Review Quizcito2

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Phonetics & Phonology 2024-1 Review

1. Complete the vowel chart (sounds and examples)

i: u:

sheep shoot


e about


ɑː ɒ

2. Complete the consonant chart (manner, place, and sounds). You can check here:

bilabial alveolar Post- palatal Glottal


plosive P

f s ʃ h

Nasal m

lateral l

Approximan w r j

* the post-alveolar is also called palato alveolar

* in some charts the post-alveolar sounds are in the palatal section (like in the one in our classroom)

3. Give the phonetic symbol for the initial consonant sound(s) in each of the following words.

rhetoric one know Thomas

sure cereal jaguar unity

phoenix theme psalm chorus

chaste charade shave gnat

wrong zero ghost science

4. Give the phonetic symbol for the medial consonant sound(s) in each of the following words.

toughen visage alloy descent

azure away errand ocean

adjourn aghast listen plumber

cupboard soften measure author

lather psyche future lawyer

5. Give the phonetic symbol for the final consonant sound(s) in each of the following words.

miss stomach indict ledge

itch sign niche hiccough

phase loath tongue rouge

mall rough beige hopped

6. In each set, circle each word that has a consonant with the place of articulation for that set.

Bilabial apple lamb knot yell bank

Velar knot break cast cent ghost

Alveolar tack scare quick dark knot

Dental thick bathe hitch rough mirth

Palatal craze push measure shape action

Labiodental phase thought vase rough life

7. Write the following words in phonetic transcription.

eats ______________ shoes ___________ cut ___________ finger ___________

look ______________ bush ___________ health ___________ said _____________

helped ____________ sign ____________ night ___________ joyful ___________

mine ______________ clown ___________ around ___________ issue ___________

itchy ______________ dry _____________ clue ___________ stayed ___________

measure ___________ finger ___________ maid ___________ breathe ___________

7. For the words – anger, finger, wringer, as opposed to hanger, ringer, singer – state the rule which
determines whether the -g should be pronounced or not.

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