Causes of Drugs 1

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Daniel Bissoondial

English SBA

Illicit drugs

Illicit drugs are types of drugs which can be illegal to obtain or have
in possession. For examples, marijuana, cocaine or LSD.

Drugs can inflict many detrimental experiences. For example, it can

be more possible for someone to be in an accident, develop
insomnia, having a hard time to rest. It may cause diseases like
cancer, it creates an addiction and may induce psychosis resulting in
violent acts such as physical or sexual assaults. Tens of thousands of
people have died from drug addictions

Dangers of Illicit of Drugs:

 Accidents- Drugs can lead you to unanticipated events like a

car accident in an environment associated with harm. A small
amount of people survived with a permanent disability and
some never make it.
 Sleeping or rest problems- Problems like these leas the way to
insomnia, the inability to rest or sleep and causes mental health
disorders like depression and anxiety.
 Addiction- A disease that affects your brain and demeanor.
You can't withstand the urge to use addictive substances,
regardless of how many times you use drugs.
 Cancer- A disease when abnormal cells that divide
uncontrollably and the ability to destroy normal body tissues.
 Psychosis- It's an illusion when people lose intact with reality.
For example. Having the feeling something or someone
coming for you.
 Assaults- An act of causing physical or sexual harm upon a
person, which is a crime.

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