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before mass production of the new yis

began Toyota's European purchasing

division implemented numerous procedures

designed to ensure that every single

component can be manufactured to the

highest possible quality

standards the new Yaris has benefited

from Toyota's continuous quality

improvement activities in three key

areas first intensive simult anous

engineering and supplier Parts

preparation both activities exist to

check the quality and production

processes of newly developed parts for

our vehicles second the supplier

development program this is a special

quality improvement activity reserved

for a small number of strategic Supply

Partners finally team our supplier

Association in Europe and whilst the

concept exists elsewhere I am sure that

the depth of Engagement and passion from

European suppliers to participate in

team is unique in the industry within

the simultaneous Engineering Process

Toyota and its suppliers reviewed the

design of 700 Parts resulting in 900

specific quality


improvements as a supplier we can best

support Toyota by using our

manufacturing experience to review and

inform every aspect of the parts design

and production process in detail through

simultaneous engineering activities more

than 30 designs proposals were discussed

by the Toyota and the ficosa teams from

the earliest stage of the new yis

contract only through simultanous

engineering and our involvement in Parts

design from Project Inception can we

guarantee to consistently meet Toyota

requirements for components of the

highest standards a good example is the

washer capup for which much studies

happen and we could finally convince

Toyota to implement a standard fosa

component with approving

manufacturability and high level of

quality Toyota has also developed a

unique Supply development program this

is a key long-term process designed to

maximize the quality performance of the

company's principal Supply

Partners allore plant has recognized the

need to improve current practices and


every facet of established production

methods in order to set new industry

standards for component manufacturing

and the introduction of its unique

supplier development process has given

Mast an unprecedented opportunity to

learn adapt and develop fully embracing

this opportunity we created the concept

of usin Ideal model Factory at liur it

was 18 months ago working so closely

together with Toyota on site has been a

very beneficial process leading to a

fundamental cultural change within the

Liber cor plant and we are already

witnessing the mutual long-term

corporate benefits of Toyota's

development investment that is a real

success story the Toyota Europe

Association of Manufacturers team is

committed to achieving the highest

quality levels in the parts production

and Supply process team association was

set up in 1997 and today consists of 70

different suppliers of which 35 are

supplying Parts who assemble the new yis

the team association sets yearly

Improvement activity plans and targets

through the supplier executive committee

in partnership with the Tyra Executives

over the last four years an improvement

rate of over 91% in Supply quality was

achieved going down from 190 to just 17

part defects per million this will have

obvious benefits for the new smash

production quality the sharing of ideas

and constructive networking with open

dialogue must be unique in any industry

not just Automotive last year the theme

of the majority of suppliers application

of to to business practice was based on

projects relating to quality improvement

TI to acts really as a best practice

partner and we believe we have the

world's best methods for problem solving

quality control and production system

with the new Yaris we clearly show our

commitment to local supplier sources

this is the clear result of a supplier

selection strategy that seeks to

optimize quality technology and

Logistics from all 142 companies

supplying parts for the new Yaris I'm

convinced that Toyota and suppliers have

worked hard together to deliver the best

possible quality in this great car the

new Yaris


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