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ِ ٰ ‫ب ِۡس ِم ہ‬

ِ‫اّلل َّالر ۡ ہۡح ِن َّالرح ۡ ِی‬

Islamic Studies
Hafiz Abdul Aziz Usmani
Assistant Professor
Department of Basic Sciences & Related Studies (BSRS)
Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro
Subject is compulsory for Muslim Students only.
For Non-Muslim students this subject is optional.

Road map for starting lecture(s)
Brief introduction and establishing rapport with students
Academic Calendar & marks distribution
Grading System
Class Ethics & Procedures
Introduction to Syllabus
Recommended and Reference Books
Questions Answers; if any 3
Minimum attendance required to be eligible to appear
in the Semester Examination is 75%

Total number of weeks in a semester is 16.


The number of Lectures in a Semester for a 2CH

subject shall be 32

For more details Check in Prospectus 7

Marks Distribution
50 Marks

30 10 10
Final Examination Mid-Semester Examination Sessional Marks
25-03-2023 23-01-2023
Sessional Marks =10
Session/Semester started on 19-12-2022 and end on 24-03-2023
Marks awarded during the session are known as sessional marks.

Check Prospectus for more details 10
Grading System for My Subject (2CH)
46–and above Marks A+ Grade
42–45 Marks A Grade
38 – 41 Marks B+ Grade
33 – 37 Marks B Grade
30 – 32 Marks C+ Grade
25 – 29 Marks C Grade
The most important

Class Ethics
Islamic Studies
1. Basic Beliefs Section
Unity of Allah.
Concept of life hereafter.
Islamic Studies
2.Quranic Section
History of collection and compilation of Holy Quran.
Excellence of Holy Quran.
Surah Al Furqan. ( verses 63-76)
Surah Al Hujurat. ( 1. Introduction, 2. translation
3. Historical background, 4. Message )
Islamic Studies
3. Life History Section
Islamic Studies
4. Arakan Section
1. Professing the Faith
2. Prayer
3. Zakat
4. Fast
5. Pilgrimage
Islamic Studies
5. Miscellaneous Section
Importance of Hadith & Sunnah.
Jihad and its types.
Moral values of society.
Taqwa, Tawakal.
Lawful earning.
Social Justice.
Tentative Teaching plan
Subject: Islamic Studies (Th) Code: IS 111 Name of Teacher: Hafiz Abdul Aziz Memon Usmani
Discipline: AR, BSES, BSM, TL Engg: (2nd Semester,1st year) Effective: 22 - Batch and onwards
Assessment: 20% Sessional, 80% Written Semester Examination (20% Mid, 60% Final)
Credit Hours: 02 Maximum Marks: 50 Minimum Contact Hours: 32
Semester Starting Date: 19-12-2022 Semester Suspension Date: 24-03-2023
Course Learning Outcomes:
After completion of “Islamic Studies” course each student will be able to:

CLO Description Taxonomy Mapping

No. Level with PLOs

1 Explain scope and significance of basic beliefs & C2 PLO-6

pillars of Islam, their effects on different aspects of
individual life and society.
2 Enhance understanding of Quran, Hadith and life of C2 PLO-8
Holy Prophet Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬as the source of
inspiration and guidance. 18
S. # Topic CLOs No: of lecture hrs. required
01 Introduction to Syllabus. 1 1
02 Islam and its peculiarities. 1 1
03 Basic Beliefs of Islam. 1 1
04 Tauheed & its importance 1 1
05 Shirk and its types. 1 1
06 Concept of Prophethood. Its need and necessity. 1 1
07 Characteristics of Prophet hood, Finality of Prophet hood. 1 1
08 Concept of life hereafter. 1 1
09 History of collection and compilation of Holy Quran. 2 1
10 Excellence of Holy Quran. 2 1
11 Surah Al-Hujurat (introduction and Historical Perspectives). 2 1
12 Respective behavior towards Holy Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬mentioned in Surah Al Hujurat 2 1
13 Surah Al Hujurat 2 1
14 Surah Al Hujurat 2 1
15 Surah Al-Furqan. 2 1
16 Surah Al-Furqan. 2 1
17 Surah Al-Furqan. 2 1
18 Life History of Holy Prophet ‫( ﷺ‬Before Prophethood at Makkah). 2 1
19 Life History of Holy Prophet ‫(ﷺ‬After Prophethood at Makkah). 2 1
20 Life of Holy Prophet ‫ﷺ‬in Madina (Charter of Madina and Brotherhood). 2 1
21 Victory of Makkah 2 1
22 Last Sermon of Holy Prophet ‫ﷺ‬ 2 1
23 Importance of Hadiths and Sunnah and Few selected Ahadith. 2 1
24 Introduction to Fundamentals of Islam. 1 1
25 Prayer, Preconditions, Requirements and Benefits. 1 1
26 Zakat and its aims and objectives. 1 1
27 Legal recipients, NISAB and Benefits. 1 1
28 Fasting. 1 1
29 Pilgrimage. 1 1
30 Jihad and its types. 1 1
31 Quran, Science and Muslims’ contribution. 2 1
32 Ethical values of Islamic society. 2 1
Total Lecture Hours 32
Recommended Books
Sirat-e-Mustaqeem By Abdul Qayoom Natiq.
Islam the Universal Religion By Dr. Abdul Aziz Umrani.
Path to Paradise By Dr. Abdul Aziz Umrani.
Islamiyat By Dr. Saqib Muhammad khan
)‫االسایمتازڈارٹکلیقعادمحقریشی (اردو‬
)‫ س نڌي‬،‫االسایمتازڈارٹکریشبادمحردن(اردو‬
)‫الزيم اسالمیات از مفيت محمد سلامین ٻگهيو (س نڌي‬
“Islam is the best religion.” Justify
the statement by discussing the
peculiarities of Islam. 22
Islam – The Best Religion
Islam Means – Enter into Peace
Muslim Means – Peace with God and Man
Peace with God Means– Submission to God’s Will deliberately
Peace with Man Means–Refrain from Evil & do good with mankind
Literally Islam Means– Unconditional & Deliberate
Submission before the will of Allah
1. The message of IQRA ‫ِا ۡق َرا‬
The first and most distinct characteristic of Islam is, that it has
laid foundation of new civilization and culture through the first
revelation IQRA ‫ ِا ۡق َرا‬.
“Reading & Writing” were introduced as compulsory duty of
every Muslim.
Seeking knowledge was considered as religious duty of man.
Before Islam there was no written book except Bible.
2.IslamScientific Studies
is a logical and scientific religion.
and Research
Quran says:
•Why don’t you look? ‫افال تبرصون‬
•Why don’t you observe? ‫افال تدبرون‬
•Why don’t you think? ‫افال تتفکرون‬
Quran compel muslims to carry on scientific study, to know the law of nature and to see
how the nature is working in the universe.
The tiniest objects like a bee, an ant, a spider which have been made titles of surahs
It is the sprit of Islamic learning which produced great physicians, mathematicians,
chemists and philosophers. 25
3.Revolutionary message of “Get up and Warn”
Second revelation is ‫ مق ف َانذر‬means “Get up and Warn”
This message infused the sprit of Jihad and struggle, to
establish Allah’s laws in the universe.
Islam is a missionary religion
Every Muslim is given duty to carry the message of Allah
to the last corner of the world.
Last Ummah. 26
4. Focus on Lawful Earning
In some religions like Buddhism and Christianity living on
alms or charity is lawful
In other religions sitting at one place in a temple is a
Islam teaches to use ones hands and eyes for lawful
Example: our prophet’s and companions’ life 27
5. Reduced formalism & Ceremonialism
In other religions the place of worship confined within
four walls
In Islam whole world is considered as Masjid (Mosque)
It is not necessary to wear a particular type of dress during
But the dress of piety is the best.
ؕ ‫َو ِل َباس التَّ ۡق ہوی ہذ ِل َک َخ ۡ ری‬ 28
6. Clear concept of Monotheism
The foundation of Islamic beliefs is laid down on Oneness of Allah, the
Supreme Being, who possesses all the excellent attributes.
There is no such clear concept of monotheism in other religions as it is
in Islam.
Christianity – Trinity (God, Son of God and Holy Ghost)
Hinduism – Trimurti (Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva)
Zoroastrian – two equal gods (Ohrmazd- doer of bad in the world &
Ahrman- doer of good in the world) 29
7. Equality and Brotherhood.
Islam has brought the concept of Equality and brotherhood
There is no difference of caste, color and creed in Islam, Quran says
‫ِا َّّن َخلَ ۡق ہن ۡک ِٰم ۡن َذکَر َّو ان ہۡث َو َج َعلۡ ہن ۡک شع ۡو ًب َّو قَ َبآئِ َل ِل َت َع َارف ۡوا ؕ ِا َّن‬ ‫ہا َٰییُّہَا النَّاس‬
)13 ‫ک( سورۃ احلجرات‬ ۡ ‫للا َاتۡ ہق‬
ِ َ‫اَ ۡک َر َم ۡک ِع ۡند‬
Translation: O mankind! We have created you from a male and a
female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know
one another. Verily, the most honourable of you with Allah is that
(believer) who has At-Taqwa . 30
8. Raised the Status of Women
Islam raised the status of women.
Woman is respected as Mother, daughter, sister and wife
Surah Al-Nisa and share in Inheritance
Widows are allowed to Marry again
Holy Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said in the Last Sermon
“fear Allah in the matters of women” 31
9. No Renunciation in Islam
Renunciation? “the act of rejecting physical pleasures, especially
for religious reasons” oxford dictionary
‫ ال رھبانیت یف الاسالم‬No Renunciation in Islam.
Christianity and Buddhism preaches, that religion is apart from
worldly life
But Islam teaches: This world is not apart from religion.
But how to live in this world ? “Be in the world yet out of it”; like
the Lotus Flower, like a Boat. 32
10. Actions depend on Intention.
Prophet Moses(PBUH) gave stress on external conduct (Actions)
where as prophet Jesus(PBUH) on internal purification
But Islam is Balance One. ‫امنا ا ألعامل بلنيات‬
The most specific peculiarity of Islam is that man’s actions are
judged by his motives.
Motives and actions are inter-connected.
But also remember ‫امنا ا ألعامل بخلواتی‬ 33
of Islam
1. The message of IQRA ‫ا ۡق َرا‬. 6. Clear concept of
2. Scientific Studies and Monotheism.
Research. 7. Equality and Brotherhood.
3. Revolutionary message ‫مق ف َانذر‬. 8. Raised the Status of Women.
4. Focus on Lawful Earning. 9. No Renunciation in Islam.
5. Reduced formalism & 10. Actions depend on
ceremonialism. Intention.
Section One
Basic Beliefs of Islam
Belief or Faith is the basis of all actions.
What is IMAN? According to pure
Islamic terminology.
IMAN? According to pure Islamic terminology.

IMAN? According to pure Islamic terminology.
According to pure religious terminology belief is those facts and figures
which are told to us through the messengers of Allah; although they are
beyond the limitations of our senses and instruments of understanding; the
knowledge and guidance brought to us from Allah, we witness them by
accepting those as truth.
‫دین ےک خاص اصطالح مںی امیان یہ ےھ کہ للا ےک پيغمرب اییس حقیقتوں ےک متعلق جو ھامرے‬
‫حواس اور آٓالت ادراک ےک حدود ےس ما ورا ھوں جو کچھ بتالئںی اور ھامرے پاس جو عمل و ھدایت‬
‫تعال یک طرف ےس الئںی ھم ان کو سچا مان کر اس یک تصدیق کریں اور ان کو حق مان کر قبول‬
‫للا ہ‬
IMAN? According to pure Islamic terminology.
Believe is Unseen: However, in principle, the
Islamic faith is related to the unseen.
‫یؤمنون بلغيب ۔ بھرحال اصو ًال رشعی امیان اک تعلق امورغيب‬
‫ےس ھوات ےھ۔‬
Iman is related with Heart and Islam with body
IMAN? According to pure Islamic terminology.
)‫ التصدیق جبميع ما جاء بہ النیب صیل للا عليہ وسمل ( امام غزا یل‬
Testify all those things which surely has been brought by
the Holy Prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬
‫ ھو التصدیق بلقلب والاقرار بللسان والعمل بالراکن‬
(1)Testify [Allah Almighty, His Prophets and life hereafter
and many more] by heart and (2) say it through tongue
and (3) worship with body. 40
Branches of IMAN
‫ الامیان بضع و س بعون شعبۃ فافضلھا‬:‫عن ایب ھریرۃ ریض للا عنہ قال قال رسول للا ﷺ‬
‫قول ال ا ہلہ الا للا وادّنھا اما طۃ الا ہذی عن الطریق و احلياء شعبۃ من الامیان‬
It is narrated on the authority of Abu Huraira (‫ )ریض للا عنہ‬that the Messenger of
Allah (may peace and blessings be upon him) said: Faith has over seventy
branches, the most excellent of which is the declaration that there is no god but
Allah, and the humblest of which is the removal of what is injurious from the path
and modesty is the branch of faith. (The Book of Faith (Kitab Al-Iman) Muslim :: Book 1 : Hadith 56)
‫ حیاء کس یب مراد ےہ‬،‫ حیاء خلقی مراد نہںی‬،‫احلياء ھو خلق مینع الشخص من الفعل القبيح بسبب الامیان‬
‫ جو خشص ھمیشہ مناز پڑھتا ہو اےس مناز چھوڑےن مںی حیاء آئے گی۔‬:‫جو اعامل پر مداومت اور اس تقامت ےس حاصل ہویت ےہ۔ مثال‬
Basic Beliefs of Islam
IMAN-e-MUFASSAL ‫مفصل‬ ‫ايمان‬

Al Bakarah-285
ِٖ‫ َال ن َف ٰ ِرُ ب َ ۡ َۡ َا َحد ِ ٰم ۡن ُّرسلہ‬.ٖ‫ک ہا َم َن ِب ِہلل َو َم ہل ٓ ِئ َک ِتہٖ َو کت ِبہٖ َورس ِلہ‬
‫ہا َم َن َّالرس ۡول ِب َم اا ا ۡن ِز َل ِال َ ۡيہِ ِم ۡن َّرِب ٰہٖ َوالۡم ۡؤ ِمن ۡو َن ؕؕ ل‬
The Messenger (Muhammad ‫( ﷺ‬believes in what has been sent down to
him from his lord, and (so do) the believers. Each one believes in Allah,
His angels, His books and His messengers.
Al Bakarah-177
ۚ َِۡ ٰ ٖ ‫ۡش ُِ َوالۡ َم ۡغ ِر ِب َو ہل ِک َّن الۡ ِ َّرب َم ۡن ہا َم َن ِب ِہلل َوالۡ َي ۡو ِم ۡ ہاال ِخ ِر َوالۡ َم ہل ٓ ِئ َک ِۃ َو ۡال ِک ہت ِب َوالنَّب‬
ِ ۡ ‫ل َیۡ َس الۡ ِ َّرب َا ۡن ت َول ُّ ۡوا وج ۡو َھ ۡک ِق َب َل الۡ َم‬
It is not Al-BIRR (piety, righteousness, and each and every act of obedience to
Allah etc.) that you turn your faces towards the east and (or) west (in prayers); but
Al Birr is (the quality of) the one who believes in Allah, the Last Day, the Angels,
the Book, the Prophets.
An Nisa-136
ِ ‫ ا‬ ‫ہ‬ ِ ‫ہ‬ ۡ ِ ِ َ ِ ٓ
‫َو َم ۡن یَّ ۡکف ۡر ِب ِہلل َو َم ہلئکتہٖ َو کت ِبہٖ َو رسلہٖ َو ال َي ۡو ِم االخ ِر فَ َق ۡد ضَ َّل ضَ لال بَع ۡيدً ا‬
And whoever disbelieves in Allah, His Angels, His Books, His
messengers, and the Last Day, then indeed he has strayed far away.

An Nisa-78 ِ ‫ک ِٰم ۡن ِع ۡن ِد‬

ؕ ‫للا‬ ‫ق ۡل ل‬
Say (o Muhammad ‫)ﷺ‬: “All things are from Allah”

Al Burooj-16 ‫فَ َّعا رل ِل ٰ َما ی ِریۡد‬

(He is the) Doer of whatsoever HE intends (or wills)
‫حدیث جربیل ‪Hadith-e-Gabriel‬‬
‫عن معربن اخلطاب ريض للا عنه قال‪ :‬بیامن حنن عند رسول للا صیل للا عليه و‬
‫سمل ذات یوم اذ طلع علينا رجل شدید بياض الثياب شدید سواد الشعر ال یرى‬
‫عليه أآثر السفر و ال یعرفه منا أآحد حىت جلس ال النيب صیل للا عليه و سمل‬
‫فأأس ند ركبتیه ال ركبتیه و وضع كفٰیه عیل خفذیه و قال‪ٰ :‬ی محمٰد أآخربين عن االسالم‬
‫فقال رسول للا صیل للا عليه و سمل‪ :‬االسالم أآن تشهد أآن ال اهل ا ٰال للا و أآ ٰن‬
‫محمٰدا رسول للا‪ ،‬وتقی الصالۃ‪ ،‬وتؤيت الزاکۃ‪ ،‬وتصوم رمضان‪ ،‬وحتج البیت ان‬
‫اس تطعت اليه سبیال‪ .‬قال صدقت‪ .‬فعجبنا هل یسأأهل ویصدقه!‬
‫‪Hadith-e-Gabriel‬‬ ‫یل‬ ‫رب‬ ‫ج‬ ‫حدیث‬
‫قال‪ :‬فأأخربين عن االمیان‪ .‬قال‪ :‬أآن تؤمن بہلل و مالئكته وكتبه ورسهل واليوم الٓخر‬
‫رشه‪ .‬قال‪ :‬صدقت‪ .‬قال‪ :‬فأأخربين عن االحسان‪ .‬قال‪ :‬أآن‬ ‫و تؤمن بلقدر خیه و ٰ‬
‫تعبد للا أكنك تراه فان مل تكن تراه فانه یراك‪ .‬قال‪ :‬فأأخربين عن الساعة‪ .‬قال‪ :‬ما‬
‫املسؤول عهنا بأأعمل من السائل‪ .‬قال‪ :‬فأأخربين عن أآماراهتا‪ .‬قال‪ :‬أآن تدل ا ألمة ربٰهتا و‬
‫أآن ترى احلفاۃ العراۃ العاةل رعاء الشاء یتطاولون يف البنیان‪ .‬مث انطلق فلبثت مليا‬
‫‪،‬مث قال‪ٰ :‬ی معر أآتدري من السائل؟ قلت للا و رسوهل أآعمل‪ .‬قال‪ :‬انه جربیل أآاتمك‬
‫یعلٰمک دینک‪ .‬رواه مسمل‬
Hadith Gabriel on Islam & Iman
On the authority of Omar bin khatab, who said : One day while we were
sitting with the messenger of Allah there appeared before us a man whose
clothes were exceedingly white and whose hair was exceedingly black; no signs
of journeying were to be seen on him and none of us knew him. He walked up
and sat down by the prophet. Resting his knees against his and placing the
palms of his hands on his thighs, he said:"O Muhammad, tell me about Islam".
The messenger of Allah said: “Islam is to testify that there is no god
but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah, to perform
the prayers, to pay the zakat, to fast in Ramazan, and to make the
pilgrimage to the House if you are able to do so.” 47
Hadith Gabriel on Islam & Iman
 He said:"You have spoken rightly", and we were amazed at him asking
him and saying that he had spoken rightly. He said: "Then tell me about
He said:"It is to believe in Allah, His angels, His books, His
messengers, and the Last Day, and to believe in divine destiny,
both the good and the evil thereof.“
 He said:"You have spoken rightly". He said: " Then tell me about ihsan.“
 He said: "It is to worship Allah as you are seeing Him, and while you see
Him not yet truly He sees you". 48
Hadith Gabriel on Islam & Iman
 He said: "Then tell me about the Hour".
 He said: "The one questioned about it knows no better than the questioner.“

 He said: "Then tell me about its signs.“

 He said: "That the slave-girl will give birth to her mistress and that you will see the
barefooted, naked, destitute herdsman competing in constructing lofty buildings.“

 Then he took himself off and I stayed for a time. Then he said: "O Omar, do you know
who the questioner was?" I said: "Allah and His messenger know best". He said: "He was
Jibril (Gabriel), who came to you to teach you your religion.” (Muslim) 49
Guidance from Hadith e Gabriel (For Students)
1. Should wear neat, clean and white clothing.
2. Achieve education and skills in the youth age.
3. Student should sit close to the teacher, and have close contact with
4. Ask useful things, because the question is half of the knowledge.
5. Don't be ashamed of ignorance. Make it clear that I don't know.
6. Live a life of anonymity, don't have too many relationships.
Five Fundamental Basic Beliefs
Five main articles of the Islamic faith
1. Believe in Allah ‫االمیان بہلل‬
2. Believe in Angels ‫االمیان بملالئكة‬
3. Believe in Books ‫االمیان بلكتب‬
4. Believe in Prophethood ‫االمیان بلرسل‬
5. Believe in Life hereafter ‫االمیان ب ہالخرہ‬ 51
Unity of Allah,
its importance and effects.
Shirk and its types.
Tauheed or Unity Of Allah
To believe in Oneness of Allah is the main principle of Islam. It
is bedrock of all beliefs in Islam. The whole structure of Islam is
built up on the concept of monotheism (Tauheed). The best
known expression of Divine Unity is contained in Kalima
ِ ‫َال ِا ہ َهل ِا َّال للا م َم َّمد َّرس ۡول‬
There is no God besides Allah Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.
Similarly the all prophets
Existence of God 53
Tauheed according to Shah Waliullah
According to Shah Waliullah , the conception of Tauheed depends on the following
four ideas
i. The essential being is One, Who is God. The existence of this universe depends on
ii. The creator of this universe is One.
iii.The management of all affairs of the universe is made by only God
iv.Only God is worthy to be worshipped.
when above four ideas come in the mind and man feels the greatness and superiority
of God over all the world, then man bows down before the Being who is worthy to
be worshipped. 54
‫‪What is the‬‬ ‫?‪importance of Oneness‬‬
‫‪The Message of every prophet is‬‬ ‫‪Oneness or Tuaheed.‬‬
‫للا َوات َّق ۡوہ ؕ ہذ ِل ۡک خ ۡ رَی ل َّ ۡک ِا ۡن ک ۡن ُۡت تَ ۡعلَم ۡو َن [العنکبوت ‪]16-‬‬
‫‪َ ‬وِا ۡب ہرہِ ۡ َی ِا ۡذ قَا َل ِل َق ۡو ِمہِ ا ۡعبدوا َ‬
‫للا َما لَ ۡک ِٰم ۡن ِا ہلہ غَ ۡی ٗہ ؕ[الاعراف‪]59-‬‬ ‫‪‬لَ َقدۡ َا ۡر َسلۡنَا ن ۡو ًحا ِا ہل قَ ۡو ِمہٖ فَ َقا َل یہ َق ۡو ِم ا ۡعبدوا َ‬
‫‪َ ‬وِا ہل عَاد َاخَاہ ۡم ہ ۡودًا ؕ قَا َل یہ َق ۡو ِم ا ۡعبدوا للا َما لَ ۡک ِٰم ۡن ِا ہلہ غَ ۡی ٗہ ؕ[الاعراف ‪]65‬‬
‫‪َ ‬وِا ہل ثَم ۡو َد َاخَاہ ۡم ہص ِل ًحا ۘ قَا َل یہ َق ۡو ِم ا ۡعبدوا للا َما لَ ۡک ِٰم ۡن ِا ہلہ غَ ۡی ٗہ ؕ[الاعراف ‪]73‬‬
‫‪َ ‬وِا ہل َمدۡ یَ َن َاخَاہ ۡم ش َع ۡي ًبا ؕ قَا َل یہ َق ۡو ِم ا ۡعبدوا للا َما لَ ۡک ِٰم ۡن ِا ہلہ غَ ۡی ٗہ ؕ[الاعراف‪] 85-‬‬
‫صا ر ُّم ۡس َت ِق ۡ ری [الزخرف ‪]64‬‬ ‫‪ِ ‬ا َّن للا ه َو َر ِ ٰ ۡیب َو َربُّ ۡک فَا ۡعبد ۡوہ ؕ ہه َذا ِ َ‬
‫ِ ِ‬
‫ّلل َر ِ ٰب الۡ ہعل َ ِم ۡ َۡ ﴿﴾ [الانعام ‪]162‬‬ ‫‪‬ق ۡل ِا َّن َص َال ِ ۡیت َونس ِک ۡی َو َم ۡم َي َای َو َم َم ِ ۡ‬
‫ایت‬ ‫‪55‬‬
The Core Meaning of Tauheed
Believing Allah
Obeying Allah
‫للا كوماننا اور للا یک ماننا‬
IMAN-e-MUJMAL ‫ايمان مجمل‬
ٖ‫َا ۡح ََک ِمہ‬ ِ‫ہا َمنۡت ِب ِہلل َ ََک ھ َو ِ َب ۡ َسائِہٖ َو ِص َفا ِتہٖ َوقَ ِبلۡت َ ۡي َع‬
ۡ ۡ ‫م‬ ِ ٰ ِ
‫ِا ۡق َر رار ِبلل َس ِان َوتَ ۡصدیۡقر ِبل َقل ِب‬
I believe in Allah as HE is with His names and
attributes, and I have accepted all His orders,
agreement through tongue and testifying by heart.
Names of Allah
‫ َو ِ ِّلل ۡ َاال ۡ َسا ٓء الۡم ۡس ہن فَا ۡدع ۡوہ ِبہَا‬
Translation: And (All) the most beautiful names belong to Allah, so call
on Him by them.180-‫االعراف‬
All-Hearer ‫سيع‬
All-Seer ‫بصی‬
All-Wise‫حكی‬ 58
Attribute of Allah is illah ‫إِلَ ِه‬
‫للا ۔۔۔ ا ہلہ‬
The + Book = The Book ‫ ا ہلہ = للا جےسی‬+ ‫ال‬
،‫ا ہلہ = لغوی معن = وہ ہس ىت جس ےس سب ےس زٰیدہ بڑھ کر حمبت یک جائے‬
‫جےس سب ےس زٰیدہ چاہا جائے۔ ایس ےک لئے سب ےس زٰیدہ حمنت یک جائے۔‬
) 3(ْ َ ‫الص َمد لَ ْم ی َ ِ ْدل َول َ ْم ی‬
‫وَل َولَ ْم یَكن َّهل كف ًوا َآ َح رد‬ ) 2(
َّ ‫ق ْل ه َو للا َآ َح رد للا‬
) 1(

Translation: Say (Muhammad ‫“ (ﷺ‬He is Allah, )the( One. Allah is self-sufficient

master. He begets not, nor was He begotten. And there is none co-equal or
comparable to Him. (Ikhlas1-4) 59
The Attribute of Allah: Guardian ‫رب‬
‫ پالنے واال‬
‫ بھوک میں کھالنے واال‬
‫ خوف میں امن دینے واال‬
(4)‫) َّ ِاَّلي َآ ْط َع َمهم ِ ٰمن جوع َوآ ٓ َم َهنم ِ ٰم ْن خ َْوف‬3( ‫فَلْ َي ْعبدوا َر َّب َه َذا الْ َبیْ ِت‬
Translation: So let them worship the Lord of this House.
Who provides them with food against hunger, and with
security against fear (of danger). (Quresh 3-4)
The Attribute of Allah: Ruler ‫حاكم‬
‫•ا ِن الْم ْک االَّ ِّلل َآ َم َر َآالَّ تَ ْعبدو ْا االَّ ا َّٰیه َذ ِ َِ ٰ ِاَلین الْ َق ِ ٰی‬
ِ ِ
ِ ِ
Translation: The command is for none but Allah. He has commanded that you
worship none but Him; that is the (true) straight religion. (Yusuf 40)
ِ َ ْ
(Maida 44) ‫• َو َمن ل َّ ْم َ َْيک ِب َما َآ َنز َل للا فَأُ ْولَ ِئ َك ُ الَکفر َون‬
Translation: And whosoever does not judge by that which Allah has revealed, such
are disbelievers.
(Maida 45) wrong-doers ‫ون‬ َّ ُ ‫• َو َمن ل َّ ْم َ َْيک ِب َما أآ َنز َل للا فَأُ ْولَ ِئ َك‬
َ ‫الظا ِلم‬
(Maida 47) Rebellious or disobedient‫• َو َمن ل َّ ْم َ َْيک ِب َما َآ َنز َل للا فَأُ ْولَ ِئ َك ُ الْ َف ِاسقون‬
Comprehensively Tauheed
Allah is the provider,
Ask only Allah
‫للا ھی دیتا ےھ۔‬
‫صف للا ھی ےس مانگو۔‬ 62
The unity of Allah is explained in three categories:
1) Tauheed in Self ‫توحید یف اَّلات‬
2) Tauheed in Attributes ‫توحید یف الصفات‬
3) Tauheed in Works ‫توحید یف الافعال‬
1)Tauheed in Self ‫توحید فی الذات‬
Tauheed in self means there is no plurality of person in God, and
there is no one to be worshiped excepts Allah.
He is one and only one in his Person ‫ذات‬, there can not be any
other God. It is clearly explained in Quran :
َ‫لَ ْو َاک َن ِف ِهي َما آ ٓ ِلهَ رة ا َّال َّاّلل لَ َف َسدَ ات‬
] 22 : ‫ الٓیة‬، ‫[سورۃ ا ألنبیاء‬
Had there been therein (in the Heavens & Earth) gods beside Allah,
then verily both would have been ruined.
2) Tauheed in Attributes ‫توحید فی الصفات‬
Allah is alone and perfect in all of his attributes.
There is no other being that can have attributes equals to Allah.
He is the one and only one, the only perfect.
Every thing in this universe is mortal except Allah. Man is
dependent on Allah for his necessities of life but Allah is
independent of all.
All-Hearer ‫السميع‬, All-Seer‫البصی‬, All-Creator ‫خلالق‬, All-Provider
ُ‫الراز‬, All-Knower ‫العلی‬, All-Oldest ‫القدمی‬ 65
3)Allah is one in Works: ‫توحید یف الافعال‬
Oneness in actions means that no one can do the
works which Allah has done or which Allah will do
in future.
For example: Allah has created this entire universe,
all living things on earth, rivers, oceans and
mountains, but no human being or any other else can
do it. 66
Holy Quran is full of Tauheed
‫ہ‬ ‫ہ‬ (Al-Baqarah-162) ‫۔ َو ِا ہلـہ ۡک ِالہر َّوا ِح رد ۚ َ اال ِالہَ ِا َّال هو‬۱
And your Illah (god) is one Illah (i.e. Allah) there is none who has right to be
worshiped but only HE
Worship none but Him ‫( مت عبادت کرو مگر اس یک‬Bani-Israel-23) ‫۔ َا َّال تَ ۡعبد اۡوا ِا َّ اال ِا َّٰیہ‬۲
(Ad-Dukhan-8) َۡ ۡ ‫۔ َ اال ِا ہلہَ ِا َّال ه َو َۡي ٖی َوی ِم ۡي ؕت َرب ُّ ۡک َو َر ُّب ہا َبٓئِک ۡ َاال َّو ِل‬۳
None has the right to be worshiped but Him. It is He who gives life and causes
death. Your lord and the lord of your forefathers
(yousuf-39)‫۔ َء َا ۡر َب رب ُّمتَ َف ٰ ِرق ۡو َن خ ۡ رَی َا ِم للا الۡ َوا ِحد الۡ َقہَّار‬۴
Are many different lords (gods) better or Allah, the One the irresistible. 67
‫‪Ahadith related to Tauheed‬‬
‫‪‬قولوا ال ا ہلہ الا للا تفلمون‬
‫‪‬من قال ال ا ہلہ الا للا دخل اجلنۃ (جامع الرتمذي جزء ‪ ،4‬ص ‪)133‬‬
‫‪‬عن سفیان بن عبدللا الثقفی قال قلت ٰی رسول للا قل ل یف‬
‫الاسالم قو ًال ال اٴس ئل عنہ احد ًا غیک (و یف روایۃ بعدک) قال‬
‫قل ہامنت بہلل مث مااس تقم (حصيح املسمل‪،‬حدیث ‪ ،38‬جزء ‪ ،1‬ص ‪)65‬‬

‫)للا اور بندوں ےک حقوُ( ‪Rights of Allah & Slaves‬‬
‫عن معاذ بن جبل قال کنت ردف النیبﷺ لیس بین و بینہٗ الا مؤخرۃ الرحل فقال ٰی‬
‫معاذ بن جبل فقلت لبيک ٰی رسول للا وسعدیک مث سار ساعۃ مث قال ٰی معاذ بن جبل‬
‫قلت لبيک ٰی رسول للا وسعدیک مث سار ساعۃ مث قال ٰی معاذ بن جبل قلت لبيک ٰی‬
‫رسول للا وسعدیک قال ھل تدری ما حق للا عزوجل عیل العباد قال قلت للا و‬
‫رسولہ اعمل قال فان حق للا عیل العباد ان یعبدوہ وال یۡشکوا بہ شیئا‪ ،‬مث سار ساعۃ مث‬
‫قال ٰی معاذ بن جبل قلت لبيک ٰی رسول للا وسعدیک قال ھل تدری ما حق العباد‬
‫عیل للا اذا فعلوا ذالک قلت للا و رسولہ اعمل قال ان ال یعذبھم (رواہ خباری ومسمل)‬
Rights of Allah & Slaves (ُ‫)للا اور بندوں ےک حقو‬
Right of Allah
• People must worship Him Alone (Obedience)
• People should not associate any one with Him
Right of Slaves (People)
• Allah may not put them in trouble
Question arises …
Why we Muslims are in trouble ? 70
Effects or Benefits
Self respect / self confidence
Humility / meekness
Broadness / broad mindness
Firmness and bravery
Hope and inner-satisfaction
Reliability on only one
and its types.
Shirk / Polytheism
The opposite word of Tauheed is Shirk, which means
“making partner” i.e. regarding some one as a partner of
Definition: Shirk basically is polytheism; i.e. the worship of others along with
Allah. It also implies attributing divine attributes to any other besides
Allah. It particularly implies associating partners in worship with Allah or
believing that source of power, harm or blessing is from others besides
Allah. 73
Shirk / Polytheism
The Quran says:
ً‫ۡشكْ ِب َّ ِّلل فَ َق ْد ضَ َّل ضَ ال ًال ب َ ِعيدا‬
ِ ْ ‫َو َم ْن ی‬
Who ever sets up partner in worship with Allah, has indeed
strayed for away . (Surah Al Nisa-116)
‫جو خشص للا ےک ساتھ رشیک ٹھہراات ےہ وہ را ِہ راست ےس بھٹک کر‬
‫بہت دور جا گرات ےہ‬ 74
‫‪Shirk is the gravest of all sins.‬‬
‫ۡش َک لَظ ۡ رمل َع ِظ ۡ ری‬ ‫َوِا ۡذ قَا َل ل ۡق ہمن ِالبۡ ِنہٖ َوه َوی َ ِعظہٗ یہب َ َّن َال ت ِۡ‬
‫ۡش ۡک ِبہلل ؕ ِا َّن ال ِ ٰۡ‬
‫‪And (remember)when Luqman said to his son when he was advising him:‬‬
‫‪“O my son! Do not associate anyone with Allah, Surely Shirk is gravest sin.‬‬
‫اور جب کہ لقامن ےن وعظ کےتہ ہوئے اےنپ لڑےک ےس فرماٰی کہ میے پيارے بیٹے! للا ےک‬
‫ساتھ رشیک نہ کرّن بیشک رشک بڑا بھاری ظمل ےہ۔ [سورہ لقامن ‪]13‬‬ ‫‪75‬‬
Allah can pardon every type of sin except shirk. (without repentance)
‫ۡشكْ ِب َّ ِّلل فَ َق ِد افْ َ َرتى اثْ ًما َع ِظميًا‬
ِ ْ ‫ون َذ ِ َِ ِل َم ْن ی َ َشاء َو َم ْن ی‬
َ ‫د‬ ‫ا‬ ‫م‬
َ ‫ر‬ ِ
‫ف‬ ْ
‫غ‬ ِ َ ْ ‫اّلل َال ی َ ْغ ِفر َآ ْن ی‬
َ َ ‫ۡش َك ِب‬
‫ی‬‫و‬ ‫ه‬ َ َّ ‫ا َّن‬
ِ ِ
Allah does not forgive the association of other gods with Him and forgives
what is besides that to whomsoever He wills; and whoever sets up partners
with Allah in worship, he has indeed invented a tremendous sin [Surah Al Nisa-48]
‫ اور اس ےس‬،‫بیشک للا اس بت کو معاف نہںی کرات کہ اس ےک ساتھ کیس کو رشیک ٹھہراٰی جائے‬
‫ اور جو خشص للا ےک ساتھ کیس کو‬،‫مکرت ہر بت کو جس ےک لئے چاہتا ےہ معاف کردیتا ےہ‬
‫رشیک ٹھراات ےہ وہ ایسا بہتان بندھتا ےہ جو بڑا زبردست گناہ ےہ۔‬
The punishment of shirk is permanent Hell Fire.
َ َّ ‫ْسائِي َل اعْبدوا‬
‫اّلل‬ َْ ‫اّلل ه َو الْ َم ِس يح ْبن َم ْر َ َمی َوقَا َل الْ َم ِس يح َٰی ب َ ِن ا‬ َ َّ ‫لَ َق ْد َك َف َر َّ ِاَّل َین قَالوا ا َّن‬
ِ ِ
‫ۡشكْ ِب َّ ِّلل فَ َق ْد َح َّر َم َّاّلل عَلَ ْي ِه الْ َجنَّ َة َو َمأْ َواه النَّار َو َما ِل َّلظا ِل ِم َۡ ِم ْن َآنْ َصار‬ ِ ْ ‫َر ِ ٰب َو َربَّ ْک ان َّه َم ْن ی‬
They are certainly disbelievers who says, Allah is actually the Messiah (Essa) the
son of Maryam, whereas the Messah had said, O children of Israel, worship Allah
Who is my lord and (also) your Lord, undoubtedly whoever sets up partners with
Allah, then Allah has forbidden paradise for him, his destination is hell, and the
unjust do not have any supporters. ]72 :‫[املائدہ‬ 77
Polytheism &
its Various Manifestation/ Types
There are two main types of Shirk, namely
1. Ash-Shirk al-Akbar ‫ رشک اکرب‬i.e. major shirk
2. Ash-Shirk al-Asghar ‫ رشک اصغر‬i.e. minor shirk
Major shirk (Examples)
The major and serious polytheistic form has following aspects:
1 - Shirk ad-Dua (invocation): This aspect implies invoking, supplication or
praying to other deities beside Allah. 78
Major shirk (Examples)
2 - Shirk al Ibadah (Worship): This aspect implies worshiping to
other deities besides Allah.
3 - Shirk at-Taah (Obedience): This aspect implies obedience to any
authority against the order of Allah.
4 - Shirk al-Mahabbah (Love): This implies showing the love which
is due to Allah Alone to other than Him.
5 - Shirk al-Ilm (Knowledge): This implies showing knowledge
belonging to Allah Alone to other than Him. 79
Major shirk (Examples)
6 - Shirk at-Tasaruf (Utilization): This implies showing control and
utilization of the universal things to other deities beside Allah.

Minor shirk
Ar-Riya (acts performed to show off): Any act of worship or any
religious deed done in order to gain praise, fame or for worldly
benefit, falls under this category. 80
Concept of Source in Islam
The real concept of source )‫(وسیله‬
is the Holy Quran and
procedure of the Holy Prophet
Difference b/w Rasool & Nabi,
Need & Necessity of Prophethood,
Characteristics of Prophethood, &
Proves of the Finality of Prophethood.
It is the system or arrangement
through which Almighty Allah
conveyed His Message to the
It is the chain of people who conveyed
Message of Allah to the People.
The personality through which Allah conveyed
his Message.

The message was ONENESS or towards
Importance of Prophethood
It is narrated in the books of Ahadiths, that Almighty Allah (SW)
sent down 124,000 (approximately) prophets for the guidance of
humanity and in few books the number is 200,000.
26 prophets names are mentioned in Holy Quran.
،‫ سلامین‬،‫ زکرٰی‬،‫ ذوالکفل‬،‫ داؤد‬،ُ‫ احسا‬،‫ الياس‬،‫ الیسع‬،‫ ایوب‬،‫ اسامعيل‬،‫ ادریس‬،‫ ابراھی‬،‫آٓدم‬
،‫ یوسف‬،‫ یعقوب‬،‫َيیی‬‫ ہ‬،‫ ھود‬،‫ ھارون‬،‫ نوح‬،‫مویس‬‫ ہ‬،‫ محمد‬، ‫ لو‬،‫عییس‬‫ ہ‬،‫ عزیر‬،‫ صاحل‬،‫شعيب‬
6 prophets names are the titles of surahs. 85
Prophethood in Quran
ِٰ ‫• َّو ِل‬
7-‫ک قَ ۡوم َهاد سورۃ رعد‬
Translation: To every nation there is a Guide.
ٰ ِ ‫• َو لَ َقدۡ ب َ َعثۡنَا ِ ۡیف‬
36-‫ک ا َّمۃ َّرس ۡو ًال سورۃ حنل‬
Translation: And verily, we have sent among every Ummah (nation,
community) a messenger.
24-‫• َو ِا ۡن ِٰم ۡن ا َّمۃ ِا َّال َخ َال ِف ۡیہَا ن َ ِذ ۡیر سورۃ فاطر‬
Translation: And there never was a nation but a Warner has passed among
285-‫سورۃ بقرہ‬ ‫• َال ن َف ٰ ِرُ ب َ ۡ َۡ َا َحد ِٰم ۡن ُّرس ِل ٖہ‬
Translation: We make no distinction between one another of his messengers
86 .
Difference b/w Rasool and Nabi
‫ رسول‬is from the word ‫ رسالہ‬which means “Message” that is why
known as messenger or message conveyer. Ibrahim, Moosa etc.
‫ نیب‬is from the word ‫ نبا‬which means “News” that is why known as
News conveyer or apostle. Idrees, Yuonus, Loot etc.
Rasool = New Shariah + New Scripture (s)
Nabi = No new Shariah + No Scripture, but they preach and
follow the Shariah of previous or existing Rasool.
Rasool used to be “one” at a time but Nabi were more than one.
Purpose of Prophethood OR Need & Necessity of
‫ه َو َّ ِاَّل ۡی ب َ َع َث ِیف ۡاال ِٰم ٖ ٰ َۡ َرس ۡو ًال ِٰم ۡنہ ۡم ی َ ۡتل ۡوا عَلَ ۡيہ ِۡم ہایہ ِتہٖ َو ی َزکِٰ ۡيہ ِۡم َو ی َع ِل ٰمهم ا ۡل ِک ہت َب َو‬
02-‫الۡ ِم ۡۡکَ َۃ َجعہ‬
Reciting to them the verses.
Purifying them (from disbelieve and polytheism)
Teaching them the book(the Quran, Islamic Laws and
Islamic jurisprudence) and Al-Hikma (As-Sunnah: legal
ways, orders, acts of worship etc.) 88
Purpose of Prophethood OR Need & Necessity of
To tell Humanity about the purpose of life.
To aware the Humanity about the Allah’s Will and inclination.
To aware humanity about the liking and disliking of Allah.
To eject people from the slavery of slaves to the slavery of
To make people successful. 89
1. Humanity.
2. Innocence.

3. Gift of Allah.

4. Worthy of obedience.

Characteristics of Prophethood
1.Humanity ‫انسانیت‬
Who was needy of Guidance ?
Human  Prophets were also Human or from Humanity

‫ح ِال َ ۡيہِ ۡم‬

ۡ‫ن ُّۡو ِ ا‬
ً‫ َو َم اا َا ۡر َسلۡنَا ِم ۡن قَ ۡب ِل َک ِا َّال ِر َجاال‬
Translation: And we sent not before you (as messengers) any but men to whom we
revealed (Yusuf-109) 91
Humanity ‫انسانیت‬
َ‫ق ۡل ِان َّ َم اا َا َّن ب َ ر‬
‫ۡش ِٰمثۡل ۡک ی ۡو ہاح ِا َ َّل‬
Translation: Say (O Muhammad ‫“ )ﷺ‬I am only a man like you”
It has been revealed to me (110‫)کھف‬
Every aspect of prophet’s life is guidance.
How the life of an angel can be the suitable for human to follow?
Example of Hazrat Shah Waliullah.
Prophets are physically human but their teaching is light. 92
2. Innocence ‫معصومیت‬
All prophet are innocent. Only prophets are innocent.
They are free from errors, mistake and crime.
Why we fall into mistake and crime?
ۡ‫﴾ ِا ۡن ه َو ِا َّال َو ر‬۳﴿‫ َو َما ی َ ۡن ِطق َع ِن الۡہ ہَوی‬
﴾۴﴿‫ح ی ُّ ۡو ہح‬
does not speak of (his own) desire. It is only a
Revelation revealed.
What about Adam, Musa, Ibrahim, Younus?
How we come to know? Recovery prostration 93
3.Gift of Allah
Prophethood is not an achievable position.
Our prophet is last prophet, but before our prophet none was able to get it through any
mean, say meditation, worship and prayers.
It is a gift or bounty of Allah.
(124-‫ َا ہ ّٰلل َا ۡع َمل َح ۡیث َ ۡی َعل ِر َسالَ َتہٗ )الانعام‬
Translation: Allah knows best on whom to place / bestow Prophethood.
(105-‫ َو ہ ٰاّلل َ َۡی َت ُّص ِب َر ۡ َۡح ِتہٖ َم ۡن ی َّ َشآء ) البقرہ‬
Translation: Allah chooses for His mercy whom He wills.
Muhammad in Cave Hira, Jesus, Moses ? 94
4.Worthy of Obedience
Prophethood is worthy of obedience ?
Teaching or way of Prophethood is easily applicable to the life of common
people .
Prophethood is “model to follow”
ِ ‫ َو َم اا َا ۡر َسلۡنَا ِم ۡن َّرس ۡول ِا َّال ِلي َطا َع ِ ِب ۡذ ِن‬
64-‫للا ؕ نساء‬
Translation: We sent no Messenger, but to be obeyed by Allah’s leave
َ ‫ َم ۡن ی ُّ ِطع ِ َّالرس ۡو َل فَ َق ۡد َا َطا َع‬
80-‫للا نساء‬
Translation: He who obeys the Messenger , has indeed obeyed Allah 95
Situations in which Almighty Allah sent prophet(s)
1.In an area or community where never ever any prophet came before, Almighty
Allah sent prophets.
2.To the nations or areas where prophets came, they completed their missions
and passed away. With the passage of time their teachings were violated,
corrupted and became in-applicable to the lives of people so Allah sent the
prophets again.
3.Many Prophets became martyred during their missions. To complete the
mission of the martyred prophet, Almighty Allah again sent prophets.
4.On the request or for the help of a prophet, Allah sent prophets. 96
Proves of the Finality of
Finality of Prophethood
1. Proved from Quran and Hadith
ِ ٰ ‫ َما َاک َن م َم َّم رد َا َ اب َا َحد ِٰم ۡن ٰ ِر َجا ِل ۡک َو ہل ِک ۡن َّرس ۡو َل ہ‬
َ َ ‫اّلل َو َخ‬
40-‫ات النَّب ٖ ٰ َِۡ ؕؕ الاحزاب‬
Translation: Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but he is the messenger
of Allah and the seal of prophets.
‫اّن خات الن ٰبۡ ال نیب بعدی‬
I am the Last prophet, no prophet after me (Last Sermon)
158-‫الا عراف‬ ِ ٰ ‫ق ۡل ہا َٰییُّہَا النَّاس ِا ِ ٰ ۡن َرس ۡول ہ‬
‫اّلل ِالَ ۡي ۡک َ َِج ۡي َعا‬
Translation: Say )O Muhammad ‫“ )ﷺ‬O mankind! Verily, I am sent to you all as
messenger of Allah. 98
1. Proved from Quran and Hadith
)28-‫ِل ٰلنَّ ِاس ب َ ِش ۡ ًیا َّو ن َ ِذ ۡی ًرا (س با‬ ‫ َو َم اا َا ۡر َسلۡ ہن َک ِا َّال َاکٓف َّ ًۃ‬
Translation: And we have sent you (O Muhammad ‫ )ﷺ‬except as a giver of
glad tiding and a Warner to all mankind.

ِ ۡ ‫ َالۡ َي ۡو َم اَ ۡمکَلۡت لَ ۡک ِدیۡنَ ۡک َو َاتۡ َم ۡمت عَلَ ۡي ۡک ِن ۡع َم ِ ۡىت َو َر ِضیۡت لَک‬

)3-‫اال ۡس َال َم ِدیۡنًا(املائدہ‬
Translation: This day, I have perfected your religion for you, completed My
favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion.
‫‪1.Proved from Quran and Hadith‬‬
‫ِ‬ ‫َ‬
‫الـ ٰ ٓم ۚ﴿‪ ﴾۱‬ذلک الک ہتب ال َریۡ َب ۚ ف ۡیہِ ۚ ھدً ی‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫ۡ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫ہ‬ ‫ٓ‬
‫الص ہلو َۃ َو‬ ‫ن‬ ‫و‬ ‫م‬ ‫ی‬‫ق‬‫ِ‬ ‫ی‬
‫ۡ َ ۡ ۡ َ ۡ َ ۡ ۡ َ َّ‬‫و‬ ‫ب‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫ي‬ ‫غ‬
‫َ‬ ‫ۡ‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ب‬‫ِ‬ ‫ن‬‫و‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ِ‬
‫م‬ ‫ؤ‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫َّ‬
‫اَّل‬ ‫﴾‬ ‫‪۲‬‬‫﴿‬ ‫ۡ‬‫ۡ‬ ‫ِ‬
‫َّ َ‬ ‫ت‬‫م‬ ‫ۡ‬ ‫ل‬‫ٰ‬ ‫ِ‬
‫ِم َّما َر َز ۡق ہنھ ۡم ی ۡن ِفق ۡو َن ﴿‪َ ﴾۳‬و َّ ِاَّل ۡی َن ی ۡؤ ِمن ۡو َن ِب َم اا ا ۡن ِز َل‬
‫ِالَ ۡي َک َو َم اا ا ۡن ِز َل ِم ۡن قَ ۡب ِل َک ۚ َو ِب ۡ ہال ِخ َر ِۃ ھ ۡم‬
‫ی ۡو ِقن ۡو َن ؕ﴿‪( ﴾۴‬البقرہ ‪)۱-۴‬‬ ‫‪100‬‬
2.Quran is safe from all changes
۹‫﴾ احلجر‬۹﴿‫ ِا َّّن َ ۡحنن نَ َّزلنَا اَّلک َر َو اّن لہٗ ل ہمفظ ۡو َن‬
ِ َ َ َّ ِ ۡ ِ ٰ ۡ
Translation: Verily, we it is we who have sent down the
Zikr (Quran) surely, we will guard it (from
 Easy to memorize.
 Share experience. 101
3.Life History of our
Prophet )‫ (ﷺ‬is
completely available and
safe 102
4.“To Convey the Message of God”
is the responsibility of every believer
‫َولۡ َتک ۡن ِٰم ۡن ۡک ا َّم رۃ ی َّ ۡدع ۡو َن ِا َل الۡ َخ ۡ ِی َو َ ٰۡیمر ۡو َن ِبلۡ َم ۡعر ۡو ِف َو ی َ ۡنہَ ۡو َن َع ِن الۡم ۡن َک ِر ؕ َو‬
(104-‫او ہل ِئ َک ہم الۡم ۡف ِلم ۡو َن ( ہال معران‬ ٓ
Translation: let there arise out of you a group of people inviting all that is good (Islam),
enjoining Al-Maroof (i.e. Islamic Monotheism and all that Islam orders one to do) and
forbidding Al-Munkar (polytheism and all that Islam Has forbidden) and it is they who
are the successful.
‫ت مںی ےس ایک جامعت اییس ہون چاہیئے جو بھالیئ یک طرف بالئے اور نيک اکموں اکحک کرے اور برے‬
‫ اور یہیی لوگ فالح و جنات پاےن واےل ہںی۔‬،‫اکموں ےس روےک‬ 103
4.“To Convey the Message of God”
is the responsibility of every believer
‫ک ۡن ُۡت َخ ۡ َی ا َّمۃ ا ۡخ ِر َج ۡت ِللنَّ ِاس اتَ ۡ مر ۡو َن ِبلۡ َم ۡعر ۡو ِف َو تَ ۡنہَ ۡو َن َع ِن الۡم ۡن َک ِر َو‬
)110-‫ت ۡؤ ِمن ۡو َن ِب ِہلل ( ہال معران‬
Translation: You are the best people ever raised up for mankind, you enjoin
Al-Maroof (i.e. Islamic Monotheism and all that Islam orders one to do) and
forbid Al-Munkar (polytheism and all that Islam Has forbidden), and you
believe in Allah.
4.“To Convey the Message of God”
is the responsibility of every believer
ِ ‫َادۡع اۡوا ِا َل‬
)108-‫للا ؕ عَ ہیل ب َ ِص ۡ َیۃ َا َّن َو َم ِن ات َّ َب َع ِ ۡن (یوسف‬ ‫ق ۡل ہھ ِذ ٖہ َس ِب ۡی ِ اۡیل‬
Translation: Say )O Muhammad ‫“ ) ﷺ‬This is my way; I invite to
Allah with true knowledge, I and whosoever follows me (Also must
Invite others to Allah)
Caliph of Allah, Second to prophet and Inherit to Quran.
Which Methodology to be adopted for preaching ? 105
Concept of life Hereafter in Islam

Concept of Life hereafter
Our Beliefs:
1.Belief in Allah ‫االمیان بہلل‬ 2.Belief in Prophethood ‫االمیان بلرسل‬
3.Belief in angels ‫االمیان بملالئكة‬ 4.Belief in books ‫االمیان بلكتب‬
5.Belief in life hereafter ‫االمیان ب ہالخرہ‬
Important part of Iman. Discussed in almost all big surahs of Holy Quran.
Several complete surahs like ،‫ القارعۃ‬،‫ التَکثر‬،‫ املرس ہلت‬،‫ الزلزال‬،‫ النبا‬،‫ ہالٰنعہت‬،‫ الق ہیمۃ‬،‫اَلھر‬
In the surah Al-Baqrah# 4 ‫َو ِب ۡ ہال ِخ َر ِۃ ُۡ ی ۡو ِقن ۡو َن‬
Translation: They believe with certainty in Hereafter (Resurrection, recompense
of their good and bad deeds, paradise & Hell) 107
Purpose & Arguments
What is the purpose of creation of Human?
What is the purpose life and death?
2-‫ملک‬ ؕؕ ‫ َّ ِاَّل ۡی َخلَ َق الۡ َم ۡو َت َو الۡ َم ہيو َۃ ِل َي ۡبل َو ۡمك َایُّ ۡک َا ۡح َسن َ َمع ًال‬
Translation: Who has created death & life that He may test you which of you is best in
11،12-‫الانفطار‬ ﴾﴿ ‫کِ َرا ًما َاک ِتب ۡ َِۡ ﴿﴾ ی َ ۡعلَم ۡو َن َما تَ ۡف َعل ۡو َن‬
Translation: Two honourable writers writing down (your deeds). They know all that you do.
Human has purpose of life, not without purpose.
Theory of Electronics, Laws of thermodynamics & Energy. 108
Five Stages after this worldly life
1. Death.
2. Grave.
3. Resurrection Day.
4. Bridge Al-Sirat.
5. Vision of Allah. 109
1. Death ‫موت‬
Every thing could be denied, but can any one deny death?
Death is the end of this worldly life and start of another life.
: ‫عن شداد بن اوس عن النیب ﷺ قال‬
“‫ والعاجز من اتبع نفسہ ھواھا و مت ہن عیل للا‬،‫"الکیس من دان نفسہ و معل ملا بعد املوت‬
)2009 ‫ الطاف اینڈ س نٰن کراچی‬199 ‫ ص‬،2459 ‫ ابواب صفۃ القیامہ حدیث‬2 ‫(جامع ترمذی جدل‬
The wise person is that who controls his inner-desire and performs
(acts) for after death; and foolish person is that who follows his own
inner-desire and have hope with Allah. 110
Death ‫موت‬
‫ک ن َ ۡفس َذآئِ َقۃ الۡ َم ۡو ِت ؕ َو ِان َّ َما ت َوف َّ ۡو َن اج ۡو َر ۡمك ی َ ۡو َم الۡ ِق ہی َم ِۃ ؕ فَ َم ۡن ز ۡح ِز َح َع ِن النَّ ِار‬
)۱۸۵ ‫َوا ۡد ِخ َل الۡ َجنَّ َۃ فَ َقدۡ فَ َاز ؕ َو َما الۡ َم ہيوۃ ُّاَلنۡ َي اا ِا َّال َمتَاع الۡغر ۡو ِر ( ہال معران‬
Translation: Every one shall Taste death. And only on the
day of Resurrection shall you be paid your wages in full. And
whoever is removed away form the fire and admitted to
paradise he indeed is successful. The life of this world is only
the enjoyment of deception. 111
Death ‫موت‬
(78-‫ َا ۡی َن َما تَک ۡون ۡوا ی ۡد ِر ۡک ُّک الۡ َم ۡوت َو لَ ۡو ک ۡن ُۡت ِ ۡیف بر ۡوج ُّم َش َّيدَ ۃ ؕؕ )نساء‬
Translation: Where so ever you may be, death will overtake you even
if you are on fortresses built-up strong and high.
Therefore this is clear that death will be to everyone i.e. every one
have to die
Two choices (types of death)
 Honorable Death (Easy) - ‫عزت وال‬
 Dishonorable Death (Difficult) - ‫ذلت وال‬ 112
‫موت ‪Death‬‬
‫‪‬مومن موت ےس نہںی ڈرات‪ ،‬اس ےیل کہ وہ موت کہ ےیل ہمیشہ تيار‬
‫رھتا ےھ‪ ،‬اس یک موت اس کو دنيا یک تَکليف ےس آٓزاد کر دے گی۔‬
‫وہ تو موت کو حمبوب رکھتا ےھ۔‬
‫‪‬اکفر موت ےس اس ےیل ڈرات ےھ کہ اس یک موت یک تياری نہںی‪.‬‬
‫‪‬اللھم ارزقنا شھاد ًۃ یف سبیلک‪ -‬واجعل موتنا یف بدل رسولک‬
2. GRAVE ‫القرب‬
When any one dies, Where we put ?
“‫ ”امنا القرب روضة من رٰیض اجلنة او حفرۃ من حفر النار‬:‫قال رسول للا ﷺ‬
)2009 ‫ الطاف اینڈ س نٰن کراچی‬199 ‫ ص‬،2460 ‫ ابواب صفۃ القیامہ حدیث‬2 ‫(جامع ترمذی جدل‬
It is said by messenger of Allah(‫)ﷺ‬:(do not consider grave as an ordinary place on
earth) Verily the Grave is either a part of paradise or a whole of Hell fire.”
It is the first stage after death, if successful will be successful in next stages otherwise vice
Grave is also known as “Intermediate Stage” and ‫برزخ‬
Reasons of intermediate stage ?
According to our belief torments and luxuries are truth and are to both body & soul 114
3.The Resurrection Day
61-‫ َال ی َ ۡس َت ۡا ِخر ۡو َن َسا َع ًۃ َّو َال ی َ ۡس َت ۡق ِدم ۡو َن حنل‬
Neither can they delay, nor can they advance it an hour (or a moment)
‫ یوم ا ہالخر‬last day
‫ یوم اَلین‬ day of recompense
‫ یوم احلساب‬ day of reckoning
‫ یوم التغابن‬ day of gathering
‫ یوم احلۡش‬ day of Hashr (Exodus)
‫ یوم البعث‬ day of resurrection
Time of last day is fixed, but only Allah knows. 115
Theَ Resurrection Day
‫َوو ِض َع ۡال ِک ہتب فَ َ َرتی الم ۡج ِر ِم ۡ َۡ م ۡش ِف ِق ۡ َۡ ِم َّما ِف ۡیہِ َوی َق ۡول ۡو َن یہ َویۡل َتنَا َم ِال ہھ َذا ۡال ِک ہت ِب َال‬
‫اِضا ؕ َو َال ی َ ۡظ ِمل َرب ُّ َک‬
ًِ ‫یغَا ِدر َص ِغ ۡ َی ًۃ َّو َال کَ ِب ۡ َی ًۃ ِا َّ اال َا ۡح ہصہَا ۚ َو َو َجد ۡوا َما َ ِمعل ۡوا َح‬
49-‫َا َحدً ا ﴿﴾ کھف‬
Translation: And the Book )one’s Record) will be placed (in the right hand for a believer
in the oneness of Allah, and in the left hand for a disbeliever in the oneness of Allah),
and you will see the Mujrimeen (criminals, polytheists, sinners) fearful to that which is
(recorded) therein. They will say “Woe (sadness) to us! What sort of Book is that leaves
neither a small thing nor a big thing, but has recorded it with numbers!” And they will
find all that they did, placed before them, and your Lord treats no one with injustice. 116
The Resurrection Day
﴾۴﴿‫ی َ ۡو َم ِئذ َحت ِٰدث َا ۡخ َب َار َها‬
That Day it (earth) will declare its information (about all that happened
over it of good or evil).
﴾۷﴿‫فَ َم ۡن ی َّ ۡع َم ۡل ِمثۡ َقا َل َذ َّرۃ َخ ۡ ًیا یَّ َر ٗہ‬
So whosoever does good equal to the atom’s weight shall see it.
ًّ َ ‫َو َم ۡن ی َّ ۡع َم ۡل ِمثۡ َقا َل َذ َّرۃ‬
﴾۸﴿‫رشا یَّ َر ٗہ‬
So whosoever does evil equal to the atom’s weight shall see it.
(Al-Zilzal-4,7,8) 117
4.The Bridge Al-Sirat

Hell Fire Hell Fire

Place of Judgment 118

5.The Vision of Allah
The final known stage for Mumin.
Stage or state of Equilibrium.
The greatest Mercy of Allah.
Signsۡ of َ the ۡLast Dayۡ ِ
‫للا ِع ۡندَ ٗہ ِعمل ال َّسا َع ِۃ ۚ َو ی َ ِٰٰنل ال َغ ۡي َث ۚ َوی َ ۡعمل َما ِیف َاال ۡر َحا ِم ؕ َو َما تَ ۡد ِر ۡی‬
َ َّ‫ن‬ ‫ا‬
َ ‫ن َ ۡف رس َّما َذا تَ ۡک ِسب غَدً ا ؕ َو َما تَ ۡد ِر ۡی ن َ ۡفس ِ َب ِٰی َا ۡرض تَم ۡوت ؕ ِا َّن‬
‫للا عَ ِل ۡ ری َخب ۡ رِی‬
Translation: Verily, Allah, with Him (Alone) is the knowledge of the
Hour, He sends down the rain, and knows that which is in the
wombs. No person knows what he will earn tomorrow, and no
person knows in what land he will die. Verily, Allah is All-Knower,
Well-Acquainted (with things). ﴾۳۴ ‫﴿لق ہمن‬
Signs of the Last Day
187-‫ی َ ۡسـَل ۡونَ َک َع ِن ال َّسا َع ِۃ َا َّٰی َن م ۡر ہسہَا ؕ ق ۡل ِان َّ َما ِعلۡمہَا ِع ۡندَ َر ِ ٰ ۡیب ۚ الاعراف‬
Translation: They ask you about the Hour “when will be it appointed
time?” Say: “The knowledge thereof is with my lord (Alone(”
ِ َ‫ی َ ۡسـَل َک النَّاس َع ِن ال َّسا َع ِۃ ؕ ق ۡل ِان َّ َما ِعلۡمہَا ِع ۡند‬
‫للا ؕ َو َما ی ۡد ِرۡی َک ل َ َع َّل ال َّسا َع َۃ تَک ۡون‬
63-‫قَ ِریۡ ًبا الاحزاب‬
Translation: People ask you concerning the Hour, Say: “The knowledge of
it is with Allah only. What do you know? It may be that he Hour is near!”
Signs of the Last Day
)‫ بعث اّن والساعۃ کھاتۡ (رواہ خباری و مسمل‬:‫عن انس قال قال رسول للا ﷺ‬
Narrated Anas: Allah's Messenger said: "I have been sent and the Hour as
these two (fingers(”
:‫حدیث جربائيل‬
. ‫ ما املسؤول عهنا بأأعمل من السائل‬: ‫ قال‬. ‫ فأأخربين عن الساعة‬: ‫قال‬
He said: “Then tell me about the Hour”.
He said: “The one questioned about it knows no better than the
questioner.” 122
Signs of the Last Day
. ‫ فأأخربين عن أآماراهتا‬:‫قال‬: ‫حدیث جربائيل‬
‫ أآن تدل ا ألمة ربٰهتا و أآن ترى احلفاۃ العراۃ العاةل رعاء الشاء‬:‫قال‬
.‫یتطاولون يف البنیان‬
He said: “Then tell me about its signs.”
He said: “That the slave-girl will give birth to her mistress and
that you will see the barefooted, naked, poor herdsman competing
in constructing lofty buildings.” 123
‫)ریض للا عنہ( ‪72 Signs near to the day of Judgment as Narrated by Huzaifa bin Yaman‬‬
‫تعال عنہ ےس روایت ےہ کہ حضور ﷺ ےن فرماٰی‪ :‬بہرت چزییں قرب قیامت یک عالمت ہںی‪ ،‬جب ت دیکھو کہ‪:‬‬
‫حرضت حذیفہ ریض للا ہ‬
‫(ماخذ ۔ عرص حاِض حدیث نبوی ےک آئینہ مںی۔ از موالّن یوسف َلھيانوی رۡحۃللا عليہ ص ‪ ۴۶‬ات ‪)۵۰‬‬
‫‪1.People will leave prayer.‬‬ ‫لوگ منازیں غارت کرےن لگںی‪ ،‬یعن منازوں اک اہامتم رخصت ہوجائے گا۔‬
‫‪2.People will take over deposits (trusts).‬‬ ‫امانت ضائع کرےن لگںی ےگ یعن جو امانت مںی خیانت کرےن لگںی ےگ۔‬
‫‪3.Interest will become common.‬‬ ‫سود کھاےن لگںی ےگ۔‬
‫‪4.Lying will become an Art.‬‬ ‫ھجوٹ کو حالل سھجنے لگںی ےگ یعن ھجوٹ ایک فن اور ہرن بن‬
‫جائے گا۔‬
‫معمول معمول بتوں پر خونریزی کریں گںی‪ ،‬ذرا ذرا یس بت پر ‪5.There will be murders on the slightest of‬‬
‫‪disagreements.‬‬ ‫دوْسے یک جان لںی گںی۔‬
‫‪6.There will be very tall buildings.‬‬ ‫اونچی اونچی عامرتںی بنائںی ےگ۔‬
‫‪7.People will sell religion for the world.‬‬ ‫دین بيچ کر دنيا َجع کریں ےگ۔‬
‫‪8.People will treat relatives badly.‬‬ ‫قطع رۡحی‪ ،‬یعن رش تہ داروں ےس بدسلویک ہوگی۔‬
9.Justice will become a rarity ‫انصاف ّنٰیب ہو جائے گا۔‬
10.Lies will be considered truth ‫ھجوٹ سچ بن جائے گا۔‬
11.Clothes will be of silk ‫لباس ریشم اک پہنا جائے گا۔‬
12.Cruelty will become common ‫ظمل عام ہوجائے گا۔‬
13.Divorces will become common ‫طالقوں یک کرثت ہوگی۔‬
14.Sudden deaths will increase. ‫ّنگہان موت عام ہوجائے گی۔ یعن اییس موت جس اک پےلہ ےس پتا نہںی‬
15.The keeper of deposits will be called an ‫امانت دار کو خائن سھجا جائے گا۔ یعن امانت دار پر تہمت لگایئ جائے گی‬
usurper of things given to him for safekeeping ‫کہ یہ خیانىت ےہ۔‬
16. Liars will be thought of as honest ‫ھجوےٹ انسان کو سچا سھجا جائے گا۔‬
17. Honest people will be thought of as liars ‫سےچ انسان کو ھجوٹا سھجا جائے گا۔‬
18. False allegations will become the norm. ‫تہمت درازی عام ہوگی یعن لوگ دوْسوں پر ھجویٹ تہمتںی لگائںی ےگ۔‬
19.It will be hot in spite of rain. ‫برش ےک بوجود گرمی ہوگی۔‬
20.Instead of wishing for children, people will pray ‫لوگ اوالد یک خواھش کرےن ےک جبائے اوالد ےس کراہت‬
that they not have children. ‫حمسوس کریں گںی یعن لوگ یہ دعا کرےن لگںی کہ اوالد نہ‬
21.People from bad backgrounds and with bad ‫مکےنیلوگ عیش و عۡشت یک زندگی برس کریں ےگ۔‬
upbringing will live a life of luxury(material only).
22.Good people, when they try to practice, will be ‫رشیفوں اک ّنک مںی دم ہوجائے گا رشیف لوگ رشافت ےل‬
cut off from the world. ‫کر بٹیھںی گںی تو دنيا ےس کٹ جائںی ےگ۔‬
23.Lies will become a habit of the rulers and the ‫امی اور وزیر ھجوٹ ےک عادی بن جائںی ےگ۔‬
24.Previously good people will also usurp deposits ‫امۡ خیانت کرےن لگںی ےگ۔‬
25.Leaders will become persecutors. ‫ْسدار ظمل پیشہ ہوےگ۔‬
26.Ulema and Qaris will commit adultery. ‫عامل اور قاری بدکردار ہوں ےگ ۔‬
‫‪27.People will wear clothes of animal skin.‬‬ ‫لوگ جانوروں یک کھالوں ےک لباس پےنہ ےگ۔‬
‫ليکن ان ےک دل مردار ےس بھیی زٰیدہ بدبودار ہوں ےگ۔ ‪28.But their hearts will smell and will be dead.‬‬
‫‪29.And will be bitter.‬‬ ‫اور ایلوے ےس بھیی زٰیدہ کڑوے ہوں ےگ۔‬
‫‪30.Gold will become common.‬‬ ‫سوّن عام ہوجائے گا‬
‫‪31.Demand for silver will increase.‬‬ ‫چاندی یک مانگ بڑھ جائے گی۔‬
‫‪32.Sin will increase.‬‬ ‫گناھ زٰیدہ ہو جائںی ےگ۔‬
‫‪33.Peace will become rare.‬‬ ‫امن مك ہو جائے گا۔‬
‫قرآن کرمی ےک نسخوں کو آراس تہ کيا جائے گا اور اس پر ‪34.Ayaats from the Quran will be decorated‬‬
‫‪and calligraphy will become.‬‬ ‫نقش و نگار بنائے جائںی ےگ۔‬
‫‪35.Mosques will be decorated.‬‬ ‫مسجدوں مںی نقش و نگار کئے جائے ےگ۔‬
‫‪36.And will have tall towers‬‬ ‫اونےچ اونےچ مینار بنںی ےگ۔‬
‫‪37.But hearts will be empty.‬‬ ‫ليکن دل ویران ہوےگ۔‬
‫‪38.Alcoholic drinks will be consumed.‬‬ ‫رشابںی پیی جائںی گی۔‬
‫‪39.Punishments ordered by the Shariah will be‬‬ ‫رشعی زس أاوں کو معطل کر دٰی جائے گا۔‬
‫‪revoked and will not longer be implemented.‬‬
‫‪40.Women will order their mother around.‬‬ ‫لونڈی اےنپ آقا کو جنے گی یعن بییٹ ماں پر‬
‫حۡکران کرے گی۔‬
‫جو لوگ ننگے أپاوں‪ ،‬ننگے بدن ‪ ،‬غی مہذب ہوں ‪41.People who are with naked feet, naked bodies‬‬
‫‪and against religion will become kings.‬‬ ‫ےگ وہ بدشاہ بن جائںی ےگ۔‬
‫‪42. Women will trade along with men.‬‬ ‫جتارت مںی عورت مرد ےک ساتھ رشکت کرے گی۔‬
‫‪43. Men will imitate women.‬‬ ‫مرد عورتوں یک نقال کریں ےگ۔ یعن مرد عورتوں‬
‫جیسا حليہ بنائے ےگ‬
‫‪44. Women will imitate men.‬‬ ‫عورتںی مردوں یک نقال کریں گی یعن عورتںی‬
‫مردوں جیسا حليہ بنائںی گںی۔‬
45.People will swear by things other than Allah and ‫غی للا یک قسمںی کھایئ جائںی گی یعن قسم تو صف للا‬
the Quran. ‫ٰی للا یک صفت یک کھاّن جائز ےہ دوْسی چزیوں یک قسم‬
‫کھاّن حرام ےہ۔‬
46.Even Muslims will be prepared to give false ‫مسلامن بھیی ھجویٹ گواہی دینے کو تيار ہو جائںی ےگ۔‬
testimony, without being incited to it.
47. Only people one knows will be greeted with the ‫ حاالنکہ‬،‫صف جان پہچان ےک لوگوں کو سالم کيا جائے گا‬
salaam. ‫حضور(ﷺ) اک فرمان ےہ کہ ہر مسلامن کو سالم کرو‬
48.The knowledge of the Shariah will be used to earn ‫غی دین ےک لئے رشعی عمل پڑھاٰی جائے گا یعن رشعی عمل دین‬
worldly things. ‫ےک ےیل نہںی بلکہ دنيا ےک لئے پڑھا جائے گا۔‬
49.Acts, which earn the Akhirah, will be used to earn ‫آخرت ےک اکم ےس دنيا کامیئ جائے گی۔‬
the world.
50.Assets belonging to the nation will be considered ‫مال غنميت کو ذایت جاگی سھج ليا جائے گا۔‬
and treated as personal treasures by the rulers. 129
51. Deposits will be considered ones personal asset. ‫امانت کو لوٹ اک مال سھجا جائے گا۔‬
52. Zakat will be considered as a penalty. ‫ز ہکوۃ کو جرمانہ سھجاجائے گا۔‬
53. The lowest and the worst man in the nation will become its leader. ‫سب ےس رزیل آدمی قوم اک ليڈر اور قائد بن جائے‬
54. People will not obey their fathers. ‫آدمی اےنپ بپ یک ّنفرمان کرے گا۔‬
55. And will mistreat their mothers. ‫اور اپن ماں ےس بد سلویک کرے گا۔‬
56. And will not hold back from harming their friends. ‫دوست کو نقصان پہچاےن ےس گریز نہںی کریں ےگ۔‬
57. And will obey their wives. ‫شوہر بيوی یک اطاعت کرے گا۔‬
58. And the voices of the men who commit adultery will be raised in ‫بداکروں یک آوازیں مسجدوں ےس بلند ہوں گی۔‬
59. Women who sing will be treated with great deference and honour. ‫گان وال عورتوں یک تعظی اور تکرمی یک جائے گی۔‬
60. Instruments of music will be kept with great care. ‫گاےن جباےن اور موس يقی ےک آالت کو سنبھال کر‬
‫رکھاجائے گا۔‬
61. Alcohol will be drunk on the highways. ‫ْسراہ رشابںی پیی جائںی گی۔‬
62.People will be proud of their acts of persecution. ‫ظمل کو خفر سھجاجائے گا۔‬
63.Justice will be sold in the courts. ‫انصاف بکنے لگے گا یعن عدالتوں مںی انصاف فروخت ہوگا۔‬
64.The number of men in the police force will increase. ‫پولیس والوں یک کرثت ہوجائے گی۔‬
65.Instead of music, the Quran will be used to gain pleasure for ‫قرآن کرمی کو نغمہ ْسایئ اک ذریعہ بناٰیجائے گا یعن موس يقی یک‬
its tune and style (qirat), not for what it preaches, its meaning or ‫ےل مںی تالوت یک جائے گی۔‬
for rewards in the Akhirah.
66.Animal fur will be used. ‫درندوں یک کھال ےک موزے بنائے جائںی ےگ۔‬
67.The last of the Ummat will curse those before them (clearly ‫امت ےک آخری لوگ اےنپ ےس پےلہ لوگوں پر لعن تعن کریں‬
seen today in people who call the Prophet’s companion’s names). ‫ےگ یعن تنقید کریں ےگ۔‬
68.Either Allah will send a Red Storm upon you. ‫ْسخ آندھياں ت پر للا یک طرف ےس آئںی گی۔‬
69.Or Earthquakes. ‫زلزےل آئںی ےگ۔‬
70.Or your faces will be changed. ‫لوگوں یک صورتںی بدل جائںی گی۔‬
71.Or a rain of rocks from the skies. ‫آسامن ےس پتھر برسںی ےگ۔ ٰی‬
72.Or any torment will come. ‫للا یک طرف ےس کویئ عذاب آجائے گا۔‬
Effects /
Sense of Responsibility & Accountability
Affection towards virtues & abhorrence towards evil deeds
Serve to mankind
Patience in difficulties of worldly life
Scarification for deen-e-Islam
Fearing only from Allah
Safety from carelessness
Differentiate between Human & Animal life 132

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