Request for COA => From which client can directly send the mail by filling the details
in the modal.
2.) Add to Mail => On click we can add the selected product directly add to mail popup in
right with the name, code and the selected size and the multiple product so he will be up
to dated about the product added and can visit to the multiple product as well and send
one mail instead of multiple mail for each products.

Mail Features : It will always display to the user on the right side of the screen so the
user will know what product he has added. Basically he can send mail to us with the
multiple products selected at a time.

We will be always having a search on each and every screen so users can search for any
product from every screen with the name, code, Cas no or the chemical formula.

I Think this will help the user to Maximize efficiency to their precious time !!
We will be using the latest developing language to build the Website.
React.js for Frontend and Node.js for the Backend: a powerful combination for fast,
responsive, scalable & performant backend for our user-friendly web development.

Below Our the few points which we noticed in landing page of your website

Custom header with sub header
1:- First Header :- logo and Search bar with white background theme
2:- Sub Header with Custom style as footer image below :-


Same content but different theme:-

Home Page:-

Section one:- in this section we will use a carousel slideshow on auto and also users can
slide by clicking the arrow.
We removed the animated carousel and used a carousel slideshow so it will be smoother
to use.
Second section we have this:-

We can make this spacing and fonts and text color better with blue and white themes so
it looks more attractive.
For the third section:-

But we can have this:-

So it will be easy to read and we can also have images.

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