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Introduction to Science, Technology & CHARACTERISTICS OF SCIENTIFIC METHODS

Society  orderly & systematic

SCIENCE  control external factors
- Latin word: ‘scientia’ – knowledge  empirical evidences
- refers to a methodical and systematic  can be generalized
activity of building and organizing knowledge  based on assumptions or hypothesis
- Learning new facts  develop or test hypothesis
TECHNOLOGY Step 1: State the Problem
- Greek root word: ‘techne’ – art, skill, cunning Step 2: Formulate a Hypothesis
of hand Step 3: Test the Hypothesis
- the application of scientific knowledge, laws, Step 4: Gather Data
and principles to produce services, materials, Step 5: Analyze and Interpret the Data
tools, and machines Step 6: Draw Conclusions
- creating/inventing things Step 7: Communicate Results
– Application of understanding of natural laws
to the solution of practical problems The Research Process
1. Identify research hypothesis
Science, Technology and Society is the study 2. design study
of how society, politics, and culture affect 3. Carry out research
scientific research and technological 4. Analyze results
innovation, and how these, in turn, affect 5. Publish results
society, politics and culture.
Limitations of Scientific Methods
1. direct source of ideas constraint of involving humans, which is
2. Source of tools and techniques essential for observing human behavior for
3. Research instrumentation, lab techniques, experimentation, is one such ethical problem.
and analytical methods 2. HUMAN COMPLEXITY - When human
4. Practice of research behavior is studied & analyzed by other
5. assessment of technology human beings, the personal biases come into
6. more efficient strategies the picture & distort the analytical facts.
TECHNOLOGY contributes to SCIENCE behavior is not uniform, certain, or
1. fertile source of novel scientific questions predictable.
2. Source of otherwise unavailable 4. EXTERNAL VARIABLE CONTROL PROBLEMS -
instrumentation and techniques weak or no control over external variables in
scientific activity
SCIENTIFIC METHOD - mathematical and
experimental technique employed in the HISTORICAL ANTECEDENTS OF SCIENCE &
sciences. TECHNOLOGY
- More specifically, it is the technique used in ANCIENT WORLD
the construction and testing of a scientific PRIMITIVE MAN:
hypothesis • Conceived that the earth is flat and
RESEARCH - Is an inquiry process that has limitless
clearly defined parameters and has as its aims
the discovery or creation of knowledge, or
theory building
• Observed the changing of the seasons travelling; Sail, through observation of the
in connection to the shifting of the wind`s effect on a piece of cloth.
sun - Created the earliest written language
• Recognized the fundamental - Developed mathematics, astronomy and
distinction of living and non-living astrology
things - Fashioned the concept of time
• Practiced instinctive therapeutics Sumerians were recording their language
using simple pictures – cuneiform
Stone Age - were hunter-gatherers who lived
- Wheel - Irrigation and Dikes
in a small, nomadic groups
- Sail - Farming Implements
• homo habilis 25million years ago
• they make tools out of stones to hunt Babylonian Civilization (2300 BCE)
and gather • Astronomy, astrology
• Mathematics
Neolithic Revolution (15 000 BCE) - From • Cartography
hunters to settlers: transition from nomadic • Jewelry-making
hunter-gatherers to agrarian communities • Calendar system
- They need to cultivate the land. And because • Map of the world
they have a lot of food, they already • Lunisolar calendar – lunar calendar
understood that not everyone should hunt that keeps months on a lunar cycle,
and gather, they can now diversify their roles but then intercalary months are
like they can be farmers, scribes, women stay added to bring the lunar cycles into
at home and tend the children etc. synchronization with the solar year.
- This actually lead to the Foundation of
civilizations Ancient Egyptian (2700 – 2200 BCE)
• Egyptian civilization developed along
the Nile River
MESOPOTAMIA – area with many empires
• Egyptians built grand monuments and
(members ang Sumerian)
Mesopotamia is like middle east
• They made advances in engineering,
Fertile Crescent: The Cradle of Civilization - architecture, agriculture, medicine,
the boomerang-shaped region of the Middle astronomy, and even in art and
East that was home to some of the earliest literature
human civilizations. Also known as the Hieroglypics – Egyptian writing system
“Cradle of Civilization,” this area was the Papyrus plant - sheets of writing materials
birthplace of a number of technological Ancient Egyptian handheld mirrors
innovations, including writing, the wheel, Depiction of Ancient Egyptian Toothbrush
agriculture, and the use of irrigation. • Egyptian Astronomy for spiritual and
practical purpose
Sumerian Civilization (4100 – 1750 BCE)
• Starclock and Merkhet
- Explored the practice of the scientific
• Developed medicines and practiced
embalming called mummification
- Engaged in technological innovation (like
wheels, where they created wheels in fast
Ancient Greek (600 AD)
production/ crafting of better pottery and
Pythagoras – credited for most mathematical
eventually adapted wheels to create carts and
and scientific discoveries
chariots for transporting good and for
• Numerical system, Pythagorean technology, culture, and other
theorem, identity of morning and indicators of high civilization.
evening star as the planet Venus • Renaisance is the period that
Plato – believed that all substances to be promoted the rebirth/rediscovery of
composed of air, earth, fire and water classical philosophy, literature and art
• Believed that the earth is the center • Leonardo daVinci and Michaelangelo
of the universe, and a motion of The population was becoming wealthier
planets along crystalline spheres. which led to an increase in trade and travel
• Invented a theory of vision involving and the spread of new ideas. The rise in
three streams of light prosperity also generated an interest in
Hippocrates – established a medical school education, supported the flourishing of the
and wrote treatises on medical matters arts and promoted scientific discoveries and
• Father of modern medicine new inventions.
Aristotle – classification of animals (founder
of zoology) Scientific Revolution (1550 – 1700) -
• Contributions in physics, psychology, emphasized systematic experimentation
meteorology, ethics, politics and even (scientific method) as the most valid research
poetics method, resulted in developments in
TECHNOLOGICAL BREAKTHROUGHS mathematics, physics, astronomy, biology,
- CRANE, WATER MILL, ANALOG COMPUTER and chemistry. These developments
transformed the views of society about
Ancient Roman (12 BC – AD A86) nature.
• Science, technology, medicine, and • Discoveries like thermometer,
law telescope and even concepts in
• Roman innovations were largely more physics like inertia.
concerned with refinements of new • Development of calculus, probability,
ideas and analytical geometry
• For the romans, science had to
provide useful information Information Age - brought about many new
• Adopted the Greek architectural inventions and innovations. Many
orders and made their buildings more communication services like texting, email,
intricately decorative and social media developed and the world has
TECHNOLOGICAL BREAKTHROUGHS not been the same since.
- Wheeled plough, oxen-driven harvesting • Information age – handle and convey
machine information
• Progress in electronics and computers
Renaissance (15th – 16th centu)
caused information to be one of the
• Dark ages – This is the result of the
most important commodities
collapse of roman empire where
• Advances in biology, genetics, medicin
most of the roman provinces were
• Communication worldwide became
occupied and controlled by barbarian
tribal nomads. (outsiders)
• Changed the way people work (online
• However, this is only true to Europe.
Much of the eastern and middle
eastern civilization such as the
ottoman empire and the Chinese
Spanish period - we should remember how
empire still generated knowledge,
important trading to other country is. To
trade before, ships headed toward Asia to
embark on an long journey around the Cape Jones Law - The Philippine s Autonomy Act -
of Good Hope at the southern tip of Africa. which transferred the Bureau of Science to
the Department of Agriculture and Natural
• By 1869, the Suez Canal was opened Resources
which shortened the route from
War Years
Philippines to Europe
Manuel L. Quezon
• The canal enabled the Philippines to
• President when the war between
have direct commercial relations with
Japan and US broke out
Spain. With the shorter travel time to
• Poor economy thus unproductive life
Spain, enabled more Filipinos to study
for research with threat of hunger
in Europe.
• National scientists directed their
• The Suez Canal is important
efforts to food processing
because it is the shortest maritime
Manuel Roxas
route from Europe to Asia.
• Laid down policies to rebuild the
Because trade was the chief economic
activity, Spanish officials focused more on the
• Bell Trade Relations Act which
trade due to big profits
provided free trade relations between
But it did not stop our filipino ancestors to
the Philippines and the US until 1954
study science. Among these Filipino Scientists
Elpidio Quirino
Sought help from the US where President
• Fr. Ignacio de Mercado – first Filipino
Truman proposed an economic survey mission
– the Bell Mission
• Trinidad Pardo de Tavera –
Ramon Magsaysay
recommended the establishment of
• Under his administration, he directed
the first government medical school
all his efforts to the upliftment of the
in the country
rural people
• Dr. Leon Ma. Guerrero - first licensed
• Improved land reform system
pharmacist in the Philippines, and one
• Provided easy-term credit and
of the most eminent botanists in the
country in his time
• Constructed roads and buildings for
the masses
American Period
• Provided technical advice for farmers
- Schurman Commission recommended the
on farm management and intensive
replacement of military government with a
civil government and establishment of free
Carlos Garcia
public educational system in the country.
• Replaced the National Science Board
- Taft Commission started the gradual
with National Science Development
Filipinization of the government and
encouraged education in preparation for self-
• Raising it to department level with a
budget of its own
Primary research center (bureau of science) • Increased in crop production despite
- In 1905, the Bureau of Science was prolonged drought
established and enabled Filipinos to • Offshoot of agricultural research
undertake research in all fields of science. breakthroughs and improved farming
- In 1908, the University of the Philippines technologies and use of modern
was established, followed by the College of farming practices
Agriculture in Los Baños.
Diosdado Macapagal • Earth is a stationary sphere at
• Instituted the full decontrol program the center of heaven. Its
which lifted all government controls habitable surface is a flat
on foreign exchange circle with Jerusalem at its
• Lead to the unlimited importation and center.
the Filipino colonial mentality • Stars and planets are made of
• National Institute of Science and a perfect substance called
Technology (NIST) and the Philippine Aether (ether).
Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC) • Moon, sun, and stars are held
• Scientific Instrumentation Division in place by invisible crystalline
• International Rice Research Institute spheres.
• Emphasized economic and rural GEOCENTRIC MODEL
developments as national goals • Earth was the center of the
• self-sufficiency in rice and universe.
diversification of crops • This belief followed the
• After Martial Law, NSDB drafted a teaching of Aristotle
comprehensive science and PTOLEMAIC MODEL
technology plan for the country and • The model included part of
created various agencies the geocentric model.
Corazon Aquino • Moon and planets rotated in
• inherited serious economic crisis circles as they went around
• Organized the Philippines Commission the earth
on Good Government (PCGG) COPERNICAN MODEL
• Created the Commission on Human • Heliocentric Universe
Rights • Suggested a sun-centered
• Reorganized NSTA to Department of universe (De Revolutionibus)
Science and Technology • Opposed by the Catholic
Fidel Ramos Church
• Envisioned the country “to be a
country where all are provided for a Nicolas Copernicus
better life” • Polish Catholic Cleric;
• DOST refocused its efforts on the 15 • Observed the sky from an
“leading edges” sectors that have observation tower;
substantial contribution to GNP • Trying to solve the calendar
INTELLECTUAL REVOLUTIONS • Copernicus has no clue what
Modern Astronomy stars actually are or how far
• Ottoman Turks overrun they are away.
Constantinople (1453); GALILEO GALILEI (1564-1642)
• Romans fled west into Europe • Italian mathematician and
and took books with them; philosopher;
• End of the Middle Ages (Dark • First to study the sky with a
Ages); telescope;
• People cannot read or write • First person to look at the
and generally believe that: moon through a telescope
and make his first astronomy EGO: manager of the Id sublimates the
discovery; instincts
• Galileo used his mathematic • the conscious part of the
knowledge skills to improve mind (Rational Self)
upon the spyglass and • decides what part of the
improve/ build a telescope to action to take for positive
be used for astronomy. means and what to do based
FOUR (4) MAJOR DISCOVERIES on what is believed is the
• saw that moon is right thing to do
mountainous and pitted - just • aware of reality
like the Earth; SUPEREGO: “conscience” that manages the
• Saw the moons of Jupiter; ego according to social standards and
• Realized that Venus has morality
phases which meant that it • seeks to bring us pleasure
orbited the Sun; and • primitive parts of our
• Saw sunspots on the sun. personality including
CHARLES DARWIN aggression and sexual drives
• His first work in science began THE CONSCIOUS: small amount of mental
with a geologic field trip led activity we know about
by English geologist Adam THE SUBCONSCIOUS: things we could aware
Sedgwick; of if we wanted or tried
• Robert Grant (Scottish THE UNCONSCIOUS: things we are unaware
zoologist) introduced Darwin and cannot become aware of
to the evolutionary ideas of
the French naturalist Jean- Repression - Is an unconscious mechanisms
Baptiste Lamarck, who first employed by the ego to keep disturbing or
thought of the evolution of threatening thoughts from becoming
life from simple forms. conscious
SIGMUND FREUD (1856- 1939) Denial - Involves blocking external events
• Freudian Revolution; from awareness. If some situation is just too
• The first psychologist to study much to handle, the person just refuses to
human motivation experience it
• Father of "psychoanalysis", a Projection - This involves individuals
method for treating mental attributing their own unacceptable thoughts,
illness and also a theory that feeling and motives to another person
explains human behavior Displacement - Satisfying an impulse (e.g.
• Determinist aggression) with a substitute object
• Instincts Refression - This is a movement back in
- Life instinct: sex (libido) psychological time when one is faced with
- Death instinct: aggression, self-destruction stress
FREUD: UNCONSCIOUS MIND Sublimation - Satisfying an impulse (e.g.
ID: raw instincts unconscious part of mind aggression) with a substitute object. In a
- seeks to bring us pleasure socially accaptable way
- primitive parts of our personality including AMBISYON NATIN 2040 - is a document
aggression and sexual drives adopted by the government as a guide for
developing and planning.
Strong Family and Community Ties GOALS AND TARGETS
1. Maintain annual economic growth rate
• Family is Together
between 6.0 - 7.0 percent in 2023 and
• Time with Friends
between 6.5 - 8.0 percent from 2024 to 2028
• Work-life Balance
– Sustained high levels of growth is a
• Strong response of
necessary condition to meet the AmBisyon
community (volunteer
Natin 2040.
A Comfortable Lifestyle (MAGINHAWA) 2. Create more, better, and more resilient
• Free from Hunger and Poverty jobs - By 2028, the unemployment rate shall
• Secure Home Ownership be within 4.0 to 5.0 percent, and the
• Good Transport percentage of wage and salary workers in
• Travel and Vacation private establishments to total employed shall
A Secure Future (PANATAG) be within 53 to 55 percent.
• Enough Resources for day-to- 3. Keep food and overall prices low and
day needs and unexpected stable - Expanding the opportunities available
expenses to Filipinos must be complemented by efforts
• Peace and Security to protect people’s purchasing power. Food
• Long and Healthy Life and overall inflation will be kept to within 2.5
• Comfortable Retirement to 4.5 percent in 2023 and within 2.0 to 4.0
Philippine Development Plan (PDP) is a six (6) percent from 2024 to 2028.
year plan whose primary goal are to:
• Reinvigorate Job Creation 4. Enforce fiscal discipline - To ensure the
• Accelerate Poverty Reduction sustainability of growth, the national
- steering the economy back on a high-growth government deficit to GDP ratio will be
path; gradually reduced from 6.5 percent during the
- affect economic and social transformation first half of 2022 to 3.0 percent in 2028.
for a prosperous inclusive and resilient society Outstanding government debt GDP ratio will
PHILIPPINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2023-2028 also be reduced from 63.7 as of September
• Serves as the overall blueprint 2022 to 48 to 53 percent by end of 2028.
in developing planning for the 5. Transform the production sectors through
next six years; country`s innovation – The Philippines aims to continue
• Reflects the government`s its progress among the innovation achievers
policies, strategies, programs, of the region by ranking higher and within the
and legislative priorities in top 33 percent of the Global Competitiveness
support of and consistent Index by 2028.
with Pres. Ferdinand Marcos
6. Reduce poverty incidence from 18 percent
Jr.`s "Socioeconomic Agenda"
in 2021 to between 8 to 9 percent by 2028 -
OVERALL GOAL OF PDP - Aims to reinvigorate
All of our efforts are intended to significantly
job creation and accelerate poverty reduction
improve the welfare of Filipinos.
• Steering the Philippine
economy back to its high-
growth trajectory and effect ECONOMIC AND PRODUCTION SECTOR
economic and social
transformation for a 1. Modernize agriculture and agri-business -
prosperous, inclusive, and to raise overall productivity, move Philippine
resilient society. products up the value chain, promote
diversification, and ensure food security.
2. Revitalize industry - The government will 6 CROSS CUTTING STRATEGIES
pursue business-matching and encourage
Digitalization - This will result in more
innovation, technology adoption, and
efficient and faster service delivery, more
servicification or embedding services into
transparency, and fewer opportunities for
manufacturing to add greater value to local
corruption at various levels.
Public - Private Partnership - Reconfiguring
3. Reinvigorate services - The Philippines’
can help address cross-cutting issues of a
services sector will shift from its low level of
weak competition environment and the digital
productivity to become a modern, productive,
divide, as well as boost the country`s
and resilient global leader providing higher
campaign to attract foreign investments.
value-adding and differentiated services.
Servicification - Will pursue policies building
ecosystems around manufacturing clusters
SOCIAL AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT SECTOR identified as potential sources of high growth.
1. Promote and improve lifelong learning Dynamic innovation ecosystem - This will
and education - by providing access to high- mean new products, more efficient processes,
quality learning opportunities that develop and an even bigger market share.
adequate competencies and character
Enhanced connectivity - Digital and Physical
connectivity through infrastructure is
2. Boost Health - through interventions important to link markets, connect urban
leading to healthy schools, communities, centers to rural areas, and facilitate the
workplaces, and lifestyles. movement of people where opportunities for
employment or health care and education are
3. Establish livable communities - by
upgrading and planning human settlements
such that integrated use of space will bring Greater collab between local and national
people closer to work, recreation, and transit government - Seeks to bring local
options. governments in as equal partners in the
development agenda of the country.
4. Ensure food security and proper nutrition -
through production and effective supply
5. Strengthen the social protection system - DEVELOPMENT AGENDA 2023-2028
by integrating safeguards into development
- The Harmonized National Research and
interventions and by streamlining contingency
Development Agenda (HNRDA) 2017-2022
financing mechanisms, strengthening the
was served as guide for the prioritization of
delivery of digital payments of cash transfers,
research programs and projects funded in the
and expanding insurance coverage.
last five (5) years
6. Increase the income-earning ability of the
- Quinquennial will be a post-pandemic world,
workforce - through skills upgrading and
defined by the way society and the economy
updating, employment facilitation services,
adapted to the health crisis.
including the reintegration of migrant workers
back to the domestic economy. - The Research and Development (R&D)
continues, as every sector prepares for
upcoming eventualities
- The Department of Science and Technology 2. VOLCANO, EARTHQUAKE AND TSUNAMI
(DOST) is mandated by law to provide central HAZARDS MAPPING AND RESEARCH AND
direction, leadership, and coordination of the DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM
scientific and technological effort in the 3. VOLCANO, EARTHQUAKE AND TSUNAMI
• National Research Council of REDUCTION PROGRAM
the Philippines (NRCP)
• Philippine Council for
Agriculture, Aquatic and
Natural Resources Research
and Development (PCAARRD)
• Philippine Council for Health
Research and Development
• Philippine Council for
Industry, Energy, and
Emerging Technology
Research and Development
• Undersecretary of Scientific
and Technical Services
• Disaster Risk Reduction and
Climate Change

Section 1: National Integrated Basic Research

Section 2: Health Research and Development
Section 3: Agriculture, Aquatic Natural
Resources Research and Development Agenda
Section 4: Industry, Energy and Emerging
Technology Research and Development
Section 5: Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate

Programs on Weather Forecasting, Flood and

1. forecast and warning
2. Clim up
3. Ligtas-Baha

Programs on Volcano, Earthquake and


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