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_ Operating System (22516) Installation has started. Once the installation is completed, it will ask to restary the Machine. Click on “Restart Now” Step 8: Login Screen after reboot. ‘Use the same user and its credentials that we have set during the installation, We will get below screen after entering the credentials. ‘Ubuntu Installation is Completed Now. Similarly any open source installation shall be considered. VIII. Resources required (Additional)-Nil St: | Name of Resource | Broad Specification | Quantity | Remarks (any) Processor (i3-15), RAM- 1 | Computer System | 2GB and above (As per ineed of OS) As per Forall Unix/Linux/Ubuntuany | batch Size | Experiments 2. | Operating System _| other open sources ‘operating system IX. _ Resources used (Additional) ! Se Name of Resource | Broad Specification | Quantity | Remarks (If any) f4|| Computer Sean [empeasa Cs-is), — [Aa —pese 1 Eee RAM ~2GR fon ou 2. | Operating System ie hah expeumencts X. Program Code: Teacher must assign a separate program statement to students. Install and configure Linux (or similar) operating system on your computer. Write down the steps for same. | 4. Stat sain Vou ‘Maharashtra state Board of Technical Education Operatigg System (22516) XL. Result (Output of installation): XII. Practical Related Questions Note: Below given are few sample questions for reference. Teacher must design ‘more such questions so as to ensure the achievement of identified CO. 1. What are different versions of Linux operating system? ‘2. Enlist the steps for booting the operating system. +3. State names of latest multiuser operating system afd its advantages. (Space for answer) — Operating System (22516) % XII. Exercise: » L + 1. Differentiate between commandline OS and GUI OS by giving example, | |g © 2. Draw the diagram of multiprogramming system and state concept of it ; 3. Which are the extra facilities provided by Unix other than Windows OS? f “4, Enlist four features of the following operating system: b a, Windows 98 b. Windows 2000. Windows XP | XIV. References / Suggestions for Further Reading 1. https://www.tutorialspoint.com/unix/ TT i 2 huip:/www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Teaching/Unix! i 3. hutps:/vww.cs.sfu.ca/~gebaker/reference/unix/ F XV. Assessment Scheme i Performance Indicators Weightage I Process related (15 Marks) 30% \ T,_[ Logie formation 10% | } 2._| Debugging ability 10% \ | 3.__| Follow ethical practices 10% { i Product related (35 Marks) 70% | 4. | Expected output 30% | 3._| Timely Submission : 30% ; | 6.__| Answer to sample questions 10% f 14 Total (60 Marks) 700% 4 ede t | a List of Students ‘Team Members a } 1 i ft, teeta / oo. hal | t : authy kos raed wid ee | Marks Obtained Dated slenature of . : ‘eacher Process Related(15) Product Related(35) Total(50) ( ( ‘Alt 14 34 48 3 “Maharashtra state Board of Technical Education 4 Operating System (22516) 1 ie Lomond Line OS. | GUT as ss ‘Maharashtra state Board of Technical Education oS Lead ON operating System (22516) IL il. IV. VI. Vil. "Exec Practical No, 2: Execute general purpose commands, Practical Significance: 1 A oS na commands are inbuilt programs that can be invoked in multiple aeomninid ie ee Z bet interactively from a terminal. A terminal that Provides sing a shell program, Relevant Program Outco: mes (POs) © Discipline knowledge: Appl i ; com pee pea Computer Programming knowledge to solve the © Experiments and practice: Plan i s results to solve the computer ra pee ee Engineering tools: Appi grammi ; : relevant Computer programming / technologies and fools with an understanding ofthe limi : : © Individual and Team works freee i ber in diverse/mutdisciptinay tame SY #2 eader and team mens * Communication: Communicate effectively in oral and written form. Competency and Practical skill Manage operations of Operating System The practical is expected to develop the following sil 1. Able to apply general purpose command, Relevant Course Outcome(s) Use operating system tools to Perform various functions. Practical Outcome (PrOs) sute general purpose ‘commands date, time, cal, clear, banner, tty, script, man. Relevant Affective domain related Outcome(s) 1, Follow precautionary measures 2. Follow naming conventions. 3. Follow ethical practices, Minimum Theoretical Background Sr.No. | Commands Meaning Sdate Tt displays system date and time Scal Displays calendar for current month, afolr}— Sclear Clears the screen Sbanner OSY | Displays an argument sing as a poster with maximum offen i characters per line Stty Name of terminal a Sscript Record login session ‘Sman Tt gives manual help for any command. Maharashtra state Board of Technical Education ie —_— OU el Specifying the date format (+ is used to concatenate date command with descriptor) Descriptor Example Meanin; my Sdate “+%y" Year( 2 wb Sdate “#26b" Month abbreviation Yom) Sdate“+%m™ Month digit %ed Sdate “=%ed omy" Day of month %j $date “Today is %jth day of year” Day of year VILL. Resources required (Additional) Ll eae ha Broad Specification | Quantity | Remarks Gp No. Resource ant Processor (i3-15), RAM- 1 | Computer System | 2GB and above (As per need of OS) ‘As per batch Forall Unix/Linux/Ubuntwany Size Experiments 2. | Operating System | other open sources 5 | operating system IX. _ Resources used (Additional) ‘Sr. ‘Name of a 7 Fani|" ooResoutee Broad Specification Quantity Rees a) 1 | Computer System {f0=15).,ROM=248 L cn os) [fs pen | 2. | Operating System fusing lobinte = - bacth six L xX. Program Code: Teacher must assign a separate command statements to students. <1. Write down different options of cal command. (Use Sman cal) ~“ 2. Write options of date command. (Use Sman date) ; r ike epeone of coh commink = 15 Operating System (22516) Xi. ) Result (Output of Commands): NAME | cal - displays a calendar | | SYNOPSIS cal (-snJy13) ({month) year) DESCRIPTION | Cal displays a simple calendar. If arguments are not specified, the cur. | rent month 15 displayed. The options are as follows: | -1 Display single month output. (This 1s the defautt.) | -3 Display prev/current/next month output. -S Display Sunday as the first day of the week. (This is the ! defauit.) Ir “8 Display Monday as the first day of the week. { rfc-2822 output date and time in RFC 2822 format yo UGLE TRE ‘Maharashira state Board of Technical Education 7 Seeing die tee ee comment with ion SL Reasth Comyn of Commeantios: Operating System (22516) Specifying the date format : (is used to concatenate date command with descriptor) Deseriptor Example Meaning “ey Sdate nha Year( 2 Digits) %b. Sdate $°4b™ Month abbreviation Yorn Sdate ™%m™ Month digit | ed Sdate “+%d/Yem/%y" Day of month % Sdate “Today is %jth day of year” Day of year VIII. Resources required (Additional) Sr. Name of at ‘i Nall Eineseuree Broad Specification | Quantity Processor (i3-i5), RAM- 1 | Computer System | 2GB and above (As per need of OS) AAs per batch TiniviT inv il Thm Cies ere) By (cyitietocen runes pre) ES on isbn isa) 12345 Ce eeec eC err 3 14 15 16 17 18 19 Peak EL PPLE Est asst day of miesk Tubian_dates = sl | ‘Maharashtra state Board of Technical Education "TRIS Below Given are few sample questions for reference. Teacher must aestan ore such questions to ensure the achievement of identified CO. 1. How you record all the following ‘activities performed by the user. 5. Give a command to display calendar for month of January. 3. Give single statement command to display the calendar of previous, current and next month, 4, Give the command to display full week day (eg,Sunday) using date command. (Space for Answer) Cee Ce aCe ECS Use ORC RU es pete ee Le pe eh) are) a ee Ce eC a ee ee PeURCR CECE SUCECE CA PUSCT Pere TEC EBL ey eCRCRUEL Pte rer ORL eee Peet Be Rare as Pe Pree ee RSS PP Lee Ree Waveney | ‘Maharashtra state Board of Technical Education 3 7 ed Ee Operating System (22516) XII Exercise: <1. What is output of following commands? a Scal 04 2019 ‘Sdate “+Today’s information: %D and %B" seal te “+My clock is showing %H hours, %M minutes and %S seconds” 4. Scal-3 ©. Scal-5 £ Scal -2000 (Attach page for output) ~ Give the syntax of commands for displaying the output, (use date) i This is Month of the year . . (Abbreviation for month, and 4-4 it year) iL This is the ... ...'th day of this year. (Space for answer) ae ee Maharashtra state Board of Techical Education Operating System (22516) Pee XIV. References/ Suggestions for Further Reading 1._https://www.tutorialspoint.com/unix/ 2, http:/Avww.ce.surrey.ac.uk/Teaching/Unix/ 3, https:/www.cs.sfu.ca/~gebaker/reference/unin/ Cranes peering pert aeerae ras peered F Pepe ereened d)) psuson = fala The cesmasd is sel 4 wplau errors amy Coeiee st rrinceeneos Ese m cr ea meer) earn Eres reape ay ene cannees ete) fr Mahar Operating, System (22516) XIL Exercise: 1. What is output of following commands? a. .Scal 04.2019 b. Sdate “ a i £). Boxes = — aa ie eee peal =Thin-conamondonthused to oicibglaay oN endon fo ousvends ment a baa bees eee rere Creer IRC eC aa canes RO ae Wwersion output version informacion and exit This ig duly Month of thq 1) Anson ~ L Trus_in the ‘lath ay fee (tyifi@localhost ~]$ date WYre Ks ibe ace Co Lee Na References/ Suggestions for Further Reading 1, https://www.tutorialspoint,com/unix/ | 2. hitpi/Avww.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Feaching/Unix! 3. hitps://www.es.sfi.cal~gobaker/reference/unix/ Assessment Scheme Performance Indicators Weightage Process related (15 Marks) 30% 1] Logie formation 10% 2.” ‘Debugging ability 10% 3._ | Follow ethical practices 10% Product related (35 Marks) 10% 4._ | Expected output 30% 5._ | Timely Submission 30% 6._ | Answer to sample questions 10% Total (50 Marks) 100% List of Students Team Members 2. Sunnan...Manconsahods... 3. red, al EB f i Marks Obtained Daas Seater of 3 Process Product Related(ts) | Retatea@s) | Tt6% F 5 | zs nfs aplry p s | Maharashtra state Board of Technical Education Operating System (22516) commands. I Practical Significance: ; ‘Work with terminal environment to know about users and set their Security, ‘1 includes current status of all the users like details about all the users who ACCesses 1h. terminal for particular duration and path of directory. I Relevant Program Outcomes (POs) , * Discipline knowledge: Apply Computer Programming knowledge to solve the computer group related problems. ; : * Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments and practices to Use the results to solve the computer group related problems. * Engineering tools: Apply relevant Computer programming / technologies and tools with an understanding of the limitations. * Individual and Team work: Function effectively asa leader and team member in diverse/multidiseiplinary teams. * Communication: Communicate effectively in oral and written form. MI Competency and Practical skills Manage operations of Operating System. The practical is expected to develop the following skills: 1. Able to apply general purpose commands. (user related) ‘ IV __ Relevant Course Outcome(s) Use operating system tools to perform various functions, ¥. Practical Outcome (PrOs) Work with multiple Linux terminals and basic commands: who,who am i, login, passwd, su, pwd. Vi__ Relevant Affective domain related Outcome(s) 1. Follow precautionary measures, 2. Follow naming conventions, 3. Follow ethical practices, , VI Minimum Theoretical Background Sr.No. [-Commands Syntax Description ie eae Swho Itis used to display who are the users coftnected to our computer currently oe eases Sito ai isplay the details of the current working directory 3: login login: Susémame Prompt, enter usemame 4 | passwd Spasswd uname | Sets password for users S__ | su(sudoy Ssuls Provides super user privileges pwd(Present To print the complete path of the current 6 «aa Din | SPWa . Working Dir) Working directory ‘Maharashtra state Board of Technical Education 10 Operating System (22516) ? 4 XII__ Practical Related Questions : Note: Below given are few sample questions for reference. Teacher must design ‘more such questions so as to ensure the achievement of identified CO. 1. Give command for present working directory. ~ 2. State currently login users by command. / 3. Acquire the status of super user. XIN Exercise: ~ 1. Acquire the status of super user. 2. Write output for following commands i, Swho;clear;who am i ii. Swhostty;date (Space for Answer) idm tdee ie. chis ploy. aS 6.2. cth. LAO cecneeted, HARP, Is'ssal gel.01.003.00.:.00l Operating System (22516) XIV. References/ Suggestions for Further Reading 1, https:!/www.tutorialspoint.com/unix 2. hitp:/www-ee.surrey acuk/Teaching/Unix/ 3._https:/wivw-cs.sfu.cal~gobaker/reference/unix/ | XV. Assessment Scheme j Performance Indicators Weightage E Process related (15 Marks) 30% ; 1, [Logie formation 10% be 2. | Debugging ability 10% ‘ 3._ | Follow ethical practices 10% Product related (35 Marks) 10% 4. [Expected output 30% Timely Submission 30% 6._[ Answer to sample questions 10% Total (50 Marks) 100% List of Students ‘Team Members 1, Rupa. Kswunar.. 2. Surnnan..Mancanen had. 3. ited signat Marks Obtained peices Process Product Total(s0) Related(is) | Retatea(as) | TO**"60) in 34 4g Shh Maharashra state Board of Technical Education : Tar Operating System (22516) X. Program Code: Teacher, must assign a separate program statement to Stud, “Check all the permissions started on your system. Stop the services which ‘oh required for long time. a © hay ant tne _priecedsén cemmonds = XI. Result (Output of Command): XII. Practical Related Questions Note: Below given are few sample questions for reference. Teacher must design more such questions so as to ensure the achievement of identified CO. _~ 1. List various menus you observed on your system? 2. Study the GUI of your Linux system, 3. What is difference between GUI and CLI? (Space for answer) oS) [pane if. ‘Maharashtra state Board of Technical Education ; 6 ting System (22516) —| yO arcers te aysiem nercuneea ina —centyalled manner lisvana oma IN 2 ons smd) NX. __ Program Code: Teacher must assign a separate program statement (9 sty, Check all the permissions started on your system. Stop the services which + required for ong time, Ny, | ty Dares s= ” Ongatns System (22516) XII. Exercise: WoL. What are syst tem calls provided by file management? ~~ 2. Draw and explain services Provided by operating system. ©, 3. What are system component of operating system, . Re ee | Matsrashira tate Board of Tecniél Eduction 22516) rene a Sexit ‘Used to quit the 5 [skit ~ | Used to stop execution of particular process by sending interupt signal to the process. n Options of ps commands: Sps-f Full listing showing PPID of cach process. Sps-uusemame Displays processes of user ‘usemame’ Sps-a Processes of all users Sps-e Processes including user and system processes, Options of kill commands: . ; Skill O Kills all the processes on the terminal except the login she special argument ‘0° Skill 120 230 234 Kills three processes with pid 120 230 234 Skill -9 0 Kills all processes including login shell Skill -9 SS Kills login shell by VIII. Resources required (Additional)-Nil Sr. Name of en . Wha: ( Resectee Broad Specification | Quantity | Remarks (If any) Processor (13-15), RAM- | 1. | Computer System | 2GB and above (As per need of OS) As per batch Forall Unix/Linw/Ubuntwany Size Expetiments 2. | Operating System | other open sources operating system IX. _ Resources used (Additional) i Sra] eat ar ; 5 No. | Name of Resource | Broad Specification | Quantity | Remarks (Ifany) 1 | Computer System xoceason Cais), Ram- 206 Raper fen a 2. | Operating System faux gn ie | expeninwits | X. Program Code: Teacher must assign a sepa ilade to students, w= 1, What is process id of your login shell?, 2. Give PID of all processes, how terminal. © 3. What is differencd betweer Will terminal the processes running on your fait and sleep? “Maharashtra state Board of Technical Edveation COLL Maharashtra state Board of Technical Education| fe Operating System (22516) 4 | Sexit Used to quit the shell . 5 | sxito | | Used to stop execution of particular process by sending ay, " internipt signal to the process. Options of ps command: ze Sps -f Full listing showing PPID of each process. Sps-uusemame Displays processes of user ‘usemame” 4 Sps -a Processes of all users ql Sps-e Processes including user and system processes. Options of kill commands: . Skill 0 Kills all the processes onthe terminal except the login shel y z special argument ‘0° az Skill 120 230 234 Kills three processes with pid 120 230 234 Skill -9 0 Kills all processes including login shell Skill -9 $$ Kills login shell VIII. Resources required (Additional)-Nil } Sr. Name of et ti \ No. Resource Broad Specification | Quantity | Remarks (If any) Processor (i3-i5), RAM- 1, | Computer System | 2GB and above (As per need of OS) As per batch For all | Unix/Linux/Ubuntuany Size Experiments ey = 2. | Operating System | other open sources ' operating system L wel IX. Resources used (Additional) } f Sr. No, | Nameof Resource | Broad Specification” | Quantity | Remarks (If any) 5 1 | Computer System [Pecessen G Ram- 208 | sgn ab bp: “|‘Opersting System fiona | a Program Code: Teacher must assign a sepa) v= 1. What is process id of your login shell? 2. Give PID of all processes, how y terminal, 3. What is differencd betw (command to students. Maharashtra state Board of Technical Education Operating System (22516) Result (Output of Command): | [root@tocathost ~j# ps PID TTY TIME cH 32587 pts/o 90: 90:01 XI C— 3 eam 32698 pts/a 00: oa Maharashtra state Board of Technical Education Sy Ths... yystion...colla.. Fe... PMOLLAS.. end). abort. qload.4.chccus,, create» process, .ouninal, XII. Exercise: 1 Observe the output of following commands: Ssleep 30; date Secho $$ : 2. Display full listing of all the processes running on your terminal. fioptst st shes Peed ao yousd TRE op Cree H Cry KEL reels cri) ped Ces ee script script Besta 3. Write output of following cor ,Ssleep 60; banner GOOD nach. alte. by, sslecging, for. quien. ascends. ‘Maharashtra state Board of Technical Education AEE Operating Sytem (22816) XIV. References! Suggestions for Further Reading a httpsi//www.tutorialspoint.corvunix/ 2. hilpsiwww-ce.surrey ac.uk/Teaching/Unix/ 3. hutps:/iwww.cs sfu.cal~gebaker/reference/unix! XV. Assessment Scheme Performance Indicators Weightage Process related (15 Marks) 30% 1. [Logie formation 10% 2. | Debugging ability 10% 3.__| Follow ethical practices 10% -__ Product related (35 Marks) 0% | 4. Expected output 30% 5.__| Timely Submission 30% 6._ | Answer to sample questions 10% Total (30 Marks) 100% List of Students /Team Members” 2, Simnao. Mas Concho... 3. Dated signature of Marks Obtained Teacher Process Product Total(S0) Related(35) Related(15) x * % 3N Wy ae men Maharashtra state Board of Technical Education B ‘ | Operating System (22516) { Combine 2 text files to another file: S cat list txt list2.txt > todo.txt In this example contents o| Scat list wxt>>tist2. oct Ttappends the contents list. t Now theck i . F Sis list2.oct e - f files list! txt and list2.txt is saved to todo.tit file, Xt to list2.txt. It adds the contents at the end of file, VII. Resources required (Additional}-Nil r { ol NemeotRenaes|| Broad Specification | Quantity Remarks (ran, + [No | ‘| | | Processor (3-15), RAM - 1 | Computer System | 2GB and above (As per | 7 need of OS) As per batch For all | Unix/Linux Ubuntwany Size Experiments | - g System | other open sources L | operating system TX. Resources used (Additional) 3 | Name of Resource Quantity | Remarks (tany ers | 1 te S I ee Tete 4 As fox { i - Operating System linux bath sin. | | ; &p eriimenty i X-_ Program Code: Teacher must assign a separate Program statement to students, | 1. Create three files al a2 23, “2. Apply different commands like : L | ~ Fs-mv, p,m, jon, split and check the list of files atthe end, XL Result (Output: ‘of Code): } a Btkeched Fn Pgh XII Practical Related Questions Note: Below given are few sample questions Sor reference. Teacher must design rare such questions so as to ensure the achievement Of identified CO, °"L. What are different Options of ls command? Write down the command along with g the option and note down the output. (Use Sang command to check options) "2. What are differen options of mv command? 3. What is use of split command? w 4. How to use join command? Mahareshera state Board of Technical Education | Operating System (22516) a a ‘[root@tocathost ~j cat>bl { simran rupa (root@locathost ~}2 catst2 rupa 1 simran | | [root@tocathost ~]z catsp3 1 rupasisran ———— simranrupa a 7 eee eee See Mafarasira ate Board of Tecnicl Education Operating System (22516) Combine 2 text files to anothe Scat listl.txt Tist2.xt > todo. In this example contents of fi Scat list] w>>tist2.txt Tt appends the ‘contents list 1b Now theck it 1 Sls list2.0xt No. Name of Resource 1 | Computer System | 2GB ai ' 2 | Operating System | other of IX. Resources used (Additional) i No. | Name of Resource 1 | Computer System ean Operating System {4 X. Program Code: Teacher mu 1. Create three files a} a2 a3, “2. Apply different commands ~ 1s, mv, ep, rm, join, split and ¢ XI. Result (Output of Code): Kfroot@tocathost =] split -10 02 DOtBlocathost =]# cat 02 * a aje ls XI. Practical Related Questions | r@locatnest 18 =, Note: Below given are few . ‘more such questions so as toh "1. What are different option: the option and note down ‘2. What are different option v3. What is use of split comn © 4. How to use join comman: atoreall Maharashtra state Board of Technical Educ) | ce system (22516) 8 (Space for answer) ;29 Maharashtra state Board of Technical Education XI. 1 Exercise: Write output of following commands: i) Display all file names which starts with ‘ ii) Enlist all the files beginning with ‘ and ends with ‘y* iil) Show the contents of the file mind ending with any range of 1 to 5. ‘hose file names contains exactly two iv) Create a file Al Cfeate a copy with XXXtxt. Renate the original file with AACD.txt. Delete the file XXX.txt/ ¥) Display the inodes of any two files at the List all file processing commands. . How many lines will be displayed with head command if number is not specified. Create two files chapter! and chapter2 and perform the following operations 1. Copy contents of chapter! to cha ipter2 by asking the user before overwrite, 2. Display inodes of two files, mat 3. Rename the file ‘chapter!’ to ‘Lesson’ Execute the following commands: SIs a*n same time. Siss? Scat abe>>xz ‘Maharashtra state Board of Technical Education (root@locathost addy aformally \ moe wit ls ary apoly [root@Locathost ~)# Us #2727 mango mouse muskmelon ii) Anguun— (root@tocathost ~}2 cat>asco.txt (root@locathost ~]# cp ABCD. txt OK. txt [root@tocathost ~I# 1s a atornatly Desktop JA8CD. txt anaconda-ks.cty instalt.tog laddy ——_apoty install [root@tocathost ~13 mv ABCD. [root@tocathost sz 1s la afornally Desktop mango path_ns2 ACD. txt anaconda-ks.cfg install.tog mouse ry laddy —apoty Anstat.tog.syslog musineton si } (root@locathost ~]# rm XxX. tet Im: renove regular enpty file “XXX.txt"? y troot@locathost ~]2 Is a formally Desktop mango path_ns2 CD. txt anaconda-ks.cfg_ Install. tog rouse ru ladcy ——apoly install.log.syslog ausketon si path ns? stul u stu2 -sysleg musiaelon si NO txt ls cat» T_dused tp ovate a fle. [Fe ca > pocorta weed te cada Se ee ting System (22516) =k agcostet DOG, ured “te sot same XXX tet fje_aame with oon Alenasat Tr is wed +e nonoma—o flo ot tet ub usoh be dolete file [root@locathost ~j# Us 2? ru si Selimaciunst ~]# Us -i ACD. txt nange 13279990 AACD. txt 3279985 mango ws Maharashtra Sate Board of Tectnical Eu eae BI en a rt mony | nea at Operating System (22516) 4c iste | Maharashtra state Board of Technical Education na [root@localhost ~]# cat>chapterl _ —j simran [root@localhost ~]# cat>chapter2 — rupa [root@locathost ~]# ls fa aformally chapterl install.log mouse ra AACD.txt anaconda-ks.cfg chapter2 install.log.syslog muskmelon st —faady apoly ~~ Desktop mango path_ns2 stu, [rootGlocalhost ~]# cp chapter chapter2 — cp: overwrite “chapter2'? y [root@locathost ~]# ls * oe 6 aformally chapterl install.tog mouse mu Aacb.txt anaconda-ks.cfg chapter2 install.log-syslog muskmelon si | audy apoly Desktop mango path_ns2 — stul [root@locathost ~]# 1s -1 chapter2 3279992 chapter2 [rootGLlocathost ~]# ts 3279991 chapter] [root@locathost ~]# mv -i chapterl chapterl Lesson1 [rootGtocathost ~J# 1s —_a aformally chapter2 Anstall.log.systog mouse ru laacb.txt anaconda-ks.cfg Desktop Lessonl muskmelon st —_laddy apoly Ainstall.log mango path_ns2stul t ai lS isin aM. coh es at j Troot@locathost ~]# ls an, a aamran—amran assn _asssn awkun ssa crn ow sno 06 setmical Eveation 30 -oot@localhost ~]# cat abcosxz ‘oot@locathost ~]# Is addy apoly chapter2 ico. txt aformally assn Desktop a, ara asssn Install.tog ic anaconda-ks.cfg awkun Anstalt.tog. sysiog Lesson) pathos? stuz | Tango ru ne ouse Muskzelon stul olashia wate oad of Teall Edvation uM y Secatia Sten (5) XIL, Practleal Related Questions Note: Relow given are few sample questions for reference, Teacher muy desjy imate such questions soas to ensure the achievement of dened CO, ow to shi from Root izetory to Use (ome) dietary? . How to se directories? + Whats default st of permissions given by the system fo the dietary? + Asi ll the pemision to your decoy forall hues sing symbolic an ‘octal method, ‘What is difference between comm and ‘emp command? (Space for answer) Maharas ira state Board of Tecbicl Edvaton a |Tk..cemnganes...e6h..U02, ad. ana lesames.. es! XII. Exercise: (1. Write the command for performing the following tasks sequentially a, Display your current directory. b. Create a directory ‘subject’ in the current directory. c. Create a file ‘sample’ in the directory ‘subject’. d. Remove the write permission for the owner for ‘sample’ using symbolic method. + @. Delete the file ‘sample’. What is an error message displayed? 2. What are the permissions assigned to the file/files after execution of following commands? __ a. $chimod 700 abe A. Assign read and write permission for the owner, write permission for the group ‘and execute permission for others using octal method for file mfite. ‘Maharashtra state Board of Technical Education a — Operating System (22516) ‘. 5. Write commands to assign following permissions to the file OSY USINE Oct) method, § Write commands to assign following permissions to the file OSY using symbotie method. a. _mwxr_xr__ b. crwxrwarnx DM. Binssas 3! (tyiti@locainost ~js ff /nome/tyiFi GS SETS Student]$ rkdir subject [ees tree eg ee eae 4 act B)) etietocanee semen (Space for Answer) Sr ae nel [ee Beer a Sees eit Pen pelted tee a eae eet Par any te Sees totes ester ears lesa Rumssteeslontn ier) Heese icra ace arene Hens Ce ste Sea ee sLsueo EU rtsustretcy te ey DONA ani 0) [ROR rrr, - ie @ i Ea oC Nate a 1 System ¢ 2 3. Marks Obtained Dated signature of Teacher Process Product Related(15) Related(35) Tonle) Pea] : io 34 ug ae ‘Maharashtra state Board of Technical Education seas y Operating System (22516) ‘ 5. Write commands to assign following permissions to the file OSY Using gg, method, 6. Write commands to assign following permissions to the file OSY using symbolic method, Gateb antes eee ~1$ pwd Ei Seaebal POSTE} Seeisrdactsto wp et epee Shere sag ee eae eee hea eee Sea asstsazy sh Foe pM ches Berea) Biases Naresh ving emny, See ieee) Gractstia isle incee vier 2 OU LE erate ae Opera al Prvtror ULV NE Mer teet rs STeT oR ee student ] a | (RESUS ET Arr retna ieee Mercer apa est y earessecucrara estas tie arse echoncd_ugo tn pail Sais arePeas Sau ioy tseL WRI EeK I 138 tect feyifi@localhost student]§ 1s -1 mfile yirwerw-r--. 1 \tyifi [tyitt 5/Aug €/00722 utile egestuercreor oa ceases i [eerste isceaaeeohartieets ec | Rater peeseene reece ets press rusriaetes Or Renae teneee eee cca Peer Restart enero Eeseearune raeresie Cie recs Fee eee ameter ea Heer eor Sea premier OL fists ay [evatieisesite: eee [eesti Para icsetsencaerasaicaes Pine acho ke these Sp igrteits eesstewey Ce fortes Reels as Pre ics ret ear hasta I oivouars Paci ete acse ; omer SrecMis esr rena fortek ost subject]$°(] musetoma suane Board of Technical Education P Operating System (22516) SUEDE 6 Sort SORT command is used to sorta file, arranging the records in a particular onder. By default, the sort command sorts fj, assuming the contents are ASCIL, Using options in sort command, it can also be sed to sort numerically. When we have a mix file with both uppercase and lowercase letters then first the lower case letters would be sorted following with the upper case letters . Option Meaning : 0 write the output to a new file n sort a file numerically - Sort in Reverse Order 7. . grep (Global Regular expression printer) It is used to search a pattern/word inside files. Synatx: Sgrep