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Centrifugal Pump eg 1

Example 1
• The blade tip velocity of a centrifugal pump is
15m/s. Water enters the impeller radially at
4m/s. If the impeller angle at exit is 65° and
assuming that radial flow is constant throughout,
(a) the Euler head
(b) the velocity at exit
(c) the entrance angles of the diffuser guide
Centrifugal Pump eg 1
Solution – step 1:
• (a) We are given U2 and f1, so the first step is to draw a diagram and add the relevant information,
so starting with the velocity diagram
U2 = 15m/s
and f1 = 4m/s = V1 = f2
• We are asked to find the Euler Head, and, since HE = (w2U2) / g we need w2

• We are also given the blade impellor exit angle = β = 65⁰, so calculating w2
w2 = U2 - f2/tan β = 15 – 4/tan 65⁰ = 15 – 1,87 = 13,13m/s

• Thus HE = (w2U2) / g = (13,13x15)/9,81 = 20,08m

Centrifugal Pump eg 1
Solution :
• (b)To find the velocity at exit, V2, we can use Pythagoras's Theorem, so

V2 = √ (f2 2+ w2 2) = √(42 +13,132) = 13,72m/s

• (c) Finally, the entrance angle of the diffuser guide vanes is γ, so

γ = tan-1(f2 / w2) = tan-1(4 / 13,13) = 16,9⁰
Centrifugal Pump eg 2
Example 2
• A centrifugal pump has an inlet diameter of 200mm and an outlet
diameter of 350mm. The impeller breadth is 90mm at inlet and 45mm at
outlet. The vane outlet angle is 30°.

• The discharge is constant at 0,18m3/s and the speed constant at 1450 rpm
(radial velocity is not constant).

• Calculate
(a) the vane angle at inlet if the flow is to enter radially
(b) the velocity head at the impeller exit
(c) the ideal pressure increase across the pump (HE)
(d) the static head at the exit of the impeller if the static head at the
inlet to the impeller is 3m.
Centrifugal Pump eg 2
Solution – step 1:
• (a) We are asked to find α, so the first step is to draw a diagram and add the
relevant information. We need to find U1 and f1 first, so using Q=A x f1 gives
f1 = Q/A1 = 0,18/(πxD1xb1) = 0,18/(πx0,2x0,09) = 3,183m/s = V1

and U1 = ωxD1 = πxNxD1 = πx1450x0,2 = 15,184m/s

2 60 60

Thus, to find α = tan-1(f1 / U1) = tan-1(3,183 / 15,184) = 11,84⁰

Centrifugal Pump eg 2
Solution :
• (b) To find the velocity head at impellor exit we need to find V2, for which we need to find w2 which means we
need f2 and U2 first, so
f2 = Q/A2 = 0,18/(πxD2xb2) = 0,18/(πx0,35x0,045) = 3,638m/s

and U2 = ωxD2 = πxNxD2 = πx1450x0,35 = 26,57m/s

2 60 60
• We are also given the blade impellor exit angle = β = 30⁰, so calculating w2
w2 = U2 - f2/tan β = 26,57 – 3,638/tan 30⁰ = 26,57 – 6,301 = 20,27m/s

Thus V2 = √ (f2 2+ w2 2) = √(3,6382 +20,272) = 20,6m/s

• Finally, since we are asked for the head at exit

h2 = V2 2/2g = 20,62/(2x9,81) = 21,62m
Centrifugal Pump eg 2
Solution :
• (c) The ideal pressure increase across the pump is the Euler
head, HE, so
HE = (w2U2) / g = (20,27x 26,57)/9,81 = 54,9m
Centrifugal Pump eg 2
Solution :
• (d) To find the static head at exit to the impellor we need to apply Bernoulli’s
Equation across the impellor with centreline as datum, so, ignoring impellor losses
p1 + V12 +Z1 +HE= p2 + V22 +Z2+ HL1-2
ρg 2g ρg 2g
3 + 3,1832 +54,9 = p2 + 20,62
2x9,81 ρg 2x9,81

Giving p2/ρg = 36,78m (or p2 = 360,9kPa)

Centrifugal Pump eg 3
Example 3
• The external diameter of the impeller of a centrifugal pump is
250mm and the internal diameter is 150mm, the corresponding
width of the impeller at this latter point being 15mm. The vane
angle at outlet makes an angle of 45° backwards to the tangent of
the impeller circle. If the radial velocity of flow is constant, the
discharge being 2,7 m3/min when the speed is 1100rpm,
• Calculate
(a) the impeller angle at inlet
(b) the angle of the guide vanes in the diffuser ring
(c) the pressure rise through the pump assuming a diffuser
ring efficiency of 60% (ignore friction).

(Meyer, C. F., 1995, p. 10)

Centrifugal Pump eg 3
Solution – step 1:
• (a) We are asked to find α, so the first step is to draw a diagram and add the
relevant information. We need to find U1 and f1 first, so using Q=A x f1 gives
f1 = Q/A1 = (2,7/60)/(πxD1xb1) = 0,18/(πx0,15x0,015) = 6,37m/s = V1= f2

and U1 = ωxD1 = πxNxD1 = πx1100x0,15 = 8,64m/s

2 60 60

Thus, to find α = tan-1(f1 / U1) = tan-1(6,37 / 8,64) = 36,4⁰

Centrifugal Pump eg 3
Solution :
• (b) We next need to find U2, so starting with the velocity diagram
U2 = ωxD2 = πxNxD2 = πx1100x0,25 = 14,4m/s
2 60 60
• We are also given the blade impellor exit angle = β = 45⁰, so calculating w2
w2 = U2 - f2/tan β = 14,4 – 6,37/tan 45⁰ = 14,4 – 6,37 = 8,03m/s

• Finally, the entrance angle of the diffuser guide vanes is γ, so

γ = tan-1(f2 / w2) = tan-1(6,37 / 8,03) = 38,42⁰
Centrifugal Pump eg 3
Solution :
• (c) We need to find the pressure rise through the pump assuming a diffuser
efficiency of 60% (not given Vd here so will use V2) and ignoring friction, so using
Bernoulli’s Equation, but first finding the Euler head and V2
HE = (w2U2) / g = (8,03x14,4)/9,81 = 11,79m
V2 = √ (f2 2+ w2 2) = √(6,372 +8,032) = 10,25m/s
p1 + V12 +Z1 +HE + 0,6xV22 = p2 + V22 +Z2+ HL1-2
ρg 2g 2g ρg 2g
p1 + 6,372 +11,79+0,6x10,252 = p2 + 10,252
ρg 2x9,81 2x9,81 ρg 2x9,81
• Thus (p2- p1)/ρg = 11,71m

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