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children will you all please get to bed

oh wait it's just one more story this

one about Pirates please

or this one about flying

oh dear oh dear John Michael calm down

and my dear we are going to be late

now where are my glasses has anyone seen

my glasses



ah yes of course there they are silly me

now where is your hat dear

hey hat yes I'll go and have a look yes

hat hat uh

going on an awfully Big Adventure


no no no it's not an adventure it's a

very dull dinner for grown-ups oh

nonsense it's going to be brilliant

I mean no it's not it's going to be a

Dulles dishwater

we don't believe you oh we want to have

an adventure too

awfully big adventure a tale of the sea

that's what we want an awfully big

adventure think how amazing

unlawfully big adventure like stories in

books that's what we want the heroes are

stronger courageous Pirates of me and

some hot books


a fabulous big adventure wait up in the


Adventure wonderful thing with magical









you can imagine you're the song



enough of your big adventure I'm sure it

will keep

so dream of

a big adventure

my darlings it's time


Nano be downstairs if you need her


come on I am so exciting oh we haven't

been to a party for ages uh now where is

my hat never mind about your hat dear

you look very handsome without it

you are a darling Mrs darling now shall


where are you shadow


there you are you naughty shadow





I'm Peter Pan I am I am the best bravest

cleverest boy this side of sunset

have you seen my best friend Tinkerbell

take where are you

ah ting what are you doing in there Tink

come out of there

no it's your fault I got stuck in here

oh and why is it my fault

where are you in here somewhere oh you

found it

my shadow

right I'll stick my shadow back on with


with soap

what will I do without my Shadows


I'm Peter Pan

I am the best bravest cleverest boy this

side of sunset is that your Shadow

it won't stick back on well you can't

stick Shadows with soap oh you need a

needle and thread

oh did you make all that mess who are

you I'm Peter Pan

there done it

look I put my shadow back on


sewed it on for you

yes I'm sorry thank you very much

are you their mother no I'm Wendy and

these are my brothers Michael and John

I'm Peter this is my friend


Tig where are you

what's that noise

she's stuck the letter out oh okay


ah this is my friend Tinkerbell

I'm your best friend Peter yes yes Tink

you are and Wendy you must come to


Neverland never who

start but it's the most amazing

brilliant wonderful land full of


Adventure yeah yes where we live with

all of our friends The Lost Boys and

Girls yep yep I'm their leader but they

need a mother

you could be their mother but I'm not a

mother you need to learn how to fly

fly show me

should take

all you need is fairy dust




fun and excitement wow

the second arms arrived then straight

until morning

sprinkles on fairy dust and then you can












keep on scrubbing the next my heart is a

tighter deck is a tidy pirate

oh right sorry

mustn't let standard slip now must weigh

next a ladle of cod liver oil

cod liver oil

are you sure this is a very healthy

recipe Captain Hook's huh

it's a seafaring soup very good for a

pirate skin

looks like you could use some help with

that pulse me you're most likely to take

the paint off sir yeah

what are you doing

oh uh well scrubbing the decks makes my

feet hot so I thought I'd take off my


actually my feet are hot too good good

idea put your socks back on don't you

dare take off your shoes I'm the captain

around here I'll tell my Pirates what to


yes Captain Man I mean oh sir I was just

keeping water well I'll keep order

around here thank you no no no no no no

no no no no no no no no no no no no no

no no no no no no no no no no no no no

no no no

you've ruined my soup oh

is that disgusting smell


oh no



that is some stinky suit I didn't mean

to do it Captain mom sir mom sir never

fear I have an idea huh

you see you'll never know when a really

a stinkiest soup might come in handy

brains that is

that's why I'm the captain


can you hear it Monster ticking can you

have tickets no sir can you hear ticking


oh yes now you mentioned it it is quite

loud isn't it yes it's the crocodile

it's come to get me Hoist the main cell

let's get out of here

the captain why does the crocodile tick

because Peter Pan told that crocodile

that I was a tasty morsel to a bit of my

hand with my ticking wrist watch on it

that was given to me by my long lost

loving mummy




well that's wonderful thank you very

much you've upsetting now I'll have to

walk him to sleep in his hammock again

all right listen would you not like to

hear what happened with Captain Hook and

the crocodile

all right I'll tell you

poor Captain Hook his watch was took by

a naughty crocodile with the terrible

cheeky smile now Captain Hook is on the


for the tick tock tick tock crook that

naughty clock it's not my clock

it was given to me by Mommy now it's

kicking in the tummy on the Frog oh what

a song

it's the tick tock tick tock rock ah

it's the tick tock tick tock tick tock

tick tock tick tock tack top Tick Tock

drop it's the tick tock tick tock tick

tock tick tock tick tock tick tock Rock

keep your wits about yourself



it's the tickets

Tech talk


Captain Hook so what happens when the

watch stops ticking oh

then the crocodile will get Captain Hook

he'll eat his other hand and let his

feet and that his ears and that his head

yes Captain Hooks up do you want to

taste some of my stinky soup

then stop this and tell me where pan is

oh yes of course Captain Hook well I

imagine he's with the other lost boys

and girls in that fairy Tinkerbell on

the other side of the island sir by the

Stars our way to your rights me right

let's get him follow me my heart is







have you seen Peter Pan and Tinkerbell


we're hiding from the Pirates oh I'm not

scared of naughty Pirates oh no not

scared just terrified

who's that with him or do you think

he'll bring us a mother this time you

never know in Neverland anything's

possible in Neverland

I've done it all bow to me

I've brought you a wow


Tinker Bell you didn't give them enough

fairy dust I did too it's not my fault

they can't fly

lost boys and girls

I have brought you a lovely mother

I'm very pleased to meet you

but I'm Wendy I'm not a mother I'm a

girl very friendly oh but we've wanted a

mother for a very long time ever since

we came here but I'm not a mother build

your mother a house

a mother house

a Wendy house

a Wednesday house I like the sound of

that right come on everyone we've got

work to do we're going to make a Wendy


gingerbread and icing sugar glue

we're going to make a Wendy house what

do we have to do watch and I'll explain

it all to you right come on then here we

go let's go this way that's it right

watch get to work everyone and you can

help as well everyone clap your hands

come on now that's it and not there I

said keep going now get to work the

shutters and the fences and uh can we

bring on the icing plates no running

John and Michael be careful that this

icing is lovely but it's very delicate

can you be careful with that all right

what are you doing get it up there go on

by supervise this mother you're gonna

love this finishing touches and bring it

in here we go

made a lovely Wendy house

we change your bread and icing sugar



and that's because


well done everyone come on let's

celebrate with some cake

Peter she is not a mother

you spoil it

come on in Peter we're having a tea

party remember to drink your juice

everyone it's good for you

look if you don't want to play with us

you can just go away is that what you

really want

suit yourself fine fine




perhaps I could pretend

a fairy shouldn't ever be sad


but now I feel so teary I've lost my

special friend

fairy shouldn't ever


fluttering in the air memories to share

now I'm all alone

sitting on my own

peter I just might cry


I thought he'd like me always the time


fairy shouldn't ever be


sometimes fairy stories don't turn out

how they should

fairy shouldn't ever

never ever ever

shouldn't ever







thank you


where did you come from oh I'm sorry we

didn't startle you did we

it is

Tinkerbell isn't it maybe Peter Pan's

greatest friend in the whole world

I was oh

you haven't had a fallen out have you

well he doesn't need me anymore he's got

a Wendy mother now

I'm not talking to you I'm not your

friend even if I'm not Peters anymore

Peter Pan and the lost boys and girls

have themselves

a mother

a very powerful thing to have on their

sides someone looking after them

it would make them Invincible his hand

and a gang will be unstoppable

we must capture this windy to be our



then we will win all the battles in





I'm your heart is and I know just how to

get her oh right so I'm imagining dinner

at eight and then I could send flowers

beforehand and then if

yo oh

sorry I was Miles Away what's going on I

need to test something oh you want him

he's the cook he likes testing yeah


sleeping like a baby

more like a warthog a warthog a warthog

hot dog

I'm thinking

yes I'll give this to Peter Pan

and then put him to sleep then we'll

capture the Wendy mother

you see I'm really a rather clever

aren't I

right pick him up we have work to do

pick him up we've worked to do pick him

up we've worked to do pick him up wait

there's no one there

I'm not actually moving anywhere I'm not

going anywhere I need help

if you want something done you gotta do

it yourself





forever lies



yes I'm your mother and


no Michael John I'm not

I'm not your mother

we have a real mother and father at home

don't you remember

we can't stay here forever

we'll miss them

they'll miss us


father oh yes you're right

I want to go home

you have real parents oh yes and they're

really funny

don't you have real parents too


well thank you so much for having us we

really have had an awfully Big Adventure

I'm afraid we have to go home now well

you could

come with us


you'll come too won't you yeah come on



but you like to have a real tea party

with real tea and cakes

Neverland's my home

we can't stay here Peter

oh it's lovely but

but we have to go home

I know

I understand I really do


thought you're all going

are you sure you won't come

goodbye lost boys and girls

goodbye Wendy mother goodbye Peter

remember to drink your juice

for you




take the Wendy mother and her children

back to the ship my heart is



take them away and leave pan to me


so everyone's gone

there's someone there

are you playing tricks on me

over there


everyone's gone I'm by myself


Wendy said I should drink my juice

didn't she


but it's good for me yeah

I thought juice was good for you


what Tink what are you doing

what's the matter he's lost boys and

girls and you put something in your


I couldn't let you drink it pizza

I'm sorry that we argued

me too you're my best friend

fairies shouldn't ever

sad hey


you can save me pizza don't let this be

the end

if all the children believed in fairies

that will make me better

do you


do you believe in fairies


if you believe in fairies and you've got

to save my friend Tinkerbell and clap

your hands


you've got to favor shout her name


think about



thank you everyone oh thank you Peter oh

thank you Tink now it's time to go and

rescue the lost boys and girls and beat

hook once and for all come with me I've

got a plan









now to rescue you eh probably snoring

from his bedtime drink

s I'll make you walk the plank and we'll

keep the windy mother here I


ticking the crocodiles come to get me

Steve yes my time is up help me crew

will protect me all right everybody form

up two of eight Queensbury rules and if

everybody oh sir it's not the Croc oh

thank goodness it's worse than that

thank you


well done team that's great teamwork a

trick oh

it's not the Croc that's a clock

now untie our friends think as for you

hook it's just you and me one last

battle and then one of us the loser it's

got to walk the plank oh well we still

have the Wendy mother I'm not scared of

you pan and I'm not scared of you go





hey come on



we have the Wendy mother

that means we win hooks who you must

give in oh okay then Peter Pan

you win



hey get up now our features of the




keep giving hook never



well done lost boys and girls

as for you hook it's time for you too





and as for you lots

you are banished from Neverland and I

never want you to return

oh thank you Peter and Tink for saving

us all can we go home now I'm tired of

Adventure now

of course you're all welcome yes Tink

fairy dust one last time

oh thank you Tinkerbell





oh look look my dear they're all tucked

up in bed dreaming like little angels

you'll wake them

oh mother father did you hear that

there's someone knocking at the door

it's all friends

friends for land Neverland that's just a



and now


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