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Your Life
r e c r e at e y o u r l i f e

Your Life
A Practical and Modern Manifestation Guide


Pratyush Patil
Published by
EnGame Publishing House
D No. 23-1-76, 1st Floor, Shop No. 10, Golden Plaza
Main Road Guntur, Andhra Pradesh - 522003, India
Phone : +91- 8309663602

This book is a work of Fiction. Names, characters, place and

incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or
are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to real persons, living or
dead, or actual events or locations, is purely coincidental and
the publisher does not hold responsibility for the same.

First Published in 2022

Copyright @ 2022 PRATYUSH PATIL

ISBN: 978-81-960337-0-5

All rights reserved.

The moral right of the author has been asserted.

This book or any portion thereof many not be reproduced or used

in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission
of the author except for the use of brief quotations in a book review
of a scholarly journal.

This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by any
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Prologue VI

1. The Universe has the letter Y (Why?) 1

2. Attention, Attract, Attune 7
3. Know your Mind, Conquer it 27
4. Choice of Life 45
5. A Catalyst to your Journey 66
6. Principles 75

Master Your Life 91

Who am I, and why are you reading this book? These are
a few fundamental questions I would first address before
we get into the thicket of this book. Hello! I’m Pratyush,
and I’m currently living the life of my dreams. Right now,
a 32-year-old, just a regular guy like you who has been
through many mistakes while applying the manifestation
and Law of attraction practices and has finally learnt from
those mistakes.

And YES, I’m a firm and devout believer in the Law

of Attraction. You might also know me by the name of the
“Modern Age Monk”. I coach people on how to use the Law
of attraction and how it can benefit their life.

I am an Indori at heart and love spending time with

my family. I’m a coach, husband and father. Have been a
coach in this industry for over 3 years with over a decade
of experience in the Law of Attraction and have achieved
so many things on the way. When you’re a coach in an
industry for this long, you garner the love and admiration of
many fans and some life-long supporters, which is why you
picked up this book. I am very thankful to you. To others
who don’t know of Pratyush Patil already, well, nice to
meet you!
p r at y u s h pat i l

It’s been a crazy ride through these years. I now teach

the Law of Attraction, only having mastered it through my
life and getting almost everything I have ever desired. The
phrase “you can get anything you set your mind to” rings
true. The Law of attraction gives you the tools to materialise
your dream life. I have my own story of discovering the
Law of attraction, and since then, my life has never been
the same!

A few years ago, one late evening, my friend and I were

returning from college. If you’ve lived in the busied towns
of Indore, you would know that road traffic is not a thing
that who can avoid. My friend, however optimistic as ever,
hands on the bike, zooming past, assured us that we would
reach home in 15-20 minutes. I laughed it off, knowing that
that would be a thing of the impossible. He only retorted
by saying, “I am using the law of attraction” I joked again,
asking if Newton forgot to note this one down. He replied
with a plain “You will see”.

Now it’s been years since that story, and I forget if we

did reach in time. However, that moment always stayed
special to me. Since that was the day, I was introduced to
the Law of attraction itself. It was later that I went about
discovering it. I scavenged and read all the books on the
subject only to find that it is accurate; no, Newton doesn’t
have much to do with it. That chap chose to remain in the
realms of Physics.

The Law of attraction, as I will explain in the next chapter,

is a thing of our world and is spiritual. Everyone can tap into
it and make full use of it. I have used the Law of Attraction
for personal gain since 2009. I have attracted everything I
have wanted since then and have had to learn, unlearn and
use my techniques to have it better suit my lifestyle.

r e c r e at e y o u r l i f e

Although I have mastered the Law of attraction, I still

consider myself a student of the universe and learning what
it leads me to. We are all students at one point in time or
another. However, it would help if you never left behind that
learner’s curiosity. Carry that essence with you everywhere
you go, and it will surely take you places. I was at a shallow
point when I began learning the Law of attraction. I had
nowhere to go and nothing to look forward to. At a very
hopeless time, the Law of attraction practically saved me.

There were a bunch of jobs I had to jumble through

to understand what I wanted to do finally. I have known
and practised the Law of attraction for more than a decade.
Every day hasn’t been so easy, but it has helped me in
mastering this craft and getting a little better day by day.
Soon I became more peaceful as I knew the things I wanted
would come one way or another. When you believe in the
Law of attraction with all of your heart, things change,
miracles happen, and you get the life of your dreams. I soon
transcended into a phase of peace and serenity. Thus, the
name modern-age monk came to be.

Once I started discovering the Law of attraction, I

used it to try if it worked, and to my surprise, it did! I kept
conjuring up things, people, and opportunities out of thin
air. As I was still in college, I wanted a job, so I manifested.
On the day of placements, I was one of the first few people
who bagged an excellent job!

After that, I was sold on the idea that this was going to be
my life mantra now, but, so you see, forgetfulness is a boon
and a bane of the human mind. I soon settled in and quickly
adapted to the routine lifestyle of having a 9 to 5 job and,
sooner than later, forgot all about the Law of attraction. The
very thing that got me the job in the first place! The pressure

p r at y u s h pat i l

in the job consumed me whole, and the workplace politics

sure didn’t help. I started feeling a sense of discomfort and
unethical behaviour and ran to apply for another job and
then another. Over time, I at least had changed a couple
of jobs before I grew tired of the corporate hassle and all
the lethargy it brings with it. In hindsight, I could have
gotten a much better job with the Law of attraction, but as I
mentioned, the human mind plays tricks on you.

This is why I’m writing this book and even started

becoming a coach three years ago. After facing multiple
hardships in my career, I once again got in touch with
the Law of attraction and sought help from it. I asked the
universe, and it gave me in return. I manifested for my life
partner, a job, a car, and so many more things. Now I can
happily say I’m living the life of my dreams.

I’m married to my beautiful wife, Ronika; we are a

happy family with a kid. I run a six-figure business doing
something I love. I can’t get enough of helping people
transform and shift their realities. When I could get so much
out of the Law of attraction, I want everyone else to reap the
benefits of something right in front of them. When you learn
something new, you perfect it by practising it, but when you
want to master it honestly, you teach it and spread the word.
So I started by doing just that.

In my courses, I teach people about the Law of attraction,

its benefits, how to use it, and how to tailor it to your life.
Many know about the Law of Attraction through books that
are popular in this realm. I can’t go on without mentioning
the secret by Rhonda Byrne, Think and Grow Rich, The
power of the subconscious mind, and so many more. All
of these authors have done an excellent job and made an
entourage of people to see what the Law of attraction is

r e c r e at e y o u r l i f e

capable of. However, it has also been years since these

books and ideas. I believe with every couple of decades,
new ideas that are more attuned to the current time must
take over.

The modern-age monk here will guide you through your

spiritual journey and help you live the life of your dreams.
This book will equip you with newer ideas and powerful
tools to put the Law of attraction in motion. People must
know how we use the Law of attraction to the best of our

I have gained so much from the Law of attraction that

I am almost sure that I wouldn’t be here in the first place
without it. The universe has conjured up and brought me
here to write this book and for you to pick it up someday
and read it. I have the experience of manifesting my entire
life with the Law of attraction and am proof that it works.

If I can do it, so can you! There is nothing that you

cannot achieve or cannot have. If you put your mind to it, it
is yours. So much in the world is invisible, but people still
believe in it. The protons of light let us see and illuminate
a place, but can we ever see it? No. The particles of smell
wafting in the air when your mother cooks your favourite
curry, can you see it? No. But you know your tummy is
already gurgling. This is the same with the Law of attraction;
you can’t see, but you will have to believe, and soon you
will see.

This might get too complex initially, but you will have
a much clearer understanding as you read through the book.
You must remember that this is your journey, and whatever
is taught in the book, it is up to you to fulfil. You must have
an open mind and heart to these ideas, even if you have
encountered them.
p r at y u s h pat i l

Try your best to follow along and use all the tools and
techniques you will be introduced to. If you don’t use it,
you lose. So many of my students have benefited from my
courses, turned their lives around, and gotten what they
wanted. Why not you, then? I believe you deserve just as
much success, only if you’re ready for it. Once you’re ready
for it, success will choose you, and you will materialise the
life of your dreams. You must stick to the guide and hold
on until you see the changes yourself. Soon when you see,
you will become a master at using the Law of attraction in
your daily life. You will see things turning around in your
favour, People willing to collaborate with you, and overall
things turning a new leaf in your life.

If you aren’t already, you must soon get excited, the

life of your dreams awaits you, and I will guide you to
it. So many changes and challenges will come your way,
but you must remain stubborn and follow my learnings. Is
your heart racing? Mine is! I’m excited to take you on this
journey where your dreams are real. Place your hand on
your heart and say, “I’m excited!” I’m serious; say it aloud
with conviction “I’m excited!”

This might seem silly initially, but studies show that

saying positive things affects your mood and enables you to
perform better. But also, when you just said this line, you
have already set the Law of attraction into motion. Now that
you said it, you will soon become it. There is so much you
can take away from this book, but if you don’t have the right
mind, you might cheat yourself out of a beautiful life.

One of my first requests would be to grab a sharpened

pencil and get ready to mess up the book. I mean it,
underline, annotate, and circle to remember your learnings.
This will help you memorise stuff faster and also will help

r e c r e at e y o u r l i f e

you truly engage with the material. Some tools and pages
will be peppered throughout the book; take your time and
due diligence.

This book isn’t a one-time read or a quick recap; this

book is meant to be savoured slowly. Gradually over time,
as you put your learnings into practice. There will also be a
small section at the end of every chapter to help you recap
the significant takeaways. This book has been a treat for me
to write, and I hope it will be a treat for you to read as well!

Chapter 1
The Universe has the letter Y (Why?)

Now that I’ve answered the first question, it’s time to answer
the latter. Why did you pick up this book? You might have
thought the cover was enticing; you might have wanted to
read up more on the workings of the law of attraction, but
whatever may it be, it did not happen by chance. Every action
along the way made you pick up this same book at this exact
time. There is a definite reason behind this.

There are so many books on the same topic, so why

you chose to read mine will be revealed soon enough.
Everything comes to you at the right time, when you need it
and are ready to receive it. We’ll get into this a little more
later. You pick up this book and proceed to read it; it has
consequences that are causing ripples in the future before
you even know it. The universe is an old one, wise and all-
knowing. Whether you believe and hold faith in a higher
power, God or any other higher power, you must know that
it controls and balances out everything.

The universe truly works in mysterious ways sometimes,

we might not catch hold of what is happening around
us, but when we look back, we are sure to find one thing
leading to another, finally bringing us to our predicament.
r e c r e at e y o u r l i f e

There is always a ‘why’ behind all the what, when and

where happenstances in the universe. This should answer
your concern about my spelling abilities in the title of this

Whether you believe in the law of attraction or not, you

are affected by it. There is practically no escaping from it.
We are a product of our mind; whatever we think will affect
our real lives. Our elders telling us to manage and hold a
positive mind might have been right all along. However, the
law of attraction is much more than just a positive mindset
(as you will soon learn). You are a prisoner of your mind
in a good way and a bad. You will be stuck in your mind
now and ever; it is up to you to build a good enough place
inside to live a happier and fuller life. If you sulk and think
negatively about things, that is what will manifest again in
your life.

When you weed out the negatives, you give more

space to positives and better thought to fill up your mind,
surroundings, and life. Doing this cause a ripple effect and
leads all the things you want in life to yourself. This book is
not only about the law of attraction and how to use it. But,
as you go through these pages, you will learn more about
your mind and how to master it. This is a mastery course
book on various levels to reach your full potential.

The law of attraction applies to everyone; everyone

who is breathing and alive is affected by it and is reaping
its benefits or wallowing in its downfalls. This law was
discovered and studied many years ago, and people finally
became aware of how it works and started using it to their
benefit instead of letting it go. However, with time, people
have forgotten about it again, just like I did a few years ago.
People tend to forget the power it holds, the sheer excellence

p r at y u s h pat i l

of it all. There is so much to learn about the universe that,

with decades passing, we need to keep probing into the

We need a newer and innovative way of looking at

the law of attraction; in this book, you will learn about it
if you’re a first-timer, and if you already know about it, I
guarantee you will be taking away more from this book at
the end than what you began with. The law of attraction is
giving and helping to anyone that asks from it; it’s just that
you must learn how to ask. This will be a handy 101 guide
to shifting your reality into something you truly desire. By
the end of this book, if you practise and put into motion all
of the tools and techniques I provide, you will be on your
way to building the life of your dreams.

It is good practice to ask ourselves ‘why’ things happen

from time to time. Maybe it is to teach us a crucial lesson;
maybe it is to show us to go on a new path; it could be a
million different things. But, if you had to imagine how and
why that happened, you would only tire yourself out. There
are so many minute reasons why things happen the way they
happen. We cannot indeed decode all of the happenings in
the universe. Yes, science and technology have brought
humanity closest to the truth, but, in plain words, science
can’t explain some marvellous, mysterious things. One
of them being the law of attraction itself. Science has the
answers to why the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
Still, science won’t be able to tell you why it is that you,
out of all people, got that flat in Andheri at the price that
you wanted; science won’t be able to explain to you why
you and your future spouse entered the same cafe that day,
science won’t be able to explain to you how you have the
job that you’re doing right now. All of this science cannot
find the answers to. But the law of attraction can.

r e c r e at e y o u r l i f e

This law rules the entire world and encapsulates all the
people in it. Everyone is bound by it and to it. In a way, we
are all connected by the law of attraction. Everything you
do and think will have a net cause and effect on your life and
someone else’s.

I hate to admit it, but another one of the things that our
parents would advise us also rings true. You can only control
things that are in your control and nobody else’s. This is so
true; it might have been our egos or self-righteousness that
didn’t let us accept this. When we are young, we want to
feel like we already have the knowledge and experience of
a full-grown adult. That is simply impossible, and so we
would feign ignorance.

With age, you learn many things, and wise words will
never fail you. When I discovered the law of attraction, I
was also at a phase where I didn’t want to believe it was
true and that it was this easy. We look for challenges and
want to feel the accomplishments of overcoming them, to
later boast about them in front of others. Let me get you in
on a secret that won’t get you anywhere. It is only going
to slow you down. The way to success in life is to work
smarter, not harder. When you tap into the potential of the
law of attraction, you will see how much it can do for you.
You will receive a manifold of whatever you have asked
for. Abundance is always seeking you; are you seeking it?

Whether you believe in the big bang theory or believe

there is an almighty God above there to oversee everything,
you need to understand that there is always enough to go
around. You need to know that you are just as deserving of
the blessings and all the beautiful things that this world can
offer. Look around you, all the people living the life of your
dreams, all those happy in their successful careers, with

p r at y u s h pat i l

happy homes and lavish lifestyles. Do you ever think about

what got them to the place they are in? , they manifested it.
Subconsciously or consciously, they manifested everything
that they wanted in their life, and soon they got it. I’m here
to tell you that you can do it too. It’s not that hard, but the
catch is you must genuinely believe in it to work miracles
for you. You need to let it take the lead and place faith
that you will receive your share of blessings and will soon
receive them.

The law of attraction is the most natural and one of the

most fundamental laws of the universe. It comes with nature
that everything happens for a reason. It is on the same basis
that this law is built. It is not on the side of some unseen
dark forces or even magic, and it is the sheer willpower of
your mind that will make things happen for you. It is quite
natural for some to think that the law of attraction might
have something to do with dark magic or things of that
nature, but I can’t blame them. The way things and paths
are going to clear for you, you will be shocked and assume
there is no way this is happening on its own. Well, it’s not.
You’re doing it, putting the law into motion and making it
work for you. However, you need to understand that the law
of attraction will only make it possible in the realm that we
live in. For starters, if you say you wish to have the moon all
to yourself, that is an unimaginable task, and therefore, you
will face failure. On the other hand, if you ask for something
possible but still far-fetched, the law will make it happen for
you one way or another.

Through this book, your belief might falter, things

happening in life might take over the importance, and so
many other things might happen, but make sure to finish
the book to the very end to reap the benefits of the law of
attraction fully. It is of utmost importance that you remain

r e c r e at e y o u r l i f e

determined and strong-willed to continue this journey.

Many made of a weak mind fail early on and miss out on
the opportunity of living a life with a fuller meaning. I hope
you are not one of them; this book is not meant for the
weak-minded. This book is for those who want a change in
their lives and are willing to work for that and toward that
change. Treat this book as a guide to lead you back to the
law or even get introduced to it.

Carry this book with you wherever you go and open

it, and give it a read to finish it as fast as possible whilst
giving time for all the tools and techniques in the book. If
you take the law seriously, it shall always pay its respects to
you. Whatever point of your life you have picked this book
up, I hope you read it and get the most out of it using all the
techniques I have mastered and have worked for countless
students. I hope it helps you and that you invite someone
else to find what’s right for you and manifest it for yourself.

I believe in you and know you can make it happen, and

I am excited about this life-changing journey that you’re
about to embark upon. Are you ready?


Chapter 2
Attention, Attract, Attune

As we begin this journey, I need to ensure that we are on

the same page (pun intended). If you already have some
knowledge of the law of attraction, I need you to forget
everything about it and start with a fresh mind. Earlier, when
I mentioned we need to have an open mind to understand the
law of attraction, I also meant to have a fresh open mind.
You must forget whatever you think you know; anyone else
who has guided you about this law so far might have given
you a rough idea, but I want you to learn it the right way.
They say learning swimming is quite simple, but it gets
tricky to unlearn once you learn the wrong way with the
wrong technique. This is the same as that.

When you are modest enough to admit and accept

that you know nothing, which is when you’re ready to be
a student. Sometimes arrogance is the hindrance to being
wise. The wise ones will tell you that they know nothing
and are always hungry to learn new things.

Let’s start with laying the foundation in our minds

about the law of attraction and how it even works. Many
legends and famous books hold the belief that our life is
already pre-written, decided beforehand, and so they call it
r e c r e at e y o u r l i f e

‘destiny’. This doesn’t coincide with the law of attraction.

It is entirely false and untrue. We are the makers of our own
lives. We make our lives with our attention and intention.
We have the pen to our fate, and we decide the job we do,
the house we live in, the kind of friends we have, our life
partner, everything. Knowingly or unknowingly, you have
attracted all of these things, people and situations into your

This is entirely true, as you will soon understand that the

law of attraction aligns with this. Let’s sketch out a simple
definition of what the law is to later, then map out deeper
topics and areas we will look into. The law of attraction
states that

Your thoughts create your reality.

This is why it is true that you are the maker of your own
life. Only you can think your thoughts; no one can think of
them for you, sure, some people can influence them, but
at the end of the day, you finally think about them. Your
thoughts eventually materialise in your life and become
a new reality that you are now living. Thoughts carry
energy. Have you ever wondered when people pass away,
everyone collectively sends them “Thoughts and prayers”?
This is because we send them condolences in the form of
good energy to shield them from anything terrible further
happening and help them heal through these challenging
times. However minute, our thoughts carry a lot of power in
them, which is why they make our lives.

Now that you know that thoughts carry inherent energy

in themselves, I can let you in on another secret, whatever
things you spend your energy on or even pay attention to,
you will attract them into your life. Therefore, when you
think of certain things, you give them the energy to exist. It
p r at y u s h pat i l

only makes sense if you keep thinking about all the hardships
in your life; you only get more of it to contemplate. Here the
proverb, it pours when it rains explains this beautifully. You
must understand how much energy your thoughts hold and
what they can do for you.

I’ll have to bring back Newton’s reference (I guess we

all know who my favourite scientist is). The law of attraction
is just like the law of gravity. It applies to everything all the
time. It’s not like if someone was walking on the street,
someday they will suddenly fly away above the ground
for no reason. That is uncommon and very strange and
most likely will not happen as long as we stay on Earth.
The law of attraction is the same, applies to everyone, and
is constantly working. In this case, the law of attraction
listens all the time; your fear of who can hear your thoughts
is entirely correct. The law hears your every thought and
realigns things for you in that exact way.

It’s not like if you don’t believe in the law of attraction,

it doesn’t apply to you; it applies to everyone and everything,
as I said. As I place so much emphasis on thoughts, you
also need to know actions matter, they matter a lot, but your
thoughts are far more critical. What you attempt to do with
your actions and thoughts can do much faster with little
effort. With thoughts, only you can think of them; you will
soon realise that you have the responsibility to create your
own life. It sometimes scares people, the thought that your
thoughts are the ones that create your life.

Once you realise and accept this fact, you will not have
any other power or people to blame for the things happening
to you. You will understand that it is you who it is due to. It
is your responsibility and all because of you. All the good
and bad that has come from your life is a credit to you. The
law of attraction is empowering in so many ways; it gives
r e c r e at e y o u r l i f e

you back control of your life and gives you the responsibility
to lead your life. It is scary to lose all of the safety nets of
others helping you, but this is the stark reality, and you will
have to face it. If you have brought bad into your life and
landed yourself in a bad situation, you will be the same one
who can bring yourself out of it.

Before we go ahead, let’s learn what a declaration is

because it is the first and foremost technique in using the law
of attraction. In simple terms, a declaration is an intention we
want to achieve in the future. When you declare something,
you tell the universe what you want. But, this isn’t as simple
as pretend play, which you say it and it appears, so you
will have to wait for your letter to Hogwarts. When you’re
declaring something, it sets motions in the universe, and
the law of attraction hears you, but you must understand
it looks like a long-time investment; only if you show you
want it will it make things happen for you.

You make a declaration quite simple: you place your

hand on your heart and then say out loud whatever the
declaration is. By doing this, you focus on the one thing
you want and concentrate on getting it. Placing your hand
on the heart connects your declaration on a more cellular
level. You can make a declaration about anything you want.
The reason why declarations work is quite simple: when
you declare something that is still in the future, it is easier
for the brain to imagine since it is in the future. So from
now on, keep an eye out. I will be peppering in declarations
here and there. Make sure to follow it and repeat it thrice
diligently. We have arrived at our first declaration.

Say it out loud:

I know about the law of attraction and take 100%

responsibility for my life.”
p r at y u s h pat i l

Repeat this declaration thrice, and soon you will see

changes happening. When you take the wheel of your life in
your hands, magical things can happen. I know it might be
scary at the start, but you will soon enjoy this responsibility
because, in a way, it is you who has control. You can make
anything you want in life. All you have to do is be careful
and responsible, which comes with time. Experimenting
and practising the law of attraction will make you perfect
how to use it, and soon you will start creating the life you
have always wanted.

Now, all of this might be too much for you. Let me

scratch that itch for some who need a logical explanation
to understand and digest things better. However, you need
also to understand that just because you don’t understand
something about the law of attraction doesn’t mean it won’t
work for you. Going back to my law of Gravity example, it
will work and apply to you, even when you’re in your 3rd
standard, although you learn about it in high school.

We, humans, have come a long way and have made

crazy inventions and advanced our field of technology.
We know almost everything in the world. If you search for
something on google, there is already so much information
about it online that has been found and discovered by many
humans like you. However, there is so much that is still
mysterious to us. Do we know if there is anything in outer
space? Do you know all that is in the ocean’s depths, all
creatures and organisms living and breathing there? Do you
know how it is even when you’re breathing right now? Yes,
you might know the concept, but how are molecules being
broken down? Can you imagine that for yourself? Have you
ever seen it with your eyes? No, but all of these processes
are happening without your knowledge.

r e c r e at e y o u r l i f e

Of course, we could go off on a philosophical tangent

where we can say, if I don’t know or experience something is
happening, then it might not be happening at all, like with a
fallen tree thought experiment. Philosophers have a massive
debate about if there is a tree that fell in a forest where there
is no being to witness it, does it make a sound? Isn’t this a
real head-scratcher? It is known that objects make a sound
when they fall. But here, that is what the experiment is
testing. Do we know if it made a sound since no one could
hear it? You can be on either side of this debate, but you
should know that both sides are correct. However, I feel
like if you choose the side where - yes, there will be a sound
even though you haven’t heard it, it would be better because
it says that you believe in the universe being its power and
existing without you and also that you will understand this
topic far better.

Let’s begin by understanding through a simple thought

experiment again. Let’s say we take the most extensive life-
size version of a microscope and attempt to put people under
the microscope. I know this sounds a little creepy, but stay
with me. This microscope has a high magnifying power and
can magnify the smallest atoms. As you keep magnifying
the hypothetical human under the hypothetical microscope,
you will go through layers of skin, blood vessels, and
particles, which are further broken down into atoms and
then into sub-atomic particles, which have protons, neutrons
and electrons. The subatomic particles only occupy a tiny
per cent of the particle, and the rest is just space; the space
is where energy resides. Now imagine the entire world is
made of atoms just like these. So every object there is made
of millions of atoms, and each atom holds some energy, so
now think of all the objects in the world, and then think of
how much energy all of it has. Crazy to think, right?

p r at y u s h pat i l

You might ask me, Pratyush, why don’t they have a

volition if you call them energy? And to that, I say they
do, but not how you think they would. Of course, a book
wouldn’t just fly out of your hand, a table won’t move, and
things won’t go baloney. An inanimate object will remain
like that until someone externally applies a force onto it. But
let’s focus on the energy aspect of it. All of this energy that
every object has its frequency and vibrates. Every object has
its vibrations, believe it or not. Energy constantly vibrates,
and everything has a different vibration. These vibrations
and frequencies at which they vibrate are very high and hard
for us to grasp. This is why everything, when we touch it,
seems only solid to us. We can’t sense those vibrations.

Now before we go on, let’s understand another law of


“Like attracts like.”

This is a specific law to understand; I know that with

couples, they say ‘opposites attract, but that is with a
magnetic field. Let us think about if we were a radio; We
are a radio that keeps both sending and receiving signals.
Every vibration is a signal. Now think that we have an
antenna sticking out of our heads. Each time we send out
a frequency of thought that matches with the frequency of
another object, situation or people, it connects and slowly
will appear in your life.

Now, don’t go ahead feeling for the antenna on your

head; I said imagine IF. This analogy works best for us to
understand how this phenomenon works. Remember, from
before, that our thoughts have energy? So you must know
that this energy also has its vibrations. So now, when we
think of something, we send an energy signal, a vibration,

r e c r e at e y o u r l i f e

out into the universe that matches the frequency of the thing
you want, and then it will appear in your life.

This is again more challenging than pretend play,

where you think of something, and it just magically appears.
There is always a time delay, where things will take time
to materialise. Time delay is suitable in many ways; I’ll
explain how. Did you know that the human brain has a
minimum of 60,000 thoughts daily? In all those thoughts,
how many can you keep track of and be assured that they
are positive and will bring good into your life? We humans,
sometimes as creatures, complain a lot; we whine about
people, crib when things are not going our way, and lament
about all the bad things in our life. In this process, we might
also say something very wrong or something that we don’t
want and might have just said or thought in the heat of the
moment. It happens; we are only human (double entendre
intended). You might disagree and say - NO, Pratyush! I’m
very positive; I can never wish anyone ill or think of bad
things for myself. Can you look me in the eye and tell me,
on days you have been super lazy to go to school as a kid,
you didn’t wish that the school just got swept away in a
massive flood? Typical, this is a safe space, hare, you can
be honest with me. I know you have because we all have at
one point in our lives.

Just imagine the consequences if there was no such

thing as a time delay; anything you thought of any time
would have just happened on its own, without actually
wanting it yourself. This is why the law of attraction has a
time delay. Your thoughts won’t immediately materialise,
but they will surely start a ripple effect, which, if you keep
wanting, eventually will happen. This is why you will
observe that any friend of yours that has a negative mindset
and keeps ruminating about all the bad things in his life only

p r at y u s h pat i l

keeps attracting bad. This is because he is almost constantly

thinking about it; the law of attraction gives him enough
time to change, but he just wouldn’t, and the cycle repeats
itself. I bet things will start looking up for him when he
changes his mindset.

The law of attraction works 100% of the time, you

must put it into practice to make the law work for you,
and it will do that itself. When you think of a thought, it
generates momentum in that vibration frequency. The law
of attraction works when with the generation of momentum
in your thought, you will only then attract. You will have
to generate massive amounts of momentum to make things
happen for you, which is why it also takes some time since
there is so much work to be done. So believe me when I tell
you the delay is reasonable and works for you.

It’s time for our second declaration; place your hand on

your heart and repeat the following line thrice:

“My thoughts have a vibration, and I hold control over

the vibration.”

Your thoughts can change circumstances and bring

things to you; every living thing has a thought; even animals,
birds, and all sorts of creatures that can think have the power
to alter things to their liking; they might do this knowingly
or unknowingly. Let’s look at a very famous experiment
done by Rene Peoc’h1. He experimented with 15 baby
chicks and a robot to test the hypothesis that thoughts and
beliefs have power. You can find a video and many articles
online and search for them.

I’ll save you the hassle and tell you what happens; these
baby chicks are very young and away from their mother;
they yearn for their mother. Rene put the baby chick in a
r e c r e at e y o u r l i f e

room with a robot that moved randomly to different places

in the room. The baby chick took a liking to the robot and
firmly believed it was its mother. It kept moving around the
robot, thinking it was its mother. The robot kept moving
around haphazardly, and so did the chick behind it. Then
Rene made a partition and put the baby chick in a glass cage
only from which it could see the robot. Soon to his surprise,
the robot, designed to make random movements all across
the room, only moved next to the baby chick in the glass

Do you see what happened here? The baby chick’s

thoughts and belief that this robot is its mother were so
strong that even the robot, by the law of attraction, also
caved in and was around the baby chick as though it were its
mother. If a baby chick with the level of cognitive abilities
it has can alter a robot specially designed to do something
else just by thought and belief, then think, what mountains
can you move?

This is just one of many such experiments that have

been conducted. Many experiments are out there to give
you ample proof that the law of attraction exists and have
proven it many times. I encourage you to do research of
your own to confirm any of your doubts that you still might
have regarding the law of attraction. From here on, you will
have to have complete faith in the law of attraction, or you
might not get the results and leave it out of frustration as
many do. There is no hurry to finish this book; try to read it,
understand it and then proceed with the ways I tell you to.
So far, this has been the foundation for you to understand
and believe that the law of attraction exists and works in
mysterious ways. So please gather enough information and
proof for you to believe it.

p r at y u s h pat i l

5 Mistakes to Avoid:

Hoping that you now believe in the law of attraction and

know that it works. It is time to start practising it slowly. I
will teach you techniques as to how to manifest and shift
your reality into something better and more significant. The
way to do this is by first learning what NOT to do. People
who have been using the law of attraction for years fall prey
to these mistakes once in a while; some beginners commit
these blunders and then lose faith in the law. To see that
this doesn’t happen in your case, I want you to learn what
mistakes to avoid when dealing with the law of attraction.
Learning what not to do will help you learn what to do much

Not being clear and specific:

Many aren’t specific about what they want. They either

have a vague idea of what they want. Be it a person/place/
thing; you must try to get as specific as you want. As specific
as you get, the law of attraction works much more for you.

Another thing about the law of attraction is that it

doesn’t hear or understand the word ‘No’ or ‘don’t want.
When we think about our future, we tend to be scared and
think of what we don’t want.

I hope it shouldn’t rain today.

I hope the term paper is easy.

I hope to get the bonus on my job this time.

These sentences make sense, but the law of attraction

only looks at what you’re focusing on. So when you say you

r e c r e at e y o u r l i f e

don’t want something, in retrospect, you are spending your

attention and focus on that particular thing. Never think in
terms of negative, and do not conversate with the universe;
instead, declare what you do want for it to happen.

It will be a sunny day today.

The term paper is going to be very easy.

I will receive the bonus at my workplace this month.

The way these sentences have changed will cause a

much better shift in the universe, and the law will not work
correctly for you. The game is all about what you focus
on the most. The more you focus on a situation, person or
object, the more you eventually match its frequency and
will it into your life. This is why you should be careful with
how you phrase your declarations. You need to only think
of what you want and phrase it with specificity and cleverly.

This is also why you will need to change your mindset

because, if you have a negative mindset and attitude, you will
keep worrying about all things that can go wrong and wish
for them not to happen. A person with a positive mindset
will try to think of the best-case scenario and hope for that
to happen. It would help if you changed that thinking to
make the law of attraction work for you.

Make sure to remove all negative words from your

dictionary when crafting your declarations. They will have a
significant impact on what you’re manifesting. Once again,
here as well, I feel like our elders were right when they said
we shouldn’t say negative things. It is for our good to be on
the universe’s good side and not challenge it for bad things
to happen. Think good, and you shall receive good.

p r at y u s h pat i l

Being too desperate:

No, I’m not talking about stalking your love interest,

desperate. Still, I am talking about the desperation people
feel when they use the law of attraction, wanting it to work
immediately. Remember this, desperation is the enemy
of manifestation. The feeling of desperation is one of the
worst things to feel. Better yet, to even see someone being
desperate is just as sad. Being desperate shows and solidifies
the feeling of emptiness. It ushers that feeling of lack of
something we feel in our lives. This space and lack of not
having what you asked for calls out to the universe for more
of that lack and disappointment.

As mentioned before, a time delay exists; the universe

wants to see if you want what you’re looking for and then
slowly sends it to you. In the meantime, until it reaches you,
you are only supposed to feel the happiness of receiving
it and be ready to receive it. When you show the universe
that you are fulfilled and happy, you attract that energy and
bring more into your life. When you live with the belief of
abundance, abundance will find you. Desperation will only
lead you to not live a content life, in the wait of things that
are not yet promised to you.

Being desperate also insults the universe in many ways.

It shows your impatience and disbelief that it will reach you
when it has to. You have to hold tight to your beliefs and
continue practising for things to fall into the right place and
for the situation, person or place to reach you. This leads me
to my next point.

Not following the practices religiously:

Using the law of attraction is just like using your

muscles. You use it or lose it. It is a habit of practice you
r e c r e at e y o u r l i f e

need to see results. You must repeatedly use the practices

and techniques for the law of attraction to work. They will
stop doing their results if you don’t follow them consistently.
When trying to use the law of attraction, you are constantly
rewiring your brain and setting a new mindset.

It would help if you stepped into a mindset of abundance

and positivity for changes to happen, which won’t happen
overnight. It would help if you tried religiously to bring
about a change, and only then will you soon start to see
results. This will take time, a lot of time. It is a challenging
task to change how you think about things. This will be
harder than you think, and why won’t it be? You have lived
all these years until this moment thinking and believing
certain things and doing things in specific ways; you will
face difficulties when you have to unlearn all of that to build
a new mindset that attunes to this law.

Whatever practices and tools you receive in this book,

make sure to use them daily for at least 30 to 60 days. When
you practise this with care and focus, you will soon see
the results and understand that it didn’t go in vain. As I
mentioned, the law of attraction demands a more extended
investment period. By practising these tools carefully, you
will have to prove that you really want what you’re seeking,
and only then will the law of attraction reward you.

The key here is consistency and flow. If you start

manifesting today, you need to continue doing it for the
next 30 days, at least every day. There shouldn’t be a day
where you go by without manifesting it for yourself. Why
don’t you try starting today? I can guarantee that in the next
thirty days, you will see changes, inching you closer to your
goal only IF you continue to do it every day with dedication
and commitment.

p r at y u s h pat i l

Not feeling good about yourself:

If you keep trying to manifest a better life while you are

sulking and sad about your current place in life, it will not
help you. It would help if you were happy and in high spirits
for the law of attraction to lend you help. The law doesn’t
help those who are in need and sad. The law obeys those
who know how to use it and remain content. When you are
happy in the place you are now, the universe sees that it puts
you more in such a position.

Even if you’re not truly happy, you must make yourself

happy and content about where you are. It is difficult to do
that, but it is also not impossible. You will have to get it
out of yourself and try and make the best of the situation. If
you’re happy, you will only get into a happier place. This
doesn’t depend on your situation but on your mindset and
what you make of it.

So, remember always to have a smile on your face when

making your declarations and start a flow of good emotions
and feelings in your body to get good things flowing into
your life. This will help fasten the process of getting what
you want.

Overthinking about the what, when and where:

When you believe the law of attraction, you must also

trust it to do its work. If you keep worrying about when your
manifestation will come true, how it will happen and where
exactly, let me tell you, it’s not going to happen anytime
soon. Apologies for being a party pooper, but you must stop
worrying and overthinking. It is not your job to think of all
the when, why and how. It is the universe’s job to do so,
and I will do it in due time. Your job is to wait and keep
practising your techniques patiently.
r e c r e at e y o u r l i f e

Do not try to overstep your boundaries and do the

universe’s work. It will only burden you and leave you to
work on it alone. Have faith in the law of attraction and
watch it do its magic.

Now that you know what NOT to do with using the law
of attraction, let’s understand another phenomenon called
‘contrast’. To explain this, let’s start from the basics. We
live in a world of duality. Meaning if there is one thing,
there will always be its opposite. If there’s good, there’s
terrible; if it is hot, there’s cold. If there is bitter, there
is sweet. There are opposites of almost everything. It is
essential to human life that you have a balance of both good
and bad. You won’t be able to appreciate the highs unless
you wallow in the lows of life.

Sometimes many of my clients are frustrated and come

to me with problems saying that they were manifesting
something else, and something else manifested itself. They
did all the right things; they used all the techniques and
tools with precision and were consistent. Where did they go
wrong? They ask me with troubled minds, and all I tell them
is, “It was meant to happen”. We are the writers of our fate,
but some things are not meant for us and will do no good if
we have them in our life.

Contrast is a thing that is by the law of attraction.

Sometimes when we wish for certain things, something else
happens. This is because contrast exists. When constant
good happens in your life, occasional bad will also occur
to balance things out. To understand this on a deeper level,
we will have to decode the subconscious and the conscious
brain (which we will cover in the next chapter). The law
of attraction only attracts things you focus on and spend
your energy thinking about. When you attract something in

p r at y u s h pat i l

your life that you didn’t want, a part of you, somewhere

deep inside, could be in your subconscious that might have
landed you attracting it.

However, you need to understand that contrast is your

friend and is there to help you. Whenever contrast occurs in
your journey of using the law of attraction, remember that it
is time to realign. When contrast occurs, it is the universe’s
way of telling you maybe you don’t want this. So each time
this happens, don’t lose hope in the law of attraction; in fact,
try and see what it is trying to show you. Realign and attune
a different way but don’t lose hope.

Try to imbibe this into your brain, place your hand on

your heart and say this declaration out loud with belief and

“Contrast is my friend; it is here to tell me that I need

to shift my focus.”


Let’s uncover what ‘focus’ actually even is. It is

essential to understand what focus is since your focus is
everything. The law of attraction responds directly to your
focus. We, humans, are designed to focus. We love focusing
on things all the time. We can not be thinking of something.
Our brain is constantly focusing on something or the other.

The tricky part is as much as we can focus on a thing,

we can as quickly shift our focus to different things. Our
attention span varies, but if we wish, our focus can be shifted
from one thing to another in less than a second. The other
day, I was having a friendly conversation with my wife, and
we were talking about a particular topic, and she suddenly

r e c r e at e y o u r l i f e

went ahead and said something completely different. I didn’t

quite understand. When I asked her to explain herself, she
showed me her thought process of thinking one thing that
led to another and then to another. You see, this is how
easily one can shift someone’s focus. So our problem here
isn’t focused but how we lose control over it.

One thing is for sure. You must continue your focus.

You can only divert or simplify it. Focus always flows.
Think of it this way, the focus is a currency, and you have to
invest it to get your desired reality. Think about how careful
you are with your money and how much you think before
you spend it lavishly, you should be the same way with your
focus. It would help if you sharpened your focus to manifest
things in your life. We focus on five ways - what we think,
see, hear, talk and do. All of these five things are through
which we focus on things. We can focus on negative things,
positive things or even waste things.

Let me explain this further, positive things are the things

that you want to bring into your life and want to teach, and
negative things are all the negativity that seeps into your
life. Wasteful things are neutral. They don’t do anything,
but you do put your focus on them, so in a way, you are
wasting away your focus. Things like playing a game could
come under that category.

Although we can divide, segregate, and focus on

certain things, we need to conserve energy. We shouldn’t
be wasteful of it. We should always respect our own time
and energy. So whatever you spend your focus on, be wise.

While you practise strengthening your focus, let’s talk

about the unity of the heart and mind. The combination of
these is so potent. Manifestation occurs only when there
is a union of these two things. When your mind sends the
p r at y u s h pat i l

frequencies of what you want, and your heart yearns for it

wholeheartedly at the same time is when changes happen.
Imagine yourself as a radio that can send and receive signals.
Radio also has a dial that can control which station it can
match with. It needs to be changed to that station, and you
will soon start listening to the songs on that frequency. We
are the same way, only that we hold the dial to the radio
stations, so you can choose which frequency you want to
listen to and match with.

Now that you have adequate information, we can begin

with the book’s first exercise. You will find a place to fill
in your answers on the following few pages. Just make sure
you go through the questions and think hard before you
write down the answers.

Think of your day and where you have focused in the

last 30 days. This is challenging to see if you can pinpoint
your focus and where you’re spending your focus on
negative or positive things. Soon then, you can weed out
the negatives and leave the positives in, and you will see
that you will have more time to do that since you don’t give
time to harmful or wasteful things anymore. You can still
have space for some neutral activities that make you feel
good but keep it short.

Here is the exercise. Follow it with 100% focus:

Positive Focus
Negative Focus
Waste Focus

Go through your day and think about the last thirty days
and write down all the things you do in a day and categorise
them in the above table.

r e c r e at e y o u r l i f e

Answer these questions with thought and care:

Once you’re done with the table, these questions will

seem more accessible to approach. Only with introspection
will insights arrive.

1. Where do you need to STOP focusing?

2. Where do you need to CONTINUE focusing?

3. What do you need to add to your focus?

That’s great! You are spending time thinking about

what you need to focus on. Now let›s set a routine you
will benefit from every morning before we head to the next

Here is your declaration for every morning right after

you wake up:


And just like that, you shall soon receive it.


Chapter 3
Know your Mind, Conquer it

If you have reached this far ahead in the book, you should
pat it on the back to yourself. Many people either don’t
follow through or give excuses that life happened and they
got busy. If you want something, you need to work for it, and
I’m glad you are one of them, and you are doing it. A specific
boundary separates successful people from unsuccessful
ones, and you have chosen your side.

As we embark on this journey of the law of attraction,

I need to tell you the harsh truth- your life will remain the
same. Shocked? Feeling betrayed? It would be best if you
kept reading. Think of your life as a car and the law of
attraction as the fuel, but now if you do not know how to
drive the car, will it help the situation? No, right? In the
same way, the law of attraction will not work for you unless
and until you know how to use it. Let’s learn how to drive
this thing; we must first understand our minds.

Mind and brain are two different things; we could go

off on a philosophical tangent, but let’s save that for later.
These are my ideas, and I have broken them down in the
simplest way possible for ease of explanation.
r e c r e at e y o u r l i f e

We think of thoughts through our mind; you already

know that thoughts carry energy, and you need to control
your thoughts to get the law of attraction to work for you.
But, it is not as simple as that because some people think it
is just taking control of one’s thoughts. Do you know that
the most enlightened person can also not have complete
and 100% control over their thoughts at any time? You
cannot have control over all of your thoughts all the time.
It is merely impossible. It is only 10% of the time that we
control our thoughts, and the remaining 90% of the time,
our thoughts control our minds.

Your mind is your sweet prison built for you; you either
get stuck in it or tear it down and try to renovate the place.
We need to become friends with our minds and work by
them. When you do that, you achieve things when you’re in
auto-pilot mode,

The mind is the most powerful tool in the world. In the

briefest terms mind as a whole constitutes three parts.

- Conscious mind
- Subconscious mind
- Superconscious mind

To understand these complex concepts, I will take the

example of a phone. Imagine the conscious mind is like the
Mobile Ram, the subconscious as the internal memory, and
the superconscious as the internet. Let us first understand
what the conscious mind is

Conscious mind:

As I mentioned before, the conscious mind is like the

mobile RAM. These days, phones have RAMs ranging from
p r at y u s h pat i l

about 8 to even 12 GB; that’s not how humans work. We all

only have the same capacity for Random Access Memory.
You know how your phone has many apps; if you check
your phone right now, you will see that many apps open
simultaneously. However, you can only pay attention to
what is happening at once at a single point.

Your conscious mind is your thinking mind and only

10% of your whole mind. Its only function is to look at
the task and do it efficiently. Your conscious mind is doing
its job right now. You reading this book is only possible
because of your conscious mind, the way it works and
allows you to finish a task. Therefore treat it with care.

Subconscious mind:

The subconscious mind is the blueprint for your life. If

and when you understand your subconscious mind, you will
only understand why life is the way it is. Everything you are
right now and have in life is due to your subconscious mind,
which always runs and has internal storage.

It is where all your memories as a child are formed and

stored. These memories later bundle up as experiences from
where you form your worldview. When you try and meditate
for 10 minutes, some thoughts come and go from nowhere.
This is all from your subconscious mind. When we have our
worldview formed, we only see our world through that lens
and nothing else.

For example, an elephant in a circus was tethered with a

string and pole so that it didn’t run around and cause havoc.
What was astonishing was the elephant was ten times the
size of the rope and the pole they used to keep it captive. It
didn’t even try to wiggle out of its holding and just stood

r e c r e at e y o u r l i f e

there, tied to its fate. This was because, in its subconscious

mind, it was still the same small elephant that was once
brought here and forcefully tied to the same rope and tiny
stick. It tried to break away from it, but since it was only
a calf back then with barely any strength. This memory
forged a belief that it can’t break away from the rope, which
is why it doesn’t even attempt to do that later in its adult life
since it has its own limiting belief.

This is where some memories turn into beliefs and get

set in stone. Of Course, some beliefs help us and do us a lot
of good, but most times, many beliefs are passed on from
our parents or ancestors that only limit us from reaching
our full potential, and these are what are called “limiting
beliefs”. We all have our own beliefs that limit us. Let’s all
think of some of our limiting beliefs, just like the elephant.
I’ll go first. Once when I was a kid, I went into a river, not
knowing what I was doing. The next thing I knew, I was
gasping for air and drowning when luckily, a washerman
nearby saw me and took control of the situation and rescued
me. Since then, I have never been able to confidently go
near a water body. I am a fully grown adult now, but I still
can’t conquer that fear of mine. I still fear I might drown,
which is why I never learnt how to swim.

We all have different limiting beliefs about money and

many things in life. Seeing what was around us, we accept
that as our boundary and aim only until there. Successful
people push through these limiting beliefs and create
something unique. There are so many limiting beliefs we all
have. If you are unable to think of any at the moment, I can
give you a few so many of my students struggle with:

Limiting beliefs about Money and Abundance

1. Save a penny, earn a penny.

p r at y u s h pat i l

2. I never win free things.

3. I will never get my big break.
4. There always needs to be more.
5. Everyone else gets all the good stuff

Limiting beliefs about relationships

1. I will never find love.
2. I am not worthy of being loved.
3. I always get hurt (or dumped or betrayed).

Limiting beliefs about work

1. I don’t deserve to make money doing what I love.
2. It’s impossible to make money doing what you love.
3. It’s impossible to make money in the arts.
4. I could be more talented.

Limiting beliefs about self-worth

1. I am a failure.
2. I can’t make things happen.
3. I don’t deserve a better life.

Limiting beliefs about good health

1. My body heals slowly.
2. Getting sick is unavoidable.
3. I don’t deserve to be healthy.
Now I know what you must be thinking, Pratyush; why
are you reminding me of all these things? I don’t want to
remember them. But, I need you to be able to recognise

r e c r e at e y o u r l i f e

these and many more of your own limiting beliefs just like
these. Once you identify them, only then can you leave
them behind. Like these, in every sphere of our life, we have
many limiting beliefs that stop us from becoming what we
want. We will soon learn how to get rid of these beliefs, but
first, understand why and where we even get these beliefs.

Have you ever heard of the pygmalion effect? In this

effect, people tend to show higher performances when
praised or appreciated, and the reverse happens when they
are reprimanded and unmotivated. This happens to us all of
the time. Our parents have certain beliefs passed on to us
because they have them in their subconscious minds, and
we also assume the same beliefs. A teacher tells a student
they are terrible at a subject, and the student believes this,
and they get worse at it. This affects everyone, and this is
why we need to break it.

We learn our beliefs in our subconscious mind

through experiences, verbal programming and modelling.
Experiences, as I said earlier, are formed in our childhood,
and we want to stick to them. Verbal programming is
something that we can hear. For example, if you hear
your family’s earnings are 25000 per month, you would
imagine that your salary when you grow older will also
be somewhere around that ballpark. We learn modelling
through repetitive behaviours and actions; for example, I
subconsciously learnt to say “Hayy Ramm” as I sit down
each time. I recently learned this from my father, as I used
to see him doing it.

Think of your mind as an office. Each time any situation

or incident occurs, it sifts through and filters all the files
about that topic. For example, you got cheated on in your
last relationship, so you develop limiting beliefs of fear of

p r at y u s h pat i l

abandonment and become doubtful. You carry this onto

your next relationship because your office is a mind that
will open the last relationship and past experiences file,
and you will start the same pattern of doubt again. The law
of attraction sees this and responds directly, and you get
cheated on all over again. Do you see how vicious this cycle

I know you see how dangerous it can be, and that is

precisely why we need to clear out our limiting beliefs and
put new ones in place that will work for us and bring us
closer to our goal. As long as you have a limiting belief
about something, you will have that mental block, and
eventually, you won’t be able to attract through the law of
attraction. Whenever there is a war between our conscious
and subconscious minds, our subconscious mind will
always win. Whenever we are faced with a situation close
to our past, our rational feelings will lose in front of our
deep-rooted emotions.

Now that you know where and how these limiting

beliefs occur, let’s eliminate them. To eliminate them, you
need first to identify them and only then can you clear out
these blocks.

Here is a valuable tool to help eliminate these beliefs

and win in life. Follow these five simple steps and let go of
your limiting beliefs.

Limiting beliefs keep you from seeing all of the

possibilities for yourself in the world. This worksheet
clarifies any limiting beliefs you may have that keep you
from your happiest, most fulfilling life.

Step 1: Pick a topic you want to clear limiting beliefs

r e c r e at e y o u r l i f e

Choose a category, and I suggest only focusing on 2-3

limiting beliefs at once; burdening yourself won’t do any

Step 2: Write down a list of limiting beliefs you have about

this topic.

As I did previously, write down all your limiting beliefs

about his topic.

Step 3: Thank these beliefs for how they have protected


You need to understand these limiting beliefs are only

sometimes your enemies. There are just in place to ensure
that things don’t cause you any more pain. So it is your turn
to thank these limiting beliefs for their actions to protect

For example, you could write:

I thank these beliefs for protecting me when I was


Step 4: Forgive yourself and others for all the different

beliefs that are instilled in you

For example, you could write:

I forgive myself for thinking I was unworthy, and I

forgive everyone who created this limiting belief in me.

Step 5: Permit yourself to honour your limiting belief.

Whether it was someone else that put these beliefs in
you, or it was you, you have let it stay, and now you have to
give it persimmon to leave and let go of it.
p r at y u s h pat i l

Honour it for what it was and help yourself make a new

belief in its place

For example, you could write:

I permit myself to let go of the belief that money is

hard to earn and see new possibilities. And I allow myself
to install new beliefs, money is the root of all good, or I am
a magnet of money.

Try it yourself, and once you’re done doing this

exercise, let’s calm ourselves down with meditation.


Before we slip away into a sense of serenity and peace,

let’s talk about forgiveness. Yes, I know this isn’t a moral
science class, but you knew it the moment you picked up
this book. You are going to finish it as a changed person.
With it comes a lot of change, healing and letting go of
things. Forgiveness is something we all need to teach in our

We get hurt through many experiences in life, and that

is where we create a limiting belief. For example, think of
your life as driving a car instead of focusing on the road
ahead. If you keep looking back and thinking of all the
bad experiences, you will crash someday. Of Course, you
should look back sometimes and think of what you learned,
but if you constantly think of looking back, you can’t focus
on what the future holds.

The great Gautama Buddha believed that when you

don’t forgive someone and keep holding a grudge against
them, it is like ingesting poison, hoping for them to die. It

r e c r e at e y o u r l i f e

doesn’t make any sense to do that. This is why when you

forgive people, you forgive people for yourself. So here,
let’s try and forgive ourselves if we are angry and unhappy
with ourselves and forgive others who hurt us.

Try and do this, find a calm, silent place to sit down

and close your eyes. Inhale and exhale 5-6 times. Then with
your eyes closed, imagine the situation when you got angry
or broke your heart and created a limiting belief. Recreate
that image, let the moment play like a movie in your head,
think of the colours in the image, think of all the feelings you
felt, feel them again, feel the anger, pain, disappointment,
whatever it may be. Think of why you felt the way you did,
then imagine the person you are angry with in front of you,
it could be someone else, or it could be yourself that you’re
angry with.

Imagine them asking for forgiveness, then saying

aloud, “I forgive you, and I forgive myself as well for any
pain I caused you”. Once you do this, imagine them taking
all balls of negative energy in their hands and walking away
into a distance, far away from you, disappearing finally.
Now slowly deconstruct that image, take a few more deep
breaths, and open your eyes.

This will free negativity for yourself and also for them,
and this will bring happiness into both of your lives. Now
that you have done this simple meditation, let’s go onto some
more developed and effective ways of doing meditation and
releasing negative thoughts from your life.

EFT and Ho’oponopono

EFT sounds like some technique to make a quick

buck; it’s not the case. EFT stands for Emotional Freedom

p r at y u s h pat i l

Technique; you use this technique to release all the

negativity inside you. This technique is based on the science
of acupuncture techniques using different tapping points.
As you will later see, these tapping points are vital routes to
tap directly into our bodies.

There are five steps to do the EFT.

Step 1: Identify the issue

Think of a negative belief that you have that scares
you and limits you if you fear it. For example, you might
have a fear of being alone. Well, you’re not alone in this
(pun intended); many face the same fear, and this EFT has
worked for them. It can work for you too!

Step 2: Think about what you’re dealing with and rate the
intensity with which you suffer from this issue. You could
rate it anywhere on the scale of 1 to 10. One is the lowest,
and 10 is the highest that can affect you.

Step 3: State your fear once again but now add the words
“Even though” at the beginning and then proceed to say
something positive.

For example, you could say

“Even though I fear being alone, I completely love and
accept myself.”

Step 4: Here is where the tapping points are used.

We have several tapping points in our bodies. The nine
points are
- The side of your palm (the karate chop point)
- At the centre of your eyebrows
- At the sides of your head, your temples
r e c r e at e y o u r l i f e

- Right under your eyes

- Under your nose
- On your chin
- On your collarbone
- On your side, under your arm
- On the centre of your head, on the top

Start from the first tapping point, and repeat your fear
thrice while saying you are willing to change.

Then continue from the next tapping point, gently just

stating your fear. Then go for round two skipping the karate
chop point but this time around, add something positive at
every point. Something like

“I fear being alone, but I love myself and love spending

time with myself.”

Once you’re done, you’re ready to approach.

Step 5: Rate the intensity of the fear now one more

time on a scale of 1 to 10.

You will see that there has been a definite decrease;

saying these fears out loud makes you hear them, and you
see how these are just your limiting beliefs and how you can
just let go of them. Some people with physical pain have
also found relief after using this technique for 2 days. It is
highly effective, and I suggest you use it.


To explain what this is, let me tell you the story about
the story of the prison that was situated in Hawaii. This jail
helped criminals of crimes of the highest order; any therapist

p r at y u s h pat i l

or counsellor refused to go to this prison to look at the

heinous crimes that some of the criminals had committed.
Finally, one therapist agreed to see them. He went through
all of their files and started the healing process.

Feeling puzzled? Let me explain, according to

Ho’oponopono, the world is all connected. We are all
connected in a unifying way. There are so many more
phenomena that will aid this theory. The butterfly effect,
where every tiny action causes a series of events, finally
leads you to where you are right now. The big bang theory,
from a colossal explosion, created our world through many

The way to do the Ho’oponopono is through four things

1. I am sorry
2. Forgive me
3. Thank you
4. I love you

Using this effect, the therapist assigned to this prison

healed all of these hardened criminals; most got out early on
good behaviour and learnt the good ways of life. He began
practising the technique since he accepted that he was also
a part of them; he spoke to the universe for them and slowly
made them follow the same technique. Soon he changed
things around in that prison. When criminals of the highest
order can change and heal, you can use this technique for
yourself and release your limiting beliefs and negativity.

There is so much negativity trapped in us from our

experiences and past lives; we need to take the time to fully
heal from all of it, to be able to move ahead and live a free
and happy life.

r e c r e at e y o u r l i f e

You must be wondering, we have to practise so many

techniques and tools to prevent ourselves from getting
negative, but have you thought about why we get these
negative thoughts in the first place? Why is it that we think

Why is it so easy to think negative thoughts, and why

do we try to stay positive? This is simply because our
brains weren’t built to stay happy. It is designed to help you
survive and protect you. Therefore, it considers the worst-
case scenario where it plans and decides how to keep you

It is so believed that as the earth began to be - there

were two people, Hug and Bug. A hug was a very happy-
go-lucky person, and she would hug everyone she met on
the way; Bug, on the other hand, is very doubtful; she is
pessimistic and doesn’t open up to everyone too much. One
day they were in a cave, and they heard the roar of a lion from
outside. Hug, by her friendly nature, rushes out to greet the
lion and ends up getting eaten up by the lion. Bug restrained
herself and was unsure if she should run out of the cave, and
she ended up saving her life. And it so seems that we are
all the children of Bug. This is why we are so doubtful and
think negatively about being safe and protected. Of Course,
thankfully, we don’t live in caves anymore, and no loose
lions are waiting for us. Things are not as bad as they seem;
your mind is just making it up to be.

However, remember you are part of both the physical

and mental world. It doesn’t mean you deny it is dangerous
and tell yourself it is not that hazardous. No, I would not
advise you to run and escape in haste.

Let’s turn over a new leaf and talk about our ‘ego
mind’. Our ego mind is formed when we come to life. Your
p r at y u s h pat i l

ego mind is the one that acts as though it knows all too well
and doubts everything it will work. If you don’t understand
how to deal with your ego mind, then the law of attraction
won’t work for you. Think of the ego mind as the watchman
of your conscious mind; it only lets in things which already
match its thinking, and if it doesn’t, it filters out the rest.

Your ego mind is the minor alert in the early morning

hours, right after you wake up and at night when you’re
about to go to bed. That is when your mind is ready to
accept and receive information the most and emit it out into
the world for the law of attraction to work. The ego mind
is what keeps you in your comfort zone. Whenever you try
to step out of it, it pulls you back, giving you feelings and
thoughts of self-doubt and keeping you in your comfortable
bubble. This small voice in your head keeps you from doing
what you want and always internally judging you whenever
you try something new. This happens to everyone, and there
is a way to stop it.

Whenever I hear this voice in my head, I know it’s the

ego mind that’s speaking this, so I will tell myself, “I know
this is just a thought; I will not give power to it”. When you
do this, you fight back against whatever is being pushed
onto you.

Finally, let’s learn one of the last and crucial things

about how our mind works.

Reticular Activating System (RAS)

Our brain is one of the most powerful systems in the

universe; once we give it a command, it dedicates itself to
it and tries its best to accomplish it. Sometimes we even
forget we have given our brain a task/command, and it will

r e c r e at e y o u r l i f e

later do it for us without much thought. For example, if you

keep looking for something and trying hard to find it, you
forget about it after a while and busy yourself with other
tasks. Still, soon when you see the object you were looking
for, you immediately remember that we were searching for
it in the first place.

RAS is essential for focus. We have a hundred and

one things to do in a day, and we cannot simply get tied
down doing one task; RAS enables us to perform other tasks
while still running in the background. It separates what’s
essential from what is not and helps us focus better on the
task. There is a lot of noise and commotion when you’re at
the railway station. However, you only have an ear out for
the announcement of your train number and nothing else;
you zone out everything else as noise.

Another good example is the thing on your face right

now. Your nose is always there in your field of vision, but
you never see it throughout the day, obstructing your sight.
RAS filters it out for efficiency purposes. Therefore it is
vital to use the law of attraction.

When you like someone, and they are your crush, you
will notice that you only see good things about them and
think they are the most fantastic person to exist. This is
because of RAs; since you tell yourself they are great, your
RAS filters out everything else and shows you only that side
of them. Let’s say you get into a fight with them and feel
negative about them; RAS picks up on that and responds by
showing more negative aspects of them.

This is why it is so important to practise things like

gratitude and remain positive because then the RAS picks
up on things like that and shows you more of that, then you

p r at y u s h pat i l

think good, that sends a message to the universe, and the

law of attraction does its magic for you.

Here is a weekly success list; practice using this list at

the end of every week and note down at least 5-6 successful
things that happened this past week. It doesn’t have to be
huge things. They can be tiny wins; they will count just as
well. This activity will take about ten minutes to complete,
but this time is significant; here is where you’re telling RAS
to show you more of this and only then will you see that
next week, you will have many more successful things to
write about.

Weekly Success List:

I’m so grateful for the successes I have had this week.


Super Conscious Mind:

To understand the super-conscious mind, you must do

as I say. Hold your breath and stay still. Try and do this
for as long as you can. Try holding it until you can’t hold
it in anymore. Gave out, right? There is a point where we
cannot go any longer without breathing and doing essential
life processes. Your body will ask you to stop, and you will

r e c r e at e y o u r l i f e

have to listen for your good. There is an intelligence in your

body that is the divine intelligence which controls all of
these involuntary processes that are instilled in you.

You didn’t learn this intelligence from anywhere; you

were born with it. If you were to control all your involuntary
actions on your own all the time, batting an eyelid,
breathing, pumping your heart. You’d give out in 5 minutes.
This intelligence is what keeps us alive and healthy. This
intelligence exists in all of us, creatures, and nature. It is a
miracle that you’re reading this book right now, not having
to think of all your life-depending processes. So once you
finish reading this chapter, take a moment to look around.
Take a walk around nature, observe all the small and big
things, and how everything is going perfectly as it should.
When everything runs in harmony, if an animal can find
its prey, you can also get what you want when the law of
attraction is in motion.


Chapter 4
Choice of Life

If failure is impossible, what kind of life do you want to live?

You need to decide what you want and start doing what you
think is needed. When you are unsure about your wants and
needs, what will strike you with doing nothing or something
unsatisfactory which would confuse you at that particular
point in your life? At times, even if people are ready to lend
you their hand, you will be in no position to receive the help
as you don’t know what it is you are craving.

For instance, a lady goes into a hotel when the waiter

asks her what is that she wants, the lady replies, “Food”,
without deciding what she wants to eat.

The waiter then tells her, “Mam, I can bring something

for you; only you tell me what you want to eat from the

When you become more specific about your needs,

you claim the universe of it, and it will respond to your
demands. Whatever you think and manifest now will be
the foundation of your life from here on out. The way you
think reflects a lot in your doings. When there is nothing
or nobody around you to take motivation from, you should
r e c r e at e y o u r l i f e

know that there is a profound energy within you, and it is

time for a tiny yet indestructible self-motivation.

Imagine how you want your life to be in two years from

now. In your mind, you want to get fit or healthy, become
rich, be in a beautiful relationship that feels refreshing
like a spring morning, be excellent in what you do at work
and more. You don’t have to think how either there is a
need as the universe must fulfil. Thinking about how will
only put limitations on your desires. Suppose you long for
it genuinely with your whole heart and soul while putting
your brain into it. The universe shall offer that you take a
fancy to.

I want it now; why would I think of it 2 years from now?

It takes time to convert dreams and desires into reality.

.As a prevalent saying goes, “ROME WAS NOT

BUILT IN A DAY.” patience is needed most for a long-
term outcome. It takes time for things to get on track.

Remember, for earlier, and desperation is the enemy

of manifesting. Feeling desperate is different from feeling
vibrations for whatever you want. It would help if you
felt solid vibrations for what you want, but there should
not be any desperation. Desperation shows that there is a
deficiency. If you feel desperate, you show and feel a lack
in your life. You will keep attracting that lack, which the
universe will respond to.


There are a few places that need to be kept in mind while

setting up goals. There are six main areas to be focused on
for goal setting. Those are HEALTH, RELATIONSHIP,

p r at y u s h pat i l


CONTRIBUTION to the surrounding.


Describe how you want to feel and look every day.

Think about the eating habits and exercise routine you would
like to inculcate in your daily life and the fitness goals you
would like to achieve. Are there any fitness systems you
would like to explore?

You must seek physical and mental health. Empower

your body and mind as they are directly related.

Fitness goals need not precisely be doing a hundred

pushups or similar; it can be mountain hiking or learning
a tap dance just for that adrenaline rush of accomplishing
them. For example, say I can run a 50km marathon race.


From your point of view, what do you think an ideal

relationship should be? How would you like to communicate?
What are holidays like or just a typical day? If it’s with your
partner, what moral and ethical beliefs do you share or what
type of passionate sex are you having or would like to have?


In this great life of yours, what would your home look

like? Describe your favourite room and how wonderful a
place it would be. Imagine how it would feel to come back
to this place and sleep in the most heavenly bed. What kind
of car would you like to drive if you could have a car? Are
there any hotels or restaurants you would like to visit?

r e c r e at e y o u r l i f e


Now, imagine the perfect workspace. Describe where

you could do your best work. What things do you need to
push you through the rough times at work?


While this journey of spirituality and experiences

varies a fair amount from one individual to another, you
being clear on the experiences you would like to go through
would make it easier to set goals.

To do this, first, you should know where you are now

spiritually. Then describe where I would like to be. Would
you like to go deeper into the spiritual practice you already
have or try something new? Would you like to learn lucid
dreaming or ways to overcome fear, worry or stress? What
is your highest aspiration for your spiritual practice?


What and how would you like to contribute to the

community? Looking at all the unique experiences you
have had that make you who you are, what is the mark you
want to leave on the world that excites and deeply satisfies
you? This could be your friends, neighbourhood, city, state,
country, religious community, or the world community.

It is to build a positive place with no pride and prejudice.

What is it for you?

It would help if you wrote down all these, which must

be written in the present tense like you already have all these
in your life. Although you don’t have these in your life right
now, those things exist as energy somewhere right now.
p r at y u s h pat i l

Make your Own Vision Board:

Now that you know the six areas of life, you can start
planning how you want your life to look. For this, you can
browse through the internet and whatever aligns with your
vision, download those images and store them in a separate

This could be pictures of anything you want, a car, a

house or even romantic relationships you want to manifest.
It has its place in the folder as long as it aligns with your
goal of how you want your life to look.

Once that’s done, make a collage of all the pictures and

write down some of your affirmations if you’d like. Then
take time out of your day and take a printout of it; you could
post it on the wall of your room. Or any place you know you
will see every time you pass by it. Make this the wallpaper
of your laptop or computer; this way, you have your digital
vision board.

Make sure only to choose images of things that you

want in life. Things you don’t want to happen should not be
on your vision board. As you go through the practices and
meditations, you will soon see that all those things on your
vision board will manifest in your life in a year or two. This
is the power of having a plan and building an intention to
have something in your life.


If you want to go ahead, you must first decide where

you intend to go. For instance, you are on the road driving
a car. Now, if you know the destination you want to reach,

r e c r e at e y o u r l i f e

you can make it to that in some or the other way possible.

But if you need to know where to go, you can not even ask
people for directions. Likewise, you must decide on your
target first. So, do not continue reading without finishing
your grand master plan.

Once you decide on your vision for life, you can

continue with this chapter.

In the law of attraction journey, everyone encounters

four traps.

Whoever can overcome and win against these odds are

those who can master the law of attraction.

1. You might feel the same when you use the LOA.
Because your ego is at play, it holds you back in your
comfort zone. Although I have given you multiple ways
and affirmations in this book so far to feel better, sometimes
your ego mind will hinder you. It may make you think if you
can do it if you are enough and determined to accomplish
your affirmations.

The way to fight this trap is to put in more effort and

show significant commitment and extraordinary dedication.
When you do this daily, your mind will start to think
optimistically and give up on egoistic thoughts.

2. In the first very few days, when you feel good, your
mind starts to think of its egoist side and eventually, you
will lose your enthusiasm and stop feeling great. Your mind
makes you think something is wrong when everything you
planned goes smoothly. It is said that most people quit after
5 - 11 days. This happens because they cannot find the ego
mind, which has taken over their will’s power.

p r at y u s h pat i l

To challenge this and for the law of attraction to show

its effect is doing the practice for at least 30 days. If you stop
it early, you might lose everything you longed for when it
is halfway or when it is very close to you. Give the universe
a little to make things work for you, and give that what you

3. Most people manifest little things using the law of

attraction. They think it is out of their ability to manifest
bigger things. The universe provides you with what you
want and attracts you. So, when you attract little things, it
will give you that. These people assume the law of attraction
works better for others and not for them.

This, again, is the result of your ego mind. Do not listen

to it, and remember what I said earlier “I know it is just a
thought; I will not give power to it.” Remember, we are not
the highest version of ourselves we can imagine. We are the
lowest version of ourselves that we can accept.

4. Not simultaneously applying the knowledge you

learn is a mistake. I want to call this the knowledge trap.
People put away practising and using techniques until they
thoroughly learn about the law of attraction. You can only
write an essay by knowing how to make proper sentences
first, the meaning of the new vocabulary and where to use
the sentences. If you do, it makes no sense. In the same way,
learning more is not the fault, but putting it away for later
use is not correct.

It would help if you implemented what you learned.

Practising while you gain more knowledge is the best way
for the law of attraction to function.

r e c r e at e y o u r l i f e

Reprogramming your subconscious mind:

By now, I hope you understand that the subconscious

mind is most important for the law of attraction. We can
only achieve things we want through programming the
subconscious mind. As mentioned earlier, your conscious
mind is only 10% of your mind. Your subconscious mind
proves to be most of what your mind is made of. Therefore
it is essential to program your subconscious mind.

Most of the programming of the subconscious mind

was already done when we were children. As I had
mentioned, from the early ages of 0-7 years old, kids form
the subconscious mind. Kids a speedy at learning. They
learn faster than most adults can. The primary example is
how kids learn a new language much faster than adults.

Now we know that most of our subconscious mind

is already set from the time we were children. However,
it is set to the beliefs of the people we were around then
and what was meant to be excellent and acceptable. This
is where people lack; they believe there is already a limit
said to them, and that is all that they will reach for. You
carry on the beliefs of your parents of all the people you
saw as children. This is why you must reprogram your
subconscious mind to what you currently want.

To be able to do this, we need first to understand how

kids even form their subconscious mind and how they do it
so fast. Five ways that kids set their subconscious mind. We
all are skilled and also use the same ways to be able to set
the mindset that we already have. We need to be able to read
these days and do them at a faster pace.

They chat with your subconscious mind faster through

p r at y u s h pat i l

free neurons, present moment awareness, and usage of

Alpha and theta brain waves, experiences, and verbal
programming. Let’s look into each of these and deeper
detail and understand how we can replicate them as adults.

1. Free Neurones

Neurons and structures in our brain help us think and do

all the functions in our body through tiny electric synapses.
Children have many free neurons running about in their
heads. Therefore, whatever information they take quickly
sticks to these neurons, and they learn them like that. We
have already learned enough, and all our neurons are busy.
Therefore, the way we replicate this is through the practice
of repetition. We will train all the available neurons through
repetition; then, they will soon learn. Science teaches us
that repetitive work takes at least 30 days to become a habit.
This is why I urge you to do all the practice meditations and
tools for at least 30 days to see it affect you. For some habit
of thought or habit to stick, I want you to do this activity
for 90 days. Ninety days is a short period if you see it; most
times, it passes you by, so I want you to do the work and get
what you want.

2. Present Moment Awareness

Children are innocent and pure; they don’t worry about

the future or ruminate about the past. They only know
what is present in the moment in front of them. They are
so immersed in whatever activity they’re doing that they
are so presently aware of the current moment. This helps
keep their thought in the present movement and the law of
attraction response to this current moment’s thought. The
way we, the adult, can replicate this is through mindfulness,
that will keep pulling us back to the present moment.

r e c r e at e y o u r l i f e

Just like kids, we shouldn’t bother about the past and

future. The past and future are just thoughts; they don’t
exist, and you must live in the present. The present moment
allows you to take control. It puts you in the driving seat
of your life and allows you to respond, not react. It is
pretty empowering. Imagine your car breaks down due to
a tire puncture; you are in dismay, reacting to the situation,
whereas, you getting out of the car and trying to fix the tire
is you responding to the situation.

You can make natural choices in the present moment.

The law of attraction responds to the present moment.
When you live with mindfulness, you can experience and
enjoy the present moment with totality. Whatever you
think and spend your time on, those thoughts become your
vibration, and in a sense, you will still be living in the past.
Eventually, the law of attraction will attract the same things
that happened in the past, and you will be stuck in this
vicious cycle forever.

So how does one become aware in the present moment?

It is pretty simple, follow this exercise, and you will become
present at any moment, any time you want:

- First, wake yourself up and tell yourself that you want

to be in this moment, mindfully present here and now. Then
take a series of inhales and exhales. Breathing mindfully
will bring you from wandering thoughts and wasting your
conscious mind.

- Choose any activity and decide to immerse yourself

in it fully. It could be cooking, showering, or even taking
a cycle ride; it could be anything. During that time, allow
yourself to immerse in the experience fully. This means no
background music or anything to distract you from what
you are doing at the moment
p r at y u s h pat i l

- You have five senses with you- the sense of smell,

taste, sight, touch and feel. Again, you will choose any
activity you like and treat all your senses to it. Let all your
sense be heightened and experience this in harmony. It could
be as simple as eating your favourite dessert. Treating all
your senses will help pull you back to the current moment.

- Another exercise that you could do is to observe your

thoughts. This one is for you if you are overwhelmed with
thoughts and constantly overthinking. Just stop to think
forever and think what will your next thought be. Thinking
of the following order of thought throws your mind off
and doesn’t let you think or ruminate anymore. It is a
straightforward exercise, but it is so effective that I use it
almost every time I find myself in a spiral of thoughts.

Do all these exercises or anyone for the next 30 days,

and you will find yourself much more present in the current
moment than you ever were.

3. Brain Waves

There are many brain waves that our brain generates.

Children use two waves, the most unknowingly, the
Theta and Alpha waves. These waves tend to put you in a
trance-like state. When you do not transfer, you are most
susceptible to the law of attraction, this is when our brains
are least alert, and the conscious mind is not at work; the
subconscious takes over. Before diving any deeper, let’s
understand all the brain waves and what they do for us.

Alpha Waves: The Alpha waves range anywhere

between 9 to 13 Hz. These waves are generated when we
are sleepy and don›t have our conscious mind on alert
mode. This is when we are highly suggestible to any idea.
TV companies know this; this is why they play most hours
r e c r e at e y o u r l i f e

during nighttime when we are more sleepy and susceptible

to marketing.

Beta Waves: The beta waves range anywhere between

14 to 30 Hz. This is when your brain is most alert right after
you wake up. You are alert and conscious of everything
around you and use more logical reasoning.

Delta Waves: The Delta waves are below 4 Hz. These

waves are generated when we lose bodily awareness in a
dreamless state. This usually happens when you are asleep
at night.

Theta Waves: The theta waves range anywhere

between 4 to 8 Hz. These ways also put something close
to a trance state. These waves are generated when you›re
sleeping and meditating.

Gamma Waves: The gamma waves are the ways are

30 Hz or more. Our dream generates these waves when we
have a height in perceptions and when our superconscious
mind is at work.

Now that you know about all the brain waves let’s
discuss the problem some of these cause. Most people face
failure with the law of attraction because they keep trying
to manifest when their beta brain waves are the highest.
When generated, the beta brain wave will look for logical
reasoning and show the most resistance to any thought you
put through. Before how many hours of Law of Attraction
practices you try, it will all be ineffective. Each time you try
to suggest it something, your conscious mind will kick in
and kick the idea out.

This is why you’re supposed to use the law of

attraction when your brain generates the alpha and theta

p r at y u s h pat i l

waves. When you talk to these waves, the law of attraction

works efficiently. What can generate these waves through

When you meditate, you transfer from the beta to the

Alpha waves and are least resistant to your manifestation
thoughts. The darkness, when you meditate, is where God
resides. This is the way you drive peace and tranquillity
from. You’ll understand more about this in the last chapter
of the book. For now, remember to meditate mindfully.

4. Experiences

Kids learn most things through experiences. As

children, we didn’t get to choose the experience that they
went through, but we still drive our understanding of the
world through them. Now, as adults, we can choose our
own experiences and do them. Something that we want
and do not yet have, you can still experience this through
the process of visualisation. Visualisation is a powerful
technique and tool for the brain to fire the same neurons it
would fire while having those authentic experiences. This
sends a message to the law of attraction to attract a specific
experience into your life. Some people say they could
improve at visualisation because they have no imagination.
This is utterly not true, and I can prove this right now.

Imagine a blue elephant; now turn the elephant into

pink; now imagine the elephant is doing cartwheels. You
could imagine it doing all of that, could didn’t you? We as
humans are great visualisers; when I say visualise ‘dog.’

You do not visualise the letters D O G. In fact; you

visualise the animal. The way to visualise is only through
practice and consistency.

r e c r e at e y o u r l i f e

There are two kinds of visualisation distant and


Distant Visualisation: This is a visualisation in which

we imagine ourselves doing something we want from a
third-person perspective. We do not feel all the things we
are supposed to feel but imagine a version of us doing what
we want.

Embodied Visualisation: This is a visualisation that

almost feels like virtual reality. You visualise yourself at
the moment doing those things and feel all the feelings you
would have if you were to do it.

What we want is embodied visualisation. This will get

the fastest results in the shortest amount of time.

5. Verbal Programming

Children learn with what they see; they pick up on

things that people tell them and behave in a way that aligns
with them. This is when we make a limiting belief when
people teach us through verbal programming sentences like
‘money doesn’t grow on trees, ‘if you work hard, you will
earn more, and ‘you will never find true love; it has an effect
on us and leave a scar on our subconscious mind. We need
to unlearn what we learned as a child and leave the beliefs
of people that taught us behind. The only way to do this
is through affirmations. Affirmations are positive sentences
that we repeat to ourselves like a Mantra. When we say our
affirmations repeatedly, we set it in our subconscious mind
and unlearn the older beliefs.

As we grow up, we talk to ourselves more than anyone

else. We have our inner dialogue from when we wake up
to when we sleep. Why not say something positive when
p r at y u s h pat i l

talking to ourselves so we can reprogram our subconscious

mind to work for us? I suggest affirmations right when you
wake up when you are sleepy and right when you go to bed
at night.

How do you write affirmations?

It is always a good idea to make personalised

affirmations of your wants. Take a paper and write down
affirmations. When you write these transformations, make
sure to write what you want rather than what you don’t
want, for example:

Do not write: I don’t want to fail this exam

Instead, write: I want to crack this exam

Always write in the present tense, as though it is already

happening and not in the future. Teacher affirmations are
short and speedy, and you want to be able to repeat them
throughout the day. When you craft affirmations, write
something close to reality; that will also satisfy your ego
and give logical reasoning. For example, if you are obese
and want to lose weight, saying ‘I love my body’ won’t take
as much effect as saying ‘I respect my body.

Another effective method to make affirmations highly

efficient is to add emotions and powerful words saying
things like ‘I love’ or adding some sort of emotion like
you’re happy when this happens for the affirmation to click

Make sure to use affirmations suitable when you wake

up and when you’re going to sleep. This is when you are
happiest, and a brain produces alpha and theta waves. It
would help if you did not use affirmations when in a negative
mode. Will not use it to deflect what is happening in your
r e c r e at e y o u r l i f e

life. If you’re in a bad mood, feel all the feelings you have to
feel, accept them, and when they slow it, start going away.
Use your affirmations to bring a positive mood. The many
ways that you can use affirmations instead of just thinking
them in your mind. You can say them out loud, write them
down, or even stand in front of a mirror and repeat it.

Here are some affirmations that could help you start:

- I am healthy, happy and radiant.

- I appreciate and love my body
- I have more than enough money.
- I deserve to make more money.

And so many more just like these for all areas of your


Studies suggest the human mind can think over 60,000

thoughts a day. However, 95% of those thoughts are from
the previous day. It is safe to say that we are living our
yesterday in today. You do so many things throughout the
day without giving them a single thought. You brush your
teeth, shower, and take a dog for your walk, all without
much thought. Are you do this every day? A cycle is set, a
routine for your mind. You keep thinking of old thoughts and
behaviours, which, in turn, is energy; that energy attracted
by the law of attention brings more bad things to your life
to think about again. We are all stuck in this vicious cycle
for years together.

Metacognition is a state in which we are aware of this

and break out of it. When you finally detach yourself and
understand what you are and why you do what you do.
p r at y u s h pat i l

You need to reach the state of metacognition for the law of

attraction to work for you. As you do this, you will leave
behind old behaviours and thoughts and create a new self.
To achieve this, follow this simple exercise down below:

Write down the thoughts you no longer want to

think, emotions you don’t want to feel, actions you
don’t want to take and behaviours you do not want to

Write down as your new self what are the thoughts

that you want to think, emotions you want to feel,
actions you do want to take and behaviours you do want
to demonstrate.

Once you have all the answers to these questions, you

will practice meditating on them. To do so,
- Find a calm and quiet place that is preferably dimly lit
- Close your eyes, and focus on your breathing.
- Quite yourself down and focus on the silence around
- Once you have done that, Focus on all of the things
you have mentioned above, all the behaviours and
thoughts that you no longer want to have, then slowly
replace them with the ones that you do want to have
- Keep this up for 10-15 minutes, and then you can open
your eyes when you have finished meditating on them.

Recipe for the Future:

Not to worry, this book has, in turn from a self-help

book into a cooking manual. This isn’t the recipe for making

r e c r e at e y o u r l i f e

biryani or Pizza; this is the recipe for your future. This

recipe we are now going to create will help you prepare for
the future you want. Like when cooking, we must prepare
many vegetables and other ingredients to make the final
dish. Similarly, we are going to prepare and understand all
our tasks beforehand that we need to reach our final goal.

First, choose 1-3 things you want to create in your

future and write them down on paper. This could be financial
freedom, finding the love of your life, or even a trip to Bali.

The associate this goes to an image or a picture in your

head. It could even be a letter, say the letter D for Dreams.
Now the road to circles around the letter D. Something as

Imagine that the inner circle has magnetic waves

and the outer circle has electric waves. Now you have
Electromagnetic waves.

Right next to it, write all the things you want for your
future in a positive sense but as though it has already
happened. You could say:

- I have financial freedom doing the job I love

- I enjoy taking the trip to Bali

The next step is to search and download images that

align with your recipe for the future. Make a collage of all
of these pictures that depict what you want in your future
and paste and after this diagram. Make sure to add emotion,
as I did above, with the words ‘love’ or ‘enjoy’ when
making your affirmations. Now, whenever you meditate,
Tinku, please diagram all the things that are associated with
it. This will surely help fast-track your journey in using the
law of attraction.

p r at y u s h pat i l

Tuning into New Destiny:

When using the law of attraction, you ask how long

you should meditate on these things you want. The simple
answer is as long as it takes you to get them. Dr Joy Dispenza
is famously known for teaching students about the law of
attraction who have had successful results. In this teaching
process, he has helped people heal their cancer, and many
hurt wounds from their years. One day doctor asked his
daughter what she wanted in life. Being just a 14-year-
old, she said I want to shop for free. As much as this didn’t
make sense to the doctor, he still taught her how to do it and
guided her. She took this very seriously and manifested this
for days together, and after a month, she shopped for 7500$
for free.

Here is a funny story about how this happened; a horror

friend went to a mall one day. Her friend got approached by
the Mall owner, who told her that her father had helped him
a lot in life and that he knew her and wanted to pay back by
letting them shop whatever they wanted in the entire Mall.
Since Joy Dispenza’s daughter was with her, she also got
the chance to shop at this Mall for free and took it. Later the
doctor asked his daughter, “Wow! Do you find it? Do you
feel any guilt for it” She replied, “No, not at all; I already
knew it happened”

She tuned into her destiny and believed that her

shopping for free had already happened. She meditated on
the thought for so long that the law of attraction brought it to
her. After meditation, you are not supposed to leave behind
that thought but carry it throughout the day and think that
this experience of yours has already occurred.

r e c r e at e y o u r l i f e

How to properly meditate to tune into your

- First off, find a calm and peaceful place, bonus points
if it’s dimly lit
- Straighten your spine, close your eyes and then focus
on your breathing pattern
- Place focus on your inhales and exhales
- Become aware of yourself and all the things around you,
the space between the wall and you, all the processes
going on inside of you
- When you do this, slowly in 5-10 minutes of this, your
brain will start generating alpha and theta waves
- Once you’re in this state, once again become conscious
of your breath, this time bringing your attention to your
- Now that you are in the mediation for 15-20 minutes.
Go on and think about your recipe for the future, about
all of the things that you want and begin visualizing
- Visualize yourself doing these things, and focus on how
all your senses feel. Engage in sight, touch, taste, smell,
and sound.
- Once you’re done meditating, open your eyes and
become a changed person living in your new reality!

What to do after Meditation?

To help us stay with our new self and new-lived

experience, once we finish meditation, we need to maintain
the high vibrations that we generate during our meditation
and not judge the things in our life and keep a positive
outlook. Focus on doing your job and have faith, and things
will turn around for you and that they already have. Even
when and if you get negative thoughts, overcome them by
p r at y u s h pat i l

practising a mudra throughout the day to remind yourself

what you meditated upon. In the next chapter, you will learn
more about staying focused throughout the day. There you
will find methods you can use throughout the day; make
sure to practice them every day for 40 days to take effect. In
the darkness of meditation, there is God, and in this, there
is everything. In this darkness, there exists a version of you
that has so many different roles and characters; there is a
version that is a doctor, and there is a version where you are
an Engineer. It would help if you learned how to tap into
those realities and shift your reality into that.

You can understand this easier through a box example.

Imagine you in your life are in a box, and beside you, there
are countless such boxes with different versions of you in
each of them. All you have to do is imagine shifting into the
box adjacent to you and shifting into a new reality where
you have what you want.

When you follow the law of attraction religiously, you

will start seeing signs and clear-cut results where you can
see that you got the thing you wanted. But you also see
Angel numbers around you, like 777 or 111. It is a sign to
know if you are on the right path and that everything in the
universe is in synchrony and is working for you.

On this journey of manifestation and learning to use

the law of attraction, do not try and predict the future. As
previously suggested, surrender to the flow of life and
believe in the unknown. Have faith in the law of attraction
that will work for you and get your end goal. Make your
goals a live reality in your mind. When you do this, you will
crave those things anymore. Because the feeling of want
manifests a feeling of desperation, and you already know
desperation is the enemy of manifestation.
Chapter 5
A Catalyst to your Journey

You have learned a great deal about the law of attraction

so far. This book is filled with knowledge, meditations,
and tools to make your dreams a reality. While you finally
understand and follow them, you also need a push. Everyone
needs a push once in a while, whatever task. This chapter
will provide valuable tools and techniques to fasten your
process of the law of attraction. Remember that these are
only methods and techniques to support you along your
journey. By doing these alone, you won’t be able to achieve
what you want. Make sure to religiously follow through with
all the other tools and beliefs and only do this as an added

Without further ado, let’s unravel all the methods and


Choose Again Method:

Meditation is new for most individuals, and it might

be tough to concentrate and focus for a long time. It’s been
years since I have followed the law of attraction and these
meditations. But, I also face the problem of what after the
p r at y u s h pat i l

meditation? The part when you’re meditating is essential,

and the part after. The peace and answers you find during
meditation, you want to be able to carry out throughout
the day. It would help if you didn’t let negative thoughts
of waste thoughts consume you. It would help if you were
careful where you put your focus. Remember, focus creates
thought, thought has energy, and energy is what the law of
attraction directly responds to.

As I mentioned, our subconscious mind tends to return

to our old self after meditation. It tends to return to the
older thoughts and everything old, nothing new. We do
not want that; when we finish meditating, we need to open
our eyes again as a changed person. The way to do this is
by repeatedly choosing throughout the day. This seems so
simple, yet, it is very effective. Our choice empowers us;
when we make a choice, we choose to give our energy to
that particular thing.

You can use this method several times during the day
whenever you drift away into older thought patterns. You’ll
need to bring yourself to the present and shift your focus.

To do this, all you’ll need to do is,

- Sort of wake yourself up

- Identify if you’re focusing on positive or negative
- If your focus is on negative thoughts, say thank you to
them for what they have done for you since they are
here to remind you that it is time to shift focus.
- Then, end this exercise by replacing the negative
thoughts with better-feeling thoughts for at least 70
seconds. This could be about anything

r e c r e at e y o u r l i f e

You can treat this method like tea; you can take this
whenever you need to catch focus again and just as a quick

Advantage Method:

This method can be done whenever you’re about to

do something. It could be any task. With this method, you
essentially tell yourself that you will have an advantage
here and will be happy with it. It’s straightforward; if you’re
about to go to a bustling grocery store, you think you will
have the advantage of getting a free parking spot right as you
get in, and you do! When you go shopping, you think you
will win a free discount, and you do. There are many little
things you can think for many things and gain an advantage.

You do this method is also pretty simple.

- You wake yourself up,
- Make yourself aware that you’re going to do a task and
then tell yourself any specific advantage you’ll gain
- Then accept it while inhaling and exhaling
That’s about it! The beauty of this exercise is that most
times, it works, but sometimes, when it doesn’t cause any
worries, you don’t lose anything. This method doesn’t mean
you will keep gaining advantages left, right and centre; it
just pushes you to have a positive attitude when approaching
a task. Most times, it works!

Gratitude Time Lapse:

If you use the Choose again method as tea, you use the
time-lapse gratitude method as a dessert. You do it once in
p r at y u s h pat i l

a while when you want to feel energized. Make sure not

to do it out of desperation because desperation embodies
the RAs, will pick up the lack and the feeling of lack, and
then those situations and things will keep getting attracted
to you.

To use this method, you must list 5 things you’re grateful

for that have happened in the past, present and future. You
will end up with 15 things in total. Make sure to write down
the things in the future that you would be grateful for in the
present tense as though it is happening. Now here is where
the method works its magic.

- You once again sort of wake yourself up and straighten

your spine
- You choose one thing from each set and repeat it thrice
- So you would say one thing from the past, the present
and then the future
- The order is crucial because we can feel gratitude pretty
quickly for the things that have already happened to us
in the past and present, and in the same flow, when you
add the future, it is easier to tap into that same feeling
of gratitude.

This will always leave you feeling energized and happy

about where you are. Reminding yourself of all the good
things you’re thankful for once in a while is always a great
thing to do.

Energy from the Cosmos:

There is unlimited energy in the cosmos; this energy

exists all the time and all around you. It is few who tap into
this energy and make use of it. This energy is so immense

r e c r e at e y o u r l i f e

we cannot carry it; we can only borrow it and have a burst

of energy.

You can use this method whenever you are about to

begin a task and need it to go well and need that energy.
- Wherever you are, decide to wake yourself up
- Stand still at a spot, straighten your spine
- Close your eyes and inhale and exhale multiple times.
- Now imagine a ray of light rushing from above, shining
through the top of your head and passing through till
the bottom to infinity
- You’re at the centre of it; all of this light is energy, and
you will receive it all; let the energy seep inside you.
- This builds up into a sphere, a radiating and glowing
sphere around you
- This bubble that you have made now will help you
borrow the energy from the cosmos and helps you
finish your task much better
I used this method right before I sat down to draft this
chapter as well, it helps you calm down, and you’re a lot
more confident because why won’t you be? You have the
cosmos on your side!

101 Goals:

This method will barely take 10-15 minutes to do but

then has a longer run than most methods. Take a piece of
paper and jot down all the 101 goals you want to achieve
before you die. This creates a sense of urgency and helps
you immediately bring focus from what you don’t want to
what you do want. You will see that the paper fills up pretty
quickly; each time you feel bored or not as enthusiastic,
look through the list and see what you can do next.
p r at y u s h pat i l

Two years back, I also set my own 101 goals for my

life, and can you believe that I have manifested 35 of them
already? These goals need not be fancy; some could be just
as simple as experiencing something and going through
it. Most times, those get struck out quickly, as the law of
attraction helps us attract them faster.

Once you make this list, every once in a while, come

back and cross off the ones you have manifested into reality
and the others you can always keep at it. This is an enjoyable
and motivating exercise. Pro tip: when you prepare the list,
you could share it with your loved ones and friends; they
might help you strike some of them off. Once when I did
this, I ended up striking off “going on a bike trip” with a
friend’s friend who had to reach out after seeing my list and
goal to go biking. You never know what other people could
do for you.

Non-stop thank you method:

Saying thank you is a sign of gratitude, which is always

a great thing on the journey to change your life. Try being
grateful for what you already have whenever you want
something. When you do this, your RAS gets activated, and
it clicks that you’re being grateful for things, giving you
more things to be grateful about. The Non-stop thank you
system works on this basis itself.

It is a straightforward method, yet, it is so powerful and

has helped many people fast-track their law of attraction
journey. Just as you did for the last exercise, take a piece of
paper and jot down 50 things you’re thankful for from your
past and present. This could be people, situations or even
things. It could be anything as long as you are thankful for
it from the bottom of your heart.
r e c r e at e y o u r l i f e

Once you’re done with that, read everything before

saying thank you. You could go,

“I am thankful for the car I bought in 2019.”

Make sure to say it out loud and feel gratitude when

you say these thank you.

This helps you uplift your mood, instantly reminding

you how much good there is in the world and how grateful
you can be. This puts things in a happier perspective, and
now you’re ready to face the day. This will also help you
not waste your thoughts and helps you focus on what’s

New You Method:

This method effectively leaves behind old thought

patterns and behaviours that no longer fit your new version.
It could be any emotion, habit or limiting belief you want to
get rid of. This method works, and many high-performing
athletes do this and get great results. When it can work for
them, it can work for you too.

Imagine a picture of a frowny face, an emoji, or

anything. Associate and attach all the emotions and stuff
you want to change about yourself and you want to let go of.

Hold that thought; imagine a picture of something

happy or a happy emoji in the same image and attach all the
habits and emotions you want to associate yourself with to
that image. Now take a couple of inhales and exhales as you
do that; imagine the small tiny happy image enlarges to a
point when it envelopes the whole sad image. Now you can
only see that happy image.

p r at y u s h pat i l

This image is you and who you want to become. The

next step might be silly, but you must do it anywhere to
make the point stick and for your fast-track law of attraction
journey. Hold the happy image in the palm of your hand
and then whack it onto your face with a whoosh. You do
this thrice, preferably alone, when you don’t receive weird
looks for doing this. This technique works, and you will
have to try it for yourself to know more.

Manifest with water:

Our earth is made up of 60-70% water; it holds a lot of

space and thus holds a lot of power as well. Did you know
that water has a memory of its own? There was a study
where many water droplets were separated and told different
things too. The water droplets that received positive and
peaceful words froze into a beautiful snowflake that was
something to admire! The other water droplet, which had to
be put through harsh and cruel words, did not do well when
frozen; it just looked like a mess. This is because the water
that who negatively treated needed to be in synchrony.

By this, we understand that water has its memory, and

it is solid. You can use this to your advantage. While you
use different tools and meditation, you can also use water to
fast-track your journey. The way you use this technique is
quite simple.

Whenever you’re about to drink water, take the glass

of water in your hand. Please close your eyes and feel
gratitude and thankfulness for the future as though it has
already happened, and then open your eyes and drink the
water. What happens now is that water memory connected
with the universe will manifest that thing faster for you.

r e c r e at e y o u r l i f e

Another way you can use water for manifestation is

when you’re submerged or around a lot of water. Send out
positive vibrations through thinking positive thoughts. You
will now not only be a radio but a radio station, as the water
will help eliminate these vibrations even more.

Use these techniques to make the most out of the law

of attraction. The law of attraction is more about being
than doing, but doing these once in a while will keep you
motivated and happy to continue your journey.


Chapter 6

Although you now know all the laws of attraction, you still
need to set its principles in place. To master any subject topic
thoroughly, you must understand its principles. If you set
those principles in stone in your mind, you are much more
inclined never to forget them, and if you go astray from the
right way of using the law of attraction, it will always bring
you back. The reason I have chosen to put this chapter at the
end of the book is that this will also act as a refresher to all
that you have just learned. This will help you better learn the
law of attraction and use that knowledge to the fullest. These
principles might be a little complex for you to understand,
but I suggest you re-read this chapter to grasp the concepts
thoroughly. All of these principles work and act in synchrony
all the time. These principles are implemented to maintain an
equilibrium of events and keep everything naturally perfect.
Trust these principles and let them guide you to your goal.
Let’s begin by understanding the first principle.

The Mirror Principle

This world is a reflection of the things you are. Imagine

this world to be a special kind of mirror which reflects
r e c r e at e y o u r l i f e

everything. It is very vast and reflects everything there

is. However, it doesn’t work like a standard mirror and
reflects things only after a little delay. You stand in front
of this mirror and get confused about why it’s not reflecting
anything. You get confused; then you remember that it has
the time delay feature, and then you become happy again,
having figured it out.

Soon you see now, when you’re happy, the confused

reflection of you from minutes ago starts showing up.
Now you’re angry, but then you’re happy reflection starts
showing up, seeing that you’re now happy again, and then
your angry reflection shows up. This concerns and irks you.

Living your life in this world is the same way. You

need to understand that whatever situations, people, and
things are around you result from the person you were a
couple of months ago. As soon as you start using the law
of attraction, it won’t magically change everything around
you immediately. It will take some time, and then reflect on
your life.

This might disappoint you thinking you will always get

stuck in getting annoyed, just like when you stand in front
of the mirror. But here’s the best part, it is in your hands
whether to get angry or not. You can choose to be positive
and understand that you can reflect and get a better life. A
life that you would wish to live.

This is also one of the main principles in spirituality;

everything around you reflects what you are on the inside.
The outer world is just a reflection of your inner world. So,
if you hate and immensely dislike the world outside, then
maybe it’s time to look within yourself and understand
what’s bothering you. To start looking up, you need to
be serene and calm about things around you. If you’re in
p r at y u s h pat i l

turmoil, it won’t help you in this situation. Things might

look up, but you won’t be in the state of mind to appreciate
it. You do not want this; this is where you will never forget
the mirror principle. Once again, the mirror principle is
where the world outside is the reflection of what’s inside
you, and you have control over it.

Another exciting way to look at this would be to see

that this mirror is the reflection of whatever you do. If you
stand in front of the mirror and say that you want something
and keep nagging about it, the mirror will also act the same
way and want something, and the law of attraction will take
more things away from you. Remember always you need
to be in abundance and send the vibrations of having more
than enough. If you wish to have something in the future,
then think of yourself as already having it. Following the
mirror principle, the world will reflect that you already have
that thing.

There are two ways to look at this, so choose which

you’d like and understand however you want to, as long as
you know that the world is a reflection of what you are and
what you do, and that is what will be done to you.

Principle of Least Resistance:

All the creation around us shows that it is designed to

and will work in a way where it wants to conserve its energy.
Just notice all the nature around you, and you will soon see
that everything works in a perfect rhythm; all the things and
phenomena around you are designed to conserve all their
energy in one way or another. The way it does this is quite
marvellous. Have you ever noticed that why a drop of water
is round, the shape of our earth is also around? Is it because
this spherical shape helps them conserve as much energy as
r e c r e at e y o u r l i f e

possible at any given time? We must also act like nature and
conserve our energies, while there is more to it in the case of
the law of attraction. I want to consider conserving energy.

I’m not talking about it in an environmental sense,

but in the sense of the energy you have and expend. Know
that you have a limited amount of energy that comes freely
to you; the other kinds of motivation and inspiration you
will have to create for yourself. Especially at the peak of
your life, when you hit your 20s, you have a special kind
of energy, a zest for life that you will later lose as it gets
transferred by the universe to others younger than you. Use
this energy while you can. Do all the things, experiment
with all the ways you want to live your life and set a string
of days that you will look at with love and happiness when
you look back on them. When you’re way older, you won’t
have the same kind of spring in your step unless and until
you create it for yourself and all of that depends on how you
are about your energy now.

It would help if you learned to conserve and use your

energy in places that genuinely do your service. Do not
expend energy in places that don’t serve you. Use your
energy wisely, and it will serve you well in return, no matter
what. Nature follows this principle as well. It tries to do
whatever task by conserving its energy. It provides the least
resistance to whatever needs to be done. This principle
shows that you do not need to work hard; you shouldn’t;
you need to think wisely, find the easiest way to do things,
and conserve energy where possible. If you also follow this
principle with due diligence, you will soon see that you will
be much more energetic to spend time with your loved ones
and be much happier. If you expend all your energy, you
are telling the law of attraction that you don’t have faith in
it and would instead do all the work and let it watch by the

p r at y u s h pat i l

sidelines. You do not want that; therefore, always remember

this principle and conserve energy just like nature, how
much ever you can.

Principle of Creation

Throughout the book, when I kept mentioning

meditation, I kept mentioning how all the darkness and
blackness we see when we close our eyes is where God
resides. I have been a devout follower of the law of attraction
for years now, and it has been a spiritual journey more than
anything else. I have understood and come to accept many
things about this universe that we live in, and it has brought
me a sense of peace and happiness.

I love meditating, and every time I meditate, it is a

challenging task, but at the same time, it feels very peaceful
and serene. I tried to understand the reason behind this
sense of calm. As kids, we would get scared of the dark, and
now as adults, we almost crave that sense of calm and peace
it brings. Many of us understand and unknowingly sense
that there is God there. A lot of scriptures also suggest the
same. The Bhagavad-Gita says, “When there was nothing,
there was God”. Therefore, this nothingness, the emptiness
of space, the black, is God. This blackness can go on for
infinity; that is what space is. And God is all-encompassing.
Therefore, God is everywhere; they are in all the places
humanity hasn’t even set foot into.

If we look at it scientifically, the theory of the big bang,

first, there was nothing in space; it was all just dark and
then came the big bang. In reality, there was something or
rather someone that has always been through and through
all the time. This is God. When you want to understand
what God is, you need to stop thinking about everything
r e c r e at e y o u r l i f e

else; otherwise, you will not be able to find God. God exists
where no one exists. This is why the darkness is where they
reside in that blackness.

I have come to understand and accept this theory, for

this will solve a bunch of problems and confusion you
have regarding the creation of the universe, humanity and
everything else. Once you get the basics out of the way,
you can understand everything you need to. Once you
believe and have faith that God is everywhere, as you close
a cupboard and there’s darkness as you fall asleep in the
night and there is darkness, you will be surrounded by the
divine power and happiness all around you. You will have
positive energy flowing through you and automatically feel
energized and happy.

There are two kinds of things in this world. The physical

and metaphysical. The material things in this world are what
we can touch and perceive without the 5 senses, whereas the
metaphysical is what we don’t sense or cannot sense. This
metaphysical is the dark realm, where all energy, all of God,
resides. While we might become materialistic and focus
on the physical world more than the metaphysical realm,
we shouldn’t lose focus that the metaphysical realm is far
greater and more important than the physical realm. As
mentioned earlier, the things in the metaphysical world are
a lot more essential things in the physical world. Given that
the Bhagavad-Gita sides with me, the metaphysical world is
far more critical than the physical world.

I wouldn’t be wasting more time on the physical world

as you already know and love it and have lived all your
life. Today full episode time and understand more about
the metaphysical world. The metaphysical world is where
all thought resides. You can tap into the metaphysical

p r at y u s h pat i l

world through the physical world. All these thoughts,

energies, and focus we’ve been talking about are present
in the metaphysical world. Now you know that there is
no worldly form of thought. However, you do know that
they exist. Everybody has thoughts; you have thoughts, I
have thoughts, and so does everybody. But where do these
thoughts come and go from? As we explode earlier, the
subconscious thoughts we get when we meditate come from
nothingness and drift away into nothingness. This is the
blackness and doctors that I am talking about. We all come
from this nothingness. We are all part of this blackness and
darkness; everything comes from it and goes back to it, and
this is where God resides again. This blackness is the realm
of thought.

The metaphysical world is where all our thoughts and

focus move around loosely in a manner we cannot control.
For example, when we sleep at night, we encounter darkness,
which is nothing but the metaphysical world itself. We
always say, “I saw a dream that…” or “then this happened”
You never really say that you had control over the dream.

That is because none of us has control over our dreams

and in this dark state of thoughts. Imagine this blackness
to have a shelf full of different movie rolls with different
scenes in them. All of these movie roles have the same
version of the view, but in a different character with a
different set of people and a different world of their own,
and all need to do if you like that reality, you need to be
able to tap into it. The way to do that is quite simple. We
can tap into the metaphysical world through the physical
world. You need to imagine yourself being in that room of
darkness, where you cannot see anything and imagine there
is a massive shelf of hundreds of movie rolls of versions
of you. Then each movie shows you how your life would

r e c r e at e y o u r l i f e

look in that particular scenario. Now all you have to do is

choose, yes, choose again. You might be tired of choosing
this entire book. However, it would be best if you chose
again. You will, on your own, get into that movie once you
choose it. The end frame and you will go through that. You
will be given a script, but the catch is that you will know the
script once you finish the movie. You are just a character
in this movie, and you will go to the script just as it is, but
you won’t know what’s next; you will have to focus on
that frame and keep putting your attention towards that end
frame to be able to get there you need to have your faith in
the law of attraction and know that you will get there.

It’s the time for your faith and the law of attraction
for others, and you think, know how this can happen? Are
events happening right now? In no way can it get me to the
end frame that I saw. That is when you consciously and
subconsciously choose another frame of another movie that
you might not even like. This is why staying focused on
what you want, and the end goal and believing in the law of
attraction will get you there. Do you need to understand that
in this movie that you choose you will both have good and
evil don’t you see whatever movies to watch, you always
have a good and evil and if you feel good movie you have
a good ending some of which have a terrible ending some
movies have a sad ending. In the same way, your life could
also end in the way that you want.

All you have to keep doing is choosing, choosing again

and again. When you stop making a conscious choice and
start in the law of attraction, that won universe will choose
for you, one that you might not be happy with.

Now that you’ve chosen a movie and know how the

end frame and all of the theory work, you still need to

p r at y u s h pat i l

understand that you still need to do the actions to get to the

end frame. You cannot simply sit back and relax, remember,
you are not the audience member of your movie. You are
the main character, and we must do all the tasks that the
movie’s main character would do to get to the end goal. You
will need to align all of your actions so that you will be able
to reach that goal sooner or later.

Principle of Actions:

To explain this principle, let me tell you a little story;

a man once lived in a village. He would pray to God
religiously every day that he would win the lottery.

He did this every day without any stop and believed

the law of attraction would bring him what he wanted. At
the same time, he is right in a way. He always needed to get
what he wanted. Finally, after his prayers every day, God
himself came down and, with frustration, said to him.

“My son, at least buy a Lottery ticket first!”

Do you see how silly the story is? The sad part is we
are like that man in the village, seeking and praying to
God every day that we win the lottery without even having
bought the ticket for it. Most of this book talks about being
a spiritual being. But you need to understand that you are
also in the physical world; you cannot only win through
the mind and the law of attraction. You need to put in just
as much hard work as it takes to get to what you want and
what you need out of life. The law of attraction will only
make things easier for you; it will not do the work needed
to get what you want. You will have to go and fend for
yourself. When you don’t take action for your own life and
keep trusting the law of attraction, your in-action is also an

r e c r e at e y o u r l i f e

action to the universe saying that you will not do anything

and that you are not ready to receive your blessings.

When using the law of attraction, you need to take

inspirational action; you need to have that urge in yourself
to be able to do something with your life. You can work
hard; again, remember the principle of least resistance. You
only need to work smarter. All you need to do is take baby
steps towards your goal. Do not look at the mountain far
ahead, but look at the next step you must take. Just think of
this and put all your energy and focus into that, and things
will start unfolding themselves.

When I first learnt about the law of attraction and

wanted to teach everyone about it and do business with it, it
seemed like a massive gold to me, and that could not have
been possible without me using this same principle. I didn’t
know what I was doing myself. All I knew was that I wanted
a six-figure monthly income with a business I would love to
do. So I started with no happy goal in mind. I just thought
about what I wanted to do next, and I thought of the end sem
of achieving this and earning a six-figure monthly income
through my business. This is what eventually happened;
here I am writing this book for you, making courses for you
and doing everything so that everyone can learn about the
law of attraction and benefit from it.

All you need to do is take one baby step towards your

goal and surrender yourself to the flow of things. Now,
surrendering doesn’t mean giving up; it means taking
ownership while trusting the law of attraction that it will do
its job. You do not have to worry about how your business
will grow; you do not have to worry about how you will get
that car; you do not have to worry about where you will find
your dream partner. All you have to do is trust the law of
attraction and see that it will do its job on its own.
p r at y u s h pat i l

It might be tough to sit and rely upon and think that the
law of attraction will work while only doing the next step.
One book that helped me with this is “the one thing” by
Gary W Keller and Jay Papasan. I recommend you read it
to understand this fact. The book beautifully demonstrates
how if you do one thing every day to reach your final goal,
you will get there as fast as possible. You don›t have to put
in the extra effort. You must think smart and do the right
thing at the right time.

I want you to take a book and set different pages for

your yearly, monthly, weekly, and daily goals. How you
use this is pretty simple; you need to set at least 5 to 10
goals in your month and week. Doing this becomes pretty
straightforward as to what you want and what you need to
do to work towards it. Once you said rose gold, you can
also write down what you need to do to achieve that goal,
just one baby step toward it at a time. How to follow this
planner the daily planner is the most important one because,
at the end of the day (pun intended), your days make weeks,
weeks make months, and months make years. Therefore,
we must make our day the best we can. I also want you to
make a page to reflect on the month; here, you will reflect
on what you did the past month and how many steps you
should take towards your final goal. Also, try and maintain
a daily tracking planner; this planet can include when you
sleep, when you wake up, if you went to the gym, and if you
finished a particular activity throughout the day.

These pages or these planners will hold you accountable

for what you want to do and what you want in life. When
you put things down on paper, it becomes much more
straightforward to do.

r e c r e at e y o u r l i f e

Principle of Duality

We live in a world of duality. If it is left, there is

correct; if it is sweet, there is bitter; if it is hot, there is
cold. Everything exists in duality. So if it is good, there will
always be wrong. Owing to this principle, when you use
the law of attraction, it does not mean that you will not face
anything terrible in your life and will never feel low again.
It means that you will have both bad and good, but now, you
will have a different perspective. When something negative
happens, you will understand that it is your time to focus
and avoid your attention to something positive. Therefore,
you must understand that they will always be negative and
positive. As long as you are alive, you will have to face
this principle of duality, and you will have to accept it and
welcome it with open hands. If you truly understand this
principle, soon, even negativity will become your power
and drive you towards your end goal. You need to become
a realist who can imagine and dream; while seeing the
negatives in life, you need to think of the positives you can
bring. Accepting your faith is not what you should do, but
when something has happened, be ready to accept it and go
through the grief process. Only when you master the skill
will you find peace and joy in life.

Remember this principle of duality; people often need

to remember this and think the law of attraction is working
against them. Remember, when this happens, it is just
contrast. And the contrast is here to remind you that you
need to shift your focus and think of something positive.
When you learn and remember the principle of duality in
life, you understand that all of the bad things happening
to you now are for a reason and will soon go away with
time. You live in this world where duality is the one that
sets balance (another fundamental principle, as you will
p r at y u s h pat i l

soon learn). It is necessary to face duality. You can only

appreciate the highs when you have wallowed in the lows. It
will help if you plummet to sadness sometimes to understand
how wonderful it is to feel joy and pleasure. You will need
to accept this fact and come to terms with it. Only then will
you indeed be able to live a happier life.

Principle of Flow

Everyone perceives this world differently. By that, I

mean someone can perceive a piece of news differently;
why someone might rejoice, and someone might feel
sad. Everything depends on perspective. Everyone has a
conscious mind, and they will register things differently.
There are four kinds of conscious mind thinking which in
turn provide the four kinds of people:

1. Victim

The victims are what most people are. Their perspective

is very narrow, and they live with the perspective that life
controls them; they don’t control life. They tend to blame
everything and everyone for what is happening in their own
life. Challenging to take responsibility and control their life
to what they want. Sadly, most people are like this; they are
born like this and die similarly.

2. Victor

Do with the other ones that they can change their own
lives and control their life is in their hands. These hard-
working people think that they will reach their end goal if
they work hard enough. As true as it might be, you know this
cannot happen without the power of the law of attraction on

r e c r e at e y o u r l i f e

their side. They work and think with logic and do not have
any belief in the magical forces of the world. These are
the ones that genuinely believe that their actions will have
consequences towards their end goal.

3. Magical

The people in the magical category are like us, like

you, like me and everyone else who believes in the law of
attraction. These people work hard to do their actions but
have faith in the law of attraction and let magical forces
do the work instead of struggling. These are physical and
mental creatures and intelligently use both of his forces.

4. Divine

Finally, designers are the kind of people like Gautama

Buddha that have achieved light in mind using these magical
forces and has surpassed all of humankind into a realm of
thought and state that no one knows of. They almost become
equal to God, being in a state of serenity and peace.

Now that you know all four kinds of people and life
perspectives let me give you an analogy that will make
things even more straightforward. Imagine there is a river;
the victims are the kind of people that are on a paper boat
in this river and are getting swept away with the stream
wherever it goes and eventually drown and die; the victors
are the kind of people that have a wooden boat and keep
[addling their rows, with all their might but, they are rowing
in the opposite direction of the river’s current. This does
not even get them to the Shore, and they keep struggling.
A third of the magical people believe in the physical and
metaphysical world and are in a boat rowing, but in the
direction that the river flows, offering the least resistance.

p r at y u s h pat i l

The divine is the ones that do not have a boat, do not have a
row but are the river themselves.

We should Aspire to be like the magical people, go

with the flow of life, and trust that it will take us to our end
goal. You need to accept the flow, surrender to it, and do all
the actions that align with your goal. You can only control
three things: what you think, do, and imagine. Everything
else is just noise. Therefore, control what you can and leave
everything to the flow of life.

Principle of Balance

Although males have a lot of worth and are desired when

giving birth, as the generation grows to become adults, both
males and females are at an equal number. Why does this
happen? How is it possible? It is all because of the principle
of balance. The principle of balance states that who will
destroy anything excessive? Principle of balance like to do
just that, keeping the world balanced.

The principle of balance comes long before the law

of attraction. This principle hates anything that is out
of balance. It takes special care to go ahead and destroy
before it causes disharmony in this perfect world. When you
give excessive importance to something, things fall out of
balance. Then the principle of balance gets into work and
destroys that particular thing. Once again, our elders had
said something sensible that we should have listened to,

“What should do anything good or bad in a limit.”

Looking back, most of the problems in your life arise

due to an imbalance present. You need to pay attention to
the signs and form a harmonious balance that will be in

r e c r e at e y o u r l i f e

harmony with the flow of life. Try always to have a stable

balance. Think of your life like a cycle; you lose balance
you fall. Balance is of utmost importance in every area of
your life.


Master Your Life
You have finally reached the end of the book. It is your time
to now master your life. Use the law of attraction to get
everything you want, manifest your reality and do actions
aligned with your end goal. Choose a more accessible,
innovative way than resisting the power and energy already
in the Universe. Use it to your benefit and try to do what
you truly want. This book is a guide for every beginner and
expert that needs a refresher on the law of attraction. I hope
this book did just that for you.

A book looks pretty one-sided to me where I only speak

my mind, and you listen; however, I want to tell you that
you are worthy, lucky, and blessed to receive all you want.
You have not selected this knowledge; this knowledge has
selected you. Most people don’t even know the secrets about
the Universe; you are the chosen one, and the Universe has
chosen you to do its job. There is always this one person
in the entire family generation that surpasses all levels of
success, takes care of everyone else in the family, and leads
them; I believe this person is you. Now that you know the
law of attraction, you want only to make your own life
tremendous, but you will also do that to the ones around
you. You will become a radio that receives and gives good
signals to everyone and everything around you.
r e c r e at e y o u r l i f e

This book has been a journey to write, a beautiful one

at that. I hope it has been just as beautiful for you to read.
I wish you luck in all your endeavours and hope that you
succeed in the best ways in life. I hope to stay in touch with
the universal connection and serve you again someday. I
want to thank all my students for being my prime motivation
to keep going, and I would like to thank all of my well-
wishers to keep sending me your energy. I want to thank my
children for being my boosts of energy. I would also like to
thank my wife, Ronika, for staying by my side and always
supporting me. Finally, I thank you, the reader, for having
finished this book; I hope these practices and knowledge
will benefit you as much as they have benefited me.

Bless xx



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