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Choose a space below to write your essay (all 4 of the topics slides are below so you can

choose which topic to write)

Bảo an’s sister: (HIstory)

- Local guide: Everyone! Please pay attention because we’re about to enter one of Vietnam’s
most famous historical destinations which is the Phu Quoc prison. It is now showcased as a
living museum displaying all the activities of prisoners during the notorious Indochina war or
you can call it Dong Duong war between Vietnam and France.
- tourists: *gasping* *chatting*
- tourist 1: We are so excited to experience this!
- tourist 2: Yeah! Me either, let’s go!
- Local guide: While we are going inside, I’ll introduce through about the Dong Duong war,
which is a very important milestone of Vietnam’s history. The Dong Dương war took place
from 1946 to 1954 when France came back to Vietnam to reconquer Dong Duong federal
territory. The reason was that French supporters of the war believed that if France allowed
Indochina to gain independence, the rights and properties of French colonialists in
overseas colonies would quickly be lost. This prison was built by the French during war to
detain communist prisoners of war, it is 40 ha large and it used to contain about 40.000
prisoners. Here we are! In front of the prison’s gate, are you guys ready for all the traumas
in there?
- tourist 3: What do you mean by “traumas”?
- Local guide: Oh, I forgot to warn you guys about the images in there. There will be figures
and sculptures re-create exactly the environment of this prison during the Indochina war.
And most of them are torturous so make sure to prepare yourself. Also, remember to
cover your children’s eyes or just leave them waiting outside because it’s going to be
traumatizing. This prison was famous for its sinister torture ways such as thowing
prisoners into boiling water; chisel prisoners tooths, fingers, body and even head; locked
them up in tiny cages which were called “Tiger cage”
- tourists: *literally prepare themselves*
- weather: *starts to pour*
- tourists: oh my god…
- Local guide: Unfortunately, because of the weather condition we need to postpone this
- tourist: It’s okay, at least we now know about such an important event of Vietnam’s

(i planned to write more detailed than this but 3 xtra classes/day kept me away from my
plan.) p/s: sorry ;((((
History: You are given the task of Social Studies: You must make right a Art and Music: You must revive a
telling an important story from your historical injustice – how would you go past musical or artistic style; how
culture’s history. How would you go about doing this? would you go about doing this?
about telling this?

Special Area Someone from the Science Write about the life of an AI robot Literature and Media Describe a
past has been revived today. How that is deciding if it wants to take over the world of alternative history. What
would you introduce this person to world or not. event changed the world in this
the modern world? way?

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