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There has been a new woman in town that opened a new bar...

She was russian and

fearless... The news spread like wildfire and that night the bar was busy... Bikers
in a corner, cops on the left and priests on the right and whores in the middle...
The only people who is not seem is the Bowers Gang.

"I heard there is a new bar... Russian chick." Belch says while he is driving his

"We should meet her..." Henry comments while felexing his muscles muscles "... Show
her a real man in town."

Victor rolled his eyes before replying with,"Guys lets just have a normal fun night
and not bother her."

"You a wuss, Victor?" Patrick asks with a sly smirk on his stupid face

The Bowers gang arrives at this Russian Chick's bar, they were surpised on the
first night there was a big special... Maybe it is a celebration but the gang was
impressed and aren't easily impressed people/teenagers.

"Hmmm I wonder what is on special?" Belch looks on the drinking menu

Henry looks up and sees Sylvie making cocktails how she moves throws the glasses in
the air pouring the liqour in a glass.

"Is that drink on special?" Henry asks points at her

"Really her?" Victor says

"I heard she is russian and doesn't take shit from anyone" Patrick says

Sylvie walks to their side on the counter...

"Hello gents what can I get you?" She asks in her russian accent

Henry blushes and tries to sit comfortable because of little Henry... Wink, wink.

"Rum and coke for the four of us please." Victor says

She nods and walks away makinh their drinks. Henry on the other hand leans over the
counter staring at her ass, she was pefect for him and sexy like a russian model.
Patrick pulls him back when she came with their drinks.

"4 rum and cokes for the gents"

The bowers gang thanked her and Henry smiled brighter then ever before he was so in
love, but then he tries his luck.

"Are you single?" He asks, his eyes sparkeling like stars you see every night

"No, everyone fears me and I am not a fan of cheaters."

"Well there is something we have in commen." He winks

She didn't take it to personal snd went back to work, the guys made a toast and
started drinking but Henry on the other had had a plan. He was going to stay and
get drunk maybe grt to know her, okay scratch the getting drunk part.
"I am staying tonight and get a change with her, she is the one, my soulmate, my
everything." Henry starts again

"Here we go again" "Really bro" "come one, man" the group whines

The bars falls silent as the hours pass by and Henry on the other hand stays if he
wants something he gets it.

"So Sylvie..." Henry tastes her name it tasted so nice

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