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Bhim Rao Ambedkar College

University of Delhi

Prospecting E-waste for

Name -Aarav Patel
Roll no.-1728/22
Course -Ba (hons.) Geography
Year-2nd (4 semester)
Submittted to -Miss .Savita ma'am

Electronic waste, or e-waste, refers to all products
that contain electrical or electronic components. Be it
battery-operated children's toys, the discarded
television, the old smartphone, kitchen appliances that
have had their day, or the scales from the bathroom.


But even products that you would not expect to be

covered by the Electrical and Electronic Equipment
Act (ElektroG) are subject to the Act as soon as they
have permanently installed electrical components.
These include, for example, shoes with flashing soles,
electrically adjustable slatted frames or cabinets with
built-in lighting.


As soon as the electrical or electronic component of
these items cannot be removed or is extremely difficult
to replace, the entire product must be disposed of as
electronic waste at the end of its life. If, on the other
hand, the electrical components can be removed, only
these belong in the WEEE
collection. So-called passive devices that have no
function themselves but serve only as conductors of
electricity, such as antennas, cables, adapters, sockets
or plugs, also belong to e-waste.
Every year, more electrical appliances come into
circulation. And year after year, there is more e- waste.
In fact, across Europe, e-waste is the waste stream that
is increasing the most. Much of it is not yet properly
disposed of and recycled.
However, the old devices contain many valuable raw
materials, especially metals such as copper, cobalt,
silver, gold or lithium, the mining of which not only
costs a lot of energy and labor, but is sometimes even
detrimental to the environment.
For this reason, it is important to return these valuable
raw materials to the production cycle.
About 95 per cent of India’s e-waste is recycled in the
informal sector and in a crude manner. A report on e-
waste presented by the United Nations (UN) in World
Economic Forum on January 24, 2019 points out that
the waste stream reached 48.5 MT in 2018 and the
figure is expected to double if nothing changes.
E-waste and disposal are serious environmental issues
that are affecting the entire world. However, when we
buy anything, we don't think about the materials
utilized or where they came from. The same is true for
where our retired e-waste goes when it becomes
obsolete or is replaced by newer technology.
As awareness about climate change is rising, we are
witnessing a global movement from a linear to a
circular manufacturing paradigm. This is especially
essential in electronics recycling, where the circular
economy for e-waste has been in the long process of
E- WASTE RECYCLING:- E waste recycling has all
sorts of benefits in addition to the protection of human
health and the environment. Most of the materials that
make up our computers and smartphones are derived
from nonrenewable minerals; recycling these materials
can prevent the supply of consumer goods that become
inevitable in our lives from being suspended until
substitutions are discovered.
Although in certain cases, the non-renewable resources
are not necessarily rare, the recycling of non-renewable
but common minerals still has economic benefits.
For example, the price of lithium, a non-renewable but
relatively common mineral that can almost be found
everywhere, has been booming. Lithium is widely used
in multiple industries but is most known for its
importance in the production of rechargeable batteries
for electric vehicles. The increased public attention on
electric vehicles as a way to decarbonise transportation
saw the demand for lithium soar. Yet, the market has
failed to keep up with this sudden surge in demand,
causing lithium to be in short supply – not scarcity but
from the slow pace of extraction and refinement.
“The transition to a circular economy for electronics is
key to reduce our sector’s environmental footprint,
including climate impact,” says ITU Deputy Secretary-
General Tomas Lamanauskas. “Strong e- waste
regulation provides the foundation, shaped by
governments and industry working hand in hand.”


A circular economy is characterized as "a model of
production and consumption that ensures long-term
growth." With the circular economy, we may promote
resource optimization, recover waste by recycling or
giving the product a second life as a new one, and
reduce raw material consumption. Creating a circular
economy for electronic waste will result in zero
waste generation and nothing will go into landfills.
As a consequence, prolonging the product's life and
reusing components provides even higher economic
benefits. There is also the possibility of creating a more
circular system in which resources are capitalized on
and reused in ways that create a more decent and
sustainable environment than they are extracted, used,
and discarded.
Objectives of COP28 UAE

At the UN climate conference, Green Digital Action

partners aim to:
- Raise awareness about the role of regulation
and public procurement guidelines in reducing e-
waste and emissions alike.
- Foster collaboration between governments and
the tech industry, highlighting how circularity and
sustainability make good policy and business
Showcase the ITU-CST initiative as a key first step
towards building a circular economy for electronics
at national, regional, and global levels.
Green Digital Action sessions at COP28 call for
commitments to reduce the sector’s footprint, leverage
digital technologies to ensure life-saving disaster alerts,
and facilitate climate solutions across all industries. The
aim is to build critical mass action for effective climate
action across the industry.


Urban areas concentrate half of the world’s population and
consume 70% of the resources and one third of the
energy globally (UNEP, 2016). It is expected that by
2050, 70% of the world’s population will live in urban
areas. Future cities are also faced with the challenges of
becoming more resilient in the face of problems such as
climate change, and increasing the efficiency with which
energy and resources are being consumed, while trying to
solve existing social imbalances and support human
Technological advancements and economic development
has led to increased use of electrical and electronic
equipment. But the rapid change in technology is making
these products obsolete; consequently, waste electrical and
electronic equipment has become the fastest-growing
waste stream in the world.The effective management
requires country level statistics such as e-waste
The increasing amount of waste electrical and electronic
equipment contains organic pollutants, but simultaneously,
it provides an opportunity to extract base, critical and
precious metals as well as rare earth elements by urban
mining. Since the availability of critical raw materials is
geopolitical in nature, therefore it possesses higher
economic importance and includes greater supply chain
risk. Even the quantity of precious and critical raw
materials in e-waste are far richer than their natural

RESOLVE Method for Circular Economy

The knowledge of e-waste generation and their economic

potential is crucial to attract recyclers. Several studies
conducted to estimate e-waste generation using different
models such as market supply method, consumption use
method, econometric analysis, questionnaire-based survey,
time step, Carnegie Mellon method, batch leaching method
and material flow analysis. Experts
suggest using a combination of methods to better estimate e-
waste generation for example, combining sales data
with material flow analysis.
The circular economy is a new way of creating value, and
ultimately prosperity. It works by extending product
lifespan through improved design and servicing, and
relocating waste from the end of the supply chain to the
beginning—in effect, using resources more efficiently by
using them over and over, not only once.
Methodology of estimating how recycling e-waste in metro
cities will go in sync with the circular economy typically
involves a comprehensive approach that integrates both
qualitative and quantitative research methods. Here's a
suggested methodology:
1. Literature Survey: Conduct a thorough literature
survey to gather existing research, reports, and studies
related to e-waste recycling practices, circular economy
principles, and case studies of recycling initiatives in metro
cities. Key areas to explore include:
- Current state of e-waste generation and management
practices in metro cities.
- Success stories and best practices of circular economy
implementation in the e-waste recycling sector.
- Regulatory frameworks, policies, and incentives
promoting e-waste recycling and circular economy
- Technological advancements and innovations in e- waste
recycling technologies.
- Socio-economic factors influencing e-waste recycling
behavior and consumer attitudes towards sustainable
2. Data Collection and Analysis: Gather quantitative
data on e-waste generation rates, recycling rates, and
material recovery efficiencies in metro cities. This data can be
obtained from government reports, industry surveys, and
waste management agencies. Analyze the data to identify
trends, challenges, and opportunities for
enhancing e-waste recycling efforts in alignment with circular
economy principles.
3. Stakeholder Interviews and Surveys: Conduct interviews
and surveys with key stakeholders involved in the e-waste
recycling ecosystem, including government agencies, recycling
companies, NGOs, manufacturers,
and consumers. Explore their perspectives on the barriers to
e-waste recycling, potential solutions, and the role of circular
economy principles in driving sustainable
4. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA): Perform a life cycle
assessment to evaluate the environmental impacts of different
e-waste recycling processes and compare them with
traditional linear economy models. Assess factors such as
energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions,
and resource utilization to determine the environmental
benefits of transitioning to a circular economy approach. 5.
Scenario Modeling: Develop scenario models to estimate the
potential impact of scaling up e-waste recycling efforts in
metro cities within a circular economy framework. Consider
factors such as policy interventions, investment incentives,
technological advancements, and consumer behavior
changes. Evaluate the economic, environmental, and social
implications of different scenarios to inform decision-making
and policy formulation.
6. Validation and Peer Review: Validate the findings of the
study through peer review and consultation with experts in
the field of e-waste management, circular economy, and
sustainability. Incorporate feedback and refine the
methodology to ensure the robustness and credibility of the
research outcomes.

For references and further reading materials, you can

explore academic journals, government publications, and
reputable websites such as:

● The Circular Economy: What, Why, How and Where -

In conclusion, the methodology outlined above offers a
structured approach to estimating how recycling e-waste
in metro cities can align with the principles of the circular
economy. By synthesizing existing literature, analyzing
data, engaging stakeholders, conducting life cycle
assessments, and modeling scenarios, this methodology
provides a comprehensive framework for understanding
the complexities of e-waste recycling within urban

Through a combination of qualitative and quantitative

research methods, this approach facilitates the
identification of key challenges, opportunities, and
strategies for enhancing e-waste recycling efforts in metro
cities while advancing the goals of the circular economy.
By integrating insights from stakeholders and leveraging
advances in technology and policy, this methodology
enables informed decision-making and the formulation of
effective interventions to promote sustainable e-waste
management practices.

Moreover, the validation and peer review process ensure

the robustness and credibility of the findings, enhancing
the reliability of the research outcomes. By drawing upon a
diverse range of references and further reading materials,
this methodology underscores the importance of evidence-
based research and knowledge sharing in driving progress
towards a more sustainable and circular economy.

1.The technical cycle of the butterfly diagram:-

Circular economy butterfly diagram

On the right-hand side of the butterfly diagram is the
technical cycle, relevant for products that are used rather
than consumed.
The diagram shows that smaller inner loops are surrounded
by the larger outer loops. These inner loops are where most
value can be captured because they
retain more of the embedded value of a product by keeping it
Take a smartphone, for example – a working phone is worth
more than the sum of its parts because the time and energy
that went into making it is not lost. Therefore, inner loops
like sharing, maintaining, and reusing should be prioritized
above the outer loops that see the product broken down and
remade. These loops also represent a cost saving to
customers and businesses as they make use of products and
materials already in circulation, rather than investing in
making them new. The outermost loop, recycling, is therefore
the stage of last resort in a circular economy, because it
means losing the embedded value of a product by reducing it
to its basic materials.
The loops as shown in the diagram are:-

2.A biodiverse compact city: Singapore:-

Singapore is an example of a city that has adopted a
compact and biodiversity-friendly approach to urban
planning. Despite its population density increasing from
3,538 residents per km2 in 1970 to 7,810 residents per
km2 in 2020, the city managed to expand green areas
from 36% to 47% of its total land area.

In fact, since the early 1960s, Singapore has had a strong
ambition to green itself in order to become a highly liveable
and competitive city. For example, high-rise greenery has
increasingly become an essential component of the city’s
development plan, in part due to
the limited amount of land available. The government now
requires property developers to replace any greenery lost
during construction and covers 50% of the costs of installing
green roofs and walls on existing buildings. As a result, the
city’s 72 hectares of rooftop gardens and green walls are set
to triple by 2030. These, combined with 4,172 hectares of
green space (parks and park connectors), reduce the city’s
heat-island effect, and help absorb storm water, provide
space for recreation, and increase urban biodiversity.

3.Circular business support programme for SMEs in


SMEs can play a key role in broadening the range of circular

products and services available and making circular options
convenient for customers. Research shows that most
Londoners factor climate change into their everyday
decisions, but that shoppers still prioritize price, convenience
and choice over circular economy considerations.
SMEs are both close enough to their customers to respond
to their needs, and small enough to quickly experiment with
new business models. The Business Transformation
programme seeks to help London-based SMEs overcome
these barriers and create attractive circular products and
services, by offering advice, grants, matchmaking and
community services.
Business Transformation works with both circular economy
start-ups, and established businesses in the food, fashion,
plastics, built environment, and electricals sectors to help
● Redesign, strengthen and scale their business model
to align with the principles of the circular economy,
with benefits including cost savings, growth in
customer base, and new revenue opportunities.
● Validate existing circular business models, stress-
testing assumptions and finding ways to improve
viability and sustainability, with recommendations
summarized in a tailor-made circularity report.
● Amplify the reach and commercial opportunities of
circular businesses by connecting them with public
sector organizations, potential clients and partners,
and investors via an online Circular Economy
Matchmaker and in-person, sector-specific events.
Two key solutions to the e-waste problem have emerged:
moving from a linear to a circular economy, and fostering
digital sustainability, including creating more efficient IT.

The two solutions go hand in hand. In a circular economy,

designers and manufacturers create products with the end of
the products’ lives in mind. That means keeping products in
use for as long as possible and then recycling the materials
that go into them to minimise or even eliminate waste. Digital
sustainability means adopting technology that has
environmental, societal and financial benefits. Circularity is
making this improved technology possible.
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