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1. To test Frequency Modulation circuit using XR 2206
2. To test Frequency Demodulation circuit using NE 565

Trainer kit and PC for Virtual lab
In angle modulation either frequency or phase of the carrier signal is varied
linearly with the amplitude of the message signal and the amplitude of the carrier wave is
maintained constant. An important feature of angle modulation is that it can provide better
discrimination against noise and interference than amplitude modulation. An important feature of
Phase modulation, Frequency that they can provide much better protection to the
message against the channel noise as compared to the linear (amplitude) modulation schemes.
Also, because of their constant amplitude nature, they can withstand nonlinear distortion and
amplitude fading. The price paid to achieve these benefits is the increased bandwidth
requirement; that is, the transmission bandwidth of the FM or PM signal with constant amplitude
and which can provide noise immunity is much larger than 2W, where W is the highest frequency
component present in the message spectrum.

Consider a signal s (t ) given by

is a function of m(t ) . We define the instantaneous frequency of the angle modulated wave s (t ),

If , then fi (t ) reduces to the constant fc , which is in

perfect agreement with our established notion of frequency of a sinusoid. This is illustrated in
Fig: Illustration of instantaneous phase and frequency
Curve 1 in Fig. depicts the phase behavior of a constant frequency sinusoid with φ0 = 0. Hence,
its phase, as a function of time is a straight line; that is

θi (t ) = 2πfc t .

Slope of this line is a constant and is equal to the frequency of the sinusoid. Curve 2 depicts an
arbitrary phase behavior; its slope changes with time. The instantaneous frequency (in radians
per second) of this signal at t = t1 is given by the slope of the tangent (green line) at that time.
Time Frequency
Parameter Amplitude (V) Period ( Hz)

Message signal

Carrier signal

Modulated signal

Demodulated signal


Fig: Phase Modulation Waveforms

The phase modulation diagram is shown above. The carrier phase deviation will be more if the
input signal amplitude increases and vice versa. When the input amplitude increases (+ve slope)
the carrier undergoes phase lead. When the input amplitude decreases (-ve slope) the carrier
undergoes phase lag. Therefore as the input amplitude increases, the magnitude of the phase lead
also goes on increasing from instant to instant. For example, if the phase lead was 30 degrees at t
=1 sec, the phase lead increases to 35 degrees at t = 1.1 sec and so on. Increase in phase lead is
equivalent to an increase in frequency.


𝑚𝑓 =∆f /𝑓𝑚

∆f is the maximum carrier frequency deviation.

𝑓𝑚 is the highest audio modulating frequency.
A frequency modulated signal s (t ) is described in the time domain by

kf is termed as the frequency sensitivity of the modulator with the units Hz/volt.
As both PM and FM have constant amplitude Ac, the average power of a PM or FM signal is,


1.Indirect FM:
In this method, the modulating wave is first integrated and then used to produce a narrow-
band FM wave. Frequency multiplication is next used to increase the frequency deviation to the
desired level.
2.Direct FM
In this method, the carrier frequency is directly varied in accordance with the input
modulating wave.
An FM demodulator is required to produce an output voltage that is linearly proportional
to the input frequency variation. One way to realize the requirement is to use discriminators-
which distinguish one frequency from another, by converting frequency variations into amplitude
variations. The resulting amplitude changes are detected by an envelope detector, just as done by
AM detector.
𝑆𝑚 (t)=A cos [𝜔𝑡 +𝑘𝑓 ∫−∞ 𝑠(𝜏)𝑑𝜏]

the discriminator output will be

𝑦𝑑 (𝑡) = 𝑘𝑑 𝑘𝑓 S(t)

where𝑘𝑑 is the discriminator constant.

Trainer Kit
XR 2206 IC is used as FM Modulator. XR 2206 IC is a function generator capable of
producing high quality sine waveforms of high stability and accuracy. The output waveforms
can be both amplitude and frequency modulated by an external voltage. Frequency of operation
can be selected externally over a range of 0.01 Hz to more than 1 MHz.
The carrier frequency is generated initially. The frequency of carrier wave can be varied. In
order to modulate, modulating signal is needed. For modulating signal, Wien bridge oscillator is
used to generate audio frequencies. There are frequency control and amplitude control.

The modulating signal is given as external signal to the function generator IC XR 2206. The
generated carrier wave with the modulated signal, the IC modulates and produces Frequency
Modulated (FM) output.
Frequency Demodulation:

Figure shows the FM Detector. It is based on the NE 565 Phase-locked loop.

The loop is set at free running frequency by using R and C for the carrier wave frequency of say
100 KHz. There is a variable resistance to adjust the free running frequency. The Frequency
modulated signal from IC XR 2206 and free running frequency of 565 are given as inputs for the
Phase detector part in IC 565. The locking range of PLL is above the variation in the carrier
frequency due to frequency modulation. The phase detector output (error output) demodulated
output is given to the low pass filter to get the original modulating sine wave signal.


1. First, connect the audio output of the AF generator in the kit to the Oscilloscope.
2. Set the frequency to say 1 KHz at peak-to-peak amplitude of 400 mV
3. Then connect the output of Carrier wave Generator to the Oscilloscope.
4. Set the frequency to 100 KHz.
5. Connect the audio oscillator input to the signal input for the FM Modulator in the XR
2206 function generator circuit.
6. Now, the output of the Carrier wave generator is the Frequency modulated output.
Connect the XR 2206 output to the Oscilloscope.
Observe the FM modulated output at the Oscilloscope
7. Set the free running frequency of PLL to 100 KHz.
8. Now, connect the FM modulated output to the input of the phase detector input of Phase
Locked Loop and VCO output to another of phase detector input.
9. Measure the output of the PLL using Oscilloscope and record.
10. Connect the output of the PLL to the Low pass filter and measure the output of the low
pass filter.
Thus the input signal was modulated and demodulated successfully.

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