1st Revised SDLP de Leon DIana Angela M.

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Pangasinan State University

Bayambang Campus
College of Teacher Education
Bayambang, Pangasinan

Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan

Topic: Explication of the Use of Materials and
Applications of Techniques

Submitted by:
Diana Angela M. De Leon
Teaching Intern, Social Science

Corrected by:
Mr. Melchor E. Orpilla, PhD
Supervising Instructor, Social Science

Date of Submission: February 24, 2024

Date of Teaching: March 5, 2024

The learners will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the materials and

The learners shall be able to discriminate among various materials and techniques.
Most Essential Learning Competencies
The learners shall be able to explicate the use of materials and the application of

At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to:

a. identify the different local materials which are being gradually forgotten;
b. discuss the reasons why the local materials are gradually being forgotten, and
c. create a poem about the different materials and techniques in creating art in
connection to human life.


Topic: Explication of the Use of Materials and Application of Techniques

References: Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions –Materials and
Application of Techniques- Quarter 2 – Module 12
Learning Resources: Laptop, Television, PPT Presentation, Local Materials, Local
Art Crafts, Chalk, Board, and Fishbowl


A. Preparation

1. Prayer
2. Checking of Attendance
3. Recalling the previous lesson

B. Motivation
Title: Have you ever?
Material: Laptop, PPT Presentation, Television
The teacher will prepare 3 scenarios involving the use of local art products
made from locally available materials. The students would be asked whether
or not they have already tried using or touching those materials, but instead of
saying I have, or never, they will imitate the action that corresponds their

C. Lesson Proper
Presentation: The teacher will ask the learners on what the activity is all
about. After calling two or three learners to answer the question, the teacher
will then reveal to the students the topic that will be tackled.

Discussion: Throughout the discussion, the teacher will use both interactive
and inquiry-based learning strategies. The teacher will also provide real
objects for learners to investigate.

The Philippines has abundant raw materials from its natural resources. Some
of these are abaca, buri, rattan, and many others to mention. Over the years,
these raw materials have been a source of livelihood to many Filipino families.
These local raw materials are skillfully and creatively transformed into useful
objects such as kitchen utensils, clothes, toys, decorations and more.

In the latter years however, our Filipino artisans have gone through different
challenges, such as the scarcity of materials, and the growth of technology
which hinders the development of our existing methods. As a result, younger
generations are gradually forgetting the materials used and the application of
techniques in creating beautiful and useful art pieces.

Local Materials - are the resources that are available in great quantities in a
specific region or area at a given moment. It might alternatively be defined as
materials that can be used to create a final piece.

1. Singkaban is a type of Filipino art of shaving a bamboo for home decors and
bamboo arches for weddings, mass gathering, fiesta, and as welcome signage
of a town, city, or village in the country. It is broadly utilized as enrichment amid
town celebration in Bulacan. Experienced workers strive to shave bamboo
layering to make curls and sensitive twirls to reach the unique art in this field.

(The teacher will provide example products by presenting pictures or real


2. Puni is a traditional art of leaf folding. It is an ancient art of weaving that uses
elongated leaves. It starts with preparing the leaf, folding the leaf, tightening the
package, and trimming the garnish. It is one of the recognized crafts in the
weaving industry. In the history of Bulacan, they use these leaves in making
“Kubol” as a resting place, as a wrapper for their foods, and most of all as a
creative toy for children. It was only during 1998 when it was called Puni.

(The teacher will provide example products of puni of by presenting pictures or

real object.)

3. Pabalat- This kind of art is called borlas de pastillas, the intricately designed
wrapper is made from papel de hapon or Japanese paper. First, Make a design
on the tracing board. Trace the design on the papel de Hapon or Japanese
paper. The real challenge comes with cutting the paper where the design is
traced. The designs include Bahay kubo (nipa hut), rice field, farmer/farmers,
Maria Clara, flowers, landscapes, figures, or specific activities and scenarios.
Wrapper-making used to be folk art, but the tradition is slowly diminishing.

(The teacher will provide example of pabalat by pictures.)

4. Taka- Taka or Paper Mache was first recorded in the 1920s when Maria
Bangue made a paper toy. The papers were molded from wood carving and
glued with paste. After drying, the paper was removed from the molder and
reassembled, dried, and painted in a decorative pattern that eventually becomes
toys and ornaments. Unfortunately, no one knows if her artworks were saved
after her town was consumed by fire and almost all traces of Takas she made
are gone.

Every April the Paete people are busy making Christmas characters like Santa
Claus, Rudolph the red nose Reindeer, and Frosty the Snowman in preparation
for the upcoming holiday season.

(The teacher will provide an example of taka by showing pictures.)

5. Pagpapalayok or Pottery- Kare-kare, Paksiw, Sinigang, these are only some

of the Filipino dishes we love to feast on. Of course, they're only more appetizing
served hot off the fire, in a clay pot. Our use of clay pots is one of the things that
highlight the Filipino trademark of our dishes. Despite many changes, the people
of Pasig still preserve one of the oldest and most important art forms of the city
the pottery-making.
The tradition of Pottery-making lives on in Pasig until now. Where the products
include not only ornamental jars but also those used in everyday living.
(The teacher will provide an example of palayok.)

6. Sanikulas Cookies or Panecillos de San Nicolas- Filipinos believe that

these cookies possess healing properties. Arrowroot is the main ingredient in
baking the said cookies. They had to plant the arrowroot and wait eight months
for the roots to mature. The roots are then processed. It is pounded and soaked
in water. It is sun-dried and ends up as powder. That's the flour they used for
San Nicolas cookies. Unlike these days you can easily buy ingredients from the
store. But at that time, they didn't even have flour.
(The teacher will provide an example of Sanikulas Cookies by showing pictures.)

7. Pagbuburda- Embroidery is an art of decorative stitching, especially by hand.

The high-quality embroidery in the Philippines is partly due to its history and
partly due to native talent. The town of Taal and Lumban, Laguna had a long
tradition of hand embroidery since the arrival of the Franciscan Missionaries.
They started teaching women embroidery. This is probably one of the most
formal studies that have happened to women folks.
Piña and Jusi are traditional fabrics used by the bordadoras. But Piña is more
special because it is decent, soft, refined, durable, and not hot. Ang Jusi
(Chinese term for raw silk), on the other hand, is a lightweight, flimsy, and ecru
colored fabric regarded by the bordadoras as the best material for embroidery.

(The teacher will provide an example of Embroidered Barong by showing
pictures or real object.)

D. Generalization
The teacher will ask the learners two processing questions.

1. What do you think are the reasons behind the local materials being gradually
forgotten by the younger generations?
2. How can you show your appreciation to the local arts of the Philippines?
3. As a student, how can you contribute to the preservation and use of local
materials in creating artworks?

E. Application
Activity: The teacher will group the class into three. Every group will be
provided with cartolina, marker, and crayons. Each group representative will
pick an art material from the fishbowl. Each group has to creatively write a
poem, they must include words and techniques in connection to the material
that the group had pick. They will be given 10 minutes to finish the task.

5 4 3 2
Content The message of The message of The message of The
the poem is the poem is the poem is message of
significantly mostly clear and somewhat clear the poem is
clear and detailed. The and detailed. The unclear and
detailed. The authors’ ideas authors’ ideas are mixed up.
authors’ ideas are mostly slightly mixed up.
are all clearly conveyed.
Neatness The artwork is The artwork is The artwork is The artwork
significantly mostly clean, somewhat is dirty and
clean, organized and disorganized, the disorganized,
organized and has little dirty artwork has dirty it has
has no dirty smudges. smudges. smudges all
smudges. over it.
Relevance The content of The content of The content of the The poem is
the poem shows the poem shows poem shows little not relevant
great relevance relevance to the relevance to the to the topic, it
to the topic. The topic, most topic, some of the has no
illustrations and illustrations and illustrations are connection to
drawings are all drawings are not relevant to the the dying art.
connected to connected to the dying art.
the dying art. dying art.
Aesthetics The output is The output is Most of the texts The texts re
pleasing to the pleasing to the are not readable, not readable,
eyes, the texts eyes, most of the some of the colors the colors

are very texts are are not used are
readable, the readable, most appropriate but mixed up.
colors used are of the colors are the artwork can
all in harmony, appropriate, the still get the
and the artwork artwork can viewer’s attention.
can really get a really get a
viewer’s viewer’s
attention and attention.


Directions: Read the questions carefully. Choose the best answer from the
choices below. Write the letter of the correct answer on the line before the

____1. What is the ancient art of weaving that uses elongated leaves?
a. Abaca
b. Puni
c. Pabalat
d. Taka

____2. Who was the first ever recorded Filipina that made a taka?
a. Maria
b. Juana
c. Francisca
d. Teodora

____3. What is the type of art that involves the use of clay that people of Pasig
still preserve up to present?
a. Embroidery
b. Singkaban
c. Palayok
d. Pottery

____4. Embroidery is an art of decorative stitching, especially by hand. Piña and

Jusi are traditional fabrics used by the bordadoras.
a. Both statements are FALSE.
b. Both statements are TRUE.
c. The first statement is FALSE, the second statement is TRUE.
d. The first statement is TRUE, the second statement is FALSE.

____5. Singkaban is a type of Filipino art of shaving a bamboo for home decors
and bamboo arches for weddings, mass gathering, fiesta, and as welcome

signage of a town, city, or village in the country. It is broadly utilized as enrichment
amid town celebration in Bacoor.
e. Both statements are FALSE.
f. Both statements are TRUE.
g. The first statement is FALSE, the second statement is TRUE.
h. The first statement is TRUE, the second statement is FALSE.

Key Answer

1. B
2. A
3. D
4. B
5. D


Make an advance reading about production planning in art.

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