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Mechanobiology: From Molecular

Sensing to Disease - eBook PDF

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From Molecular Sensing to Disease

Edited by
Bioengineering Graduate Program
University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame
United States
Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
University of Notre Dame

Mechanobiology ISBN: 978-0-12-817931-4
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To Marcia and Max
List of Contributors

Daniel P. Ahern, MCh, MRCSI, PhD Joseph S. Butler, PhD, FRCS

Candidate Clinical Associate Professor
Trinity Centre for Biomedical Engineering School of Medicine
Trinity Biomedical Sciences Institute Trinity College Dublin
Trinity College Consultant Surgeon
Dublin, Ireland National Spinal Injuries Unit
Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Department of Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgery
Engineering Mater Misericordiae University Hospital
School of Engineering Dublin, Ireland
Trinity College Dublin
Dublin, Ireland Weitao Chen
Department of Mathematics
Department of Surgery
University of California
School of Medicine
Riverside, CA, United States
Trinity College Dublin
Dublin, Ireland Center for Quantitative Modeling in Biology
University of California
Mark Alber Riverside, CA, United States
Department of Mathematics
University of California David T. Corr
Riverside, CA, United States Biomedical Engineering Department
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Center for Quantitative Modeling in Biology
Troy, NY, United States
University of California
Riverside, CA, United States
Matthew E. Dolack
School of Medicine Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering
University of California The Pennsylvania State University
Riverside, CA, United States University Park, PA, United States
Department of Bioengineering
University of California Henry J. Donahue, PhD
Riverside, CA, United States Alice T. and William H. Goodwin Jr.
Professor and Distinguished Chair
Johana Barrientos Department of Biomedical Engineering
Department of Biological Sciences Virginia Commonwealth University
Wright State University Richmond, VA, United States
Dayton, OH, United States
Michael P. Duffy, MSc, PhD
Michael T.K. Bramson Candidate
Biomedical Engineering Department Department of Biomedical Engineering
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Columbia University
Troy, NY, United States New York, NY, United States


Michael A. Friendman, PhD Ethylin Wang Jabs

Department of Biomedical Engineering Department of Genetics and Genomic Sciences
Virginia Commonwealth University Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Richmond, VA, United States New York, NY, United States

Diego A. Garzón-Alvarado Reuben H. Kraft

Biomimetics Laboratory Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering
Instituto de Biotechnología The Pennsylvania State University
Universidad Nacional de Colombia University Park, PA, United States
Bogotá, Colombia Department of Biomedical Engineering
Numerical Methods and Modeling Research Group The Pennsylvania State University
Universidad Nacional de Colombia University Park, PA, United States
Bogotá, Colombia
Chanyoung Lee
Damian C. Genetos, PhD Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering
Associate Professor Georgia Institute of Technology/Emory University
Anatomy, Physiology, and Cell Biology Atlanta, GA, United States
UC Davis
Davis, CA, United States Jiun Liou, Jr., PhD
School of Veterinary Medicine Department of Bioengineering
Baton Rouge, LA, United States Swanson School of Engineering
University of Pittsburgh
M. Goelzer, MS Pittsburgh, PA, United States
Department of Mechanical and Biomedical
Engineering Jing Liu, PhD
Boise State University Department of Physics
Boise, ID, United States Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
Indianapolis, IN, United States
David A. Hoey, PhD
Associate Professor Maureen E. Lynch, PhD
Biomedical Engineering University of Colorado Boulder
Trinity Centre for Biomedical Engineering Boulder, CO, United States
Trinity Biomedical Sciences Institute
Trinity College Arsalan Marghoub
Dublin, Ireland Department of Mechanical Engineering
University College London
Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing
London, United Kingdom
School of Engineering
Kaitlin P. McCreery, BS
Trinity College Dublin
University of Colorado Boulder
Dublin, Ireland
Boulder, CO, United States
Advanced Materials and Bioengineering Research
Centre Megan R. Mc Fie, MSc, PhD
Trinity College Dublin & RCSI Candidate
Dublin, Ireland School of Engineering and Materials Science
Queen Mary University of London
Minyi Hu, PhD London, United Kingdom
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, NY, United States Mehran Moazen
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University College London
London, United Kingdom

Corey P. Neu, PhD Clare L. Thompson, PhD

University of Colorado Boulder Postdoctoral Researcher
Boulder, CO, United States School of Engineering and Materials Science
Queen Mary University of London
Glen L. Niebur, PhD London, United Kingdom
Tissue Mechanics Laboratory W.R. Thompson, PhD
Bioengineering Graduate Program and Department of Department of Physical Therapy
Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Indiana University
University of Notre Dame Bloomington, IN, United States
Notre Dame, IN, United States
G. Uzer, PhD
Yi-Xian Qin, PhD Senior Author
Stony Brook University Department of Mechanical and Biomedical
Stony Brook, NY, United States Engineering
Boise State University
Joan T. Richtsmeier Boise, ID, United States
Department of Anthropology
The Pennsylvania State University Sarah K. Van Houten
University Park, PA, United States Biomedical Engineering Department
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Ying Ru Troy, NY, United States
Department of Genetics and Genomic Sciences
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Jonathan P. Vande Geest, PhD
New York, NY, United States Department of Bioengineering
Swanson School of Engineering
Benjamin Seelbinder, MS McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine
University of Colorado Boulder Department of Ophthalmology
Boulder, CO, United States School of Medicine
Louis J. Fox Center for Vision Restoration
Jason A. Shar, BS University of Pittsburgh
Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering Pittsburgh, PA, United States
Wright State University
Dayton, OH, United States Vijay Velagala
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular
Jason E. Shoemaker, PhD Engineering
Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering University of Notre Dame
Swanson School of Engineering Notre Dame, IN, United States
Department of Computational and Systems Biology Bioengineering Graduate Program
School of Medicine University of Notre Dame
McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine Notre Dame, IN, United States
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA, United States Jeremiah J. Zartman
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular
Philippe Sucosky, PhD Engineering
Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering University of Notre Dame
Wright State University Notre Dame, IN, United States
Dayton, OH, United States
Bioengineering Graduate Program
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN, United States
Preface: Mechanobiology, why not?

HISTORY OF MECHANOBIOLOGY Roux. Wolff published his monograph “Das Gesetz der
Mechanobiology is, in some ways, a new field. The first Transformation der Knochen” (“The Law of Bone
reference to the term mechanobiology in the US govern- Remodeling”)5,6 in 1892, and Roux published “Der
ment’s PubMed database was by Marjolein van der Kampf Der Theile im Organismus” (“The Challenges to
Meulen in 1993.1 Indeed, the term mechanobiology was the Parts in the Organism”) in which he proposed the
coined specifically for this paper at a meeting of the idea of functional adaptation to external stimuli in
Stanford-Palo Alto Bone Remodeling club. The group 1881.4 In 1885, Roux published a second treatise on
had realized that biomechanical neither was the correct developmental mechanics (“Die Entwicklungsmecha-
description for the phenomenon they were describing nik; ein neuer Zweig der biologischen Wissenschaft” or
nor was it sufficient to use the adjective “mechanical” to “Developmental mechanics: a new branch of biological
modify biological terms.2 They noted science”).7,8
The term mechanobiological is used to emphasize Before the emergence of the term mechanobiology, a
that the mechanical effects we are modeling are also significant amount of research was described by the
dependent upon a biological response.1 ubiquitously applied misnomer “Wolff’s law for .”,
Within a few years, a number of papers from labo- which was used to describe the concept of tissue adap-
ratories at Stanford and the Palo Alto VA adopted the tation or healing under the influence of mechanical
term. It came into more widespread use throughout the loads in tendons, ligaments,9e11 and skin,12 among
1990s. One of the seminal definitions of the term other tissues.13
appeared in the article “Why Mechanobiology?” published “Wolff’s law” has certainly seen its share of criticism
in the Journal of Biomechanics in 2001.3 In this article the for its simplicity, conflation of differing processes, over-
authors laid out the central precept of mechanobiology reliance on mechanics relative to hormonal and nutri-
for the skeleton: tional factors, and incorrect understanding of
mechanics.14,15 Similarly, Roux’s writings intermixed
The premise of mechanobiology is that these biological pro- concepts of heredity and adaptation, using examples of
cesses are regulated by signals to cells generated by me- ducks and cows. However, one must remember that the
chanical loading, a concept dating back to Roux.4 The existence of cells had only been known for a few decades
relevant questions include how external and muscle loads are at the time, Charles Darwin was a contemporary, and the
transferred to the tissues, how the cells sense these loads, and discovery of DNA was far in the future. In this context,
how the signals are translated into the cascade of biochem- these researchers established concepts and asked ques-
ical reactions to produce cell expression or differentiation. tions that remain at the heart of mechanobiology today,
Ultimately, we want to predict growth and differentiation in even if their initial hypotheses have been superseded and
augmented with newly discovered biological structures
quantitative terms, based on a given force exerted on a given
and phenomena over time.
tissue matrix populated by cells.3
Much of the early work in mechanobiology focused
This definition has been readily adapted to other on the musculoskeletal system, formalizing the ideas
tissues by changing “muscle loading” to a variety of force and incorporating growing knowledge of cellular pro-
generators and “tissue matrix populated by cells” with cesses. Advanced mechanical analysis, made possible by
any number of tissues or even cells themselves. At the the finite element method, provided a means to calculate
same time that a new field was being defined, the authors the spatial distribution of the mechanical signal, which
noted that it was in some ways a very old field. The un- was correlated to locations of bone formation or
derlying principles of mechanobiology were outlined a resorption or to changes in the local density of the
century earlier in the work by Julius Wolff and Wilhelm bone.16e18 Similarly, cartilage19 and tendon20e22


adaptation and remodeling were simulated using algo- Mechanobiology is now studied as an inherently
rithms that incorporated mechanical cues. Cardiovas- multiscale phenomenon. Starting from the cell scale, the
cular mechanobiology research also grew, leveraging role of mechanotransduction in sensing the presence or
similar computational methods but applying differing localized motions of surrounding cells or ECM is the first
theories of cellular response and remodeling.23 As stage in the mechanobiological cascade. At this level, it is
computational power has grown, cell and molecular essential to understand how forces are transmitted to the
level knowledge has been incorporated into simulations physiologic structures that connect the cells to the ECM
to include the local cell density, the density of local or to other cellsdthe integrins and the adherens,
signaling molecules, and nutrient diffusion.24,25 respectivelydas well as the cytoskeleton and cell mem-
brane, and how they are transduced into biochemical
actions within the cell. Forces on these structures can
MECHANOBIOLOGY ACROSS LENGTH induce gene translation, post-translational modification
SCALES of proteins, or upregulation of secondary messengers
At the largest length scales, mechanobiology has been that drive protein translation and cell differentiation
used to explain how activities of daily living and envi- through both autocrine and paracrine signaling. This
ronment affect the composition, geometry, or healing of signaling may alter local cell phenotypes, cell signaling,
the tissue. For example, multiple mechanobiological further ECM production and degradation, or the orga-
models have attempted to predict the shape and scaling nization of ECM molecules.
of bones with respect to mechanical loading26,27 or to
investigate rehabilitation regimens that can best rees-
tablish normal function.28 WHY NOT MECHANOBIOLOGY?
At the tissue scale the focus is often on the changes in Most cells contain the machinery necessary to sense and
extracellular matrix (ECM) properties. In these models respond to loads, even if other factors may dominate
the cell populations can often aggregate as concentra- their function. While mechanical loading is obviously an
tions. The interactions of cells with the matrix are essential part of the function of musculoskeletal and
quantified by the local strain or fluid flow. The choice of cardiovascular tissues, almost all tissues are subjected to
constitutive model has proven to be important in many some mechanical forces and deformation. Both epithe-
instances, with fiber-reinforced or poroelastic de- lial and endothelial surfaces can be subjected to fluid
scriptions improving the fidelity of calculations of the flows and stretching. Even baseline respiration in
mechanical behavior. The mechanobiological processes mammals causes cyclic motion and pressure changes in
are hypothesized to alter the mechanical properties by the thoracic and abdominal cavities, which would
defining rate laws for any or all of the constitutive pa- induce mechanical stress in the organs. For example,
rameters that depend on the number and the state of the mechanobiology plays a role in liver regeneration30 and
various cells. Nutrients or signaling molecules can also normal kidney function.31,32 Interestingly, molecules
be described by concentrations. Their diffusion and involved in mechanosensing in the kidneyd
convection are typically governed by classical laws, but yes-associated protein (YAP) and transcriptional coac-
additional production and consumption laws must also tivator with PDZ-binding motif (TAZ)dalso play a role
be postulated based on the cell populations present. in bone mechanobiology33,34 and many other cell line-
In parallel with these macroscopic phenomenological ages.35 Identification of this and other molecular targets
models, novel methods were being developed to deter- may provide a link to mechanobiological functions in
mine whether cells actually sense and respond to me- other tissues and organ systems.
chanical cues. Flow chambers, stretched surfaces, Over the past 25 years, mechanobiology has grown
patterned surfaces, and materials of varying mechanical into a distinct field with research centers, journals, and
properties were all used to determine whether cells conferences dedicated to its study. It is a uniquely
altered gene or protein expression in response to me- interdisciplinary field that rests at an interface between
chanical cues. Lower and upper bounds of shearing engineering, biology, materials science, and physics. It
stresses, stretches, and pressures have since been estab- relies on many other new and growing fields such as
lished for mechanobiological response of a range of cell bioinformatics, gene editing, and high-resolution imag-
phenotypes. In a seminal paper, Engler and colleagues29 ing to achieve its aims. Mechanobiology is now firmly
showed that culturing stem cells on materials with established in the biology and bioengineering lexicon,
differing constitutive properties alters their differentia- and in 2018, 308 articles indexed in the PubMed data-
tion fate. base specifically used one of the terms mechanobiology

or mechanobiological in the abstract or title. There is an powerful experimental platforms for mechanobiology,
excellent textbook on mechanobiology,36 and courses especially when coupled with genetically engineered cell
are offered at many universities. A multisite National sources37 or small molecule activators or inhibitors of
Science Foundation is highly active, and there are other pathways of interest. Underlying biological mechanisms
institutes and centers at universities throughout the can be further probed by cell culture using reporter cells
world. to quantify the mechanics of individual cells.
New technologies, including animal models, organ-/ The final two chapters consider modeling of mecha-
tissue-on-a-chip, and engineered tissues, coupled with nobiology in development and tissue morphogenesis.
gene editing and cellular level probes, have opened Computational modeling can provide the best approach
endless possibilities for mechanobiology research. It is to develop and test hypotheses in mechanobiology.
now much easier to probe the mechanical response of Multiphysics modeling software allows researchers to
systems and to understand how they are coupled to both explore the interactions of mechanics, transport, and
health and disease. As such, we have entered the era of growth and to explore scenarios that lead to experi-
“why not mechanobiology.” mentally testable hypotheses. Development provides a
unique model with which to study mechanobiology
because the tissue and organ morphology can change
rapidly, and the effects of interventions are easily
OVERVIEW observed. Researchers have studied the mechanobiology
In the first five chapters of this book, mechanobiological of development using animal38,39 and even human
effects in different tissues are reviewed and discussed. As models.40,41
mechanobiology has taken root in various fields, the
theories and methods have evolved independently. It is Glen L. Niebur
often valuable to look across fields to understand new Tissue Mechanics Laboratory, Bioengineering Graduate
potential pathways and molecules that may play similar Program, Department of Aerospace and Mechanical
or differing roles in other systems. Across these chapters, Engineering, University of Notre Dame, IN, USA
we can see the recurring themes of understanding the
mechanical environment of the tissue and how that is
translated to the cells. Many themes are repeated across REFERENCES
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Osteocyte Mechanobiology in Aging

and Disease

1. INTRODUCTION necessary to serve the functions of other organs.6 As

Advances in healthcare enable longer lives, although the such, postnatal changes in bone mass, diameter,
proportion of quality living years has not kept pace.1,2 length, etc. were attributed to variations in hormonal
Thus a longer lifespan frequently engenders adverse ef- milieu or serum ion concentration, rather than a
fects, including loss of muscle mass and function (i.e., response to the mechanical loading environment.7
sarcopenia), idiopathic or senile osteoporosis, reduc- Motivated by serendipitous observations on the rela-
tions in joint mobility, and osteoarthritis. These disor- tionship between trabecular alignment in the femoral
ders promote physical inactivity, which reduces bone neck and the estimated principal stress directions
mass, microarchitecture, and strength, to increase frac- therein,8 skeletal adaptation as a consequence of me-
ture risk. Although fractures may be successfully chanical loading gained support and acceptance. Skel-
repaired, the adverse effects, such as decreased mobility etal adaptation to the mechanical environment may
and loss of independence, increase postfracture be most easily observed in conditions of disuse:
morbidity and mortality. In the United States, musculo- decreasing externally applied loadsdthrough casting,
skeletal diseases affect half of the persons aged 18 years limb immobilization, or microgravitydreduces bone
or older and three of four people over the age of 65 mass via periosteal and endosteal resorption.
years.3 Because women are at a greater risk of osteopo- Conversely, dynamically applied external loads in-
rotic fracture, osteoporosis diagnosis and treatment crease bone mass through concerted reductions in
often focus on women; however, mortality rates due osteoclastogenesis, conversion of bone-lining cells to
to fractures are greater in men within 1 year post frac- osteoblasts, and osteoblast formation and activation.9
ture.4 Moreover, the incidence of osteoporosis and in- Many bones are naturally curved, owing to the com-
creases in skeletal fragility are exacerbated by lifestyle bined influences of chondral growth and bone
choices, including type 2 diabetes, smoking, and low modeling.8 Applied loads transiently exacerbate their
physical activity. The current frequency of osteoporotic inherent curvature, generating compressive and tensile
fractures, projected future fracture rate, and associated stress gradients perpendicular to the bone surface. The
socioeconomic burden5 demand a means to reduce, if differential stresses promote site-specific bone resorption
not eliminate, osteoporosis. However, this is unlikely (at areas of tension) and formation (at compressive sites)
without a thorough understanding of the cellular pro- to reduce the magnitude of the applied strain. Yet any
cesses that contribute to, and are dysregulated by, aging compression or tension does not, nor should it, elicit a
and disease (Fig. 1.1.1). mechanoadaptive response. Rather than simply respond
to any nonzero strain, Frost proposed that time-averaged
2. MECHANICAL LOADING EFFECTS ON mechanical strains within or on a bone elicit a skeletal
BONE: MECHANOTRANSDUCTION response if they occur above or below a specific strain
Historically the skeleton was considered a mineral threshold.10 Analogous to using a thermostat to establish
reservoir, storing calcium and phosphorus until the temperature of a house, the mechanostat is a

Mechanobiology. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-817931-4.00001-7
Copyright © 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 1
2 SECTION I Mechanobiological Basis of Diseases

FIG. 1.1.1 (A) Depiction of osteocyte morphology, lacunocanalicular organization, and interaction with other
osteocytes, surface osteoblasts, bone marrow, and the vasculature. From S.L. Dallas, M. Prideaux, L.F.
Bonewald, The osteocyte: an endocrine cell . and more, Endocr. Rev., 34 (2013), pp. 658e690. (B) Scanning
electron microscopic image of an acid-etched resin embedded murine osteocyte demonstrating its numerous
and tortuous canalicular network. From Lynda F. Bonewald, Osteocyte Biology In Robert Marcus, David
Feldman,... Jane A. Cauley Eds. Osteoporosis (Fourth Edition), (2013), pp. 209e234. (C) Mechanisms whereby
osteocytes regulate remodeling within and throughout a bone. From Sakhr, A. Murshid, The role of osteocytes
during experimental orthodontic tooth movement: A review, Archives of Oral Biology, 73, (2017), pp. 25e33,

theoretic set point that must be surpassed or unmet skeletal response to externally applied load include the
before initiating structurally appropriate alterations to nature of the strain (dynamic vs. static) and the time
bone mass and architecture. In this model, strains below over which it is applied.9
a set point promote osteoclast formation and bone Mechanotransduction refers to the complex interac-
resorption in order to reduce bone mass, thereby mini- tions whereby tissue-level strains are converted to local-
mizing the metabolic cost of unnecessary mass, and ized biophysical signals that ultimately promote skeletal
strains above the set point increase bone mass and the adaptation; per Duncan and Turner, it consists of four
strength to prevent pathologic fractures. Feedbackdin unique stages12:
the form of increased bone cross section that reduces (1) Mechanocoupling: Conversion of tissue-level loads
bone straindthereby limits the adaptive response.11 into localized mechanical signals perceived by
Beyond strain magnitude, other critical determinants of mechanosensitive cells.
CHAPTER 1.1 Osteocyte Mechanobiology in Aging and Disease 3

(2) Biochemical coupling: Transduction of localized Because of their frequency and localization
mechanical signals into biochemical responses in throughout bone, osteocytes are currently considered
mechanosensitive cells. the primary mechanosensory cell within a bone. Based
(3) Signal transmission: From mechanosensory cell to on in vitro studies of osteoblast mechanosensitivity, os-
effector cell. teoblasts (and, by inference, osteocytes) require
(4) Effector cell response: Initiation of tissue-level >5000 mε in order to elicit second messenger activation
response. and gene transcription,18,19 the magnitude of which in-
Within this model, the strain induced by bone duces pathologic fracture. Therefore it has been pro-
bending during physical activity or exercise, approxi- posed that osteocytes possess an ability to amplify the
mately 400e3000 microstrain (mε), induces a plethora applied tissue-level strain into a localized strain suffi-
of biophysical signals within the bone tissue, consisting cient to elicit osteocyte activation.20 In this model, cana-
of interstitial fluid flow, direct mechanical strain, hydro- licular tethering elements, such as integrins and the
static pressure, and electrokinetic effects on bone hyaluronan-rich glycocalyx, connect the osteocyte cell
cells.13,14 Rapid responses (0 se1 min) to biophysical membrane to the extracellular matrix,21e24 which gen-
forces include the generation or liberation of second erates drag forces across the canalicular cell process to
messengers such as Ca2þ, cyclic AMP, diacylglycerol, amplify the tissue-level strain to a level sufficient to
and inositol triphosphate. Over the course of minutes induce an osteocytic response.
to hours, such messengers subsequently promote the Tremendous efforts have identified potential and
synthesis and secretion of autocrine/paracrine factors functional biochemical coupling mechanisms in bone.
(e.g., NO, prostaglandin [PG] E2, and ATP), kinase acti- Thus there are several mechanisms by which osteocytes
vation, cytoskeletal rearrangement, transcription factor may detect mechanical signals, and it is likely that most,
(nuclear factor [NF]-kB, b-catenin) activity, and gene if not all, of these mechanisms contribute to mechano-
transcription and translation. Concomitantly, gap junc- transduction in osteocytes.
tional intercellular communication (GJIC) and juxta- a) Integrins. Integrins are heteromeric membrane-
crine signaling amplifies the local signal among spanning proteins composed of a- and b-chains.
effector cells for initiation of appropriate tissue-level re- Integrins bind focal adhesion kinase (FAK) and
sponses (Fig. 1.1.2).15e17 transmit force to ERK, Src, and RhoA, leading to
stress fiber formation.25 Fluid-flow-induced shear

FIG. 1.1.2 (A) Mechanistic model for osteocyte mechanocoupling, wherein fluid shear stress and/or tissue
deformation promotes integrin engagement, ion channel activation and opening, and cytoskeletal alignment.
From M. Prideaux, D.M. Findlay, G.J. Atkins, Osteocytes: The master cells in bone remodeling, Curr Opin
Pharmacol 28 (2016), pp. 24-30. (B) Proposed influence of mechanical loading or disuse influences bone
modeling via sclerostin, osteoprotegerin, and Rankl. OPG, osteoprotegerin. T. Moriishi, R. Fukuyama, M. Ito, M.
Myazaki, Y. Kawai, H. Komori, T. Komori, Osteocyte Network: a Negative Regulatory System for Bone Mass
Augmented by the Induction of Rankl in Osteoblasts and Sost in Osteocytes at Unloading, PLoS ONE (2012).
4 SECTION I Mechanobiological Basis of Diseases

stress causes conformational changes in integrins mechanotransduction, but there has only been one
that likely activate downstream signaling.26 study describing their role in osteocyte mechano-
Furthermore, recent evidence suggests that pan- transduction: Miyauchi38 demonstrated that
nexin 1, which is implicated as an ATP-releasing gadolinium chloride blocked hypoosmotic stretch-
channel; the ATP-gated purinergic receptor P2RX7; induced increases in intracellular Ca2þ (Ca2þi) in
and the low-voltage transiently opened T-type cal- rat osteocytes, as well as inhibiting expression of the
cium channel Cav3.2 co-localize with b3 integrin pore-forming a1c subunit of the Cav1.2 calcium
attachment foci on osteocyte processes, suggesting a channel.
specialized mechanotransduction complex at these Similar to the case with gadolinium-sensitive
sites.27 Thus integrins are well positioned to stretch-activated channels, there are limited studies
contribute to osteocyte mechanotransduction not on the role of TRP channels in osteocyte mecha-
only through mechanocoupling of direct substrate notransduction. However, in a comprehensive
strain into an intracellular response but also as a study Lyons et al. demonstrated that TRPV4 was a
node that integrates multiple mechanocoupling critical component of the mechanism by which
mechanisms. fluid-flow-induced shear stress increases cytosolic
b) Cilia. Over the past several years, the role of cilia in Ca2þ levels, which then reduces sclerostin expres-
osteocyte mechanotransduction has begun to sion.39 As sclerostin inhibits bone formation, these
emerge. Cilia are long antennalike structures that results suggest that osteocytic TRPV is involved in
have been implicated in mechanotransduction in the bone anabolic effects of mechanical signals.
several cell types including osteocytes. It has been d) Gap junctions. Abundant in vitro data suggest that
demonstrated that lengthening primary cilia en- GJIC, largely through gap junction composed of
hances cellular mechanosensitivity. Osteocytic cells Cx43, plays a critical role in mechanotransduction
designed to have longer cilia displayed greater in bone. In vitro experiments, largely with osteo-
increased expression of COX-2 and osteopontin blasts, demonstrate that gap-junction-deficient cell
messenger RNA in response to fluid flow than did ensembles are less responsive to mechanical sig-
cells with normal length cilia.28 Furthermore, Lee nals40 and that mechanically induced signals travel
et al. demonstrated that the primary cilium function from bone cell to bone cell via gap junctions.41 This
as a mechanical and calcium signaling nexus in suggests that gap junctions sensitize bone to me-
osteocytes. Additionally, removal of polycystins chanical signals. However, in vivo studies do not
(Pkd1 and 2 in osteoblasts and osteocytes) or support the concept. For instance, bone from mice
ciliary proteins (Kif3a) impairs specifically deficient in osteoblast and osteocyte
mechanotransduction.29e31 However, while abun- Cx43 (Gja1) is actually more responsive to the
dant data suggest a role for cilia in osteocyte anabolic effects of mechanical loading42,43 and less
mechanotransduction, the biochemical coupling responsive to the catabolic effects of unloading.44,45
linking cilia movement to osteoanabolism remains The mechanism underlying these rather counterin-
elusive. Furthermore, cilia are located on cell bodies tuitive results is not known. However, a nonca-
rather than on dendritic processes, the more ideal nonical function of Cx43, that of a molecule that
location of mechanosensors in osteocytes. binds b-catenin, has been proposed.46,47
c) Membrane Channels. Osteocytic cells express Gap junction hemichannels may also play a role in
gadolinium-sensitive stretch-activated channels, bone mechanotransduction. Mechanical signals,
transient receptor potential (TRP) channels, and including fluid-flow-induced shear stress, increase
voltage-sensitive calcium channels.32e36 Brown the release of ATP48 and PGE249 via Cx43 hemi-
et al. elegantly demonstrated that Cav3.2 T-type channels and, in the case of PGE2 release, this may
voltage-sensitive calcium channels mediate shear- involve activated AKT kinase.50 However, one study
stress-induced cytosolic calcium in osteocytes has demonstrated that, at least in osteoblasts, fluid-
through a mechanism involving endoplasmic re- flow-induced PGE2 release occurs in Cx43-deficient
ticulum calcium dynamics,37 and Thompson et al. osteoblasts and is dependent on the expression of
found that the auxiliary a2d1 subunit of the Cav3.2 pannexin 1.51 Similarly, Genetos et al.48 found that
channel complex is involved in osteocytic stretch- osteocytes transfected with Cx43 small interfering
activated release of ATP. Regarding gadolinium- RNA were still capable of PGE2 release in response
sensitive stretch-activated channels, there is to purinoceptor activation, supporting a mecha-
considerable evidence for their role in osteoblast nism wherein ATP is released via Cx43 or
CHAPTER 1.1 Osteocyte Mechanobiology in Aging and Disease 5

pannexins, which subsequently binds to purino- Unloading of bones because of disuse, weight loss,
ceptors to induce PGE2 secretion. or exposure to microgravity during spaceflight causes
Initial consideration of bone mechanobiology focused relatively rapid decreases in bone mass and mineraliza-
on the effects of diverse biophysical forces on osteoblast tion. Humans in space suffer bone loss of 0.5%e1.5%
or osteoclast function, as these are the primary effectors of bone mineral density (BMD) per month from expo-
of bone adaptation. Furthermore, osteocyte isolation pro- sure to microgravity, even when using a light exercise
cedures were time-consuming, and the ignorance or un- program of 3e4 days per week.63,64 Unloading from
availability of osteocyte markers prevented procurement immobilization also causes similar amounts of bone
of pure populations. The development of fluorescent re- loss in human and animal studies on Earth.56,65e67
porter mice and improved primary osteocyte enrichment Bones exposed to extended periods of unloading have
approaches have overcome this burden, enabling investi- increased numbers of empty lacunae and lacunae size,
gators to directly assay the effects of biophysical forces on increased porosity, and increased endosteal resorption.
osteocytes. Although osteocytes recapitulate many of the These changes make bone more susceptible to fracture
biophysical load-induced responses as observed in osteo- and less sensitive to changes in mechanical loading.
blasts, for example, rapid and transient increases in Ca2þi; Noting variations in lacunar shape, Marotti68 pro-
release of PGs, nitric oxide, and ATP; and OPG/RANKL, posed that osteocytes secrete an inhibitory factor that
there exist fundamental differences between osteoblastic limits bone deposition by nearby osteoblasts; this hy-
and osteocytic responses to in vitro mechanical loading. pothesis was refined by Martin,69 whose model pre-
For example, fewer primary osteocytes than primary oste- dicted tonic suppression bone-lining cell activation by
oblasts responded to shear stresses of 1.2e2.4 Pa by the said inhibitory factor. Furthermore, the funda-
mobilizing Ca2þi.52 Similarly, the molecular mecha- mental necessity of osteocytes for mechanosensing is
nisms whereby localized biophysical signals are trans- observed in their absence: targeted deletion of osteo-
duced into intracellular responses can alter as a cytes increases porosity and microdamage and de-
function of osteolineage state, with osteoblasts reliant creases bone formation, strength, and
on Cav1.2 calcium channels, and osteocytes reliant on mechanosensitivity.70 Sclerostin (product of the Sost
Cav3.2 calcium channels, to mobilize Ca2þi.53 Further, gene), an inhibitor of Wnt signaling expressed primarily
osteocyte-specific responses to mechanical load are in osteocytes, represents such an osteocyte-expressed in-
observed in the context of osteocyte-specific or -enriched hibitor of bone formation. Nonsense mutations in Sost
proteins, which are mechanoregulated in osteocytes, but produce the sclerosing bone dysplasia sclerosteosis,71
not mechanoregulated in osteoblasts. and a related syndrome, van Buchem disease, results
from the deletion of a noncoding distal enhancer.72e74
Murine models of Sost or ECR5 deletion phenocopy the
3. EVIDENCE FOR OSTEOCYTE-DIRECTED high bone mass phenotype observed in humans,75,76
SKELETAL RESPONSES enabling thorough evaluation of the molecular mecha-
Exercise has many long-lasting benefits to bone, nisms of Sost transcriptional regulation. The mechanical
including increasing bone volume, bone strength, and environment reciprocally influences sclerostin expres-
bone tissue quality.54e57 Bones respond to dynamic, re- sion, which decreases in limbs of loaded animals and
petitive loading with increased periosteal bone forma- increases following disuse.77,78 Load-induced changes
tion, bone mineralization, and tissue quality. This in Sost expression are required for skeletal adaptation:
response strengthens the areas of bone tissue exposed transgenic mice that increase Sost expression in response
to the highest amounts of loading.58 Periosteal bone to loading, rather than the natural downregulation that
formation increases linearly with increasing applied occurs after load, are incapable of an osteoadaptive
strain,59 loading frequency, and daily loading cycles.9 response,79 and pharmacologic or genetic inhibition
However, bone becomes desensitized to prolonged of Sost function protects mice from disuse-induced
loading, after approximately 40 high-magnitude bone loss.80,81 Mechanoregulated Sost expression ap-
loading cycles per day.60 Effects of increasing loading pears independent of the ECR5 enhancer, as, despite be-
on bone are also dependent on age and skeletal devel- ing mechanosensitive in vitro, ECR5/ mice
opment. Exercising when young and still undergoing demonstrate equivalent bone formation or loss
skeletal development offers the greatest benefits to compared to wild-type mice in response to loading or
bone mass and bone strength.61 Benefits to bone mass unloading, respectively.82 In contrast, the inhibitory ef-
from exercise decrease throughout adulthood such fect of parathyroid hormone (PTH) (1-34) requires
that, in the elderly, exercise only helps to attenuate ECR5.83
bone loss from aging.62 Osteocytes also have the ability to regulate bone
resorption by secreting receptor activator of NF-kB
6 SECTION I Mechanobiological Basis of Diseases

ligand (RANKL). RANKL is also secreted by chondrocytes the transcription factor b-catenin. Mice lacking b-catenin
and osteoblastic cells and is required for differentiation in osteocytes do not fully develop bones and die prema-
of osteoclast progenitor cells into osteoclasts.84 Osteo- turely,86 and heterozygous b-catenin osteocyte cKO mice
cytes also secrete osteoprotegerin (OPG) that works as reveal decreased trabecular bone volume and fail to lose
a decoy receptor,85,86 binding to RANKL and preventing cortical bone in response to unloading.100 Furthermore,
its osteoclastogenic effects. RANKL and OPG are closely constitutively active b-catenin in osteocytes has an
regulated, and the RANKL/OPG ratio is used as an indi- osteoanabolic effect resulting from the increasing bone
cator of osteoclastogenic activity.87 Osteocyte apoptosis formation and osteoblast differentiation.101 Yet, other
induces RANKL and decreases OPG expression in neigh- factors that exert osteotropic effects, beyond Wnt
boring osteocytes, thereby promoting pro-resorptive signaling, are capable of activating b-catenin signaling
adaptation.88 Thus reciprocal modulation of OPG and and eliciting osteoanabolic effects: load-induced b-cate-
RANKL by osteocytes provides a means to target bone, nin signaling in osteocytes is also driven through auto-
damaged from overuse, for replacement and subse- crine PGE2 function102 and PTH independent of
quent reduction of fracture risk.89,90 Lrp5,103e105 as well as fibroblast growth factor
In addition to regulating bone tissue remodeling, os- signaling.106
teocytes possess the capacity to remodel the perilacunar Osteocytes release many factors that work together to
area in which they reside. Perilacunar remodeling al- regulate bone remodeling. Communication between
lows for more rapid mobilization or storage of minerals neighboring osteocytes and the extracellular environment
from bone, as the osteocytes’ perilacunar networks is crucial for osteocytes to release and propagate these sig-
contain far more surface area of mineralized tissue nals in response to changes in mechanical loading. For
than the periosteal and endosteal bone surfaces. example, skeletal response to increases in mechanical
Enlarged lacunae, indicative of perilacunar bone resorp- loading is independent of osteocyte density in areas of
tion, are observed in patients with mineral metabolism maximum loading, supporting the concept that signal
disorders,91 in rats exposed to unloading during space- propagation from a modest few mechanoactivated osteo-
flight,92 in hibernating animals,93 and in lactating ani- cytes is necessary to promote skeletal adaptation.
mals.94,95 Perilacunar remodeling is activated through Membrane-bound connexins help osteocytes to propa-
tumor growth factor (TGF)-b96 or PTH95,97 signaling gate signals released in response to mechanical loading.
and, thus, is sensitive to both changes in both the hu- Mechanical loading increases expression and activation
moral milieu (PTH) and factors released from bone ma- of connexin 43, allowing for greater release of signals
trix during resorption (TGF-b, PTH-related protein such as PGE2 that affect bone metabolism. Deletion of
[PTHrP]). Furthermore, changes in lacuna size from per- connexin 43 in osteocytes causes early onset osteopenia,
ilacunar remodeling affect fluid-flow-induced shear weak bones, and high porosity, properties usually seen in
stress forces sensed by osteocytes.98 Thus conditions older bones or following increased osteocyte
that change the lacuna size can also change the mecha- apoptosis.107,108 This change in phenotype is not seen
nosensitivity of the bone. in osteocytes with normal connexin 43 hemichannels
To limit osteocytic influence on bone remodeling to and defective connexin 43 gap junctions,109 suggesting
a few scant proteinsesclerostin, OPG, and RANKLeor hemichannels play a predominant role in the response
via perilacunar remodeling minimizes the tremendous to changes in mechanical loading. Connexin 43-
influence that osteocytes have on skeletal development deficient osteocytes are more responsive to increases in
and repair. Dickkopf-1 (Dkk1) functions similar to scle- mechanical loading, increasing production of PGE2 and
rostin to inhibit bone formation by inhibiting activation decreasing Sost expression to a greater extent than in
of the Wnt pathway. However, the absence of Dkk1 does wild-type osteocytes.110 Connexin 43-deficient osteocytes
not influence bone mass and strength to the extent are less responsive to unloading, although these bones
observed in SostKO mice: neither osteocytic Dkk1 cKO already have signs of bone loss seen after wild-type bones
mice nor mice in which Dkk1 is systemically neutralized are exposed to microgravity.44,45 Yet, while cell-cell
by an antibody reveal a robust skeletal response to these communication, or release of paracrine factors, is attrib-
interventions, in contrast to the dramatic skeletal pheno- uted to Cx43 function in bones, evidence indicates that
type in animals deprived of sclerostin expression or func- the Cx43 carboxy terminus, independent of gap junction
tion. Instead, absence of Dkk1 expression or function signaling, is obligate for normal skeletal development.47
increases sclerostin expression, indicating a compensa- Alternately, direct cell-cell interactions, rather than
tory mechanism between the two Wnt antagonists.99 secretion of soluble factors, reveal tremendous influ-
Osteoanabolic effects of Wnt signaling appear to require ence on skeletal form and function; this is observed,
CHAPTER 1.1 Osteocyte Mechanobiology in Aging and Disease 7

for example, in the context of Notch signaling, which is many studies designed to interrogate the effect of chro-
activated by direct interactions between a Notch ligand nologic age on osteoanabolic response to loading. Yet,
and a Notch receptor in neighboring cells. Notch rather than suggest failures in various models, the
signaling imparts osteolineage-specific effects on the inability to answer such a facile question may underlie
skeleton: in osteoprogenitors or immature osteoblasts, the complexity of organism aging viz. redundancy in
activation of Notch signaling through overexpression mechanoresponsive or mechanoadaptive mechanisms.
of the Notch1 intracellular domain (NICD) reduces Indeed, rather than posit a specific defective signaling
osteoblast differentiation, whereas in osteocytes the pathway in osteocytes as the cause for primary osteopo-
same model increases cancellous bone volume through rosis, it is necessary to consider osteoporosis as the
increased bone formation and reduced bone resorp- result of changes in the interaction of osteocytes with
tion.111 Notch activation in osteocytes promotes Wnt their matrix, osteocyte abundance, the hormonal
signaling through reductions in expression of the Wnt milieu, and cell-autonomous deficits in osteocyte func-
antagonists Sost and Dkk1; mice expressing constitu- tion (Fig. 1.1.3).
tively active b-catenin show increased Notch receptor
expression,101 and osteocytic Notch activation pro- 4.1. Osteocyte Number
motes Wnt signaling, creating a positive feedback be- The ability to perceive biophysical signals and transduce
tween Notch and Wnt signaling.112 them to tissue-level responses is predicated upon the
presence of an osteocyte, such that alterations in osteo-
cyte number may contribute to osteoporosis. Indeed, re-
4. OSTEOCYTES, ductions in osteocyte number and lacuna are observed
MECHANOTRANSDUCTION, AND AGING in human specimens and murine models, although
The existence of skeletal involution with increasing this highly depends on the anatomic location and
chronologic age is without dispute, but attributing type of bone (cortical vs. trabecular). For example, oste-
this tissue-level response to deficits in specific cells, or ocyte lacunar density decreases exponentially with
specific signaling mechanisms, is nigh impossible advancing chronologic age in human mid-diaphyseal
owing to the rich diversity of changes in, for example, cortical bone in specimens from both men and
the hormonal milieu, attenuation of cell function, and women,119 whereas lacunar number in iliac trabecular
increases in the inflammatory environment. Murine bone decreases linearly120; yet it was reported that in
models of inbred mice can identify quantitative trait the femoral head trabecular bone, there is no decrease
loci to map genes that influence BMD or other parame- in osteocyte density until 70 years of age, after which
ters113 or adaptation to mechanical loading,114 either a sharp decline in osteocyte lacunar density appears.121
confirming candidate genes or identifying novel genes Osteocyte density is also a function of distance from
for susceptibility to osteoporosis. Similarly, human ge- the bone/haversian surfacesdthat is, as a function of
netic diseases can reveal novel genes involved in causing bone agedwith superficial osteocytes (<25 mm from
osteoporosis (e.g., LRP5 or CYP17), but such variants surfaces) resistant to age-related decreases in osteocyte
that have a large effect are rare, whereas common allelic density, whereas osteocyte density in deep bones
variants have a small effect.115 Provided the evidence (>45 mm from surfaces) decreases with age in both
for skeletal adaptation to a changing mechanical envi- men and women.122 Osteocyte density in both superfi-
ronment, the question whether age influences the ca- cial and deep bones is reduced in vertebral iliac trabec-
pacity of an osteoanabolic response to age, seemingly ular bone from individuals with osteoporotic
a simple question to resolve with murine models, has fractures,119,123 and the endosteal cortex appears more
inconsistent results. For example, Rubin et al.116 re- sensitive to age-dependent osteocyte loss than the peri-
ported that greater strain was required for the initiation osteal cortex.124 As osteocytes are mechanosensory
of an osteoanabolic response in the ulna of aged (19- cells, their reduction secondary to aging removes a
month-old) turkeys versus younger (9-month-old) tur- means through which skeletal integrity may be interro-
keys, whereas Järvinen et al.117 found no overt effect of gated and improved.
age on the influence of treadmill-running on the
femoral neck, and Brodt and Silva118 reported 4.2. Changes in Osteocyte
enhanced endocortical response to axial tibial compres- Microenvironment
sion in aged mice. Stark differences in animal models, The mechanosensory role of osteocytes is grounded in
age ranges, experiment duration, and method of me- localized biophysical signals that are engendered during
chanical stimulus prevent direct comparison among locomotion or exercise. As described earlier, such signals
8 SECTION I Mechanobiological Basis of Diseases

FIG. 1.1.3 Age-related changes in osteocyte networks. (A) Scanning electron microscopic images of
acid-etched resin embedded human bone sections, revealing decreased osteonal width, osteocyte
frequency, and canaliculi in aged bone. From L.M. Tiede-Lewis, S.L. Dallas, Changes in the osteocyte
lacunocanalicular network with aging, Bone 122 (2019), pp. 101-113. (B) A model for osteocyte-mediated
effects of age on bone quality and fragility. From B. Busse, D. Djonic, P. Milanovic, M. Hahn, K. Püschel, R.O.
Ritchie, M. Djuric, M. Amling, Decrease in the osteocyte lacunar density accompanied by hypermineralized
lacunar occlusion reveals failure and delay of remodeling in aged human bone, Aging Cell 9 (2010), pp. 1065-
1075From B. Busse, D. Djonic, P. Milanovic, M. Hahn, K. Püschel, R.O. Ritchie, M. Djuric, M. Amling, Decrease
in the osteocyte lacunar density accompanied by hypermineralized lacunar occlusion reveals failure and delay of
remodeling in aged human bone, Aging Cell 9 (2010), pp. 1065-1075. (C) Alterations in osteocyte
microenvironment via perilacunar remodeling associated with pharmacotherapy, disease, and age. From L.F.
Bonewald. (2011) Osteocyte Mechanosensation and Transduction. In: Noda M. (eds) Mechanosensing Biology.
Springer, Tokyo, 2011, pp. 141-155.

include the shear stresses of interstitial fluid flow across canaliculi and thereby generating a “wall,” a “sink,” or
the plasma membrane of osteocyte dendrites and cell a “reservoir” to mitigate interstitial fluid flow and
body, microperturbations in osteocyte plasma mem- mass transport within bone.125 Thus microdamage
brane integrity, and tethering of osteocyte dendritic pro- effectively decreases the concentration of osteotropic
cesses to the canalicular wall.21,23 Thus it is axiomatic agents, from the vasculature or osteocytes within the
that age-related alterations to the microenvironment in LCN to osteocytes distal from the microdamage.
which an osteocyte resides would subsequently alter Furthermore, compromised transport and exchange of
the biophysical signals experienced by an osteocyte. nutrients in response to microdamage would decrease
The integrity of the lacunocanalicular network osteocyte viability, as is observed in vivo.126 Occlusion
(LCN) is diminished by microdamage, severing of the LCN can also occur with aging, a process termed
CHAPTER 1.1 Osteocyte Mechanobiology in Aging and Disease 9

micropetrosis by Frost, wherein osteocyte death promotes The osteocyte morphology appears to depend on the
occlusion of lacunae with hypermineralized calcium anatomic location, age, hormonal status, and mechani-
phosphate, which could further cause deteriorations cal loading environment. In humans and rodents, oste-
in canalicular fluid flow.124 Even in the absence of ocyte morphology changes from relatively flattened to
lacunar occlusion, microstructural changes in the LCN more spherical.135,136 Similarly, osteocytes within ro-
negatively impact fluid flow in response to loading. dents demonstrate an elongated morphology, whereas
Strain amplification within osteocyte lacunae is influ- calvarial osteocytes are more spherical.137 Differences
enced by pericellular lacunar tissue modulus, with pre- in osteocyte morphology may result from the mechan-
dicted maximum perilacunar strain increasing as the ical loading environment: the long axis of fibular osteo-
modulus of the perilacunar matrix decreases; cytes align parallel to the principal loading direction,
conversely, maximum perilacunar strain decreased as whereas calvarial osteocytes do not appear to align
perilacunar matrix modulus increased.127 Furthermore, with any loading direction. In human osteonal bone,
microstructural changes, such as increases in vascular osteocyte lacunae are aligned with collagen fiber
porosity, reductions in trabecular number, and in- orientation,138e140 suggesting that osteocyte orienta-
creases in trabecular separation, in response to ovariec- tion within a lacuna occurs during the osteoblast-to-
tomy fundamentally reduce load-induced interstitial osteocyte transition.141 Hormonal cues also influence
fluid flow,128 indicating that changes in micro- and osteocyte morphology: for instance, compared to virgin
nanostructural properties of bone can negatively mice, the lacunar volume of lactating mice is increased,
influence osteocyte mechanosensation. Estrogen defi- indicating perilacunar remodeling,133 and exercise-
ciency influences strain distribution across osteocytes induced changes in PTH secretion promote changes in
more than osteoblasts, exerting acute increases yet sus- lacunar volume.134
tained decreases on applied strain129 resulting from To date, that osteocyte morphology influences
changes in tissue stiffness and mineral content.130 mechanosensation and downstream effects on remod-
Thus localized changes in mineral density, tissue eling, bone strength, etc. is inferred from changes in
composition, and even LCN tortuosity immediately sur- bone material and structural properties. Direct demon-
rounding the osteocyte130,131 may serve as a means to stration of altered osteocyte morphology to a given me-
sensitize or diminish osteocyte mechanoresponsiveness chanical load is light, although Bacabac et al.142
via osteocytic perilacunar remodeling. Indeed, Hesse demonstrated that round, partially adherent MLO-Y4
et al.132 used synchrotron radiation phase-contrast osteocytes were more mechanosensitive than flat,
nanoecomputed tomography to reveal a gradient of adherent osteocytes. Nonetheless, with the possible
bone tissue mass density that decreases from the pore- exception of hormonal influence on osteocyte
matrix interface into the tissue. Hemmatian et al.133 morphology, whether changes in osteocyte morphology
used virgin or lactating mice to evaluate the influence are the cause, or the consequence, of changes in bone
of perilacunar remodeling on the activation of b-cate- health requires more careful and considerate
nin, as a marker of mechanotransduction, and found investigation.
that load-induced stabilization of b-catenin was greater
in the lactating mouse than in the virgin mouse, sug- 4.3. Cell-Autonomous Alteration of
gesting that increased lacunar volume enhances the Osteocyte Function
response to mechanical loading. Although lacunar vol- The reductions in bone mass, density, and microarchi-
ume was interrogated as a marker of perilacunar remod- tecture that are observed as a result of aging are pro-
eling, other aspects of the lacuna-matrix interface, such posed to result, in part, from decreased
as mineral-matrix ratio and carbon-phosphate ratio, mechanosensing. Although there is sufficient evidence
were not studied. Conversely, exercise induces perilacu- (detailed earlier) that applied strains or interstitial fluid
nar remodeling; Gardinier et al.134 reported that perila- flows can be reduced secondary to increases in vascular
cunar remodeling occurs during exercise, with porosity or lacunocanalicular tortuosity, there is little
alterations in mineral-matrix or carbonate-phosphate direct evidence regarding whether osteoblasts or osteo-
ratio observed within 0e5 mm from osteocyte lacunae cytes per se are less capable of perceiving a given load.
yet disappearing with greater radial distance from Donahue et al.143 observed a modest decrease in the
lacunae. Thus there appears to be a finely regulated percent of aged rat osteoblastic cells that responded to
interaction between lacunocanalicular properties as oscillatory fluid flow with an increase in cytosolic
both a predictor of osteocyte mechanosensation and Ca2þ levels. Sterck et al.144 evaluated the influence of
the result of osteocyte mechanoresponsiveness. donor cell age on mechanically induced responses,
10 SECTION I Mechanobiological Basis of Diseases

finding that PGE2 and PGI2 release increased with bone is not derived from bone cells, instead it results
donor cell age, and Bakker et al.145 reported that pulsa- from the clonal plasma cell malignant neoplasm, which
tile fluid flow is able to induce the synthesis and release subsequently causes osteolytic bone lesions in >80% of
of second messengers (nitric oxide, PGE2) from osteo- patients with myeloma.153 Osteolytic bone lesions are
porotic or osteoarthritic donors. Similarly, relative in- also observed in breast and lung cancers that have
creases in cytosolic Ca2þ levels and cfos transcription metastasized to the skeleton, and mixed osteoblastic/
in fluid flow across osteoblasts are no different in osteolytic lesions are most commonly observed in met-
response to loading in osteoblasts from young versus astatic prostate cancer (PCa). Complications of skeletal
senescent mice, whereas absolute changes are affected metastasis, termed skeletal related events (SREs),
as a function of age.146 include pathologic fracture, hypercalcemia, spinal cord
Thus rather than the decreased capacity of osteocytes compression, and chronic pain. Beyond the debilitating
to perceive a given stimulus, it is perhaps more likely impact on quality of life, the incidence of SREs nega-
that other age-related changes in cell function tively predicts survival: 5-year survival rates for PCa
contribute to loss of bone with age. For example, there are 56% after skeletal metastasis, but the survival rate
is a loss of osteoprogenitors with age as mesenchymal plummets to <1% with metastasis and an SRE.154 The
stem cells shift toward adipogenesis, increased osteo- events involved in cancer metastasis to the skeleton
blast apoptosis reduces the duration of bone-forming involve disseminated tumor cells (1) colonizing the
capacity, and increased marrow adiposity enhances sup- bone microenvironment and (2) adapting to the new
pression of bone formation through reductions in environment, avoiding immune surveillance, and
osteoblastogenesis and mineralization.147 entering a state of dormancy; (3) reactivating in
Alternately, senescence of osteoblasts or osteocytes response to as-yet-unknown cues, thereafter prolifer-
can contribute to tissue dysfunction.148 Markers of cell ating and forming micrometastases; and (4) growing
senescence, including gene transcripts (p16Ink4, uncontrollably, independent of the microenvironment
Cdkn1a/p21, and p53), telomere shortening, and (reviewed in Ref. 155) (Fig. 1.1.4).
senescence-associated secretory phenotype, are Provided that osteocytes are sentinels against remod-
observed in osteoblasts and osteocytes from older eling, and the proclivity and propensity for cancer to
(24 months) mice relative to young (6 months) mice, subvert normal homeostatic processes, it is logical to
with greater age-related increases observed in osteocytes suggest that tumor colonization, dormancy, and activa-
relative to osteoblasts.149 Senescence is no longer an un- tion involve, if not require, altered osteocyte function.
avoidable consequence of aging, as genetic150 and phar- The most direct way to alter osteocyte function is to pro-
macologic151,152 approaches to reduce or eliminate mote their death, and osteocyte death is implicated in
senescent cell populations revert age-related pathologic disseminated tumor cell colonization and adaptation:
conditions. Indeed, genetic or pharmacologic ablation increased frequency of apoptotic osteocytes is observed
of senescent cells in old mice increases bone mass and in individuals with MM156 and selective depletion of
strength resulting from decreased endocortical bone osteocytes supports MM colonization of bone and tu-
resorption and increased endocortical bone forma- mor growth.157 Whether the oppositedmaintaining
tion.148 That bone resorption was reduced after senes- osteocyte viability pharmacologically or through other
cent cell ablation without concomitantly reducing meansdreduces tumor burden is under active investi-
bone formation is in contrast to current antiresorptive gation. Bisphosphonates reduce osteoclast formation,
therapies (bisphosphonates, anti-RANKL antibody, or but also exert antiapoptotic effects on osteocytes
estrogen), which reduce both bone formation and in vitro158 and in animal models of osteoporosis159,160
resorption. Because the currently identified senolytic through a molecular mechanism involving Cx43 hemi-
agents are already FDA-approved, and a monthly channels and ERK1/2.161 Provided that bisphospho-
dosing of senolytics was sufficient to reverse changes nates differentially influence apoptosis in osteocytes
due to age, such approaches portend their use in the versus osteoclasts, an unresolved question is to what
treatment of age-related bone loss. extent the beneficial effects of bisphosphonates for indi-
viduals with MM is related to osteocyte survival rather
than reduced osteoclast activity. The discovery of
5. OSTEOCYTES AND DISEASE bisphosphonates, which maintain osteocyte viability
5.1. Cancer without influencing osteoclast activity,162e164 provides
The skeleton is a common site for metastasis of other an opportunity to evaluate such a scenario. Other
cancers: multiple myeloma (MM) also begins in the agents that promote osteocyte viability, such as the
CHAPTER 1.1 Osteocyte Mechanobiology in Aging and Disease 11

FIG. 1.1.4 Proposed model for osteocyte interaction with cancer cells. Red arrows indicate direct effects on
cancer cells, whereas green arrows indicate indirect effects mediated via osteoblasts or osteoclasts. From M.
Zhang, J. Dai, E.T. Keller, Multiple Roles of Osteocytes in Bone-Associated Cancers, Reference Module in
Biomedical Sciences 2019, 10.1016/B978-0-12-801238-3.11246-2

proteasome inhibitor bortezomib165 and PTH (1-34), in patients with MM and correlate with advanced dis-
are under investigation as a means of minimizing the ease172 and the Sost expression is increased in response
skeletal impact of MM or skeletal complications to to MM-osteocyte interactions,171 suggesting that
radiotherapy.166,167 manipulation of Sost expression or function may pro-
Communication between osteocytes and neigh- vide a means to reduce MM tumor burden and impact.
boring cells is also subverted during tumor metastasis Indeed, Sost deletion or pharmacologic inhibition of
to bone and growth therein, which has recently been sclerostin reduced MM-induced osteolysis and bone
elegantly reported in the context of MM signaling loss, although it did not decrease tumor volume,173
through Notch receptors and breast cancer communica- providing a promising opportunity to mitigate the skel-
tion through connexin 43 gap junctions. Compelling etal sequelae of MM.
evidence demonstrates that MM colonization of bone Osteocyte functiondor, minimally, markers of oste-
and adaptation therein involves reciprocal interactions ocyte functiondis also implicated in tumor burden and
between MM cells and osteocytes. Notch signaling is growth in PCa that has metastasized to the skeleton.
enhanced in MM cells,168e170 and direct coculture of Prostate carcinoma stimulates bone formation, both
MM cells with MLO-A5 osteocytes promotes osteocyte through the secretion of pro-osteogenic factors such as
apoptosis via Notch signaling.171 As in other studies, Wnts and through osteomimicry, wherein cancer tumor
osteocyte apoptosis increased osteoclastogenesis cells can secrete matrix, mineral, and osteotropic fac-
through enhanced Rankl expression and reductions in tors, as well as respond to osteotropic factors. For
Opg. Furthermore, MM cells increase Sost expression example, expression of the Wnt antagonist Dkk1 is
and decrease Wnt signaling in osteocytes, leading to re- observed in focal lesions of MM cells,174 sclerostin is
ductions in osteoblastogenesis. Reciprocally, Notch secreted by breast cancer cells,175 and increased b-cate-
activation in MM cells by osteocytes promotes MM nin levels are observed in individuals with PCa.176,177
cell proliferation. Serum sclerostin levels are increased Functionally, overexpressing Sost, but not Dkk1, in
12 SECTION I Mechanobiological Basis of Diseases

osteolytic PC3 cells reduces osteolysis in xenograft- (Gja1D130-136), which reduces both GJIC and hemichan-
derived tumor lesions,178 whereas increasing Wnt nel activity, relative to control animals. In contrast, tu-
signaling in mixed osteolytic/osteoblast C4-2B PCa mor growth in osteocytic Gja1R76W mice, which can
cells, through knockdown Dkk1, shifts tumor pheno- form hemichannels but not participate in GJIC, was
type toward osteolysis.179 Similarly, osteocyte-derived phenotypically similar to wild-type animals. Further-
GDF15, a member of the TGF-b superfamily, promotes more, the inhibitory effect of zolendronate on tumor
PCa metastasis to the skeleton.180 growth was absent in osteocytic Gja1 cKO or Gja1D130-
Disseminated tumor cell adaptation to the bone mice but not Gja1R76W animals, indicating a specific
microenvironment also subverts gap junctions. Con- inhibitory role of osteocytic Cx43 hemichannel-
nexins are considered antitumorigenic, as loss of con- mediated ATP release in tumor metastasis and growth
nexin 43 expression is a marker for breast tumors,181 in the skeleton.185
and connexin expression and intercellular communica-
tion are reduced during tumorigenesis, whereas trans- 5.2. Vascular Health
fection of cancer cells with connexins reduces cell A consequence of multicellular growth is the insuffi-
proliferation.182 Connexins exert multipronged influ- ciency of simple diffusion to provide sufficient oxygen
ences on tumor growth via GJIC, hemichannels, and for host respiration; oxygen delivery, as well as nutrient
channel-independent connexin function. Wang provision and waste removal, is provided by the
et al.183 found that Ca2þi-dependent transcription fac- vascular system. Bone development, homeostasis, and
tor activation of NFAT and MEF2 was enriched in breast repair are each exquisitely coupled to the vasculature
carcinomas that have metastasized to bones. Such ob- (reviewed in Ref. 186). Furthermore, blood vessels pro-
servations were recapitulated in both in vivo and vide the necessary conduit for calcium and phosphate,
ex vivo models of bone metastasis, such that inhibition liberated from the matrix, to reach target tissues for ho-
of calcium signaling with dominant-negative calci- meostatic function. A sufficient vasculature is funda-
neurin or calmodulin-dependent protein (CaM) kinase mental to osteogenesis, but vessel function is often
II function eliminated tumor colonization of bone. compromised by calcification as a consequence of aging
Cx43 expression was greater in skeletally metastatic and lifestyle. Calcification may occur throughout the
breast carcinomas, correlated with calcium-dependent vascular tree, with distinct molecular origins and path-
transcription factor enrichment, and established cal- ologic consequences. For example, calcification of
cium flux from osteogenic to tumor cells; reducing medial arteries increases vessel stiffness and decreases
Cx43 expression or inhibiting GJIC with carbenoxolone compliance, thereby impairing Windkessel physiology
reduced bone colonization and skeletal tumor burden. and increasing vessel pressure and cardiac work-
This association between connexins, GJIC, and calcium- load.187,188 Similarly, calcification of atherosclerotic
dependent transcription factor enrichment was not plaques reduces vessel lumen size and increases tissue
unique to breast carcinoma, as prostate carcinoma ischemia and thromboembolic events,188 whereas
and PCa cell lines demonstrated equivalent interactions aortic valve calcification reduces valve leaflet mobility
between calcium signaling, Cx43 expression, and tumor and impairs leaflet closing, promotes left ventricular hy-
burden. Notably, mesenchymal stem cells, but not oste- pertrophy, and results in aortic valve regurgitation.189
ocytes, were capable of altering calcium signaling in tu- Ectopic calcification within the vasculature and cardiac
mor cells, further suggesting that unique bone valves was long considered to be a passive, degenerative
microenvironments contribute to tumor cell coloniza- process. However, the biochemical and structural similar-
tion and survival. The influence of connexins on tumor ity of these ectopic calcifications to orthotopic bone
cell adaptation to the skeletal microenvironment is not hinted that an active process may be involved (Fig.
restricted to GJIC, as connexin hemichannels are also 1.1.5).190e192 This was initially confirmed in the study
implicated as mediators of tumor fate. Osteocytic hemi- by Boström et al.,193 wherein the potent osteogenic
channel opening in response to fluid shear stress48 or morphogen BMP-2 (then known as BMP-2a) immuno-
the bisphosphonate alendronate184 promotes the localized within human atherosclerotic lesions. Because
release of cytosolic ATP, which reduces the migratory ca- BMP-2 stimulates orthotopic calcification by increasing
pacity of breast cancer cells and reduces tumor growth. matrix synthesis, this finding suggested an active, cell-
The antitumor effect of osteocytic Cx43 appears mediated process for vessel calcification. Further studies
restricted to hemichannels: growth of mammary carci- revealed the presence of Wnts, osteoblast-related tran-
noma cells in the skeleton is greater in mice lacking scription factors Runx2194 and Msx2,195 and matrix ves-
osteocytic Gja1 or expressing dominant-negative Cx43 icles within arterial calcifications,196,197 suggesting that a
CHAPTER 1.1 Osteocyte Mechanobiology in Aging and Disease 13

FIG. 1.1.5 Osteogenic networks implicated in vessel wall calcification. A.S.A. Bardeesi, J. Gao, K. Zhang, S.
Yu, M. Wei, P. Liu, H. Huang, A novel role of cellular interactions in vascular calcification, J Transl Med
(2017) 15: 95. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12967-017-1190-z AGE, advanced glycation end product; BMP, bone
morphogenetic protein; DKK-1, dickkopf-1; DMP-1, dentin matrix protein 1; FGF23, fibroblast growth factor
23; IGF-1, insulinlike growth factor 1; M-CSF, macrophage colony-stimulating factor; MEPE, matrix
extracellular phosphoglycoprotein; OB, osteoblast; OC, osteoclast; OCy, osteocyte; OPG, osteoprotegerin;
PGE2, prostaglandin E2; RANKL, receptor activator of nuclear factor kB ligand; SFRP-1, secreted frizzled-
related protein 1.

subpopulation of cells within the vessel wall are capable heterogeneous group of valve interstitial cells contains
of active mineralization processes described in chondro- mesenchymal precursors with osteogenic and chondro-
cytes and osteoblasts.188,193 Altering Wnt signaling, genic potential.200,201
through the overexpression of the Wnt antagonist sclero-
stin or the addition of recombinant sclerostin, attenuates
angiotensin-II-induced atherosclerosis.198 A similar oste- 6. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE
ogenic mechanism is involved in cardiac valve calcifica- DIRECTIONS
tion, wherein the Wnt/Lrp5/b-catenin signaling Although clearly the most abundant cell in bone, osteo-
pathway actively promotes calcium deposition. Caira cytes have been understudied until the past decades,
et al.199 revealed increased Lrp5 and osteogenic marker owing largely to technical reasons. However, recent ad-
gene expression in calcified aortic valves compared vances in cell isolation, the characterization of specific
with control valves. These results may at least partially gene transcripts in osteocytes, and the use of novel mu-
explain the increased risk of cardiovascular disease in in- rine models of altered osteocyte gene expression have
dividuals receiving antisclerostin antibody to treat osteo- revealed the central role that osteocytes play in surpris-
porosis. However, serum sclerostin levels are higher in ingly diverse areas of bone, and possibly host, meta-
individuals with cardiovascular disease, emphasizing bolism. Osteocytes not only are the orchestrator of
the complicated nature of sclerostin function in nonbone osteoblast and osteoclast activity in response to mechan-
tissue. ical, hormonal, or cytokine signals but also clearly play a
For active ectopic calcification to occur, these ectopic central role in bone cancer, vascular disease, and age-
sites must contain osteoblast(-like) cells. Both the related bone loss. However, there remain clear gaps in
vasculature and cardiac valves contain resident progen- our understanding of osteocyte biology. For example,
itor cells capable of osteogenic differentiation. Boström osteocyte function in osteoimmunology is poorly under-
et al.193 isolated a subpopulation of aortic medial cells, stood, the interactions of osteocytes with the peripheral
termed calcifying vascular cells (CVCs), that express and central nervous systems have only been
osteoblastic markers and are capable of osteogenic dif- suggested, and the role of osteocytes in development,
ferentiation in vitro. A similar effector cell, the adventi- maintenance, and activation of stem cell niches under
tial myofibroblast (pericyte), has been implicated in health and disease is unresolved. Furthermore, the role
medial artery calcification, as occurs in diabetic patients. that genetic variability plays in osteocyte biology and
Both CVCs and adventitial myofibroblasts express the how osteocytes may be exploited to regenerate lost
smooth muscle cell markers SM22 and a-SMA, which bone tissue and mass after injury or aging have not
are routinely used as the basis for confirmation of the been explored. These are just some of the gaps in osteo-
SMC phenotype for ex vivo cultures. Similarly, the cyte biology whose questions we avidly await answers.
14 SECTION I Mechanobiological Basis of Diseases

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Cardiovascular Mechanics and Disease


1. INTRODUCTION programmed biology but also on the local mechanical

The cardiovascular system consists of the heart, the stresses induced by blood flow2 (Fig. 1.2.1). The discov-
network of blood vessels, and the blood, which all act ery and study of this mechanical regulation of cardio-
in concert to regulate blood flow according to organ de- vascular biology, also known as mechanobiology, has
mand. Its major functions are to provide organs, tissues, shed new perspectives on cardiovascular disease cause
and cells with necessary nutrients and oxygen and to and management. Since the early 80s and the demon-
remove metabolic waste and carbon dioxide. These func- stration of morphologic changes in endothelial cells
tions are achieved through two circulatory systems oper- (ECs) subjected to altered flow,3 mechanobiological
ating in series, the pulmonary and systemic circulations, studies have evolved toward more and more sophisti-
which are both driven by the pressure gradient generated cated and multidisciplinary investigations integrating
by the heart between the arterial and venous sides of the the characterization of the native hemodynamic envi-
circulation. The right side of the heart (right atrium [RA] ronment and its impact on the cellular, tissue, and
and right ventricle [RV]) drives blood flow in the pulmo- full-organ biological response.
nary circulation, whereas the left side (left atrium [LA] This chapter presents a broad review of cardiovascu-
and left ventricle [LV]) provides blood flow to the sys- lar mechanobiology in both physiology and pathology,
temic circulation. Forward blood flow is achieved via with an emphasis on heart valves and blood vessels. The
four heart valves: two atrioventricular valves located be- chapter is divided into five main sections. The first sec-
tween each ventricle and atrium and two semilunar tion provides a mechanical description of cardiovascu-
valves located between each ventricle and its connected lar hemodynamic forces and stresses. The second
artery. The pulsatile and forward blood flow results section describes the different devices and experimental
from the sophisticated and coordinated opening and strategies that have been developed toward the elucida-
closing of the four heart valves and the periodic contrac- tion of cardiovascular mechanobiology. The third sec-
tion and relaxation of the heart muscle. tion reviews the main mechanobiological results
Under normal conditions, an adult heart beats obtained on heart valve tissue and their impact on
approximately 70 times per minute and achieves a car- valvular calcification and degeneration. The fourth sec-
diac output of 5 L/min. The need to maintain this flow tion addresses blood vessel mechanobiology in the
rate and the differences in vascular resistance in the pul- context of normal function, atherosclerosis, and aneu-
monary and systemic circulations explain the con- rysm formation. Lastly, the fifth section introduces
trasted pressure environments on both sides of the future research directions and describes future needs
heart (15e120 mm Hg in the left side of the heart, to bridge the gap between basic mechanobiological sci-
5e25 mm Hg in the right side of the heart).1 These con- ence and its possible application toward cardiovascular
ditions combined with the wide range of scales and disease diagnosis and management.
anatomies present throughout the vasculature generate
a complex fluid dynamics environment marked by tur-
bulence, pulsatility, and large temporal and spatial gra- 2. CARDIOVASCULAR HEMODYNAMICS
dients. Cardiac structures not only experience these 2.1. Overview
hemodynamic stresses but also interact with them to The dynamics of blood flow is complex, as it is affected
maintain function and regulate their biology. In fact, by the heterogeneous composition of blood (red blood
the expressions of particular cardiovascular cellular phe- cells, white blood cells, platelets, plasma) and the drastic
notypes depend not only on the intrinsic genetically changes in its rheologic behavior as it travels through the

Mechanobiology. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-817931-4.00002-9
Copyright © 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 23
24 SECTION I Mechanobiological Basis of Diseases

FIG. 1.2.1 Cardiovascular mechanobiology: fluid shear stress (FSS) and stretch are sensed by ECs and
interstitial cells through specific receptors and stress fibers (1); the mechanical signals propagate
throughout the cell (2) and are transduced to the cell nucleus (3), which results in the upregulation/
downregulation of transcription factors (3), the regulation of gene expression and DNA synthesis (4), and the
modulation of protein expression (5); and the resulting biological signals can affect both the local extracellular
matrix (ECM) and the behavior of surrounding cells through two-way communication pathways (6). These
responses are essential for the maintenance of homeostasis and the initiation/development of disease states.

different scales of the vasculature. The fluid dynamics of inertial forces to viscous forces. The large variations
blood is typically characterized in terms of two dimen- exhibited by these dimensionless parameters between
sionless numbers. The Reynolds number is defined as different sites of the vasculature (1 < Re < 6000 and
Re ¼ UL=n; 4.0 <a < 22.2 across the arterial side of the circulation)
suggest the existence of numerous flow regimes, from
where U is the characteristic velocity, L is the character- nearly steady and viscosity-dominated flows in the
istic length scale (typically the representative diameter smallest blood vessels to highly pulsatile and in transi-
of the structure), and n is the kinematic viscosity of tion to turbulence in the largest arteries.4,5
blood. The Reynolds number characterizes the relative
contributions of inertial versus viscous effects on the
flow. The second dimensionless parameter is the 2.2. Fluid Shear Stress
Womersley number, which is defined as Blood flow generates a friction force on the surface of
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi cardiovascular structures, which arises from the relative
a ¼ uL2 =n; velocity between the fluid and the surface (Fig. 1.2.2A).
The frictional force experienced by a unit area of sur-
where u is the characteristic pulsation frequency of the face is referred to as fluid shear stress (FSS) and is calcu-
flow. This number characterizes the ratio of transient lated as
CHAPTER 1.2 Cardiovascular Mechanics and Disease 25

FIG. 1.2.2 Typical mechanical stress environments in heart valves and blood vessels: (A) fluid shear stress
(FSS) and (B) tensile stress.

scales and flow regimes throughout the vasculature sub-

s¼m ; ject ECs to FSS magnitudes spanning several orders of
magnitude, from 1 dyn/cm2 in veins to 100 dyn/cm2
where u is the velocity component tangent to the sur- on heart valve leaflets.7e10
face, y is the coordinate in the normal direction to the
surface, and m is the fluid dynamic viscosity. Unlike 2.3. Reynolds Stresses
Newtonian fluids, which are characterized by a constant The existence of transitional flow in different parts of
viscosity, blood is non-Newtonian, as its viscosity de- the vasculature (e.g., left ventricular outflow tract
creases as the rate of deformation increases.6 This com- (LVOT), aortic root, ascending aorta) gives rise to the
plex viscous behavior combined with the wide range of Reynolds stresses, which characterize the impact of
26 SECTION I Mechanobiological Basis of Diseases

turbulent motion on the mean flow. The Reynolds shear 3.1. Parallel Plate Devices
stress s0 can be defined as Parallel plate devices have been used in early mechano-
0 biological studies aimed at investigating the effects of
s ¼ ru0 v0 ;
FSS magnitude or directionality on vascular and
where u0 and v0 are the velocity fluctuations in the x and valvular ECs in vitro. Such systems typically consist of
y directions, respectively; r is the fluid density; and the two stationary parallel plates (Fig. 1.2.3A). Cells are
bar denotes time- or ensemble-average. Although turbu- seeded along the bottom plate, and a pump drives a
lent stresses are not actual mechanical stresses experi- flow of culture medium between the two plates by
enced by ECs, they have been shown to play an generating a pressure differential between the inlet
important role in hemolysis.11 and outlet sections of the device, which exposes the cells
to FSS. The device is generally operated to produce a
2.4. Cyclic Stretch fully developed laminar flow. The volume flow rate Q
Cardiovascular tissue is exposed to cyclic pressure, of the culture medium achieved by the pump and the
which results from the periodic contraction and relaxa- dimensional characteristics of the chamber cross section
tion of the ventricles, by transferring this normal load (height h and width b) control the magnitude of the
into multiple directions.12 In blood vessels, the tissue FSS, s, produced on the surface of the plates as
layers elongate in the circumferential and longitudinal 6mQ
directions when acted on by the intraluminal pressure s¼
(Fig. 1.2.2B). Valve leaflets elongate along the circum-
ferential and radial directions during coaptation when Parallel plate systems are typically limited to the pro-
the diastolic transvalvular pressure gradient is imposed duction of steady uniform FSS due to the inertia of their
across the valve. The magnitude of tissue elongation in driving components and the large volume of working
one direction is quantified by the engineering strain (or fluid. Several modifications have been made in the
Cauchy strain) characterizing the increase in tissue recent years to generate pulsatile/oscillatory shear
length per unit length and is defined as stress17,18 and shear stress in microenvironments.19,20
ε¼ ; 3.2. Cone-and-Plate Bioreactors
Previous investigations of the biological response of
where l and L represent the deformed and initial lengths, vascular and valvular ECs to FSS have implemented
respectively, of a line element aligned along a particular cone-and-plate bioreactors. These devices, which are
direction. Stretch levels and temporal variations are derived from cone-and-plate viscometers, consist of an
strongly dependent on the tissue, its anatomic position, inverted cone rotating above a stationary plate support-
and its mechanical properties. Stretch levels of up to ing the cells (Fig. 1.2.3B). The rotation of the cone gen-
30% and 8% have been reported on aortic valve (AV) leaf- erates a flow of culture medium above the plate,
lets13 and the anterior mitral valve (MV) leaflet,14 respec- resulting in the generation of FSS on the cell monolayer.
tively. In the vasculature, circumferential stretch levels of Under certain conditions (low Reynolds number, small
8%e10% have been reported for the aorta15 and 5% for cone-plate angle a, small gap h between the cone apex
peripheral arteries16 under physiologic conditions. and the plate), the device generates a circumferential
FSS on the plate, whose local magnitude s at any radial
location r is proportional to the cone angular velocity u,
3. BIOREACTORS FOR CARDIOVASCULAR and the fluid dynamic viscosity m,
The elucidation of the cause-and-effect relationships be- s ¼ mu ;
h þ ra
tween cardiovascular biology and hemodynamic
stresses requires the replication of desired mechanical making it a convenient tool for the production of a
stress environments in a well-controlled sterile environ- time-varying FSS environment. Such devices have
ment capable of maintaining both the structural integ- been used to study the response of vascular ECs to phys-
rity and the viability of the tissue/cells. Different iologic and atherosclerotic FSS21e23 and of valvular ECs
bioreactors have been designed to achieve this objec- to physiologic and disturbed flow environments.24 The
tive. This section describes three devices that have need to elucidate the role of cell-extracellular matrix
been used to subject cells and tissue to mechanical stim- (ECM) communication in FSS signaling has motivated
ulation in vitro. the design of more sophisticated cone-and-plate devices
CHAPTER 1.2 Cardiovascular Mechanics and Disease 27

FIG. 1.2.3 Bioreactor devices commonly used to subject cardiovascular cells and tissue to mechanical
stresses: (A) parallel plate flow chamber, (B) cone-and-plate bioreactor, (C) Flexcell device, and (D) uniaxial
stretch bioreactor. FSS, fluid shear stress.
28 SECTION I Mechanobiological Basis of Diseases

capable of subjecting whole pieces of arterial or venous motivation for focusing on the two valves on the sys-
tissue to FSS25 and valvular leaflet tissue to side-specific temic side, namely, the AV and the MV.
4.1.1. Aortic valve
3.3. Stretch Bioreactors The AV consists of three leaflets housed at the base of
The sensitivity of cardiovascular structures to stretch or the aorta in the aortic root. The root is formed by three
tensile stress has been investigated on cells and tissue hemispheric cavities (i.e., sinuses of Valsalva), two of
using two types of devices. The Flexcell system (Flexcell which feature a coronary ostium connected to a coro-
International, Hillsborough, NC) is a commercial de- nary artery.32,33 AV leaflets have a trilayered structure,
vice used in the application of a biaxial strain field to consisting of the ventricularis facing the LV, the fibrosa
cells27 (Fig. 1.2.3C). Cells are seeded on a compliant facing the aorta, and the spongiosa sandwiched be-
membrane resting on a stationary post. Vacuum pres- tween the other two layers.34 The ventricularis and the
sure and positive air pressure are used to deform the fibrosa contain radially and circumferentially aligned
membrane, subjecting the cells to a cyclic strain of up collagen fibers, respectively, intertwined with elastin fi-
to 33%. Depending on the loading post geometry, cells bers, whereas the spongiosa contains mainly glycosami-
can be subjected to equibiaxial, gradient biaxial, or uni- noglycans (GAGs). The cell population within the AV
axial strain. includes valvular interstitial cells (ICs), which consist
The tensile stretch bioreactor is another device of myofibroblasts, fibroblasts, and smooth muscle cells
designed to subject intact cardiovascular tissue to (SMCs) embedded in the ECM, and valvular ECs lining
different levels and frequencies of tensile stress.28,29 the surface of the leaflets.
The device consists of two sealed chambers, each ac- The dynamics and deformation of AV leaflets are
commodating eight tissue wells (Fig. 1.2.3D). The two regulated by the variations in transvalvular pressure be-
ends of each rectangular tissue strip are each attached tween the LV and the aorta during the cardiac cycle. At
to one stationary post and one translating post. The the beginning of systole when the LV is filled with blood
displacement of the translating post is achieved by a and the AV is closed, the static pressure in the aorta is
linear actuator, which results in the cyclic stretching of w80 mm Hg. During systole (ventricular contraction),
the tissue sample. The programming of the servo drive blood pressure increases in the LV until it exceeds the
provides control over the frequency and magnitude of aortic pressure, which opens the AV. The valve remains
the stretch signal. open during the ejection phase as a result of the small
(i.e., a few millimeters of mercury) transvalvular pres-
sure established between the LV and the aorta during
4. HEART VALVE MECHANOBIOLOGY that phase, and blood flow is ejected from the LV to-
4.1. Valvular Anatomy, Function, and ward the systemic circulation. As the LV volume de-
Structure creases at the end of systole, the LV pressure decreases
Unidirectional blood flow from the heart ventricles to and the AV closes. During diastole (ventricular relaxa-
the arterial system, the venous system, and the heart tion), the LV pressure remains lower than the aortic
atria is achieved by the timed opening and closure of pressure and the AV remains closed, preventing any
the four heart valves. The mitral and tricuspid valves retrograde blood flow from the aorta.
are atrioventricular valves and regulate the passage of
blood from the LA to the LV, and from the RA to the 4.1.2. Mitral valve
RV, respectively. The AV and pulmonary valve are semi- The MV is the atrioventricular valve of the left side of the
lunar valves located in the LVOT and right ventricular heart. It consists of an anterior and a posterior leaflet,
outflow tract, respectively, and enforce unidirectional which attach to a D-shaped annulus and are tethered
blood flow between each ventricle and its connected ar- to the two papillary muscles via thin fibrous chordae
tery (i.e., aorta on the left side, pulmonary artery on the tendineae.35,36 The anterior (aortic) leaflet is rounded
right side). Heart valves typically undergo 3 billion and has a continuity to the anterior annulus, whereas
opening/closing cycles during their lifespan, and their the posterior (mural) leaflet is long and narrow, consists
histologic structure is tailored to withstand the bending, of three or more scallops, and contours two-thirds of
tensile stress, and FSS imposed by the blood flow.30,31 the mitral annulus. MVs are composed of four layers:
The harsh pressure conditions present in the left heart the atrialis, spongiosa, fibrosa, and ventricularis.37
and the high susceptibility to disease of cardiovascular Each layer consists of various cellular components,
structures in the systemic circulation provide some which contribute to the overall function.38 The atrialis
CHAPTER 1.2 Cardiovascular Mechanics and Disease 29

contains ECs with aligned elastic and collagen fibers. shear index (OSI, i.e., degree of FSS bidirectionality).
The spongiosa is primarily made up of an ECM of pro- The ventricularis FSS exhibits high magnitude (TSM:
teoglycans, GAGs, and elastic fibers. The fibrosa is the 7.5e22.3 dyn/cm2) and pulsatility (OSI: 0.06e0.17),
major load-bearing layer and is composed of aligned while the fibrosa FSS is marked by low magnitude
and compact collagen fibers surrounded by GAGs and (TSM: 0.9e3.9 dyn/cm2) and bidirectionality (OSI:
proteoglycans. Finally, the ventricularis is made up of 0.26e0.44). In addition, the transition of the flow
ECs covering a collagen and elastin matrix. The hetero- near peak systole generates substantial turbulent
geneous cell population in MV leaflets includes ICs con- stresses downstream of the leaflets. Laser Doppler ane-
sisting of fibroblasts, myocytes and SMCs, and ECs mometric measurements in a pulsatile flow loop
covering the leaflet surface. Proper MV function in- revealed Reynolds stress levels approaching 1650 dyn/
volves the sophisticated and coordinated deformations cm2 at peak systole.49 Stretch is another important
of the papillary muscles, the annulus, the chordae ten- component of the AV hemodynamic environment.
dineae, and the leaflets. The opening and closing of Although tensile stresses remain relatively low when
the MV are governed by the transmitral pressure the valve is open, they increase dramatically during
gradient established between the LA and the LV. During leaflet coaptation. During diastole, the large pressure
isovolumetric relaxation, LV pressure falls below LA gradient generated across the leaflets subjects the ventri-
pressure (w5 mm Hg), causing the MV to open and cularis to tension and the fibrosa to compression,
initiating ventricular filling. During ventricular filling, causing the leaflets to stretch both radially and circum-
LV pressure progressively rises, causing the flow to ferentially.44 In vitro measurements on porcine AV leaf-
decelerate. This stage is immediately followed by atrial lets revealed the existence of elevated strain levels along
contraction, which forces any residual blood in the LA the leaflet base and coaptation line, with substantial
to flow into the LV. The end of the filling phase and temporal variations during the cardiac cycle (radial
the associated LV pressure rise initiate MV closure while strain: 5%e7% in late systole and early diastole, 15%
the tethering from the chordae prevents the leaflets e23% at peak diastole and in mid-diastole; circumfer-
from prolapsing into the LA during coaptation. ential strain: 3%e5% in late systole and early diastole,
12%e23% at peak diastole and in mid-diastole).50 The
4.2. Valvular Hemodynamics strain distribution on the leaflets dynamically adapts to
4.2.1. Aortic valve the imposed transvalvular pressure, increasing by 5%
The AV functions in a harsh flow environment charac- for every 40 mm Hg of added pressure, in order to
terized by pulsatility, three-dimensionality, and turbu- maintain the valve in a coapted seal configuration
lence.39,40 During the opening phase, the AV even under hypertensive conditions.50
experiences blood flow velocities ramping from 0 to
1.35 m/s in less than 15 ms,41 with a peak-systolic Rey- 4.2.2. Mitral valve
nolds number close to 6000 characterizing blood flow MV hemodynamics exhibits time-dependent flow char-
transition from the laminar to the turbulent regime. acteristics and regimes during the cardiac cycle. The flow
The deceleration of blood flow in late systole results through the MV experiences two sets of acceleration/
in the formation of vortical structures in the aortic si- deceleration phases.51e53 The first flow acceleration oc-
nus, which push the tip of the leaflets toward the closed curs in early diastole when LA pressure exceeds LV pres-
position, enabling fast and efficient leaflet coapta- sure. During this opening phase, blood flow velocity
tion.42,43 The transfer of momentum between the valve through the MV annulus accelerates from 0 to
and blood flow subjects the leaflets to a time-varying 0.5e0.8 m/s.54 In late diastole, the contraction of the
and side-specific stress environment.44 During systole, LA at the end of the filling phase is accompanied by a
the stress environment is dominated by the high FSS second flow acceleration through the annulus to a
resulting from the high-momentum jet emanating peak velocity of 0.3e0.5 m/s.54 These velocity charac-
from the LVOT. The distinct flow environments gener- teristics translate in a range of Reynolds numbers
ated on both sides of AV leaflets45 give rise to a side-, from 0 to 4000e6000,55 suggesting the existence of
site-, and leaflet-specific FSS environment.39,40,46 transitional flow conditions. During early ventricular
Computational simulations9,47 and experimental mea- filling, the separation of the high-momentum blood
surements10,48 of AV flow have quantified FSS magni- flow from the anterior leaflet surface generates a shear
tude and pulsatility characteristics in terms of layer, which results in the formation of a large vortex
temporal shear magnitude (TSM, i.e., the time- in the LV.56e58 Although MV closure is mostly deter-
averaged FSS magnitude over one cycle) and oscillatory mined by the adverse transmitral pressure imposed
30 SECTION I Mechanobiological Basis of Diseases

during mid-diastole,53 this vortex dynamics has been (3800 dyn/cm2 and 14,500 dyn/cm2, respectively) as
shown to assist MV closure, promote ventricular filling, compared with a normal valve (1650 dyn/cm2).49
and enhance ventricular ejection during sys-
tole.53,57,59,60 The variations in transmitral pressure 4.3.2. Myxomatous valve disease
and the specific elastin-collagen network arrangement Myxomatous mitral valve disease (MMVD) is the lead-
in each leaflet layer subjects the anterior leaflet to a ing cause of leaflet prolapse and mitral regurgitation.84
highly anisotropic strain field characterized by a peak The bulging of the MV leaflets into the LA during systole
circumferential strain of 2.5%e3.3% and a peak radial results in blood leakage into the LA, which decreases over-
strain of 16%e22%.14,61,62 The posterior leaflet experi- all LV performance and may lead to life-threatening con-
ences substantially lower strain levels.63 ditions. MMVD is a degenerative disorder characterized
by the overall mechanical weakening of the valve compo-
4.3. Valvular Disease nents, which results in tissue thickening and enlargement,
4.3.1. Calcific aortic valve disease annular dilation, and chordae elongation.85e87 Myxo-
Calcific aortic valve disease (CAVD) is the most com- matous MV leaflets and chordae exhibit microstructural
mon form of AV disease. It consists of the formation alterations marked by GAG and proteoglycan accumula-
of calcific lesions on the leaflet fibrosa, which contribute tion in the leaflet spongiosa, type III collagen synthesis,
to the obstruction of the LVOT (stenosis) and progres- collagen and elastin network fragmentation, and MMP
sive heart failure.64 CAVD pathogenesis progresses upregulation.88e93 These ECM alterations are caused by
through three consecutive stages: inflammation, the transdifferentiation of the valve ICs into an activated
fibrosis, and calcification.65e69 The inflammatory stage myofibroblast phenotype.90
is marked by increased oxidative stress,70,71 the upregu- Myxomatous MV leaflets are different both morpho-
lation of cell adhesion molecules, and the accumulation logically and mechanically from normal leaflets.
of lipids72,73 that result in the infiltration of inflamma- Clinical observations based on three-dimensional
tory cells such as T lymphocytes and macrophages in the transesophageal echocardiography have revealed an
fibrosa.69,74,75 Those processes are accompanied by overall increase in leaflet surface area, annular diam-
increased expressions of inflammatory mediators such eter, and area and circumference in myxomatous
as transforming growth factor (TGF)-b174,76 and bone MVs.94 The leaflet prolapse resulting from those
morphogenetic proteins (BMPs).74,77 During the morphologic changes is associated with a characteristic
fibrotic stage, ICs are switched from their normal fibro- eccentric regurgitant jet.95 Mechanical tests performed
blastlike phenotype to an activated myofibroblast- or on explanted MVs also revealed that the adverse
osteoblastlike phenotype, and the loss in balance be- remodeling affecting the leaflet ECM results in an over-
tween matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and tissue in- all increase in extensibility marked by a 2.4-fold in-
hibitors of MMPs results in abnormal ECM remodeling crease in circumferential strain and a 2.5-fold increase
and disorganized ECM fibers. Lastly, during the calcifi- in radial strain.96
cation stage, osteoblastlike ICs secrete chondrogenic
and osteogenic growth factors that lead to calcific lesion 4.4. Valvular Response to Hemodynamic
formation on the leaflet fibrosa.68,78 Stresses
CAVD results in improper leaflet dynamics and The structure and cellular composition of heart valves
increased valvular resistance to flow, which in turn gen- are tailored to sustain and interact with the surrounding
erates substantial alterations in valvular hemody- mechanical stress environment.97e101 For example,
namics. As shown in vitro, stenotic conditions tend to valvular ICs populating the valves of the left side of
generate a skewed and asymmetric valvular jet, increase the heart are stiffer than ICs found in the valves of the
the peak-systolic jet velocity (up to 4 m/s under mild right side of the heart, which provides the AV and MV
stenosis and up to 7 m/s under severe stenosis), and greater load-bearing capabilities to sustain the harsher
promote turbulence.49,79e82 Fluid-structure interaction pressure environment of the systemic circulation.102
simulations of blood flow through a moderately ste- Similarly, ECs on valvular surfaces express different
notic AV reported an increase in ventricularis FSS from phenotypes to adapt to the local FSS environment and
45 to 70 dyn/cm2 and a decrease in fibrosa FSS from to protect the underlying tissue from the constant
12 to 5 dyn/cm2 relative to the normal valve.83 Laser shearing force caused by blood flow.103,104 This section
Doppler anemometric measurements of turbulent reviews the main mechanisms of AV and MV adaptation
stresses in mildly and severely stenotic AVs revealed dra- to their two dominant fluid and structural stresses,
matic increases in streamwise Reynolds stress levels namely, FSS and tensile stress.
CHAPTER 1.2 Cardiovascular Mechanics and Disease 31

4.4.1. Fluid shear stress mechanotransduction to their native low oscillatory FSS. In contrast, expres-
Valvular ECs alter their morphology and alignment in sion of these biomarkers was maintained at normal
response to FSS. Scanning electron microscopic mea- levels when the ventricularis was subjected to normal
surements on canine AV leaflets and in vitro experi- (i.e., high pulsatile) and abnormal (i.e., low oscillatory)
ments on porcine valvular ECs under steady flow have FSS. The availability of more sophisticated bioreactors
revealed that AV ECs tend to align circumferentially capable of replicating the native side-specific FSS envi-
with the free edge of the leaflet.103,105 EC alignment ronment of AV leaflets enabled the investigation of
in AV leaflets was shown to be driven by the spatial the contribution of combined abnormalities in FSS
arrangement of several focal adhesion components magnitude and frequency to early valvular pathogen-
(e.g., b1 integrins, vinculin, focal adhesion kinase), esis.108 The results revealed that cytokine expression
which is modulated by the Rho-kinase signaling was stimulated under elevated FSS magnitude at
pathway.103 normal frequency, whereas ECM degradation was stim-
Early studies in parallel plate flow chamber on the ulated under both elevated FSS magnitude at normal
effects of steady FSS on porcine AV biology evidenced frequency and physiologic FSS magnitude at abnormal
the key role of FSS in the maintenance of the leaflet frequency. The response was time dependent and
biosynthetic activity, in terms of protein, GAG, and peaked after 48 hours of conditioning. A subsequent
DNA synthesis.106 As further evidence of the sensitivity investigation suggested that endothelial activation is
of AV ECs to FSS, in vitro studies on denuded and intact weakly regulated by BMP-4 in response to FSS abnor-
porcine AV leaflets also revealed substantial differences malities, TGF-b1 silencing attenuates FSS-induced
in collagen and GAG content.31 The presence of the ECM degradation via MMP-9 downregulation, and
endothelium promoted collagen synthesis and main- BMP-4 and TGF-b1 do not synergistically interact in
tained the GAG content, whereas denudation resulted response to FSS abnormalities.109
in opposite trends. The ability of FSS to modulate the The insights provided by the fundamental studies
expression of key proteins in the leaflets revealed by into the mechanobiology of FSS in AV tissue are partic-
these studies also suggests the existence of a communi- ularly relevant in the context of valvular disease.110,111
cation network between ECs and ICs, by which the FSS CAVD, which generates stenotic conditions across the
signal experienced on the leaflet could be transduced AV, subjects the leaflets to supraphysiologic FSS magni-
into changes in ECM biology. FSS also affects ECM turn- tudes. As shown in vitro in porcine leaflets, stenotic
over in AV leaflets, which is an important mechanism in FSS levels increase the expression of inflammatory
the maintenance of valvular homeostasis and disease. biomarkers (BMP-4, TGF-b1) and ECM remodeling
Exposure of porcine leaflets to different levels of steady biomarkers (MMP-2/9, cathepsin L/S) in an FSS-
FSS in a parallel plate flow chamber resulted in an over- magnitude-dependent manner, suggesting the key role
all upregulation in ECM synthesis, the inhibition of played by FSS abnormalities in disease initiation and
cathepsin L activity and expression, and the increase progression.112 The bicuspid aortic valve (BAV), which
in MMP-2/9 activity.107 The contrasted response in the is a congenital disorder consisting of the formation of
expression and activity of those proteinases to FSS re- a valve with only two leaflets, is another source of FSS
veals the complexity of the mechanobiological path- abnormalities for AV leaflets and a major risk factor
ways contributing to the modulation of ECM for CAVD. Interestingly, computational and experi-
remodeling in AV leaflets. mental studies have identified regions of FSS overloads
The early pathogenesis of CAVD, which involves in- and increased FSS bidirectionality on BAV leaflets
flammatory processes typically localized to the leaflet (174% increase in TSM, 0.10 increase in OSI relative
endothelium, motivated investigations of the potential to normal AV leaflets).82,113e118 As evidenced in vitro
role of FSS abnormalities in valvular inflammation and using cone-and-plate bioreactors, those hemodynamic
adverse remodeling. An in vitro study using a modified alterations promote endothelial activation, BMP-4 and
cone-and-plate bioreactor subjected each surface of TGF-1 paracrine signaling, catabolic enzyme (MMP-2/
porcine AV leaflets to the FSS environment experienced 9, cathepsin L/S) secretion and activity, and bone matrix
by the opposite surface.104 Exposure of the fibrosa to synthesis via osteocalcin upregulation.119,120 Interest-
the high unidirectional FSS environment of the ventri- ingly, the extent of the pathologic response correlates
cularis resulted in a dramatic increase in intercellular with the degree of hemodynamic abnormality experi-
adhesion molecule (ICAM)-1, vascular cell adhesion enced by the leaflets.
molecule (VCAM)-1, BMP-4, and TGF-b1 expression In contrast to the well-documented effects of FSS on
relative to the fresh controls and specimens subjected AV biology, the mechanotransduction of FSS in MV
32 SECTION I Mechanobiological Basis of Diseases

leaflets remains largely unexplored. To the best of the role played by AV ICs in the maintenance of tissue ho-
authors’ knowledge, the only suggestion of FSS mecha- meostasis through the regulation of ECM biosynthesis.
nobiology in MV leaflets was done in the context of the Lending more support to this mechanobiological regu-
effects of mitral regurgitation hemodynamics on ECM lation and adaptation, an in vitro micropipette aspira-
remodeling.95 The exposure of porcine MV leaflets to tion study on ovine ICs reported that the higher
flow conditions mimicking MV prolapse promoted stiffness of MV and AV ICs relative to that in heart valves
collagen III and GAG synthesis, which resulted in over- from the right side of the heart correlated with a higher
all weakening and decrease in tissue stiffness. content of a-SMA and heat shock protein 47102
Together, these studies suggest the sensitivity of valve
4.4.2. Tensile stress mechanotransduction ICs to local ECM structural stresses and their ability to
Collagen, which is a key component of the valve ECM, alter matrix stiffness and collagen synthesis. Although
is the primary tensile-stress-bearing fiber. The primary most studies have focused on the biosynthetic response
collagen subtypes present in valve leaflets are collagen of ICs to cyclic stretch, valvular ECs also exhibit a partic-
I, III, and V, and their approximate ratios are 85:10:5 ular susceptibility to sense this mechanical signal to
and 74:24:2 in the AV and MV, respectively.34,93 One adapt to it dynamically. En face imaging of live AV leaf-
of the early observations of valvular response to stretch lets subjected to cyclic stretch for 72 hours revealed
consisted of the demonstration of the reorganization of increased cellular viability as compared to static speci-
collagen fiber orientation under increasing pressure us- mens, and a highly side-specific endothelial response
ing small-angle light scattering.121 Side-specific observa- marked by increased apoptosis on the ventricularis rela-
tions under low-pressure conditions (0e1 mm Hg) tive to the fibrosa.124
revealed a higher degree of orientation on the fibrosa The synergies among the valvular stretch environ-
and a more random fiber alignment on the ventricula- ment, the leaflet biosynthetic activity, and ECM compo-
ris. Fiber orientation discrepancies between both sides sition have motivated investigations on the potential
were attenuated under increasing load, suggesting the role played by stretch abnormalities in pathologic
complex, highly heterogeneous structural response of remodeling. Porcine AV leaflets subjected to 15%
the valve ECM to pressure-induced stretch. The imple- circumferential cyclic stretch mimicking the effects of
mentation of a similar technique on porcine MV leaflet hypertensive pressure loading exhibited an upregula-
and chordal tissue revealed a preferential collagen align- tion of MMP-1, -2, and -9 and cathepsin S and K activ-
ment parallel to the annulus in the central part of both ities and a downregulation in cathepsin L activity
leaflets and a more orthogonal arrangement near the relative to fresh leaflets.125 Although 20% stretch
strut chordal insertion.122 The dynamic alterations in resulted in similar trends, the response was more mod-
collagen architecture in AV and MV leaflet regions erate and accompanied by increased cell proliferation
dominated by high strain concentrations13,50 suggest and apoptosis. Placed in the context of CAVD, these re-
the sensitivity of valvular tissue to stretch and its ability sults suggest that hypertensive levels of stretch may
to adapt to the loading conditions in order to maintain contribute to ECM degeneration via alterations in pro-
valvular function. teolytic enzyme expression and activity. A follow-up
As opposed to FSS, which is only sensed by the in vitro study on porcine AV leaflets provided more
leaflet endothelium, stretch affects both IC and EC pop- mechanistic insights into the mode of stretch mechano-
ulations. Studies have suggested that the biological re- transduction by demonstrating increased cellular prolif-
sponses triggered by cyclic stretch on both cell types eration, collagen and GAG synthesis, and upregulation
may contribute to the load-bearing capabilities of the of serotonin (5HT) receptors in response to normoten-
tissue and may also be involved in the initiation and sive stretch (10%) relative to static conditions.126 Be-
progression of pathologic states. Early stretch studies sides their effects on ECM remodeling, stretch
on isolated ICs using a Flexcell device demonstrated abnormalities have been shown to promote osteogene-
the upregulation of collagen synthesis in a stretch- sis in vitro. A study investigating the effects of stretch
magnitude- and duration-dependent manner.123 A sub- magnitude on CAVD pathogenesis reported evidence
sequent study on porcine leaflet tissue subjected to of tissue mineralization and calcification on the fibrosa
different levels and frequency of cyclic stretch in vitro of porcine AV leaflets subjected to increasing levels of
confirmed these findings and evidenced the upregula- stretch in osteogenic medium.127 The attenuation of
tion of the contractile phenotype of the valve ICs via the mechanoresponse following medium supplementa-
increased a-smooth muscle actin (a-SMA) expression tion with the BMP antagonist noggin suggested the key
in the ventricularis.29 These findings suggest the key role played by BMP signaling in stretch-induced AV
CHAPTER 1.2 Cardiovascular Mechanics and Disease 33

calcification. Lastly, the phenotypic changes undergone (mean diameter: 20 mm; mean thickness: 1.0 mm), and
by AV ICs have been documented in porcine AV leaflets further downstream are the veins (mean diameter:
subjected to combinations of pathologic stretch (15%) 5.0 mm; mean thickness: 0.5 mm), which bring blood
and hypertensive pressure (140/100 mm Hg) using a back to the atria.
modified stretch bioreactor.128 The study reported a Arteries and veins have a trilayered structure consist-
downregulation of a-SMA, vimentin, and calponin, sug- ing of (from inner surface to outer surface) the tunica
gesting the inhibition of the IC contractile and myofi- intima, the tunica media, and the tunica adventitia.
broblast phenotypes and the switch of ICs to a more Although the composition of each layer is tailored to
synthetic phenotype. These results correlate with the the function of each blood vessel type, the main cellular
typical thickening of the spongiosa and fibrosa in the and ECM components include ECs, SMCs, elastin, and
early stage of CAVD. collagen fibers. Smooth muscle and elastin, the main
There are few reports on the effects of stretch on MV components of arterial tissue, provide arteries with a
biology and disease. Porcine MV anterior leaflets sub- low compliance, which enables the maintenance of
jected to 10% radial strain in a uniaxial stretch device the driving pressure during diastole. Although the
exhibited decreased expressions in cytoskeletal proteins same two components are found in veins, the large-
and proteins involved in energy metabolism such as diameter, thin-walled structure of veins result in higher
glycolysis and oxidoreductase activity.129 Similar exper- compliance. Lastly, blood vessels in the microcircula-
iments conducted on denuded leaflets resulted in a tion exhibit more simple structures that typically consist
downregulation of ECM and cell-matrix adhesion pro- of a thin EC monolayer to maximize biotransport be-
teins and an upregulation of translation-related and tween the blood and surrounding tissues.
chaperone proteins, suggesting the protective role
played by the MV endothelium under physiologic 5.2. Vascular Hemodynamics
stretch. Lastly, the effects of stretch have been investi- Vascular hemodynamics varies both spatially due to
gated in the context of MMVD in vitro130 Porcine MV variations in geometric features (branching, tapering,
leaflets subjected to steady stretch exhibited increased bifurcation, bends) and material properties within the
transcription of endothelin-B receptors relative to spec- vasculature and temporally due to blood flow pulsatil-
imens maintained under static conditions, without ity. As a result, the vasculature exhibits large variations
affecting messenger RNA expression of endothelin-B re- in blood flow patterns: anterograde and laminar flows
ceptors and endothelin-1. The stretch regulation of in straight sections of arteries and disorganized and
endothelin-1 signaling, which is a key player in ECM irregular flow patterns in curvatures, bifurcations, and
remodeling alterations during MMVD pathogenesis, other complex geometry and vortical structures in the
provides another evidence for a mechanopotential vicinity of venous veins.133,134 This diversity in blood
cause in MMVD. flow patterns is associated with a spectrum of flow re-
gimes, as suggested by the wide range of Reynolds
and Womersley numbers that have been identified
5. BLOOD VESSEL MECHANOBIOLOGY throughout the vasculature (4500 and 13.2 in the
5.1. Blood Vessel Anatomy, Function, and ascending aorta, 1250 and 8 in the abdominal aorta,
Structure 0.09 and 0.04 in arterioles, and 0.001 and 0.005 in
Blood vessels are viscoelastic multilayered conduits that capillaries, respectively).135,136 The propagation of the
transport blood throughout the body.131 The transport pressure pulse wave along the vascular tree and its
of blood throughout the vasculature involves a complex interactions with the anatomic features of the vascula-
network of blood vessels ranging in size, structure, ture (e.g., curvature, bifurcations, branching) generate
and function.5,132 Arteries are the largest and thickest large variations in blood pressure throughout the sys-
blood vessels (mean diameter: 4.0 mm; mean thick- temic circulation: 90e93 mm Hg in the aorta,
ness: 1.0 mm) and carry blood from the heart to the 70e90 mm Hg in arteries, 40e70 mm Hg in arterioles,
microvasculature. Arteries connect to smaller arterioles 25e40 mm Hg in capillaries, 15e25 mm Hg in ve-
(mean diameter: 30 mm; mean thickness: 6.0 mm) that nules, 8e10 mm Hg in the vena cava, and
connect in turn to capillaries, the smallest blood vessels 0e5 mm Hg at the entrance of the RA.1 As a result,
in the vasculature (mean diameter: 8.0 mm; mean thick- ECs on the intimal layer of blood vessels experience
ness: 0.5 mm), which are responsible for gas and metab- an array of FSS levels, which vary from 1e5 dyn/cm2
olite exchange between the blood and the surrounding in venules137,138 and 2e5 dyn/cm2 in the common
tissues. Downstream from the capillaries are the venules femoral artery139 to 2e13 dyn/cm2 in the ascending
34 SECTION I Mechanobiological Basis of Diseases

aorta,140 7e10 dyn/cm2 in the abdominal aorta,141 and carotid bifurcation have reported up to 465% increase
41e67 dyn/cm2 in retinal arterioles.137,142 The local in FSS magnitude at the stenosis relative to the baseline
intraluminal pressure also subjects blood vessels to levels captured at downstream and upstream loca-
structural strains in both the circumferential and longi- tions.157 In addition to its impact on fluid stresses,
tudinal directions, which have been reported as 8.0% atherosclerosis affects structural strains within the
and 7.6% in the ascending aorta,143 13.2% vessel. As reported by computational fluid-structure
and 1.3% in the abdominal aorta,144 3.4% and interaction simulations in a stenotic carotid artery,
3.8% in the common carotid arteries,145 1.5% and the increase in jet velocity at the throat of the plaque
2.4% in the brachial arteries,145 and 1.2% and 2.9% generates a local negative flow pressure (25 to
in the femoral arteries, respectively.145 40 mm Hg) that translates into a negative transmural
pressure and subjects the arterial wall to elevated
5.3. Vascular Disease circumferential compressive strains (39% to 45%)
5.3.1. Atherosclerosis in a stenosis-severity- and eccentricity-dependent
Atherosclerosis is a common chronic inflammatory dis- manner.158 Together, these studies suggest the existence
ease affecting the intima of large- and medium-sized of strong flow alterations under atherosclerotic
arteries.146e149 It is characterized by the formation of conditions. However, the heterogeneity of atheroscle-
an atheromatous plaque resulting from the deposition rotic plaque compositions, material properties, and
and accumulation of lipid molecules within the arterial morphologies combined with the diversity of vessel
wall and underlying smooth muscle,147,150 preferen- wall anatomies prevent the identification of a baseline
tially in vascular bifurcations and curvatures. As the pla- stress environment in atherosclerosis.
que becomes larger, stenotic flow conditions develop,
increasing the risk for plaque rupture, thrombosis, 5.3.2. Aneurysm
and complete obstruction of the arterial lumen. The In contrast to atherosclerosis, which results in an effec-
development of an atherosclerotic plaque on the arte- tive reduction in arterial lumen diameter, an aneurysm
rial wall is the result of an inflammatory response to consists of the abnormal enlargement of the arterial
endothelial injury, characterized by the downregulation wall as a result of the degradation of its structural com-
in the endothelial production of nitric oxide, the upre- ponents.155,159,160 Common sites of aneurysm forma-
gulation of cell adhesion molecules (ICAM-1, VCAM- tion include the cerebral vasculature, the abdominal
1), and the release of proinflammatory cytokines.21,151 aorta, the ascending aorta, and the coronary ar-
This inflammatory response promotes the adhesion of teries.134,159,161 Although the mechanisms of aneurysm
inflammatory cells (monocytes, T cells) and low- formation are site specific,9 initial loss of elastin and
density lipoprotein to the injury site and their migration progressive vessel wall degradation are the hallmarks
to the subendothelial space. These processes are facili- of the disease.134,160,162 As with other cardiovascular
tated by MMP pathways,152 the degradation of the base- disorders, inflammation and tissue remodeling are the
ment membrane, and the migration of proliferating major key players in aneurysm pathogenesis. An initial
SMCs and result ultimately in intimal thickening and hemodynamic insult mediates endothelial activation
plaque formation. via increased expressions of ICAM-1, VCAM-1, and E-
From a fluid mechanics perspective, the resulting selectin through the inflammatory cytokine tumor ne-
reduction in luminal diameter generates flow condi- crosis factor a.163,164 These inflammatory processes
tions mimicking those of flows past a nozzle or orifice, trigger MMP pathways, which promote ECM degrada-
which are marked by a substantial pressure drop, the tion and SMC apoptosis, weaken the arterial wall, and
formation of a vena contracta, flow transition to turbu- result in dilation and aneurysm formation.155,162,165,166
lence, flow separation from the vessel wall, and flow Ultimately, aneurysm rupture is a life-threatening event
reattachment further downstream.153,154 This complex and its cause remains under debate.134,155
hemodynamics subjects the vessel wall to a spatially The local increase in luminal diameter associated
varying FSS environment marked by high magnitude with an aneurysm results in substantial hemodynamic
and unidirectionality upstream of the plaque and low alterations such as flow separation, stagnation,
magnitude and oscillation immediately downstream increased vorticity, decreased velocity, and increased
of the plaque.155 While the spatial distribution and transmural pressures.4,155,167 While these characteristics
local magnitude of the FSS imposed on the wall of are strongly patient and site specific, common features
the stenosis greatly vary with the degree of occlusion of aneurysms include the existence of high FSS at the
and blood flow rate,156 flow simulations in a stenotic base of the enlargement and low FSS at the tip, which
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
A Drinking-Glass Holder

To make a glass holder quickly, shape a wire as shown in the

sketch. The wire should be of sufficient size to hold the glass firmly. It
is fastened to the wall, or support, with a screw and a staple.—
Contributed by Edwin P. Stott, Chicago, Ill.
Needle Threader for a Sewing Machine

The threader consists of two brass pieces riveted together so that

they will make an extension conical hole for the thread to enter
freely. The length of the pieces should be such that when the upper
end of the threader is placed against the needle-holder end, the
conical hole will coincide with the hole in the needle. A piece of thin
sheet metal is placed between the pieces above the conical hole to
make an opening below for the thread to pass through when the
threader is removed. The opposite edges of the brass pieces from
the large part of the conical hole are filed to a bevel so that when
they are riveted together they will form a V-shaped groove to center
the needle.—Contributed by Harriet M. Kerbaugh, Allentown, Pa.
Winding Coiled Springs

When a helical spring is needed badly, one can be made up

quickly by winding the wire around in the threads of an ordinary bolt.
An accurate spring can be formed, and the pitch between each coil
will be exact for the entire length. In removing the spring from the
bolt, grasp the coil in one hand and turn the bolt with the other.
Revolving-Wheel Ruling Pen

A ruling pen that will do neat work and not leave any ink on the
ruler, and which with its small ink fount draws many lines at one
filling, can be made from an old discarded revolving-wheel glass
cutter. A ¹⁄₈-in. hole is drilled in the body, or handle part, just above
the wheel. The hole is filled with a piece of felt—a piece cut from an
old felt hat will do—rolled to fit snugly, so that it will bear lightly
against the wheel. The felt is soaked with the ink to be used, and the
pen is ready for use.—Contributed by Bert Fish, Rochester, N. Y.

¶An excellent method of closing a crack in a wall before papering is

to paste a thin strip of linen over the crack. This not only makes a
smooth job, but prevents the paper from tearing, should the crack
A Portable Folding Boat

Aboat that is inexpensive, easily made, and readily transported is

shown in the illustration. Since the bow section folds inside of the
stern portion, it is important that the dimensions be followed closely.
The material used is ⁷⁄₈-in. throughout.
The Construction of the Portable
Boat Is Simple. When Folded It
may be Transported Readily and
may Even be Carried in Three
Parts. It Is Inexpensive, and
should Prove a Valuable Addition
to the Camping Outfit

Make a full-size diagram of the plan to determine the exact sizes

of the pieces. Brass screws are best for fastening this type of work,
but copperplated nails may be used. Tongued-and-grooved stock is
best for the bottom. The joints should not be driven together too
firmly, to allow for expansion, and all joints in the boat should be
packed with red lead or pitch.
The adjoining ends of the sections should be made at the same
time, to insure a satisfactory fit when joined. Braces are fixed into the
Metal straps hold the sections together at the bottom of the hinged
joints. These should be fitted so that there is little possibility of their
becoming loosened accidentally. The front end of each strip is
pivoted in a hole, and the other end is slotted vertically on the lower
edge. Their bolts are set firmly into the side of the boat, being held
with nuts on both sides of the wood. A wing nut, prevented from
coming off by riveting the end of the bolt, holds the slotted end.
Sockets for the oars may be cut into hardwood pieces fastened to
the gunwales. The construction of the seats is shown in the small
sketch at the left.
Nontangling Pasture Stake

The Wheel Revolves on the Stake, Preventing the Rope from Tangling

An old carriage wheel and axle were used to good advantage in

the making of the pasture stake shown in the sketch. When the
animal tethered to the wheel walks around the stake, it is practically
impossible for the rope to become tangled, as the wheel revolves on
the axle.—Contributed by W. F. Quackenbush, New York, N. Y.
Inkstand Made of a Sheet of Paper

A Sheet of Heavy Paper Quickly Transformed into a Holder for Ink Bottle
and Pen

Drawings are not infrequently ruined by the spilling of ink, which

might have been averted by the use of the simple inkstand cut from
a sheet of heavy paper, as shown in the sketch. The upper
illustration shows the method of cutting the paper to fit the ink bottle
and stopper, and to produce a pen rack. The device will be found
especially useful when materials for drawing are used away from a
place especially fitted for the purpose, since the inkstand can be
made in a few minutes from material readily available.—Contributed
by Henry C. Franke, Jr., Philadelphia, Pa.
How to Wind Wire on Electrical Apparatus
When a beginner, it was the despair of the writer to try to produce
in his homemade apparatus the mathematical regularity and
perfection of the winding on the coils of electrical instruments in the
supply stores, but when he found that this professional and
workmanlike finish could be obtained by means of a simple
contrivance, and a little care and attention to details before
beginning, experimental work took on a new interest.
At the outset let it be stated that wire should never be wound
directly on the iron core, not only because it cannot be done
satisfactorily in that manner, but for the reason that it is often desired
to remove a coil from a piece of apparatus after it has served its
purpose. It is therefore advisable to make a bobbin, which consists
of a thin, hard tube with two ends. The tube may be easily formed by
wrapping a suitable length of medium-weight paper on the core,
having first coated it with ordinary fish glue, excepting, of course, the
first 2 or 3 in. in direct contact with the core. Wind tightly until the
thickness is from ¹⁄₃₂ in. to ¹⁄₁₆ in., depending upon the diameter of
the core, and then wrap with string until the glue hardens, after which
the tube may be sandpapered and trimmed up as desired.
Where the wire is not of too small a gauge and is not to be wound
to too great a depth, no ends will be necessary if each layer of wire
is stopped one-half turn before the preceding one, as indicated in the
accompanying sketch, and is also thoroughly shellacked. With
ordinary care magnet wire may be wound in this manner to a depth
of over one-half inch.
Winding a Coil of Wire so That the Layers will be Even and Smooth

The tube having been made ready, with or without ends as may be
necessary, the small winding jig illustrated is to be made. All that is
essential is to provide a suitable means for rotating by hand a slightly
tapering wood spindle, upon which the tube is to be pushed. The
bearings can be just notches made in the upper ends of two
standards, through each of which a hole is drilled at right angles to
the length of the spindle, so that some string or wire may be laced
through in order to hold the spindle down. A crank may be formed by
winding a piece of heavy wire around the larger end of the spindle. A
loop of wire, or string, is to be attached at some convenient point, so
that the crank may be held from unwinding while adjusting matters at
the end of each layer, or while making a connection. There should
also be provided a suitable support for the spool of wire, which is
generally placed below the table to good advantage. Much depends,
in this sort of work, upon attention to these small details, after which
it will be found that the actual winding will require very little time.—
Contributed by John D. Adams, Phoenix, Ariz.
¶A No. 10 gauge shotgun cartridge shell telescoped with a No. 12
gauge shell forms a convenient match safe for campers, or other
persons out of doors, and is moisture-proof.
Hourglass Sewing Basket
Two oblong peach baskets, their bottoms fastened together and
the whole covered with silk, formed the hourglass sewing or darning
basket shown in the sketch. Square plum baskets and other forms
trimmed in cretonne, linen, or inexpensive goods, depending on the
intended use, may also be utilized. Ornamental details may be
added to suit the individual taste.
Artistic Effects may be Produced by the Inventive Woman

The basket was made as follows: The peach baskets were wired
together at their bottoms. A piece of silk was cut, wide enough to
reach from the top to the bottom of the joined baskets and to permit
the folding over of a portion at the top and bottom. One long edge of
the piece was glued to the inner edge of the bottom and drawn in
around the sides to form neat folds. The upper edge of the silk was
then glued in the top, being folded over the edge.
A cord was fixed around the middle of the basket, as shown in the
sketch. A lining was glued into the top and bottom. It was folded and
stitched along its edges to prevent raveling and to give a smooth
finish. The bottom need not be lined, but it is desirable to have it so.
The pincushion was made by padding a block with cotton and then
covering it with silk. A cardboard box may be used instead. The
cushion was nailed into place from the bottom. Ribbon may be used
to draw the silk to the sides of the basket at the middle, and a
cushion may be made entirely of cotton or cloth and attached with
ribbons.—Contributed by Thomas J. Macgowan, Mount Vernon, N.
A Perpetual-Motion Puzzle
The fallacy of perpetual motion is now so generally understood
that the description of a new scheme for attaining it is only justified in
so far as it may be instructive. The sketch illustrates such a device,
apparently successful, and the discovery of the error in it is both
instructive and interesting.

The Interaction between Poles of the Magnets Causes the Traveler to Move
around the Triangle

Mount a horseshoe magnet on a wooden base, and into the latter

cut a continuous groove along the three sides of a triangle opposite
the poles of the magnet, N and S. Suspend a long, narrow bar
magnet on a universal joint from a standard. A pin projects into the
groove from the lower end, which is its north pole, and can move
only along the triangular course.
Start the device with the suspended magnet in the position shown.
The lower end will tend to move in the direction of the arrows,
because in so doing it is getting farther away from the repelling north
pole of the horseshoe magnet and nearer the attracting south pole,
which action will bring it to the corner of the triangle in the
foreground. It will next move down the side as indicated by the
arrow, because along that line it is nearer the attracting south than
the repelling north pole. When it reaches the end of its trip, at the
angle between the poles of the magnet, the attraction and repulsion
will be balanced, but a slight jar will carry the traveler beyond the
The third leg of the triangle will be covered similarly, the north pole
repelling the traveler. On this basis the motion should continue
indefinitely, but a test will show that it will not do so.
The corners of the triangle should be rounded slightly and it would
be better to use several hanging magnets, flexibly connected, so that
when one is at the dead center the others will carry the traveler on.
How to Transfer Drawings
Soiling of drawings transferred with carbon paper may be avoided
by substituting a piece of unfinished paper, the surface of which has
been covered with a thin coating of lead rubbed from the pencil. If
any errors are made in the tracing, or undue pressure is applied with
the hand, the resulting impressions may be removed readily with an
If a copy of a drawing is desired, and it is not necessary that the
same relative left and right position be maintained, the original pencil
drawing may be placed face downward on a sheet of paper and the
back of it rubbed with a bone paper knife, or other smooth, rounded
object. By going over the impression and making a reverse of it in
the same way a copy of the original in the same relations may be
obtained.—Contributed by J. E. Pouliot, Ottawa, Canada.

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