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SectionA- Coulomb's law, Electrostatic 5.

When the distance between two

Equilibrium + Properties of
is halved, the force between
(A) One fourth themchar
(B)One half
One quantum of charge should he at least he equal
tothe charge in coulomh
(O)Double (D)Four times
A) 1.6 10 (B)6x 10 °
(D), 4 8 10 " 6 Two small balls having equal
2 An clectrn a est has a charge of 16 x 10 C It
(Coulomb) on each are sUspended
by two () charge
strings of equal length 1.'metre. from a hookinsulating
starts moving with a velocity v= c2. where c is the stand. The whole set upistaken in a
firxed toa
specd of lght. then the new charge on it is - wherethere is no gravity (state of v Into Then
(A) 1.6 10 coulomb
the angle (9)between the two strings is -
(A) 0° (B) 90°
(B) 1.6 x 10 19 coulomb (C) 180° (D) 0° <9< 180P

(C) 1.6 x 10 1 2 -1 coulomb 7. Two point charges in air at a distance of 20

from each other interact with acertain force At
what distance from each other should these charoes
1.6x10 -19 be placed in oil of relative permittivity 5to obtain
(D) coulomb the same force of interaction -
(A)8.94 x 10- m (B) 0.894 x10m
(C) 89,4x 10 m (D) 8.94 x10°m

3. Which one of the following statement regarding 8. A certain charge Q is divided at first intO two parts,
electrostatics is wrong ? (g) and (Q-q). Later on the charges are placed at a
(A)Charge is quantized certain distance. If the force of interaction between
(B) Charge is conserved
(C)There is an electric field near an isolated charge the two charges is maximum then
at Test (A)(Q) =(4/1) (B) (Q) =(2)
(D) Astationary charge produces both electric and (C) (Q) = (3/1) (D) (Q) =(51)
magnetic fields
9 Three equal charges (q) are placed at comers oea
4. Two similar charge of +0, as shown in figure are equilateral triangle. The force on any charge is
placed at A and B. -qcharge is placed at point C
midway between Aand B. qcharge willoscillate if (A) Zero

Kq' (D)3/ Kq?

A B square
10. Four charges are arranged at the.comers ofa
ABCD, as shown. The force on tve charge
(A) It is moved towards A. at the centre of the square is
(B) It is moved towards B. (A) zero
(C) It is moved upwards AB. (B) along diagonal AC
(D)Distance between A and B is reduced. (C) along diagonal BD
(D)perpendicular to the side AB
4q and q a ain
Electrostatic 5. Two free positive charges
SectionA- Coulomb's law,Properties of apart. what
Equilibrium + charge necded
Qis are
mass is resting in
entire system and
it be placed form charge
1. Acharged article having somC
cquilibriunn at aheght H above the centre
of a
where hoN
unifermly echarged nonconducting horizontal ring ,9(hegative)at
of radius R. The force of gravity acts 4
The equihbrium ofthe particle willbe stable - (B)Q =G9(positive)at
(A)for all values of H (B)only ifH> R/W2
(C) only ifH<R/N2 (D) only ifH= R/2 (C)Q=qpositive) at 3
Find the force experienced by the (D)Q=q (negative) at 3
semicircular rod charged with a
charge q. placed as shown in figure. 6. Two identical positive
Radiusof the wire is R and the charges are fixeddon the
at equal distances from the
origin particle y-xS
ininiteBy long line ofcharge with lincar negative charge starts on the: X-axis0.A
at a wtha
density Àis passing through its centre from O, moves along the large distanc:
and perpendicular to the plane ofwire. and moves far away from 0. tstx-axis, passes through 0
as positive along its direction of acceleration is takem
motion.The :
(A) (B) acceleration ais plotted against its X-COOrdinate.partice'
2ra,R ofthe following best represents the plot?
(C) (D)
4r ER 4rE,R (A) B

3. Two fixed charges 4Q (positive) and Q (negative)

are located at Aand B,the distance AB being 3 m. ra
A 3m
(C) (D)
(A) The point P where the resultant field due to
both is zero is on AB outside AB.
(B) The point P where the resultant field due to Section B- Electric field, Questions on
both is zero is on AB inside AB. constant electric field, Electric
(C) Ifa positive charge is placed at Pand field due to uniformly charged
displaced Rod, Time period of SHM +
slightly along AB it will execute oscillations. Electrostatics, Electric field due
(D) Ifa negative charge is placed at Pand to uniformlycharged Ring, disc;
slightly along AB it will execute oscillation.displaced sheet
7. Awheel having mass mhas charges tq and-gon
4. Select the correct statement: (Only
force on a diametrically opposite points. It presence
particle is due to electric field) equilibriumon arough inclined plane inthej
(A) A charged particle always of uniformvertical electric field E=
electric line of force. moves along the
(B) Acharged particle may move along (A)
force the line of 4

(C)A charge particle never moves along the line mg

force of (B)
(D)Acharged particle moves along the line of force mg tan 0
only if released from rest. (C) (D) none
coulomb's law,Properties of
Section A- Equilibrium +
and apositivecharge q
pointcharge 2q apositive
1. A ncgative distanceI apart. Whereshould
connecting the
are fixcdat a placed on the line 8.
testcharge Q be cquilibrium? What is the
charge for it to be in longitudinal
equilibrium with respect to
of the
between two fixed positivecharges
2. The distance arranged
third charge 'q'becondition
. How should a
and e is
be in equilibrium ? Under what
for it to stable (for
equilibrium of the charge 'q' be
will 4e and e) or will it
displacement on the linejoining
be unstable ?

B,each having a charge Q are 9.

3. Two particles A and
Where should a particle
placed a distance d apart.
perpendicular bisector
ofcharge qbe placed on themaximum force? What
of ABso that it experiences
maximum force?
is the magnitude of the 10

charge Q. If a
4. A thin circular wire of radius r has a
point charge q is placed at the centre of the
then find the increase in tension in the

Two small identical balls P and O, each of mass ((
0.866 g, carry identical charges and are suspended
by two threads of equal length 50 cm each from the
same point. At equilibrium, they are separated by a
distance of 50 cm. Find the charge on each ball
(in nearest integer in uC).

6. Two identically charged spheres are suspended by

strings of equal length. The strings make an angle
of 30° with each other. When suspended in a liquid
of density 0.8 g/cc, the angle remains same. What
is the dielectric constant of the liquid? (The density
of thematerial of the spheres is 1.6 g'c.c.)
7. Twopoint charges +4uC and -10 C are placed 10
cm apart in air. Adielectric slab of large length and
breadth but of thickness 5 cm is placed between
them. Calculate the force of attraction between the
charges, ifthe relative permittivity of dielectric is 9.
sectionA- Coulomb's law, Electrostatic SeC
Eauilibrium + Properties of
Arigid insulated wire frame in the form of a right
angledtriangle ABC:,is sct in a vertical plane as
Two bead of cqual masses meach and shown.
charges q, &4, are connectedIby a cord of carrying
slide without fiction on the wires.
length /&
(Considering the case
whenthe bcads are stationary. determine.
(a) The angle .
(b) The tension in the cord &
io The normal reaction on thebeads. If the cord is
now cut, what are the values of the charges for
which the beads continue to remain stationary.
A 6

B130° 60
Horizon 7.

Question No. (2 to 3)
Two identical He-filled spherical balloons each
carrying a charge q are tied to a weight Wwith
strings and float in equilibrium, as shown in Figure.

q,m X

2. Find the magnitude of q, assuming that the charge Se

on each balloon acts as if it were concentrated at
the center.

3 Find thevolume of cach balloon. Take the density

Ignore the
of He as P. and density of air as p,.
weight of the unfilled balloons. 8.

carryinga charge
4. Three particles, each ofmass mand
a commonpoin: by
qeach, are suspended from length L. If the
insulating massless strings, cach of located at the
particles are in equilibrium and sidea, calculate
triangle of
Corners ofan equilateral AssumeL>>a.
the charge q oneach
Exercise - 1
6. 1.
D 4 D 13. 14.
3. 12. I)
B 2. 1. 20.
10. 19. A 21. C
26. B 27. C 28.
15. B 16 25. 34. B A
22. 23. D 24. R
32. A 33. ( 35.
31. B 41. D 42.
29. 30. A 40. A
38. D 39. A 48. A 49.
36. 37. B 47.
C 46.
43. 44. 45.
50. A S1. B

Objective Problems | JEE

Exercise - 2 (Level-I)
A 4. B 5. A 6. B 7. B
1 B 2. B 3. 12. D 13. C 14. B
11. A
8 A 9. B 10. D C 20. D 21.
B 18. D 19. A
15. B 16. 17. B 27. C 28.
A 26. D
22. B 23. C 24. D 25.
33. A 34. B 35.
29. A 30. A 31. B 32.
36. D

Multiple Correct | JEE

Exercise - 2 (Level-II)
1. C,D 2. A,B,C 3. C,D 4. B,C 5.
6. A.C 7. B,C,D 8. A,D 9. A,C 10. B,D
11. A.C 12. B,C,D 13. A,C,D 14. A,C 15. A, B.C
16. B,C

Exercise - 3 | Level-I Subjective | JEE Advanced

1. a = I(1 + J2), the equilibrium will be stable
3 from charge 4e (If qis positive stable, If q is negative unstable)
d 4 Qg qQ
3. 4. 5. 1
2/2'3V3'n[,d? 6. 2 7. 8

73/2 1
9. 3 x10-C 10. W= K4, = 1.2 J 11. 12. 4D
11 K/2qD
13. Following two arguments shall lead us to the right choice.
i. Electric field at the center of the ring is zero.
Electric field is directed away from the ring.
14. 6 x10-C 15. 5x10 N 16. 2kQ² Qg K
17. (b)
mR (a) 4e6K
18. 19. 1.8 x 10 sec 20. ka' 4Kg? 3
mrE, V -(3- N2) 21. (i) 3+

2Kq.3 1 Ka? 3 1 |2Kq? 3 1 Ka? 3 1

a 75 (i) 2ma (iv) ma
V2J3 (v) ma

22. 23. 24. 2: u'm
Exercise - 3 |
should have unlike charges for the beads to
kq;92 (c) 3 mg, mg. q, & q,
1. (a)60° (b) mg + 2
remain stationaly & q,4, =- 4nE,a'mg 9.30
W 3.
4. 3L
2 8W tan Oe,x 3. 2(P, -Pe)g
S. H, -h, + h, -g
4kq ; 7. Electron, y> y, ,= y, Y.< Y
R? Q, R,
2.2x 10-2C
11. Q, R2
10. EPo
J4re Ka V

0, W totat-0
13. V3 pQ
8 4 Kq' W second step
W 3/2Qp (upward), U= 2V2re,a 2re,a
first step 3 5 17.
3 P,P2 Repulsive
15, RE, 0 16.
Year | JEE Main

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