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(On a quiet afternoon in Sorsogon, the family goes about their daily routine,
unaware of the impending danger looming over their town.)

(P1, P2, and P3 are sitting in the living room, each engrossed in their own

P1: (looking up from their book) What's the weather supposed to be like today?

P2: (checking their phone) It says here it's going to be mostly sunny with a chance
of rain later. Nothing too unusual.

P3: (playing with toys on the floor) Can we go to the park later, Mom?

P2: We'll see, sweetheart. Let's finish up our chores first, okay?

(Just as they settle back into their routines, the tranquility of the afternoon is
shattered by a sudden news report.)




NC1: PHIVOLCS just recently reported signs of a volcanic eruption in Mount Bulusan
in Sorsogon. There has been an increase in the frequency and intensity of felt
earthquakes, noticeable steaming or fumarolic activity, and new or enlarged areas
of hot ground. Subtle swelling of the ground surface and small changes in heat flow
have also been observed.

Tune in to the radio or television for volcano updates. Listen for disaster sirens
and warning signals. Please be prepared either to shelter or to evacuate.


P1: Mom, what's going to happen?

P2: Don't worry, sweetie, we'll be fine. Let's get ready to evacuate just in case
something might happen.

(some moments later)

P2: Sweetie, could you please prepare a disaster survival kit?

P3: Sure, momma. What should I put in it?
P2: Non-perishable foods, water, a battery-powered radio, extra flashlights, and
batteries. While you do that, I'm going to organize our emergency kit.

(P3 begins filling a backpack with supplies while P2 gathers important documents
into a waterproof folder.)

P1: I'll help secure the windows and doors, Mom. We need to make sure our home is
as safe as possible before we leave.

(The family works together to secure their home, closing windows and doors tightly
and unplugging electrical appliances.)

(They hastily prepare their supplies, anticipating the need to evacuate.)


RC1: Good afternoon, or should I say bad afternoon, citizens of Sorsogon. Mount
Bulusan has just erupted, and we are now asking you to evacuate to your nearest
evacuation city. This is an emergency evacuation, please evacuate now.

P1: Let us go to the evacuation center now.

(They swiftly gather their emergency kits and head to the evacuation center.)



(At the evacuation center)

The atmosphere at the evacuation center is tense yet organized. People are milling
about, seeking information and comfort amidst the chaos. The family finds a spot to
settle in, surrounded by other evacuees.

P2: Is everyone okay?

P1: Yeah, I think so. But I'm scared, Mom.
P2: It's okay to be scared, sweetheart. We're all in this together. Just stay close
to us, and we'll get through it.

(While waiting, P1 helps P2 secure the windows and doors of the evacuation center,
ensuring maximum safety.)

Outside, ash falls like dark snow, a constant reminder of the danger lurking just
beyond the walls of the evacuation center.

**Med1**: Excuse me, everyone, may I have your attention please? I know it's a
frightening situation, but I want to assure you that we're doing everything we can
to keep you safe.

**Med2**: If anyone needs medical assistance or has any concerns, please don't
hesitate to come forward. We're here to help.

**Med3**: Remember to stay hydrated and try to remain as calm as possible. Panic
won't help anyone, but staying composed will make it easier for us to assist you.

(The medics move among the evacuees, offering reassurance and assistance wherever

**Med1**: Remember, everyone, it's important to follow evacuation orders promptly.

Stay informed by listening to updates from local authorities via radio, TV, or
official social media channels. Protect yourselves by wearing long sleeves, long
pants, goggles, and a mask to shield against ash, gases, and debris.

**Med2**: Seek shelter indoors away from windows and doors if you can't evacuate.
Stay away from affected areas, such as river valleys and low-lying areas prone to

**Med3**: Prepare for power outages by having a supply of food, water, and
essential supplies. Keep your communication devices charged to stay connected.

As the night wears on, the medics continue their rounds, providing support and
guidance to the evacuees as they wait for the eruption to subside.
Additional tension mounts as the family and others in the evacuation center try to
remain composed amidst the chaos and uncertainty.



The citizens of Sorsogon began to worry about what will happen next after the
eruption of Mount Bulusan in Sorsogon. Little did they know, after a strong
volcanic eruption, it will release a big ash and will begin to cover the whole
clouds with ash. So what do we need to do after a volcano erupts? Firstly, stay
inside and close the windows and doors until officials declare that it's safe to
leave. Always wear a face mask and long sleeves due to the significant impact of
the ash because exposure to ash can harm your health, particularly respiratory
(breathing) issues. Make sure to contact your relatives who are close to the
volcanic eruption.

As a lot of people have been relieved because the eruption has stopped, they
started to worry more about their children and old citizens. Concerns about
suffocation and infectious diseases such as conjunctivitis, eye and skin
irritations from acid rain, and more arise.

P1: I'm glad that we're all safe, especially the kids.
P2: Same here, but we still need to be careful of the circumstances we're facing.

Med 1: Good morning, everyone. If some of you are feeling a bit anxious about
what's happening right now, always remember to remain calm and come to us if you
need help.

Med 2: We need to stay indoors as much as possible, as it says in the news that
it's not very safe outside because of the ash that the volcano emitted.

Kid 1: I wonder how to stop a volcano from erupting! So that no one can get hurt.

Kid 2: Yeah, me too. I really need to know it. How about we ask the med?

Kid 1: Sure, let's do it!

*As they were asking the med, the med answers:*

Med 2: Oh no, you can't stop a volcano from erupting, kid.

Kid 1: Why not?

Med 3: Because we can't even predict when a volcano will erupt, how can we even
stop it, right?

Kid 2: That makes sense, but why does it erupt?

Med 4: Typically, deep within the Earth's surface is so hot that some rocks slowly
melt and become a thick flowing substance called magma.

Med 2: That's right, and when the magma is out, it's now called lava.

*The kids were speechless because they've learned another lesson about the

While others were following the do's and don'ts after the volcano erupts, there are
some families that came to the evacuation center who are injured.
Injured person 1: Help! Help me, my body hurts!

Injured person 2: I can't breathe, and I can't see. Please help me!

*Someone called the rescuers and treated them with some first aid.*

Rescuer: Attention everyone, please stay away in this situation and do not be
crowded here, so that these injured persons can breathe thoroughly!

The rescuers began to be attentive to the injured persons.



(At a different city, the father anxiously watches the news updates about the
eruption in Sorsogon. He's relieved to hear that his family is safe, but he wishes
he could be there with them. Determined to support them in any way he can, he
starts making arrangements to travel back home as soon as possible.)


(Back at the evacuation center, the atmosphere begins to calm as the eruption
subsides and the rescuers successfully attend to the injured. The family remains
together, grateful for their safety and hopeful for the future. They take comfort
in knowing that they weathered the storm together and emerged stronger as a family,
eagerly awaiting the father's return.)



As the days pass and life slowly returns to normal, the family reflects on the
lessons learned from the eruption. They follow authorities' instructions
diligently, assessing the damage to their property and surroundings. They ensure
safety by wearing protective gear and staying informed through local news and
official sources.

With the support of the community, they clean up ash and debris, offer assistance
to those in need, and prepare for future events by reviewing their emergency plan
and stocking up on essential supplies. They also prioritize their mental health,
seeking counseling to cope with the emotional toll of the eruption.

Through resilience and unity, they emerge from the ordeal stronger than ever, ready
to face whatever challenges the future may bring. And as the father finally
reunites with his family, they celebrate their survival and cherish the bonds that
held them together during the darkest of times.

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