IN - Week 8

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Describe a place where people go to listen to music

- A pub in my city, also serve as a karaoke.

- About 15mins of driving from my place.

- The place is beautifully decorated inside and outside.

- Can mistaken it with a flower shop, various kind of flowers are planted along the
canopy. The flowers give off different scent depending on different seasons, no
matter what the smell, none of them fail to bring a pleasant and peaceful feelings to
the customers and even the one just coming across it

- Coming inside, experience the antique theme decoration. The old-fashioned

furniture keep remind me of those one of my grandma and I love the nostalgic

- The place stands out from the others in the way it is built. Instead of a big
building with private rooms, the place is oriented as a open-karaoke, where
everyone can perform and enjoy the music altogether in one room.

- Love the most: the genre allowed. Can only play calm or mild tracks, such as:
jazz, blues or classical.

- Making it a perfect place not only for rewinding after hard-working hours but
also for doing any work that require absolute concentration and quietness
4. Describe your favorite shop.

- I would love to take this opportunity to talk about my most-liked shop. The shop
is conveniently located just a few steps from my house.

- Was initially built to serve as a hobby center, the popularity of model kit building
began to rise among the youngster of Vietnam, to say it might be the first shop to
specialize in this kind of hobby.

- Exterior is well-decorated with flashy neon lights and catchy illustrations in order
to catch the eyes of whoever interested in the hobby.

- Coming inside, notice familiar displaying design. In fact, was inspired by that of
libraries’. There are several shells displaying the product around a big round table
in the middle.

- Require certain tools and painting to bring out the best version of the kit, which
not quite wallet-friendly for students who are the major follower of the hobby. The
shop generously provide you with all of them for a cheap cost

- The shop always keep track of the latest release and get them at their disposal as
soon as possible. Being one of the regulars of the shop, I’m usually the first one to
get a notice when there’s anew product and sometimes get them with good

- The shop has allow me o get better with the past-time I’m passionate about,

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