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Lesson 3 Stages in Implementing Portfolio Assessment

Let’s get started!

You are given 6 questions that represent the stages in

implementing portfolio assessment. Assign a number to
each question. No.1 as the first and #6 as the last stage.

2. Whom should I
of being assessed
using portfolio?

3. Do I need support
in the process of
4. What are the
contents of your
portfolio to be
5. How should I be
assessed with my
contents or activities I

6. Should there be a
guideline to be
followed for a
1. What do I
want to learn?

1. What is the sequence of the posted questions?

- The sequence of the posted questions is as follows:

What do I want to learn? (1)

Whom should I inform of being assessed using portfolio? (2)
Do I need support in the process of portfolio development? (3)
What are the contents of your portfolio to be assessed? (4)
How should I be assessed with my contents or activities I learned? (5)
Should there be a guideline to be followed for a portfolio presentation? (6)

2. Why do we have that sequence?

- This order is meant to make it easier to construct and evaluate portfolios
in an organized manner. The first question (defining personal learning
objectives) lays the groundwork for the content and direction of the portfolio.
To maintain accountability and openness, it is crucial to notify pertinent
stakeholders about the assessment process (question 2) as soon as the
learning objectives are defined. Subsequently, determining the extent of
support required (question 3) guarantees the acquisition of resources and
help required for efficient portfolio development. Choosing the portfolio's
contents (question 4) gets easier when the goals are in focus and there is
assistance in place. Afterwards, selecting the methods of assessment
(question 5) guarantees that the portfolio adequately illustrates the learning
objectives. Lastly, considering the presentation requirements (question 6)
guarantees that the portfolio is arranged and displayed in a logical and
expert manner.

3. If they are stages, why do we need to follow the sequence?

- It is essential to follow the order since each step builds on the one before
it and enhances the overall efficacy of portfolio development and evaluation.
Assessments that skip steps or follow them out of sequence may be
insufficient or inefficient. For example, it would be difficult to precisely
establish the contents of the portfolio without first identifying learning
objectives. Similarly, the process cannot be transparent or credible if
stakeholders are not informed about the assessment approach.
Consequently, adhering to the sequence guarantees a thorough and
systematic approach to portfolio evaluation, which eventually results in an
accurate and impartial appraisal of learning.

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