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Non-Active Duty Promotion List

Officers Serving at Other Federal

Agencies (FY 2024)
Report to Congress
February 27, 2024

U.S. Coast Guard

February 27, 2024

I am pleased to present the following report, “Non-Active Duty Promotion

List Officers Serving at Other Federal Agencies (FY 2024),” prepared by
the U.S. Coast Guard.

Section 5113 of title 14, U.S. Code, directs the submission of an annual
report detailing the number of Coast Guard officers not on the active duty
promotion list serving at other Federal entities on a reimbursable basis and
the number who are serving at other Federal agencies on a non-
reimbursable basis.

Pursuant to Congressional requirements, this report is provided to the following members of


The Honorable Maria Cantwell

Chair, Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation

The Honorable Ted Cruz

Ranking Member, Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation

The Honorable Sam Graves

Chairman, House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure

The Honorable Rick Larsen

Ranking Member, House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure

I would be pleased to answer any questions you have, or your staff may contact my Senate Liaison
Office at (202) 224-2913 or House Liaison Office at (202) 225-4775.


Linda L. Fagan
Admiral, U.S. Coast Guard
Non-Active Duty Promotion List Officers
Serving at Other Federal Agencies (FY 2024)

Table of Contents
I. Legislative Language ........................................................................................................1

II. Report ................................................................................................................................2

I. Legislative Language

This report responds to the language set forth in Section 5113 of Title 14 U.S. Code (U.S.C.).

14 U.S.C. § 5113. Officers Not on Active Duty Promotion List

“Not later than 60 days after the date on which the President submits to Congress
a budget pursuant to section 1105 of title 31, the Commandant shall submit to the
Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the House of Representatives
and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate the
number of Coast Guard officers serving at other Federal entities on a
reimbursable basis, and the number of Coast Guard officers who are serving at
other Federal agencies on a non-reimbursable basis, but not on the active duty
promotion list.”

II. Report

Of those officers not on the Active Duty Promotion List, the Coast Guard has one officer serving
at the Department of Defense on a reimbursable basis and one officer serving at the Department
of Defense on a non-reimbursable basis. Sources for data provided in this report are the Coast
Guard's Personnel Allowance List and Direct Access, the authoritative source for Coast Guard
personnel data.

These reimbursable billets strengthen relationships between the Coast Guard and other Federal
agencies. By entering into these relationships, the parties promote an efficient and effective
partnership and improve service delivery to Federal, state, and local agencies, non-governmental
stakeholders, and the American public.

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