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July 30, 2009 _Page 1 of 5 Puerto Rico Highway and Transportation Authority (PRITA) Procedure for Designation: PRHTA M 401 - 10 1, Scope .. This method outlines the procedures for selecting sampling location in accordance with appropriate random sampling techniques. Reference Documents: <>. Supplemental Specification 401 (Hot Plant Mix Bituminous Pavement). 2b. Special Provision 959 (Hot Plant Mix Bituminous Pavement - Superpave). ©. Developing a Quality Assurance Plan for Hot-Mix Asphalt HMA ~ (AASHTO R 4). 4. Acceptance Sampling Plans for Highway Construction (AASHTO R 9). ¢. Definitions and Terms Related to quality and Statistics as Used in Highway Construction (AASHTO R 10), 3. Significance: a, Random sampling is the selection of a sample in such a manner that every portion to be sampled has an equal chance of being selected as the sample. It is intended that all samples regardless of size, type or purpose, should be selected in an unbiased manner, based entirely on chance. 4, Definitions: a. Acceptance Sampling and Testing — Sampling and Testing performed by the Authority fo evaluate acceptability of final product. b. Bias — An error, constant in direction, that causes a measurement, or the mean of a distribution of measurements to be offset from the population mean, c. Random — Depending entirely on chance. d. Random locations — sampling locations determined by the use of random numbers, Tuly 30, 2009 Page 2 of 5 Puerto Rico Highway and Transportation Authority (PRHTA) Procedure for STRATIFIED RANDOM SAMPLING Designation: PRHTA M 401 - 10 h °, Pp Random Number — A number selected entirely by chance as from a random number table or a random number generator. Random Number Table ~ A collection of digits, randomly displayed in columns and rows that are used to determine random numbers. Random Sample — A sample in which each increment in the lot hes an equal probability of being chosen (samples are taken at times or locations chosen by a ‘method not influence by opinion or judgment thus eliminating any bias. Random Sampling ~ Is the selection of a sample in such a manner that every portion to be sampled has an equal change of being selected as the sample. It is intended that all samples, regardless of the size, type ot purpose, should be selected in an unbiased manner, based entirely on chance. Population (Lot) — A specific quantity of similar material, construction, or units of product, subject to either acceptance or process control decision. Sample — A small part of a population (Lot) that represents the whole. ‘This implies a statistical sample. Sample size (n) — denotes the number of test values used to make a decision. Size of sample — Indicates the quantity of material required to perform each test procedure, Split Sample — A sample that has been divided into two or more portions representing the same material. Stratified Random Sampling — A sampling procedure whereby samples are randomly obtained for each sublot. Sublot — A subdivision of a Lot established in the contract documents. Unbiased ~ Not Influence by opinion or Judgment. 5. Securing Samples: July 30, 2009 Page 3 of 5 Puerto Rico Highway and Transportation Authority (PRHITA) Procedure for STRATIFIED RANDOM SAMPLING Designation: PRUTA M 401 - 10 a, Sample should be taken as directed by the Contractor’s representative for QC purposes and the Agency representative for acceptance purposes. 6. Random Number Table: a. For test results or measurements to be meaningful, it is necessary that the materials be sampled or measured be selected at random using a table of random numbers. Table X1.1 has been devised for this purpose. To use the table in selecting sample locations, proceed as follows. b. Determine the lot size and stratify the lot into a number of sublots per lot for the material being sampled. c. For each lot, use consecutive two-digit random number from Table X1.1. For example, if the specification requires five sublots per lot and the number 15 is randomly selected as the starting point from Column X (or Column Y) for the first lot, numbers 15-19 would be the five consecutive two-digit random numbers. For the second lot, another random starting point, number 91 for example, is selected and the numbers 91 through 95 are used for the five consecutive two-digit random numbers, The same procedure is used for additional lots. ° ©. In a situations where coordinate locations do not apply (i.c., plant samples, stockpile samples, etc.) use those decimal values from Column X or Column Y. £ Asal altemative procedure use the Spread Sheet developed by the Authority for such purposes. Tuly 30, 2009 Page 4 of 5 Puerto Rico Highway and Transportation Authority (PRHTA) Procedure for STRATIFIED RANDOM SAMPLING Designation: PRHTA M 401 - 10 - : oreseT “Table X1.4—Rendom pions in Bovine Fractions (Two Place) Seg x ‘SequenceNo. ¥ ee as 3 a7 coe a 089 2 7 ROW. 4 00 cs 097 Lom 5 oss Bs ous Ras ‘ on % oes Raw x ue 5 ous Lo ‘ 09 & 099 mane 2 as 3 ou Lams ® on a a7 Lowe n 036 a as Rane 2 ast @, ao Lom & 038 s. tes Lao “ os an Lass i 039 Cs os Leas 6 06 ss om ROMs "i ot o. on Ran? ® or cs oo Ras os @. oat Rous m os . co: Loa 2 on n ais Lasr z. 006 2 boas 2. 0s 2. 20 Las x a * bos Rss 2s oss % ous Rss « a m eas RODL 7, 030 m as Lass * ost = a Rast » os ». on La ” 043 mo. ass La36 3 os rs ois Lat » ag 2 nay Roar 2 on 8 bas Ros M os Los bn (ROoe es on Ree bas Loe x bal Loo on Rape * om Raa = aa tnat » em Lone 8 fo L026 a ng Ros) 2, oo tan ®. a Loe a om Rose « as) Rsk % ox? ", erty m on Ra * ire) ss ass Lane mesh here ee en Page 5 of 5 Puerto Rico Highway and Transportation Authority (PRHTA) Procedure for STRATIFIED RANDOM SAMPLING Designation: PRHTA M 401 - 10 ee g. The numbers in either column of Table X1.1 can be used to locate a random sample when only a single dimension is required to locate the sample (e.g. time, tonnage and units). h. When two dimensions are required to locate the sample (such as for extraction of cores for In-place Compaction Determination), the number in the X column is used to calculated the longitudinal location, and the number in the Y column is used to calculate the transverse location. "eit lasunat i be ered tnmeney fn nk ort cso te ' July 30, 2009 | July 30, 2009 Page 1 of 2 Puerto Rico Highway and Transportation Authority (PRHTA) Procedure for SAMPLING COMPACTED HMA PAVEMENTS © Designation: PRHTA M 401 - 20 » Scope: a. This procedure describes the method for sampling compacted HMA. pavements for acceptance testing. . Reference Documents: a, Stratified Random Sampling Procedure (PRHTA M 401-10) “b, Supplemental Specification 401 (Hot Plant Mix Bituminous Pavement). ‘@. Special Provision 959 (Hot Plant Mix Bituminous Pavement - Superpave). . Significance: a. As part of the acceptance process of HMA pavement it is necessary to perform several tests procedures for determining the properties of in-place HMA pavement. Some of the properties that can be measured from compacted HMA pavement are In-Place Compaction and layer thickness. |. Definitions: a. Compaction - Compaction is the process by which the volume of air in an HMA mixture is reduced by using externel forces to reorient the constituent aggregate patticles into a more closely spaced atrangement. This reduction of air volume in a mixture produces a corresponding increase in HMA unit weight, or density. . Procedure: a. Provide coting machine and all related equipment and operator in order to Fert ecco SS UPERMMAUUDTENRE. Tie cots of sampling HMA pavements will be bared by the Contracto _sampling HIMA pavements will be bared by the Contractor. b. Determine the location of sampling following PRHTA M 401-10 procedure (stratified random procedure), Suly 30, 2009 Page 2 of 2 Puerto Rico Highway and Transportation Authority (PRHTA) Procedure for SAMPLING COMPACTED HMA PAVEMENTS. Designation: PRHTA M 401 - 20 a 0 1e edge _closer-than=three"(G)"Mches "Homi Ihe "CONNER" Edge "Ur" "itichessfom anon, confined edge of the course being place. _ d. Use the diameter/size of core as required in the respective PRHTA procedures or specification. Extend the full depth ofthe layer being tested. £ Core samples damaged during the extraction process shall be discarded and replaced with a core from a location selected by adding 0.3 m (1 fi) to the longitudinal location of the damaged core using the same transverse offset. j. The Engineer shall complete and sign the required submittal form, kc. The Engineer will deliver the core samples to the Authority Central Laboratory located in Bayamén. July 30, 2009 Page 1 of 4 Puerto Rico Highway and Transportation Authority (PRHTA) Procedure for _ DETERMINATION OF HMA IN-PLACE COMPACTION AND LAYER THICKNESS _ Designation: PRATA T 401 - 20 2. Reference Documents: a, Determination of Random Sampling Location (PRHTA M 401-10) 'b. Sampling of Compacted HMA Pavement (PRHTA M 401-20). c. Measurement of Water Permeability of Compacted Asphalt Paving Mixtures using FDOT FM 5-565. d. Theoretical Maximum Specific Gravity and Density of Hot-Mix Asphalt Paving ‘Mixtures (AASHTO T-209). e. Bulk specific Gravity of Compected Hot-mix Asphalt Using Saturated Surface- Dry Specimens (AASHTO T-166). £ Bulk specific Gravity of Compacted Hot-Mix Asphalt Using Paraffin-Coated Specimens (AASHTO T-275). g. Percent Air Voids in Compacted Dense and Open Asphalt Mixtures (AASHTO T- 269). i h. ASTMD 3549, i, Supplemental Specification 401 (Hot Plant Mix Bituminous Pavement), |. Special Provision 959 (Hot Plant Mix Bituminous Pavement - Superpave). 3, Significance: a. Provide procedures to determine the In-place Compaction and layer thickness of HMA. 4, Definitions: Suly 30, 2009 Page 2 of 4 Puerto Rico Highway and Transportation Authority (PRATA) Procedure for DETERMINATION OF HMA IN-PLACE COMPACTION AND LAYER THICKNESS Designation: PRHTA T 401 - 20 5, Procedure for Determination of In-Place Compaction: a. ‘The Authority will determine the location of cores based upon PRHTA M 401-10. b. Bxtract tivo cores per sublot, for a total of six cores per lot. The contractor will extract cores following PRHTA M 401-20 procedures as indicated above (step 6). + Sarge galt eect |. Sample , except in cases of re-testing for In-Place Compaction. 4. The Authority will perform bulk specific gravity (Gmb) of extracted cores following AASHTO T-166 procedures. If absorption of extracted cores exceeds 2%, determine bulk specific gravity following AASHTO T-275. e. Determine the density of each core as follows: Density = Bulk Specific Gravity (Gmib) x 62.4 pef £ Determine the average density result of each sublot. g Determine the In-Place Compaction of each sublot as follows: “Suiblot lnPlace Compaction = (Average Sublot Density / Average Maximum - Density) x 100 Ave Dewty p10 a Where: AVG MAL DERBITH ‘Maximum Density = Maximum Specific Gravity of HMA determined during production (in accordance with AASHTO T 209) x 62.4 pef. h. ‘Theavetage of all sublots will be used for acceptance purposes. i. Determine the maximum spread in In-place Compaction for each Lot as follows: Maximum Spread = Maximum difference between the highest and lowest sublot Tn-Place Compaction, ‘The maximum spread of each lot will also be used for acceptance purposes. July 30, 2009 Page 3 of 4 Puerto Rico Highway and Transportation Authority (PRHTA) Procedure for DETERMINATION OF HMA IN-PLACE COMPACTION AND LAYER THICKNESS Designation: PRHTA T 401 - 20 6. Procedure for Re-Testing of In-Place Compaction: a Request for retesting must be submitted in writing by the Contractor within 30 days of notification by the Authority. ‘The Authority will determine the location for six new 6 inch cores and three 12 inch cores based upon PRHTA M 401-10. The contractor will extract cores following PRHTA M 401-20 procedures as indicated above (step a). Retesting sampling will be performed by the Contractor at his/her expense, under the supervision of Authority's Materials Testing Office Personnel. Repeat the In-place Compaction procedure described in section 5 at six new locations selected at random (PRHTA M 401-10) form the lot. However, extract three cores of 12-inches in diameter for the determination of the maximum density of the lot as described below. i, Determine the maximum specific gravity of each extracted core (12-inches in diameter) using AASHTO T-209. ii. Determine the maximum density of each extracted core as follows: Maximum Density = Maximum Specific Gravity of HMA determined from extracted cores (in accordance with AASHTO T 209) x 62.4 pef. The In-Place Compaction resulting from this procedure will be used for ‘acceptance purposes. ‘The maximum spread resulting from this procedure will be used for acceptance purposes. The results of the retesting will be considered final for acceptance purposes as to the above requirements and no further retesting will be performed. 7. Procedure for Determination of Layer Thickness: a. Determine thickness from cores extracted following the above procedures. July 30, 2009 Page 4 of 4 Puerto Rico Highway and Transportation Authority (PRHTA) Procedure for DETERMINATION OF HMA IN-PLACE COMPACTION AND LAYER THICKNESS Designation: PRHTA T 401 - 20 b. Determine the thickness following ASTM D 3549, ce. Average the thickness of cores for each layer for acceptance purposes. d. Leveling mixes will not be considered for pavement thickness determinations. 8. Procedure for Determination of Compacted HMA Relative Permeability: a, Determine and report the relative permeability of extracted cores obtained using this procedure following FM 5-565. July 30, 2009 Page 1 of 3 Puerto Rico Highway and Transportation Authority (PRHTA) Test Procedure for Designation: PRHTA T 401-30 1. Scope: a Ra eee aa D 2. Reference Documents: a, ASTM D 6938 b. ASTMD 2950 c. Supplemental Specification 401 (Hot Plant Mix Bituminous Pavement). d. Special Provision 959 (Hot Plant Mix Bituminous Pavement - Superpave). 3. Significance: ‘a. Segregation in asphalt mixtures occurs as a result of the non-uniform distribution, of coarse and fine aggregates and it can be visually identified from the areas where coarse-agerogate-rich surface texture exists along the pavement surface, Since segregation can cause premature distresses, such as cracking, raveling, and stripping, it is essential then that a quantitative procedure be established in order to determine the acceptability of perceived segregated areas. 4, Definitions: a. Segregation - The non-uniform distribution of HMA coarse and fine aggregate ‘components. Segregation can be determined visually as pavement sections that have a significantly different texture than the surrounding material. b. Density profile - Is defined as eleven nuclear density readings; each spaced five feet apart from each other (total distance of 50 feet), taken longitudinally (parallel and/or skew from the direction of paving) over segregated areas or longitudinal streaks. 5. Procedure: Whenever visible segregation is perceived in recently produced and placed HMA pavement, the following density profile procedure will be used by the Authority to determine the acceptability of such arcas: July 30, 2009 Page 2 of 3 Puerto Rico Highway and Transportation Authority (PRHTA) Test Procedure for DETERMINATION OF HMA PAVEMENT DENSITY PROFILE Designation: PRHTA T 401-30 a, — Take two 1-minute readings at a 90 degree angle with the in the backscatter or thin layer mode of transmission in the same location. Before moving the gauge, average the two readings and compare each individual reading to the average. If either of these readings varies more than 1.0 pef from the average, take additional readings until two readings at a 90 degree angle of each other have been ‘obtained that are within 1.0 pof of the average and discard all other readings (maximum of four readings). If these readings are still not within 1.0 pef of the average, throw out the high and low and average the two readings (one in each direction). d. Determine the average density for the profile from each of the average readings. This is the mean reading, ¢, _ Determine the highest average reading from the eleven sets. This is the maximum reading, £ Determine the lowest average reading from the eleven sets. This is the minimum reading, nn Determine the difference between the maximum and minimum readings. This is the maximum minimum density range. ———————eOonrerere Iuly 30, 2009 Page 3 of 3 Puerto Rico Highway and Transportation Authority (PRHTA) Test Procedure for DETERMINATION OF HMA PAVEMENT DENSITY PROFILE Designation: PRHTA T 401-30 0 ‘Thermal Differential Streak (or visible aggregate segregation) of paving 2b a . Location of nuclear Longitudinal Profile Line density tests Figure #1: Pavement Density Profile Procedure Diagram

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