Alice in Wonderland

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Alice fell down a hole and was in a state of

shock as she fell down the hole. She found

herself in a room with many doors and two
keys on a table. She picked up one of the keys
and started trying the doors one by one. After
several attempts, she finally found a door that
opened. As she entered the room, the door
suddenly shut behind her. She looked around
for the rabbit but instead found a dark-looking
one. The rabbit frightened her and she ran
away, but it caught up to her and took her to
the queen. The queen had seen many humans
come through the hole but found Alice unique
and decided not to kill her like the others.
Instead, she adopted Alice and took her as her
stepdaughter. In the real world, Alice's sister
found her and tried to wake her up. However,
the only way Alice could wake up was to return
to the dark-looking rabbit's house and drink a
potion to escape this world.

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