Reactionary Phase - French Revolution

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Reactionary Phase (1795-1799)

Notes • Social Studies 20 • French Revolution


Coup d’etat: An overthrow of the government; in this case the Directory

Reactionary - wants to go back to the way things used to be
Consulate: the new republic created by Napoleon after the coup of the Directory
Concordat: The peaceful agreement with the Catholic Church
Napoleonic Code: A logical and unified system of French law
Continental System/Berlin Decree: an attempt to destroy Britain by closing all European ports to
Britain which was meant to increase French exports and kill British exports and the British economy. It
Coalition: a group of states working together against a common enemy.

Key Events

★ The constitution created a five man directory and a two house legislature
★ Made with spain and prussia
★ Continued the war with austria and great britain
★ Made a constitutional monarchy
★ Produced the Constitution of 1795
★ Napoleon crowned himself Emperor and made all the decisions
★ Napoleon was born in 1769 on the island of Corsica and he was educated in French military
schools. He joined the army at 16 years old and worked his way up in rank due to his skills, NOT
his family connections.

★ Napoleon was a radical Jacobin and he believed in the radical ideals of the French Revolution.
★ Napoleon became a general in the French army at 27 years old and was considered a military
genius and a national hero after he successfully defeated foreign armies who wanted to restore
the monarchy during the French Revolution.

★ - Napoleon became a general in the French army at 27 years old and was considered a
★ military genius and a national hero after he successfully defeated foreign armies who
★ wanted to restore the monarchy during the French Revolution.

★ Napoleon’s Rise to Power

★ - After Robespierre’s execution, France comes under the control of more moderate and
Reactionary Phase (1795-1799)
Notes • Social Studies 20 • French Revolution
★ conservative leaders who form another government called the “Directory.”

★ - The “Directory” promises to ‘restore order’ to France. The leaders of the Directory turn
★ to the military for help and Napoleon was the star of the French military at the time.

★ - However, the leaders of the Directory were corrupt, and many feared a return to the
★ Reign of Terror.

★ Napoleon Seizes Political Power

★ - In 1799, the Directory fell apart and Napoleon used his troops to restore order and take
★ control in a coup d’etat; he named the new government “The Consulate” and named
★ himself First Consul, which was a ‘temporary dictator.’

★ - a coup d’etat is a sudden and decisive action in politics resulting in a change of
★ government illegally or by force.

★ - In 1800 France votes for yet another new constitution; this will be the 5 th form of
★ government in ten years!

★ - Napoleon was very popular with the people, as he was able to reform France and expand
★ French influence.

★ - In 1804, a plebiscite was held; a plebiscite is a vote by the people. The voters of France
★ voted to create an empire with Napoleon as the Emperor for life. (There was no other
★ option on the ballot by the way. Does that sound very democratic?)

★ - Sadly, France went from a period of universal male suffrage to the slow erosion of
★ voting rights; by this point, voting was controlled by the bourgeoisie, and they wanted the
★ stability that Napoleon would bring. (Again, does this sound like the ideals of the French
Reactionary Phase (1795-1799)
Notes • Social Studies 20 • French Revolution
★ Revolution?)

★ Napoleon’s Domestic Policy Brings Changes to

★ France

★ The following section outlines Napoleon’s Domestic (related to the country) Policies.
★ Napoleon examined some of the problems that existed in France and created reforms to
★ try to solve them once and for all.

★ 1. Napoleon creates the Bank of France
★ a. It was modelled on the Bank of England.
★ b. Issued government securities and low interest loans.
★ c. Promoted industries.
★ d. Franc became a stable currency.
★ e. Bank of France became the central bank.

★ - It solved the problem of the continual economic crises in France; the fact that France
★ had a large debt and that government had low cash reserves.

★ 2. Tax Reform
★ a. Tax collectors gave 5% to government.
★ b. Tax collectors were now professionals.
★ c. Tax collection stabilized.
★ d. Taxation was fairer for all.

★ - It solved the problem of the complicated and disorganized previous tax collection
★ system and the new system made sure the government had stable revenue collection.

★ 3. The Concordat
Reactionary Phase (1795-1799)
Notes • Social Studies 20 • French Revolution
★ a. A peaceful agreement with the Catholic Church.
★ b. The Church recognized the Republic.
★ c. Roman Catholics were allowed to run the Church, but the Church gave up
★ lands.
★ d. Traditional religion, including Christian holidays recognized again.
★ e. Catholic schools and charities were allowed again which was very popular with
★ the French people.

★ - This solved the problem of the Civil Constitution of the Clergy put into place during the
★ Revolution.
★ 4. Napoleonic Code
★ a. Created one system of law.
★ b. Citizens were equal before the law.
★ c. Eliminated many tax injustices.
★ d. Recognized the right to property.
★ e. However…it also reduced women’s rights, restricted freedom of speech and the
★ press and restored slavery in French colonies.
★ - This solved the problem of outdated laws and laws by social status.

★ 5. Education
★ a. Established lycees which were free public schools intended to spread the ideals
★ of the revolution; now the majority of male citizens could attend school for the
★ first time.
★ b. Education would be controlled by the government.

★ - This solved the problem of only the rich going to school. Still, women could not really
★ advance at this time.

★ - It is important to remember that Napoleon believed in meritocracy; he believed that
★ positions in government and the military would be given on the basis of merit rather than
Reactionary Phase (1795-1799)
Notes • Social Studies 20 • French Revolution
★ on birth or wealth. This should not surprise you as Napoleon’s family was middle class
★ and everything he earned, he worked for. He wanted the best people for the job!

★ Napoleon’s Conquests

★ - Napoleon wanted to conquer Europe and he won many victories against Austria,
★ Prussia, Switzerland and Italy; French armies dominate Europe for about 10 years in the
★ early 1800’s.

★ - Many countries were forced to sign peace treaties with France granting Napoleon direct
★ or indirect control over most of continental Europe. Napoleon makes many of his
★ relatives leaders of the countries he conquers.

★ - However, Napoleon’s desire for more land led him to make some poor decisions, the
★ biggest one was invading Russia. In 1812, Napoleon marched with over 500,000 soldiers
★ marched toward Moscow.

★ - However, two things would lead to his defeat; the fierce Russian winter and the Russian
★ policy of ‘scorched earth.’ Scorched earth policy is a military strategy that aims to
★ destroy anything that might be useful to the enemy. This includes: food, military,
★ communication sites and industrial resources.

★ - In the end, the cold and starvation meant that only 100,000 soldiers returned to Paris.
★ This began Napoleon’s downward spiral that would lead to his defeat in Waterloo in
★ 1815.

★ Napoleon’s Decline Caused by 3 Main Reasons

★ - His excessive ambition and his big ego leaves France with no allies.

Reactionary Phase (1795-1799)
Notes • Social Studies 20 • French Revolution
★ - The Continental System of European economic control established by France fails.
★ Efforts by Napoleon to boycott trade with England hurt the economy of Europe and was
★ not supported by other countries.

★ - Overextension of his armies; he tries to fight in too many places at the same time and
★ spreads French armies too thin.

★ The End of Napoleon’s Rule

★ - Anti-French coalition army enters France in January 1814 and by March 31, Paris falls.

★ - On April 2, 1814 the Senate proclaims the end of the Empire.

★ - On April 4, 1814, Napoleon abdicates (gives up) his rule and Louis XVIII from the
★ House of Bourbon, is restored the French throne. (Brother of Louis XVI)

★ - May 4, 1814, Napoleon is exiled to Elba.

★ - March 1, 1815, Napoleon escapes Elba and returns to South France where he rallies the
★ French army.

★ - March 20, 1815, Louis XVIII flees and Napoleon takes control which begins his
★ “Hundred Days” campaign where he seized control of France and ruled again, for 100
★ days.

★ - June 18, 1815, Napoleon is defeated at the Battle of Waterloo and is exiled to Saint
★ Helena where he dies in 1821.

★ - The Napoleonic Wars did NOT provide any long-lasting territorial gains for France.

Reactionary Phase (1795-1799)
Notes • Social Studies 20 • French Revolution
★ - The Napoleonic Code, some government reforms and the growth of democracy across
★ most of Europe did prove lasting.

★ - Napoleon was never able to conquer Britain.
Napoleon’s Domestic Policy Brings Changes to France

The following section outlines Napoleon’s Domestic (related to the country) Policies. Napoleon examined
some of the problems that existed in France and created reforms to try to solve them once and for all.

1. Napoleon creates the Bank of France

a. It was modelled on the Bank of England.

b. Issued government securities and low interest loans.

c. Promoted industries.

d. Franc became a stable currency.

e. Bank of France became the central bank.

- It solved the problem of the continual economic crises in France; the fact that France

had a large debt and that government had low cash reserves.

2. Tax Reform

a. Tax collectors gave 5% to the government.

b. Tax collectors were now professionals.

c. Tax collection stabilized.

d. Taxation was fairer for all.

- It solved the problem of the complicated and disorganized previous tax collection system and the new
system made sure the government had stable revenue collection.

3. The Concordat

a. A peaceful agreement with the Catholic Church.

b. The Church recognized the Republic.

c. Roman Catholics were allowed to run the Church, but the Church gave up lands.
Reactionary Phase (1795-1799)
Notes • Social Studies 20 • French Revolution
d. Traditional religion, including Christian holidays recognized again.

e. Catholic schools and charities were allowed again which was very popular with the French people.

- This solved the problem of the Civil Constitution of the Clergy put into place during the Revolution.

4. Napoleonic Code

a. Created one system of law.

b. Citizens were equal before the law.

c. Eliminated many tax injustices.

d. Recognized the right to property.

e. However…it also reduced women’s rights, restricted freedom of speech and the press and restored
slavery in French colonies.

- This solved the problem of outdated laws and laws by social status.

5. Education

a. Established lycees which were free public schools intended to spread the ideals of the revolution; now
the majority of male citizens could attend school for the first time.

b. Education would be controlled by the government.

- This solved the problem of only the rich going to school. Still, women could not really advance at this

- It is important to remember that Napoleon believed in meritocracy; he believed that positions in

government and the military would be given on the basis of merit rather than on birth or wealth. This
should not surprise you as Napoleon’s family was middle class and everything he earned, he worked for.
He wanted the best people for the job!

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