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Maternal 1 Side-notes: Contraceptive 1.

Oral Contraception/ Birth Control

Barrier Method ⁃ synthetic estrogen and progesterone
⁃ between cervix and sperm ⁃ Estrogen suppress FSH and LH
1. Chemical- spermicide ⁃ Progesterone immobilized sperm
2. Mechanical- physical barrier
Hormonal Method ⁃ Prevent ovum maturation
⁃ prevent ovulation ⁃ Decrease milk supply

Surgical Method Progestin

⁃ Sterilization ⁃ thickens cervical mucus
⁃ Blocks sperm passage
Natural Family Planning
1. Abstinence Contraindications
⁃ most effective ⁃ Lactating
⁃ CVD or HPN
2. Calendar/ Rhythm ⁃ DVT or Pulmonary Embolism
⁃ to record menstrual cycle for ⁃ Major Surgery
2. Transdermal Patch
3. Basal Body Temperature ⁃ Slow continuous release of estrogen
⁃ each morning and progesterone
⁃ Patch free= menstrual flow
4. Cervical Mucus/ Billings Method
⁃ spinnbarkeit test 3. Vaginal Rings
⁃ Slippery and stretch 1 inch ⁃ Surrounds cervix
⁃ Releases estrogen and
5. Symptothermal Method progesterone
⁃ combination of cervical mucus and ⁃ Avoids hepatic 1st pass
4. Emergency Post Coital
6. Ovulation Awareness Contraception
⁃ detection kit ⁃ AKA: Morning after pills
⁃ Mid cycle surge of LH in urine 12- ⁃ Prohibits implantation
24hrs before ovulation ⁃ Pills 12hrs apart
⁃ Expensive ⁃ Within 72hrs unprotected intercourse

7. Lactation Amenorrhea Method 5. Subcutaneous Implants

⁃ breastfeeding natural suppression of ⁃ Embedded under skin inside upper
ovulation arm
⁃ 6MONS exclusive breastfeeding ⁃ Long-term birth control
⁃ Good lactating mothers
8. Coitus Interruptus
⁃ withdraw penis 6. Intramuscular Injection
⁃ Oldest method ⁃ Medroxyprogesterone Acetate
9. Post-coital Douching ⁃ Shot 1x q 3MONS
⁃ douching after intercourse
⁃ Hugas Iwas Method Side-effects
⁃ irregular menstrual cycle
Artificial Family Planning ⁃ Osteoporosis
⁃ Breast tenderness ⁃ Prevents passage of sperm and ova
⁃ No period after 3-6months
7. Intrauterine Devices (IUD) ⁃ removal of fimbria
⁃ T-shaped device
⁃ With period during insertion Heterosectomy
⁃ Monogamous relationship ⁃ removal of uterus/ ovaries

Copper T Laparoscopy
⁃ 10 years protection ⁃ May return to coitus ASAP 2-3days
⁃ Spermicide after procedure
⁃ Must check string always
Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health
8. Vaginay- method inserted Act of 2012
spermicidal product ⁃ AKA: RH Law
⁃ Death of sperm ⁃ Universal and free access to modern
⁃ pH turn strong acid level contraceptives
⁃ Reproductive health education
9. Diaphragms
⁃ circular rubber over cervix R.A 10354
⁃ Left for 6-24hrs after coitus ⁃ 4 Pillars of responsible parenthood
1. Respect for life
10. Cervical caps 2. Birth spacing
⁃ dislodge readily 3. Informed choice
⁃ Self-inserted 4. Reproductive health services

11. Vaginal Ring (Nova Ring)

⁃ low dose progestin and estrogen
⁃ Ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer
⁃ Inserted each month

12. Male Condom

⁃ latex rubber
⁃ Trap sperm

13. Female Condom

⁃ Latex sheathe
⁃ Polyurethane with spermicide
⁃ Covers cervix
⁃ Single used

Surgical Method
1. Vasectomy
⁃ incision side of scrotum
⁃ Vas deferens cut or tied
⁃ Local anesthesia
⁃ 1st 5-20 ejaculations contains active
⁃ 8-16 weeks for complete sterility

2. Tubal ligation
⁃ cautery of fallopian tube

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