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Learning Objectives:
At the end of the lesson the learners will be able to:
A. Identify the forms of community action
B. Determine the phases of community process and and process of community
dynamics and community change.
C. Value the community engagement, solidarity and citizenship.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: The Definition and forms of community action.
B. References:
C. Materials: Charts, Pictures
D. Values: Peace, Patience, Love, Strength, Carefulness, knowledge, and

III. A. Preliminary Activities

1 Prayers.
2. Greetings
3. Review
4. Motivation
Would you rather

The teacher offers 2 different choices and each student must indicate their
preferred option. Students may not answer “both” or “neither”; they must fully
commit to one of the two choices.

B. Development of the Lesson

a. The definition and forms of community action.

What are the important ingredients of community?

What is common context?
What is common exoperience?
What is common understanding of an issue?
What is common analysis?
What is an acceptable standard?
What is an action that is acceptable to the community?

b. Four general phases of community organization process.

What is issue identification, analysis, and dissemination?

What is mobiliation of the community?
What is organization?
What is on education?

c. Process of appreciating community dynamics, community change agents.

How to know the community issue?

How to analyze issue from different perspectives?
How to identify and get to know the players?
How to identify the community power actors?
How to trace connections?

d. The forms of community action

What is community engagement?

What is solidarity?
What is citizenship?

C. Application.
Create two groups consisting of five members and arrange the puzzle about the
community action. The first group to arrange the puzzle is the winner.

D. Generalization

1. Why do people bond and act together?

2. Why community action is important?
3. Why collaboration is important in the community?
4. What community engagement and community action you can do or join with as
a student?

E. Assignment

Write atleast 5 sentences in the paragraph form about the opportunities you can
contribute to community development through solidarity.

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