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Child Abuse Current Event

1. Google and define different types of child abuse–

Physical Abuse
Physical abuse is a physical act inflicted upon a child by an individual.
Sexual Abuse
Sexual abuse occurs when an adult asks or pressures a child for sexual contact

Emotional Abuse
Emotional abuse is not giving enough care to a child’s emotional needs, failure to provide psychological care,
or allowing a child to use alcohol or other drugs.
Neglect & Maltreatment
The failure of a parent, guardian, or other caregiver to provide for a child’s basic needs. This can be in the form
of physical, medical, education and emotional neglect.
Child Trafficking / Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC)
When a child offers, agrees, or consents to engage in sexual activities. They are not considered prostitutes,
they are considered victims.
Shaken baby syndrome
It's when babies or infants suffer severe injuries or death from severe shaking.
Institutional abuse
This is abuse that happens in an institution for children like school.
2. Find a news article about a case of Child Abuse–it can be any of the types you Googled in number 1..

1. Title of Article here: Turpin House Of Horrors: Timeline Of How 13 Siblings Suffered Years Of Torture
And Abuse
2. Link of Article here:
3. Write a paragraph (at least 5 sentences) summary of this article.
Include in summary:
a. State what kind of abuse happened– (type from above)
b. State here what happens to the children–if Child Protective services pick them up or what happened.
c. State what happens to the abuser –jail–how long–etc.
d. Write what you think should happen to the abuser.

David and Louise turpin committed physical abuse and torture on 13 victims. All of the victims were their
children. The children spent two months in the hospital, and some were picked up by foster homes. The two
abusers were sentenced to life on 12 accounts torture, 12 accounts of false captivity, and six acts of child
abuse. I agree with the legal aftermath.
3. Would you like to work for Child Protective Services one day? Why or why not?
I would not. It is not what I am passionate about.

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