The Mint Money Challenge

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Name: Block:

The Mint Money Challenge

As you complete this sheet, use the Text Highlight button to

highlight all of your answers after you have typed them. If you are
asked about Flash player---press ALLOW --on the puzzle piece at top
1. The Truth about Millionaires Go to

Answer the questions and keep up with how many you get correct.

How many did you get correct out of the 10 questions?


2. I Paid How Much? Go to Choose one of the


a. How many months will it take to pay back the $2000 on the credit card at $100 a month?

24 months

b. How much did the $2000 costs?


c. Is this a good deal?


What is Your Credit Card IQ? Go to 1.

1..Keep up with how many answers you get correct.

2.How many answers of the 10 questions did you get correct on the credit card quiz?


Take the Spending Challenge Go to

1.At the end of week 16, how much cash do you have?


2.How much credit do you have?

Name: Block:


3.How much do you owe?


4.How much money do you have to spend or save?

Spend on what is necessary and no more.

Debt Calculator Go to

1. Which purchase did you choose?

2. How much did you agree to pay per month?
3. How much did it cost you total?

Mint Calculator Go to

1. Search the internet and find a “dream” item you want to purchase.
What do you choose to purchase?
How much do you need?
2. How much money have you saved so far?
3. Choose the savings account and select how long you want to save before purchasing. (If it is less
than a year, you need to put a 0 for years). How much money will you need to save a month?
4. If you put the money in the stock market and average this rate, how much would you need to
save a month to reach your goal?

Compounding Calculator Go to

1. Choose an amount you would like to save per year.

2. How many years did you choose to save?
3. What type of account did you choose?
4. How much money will you have?
5. Choose a different type of savings account. Which type did you choose?
6. How much money will you have after the same amount of time?

The Power of 72 Go to

1. How long will it be before your money will double if your interest rate at 3%?
2. How long will it be before your money will double if your interest rate is 5%?
3. How long will it be before your money will double if your interest rate is 8%?
Name: Block:

4. How long will it be before your money will double if your interest rate is 12%?
5. At what interest rate will it take you to double $3000 in 10 years?

Check Writing Go to this cite Check Writing

Follow the directions and write the check like it says. When done Screen shot it and put the pic here:

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