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1. Topic 1: Describe a popular person in your country.

In my country, we have a well-known personality named Khanh Vy. She's a

popular TV host and social media influencer, admired for her friendly nature
and versatile skills. Khanh Vy gained fame through her bubbly and
approachable demeanor on television shows, making her a favorite among
viewers of all ages.
Beyond her TV appearances, Khanh Vy uses social media platforms like
Instagram and YouTube to connect with her fans. She shares snippets of her
daily life, offers beauty and fashion tips, and spreads positivity through her
posts and videos. Her down-to-earth attitude and sincerity have earned her a
large following and considerable admiration.
Moreover, Khanh Vy is known for her charity work, often participating in
various community initiatives and advocating for social causes such as
education for underprivileged children or environmental conservation. Her
kindness and dedication to making a positive impact have further endeared
her to the public, solidifying her as a role model for many young people in
our country.
Vocabulary : a well-known = famous for =popular= gained fame: nổi tiếng
versatile= adaptable = flexible : Linh hoạt
bubbly and approachable demeanor: thái độ sôi nổi và dễ gần
snippets: đoạn trích
down-to-earth: thực tế
sincerity: chân thành
participating in various community initiatives : tham gia vào sáng kiến cộng
advocating for social: vận động cho các hoạt động xã hội
underprivileged=unfortunate= hapless= unlucky
endeared: quý mến
solidifying her as a role model for many young people in our country: củng cố
cô như một hình mẫu cho nhiều thanh niên ở nước ta.
Topic 2: Write a paragraph with six to ten sentences. Some people say that
computers have made life easier and more convenient. Other people say that
computers have made life more complex and stressful. What is your opinion?
I believe computers have made life more convenient and easier for several
Firstly, computers help us do things faster. Tasks like writing documents,
sending messages, or researching information become quicker, which saves
time and effort.
Secondly, they let us connect with others easily. Through emails, social media,
or video calls, we can stay in touch with friends and family, no matter where
they are. This helps us maintain relationships and work together more
Thirdly, computers provide access to a lot of information. With the internet, we
can find answers to questions, learn new things, and study various topics from
different sources. This access to knowledge helps us learn and grow.
Lastly, computers can automate tasks. They simplify activities like shopping
online, paying bills, or even reminding us of important events. This automation
makes everyday life more convenient and lessens some manual work.
In conclusion, computers have definitely made life more convenient and easier
by speeding up tasks, improving communication, giving access to information,
and automating many daily

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