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Stop using ChatGPT in beginner mode!

No one talks about these 5 secret

settings that can instantly improve your AI writing game.

I struggled with ChatGPT sounding robotic and with the persistent use of
weasel words and repetitive phrases. After countless hours of research, I found
the solution to my struggles with ChatGPT! Here's what I discovered about the
solution - Using of parameters!

1) Max tokens Max tokens determine the maximum length of the generated
text. By setting a limit, you can control how much the AI says, ensuring it
doesn't give too long of an answer.
Example: max_tokens = 50 - If you want a short response, like a quick
answer or a tweet.
2) Temperature The temperature parameter controls the randomness of the
text generated by ChatGPT. Generated text with a lower temperature will
be more focused and conservative, while generated text with a higher
temperature will be more creative and varied.
Temperature ranges from 0 to 1. Here’s a quick breakdown of how it works:
Low temperature (0 to 0.3): More focused, coherent, and conservative
outputs. Medium temperature (0.3 to 0.7): Balanced creativity and
coherence. High temperature (0.7 to 1): Highly creative and diverse but
potentially less coherent.
Example: temperature = 0.7 - If you want a fairly creative response, good
for brainstorming or idea generation.

3) Top_p This parameter, ranging between 0 and 1, controls the nucleus

sampling, a method to introduce randomness. Values closer to 1.0 make the
output more diverse and random Values closer to 0 make it more deterministic.
Example: top_p = 0.8 - If you want diverse options while generating multiple
names for a new product.

4) Presence_penalty This parameter, between -2.0 and 2.0, discourages the

model from introducing new topics. Higher values make the conversation more
focused but less interesting.
Example: presence_penalty = 0.6 - If you want the model to stick to the topic,
like discussing details of a specific project.

5) Frequency_penalty Between -2.0 and 2.0, this parameter discourages the

model from using common phrases or responses. Higher values make the output
more creative but potentially less coherent.

Example: frequency_penalty = 1.0 - If you generate a slogan or a tagline and

want it to be unique and not a common phrase.

Let’s see it in practice! Use case time: Twitter and other social media Writings
on social media need to be catchy and engaging. You should experiment with
higher creativity to stand out from the crowd. Use these settings: Temperature:
0.7 to 1 for more creative and diverse outputs. Frequency_penalty: 1 to 2 for
maximum diversity without sacrificing too much coherence. Max tokens: Set a
limit corresponding to the platform’s character limit. Creative storytelling You
should explore more diverse and imaginative outputs for creative writing or
storytelling. Experiment with these settings: Temperature: 0.7 to 1 for maximum
creativity and variety. Frequency_penalty: 1 to 2 for various unique phrases and
ideas. Max tokens: Set according to your desired story length or scene.

Here is an example of how you can craft your prompts using the

1) Focused on topic, minimal creativity Prompt: Temperature = 0.0 generate a

tweet about chatgpt Result: "ChatGPT is an advanced AI developed by OpenAI. It's
capable of understanding and generating human-like text, opening up new
possibilities for automation, content creation, and more. Explore the future of AI
with ChatGPT today."

2) Balanced creativity and coherence. Prompt: temperature = 0.7 generate a

tweet about chatgpt Result: "Discover the power of language and creativity with
ChatGPT! Harnessing advanced AI, it weaves together complex data into insightful
narratives. Dive into the realm of endless possibilities, one conversation at a time.

#ChatGPT #AI #LanguageRevolution"

3) Highly creative and diverse but potentially less coherent. Prompt: temperature
= 1.0 generate a tweet about chatgpt Result: "Unleashing the magic of words, one
byte at a time! With #ChatGPT, every conversation sparkles with intelligence and
surprises. It's like having a digital companion who's always ready for a brainstorm,
a debate, or a delightful chat. Can't wait to see where the conversation leads! #AI

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