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Do you like to receive gift? (Why/ Why not?

Absolutely yes, especially on my birthdays, I think it’s a way for close ones to
show their respect and love towards me

What kind of gifts do you like to receive? (Why?)

Well, in the past, I used to get really upset if I didn’t get toys or something cool for
my special days but now I can have anything with pleasure, because the most
important isn’t the gifts but it’s the sincerity of the one giving that present

What gifts do you receive in your childhood?

Well, mostly toys and clothes. I can clearly remember getting a book when I was
about 8 or 9 years old, I completely lost my excitement at that time but it turned
out to be one of the most indispensable things of my life later on as it actually
helped me to get enough scores to meet my dreaming school’ s requirement.

Do you like giving gifts to others (Why/ Why not?)

Absolutely, I don’t have many friends but I do treasure them a lot, and getting
them some little things of their liking, wrapped in colorful boxes, is a perfect way
to say: “You means a lot to me, I wish you happiness and successfulness” without
uttering a word. But it could be troublesome sometimes as choosing good
meaningful present is not quite a easy thing to do.

What gifts did you give to others in your child hood?

Well, some DIY items or some cards mainly because of my finance at that time, I
probably didn’t have a penny for any cheap presents, let alone exorbitant or high-
end clothes.
Do you like music?
Yes, a lot actually, music is the adrenaline for a lifeful me. Whenever I’m down in
the dumps, symphathizing melodies will somehow cheer me up

What’s your favourite type of music?

I’m not particularly fond of any specific genre, I just listen to whatever song that I
personally enjoy. But to say, I’m quite into classical tracks

Can you sing?

Not really, I’m a tone-deaf and my singing isn’t that beautiful but it doesn’t
preventing from doing so because it’s a way to rejoicing myself, but I would only
sing when there’s no one around

Did you learn music at school?

Yes, I did, it was on of my most liked ones in primary school but not the secondary
where it was considered a compulsory subject and I had to struggle a lot with the
notes singing, which I was totally bad at, in order to get good grade

If you can learn a musical instrument, what would it be?

Piano would probably my choice were I to be able to learn a instrument. You
know, I’m a big fan of classical music and as far as I know piano is the main tool
that great composers used to deliver their masterpieces. So I want to play these
tracks myself and maybe compose a real song someday

Do you think music is important?

Absolutely yes, I think almost every single person’s life wouldn’t be the same
without music. Music not only lightens our day, cheer us up when we feel down
but it also plays the role of an inspirer, a feelings carrier, a healer….

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