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Saturday, May 15, 2021 at 10:56:46 India Standard Time

Subject: Re: Pipistrel SW 121 - Type Cer4icate

Date: Thursday, 16 July 2020 at 3:01:56 PM India Standard Time
From: Veerendra Kabir
To: Ja4 Dhillon
CC: Indranil Chakraborty, Director, C.K Sutradhar , Kaushik Mukhopadhyay, EKSHWAKU
ACachments: image001.png, image002.png, image003.png, image004.png, image005.png,


Reference is made to the trailing mail. With respect to point no 1 and 2, it is to state that this office has
type accepted Pipistrel SW121 aircraft type certified vide EASA TCDS NO. EASA.A.573 Issue 03 vide
this office letter no 7-43/2018-AED dated 29.11.2019 in accordance with CAR, Section 6, Series A,
Part II.

As per the above said EASA TCDS, the subject aircraft is type certificated under the "Normal"
Airworthiness category and the certification basis used is "CS-LSA".

Regarding point no 3 of trailing mail, you may have discussion with Directorate of flying training.

Thanks & Regards

Veerendra Kumar Kabir / (वीरेन्द्र कुमार कबीर)
Assistant Director Aircraft Engineering Directorate/ (सहायक िनदेशक, वायुयानअिभयांित्रकीिनदेशालय)
Directorate General of Civil Aviation/ (नागरिवमाननमहािनदेशालय),
Ministry of Civil Aviation/ (नागरिवमाननमंत्रालय),
Government of India/ (भारतसरकार),
New Delhi – 110003/ (नईिदल्ली - ११०००३)
Tel: +91-11-24622495/ (दू रभाष:+९१-११-२४६२२४९५)
Mobile : +91-9532672442

To: "C.K Sutradhar" <>
Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 2:52:00 AM
Subject: Pipistrel SW 121 - Type Certiicate

Dear Sir,

You are requested to clarify our query below regarding type cer4ficate for the Pipistrel SW 121 vide DGCA
file reference 07-43/2018-AED with type cer4ficate approval number EASA TCDS No. EASA.A.573 issue 03
dated 12.03.2018;

1. Is the aircra] type cer4fied in LSA category?

2. If not, then which category is the aircra] cer4fied under?
3. Is the aircra] cer4fied and suitable for delivery of flight school instruc4on?

Your clarifica4on on the maaer will be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards

Capt Jati Dhillon

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T: +91 124 4442000 | M: +91 8800145500
E: |
607, Tower B, Global Business Park | Gurugram, India 122002

Warm regards,

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