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To our families
Sixth Edition

Derek G. Waller, BSc, DM, MB, BS, FRCP
Former Consultant Physician and Senior Clinical Lecturer
Department of Medicine
University Hospital Southampton
United Kingdom

Anthony P. Sampson, MA, PhD, FHEA, FBPhS

Professorial Fellow in Clinical Pharmacology & Director of Undergraduate Programmes
Faculty of Medicine
University of Southampton
United Kingdom

Andrew W. Hitchings, BSc, MBBS, PhD, FRCP, FFICM,

Reader in Clinical Pharmacology
St George’s, University of London
Honorary Consultant in Neurointensive Care
St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
United Kingdom

For additional online content visit

London New York Oxford Philadelphia St Louis Sydney 2022

Copyright © 2022 by Elsevier Limited. All rights reserved.
First edition 2001
Second edition 2005
Third edition 2010
Fourth edition 2014
Fifth edition 2018

The rights of Derek G. Waller, Anthony P. Sampson and Andrew W. Hitchings to be identified as
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Preface, vii SECTION 4 THE RENAL SYSTEM, 218

Drug Dosage and Nomenclature, viii
14. Diuretics, 218

15. Disorders of Micturition, 229

16. Erectile Dysfunction, 236
1. Principles of Pharmacology and Mechanisms of
Drug Action, 1

2. Pharmacokinetics, 32 SECTION 5 THE NERVOUS SYSTEM, 242

17. General Anaesthetics, 242
3. Drug Discovery, Safety and Efficacy, 62
18. Local Anaesthetics, 252
4. Neurotransmission and the Peripheral Autonomic
Nervous System, 71 19. Opioid Analgesics and the Management of Pain, 258

20. Anxiety, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and

21. Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder, 281
5. Ischaemic Heart Disease, 89
22. Depression, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity
6. Systemic and Pulmonary Hypertension, 108 Disorder and Narcolepsy, 292

7. Heart Failure and Shock, 128 23. Seizures and Epilepsy, 308

8. Cardiac Arrhythmias, 142 24. Extrapyramidal Movement Disorders and

Spasticity, 323
9. Cerebrovascular Disease and Dementia, 160
25. Other Neurological Disorders: Multiple Sclerosis,
10. Peripheral Artery Disease, 169 Motor Neuron Disease and Guillain–Barré
Syndrome, 336
11. Haemostasis, 175
26. Migraine and Other Headaches, 342


12. Asthma and Chronic Obstructive
Pulmonary Disease, 192 27. The Neuromuscular Junction and Neuromuscular
Blockade, 350
13. Respiratory Disorders: Cough, Respiratory
Stimulants, Cystic Fibrosis, Idiopathic Pulmonary 28. Myasthenia Gravis, 357
Fibrosis and Neonatal Respiratory Distress
Syndrome, 211 29. Nonsteroidal Antiinflammatory Drugs, 361


30. Rheumatoid Arthritis, Other Inflammatory 44. Corticosteroids (Glucocorticoids and

Arthritides and Osteoarthritis, 371 Mineralocorticoids), 503

31. Hyperuricaemia, Gout and Pseudogout, 383 45. Female Reproduction, 512

46. Androgens, Antiandrogens and Anabolic

Steroids, 530
47. Anaemia and Haematopoietic Colony-Stimulating
32. Nausea and Vomiting, 389 Factors, 535

33. Dyspepsia, Peptic Ulcer Disease and 48. Lipid Disorders, 545
Gastrooesophageal Reflux Disease, 397

34. Inflammatory Bowel Disease, 408 SECTION 10 THE SKIN AND EYES, 558

35. Constipation, Diarrhoea and Irritable Bowel 49. Skin Disorders, 558
Syndrome, 415
50. The Eye, 567
36. Liver Disease, 423


51. Drugs for Infections, 578


38. The Immune Response and Immunosuppressant
Drugs, 437 52. Drugs for Cancer, 630
39. Antihistamines and Allergic Disease, 450
AND METABOLISM, 457 53. Drug Toxicity and Overdose, 661

40. Diabetes Mellitus, 457 54. Substance Abuse and Dependence, 677

41. The Thyroid and Control of Metabolic Rate, 473 55. Prescribing, Adherence and Information About
Medicines, 693
42. Calcium Metabolism and Metabolic Bone
Disease, 480 56. Drug Therapy in Special Situations, 700

43. Pituitary and Hypothalamic Hormones, 491 Index, 712


The sixth edition of Medical Pharmacology and Thera- pharmacokinetic properties and unwanted effects
peutics has been revised and updated to build upon associated with individual drug classes. Example
the strengths and popular approach of previous edi- drugs are covered in depth to illustrate the common
tions. Its aim remains to provide a single volume for pharmacological characteristics of their class and to
healthcare professionals and students requiring a introduce the reader to those drugs currently in the
sound knowledge of the basic principles of clinical most widespread clinical use.
pharmacology combined with the practice of drug • A structured approach to the principles of disease
prescribing for the management of disease. management, outlining the core principles of drug
Medical Pharmacology and Therapeutics relates key choice and planning a therapeutic regimen for many
information on basic pharmacology to other relevant common diseases.
biomedical sciences in order to underpin the clini- • Drug compendia at the close of each chapter enable
cal contexts, and each disease-based chapter is then any drug encountered by the reader in day-to-day
structured to reflect the ways that relevant drugs are work or study to be placed within its drug class and
used in clinical practice. The chapters covering generic its key features related to the example drugs cov-
concepts in pharmacology and therapeutics include ered in the chapter.
sections on drug action at a cellular level, pharmaco- • An expanded section of self-assessment questions
kinetics, pharmacogenetics, drug development, drug for learning and revision of the concepts and con-
toxicity and the principles of prescribing. The sections tent in each chapter, including one-best-answer
on clinical management in each disease area have been (OBA), extended-matching-item (EMI), true-false
thoroughly revised and updated in line with best prac- and case scenario-based questions.
tice and the relevant national guidelines, including on It is our intention that the sixth edition of this book
COVID-19. will encourage readers to develop a deeper under-
Each chapter in this sixth edition retains the follow- standing of the principles of drug usage that will
ing key features: help them to become safe and effective prescribers,
• An up-to-date and succinct explanation of the major to enable them to evaluate the findings of basic and
pathogenic mechanisms of disease and consequent clinical research, to encourage them to teach and train
clinical symptoms and signs, helping the reader to others in their profession, and to develop the skills of
put into context the actions of drugs and the conse- lifelong learning that will enable them to tackle chang-
quences of their therapeutic use. ing healthcare needs and emerging threats.
• A comprehensive review of major drug classes
relevant to the disease in question. Basic pharma- DGW
cology is described with clear identification of the APS
molecular targets, clinical characteristics, important AWH

Drug Dosage and Nomenclature

(epinephrine) and noradrenaline (norepinephrine). In

this book, where the use of these agents as adminis-
In the past, the nonproprietary (generic) names of tered drugs is being described, dual names are given.
some drugs have varied from country to country, In keeping with European convention, however, adren-
leading to potential confusion. Progressively, interna- aline and noradrenaline alone are used when referring
tional agreement has been reached to rationalise these to the physiological effects of the naturally occurring
variations in names and a single recommended Inter- substances.
national Nonproprietary Name (INN) given to all
drugs. Where the previously given British Approved
Name (BAN) and the INN have differed, the INN is
now the accepted name and is used throughout this Medical knowledge is constantly changing. As new
book. information becomes available, changes in treatment,
A special case has been made for two medicinal sub- procedures, equipment and the use of drugs become
stances: adrenaline (INN: epinephrine) and noradren- necessary. The authors and the publishers have taken
aline (INN: norepinephrine). Because of the clinical care to ensure that the information given in the text is
importance of these substances and the widespread accurate and up to date. However, readers are strongly
European use and understanding of the terms adren- advised to confirm that the information, especially
aline and noradrenaline, manufacturers have been with regard to drug usage, complies with the latest
asked to continue to dual-label products adrenaline legislation and standards of practice.

SECTION 1 General Principles

Principles of Pharmacology and Mechanisms

of Drug Action 1
Chapter Outline
Studying Pharmacology 1 Partial Agonists 17
Finding Drug Information 2 Inverse Agonists 17
Receptors and Receptor-Mediated Mechanisms 2 Allosteric Modulators 17
Actions of Drugs at Binding Sites (Receptors) 3 Enzyme Inhibitors and Activators 18
Major Types of Receptors 3 Nonspecific Actions 18
Other Sites of Drug Action 10 Physiological Antagonists 18
Properties of Receptors 11 Tolerance to Drug Effects 18
Properties of Drug Action 14 Genetic Variation in Drug Responses 18
Dose–Response Relationships 14 Summary 20
Selectivity 15 Self-Assessment 20
Potency 15 Answers 20
Efficacy 15 Further Reading 21
Types of Drug Action 15 Examples of Cell Surface Receptor Families and
Agonists 16 Their Properties 22
Antagonists 16 Appendix: Student Formulary 27

Much of the success of modern medicine is based
Drugs are defined as active substances administered to on pharmacological science and its contribution to the
prevent, diagnose or treat disease, to alleviate pain and development of safe and effective pharmaceuticals.
suffering, or to extend life. Pharmacology is the study of This book is confined to pharmacology as it relates to
the effects of drugs on biological systems, with medical human medicine and aims to develop knowledge and
(or clinical) pharmacology concerned with the drugs understanding of medical pharmacology and its appli-
that doctors and some other healthcare professionals cation to therapeutics. The objectives of learning about
prescribe for their patients. The prescribing of drugs medical pharmacology and therapeutics are:
has a central role in therapeutics and gaining a good • to understand the ways that drugs work to affect
knowledge of pharmacology is essential for health pro- human systems, as a basis for safe and effective
fessionals to become safe and effective prescribers. prescribing;
Drugs may be chemically synthesised or purified • to appreciate that pharmacology must be under-
from natural sources with or without further modifica- stood in parallel with related biological and medical
tion, but their development and clinical use are based sciences, including biochemistry, physiology and
on rational evidence of efficacy and safety derived pathology;
from controlled experiments and randomised clinical • to develop numerical skills for calculating drug
trials. Drugs can be contrasted with placebos (placebo is doses and dilutions, and to enable accurate com-
Latin for ‘I will please’), defined as inactive substances parison of the relative benefits and risks of different
administered as though they are drugs, but which have drugs; and
no therapeutic effects other than pleasing the patient, • to comprehend and participate in pharmacological
providing a sense of security and progress. Pharma- research, advancing the better treatment of patients.
cology evolved on the principle of studying known The answer to the frequently asked question ‘What
quantities of purified, active substances to identify do I need to know?’ will depend upon the individ-
their specific mechanisms of action and to quantify ual requirements of the programme of study and the
their effects in a reproducible manner, usually com- examinations that will be taken. The depth and type
pared against a placebo or other control substance. of knowledge required in different areas and topics
2 SECTION 1 General Principles

will vary when progressing through the programme; in the UK and they are the key drug references for UK
for example, early in the course it may be important prescribers. They are also available as a mobile device
to know whether a drug has a narrow safety margin app (iOS and Android) from BNF Publications. Students
between its wanted and unwanted effects, and in the should become familiar at an early stage with using the
later years this may translate into detailed knowledge BNF for reference. More detailed information on indi-
of how the drug’s effects are monitored in clinical vidual drugs (the summaries of product characteristics
use. Personal enthusiasm for medical pharmacology [SPC]), patient information leaflets (PIL) and contact
is important and should be driven by the recognition details for pharmaceutical companies is available from
that prescribing medicines is the most common inter- the electronic Medicines Compendium (eMC; www
vention doctors (and increasingly other health profes-
sionals) use to improve the health of their patients.


Learning about medical pharmacology is best app­
roached using a variety of resources in a range of learn- Pharmacology describes how the physical interaction
ing scenarios and preferably in the context of basic of drug molecules with their macromolecular targets
science and therapeutics, not from memorising lists of (‘receptors’) modifies biochemical, immunological,
drug names. The following provides a useful structure physiological and pathological processes to generate
to organise the types of information that you should desired responses in cells, tissues and organs. Drugs
aim to encounter: have been designed to interact with many differ-
• the nonproprietary (generic) drug name (not the pro- ent types of macromolecules that evolved to facili-
prietary or trade name); tate endogenous signalling between cells, tissue and
• the class or group to which the drug belongs; organs, or to play key roles in the normal cellular and
• the way the drug works (its mechanism of action), physiological processes that maintain controlled con-
usually shared to variable extents by other drugs in ditions (homeostasis). Drugs may also target macro-
the same class; molecules produced by pathogens, including viruses
• the main clinical effects of the drug and hence the and bacteria. Although the term ‘receptor’ was origi-
reasons for using it (its indications); nally applied in pharmacology to describe any such
• where it fits into the overall therapeutic pathway for drug target, more commonly a receptor is now defined
that indication (its place in therapy); in biochemical terms as a molecule on the surface of a
• any reasons why the drug should not be used in a cell (or inside it) that receives an external signal and
particular situation (its contraindications); produces some type of cellular response.
• whether the drug is a prescription-only medicine The function of such a receptor can be divided typi-
(PoM) or is available over-the-counter (OTC) without cally into three main stages:
prescription; 1. The generation of a biological signal. Homeostasis
• how the drug is given (routes of administration); is maintained by communication between cells, tis-
• how its effects are quantified and its doses modified sues and organs to optimise bodily functions and
if necessary (therapeutic drug monitoring); responses to external changes. Communication is
• how the drug is absorbed, distributed, metabolised usually by signals in the form of chemical messen-
and excreted (ADME; its pharmacokinetics), particu- gers, including neurotransmitter molecules, local
larly where these show unusual characteristics; mediators or endocrine hormones. The signal mol-
• the drug’s unwanted effects, including any interac- ecule is termed a ligand because it ligates (ties) to the
tions with other drugs or foods; specialised cellular macromolecule. The cellular mac-
• whether there are nonpharmacological treatments romolecule is a receptor because it receives the ligand.
that are effective alternatives to drug treatment or 2. Cellular recognition sites (receptors). The signal is
will complement the effect of the drug. recognised by responding cells by its interaction
The Appendix at the end of this chapter provides a with a site of action, binding site or receptor, which
formulary of core members of each major drug class to may be in the cell membrane, the cytoplasm or the
give students in the early stages of training a manage- nucleus. Receptors in the cell membrane react with
able list of the drugs most likely to be encountered in extracellular ligands that cannot readily cross the
clinical practice. At the end of later chapters, a Compen- cell membrane (such as peptides). Receptors in the
dium provides a classified listing and key characteristics cytoplasm often react with lipid-soluble ligands that
of those drugs discussed within the main text of each can cross the cell membrane.
chapter and also other drugs listed in the corresponding 3. Cellular changes. Interaction of the signal and its
section of the British National Formulary (BNF). site of action in responding cells results in func-
The BNF ( and its equivalent tional changes within the cell that give rise to an
for prescribing in children, the BNFC (https://bnfc. appropriate biochemical or physiological response contain monographs for all drugs licensed to the original homeostatic stimulus. This response
Principles of Pharmacology and Mechanisms of Drug Action CHAPTER 1 3

may be cell division, a change in cellular metabolic substances are formed inside the cell, which can bring
activity or the production of substances that are about cellular molecular changes, including the open-
exported from the cell. ing of transmembrane ion channels.
Each of these three stages provides important targets • Enzyme-linked transmembrane receptors. This is a fam-
for drug action, and this chapter will outline the prin- ily of transmembrane receptors with an integral or
ciples underlying drug action mainly in stages 2 and 3. associated enzymic component, such as a kinase or
phosphatase. Activation of these enzymes produces
ACTIONS OF DRUGS AT BINDING SITES changes in cells by phosphorylating or dephosphor-
(RECEPTORS) ylating intracellular proteins, including the receptor
For very many drugs, the first step in producing a bio- itself, thereby altering their activity.
logical effect is by interaction of the drug with a recep- • Intracellular (nuclear) receptors. These receptors are
tor, either on the cell membrane or inside the cell, and it found in the nucleus or translocate to the nucleus
is this binding that triggers the cellular response. Drugs from the cytosol to modify gene transcription and
may be designed to mimic, modify or block the actions the expression of specific cellular proteins.
of endogenous ligands at that receptor. The classified
list of key receptors at the end of this chapter shows that Transmembrane Ion Channels
cell-membrane and cytosolic receptors tend to occur in Transmembrane ion channels that create pores across
different families (receptor types), reflecting their evo- phospholipid membranes are ubiquitous and allow
lution from common ancestors. Within any one family the transport of ions into and out of cells. The intracel-
of receptors, different receptor subtypes have evolved lular concentrations of ions are controlled by a combi-
to facilitate increasingly specific signalling and distinct nation of two types of ion channel:
biological effects. As might be expected, different recep- • ion pumps and transporters, which transport spe-
tor families have different characteristics, but subtypes cific ions from one side of the membrane to the other
within each family retain common family traits. in an energy-dependent manner, usually against
In pharmacology, the perfect drug would be one their concentration gradient;
that binds only to one type or subtype of receptor and • ion channels, which open to allow the selective, passive
consistently produces only the desired biological effect transfer of ions down their concentration gradients.
without the unwanted effects that can occur when Based on concentration gradients across the cell
drugs bind to a related receptor. Although this ideal is membrane:
impossible to attain, it has proved possible to develop • both Na+ and Ca2+ ions will diffuse into the cell if
drugs that bind avidly to their target receptor to pro- their channels are open, making the electrical poten-
duce their desired effect and have very much less (but tial of the cytosol more positive and causing depo-
not zero) ability to bind to other receptors, even ones larisation of excitable tissues;
within the same family, which might otherwise pro- • K+ ions will diffuse out of the cell, making the elec-
duce unwanted effects. trical potential of the cytosol more negative and
Where a drug binds to one type of receptor in pref- inhibiting depolarisation;
erence to another, it is said to show selectivity of binding • Cl− ions will diffuse into the cell, making the cytosol
or selectivity of drug action. Selectivity is never absolute more negative and inhibiting depolarisation.
but is high with some drugs and lower with others. A The two major families of ion channel are the ligand-
drug with a high degree of selectivity is likely to show gated ion channels (LGICs) and the voltage-gated ion chan-
a greater difference between the dose required for its nels (VGICs; also called ionotropic receptors). LGICs are
biological action and the dose that produces unwanted opened by the binding of a ligand, such as the neuro­
actions at other receptor types. Even a highly selec- transmitter acetylcholine, to an extracellular part of the
tive drug may produce unwanted effects if its target channel. VGICs, in contrast, are opened at particular
receptors are also found in tissues and organs other membrane potentials by voltage-sensing segments of
than those in which the drug is intended to produce its the channel. Both channel types can be targets for drug
therapeutic effect. action. Both LGICs and VGICs can control the move-
ment of a specific ion, but a single type of ion may flow
MAJOR TYPES OF RECEPTORS through more than one type of channel, including both
Despite the great structural diversity of drug mol- LGIC and VGIC types. This evolutionary complexity
ecules, most act on the following major types of recep- can be seen in the example of the multiple types of K+
tors to bring about their pharmacological effects: channel described in Chapter 8 (listed in Table 8.1).
• Transmembrane ion channels. These control the passage LGICs include nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, γ-
of ions across membranes and are widely distributed. aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptors, glycine receptors
• Seven-transmembrane (7TM) (heptahelical) receptors. This and serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine) 5-HT3 receptors.
is a large family of receptors, most of which signal via They are typically pentamers, with each subunit com-
guanine nucleotide-binding proteins (G-proteins). prising four transmembrane helices clustering around
Following activation by a ligand, second messenger a central channel or pore. Each peptide subunit is
4 SECTION 1 General Principles

N Amino end Agonist

binding site

C Extracellular

M1 M2 M3 M4

Lipid layer Cell membrane



α δ

γ α Carboxyl end

Fig. 1.2 Hypothetical seven-transmembrane (7TM) receptor. The

ACh ACh Extracellular 7TM receptor is a single polypeptide chain with its amino (N-) terminus
outside the cell membrane and its carboxyl (C-) terminus inside the cell.
The chain is folded such that it crosses the membrane seven times,
with each hydrophobic transmembrane region shown here as a thick-
ened segment. The hydrophilic extracellular loops create a confined
Intracellular three-dimensional environment in which only the appropriate ligand
can bind. Other potential ligands may be too large for the site or show
much weaker binding characteristics. Selective ligand binding causes
B conformational change in the three-dimensional form of the receptor,
which activates signalling proteins and enzymes associated with the
Fig. 1.1 The acetylcholine nicotinic receptor, a typical ligand-
intracellular loops, such as G-proteins and nucleotide cyclases.
gated transmembrane ion channel. (A) The receptor is constructed
from subunits with four transmembrane regions (M1–M4). (B) Five
subunits are assembled into the ion channel, which has two sites for
acetylcholine (ACh) binding, each formed by the extracellular domains the channel for a particular ion. Both Na+ and K+ chan-
of two adjacent subunits. On acetylcholine binding, the central pore nels are inactivated after opening; this is produced by an
undergoes conformational change that allows selective Na+ ion flow intracellular loop of the channel, which blocks the open
down its concentration gradient into the cell. C, Carboxyl terminus; N, channel from the intracellular end. The activity of VGICs
amino terminus.
may thus be modulated by drugs acting directly on the
channel, such as local anaesthetics which maintain Na+
orientated so that hydrophilic chains face towards the channels in the inactivated site by binding at an intra-
channel and hydrophobic chains towards the membrane cellular site (see Chapter 18). Drugs may also modulate
lipid bilayer. Binding of an active ligand to the receptor VGICs indirectly via intracellular signals from other
causes a conformational change in the protein and results receptors. For example, L-type Ca2+ channels are inac-
in extremely fast opening of the ion channel. The nico- tivated directly by calcium channel blockers, but also
tinic acetylcholine receptor is a good example of this type indirectly by drugs which reduce intracellular signalling
of structure (Fig. 1.1). It requires the binding of two mol- from the β1 subtype of adrenoceptors (see Fig. 5.5).
ecules of acetylcholine for channel opening, which lasts The ability of highly variable transmembrane sub-
only milliseconds because the ligand rapidly dissociates units to assemble in a number of configurations leads
and is then inactivated by acetylcholinesterase. Drugs to the existence of many different subtypes of channels
may modulate LGIC activity by binding directly to the for a single ion. For example, there are many different
channel, or indirectly by acting on G-protein–coupled voltage-gated Ca2+ channels (L, N, P/Q, R and T types).
receptors (GPCRs; discussed later), with the subsequent
intracellular events then affecting the status of the LGIC. Seven-Transmembrane Receptors
VGICs include Ca2+, Na+ and K+ channels. The K+ Also known as 7TM receptors, heptahelical receptors
channels consist of four distinct peptide subunits, each of and serpentine receptors, this family is an extremely
which has between two and six transmembrane helices; important group, as the human genome has about 750
in Ca2+ and Na+ channels there are four domains, each sequences for 7TM receptors and they are the targets
with six transmembrane helices, within a single large of over 30% of current drugs. The function of over a
protein. The pore-forming regions of the transmem- hundred 7TM receptors is still unknown. The structure
brane helices are largely responsible for the selectivity of of a hypothetical 7TM receptor is shown in Fig. 1.2; the
Principles of Pharmacology and Mechanisms of Drug Action CHAPTER 1 5

N-terminal region of the polypeptide chain is on the inactivated when the GTP is hydrolysed back to
extracellular side of the membrane, and the polypep- GDP by the GTPase, a process that is accelerated by
tide traverses the membrane seven times with helical GTPase-activating proteins (GAP).
regions, so that the C-terminus is on the inside of the • The βγ-complex. There are 5 isoforms of β-subunit
cell. The extracellular loops provide the receptor site and 12 isoforms of γ-subunit that can combine into
for an appropriate agonist (a natural ligand or a drug), dimers, the normal function of which is to inhibit the
the binding of which alters the three-dimensional con- α-subunit when the receptor is unoccupied. When
formation of the receptor protein. The intracellular the receptor is occupied by a ligand, the βγ-complex
loops are involved in coupling this conformational dissociates from the α-subunit and can itself acti-
change to the second messenger system, usually via a vate cellular enzymes, such as phospholipase C.
heterotrimeric G-protein, giving rise to the term GPCR The α-subunit–GDP and βγ-subunit then recombine
(G-protein–coupled receptor). with the receptor protein to give the inactive form of
the receptor–G-protein complex.
The G-protein system
The heterotrimeric G-protein system (Fig. 1.3) consists Second messenger systems
of α, β and γ subunits. Second messengers are the key distributors of an exter-
• The α-subunit. Eighteen different types have been nal signal, as they are released into the cytosol as a con-
identified, belonging to four families (αs, αi, αq and sequence of receptor activation and are responsible for
α12/13). The α-subunit is important because it binds affecting a wide variety of intracellular enzymes, ion
guanosine diphosphate (GDP) and guanosine tri- channels and transporters. There are two complemen-
phosphate (GTP) in its inactive and active states, tary second messenger systems: the cyclic nucleotide
respectively; it also has GTPase activity, which is system and the phosphatidylinositol system (Fig. 1.4).
involved in terminating its own activity. When an Cyclic nucleotide system. This system is based on cy-
agonist binds to the receptor, GDP (which is nor- clic nucleotides, such as:
mally present on the α-subunit) is replaced by • Cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), which is
GTP. The active α-subunit–GTP dissociates from synthesised from adenosine triphosphate (ATP) by
the βγ-subunits and can activate enzymes such as adenylyl cyclase. cAMP induces numerous cellu-
adenylyl cyclase. The α-subunit–GTP complex is lar responses by activating protein kinase A (PKA),

of GDP
E α β γ E binding E α β γ E by GTP E α β γ E


Inactive receptor

Recombination of
GDP α- and βγ-subunits
with transmembrane
receptor Dissociation


E E hydrolysis E E
α γ α γ
β β

Intracellular Intracellular Intracellular

effects effects effects
Fig. 1.3 The functioning of G-protein subunits. Ligand (agonist) binding results in replacement of guanosine diphos-
phate (GDP) on the α-subunit by guanosine triphosphate (GTP) and the dissociation of the α- and βγ-subunits, each of
which can affect a range of intracellular systems (shown as E in the figure) such as second messengers (e.g. adenylyl
cyclase and phospholipase C), or other enzymes and ion channels (see Figs. 1.4 and 1.5). Hydrolysis of GTP to GDP
inactivates the α-subunit, which then recombines with the βγ-dimer to reform the inactive receptor.
6 SECTION 1 General Principles


adenosine ribose P P P acyl glycerol P inositol P

Adenylyl Phospholipase C

acyl P inositol P
adenosine ribose
acyl glycerol
Inactivation by
Inactivation by Hydrolysis
phosphorylation to inositol
adenosine ribose P

5 - AMP
Fig. 1.4 Second messenger systems. Stimulation of G-protein–coupled receptors produces intracellular changes by
activating or inhibiting cascades of second messengers. Examples are cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), and
diacylglycerol (DAG) and inositol triphosphate (IP3) formed from phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2). See also
Fig. 1.5. ATP, Adenosine triphosphate.

which phosphorylates proteins, many of which are primarily on the nature of the Gα-subunit, as illus-
enzymes. Phosphorylation can either activate or trated in Fig. 1.5:
suppress cell activity. • Gs: Stimulation of adenylyl cyclase (increases
• Cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP), which is cAMP), activation of Ca2+ channels.
synthesised from GTP by guanylyl cyclase. cGMP • Gi/o: Inhibition of adenylyl cyclase (reduces cAMP),
exerts most of its actions through protein kinase G, inhibition of Ca2+ channels, activation of K+ channels.
which, when activated by cGMP, phosphorylates • Gq/11: Activation of phospholipase C, leading to
target proteins. DAG and IP3 signalling.
There are 10 isoforms of adenylyl cyclase in mam- • G12/13: Activation of cytoskeletal and other proteins
mals; these show different tissue distributions and via the Rho family of GTPases, which influence
could be important sites of selective drug action in the smooth muscle contraction and proliferation.
future. The cyclic nucleotide second messenger (cAMP The βγ-complex also has signalling activity: it can
or cGMP) is inactivated by hydrolysis by phospho- activate phospholipases and modulate some types of
diesterase (PDE) isoenzymes to give AMP or GMP. K+ and Ca2+ channels.
There are 12 different families of PDE isoenzymes Activation of these second messenger systems by
(Table 1.1), some of which are the targets of important G-protein subunits thus affects many cellular pro-
drug groups, including selective PDE4 inhibitors used cesses such as enzyme activity (either directly or by
in respiratory disease and PDE5 inhibitors used in altering gene transcription), contractile proteins, ion
erectile dysfunction. channels (affecting depolarisation of the cell) and cyto-
The phosphatidylinositol system. The other second kine production. The many different isoforms of Gα, Gβ
messenger system is based on inositol 1,4,5-triphos- and Gγ proteins may provide important future targets
phate (IP3) and diacylglycerol (DAG), which are syn- for selective drugs.
thesised from the membrane phospholipid phospha- It is increasingly recognised that GPCRs may assem-
tidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) by phospholipase ble into dimers of identical 7TM proteins (homodimers)
C (see Fig. 1.4). There is a number of isoenzymes of or into heterodimers of different receptor proteins; the
phospholipase C, which may be activated by the functional consequences of GPCR dimerisation and its
α-subunit–GTP or βγ-subunits of G-proteins. The main implications for drug therapy are unclear.
function of IP3 is to mobilise Ca2+ in cells. With the in-
crease in Ca2+ brought about by IP3, DAG can activate Protease-activated receptors
protein kinase C (PKC) and phosphorylate target pro- Protease-activated receptors (PARs) are GPCRs stimu-
teins. IP3 and DAG are then inactivated and converted lated unusually by a ‘tethered ligand’ located within
back to PIP2. the N terminus of the receptor itself, rather than by
Which second messenger system is activated an independent ligand. Proteolysis of the N-terminal
when a GPCR binds a selective ligand depends sequence by serine proteases such as thrombin, trypsin
Principles of Pharmacology and Mechanisms of Drug Action CHAPTER 1 7

Table 1.1 Isoenzymes of phosphodiesterase.

PDE1 cAMP + cGMP Heart, brain, lung, lymphocytes, – Atherosclerosis?
vascular smooth muscle
PDE2 cAMP + cGMP Adrenal gland, brain, heart, lung, liver, – Involved in memory?
platelets, endothelial cells
PDE3 cAMP + cGMP Heart, lung, liver, platelets, adipose Aminophylline Asthma (Chapter 12)
tissue, inflammatory cells, smooth Cilostazol Congestive heart
muscle Dipyridamole failure (Chapter 7)
Enoximone Peripheral vascular
Milrinone disease (Chapter 10)
PDE4 cAMP Sertoli cells, endothelial cells, kidney, Aminophylline Asthma, COPD
brain, heart, liver, lung, inflammatory Roflumilast (Chapter 12)
cells Inflammation
PDE5 cGMP Smooth muscle, endothelium, Sildenafil Erectile dysfunction
neurons, lung, platelets Tadalafil (Chapter 16)
Vardenafil Pulmonary hypertension
Dipyridamole (Chapter 6)
PDE6 cGMP Photoreceptors, pineal gland Sildenafil (weak) Undefined
PDE7 cAMP Skeletal muscle, heart, kidney, – Inflammation
brain, pancreas, spinal cord, (combined with
T-lymphocytes PDE4 inhibitor)?
Spinal cord injury?
PDE8 cAMP Testes, eye, liver, skeletal muscle, – Undefined
heart, kidney, ovary, brain,
PDE9 cGMP Kidney, liver, lung, brain – Undefined
PDE10 cAMP + cGMP Testes, brain, thyroid – Schizophrenia?
PDE11 cAMP + cGMP Skeletal muscle, prostate, kidney, liver, Tadalafil (weak) Undefined
pituitary and salivary glands, testes
PDE12 cAMP and Many tissue sites – Undefined
Selective inhibitors of some PDE isoenzymes are shown; methylxanthines such as caffeine, theophylline and theobromine are nonselective inhibitors of multiple PDE
cAMP, Cyclic adenosine monophosphate; cGMP, cyclic guanosine monophosphate; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; IBD, inflammatory bowel disease,
PDE, phosphodiesterase.

and tryptase enables the residual tethered ligand to polypeptide ligands (including hormones, growth fac-
bind to the receptor within the second extracellular tors and cytokines), and in having only one transmem-
loop (Fig. 1.6). To date, four protease-activated recep- brane helical region. Importantly, their intracellular
tors (PAR 1–4) have been identified, each with dis- action requires a linked enzymic domain, most com-
tinct N-terminal cleavage sites and different tethered monly an integral kinase which activates the receptor
ligands. The receptors appear to play roles in platelet itself or other proteins by phosphorylation. Activa-
activation and clotting (see Chapter 11), and in inflam- tion of enzyme-linked receptors enables binding and
mation and tissue repair. Most of the actions of PAR activation of many intracellular signalling proteins,
are mediated by Gi, Gq and G12/13. leading to changes in gene transcription and in many
cellular functions. There are five families of enzyme-
Enzyme-Linked Transmembrane Receptors linked transmembrane receptors:
Enzyme-linked receptors, most notably the receptor • Receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) family. Ligand binding
tyrosine kinases, are similar to the GPCRs in that they causes receptor dimerisation and transphosphory-
have a ligand-binding domain on the surface of the lation of tyrosine residues within the receptor itself
cell membrane; they traverse the membrane; and they and sometimes in associated cytoplasmic proteins.
have an intracellular effector region (Fig. 1.7). They dif- Up to 20 classes of RTK include receptors for growth
fer from GPCRs in their extracellular ligand-binding factors, many of which signal via proteins of the
domain, which is very large to accommodate their mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase cascade,
8 SECTION 1 General Principles

Adenylyl cyclase/ cAMP/ Protein kinases

– guanylyl cyclase cGMP (e.g., A, G)
Gi +

Receptor- Intracellular enzymes

activated Ion channels (Ca2+ and K+)
G-protein Contractile proteins

DAG Protein kinase C

Phospholipase C
Release of Ca2+
IP3 from sarcoplasmic
Fig. 1.5 The intracellular consequences of receptor activation. The second messengers, cyclic adenosine mono-
phosphate (cAMP), cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP), diacylglycerol (DAG) and inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate (IP3),
produce a number of intracellular changes, either directly or indirectly via actions on protein kinases (which phosphorylate
other proteins) or by actions on ion channels. The pathways can be activated or inhibited depending upon the type of
receptor and G-protein and the particular ligand stimulating the receptor. The effect of the same second messenger can
vary depending upon the biochemical functioning of cells in different tissues.


G-protein G-protein G-protein

Inactive receptor Protease activation Active receptor

Amino acid sequence with agonist activity

Fig. 1.6 Protease-activated receptors. These G-protein–coupled receptors are activated by proteases such as thrombin
which hydrolyse the extracellular peptide chain to expose a segment that acts as a tethered ligand (shown in red) and acti-
vates the receptor. The receptor is inactivated by phosphorylation of the intracellular (C-terminal) part of the receptor protein.

leading to effects on gene transcription, apopto- • Tyrosine phosphatase receptor family. These dephos-
sis and cell division. Several RTKs are the targets phorylate tyrosines on other transmembrane recep-
of anticancer drugs, including trastuzumab, an tors or cytoplasmic proteins; they are particularly
inhibitor of HER-2 (human epidermal growth fac- common in immune cells. Ranibizumab is a vascu-
tor receptor-2), used in metastatic breast cancer (see lar endothelial growth factor inhibitor, a receptor-
Chapter 52). linked tyrosine phosphatase, used for the treatment
Principles of Pharmacology and Mechanisms of Drug Action CHAPTER 1 9

Ligand-binding site Table 1.2 Some families of intracellular receptors.

inactive SUBTYPES
receptor Extracellular Type 1 (Cytoplasmic)
Oestrogen receptors ER (α, β)
Progesterone receptors PR (A, B)
Intracellular Androgen receptors AR (A, B)
OH Tyrosine Glucocorticoid receptor GR
residue Mineralocorticoid receptor MR
Type 2 (Nuclear)
Ligand binding
Thyroid hormone receptors TR (α1,2,3, β1,2,3)
to two receptors
Vitamin D receptor VDR
a nd a nd
L ig L ig Retinoic acid receptors RAR (α, β, γ)
Retinoid X receptors RXR (α, β, γ)
Liver X (oxysterol) receptors LXR (α, β)
Peroxisome proliferator-activated PPAR (α, β/δ, γ1,2,3)

• Receptor guanylyl cyclase family. Members of this
family catalyse the formation of cGMP from GTP
Mutual phosphorylation via a cytosolic domain; linaclotide is a guanylate
and activation cyclase 2C receptor agonist used in irritable bowel
a nd a nd
L ig L ig

Intracellular (Nuclear) Receptors

Many hormones act at intracellular receptors to pro-
duce long-term changes in cellular activity by altering
the genetic expression of enzymes, cytokines or recep-
Activation tor proteins. Such hormones are lipophilic to facilitate
of 2– 2– their movement across the cell membrane. Examples
intracellular OPO3 OPO3
include the thyroid hormones and the large group of
steroid hormones, including glucocorticoids, min-
Fig. 1.7 Enzyme-linked transmembrane receptors. This receptor eralocorticoids and the sex steroid hormones. Their
tyrosine kinase has a large extracellular domain, a single transmem- actions on DNA transcription are mediated by interac-
brane segment and an integral kinase domain. Ligand binding causes
phosphorylation of tyrosine residues on the receptor and on other tar-
tions with homo/heterodimeric intracellular receptors
get proteins, leading to intracellular changes in cell behaviour. Other (Table 1.2) either located in the cytoplasm but capa-
enzyme-linked receptors have tyrosine phosphatase, serine-threonine ble of translocating to the nucleus (types 1 and 3) or
kinase or guanylyl cyclase enzymic activity. retained within the nucleus (type 2).
The intracellular receptor typically includes a highly
conserved DNA-binding domain with zinc-containing
of age-related macular degeneration of the retina loops and a variable ligand-binding domain (Table 1.3).
(see Chapter 50). The sequence of hormone binding and action for type
• Tyrosine kinase–associated receptor family (or non–receptor 1 intracellular receptors is shown in Fig. 1.8. Type 1
tyrosine kinases). These lack integral kinase activity but receptors are typically found in an inactive form in the
activate separate kinases associated with the receptor; cytoplasm linked to chaperone proteins such as heat-
examples include inflammatory cytokine receptors shock proteins (HSPs). Binding of the hormone induces
and signalling via the JAK/Stat pathways to affect conformational change in the receptor; this causes dis-
inflammatory gene expression. Imatinib is an inhibi- sociation of the HSP and reveals a nuclear localisation
tor of ABL and other non–receptor tyrosine kinases sequence (or NLS) which enables the hormone–receptor
(nRTK) and is used in treatment of chronic myeloid complex to pass through nuclear membrane pores into
leukaemia (see Chapter 52). the nucleus. Via their DNA-binding domain, the active
• Receptor serine-threonine kinase family. Activation of hormone–receptor complexes can interact with hor-
these phosphorylates serine and threonine residues mone response elements (HRE) at numerous sites in
in target cytosolic proteins; everolimus is a serine- the genome. Binding to the HRE usually activates gene
threonine kinase inhibitor used in renal and pancre- transcription, but sometimes it silences gene expression
atic cancer. and decreases mRNA synthesis.
10 SECTION 1 General Principles

The structure of steroid hormone and increase the level of gene induction; an example
Table 1.3 is histone acetylase, which facilitates transcription by
increasing the ease of unravelling of DNA from histone
SECTION OF proteins. Co-repressors also bind to the receptor and
repress gene activation; an example is histone deacety-
A/B N-terminal variable Regulates transcriptional lase, which prevents further transcription by tighten-
domain activity
ing histone interaction with the DNA.
C DNA-binding Highly conserved; Type 2 intracellular receptors, such as the thyroid
domain (DBD) binds receptor to hormone receptors (TR) and the peroxisome prolifera-
hormone response
tor-activated receptor (PPAR) family (see Table 1.2), are
element (HRE)
in DNA by two
found within the nucleus bound to co-repressor pro-
zinc-containing teins, which are liberated by ligand binding without a
regions receptor translocation step from the cytoplasm. PPAR
D Hinge region Enables intracellular nuclear receptors function as sensors for endogenous
translocation to the fatty acids, including eicosanoids (see Chapter 29), and
nucleus regulate the expression of genes that influence meta-
E Ligand-binding Moderately conserved; bolic events.
domain (LBD) enables specific Intracellular receptors are the molecular targets of
ligand binding; 10% to 15% of marketed drugs, including steroid drugs
contains nuclear acting at type 1 receptors and other drugs acting at
localisation sequence type 2 receptors. Steroids show selectivity for differ-
(NLS); also binds ent type 1 intracellular receptors (ER, PR, AR, GR, MR;
chaperone proteins see Table 1.2), which determine the spectrum of gene
F C-terminal domain Highly variable; expression that is affected (see Chapters 14, 44, 45 and
facilitates homo- or 46). Steroid effects are also determined by the differen-
heterodimerisation tial expression of these receptors in different tissues.
Intracellular hormone–receptor complexes typically
Cell membrane
dimerise to bind to their HRE sites on DNA. Steroid
receptors form homodimers (e.g. ER–ER), whereas
most type 2 receptors form heterodimers, usually with
RXR (e.g. RAR–RXR). The thiazolidinedione drugs
used in diabetes mellitus and the fibrate class of lipid-
lowering drugs act on specific members of the PPAR
Nuclear family of type 2 receptors.
HR ST Probably every protein in the human body has the
HRE Gene potential to have its structure or activity altered by for-
eign compounds. Traditionally, all drug targets were
mRNA mRNA described pharmacologically as ‘receptors’, although
many drug targets would not be defined as receptors
Increased synthesis in biochemical terms; in addition to the receptor types
of cytokines, discussed previously, drugs may act at numerous other
enzymes, receptors Decreased synthesis
of cytokines, sites.
enzymes, receptors • Cell-membrane ion pumps. In contrast to passive dif-
Fig. 1.8 The activation of intracellular hormone receptors. Steroid fusion, primary active transport of ions against their
hormones (ST) are lipid-soluble compounds which readily cross cell concentration gradients occurs via ATP-dependent
membranes and bind to their intracellular receptors (HR). This bind-
ing displaces a chaperone protein called heat-shock protein (HSP90)
ion pumps, which may be drug targets. For exam-
and the hormone–receptor complex enters the nucleus, where it can ple, Na+/K+-ATPase in the brain is activated by the
increase or decrease gene expression by binding to hormone response anticonvulsant drug phenytoin, whereas in cardiac
elements (HRE) on DNA. Intracellular receptors for many other ligands tissue it is inhibited by digoxin; K+/H+-ATPase in
are activated in the nucleus itself. gastric parietal cells is inhibited by proton pump
inhibitors such as omeprazole.
Translocation and binding to DNA involves a vari- • Transporter (carrier) proteins. Secondary active trans-
ety of different chaperone, co-activator and co-repres- port involves carrier proteins, which transport a
sor proteins, and the system is considerably more specific ion or organic molecule across a membrane;
complex than indicated in Fig. 1.8. Co-activators are the energy for the transport derives not from a cou-
transcriptional cofactors that also bind to the receptor pled ATPase but from the co-transport of another
Principles of Pharmacology and Mechanisms of Drug Action CHAPTER 1 11

Table 1.4 Examples of enzymes as drug targets.

Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) AChE inhibitors (Chapter 27) Neostigmine, edrophonium,
Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) ACE inhibitors (Chapter 6) Captopril, perindopril, ramipril
Antithrombin (AT)III Heparin anticoagulants (ATIII enhancers) Enoxaparin, dalteparin
(Chapter 11)
Carbonic anhydrase Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors Acetazolamide
(Chapters 14, 50)
Coagulation factor Xa Direct oral inhibitors of Factor Xa (Chapter 11) Rivaroxaban
Cyclo-oxygenase (COX)-1 Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs Ibuprofen, indometacin, naproxen
(NSAIDs) (Chapter 29)
Cyclo-oxygenase (COX)-2 Selective COX-2 inhibitors (Chapter 29) Celecoxib, etoricoxib
Dihydrofolate reductase Folate antagonists (Chapters 51, 52) Trimethoprim, methotrexate
DOPA decarboxylase Peripheral decarboxylase inhibitors (PDIs) Carbidopa, benserazide
(Chapter 24)
HMG-CoA reductase Statins (HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors) Atorvastatin, rosuvastatin, simvastatin
(Chapter 48)
Monoamine oxidases (MAOs) A and B MAO-A and MAO-B inhibitors (Chapters 22, Moclobemide, selegiline
Phosphodiesterase (PDE) isoenzymes PDE inhibitors (Chapters 12, 16) Theophylline, sildenafil
(see Table 1.1)
Reverse transcriptase (RT) Nucleos(t)ide and nonnucleoside RT Zidovudine, efavirenz
inhibitors (Chapter 51)
Ribonucleotide reductase Ribonucleotide reductase inhibitor (Chapter 52) Hydroxycarbamide (hydroxyurea)
Thrombin Direct oral thrombin inhibitors (Chapter 11) Dabigatran
Viral proteases HIV/hepatitis protease inhibitors (Chapter 51) Saquinavir, boceprevir
Vitamin K epoxide reductase Coumarin anticoagulants (Chapter 11) Warfarin
Xanthine oxidase Xanthine oxidase inhibitors (Chapter 31) Allopurinol

molecule down its concentration gradient, either adhesion molecule (VCAM)-1 and is used to inhibit
in the same direction (symport) or in the opposite the autoimmune activity of lymphocytes in relapsing-
direction (antiport). Examples include: remitting multiple sclerosis (see Chapter 25). Other
• Na+/Cl− co-transport in the renal tubule, which is monoclonal antibody-based therapies are targeted at
blocked by thiazide diuretics (see Chapter 14); cellular and humoral proteins, including cytokines
• the reuptake of neurotransmitters into nerve ter- and intracellular signalling proteins to suppress
minals by a number of transporters selectively inflammatory cell proliferation, activity and recruit-
blocked by classes of antidepressant drugs (see ment in immune disease.
Chapter 22). • Organelles and structural proteins. Examples include
• Enzymes. Many drugs act on the intracellular or some antimicrobials that interfere with the func-
extracellular enzymes that synthesise or degrade the tioning of ribosomal proteins in bacteria, and some
endogenous ligands for extracellular or intracellular types of anticancer drugs that interrupt mitotic cell
receptors, or which are required for growth of bacte- division by blocking microtubule formation.
rial, viral or tumour cells. Table 1.4 provides examples The sites of action of some drugs remain unknown
of drug groups that act on enzyme targets. The PDE or poorly understood. Conversely, many receptors
isoenzymes that regulate second messenger molecules have been discovered for which the natural ligands are
are important drug targets and are listed in Table 1.1. not yet recognised; these orphan receptors may repre-
In addition to being sites of drug action, enzymes are sent targets for novel drugs when their pharmacology
involved in inactivating many drugs, while some drugs is better understood.
are administered as inactive precursors (prodrugs) that
are enzymatically activated (see Chapter 2). PROPERTIES OF RECEPTORS
• Adhesion molecules. These regulate the cell-surface inter- Receptor Binding
actions of immune cells with endothelial and other The binding of endogenous ligands and most drugs
cells. Natalizumab is a monoclonal antibody directed to their receptors is normally reversible; consequently,
against the α4-integrin component of vascular cell the intensity and duration of the intracellular changes
12 SECTION 1 General Principles

are dependent on repeated ligand–receptor interac- The ability of receptors to recognise and bind the
tions that continue for as long as the ligand molecules appropriate ligand depends on the intrinsic character-
remain in the local environment of the receptors. The istics of the chemical structure of the ligand. The for-
duration of activity of a reversible drug therefore mulae of a few ligand families that bind to different
depends mainly on its distribution and elimination receptors are shown in Fig. 1.9. Differences in structure
from the body (pharmacokinetics), which typically that determine selectivity of action between receptors
requires hours or days (see Chapter 2), not on the may be subtle, such as the those illustrated between
duration of binding of a drug molecule to its receptor, the structures of testosterone and progesterone, which
which may last only a fraction of a second. For a revers- nevertheless have markedly different hormonal effects
ible drug, the extent of drug binding to the receptor on the body due to their receptor selectivity. Receptors
(receptor occupancy) is proportional to the drug con- are protein chains folded into tertiary and quaternary
centration: the higher the concentration, the greater the structures such that the necessary arrangement of
occupancy. The interaction between a reversible ligand specific binding centres is brought together in a small
and its receptor does not involve covalent chemical volume – the receptor site (Fig. 1.10). Receptor selec-
bonds but weaker, reversible forces, such as: tivity occurs because the three-dimensional organisa-
• ionic bonding between ionisable groups in the tion of the different sites for reversible binding (such
ligand (e.g. NH3+) and the receptor (e.g. COO−); as anion and cation sites, lipid centres and hydrogen-
• hydrogen bonding between amino-, hydroxyl-, keto- bonding sites) corresponds better to the three-dimen-
and other groups in the ligand and the receptor; sional structure of the endogenous ligand than to that
• hydrophobic interactions between lipid-soluble of other ligands.
sites in the ligand and receptor; or There may be a number of subtypes of a receptor, all
• van der Waals forces, which are very weak inter- of which can bind the same ligand but which differ in
atomic attractions. their ability to recognise particular variants or deriva-
The receptor protein is not a rigid structure: bind- tives of that ligand. The different characteristics of the
ing of the ligand alters the conformation and biological receptor subtypes therefore allow a drug (or natural
properties of the protein, enabling it to trigger intracel- ligand) with a particular three-dimensional structure to
lular signalling pathways (induced fit model). Different show selective actions by recognising one receptor pref-
ligands may stabilise different conformational states erentially, with fewer unwanted effects from the stimu-
of the same receptor that are distinct from those pro- lation or blockade of related receptors. For example, α1-,
duced by the endogenous ligand. Rather than simply α2-, β1-, β2- and β3-adrenoceptors all bind adrenaline,
switching a receptor between inactive and active but isoprenaline, a synthetic derivative of adrenaline,
states, a ‘biased’ ligand may produce preferential binds selectively to the three β-adrenoceptor subtypes
receptor signalling via specific G-protein pathways or rather than the two α-adrenoceptor subtypes (see
by non–G-protein effectors, such as the family of arres- Chapter 4). As the adrenoceptor subtypes occur to a
tin proteins, leading to different cellular behaviours. different extent in different tissues, and produce differ-
Drugs may therefore have functional selectivity to gen- ent intracellular changes when stimulated or blocked,
erate different cell responses from the same receptor, in drugs can be designed that have highly selective and
addition to the classical concept of different responses localised actions. The cardioselective β-adrenoceptor
being generated by drugs acting selectively at different antagonists such as bisoprolol are selective block-
receptors. ers of the β1-adrenoceptor subtype that predominates
on cardiac smooth muscle, with much less binding to
Receptor Selectivity the β2-adrenoceptors that predominate on bronchial
There are numerous possible extracellular and intra- smooth muscle. Although ligands may have a much
cellular signals produced in the body, which can affect higher affinity for one receptor subtype over another,
many different processes. A fundamental property of a this is never absolute, so the term selective receptor
useful ligand–receptor interaction is therefore its selec- binding is preferred over specific receptor binding.
tivity, that is, the extent to which the receptor can rec- Traditionally, receptor subtypes were discovered
ognise and respond to the correct signals, represented pharmacologically when a new agonist or antagonist
by one ligand or group of related ligands. Some recep- compound was found to alter some but not all of the
tors show high selectivity and bind a single endoge- activities of a currently known receptor class. Devel-
nous ligand (e.g. acetylcholine is the only endogenous opments in molecular biology, including the Human
ligand that binds to N1 nicotinic receptors (also known Genome Project, have accelerated the recognition
as ‘ganglion-type’ or NG receptors; see Chapter 4)), and cloning of new receptors and receptor subtypes,
whereas other receptors are less selective and will bind including orphan receptors for which the natural
a number of related endogenous ligands (e.g. the β1- ligands are unknown. These developments are impor-
adrenoceptors on the heart will bind noradrenaline, tant in guiding identification of new drugs with greater
adrenaline and to some extent dopamine, all of which selectivity and fewer unwanted effects. Based on such
are catecholamines). information it is recognised that there are multiple
Principles of Pharmacology and Mechanisms of Drug Action CHAPTER 1 13

OH Adrenoceptor

CH2CH2NH2 CHCH2NH2 H-bonding Ionic centre

OH OH H-bonding
HO R centre
Dopamine Noradrenaline

5-Hydroxytryptamine (5-HT; serotonin) Muscarinic receptor


A Histamine HO
+ O V

Glycine Glutamate
Fig. 1.10 Receptor ligand-binding sites. The coloured areas are
C CH2 CH C CH2CH2CH2 schematic representations of the regions of the adrenoceptor (top) and
muscarinic receptor (bottom) responsible for binding their respective
HO COOH HO catecholamine and acetylcholine ligands. In the muscarinic receptor,
cross-sections of the seven transmembrane segments are labelled I–
Aspartate γ - Aminobutyrate VII. Different segments provide different properties (hydrogen bonding,
B (GABA) anionic site, etc.) to make up the active binding site.

responses offers the potential for individualisation of
C O the mode of treatment and selection of the optimal
drug and dosage (personalised medicine).
Drug Stereochemistry and Activity
The three-dimensional spatial organisation of recep-
tors means that the ligand must have the correct con-
Progesterone figuration to fit the receptor, analogous to fitting a
right hand into a right-handed glove. Drugs and other
O organic molecules show stereoisomerism if they con-
C Testosterone tain four different chemical groups attached to a single
Fig. 1.9 Groups of related chemicals that show selectivity for dif- carbon atom, or one or more double bonds, with the
ferent receptor subtypes in spite of similar structure. (A) Biogenic result that compounds with the same molecular for-
amines; (B) amino acids; (C) steroids. mula can exist in different three-dimensional configu-
rations. If a drug is an equal (racemic) mixture of two
stereoisomers, the stereoisomers may show different
types of most receptors, and that there is genetic varia- receptor binding characteristics and biological proper-
tion among individuals in the structures, properties ties. Most often, one stereoisomer is pharmacologically
and abundance of these receptors, which can lead to active while the other is inactive, but in some cases the
differences in drug responses (pharmacogenetic varia- inactive isomer may be responsible for the unwanted
tion; discussed later). Greater understanding of genetic effects of the racemic mixture. Alternatively, the two
differences underlying human variability in drug isomers may be active at different receptor subtypes
14 SECTION 1 General Principles

and have synergistic or even opposing actions. The dif- the dose (or concentration) against the response (plot-
ferent isomers may also show different rates of metab- ted on a linear scale) generates a sigmoid (S-shaped)
olism. As a consequence, there has been a trend for the curve. The sigmoid curve provides a number of advan-
development of single stereoisomers of drugs for ther- tages for understanding the relationship between drug
apeutic use; one of the earliest examples was the use of dose and response: a very wide range of doses can
levodopa, the levo-isomer of dihydroxyphenylalanine be accommodated easily on the graph, the plateau of
(DOPA) in Parkinson’s disease (see Chapter 24). maximal response is clearly defined, and the central
portion of the curve (between about 15% and 85% of
Receptor Numbers maximum) approximates to a straight line, allowing
The number of receptors present in, or on the surface the collection of fewer data points to delineate the rela-
of, a cell is not static. There is usually a high turnover tionship accurately.
of receptors being formed and removed continuously. Fig. 1.11 shows the relationship between drug dose
Cell-membrane receptor proteins are synthesised in (on a logarithmic X-axis) and the responses it produces
the endoplasmic reticulum and transported to the (on a linear Y-axis) at two types of adrenoceptors. In
plasma membrane. Regulation of functional receptor each case, the upward slope of the curve to the right
numbers in the membrane occurs both by transport to reflects the law that a greater number of reversible
the membrane (often as homo- or heterodimers) and molecular interactions of a drug (D) with its receptor
by removal by internalisation. The number of recep- (R), due in this case to increasing drug dose, leads to
tors within the cell membrane may be altered by the more intracellular signalling by active drug–receptor
drug being used for treatment, with either an increase complexes (DR) and hence a greater response of the
in receptor number (upregulation) or a decrease (down- cell or tissue (within biological limits). This principle
regulation) and a consequent change in the ability of the is diametrically opposed to the principle of homeopa-
drug to effect the desired therapeutic response. This thy, which argues that serially diluting a drug solution
change may be an unwanted loss of drug activity con- until there are essentially no drug molecules remain-
tributing to tolerance to the effects of the drug (e.g. opi- ing enhances its activity, a belief that is not supported
oids; see Chapter 19). As a result, increased doses may theoretically or experimentally.
be needed to maintain the same activity. Alternatively,
the change in receptor number may be an important
part of the therapeutic response itself. One example is
tricyclic antidepressants (see Chapter 22); these pro-
duce an immediate increase in the availability of mono-
amine neurotransmitters, but the therapeutic response
is associated with a subsequent, adaptive downregu-
% Maximum response

lation in monoamine receptor numbers occurring over

several weeks. Drug action at


Drug actions can show a number of important pro-
• dose–response relationship, 0
• selectivity, D1 D2 D3
• potency, Increasing dose of β-adrenoceptor agonist
(logarithmic scale)
• efficacy.

Fig. 1.11 Dose–response relationship and receptor selectivity. Each
Using a purified preparation of a single drug, it is curve shows the responses (expressed as percentage of maximum
possible to define accurately and reproducibly the on a linear vertical axis) produced by a hypothetical β-adrenoceptor
relationship between the doses of drug administered agonist drug at a range of doses shown on a logarithmic horizontal
(or concentrations applied) and the biological effects axis. Plotting the logarithmic dose allows a wide range of doses to be
shown on the same axes and transforms the dose–response relation-
(responses) at each dose. The results for an individ- ship from a hyperbolic curve to a sigmoid curve, in which the central
ual drug can be displayed on a dose–response curve. portion is close to a straight line. The two curves illustrate the relative
In many biological systems, the typical relationship selectivity of the same drug for the β1-adrenoceptor compared with the
between an increasing drug dose (or concentration in β2-adrenoceptor. At most doses the drug produces β1-adrenoceptor
plasma) and the biological response is a hyperbola, stimulation with less effect on β2-adrenoceptors. If dose D1 is 10 times
lower than dose D2, the selectivity of the drug for the β1-adrenoceptor
with the response curve rising with a gradually dimin- is tenfold higher. This selectivity diminishes at the higher end of the log
ishing slope to a plateau, which represents the maximal dose–response curve and is completely lost at a dose (D3) that pro-
biological response. Plotting instead the logarithm of duces a maximum response on both β1- and β2-adrenoceptors.
Principles of Pharmacology and Mechanisms of Drug Action CHAPTER 1 15

As drugs may act preferentially on particular receptor
types or subtypes, such as β1- and β2-adrenoceptors, it A1 A2 A2 + RA
is important to be able to quantify the degree of selec-
tivity of a drug. For example, in understanding the

Response (%)
therapeutic efficacy and unwanted effects of the bron- A3
chodilator drug salbutamol, it is important to recog- 50
nise that it is approximately 10 times more effective in
stimulating the β2-adrenoceptors in the airway smooth
muscle than the β1-adrenoceptors in the heart. A2 + IA
In pharmacological studies, selectivity is likely to
be investigated by measuring the effects of the drug 0
in vitro on different cells or tissues, each expressing Concentration of agonist (logarithmic scale)
only one of the receptors of interest. Comparison of the
two log dose–response curves in Fig. 1.11 shows that Fig. 1.12 Concentration–response curves for agonists in the absence
and presence of competitive and noncompetitive antagonists.
for any given level of response, smaller doses of the Responses are plotted at different concentrations of two different full
drug being tested are required to stimulate the β1- agonists (A1 being more potent than A2) and also a partial agonist (A3),
adrenoceptor compared with those required to stimu- which is unable to produce a maximal response even at high concen-
late the β2-adrenoceptor; the drug is therefore said to trations. Responses are also shown for the full agonist A2 in the pres-
ence of a fixed concentration of a competitive (reversible) antagonist
have selectivity of action at the β1-adrenoceptor. An
(RA) or a fixed concentration of a noncompetitive (irreversible) antago-
example is dobutamine, which is used to selectively nist (IA). The competitive antagonist reduces the potency of agonist A2
stimulate β1-adrenoceptors on the heart in acute heart (the curve is shifted parallel to the right), but high concentrations of A2
failure. The degree of receptor selectivity is given by can surmount the effects of the competitive antagonist and produce a
the ratio of the doses of the drug required to produce a maximal response. A noncompetitive antagonist reduces agonist activ-
ity either by irreversibly blocking the agonist binding site, or by changing
given level of response via each receptor type. It is clear
its conformation by binding reversibly or irreversibly at an allosteric site.
from Fig. 1.11 that the ratio is highly dose-dependent Unlike competitive antagonists, a noncompetitive antagonist reduces
and that the selectivity disappears at extremely high the maximal response even at high agonist concentrations, as shown
drug doses because the dose then produces the maxi- in the curve A2 + IA compared with A2 alone.
mal response of which the biological tissue is capable.

POTENCY response mechanism, but also on pharmacokinetic

The potency of a drug in vitro is largely determined by variables that determine the delivery of the drug to its
the strength of its binding to the receptor, which is a site of receptor action (see Chapter 2). Therefore the
reflection of the receptor affinity, and by the inherent abil- relative potencies of related drugs in vivo may not
ity of the drug/receptor complex to elicit downstream directly reflect their in vitro receptor-binding properties.
signalling events. The more potent a drug, the lower the
concentration needed to give a specified response. In EFFICACY
Fig. 1.12, drug A1 is more potent than drug A2 because it The efficacy of a drug is its ability to produce the
produces a specified level of response at a lower concen- maximal response possible for a particular biological
tration. It is important to recognise that potencies of dif- system and relates to the extent of functional change
ferent drugs are compared using the doses required to that can be imparted to the receptor by the drug, based
produce (or block) the same response (often chosen arbi- on its affinity for the receptor and its ability to induce
trarily as 50% of the maximal response). The straight- receptor signalling (discussed later). Drug efficacy is
line segments of log dose–response curves are usually arguably of greater clinical importance than potency
parallel for drugs that share a common mechanism of because a greater therapeutic benefit may be obtained
action, so the potency ratio is broadly the same at most with a more efficacious drug, whereas a more potent
response values – for example, at 20%, 50% or 80%, but drug may merely allow a smaller dose to be given for
not at 100% response. A drug concentration sufficient to the same clinical benefit. In turn, efficacy and potency
produce half of the greatest response achievable by that need to be balanced against drug toxicity to produce
drug is described as its EC50 (the effective concentration the best balance of benefit and risk for the patient. Drug
for 50% of the maximal response). The EC50 (or ED50 if toxicity and safety are discussed in Chapters 3 and 53.
drug dose is considered) is a convenient way to compare
the potencies of similar drugs: the lower the EC50 (or
ED50), the more potent the drug.
In vivo, the potency of a drug, defined as the dose of Drugs can be classified by their receptor action as:
the drug required to produce a desired clinical effect, • agonists,
depends not only on its affinity for the receptor, the • antagonists,
receptor number and the efficiency of the stimulus– • partial agonists,
16 SECTION 1 General Principles

• inverse agonists, Spare Receptors

• allosteric modulators, Some full agonists that have relatively low intrinsic
• enzyme inhibitors or activators, activity may have to occupy all the available recep-
• nonspecific, or tors to produce a maximal response. However, many
• physiological antagonists. full agonists have sufficient affinity and intrinsic activ-
ity that the maximal response can be produced even
AGONISTS though many receptors remain unoccupied; that is,
An agonist, whether a therapeutic drug or an endog- there may be spare receptors (or a receptor reserve). The
enous ligand, binds to the receptor or site of action and concept of spare receptors does not imply a distinct
changes the conformation of the receptor to its active pool of permanently redundant receptors, only that a
state, leading to signalling via second messenger path- proportion of the receptor population is unoccupied at
ways. An agonist shows both affinity (the strength a particular point in time. Spare receptors may func-
of binding for the receptor) and intrinsic activity (the tion to enhance the speed of cellular response because
extent of conformational change imparted to the recep- an excess of available receptors reduces the distance
tor leading to receptor signalling). Drugs differ in their and therefore the time that a ligand molecule needs to
affinity and intrinsic activity at the same receptor, as diffuse to find an unoccupied receptor; an example is
well as between different receptors. the excess of acetylcholine nicotinic N2 receptors (also
Agonists are traditionally divided into two main known as ‘muscle-type’ or NM receptors) that contrib-
groups (see Fig. 1.12): utes to fast synaptic transmission in the neuromuscu-
• full agonists (curves A1 and A2), which give an lar junction (see Chapter 27).
increase in response with an increase in concen- The concept of spare receptors is also helpful when
tration until the maximum possible response is considering changes in receptor numbers during chronic
obtained for that system; treatment, particularly receptor downregulation. As
• partial agonists (curve A3), which also give an maximal responses are often produced at drug concen-
increase in response with increase in concentration trations that do not attain 100% receptor occupancy, the
but cannot produce the maximum possible response same maximal response may still be produced when
in the system. receptor numbers are downregulated, but only with
The reasons for this difference, and also a third higher percentage occupancy of the reduced number of
group of agonists (inverse agonists), are described as receptors. If receptors are downregulated still further,
follows. the number remaining may be insufficient to generate
a maximal response. Receptor downregulation may
Affinity and Intrinsic Activity therefore contribute to a decline in responsiveness to
The affinity of a drug is related to the aggregate strength some drugs during chronic treatment (drug tolerance).
of the molecular interactions between the drug and its
receptor site of action, which determines the relative ANTAGONISTS
rates of drug binding and dissociation. The higher the Pharmacological antagonists (often called ‘blockers’)
affinity, the lower the drug concentration required to reduce the activity of an agonist at the same receptor, and
occupy a given fraction of receptors. Affinity therefore can be contrasted with physiological antagonists (dis-
determines the drug concentration necessary to pro- cussed later) that act at another type of receptor or at other
duce a certain response and is directly related to the sites of action to oppose the physiological response to the
potency of the drug. In Fig. 1.12, drug A1 is more potent agonist. Pharmacological antagonists can be competitive
than drug A2, but both can produce a maximal response (surmountable) or noncompetitive (non-surmountable).
(they have the same efficacy as they are full agonists). A competitive antagonist binds reversibly to the
Intrinsic activity describes the ability of the bound ligand binding site of a receptor, either alone or in
drug to induce the conformational changes in the recep- competition with a drug agonist or natural ligand.
tor that induce receptor signalling. Although affinity It therefore must have affinity for the ligand binding
is a prerequisite for binding to a receptor, a drug may site (which may be as high as that of any agonist), but
bind with high affinity but have low intrinsic activity. it has zero intrinsic activity. It therefore cannot cause
A drug with zero intrinsic activity is an antagonist (as the conformational change that converts the receptor
discussed later). to its active state and induces intracellular signalling.
It should be noted that the rate of binding and rate The antagonist will, however, competitively impair
of dissociation of a reversible drug at its receptor are of access of agonist molecules to the ligand binding site
negligible importance in determining its rate of onset and thereby reduce receptor activation. The presence
or duration of effect in vivo, because these depend of a competitive antagonist may only be detectable
mainly on the rates of delivery of the drug to, and by its impairment of agonist activity, and the extent
removal from, the target organ; that is, on the overall of antagonism will depend on the relative amounts of
absorption, distribution and elimination rates of the agonist and antagonist. For example, β1-adrenoceptor
drug from the body (see Chapter 2). antagonists lower the heart rate markedly only when
Principles of Pharmacology and Mechanisms of Drug Action CHAPTER 1 17

it is already elevated by endogenous agonists such as or zero, but block receptor activity when endogenous
adrenaline and noradrenaline. The reversible binding ligand levels are high.
of competitive antagonists means that the receptor
blockade can be overcome (surmounted) by an increase INVERSE AGONISTS
in the concentration of an agonist. Therefore competi- The previously provided definitions of agonists, par-
tive antagonist drugs move the dose–response curve tial agonists and antagonists reflect the classical model
for an agonist in a parallel fashion to the right but do of drug–receptor interactions, in which an unoccupied
not alter the maximum possible response at high ago- receptor has no signalling activity. It is now recognised
nist concentrations (as shown in curve A2 + RA when that many GPCRs show constitutive signalling inde-
compared with A2 alone in Fig. 1.12). pendently of an agonist. Inverse agonists were first rec-
Noncompetitive antagonists either bind to the recep- ognised when some compounds were found to show
tor irreversibly (covalently) at the ligand binding site, negative intrinsic activity: they acted alone on unoc-
denying access to the agonist, or they change the con- cupied receptors to produce a change opposite to that
formation of the receptor by binding reversibly or irre- caused by an agonist. Inverse agonists shift the recep-
versibly at another site (allosteric binding), producing tor equilibrium towards the inactive state, thereby
conformational changes that impede the ability of the reducing the level of spontaneous receptor activity.
agonist to access its binding site or that block the confor- An inverse agonist can be distinguished from the typi-
mational changes in the receptor needed for intracellular cal antagonists discussed previously, which, on their
signalling. In either case, the effects of noncompetitive own, bind to the receptor without affecting receptor
antagonists cannot be negated (surmounted) by compe- signalling, as they have zero intrinsic activity (‘neutral’
tition from the agonist, so they reduce the magnitude or ‘silent’ antagonists). The action of a neutral antago-
of the maximum response that can be produced by any nist depends on depriving the access of agonists to the
concentration of agonist (as shown by curve A2 + IA in receptor; a neutral antagonist can therefore block the
Fig. 1.12). A noncompetitive antagonist will also cause a effects of either a positive or inverse agonist at a recep-
rightward shift of the agonist log dose–response curve tor with spontaneous signalling activity.
if there is no reserve of spare receptors. The role of inverse agonism in the therapeutic effects
Like agonists, antagonists exhibit varying degrees of of drugs remains to be fully elucidated, but a number
selectivity of action. For example, phenoxybenzamine of drugs exhibit this type of activity (Table 1.5). The
is an antagonist which blocks the ligand binding site of same drug may even show a mixed pattern of full or
α-adrenoceptors, but not that of β-adrenoceptors. Con- partial agonism, inverse agonism or antagonism at dif-
versely, propranolol is an antagonist of β-adrenoceptors, ferent receptors. Some drugs (e.g. some β-adrenoceptor
but not α-adrenoceptors. Bisoprolol is further selective antagonists) can act as neutral antagonists at a receptor
for the β1-adrenoceptor subtype and has less blocking in one tissue and as inverse agonists when the same
action at β2-adrenoceptors (or α-adrenoceptors). receptor is expressed in a different tissue, probably due
to association of the receptor with different G-proteins.
An agonist that is unable to produce a maximal ALLOSTERIC MODULATORS
response is a partial agonist (e.g. drug A3 in Fig. 1.12). Allosteric modulation has been described previously
Even maximal occupancy of all available receptors pro- in the context of one type of noncompetitive antago-
duces only a submaximal response due to low intrin- nist, which does not compete directly with an agonist
sic activity of the partial agonist, for example because for access to the ligand binding site (also called the
of incomplete amplification of the receptor signal via
the G-proteins. Despite their name, partial agonists  
Examples of drugs with inverse agonist
can be considered to have both agonist and antago- Table 1.5
nist properties, depending on the presence and type
of other ligands. A partial agonist usually shows weak
agonist activity in the absence of another ligand, and α1-Adrenoceptor Prazosin, terazosin
such partial agonism can be blocked by an antagonist. β1-Adrenoceptor Metoprolol, carvedilol, propranolol
But in the presence of a full agonist, a partial agonist Angiotensin II Losartan, candesartan, irbesartan
will behave as a weak antagonist because it prevents receptor (AT1)
access to the receptor of a molecule with higher intrin- Cysteinyl-leukotriene Montelukast
sic ability to initiate receptor signalling; this results (CysLT1)
in a reduced response. Partial agonism is responsible Dopamine (D2) Haloperidol, clozapine, olanzapine
for the therapeutic efficacy of several drugs, includ- Histamine (H1) Cetirizine, loratadine
ing buspirone, buprenorphine, pindolol and salbuta- Histamine (H2) Cimetidine, ranitidine, famotidine
mol. These drugs can act as stabilisers of the variable Muscarinic (M1) Pirenzepine
activity of the natural ligand, as they enhance receptor
Opioid (µ, MOR) Naloxone, naltrexone
activity when the endogenous ligand levels are low
18 SECTION 1 General Principles

orthosteric site), but binds to a different (allosteric) at the drug receptor. Pharmacokinetic effects are dis-
site. Allosteric modulation changes receptor activity cussed in Chapter 2; some drugs stimulate their own
by altering the conformation of the orthosteric binding metabolism, so they are eliminated more rapidly on
site or of sites involved in intracellular signalling. Allo- repeated dosing, and lower concentrations of the drug
steric modulators can also enhance the binding of the are available to produce a response.
natural ligand or other drugs to the receptor or enhance Most clinically important examples of tolerance arise
their propensity to induce receptor signalling. In some from pharmacodynamic changes in receptor numbers
cases, an allosteric modulator may not bind to the allo- and in concentration–response relationships. Desensitisa-
steric site (or only bind poorly) in the absence of the tion is used to describe both long- and short-term changes
agonist, but its allosteric binding increases when bind- arising from a decrease in response of the receptor. Desen-
ing of the agonist to the orthosteric site alters receptor sitisation can occur by a number of mechanisms:
conformation. An example of allosteric modulators is • decreased receptor numbers (downregulation), due
the family of benzodiazepine anxiolytic drugs, which to decreased transcriptional expression or receptor
allosterically alter the affinity of chloride channels for internalisation;
the neurotransmitter ligand GABA and enhance its • decreased receptor binding affinity;
inhibitory activity on neurons (see Chapter 20). • decreased G-protein coupling;
• modulation of the downstream response to the ini-
The site of action of many drugs is an enzyme, which GPCRs can show rapid desensitisation (within
may be an intracellular or cell-surface enzyme or one minutes) during continued activation, which occurs
found in plasma or other body fluids. Such drugs act through three mechanisms:
reversibly or irreversibly either on the catalytic site or at • Homologous desensitisation. The enzymes activated
an allosteric site on the enzyme to modulate its catalytic following selective binding of an agonist to its
activity; most often the effect is inhibition. Important receptor–G-protein complex include G-protein–
examples of enzyme inhibitors are shown in Table 1.4. coupled receptor kinases (GRKs), which interact
An example of an enzyme activator is heparin, which with the βγ-subunit of the G-protein and inactivate
enhances the activity of antithrombin III, a protease the occupied receptor protein by phosphorylation; a
that regulates the activity of the coagulation pathway. related peptide, arrestin-2, enhances the GRK-medi-
ated desensitisation of the GPCR and may itself acti-
NONSPECIFIC ACTIONS vate distinct cell signalling pathways.
A few drugs produce their desired therapeutic outcome • Heterologous desensitisation. Also known as cross-
without interaction with a specific site of action on a pro- desensitisation, this occurs when an agonist at one
tein; for example, the diuretic mannitol exerts an osmotic receptor causes loss of sensitivity to other agonists.
effect in the lumen of the kidney tubule, which reduces The agonist increases intracellular cAMP which acti-
reabsorption of water into the blood (see Chapter 14). vates PKA or PKC; these phosphorylate the cross-
desensitised receptors (whether occupied or not),
PHYSIOLOGICAL ANTAGONISTS and members of the arrestin family prevent them
Physiological antagonism is said to occur when a drug from coupling with G-proteins. Other mechanisms
has a physiological effect opposing that of an agonist of heterologous desensitisation exist.
but without binding to the same receptor. The increase • Receptor internalisation. Internalisation can occur
in heart rate produced by a β1-adrenoceptor agonist, within minutes when constant activation of a GPCR
an effect which mimics the action of the sympathetic makes the receptor unavailable for further agonist
autonomic nervous system, can be blocked pharma- action by uncoupling the G-protein from the receptor.
cologically with an antagonist at β1-adrenoceptors The phosphorylated receptor protein is endocytosed
or physiologically by a muscarinic receptor agonist, and may undergo intracellular dephosphorylation
which mimics the opposing (parasympathetic) auto- prior to re-entering the cytoplasmic membrane.
nomic nervous system. The site of action of the physi- Downstream modulation of the signal may also occur
ological antagonist may be on a different cell, tissue or through feedback mechanisms or simply through deple-
organ than that of the agonist. tion of some essential cofactor. An example of the latter is
the depletion of the thiol (-SH or sulfydryl) groups nec-
essary for the generation of nitric oxide during chronic
TOLERANCE TO DRUG EFFECTS administration of organic nitrates (see Chapter 5).
Tolerance to drug effects is defined as a decrease in
response to repeated doses, often necessitating an
increase in dosage to maintain an adequate clinical
response. Tolerance may occur through pharmacoki- Biological characteristics, including responses to drug
netic changes in the concentrations of a drug available administration, vary among individuals, and genetic
at the receptor or through pharmacodynamic changes differences can contribute to these interindividual
Principles of Pharmacology and Mechanisms of Drug Action CHAPTER 1 19

Gaussian distribution of response Polymorphic distribution of response

Number of subjects

Number of subjects
A Response B Response

Fig. 1.13 Interindividual variation in response. The graphs show the numbers of individual subjects in a population
plotted against their varying levels of response to a single dose of a drug. (A) In the unimodal distribution, most individuals
show a middling response and the overall shape is a normal (Gaussian) distribution. Part of this variability may result from
polymorphism in multiple genes encoding drug receptors and proteins involved in the drug’s absorption and elimination.
(B) The bimodal distribution shows discrete responder and nonresponder subgroups, possibly due to a single genetic
polymorphism in a drug receptor or drug-metabolising enzyme.

variations. For most drugs, the nature of the response genome-wide approaches that define the presence of
is broadly similar in different individuals, but the single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) which affect
magnitude of the response to the same dose can differ the activity of the gene product. Molecular biological
markedly, at least partly due to genetic factors. Such techniques have predicted more than 3 million SNPs
variability creates the need to individualise drug dos- in the human genome. SNPs can be:
ages for different people. • in the upstream regulatory sequence of a coding
Drug responses may follow a unimodal (Gaussian) gene, which can result in increased or decreased
distribution, reflecting the aggregate of many small expression of the gene product (this product remains
genetic variations in receptors, enzymes or transporters identical to the normal or ‘wild-type’ gene product);
that respond to or handle the drug (Fig. 1.13A). Genetic • in the coding region of the gene resulting in a gene
variation may also give rise to discrete subpopulations product with an altered amino acid sequence (this
of individuals in which a drug shows distinctly differ- may have higher activity, although this is unlikely;
ent responses (see Fig. 1.13B), such that some individu- similar activity; lower activity; or no activity at all,
als may have no response to a standard dose, whereas compared with the wild-type protein);
others show toxicity. Understanding genetic variation • inactive, because they are in noncoding or non-
is of increasing importance in drug development (see regulatory regions of the genome, or, if in a coding
Chapter 3) because it allows the possibility of genetic region, because the base change does not alter the
screening to optimise drug and dosage selection (per- amino acid encoded, due to the redundancy of the
sonalised or individualised medicine). genetic code.
Pharmacogenetics has been defined as the study of There is still a major challenge in defining the func-
genetic variation that results in differing responses to tional consequences of the large numbers of identified
drugs. Such variation may arise from genetic factors SNPs (functional genomics), particularly in the context
that alter the structure, expression or regulation of drug of combinations of genetic variants (haplotypes). Such
targets (pharmacodynamic effects) or that change the studies often require very large numbers of subjects to
metabolic fates of drugs in the body, usually by alter- allow comparison of function in multiple, small haplo-
ing proteins involved in their absorption, distribution type subgroups.
or elimination (pharmacokinetic effects, discussed in Rapid advances in molecular biology have allowed
Chapter 2). Pharmacogenetic research has been under- analysis of interindividual differences in the sequences
taken for many decades, largely in relation to variability of many genes encoding drug receptors and proteins
in vivo, and has often used classic genetic techniques involved in drug metabolism and transport. Polymor-
such as studies of patterns of inheritance in twins. phism in the latter is likely to have the greatest impact
Pharmacogenomics has been defined as the investi- on dosage selection (see Chapter 2), whilst polymor-
gation of variation in DNA and RNA characteristics phism in drug targets may be more important in deter-
related to drug response, and the term refers mainly to mining the optimal drug for a particular condition.
20 SECTION 1 General Principles

For example, genetic variation in angiotensin AT1 of the complexity of receptor pharmacology and
receptors, β1-adrenoceptors and Ca2+ ion channels improvements in drug selectivity offer the promise of
may determine the relative effectiveness of angioten- safer drugs in the future, especially when information
sin II receptor antagonists, β-adrenoceptor antagonists on genetic variation is more routinely available.
(β-blockers) and calcium channel blockers in the treat-
ment of primary hypertension.
In practice, although genetic polymorphism has
been reported in many receptor types and these have Each chapter includes a self-assessment section with varied
been a major focus of research in relation to the aetiol- question types including True/False questions, One-Best-
ogy of disease, relatively few studies to date have dem- Answer (OBA) questions, Extended-Matching-Items (EMI)
onstrated a clear influence on drug responses. Common questions and Case-Based questions, followed by the correct
polymorphisms have been identified in the human β2- answer and an explanation.
adrenoceptor gene ADRB2, and certain variants have
been associated with differences in receptor downreg- TRUE/FALSE QUESTIONS
ulation and loss of therapeutic response in people with 1. Clinical pharmacology is the study of drugs that
asthma while using β2-adrenoceptor agonist inhalers doctors use to treat disease.
(see Chapter 12). The clinical response in people with 2. Drugs always act at receptors on the external sur-
asthma to treatment with leukotriene modulator drugs face of cells.
is influenced by genetic polymorphism in enzymes of 3. Diluting drugs enhances their pharmacological
the leukotriene (5-lipoxygenase) pathway. Variants in effects.
the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), an RTK, 4. Drugs produce permanent biochemical changes in
in non–small-cell lung cancer strongly predict tumour their receptors.
response to EGFR inhibitors such as gefitinib. Such 5. Plotting the dose of a drug (or its plasma concen-
examples support genotyping, particularly of tumour tration) against drug response usually produces a
tissue, to target drug treatments to those individuals sigmoid curve.
most likely to respond. 6. The EC50 is the concentration of drug that produces
Conversely, pharmacogenetic information may be a half-maximal response.
used to avoid a particular treatment in people likely to 7. On a log dose–response plot, the drug with a curve
experience serious adverse reactions to a specific drug. to the right is more potent than a drug with a curve
Variation in human leucocyte antigen (HLA) genes has on the left.
been associated with adverse skin and liver reactions 8. A receptor antagonist is defined as a drug with
to several drugs, including abacavir, an antiretroviral zero affinity for the receptor.
drug used in HIV infection. 9. A competitive antagonist shifts the log dose–
Compared with pharmacodynamic targets, genetic response curve of an agonist to the right, without
variation has been more extensively characterised in affecting the maximal response.
drug-metabolising enzymes, particularly in cytochrome 10. A partial agonist is one that, even at its highest
P450 isoenzymes and others involved in glucuronida- dose, cannot achieve the same maximal response
tion, acetylation and methylation. Gene variations in as a full agonist at the same receptor.
drug-metabolising enzymes are discussed at the end 11. A full agonist achieves a maximal response when
of Chapter 2. Detailed information on human geno- all its receptors are occupied.
typic variation can be found in the Online Mendelian 12. Changes in receptor numbers can cause tolerance
Inheritance in Man (OMIM) database (www.ncbi.nlm to drug effects. Therapeutic exploitation of genotypic
differences will require specific information about indi- ONE-BEST-ANSWER (OBA) QUESTION
viduals based on detailed genetic testing. Until such 1. What type of molecular interaction is distinctive of a
genetic information is routinely incorporated in clini- drug binding irreversibly to a receptor?
cal trials, careful monitoring of clinical response will A. Covalent bonding
remain the best guide to successful treatment. B. Ionic bonding
C. Hydrogen bonding
D. Hydrophobic interaction
SUMMARY E. Van der Waals forces
The therapeutic benefits of drugs arise from their abil-
ity to interact selectively with target receptors, most of ANSWERS
which are regulatory molecules involved in the con-
trol of cellular and systemic functions by endogenous TRUE/FALSE ANSWERS
ligands. Drugs may also cause unwanted effects and 1. True. Clinical pharmacology also deals with drugs
judging the balance of benefit and risk is at the heart used in disease prevention and diagnosis, and in the
of safe and effective prescribing. Increasing knowledge alleviation of pain and suffering.
Principles of Pharmacology and Mechanisms of Drug Action CHAPTER 1 21

2. False. Although many types of receptors are occupied; the unoccupied receptors are termed
found in cell membranes, including ion channels, ‘spare receptors.’
GPCRs and tyrosine kinase receptors, other drug 12. True. Tolerance may be caused by desensitisation,
targets, including steroid receptors and many internalisation or downregulation of receptors,
enzymes (e.g. cyclo-oxygenase, PDE), are intracel- requiring higher drug doses to maintain the same
lular and others are humoral, such as thrombin in response. Tolerance also often results from enhanced
plasma. drug elimination that alters the concentrations of
3. False. The relationship between the dose or con- drugs available to interact with the receptor.
centration of a drug and the response may be com-
plex but is typically dependent on the number of OBA ANSWER
interactions between the drug molecules and their 1. Answer A is correct. Drugs may interact reversibly
molecular target, a consequence of the law of mass with their binding sites on a receptor by ionic bond-
action, and so are usually greater at higher drug ing, hydrogen bonding, hydrophobic bonding and
concentrations, within biological limits. van der Waals forces, but covalent bonds produce
4. False. Molecular interactions between most drugs irreversible binding.
and their receptors are transient, and the con-
formational changes induced in the receptor are FURTHER READING
reversible. Armstrong, J.F, Faccenda, E., Harding, S.D., Pawson, A.J., Southan,
5. False. Plotting drug dose or plasma concentration C., Sharman, J.L., et al., 2019. The IUPHAR/BPS guide to
against response typically produces a hyperbola. A pharmacology in 2020: extending immunopharmacology
sigmoid (S-shaped) curve is produced by plotting content and introducing the IUPHAR/MMV guide to malaria
pharmacology. Nucl. Acids Res. 48 (D1), D1006–D1021.
the logarithm of dose or concentration against the Audi, S., Burrage, D.R., Lonsdale, D.O., et al., 2018. The ‘top 100’
response. drugs and classes in England: an updated ‘starter formulary’
6. True. The EC50 (or ED50) is the concentration (or for trainee prescribers. Br. J. Clin. Pharmacol. 84, 2562–2571.
dose) effective in producing 50% of the maximal Katritch, V., Cherezov, V., Stevens, R.C., 2012. Diversity and
response and is a convenient way of comparing modularity of G protein-coupled receptor structures. Trends
Pharmacol. Sci. 33, 17–27.
drug potencies. Kenakin, T., 2004. Principles: receptor theory in pharmacology.
7. False. A drug with its log dose–response curve to Trends Pharmacol. Sci. 25, 186–192.
the left is the more potent, as it produces a given Keravis, T., Lugnier, C., 2012. Cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase
level of response at a lower dose. (PDE) isozymes as targets of the intracellular signalling
8. False. A full (‘neutral’ or ‘silent’) antagonist must network: benefits of PDE inhibitors in various diseases and
perspectives for future therapeutic developments. Br. J.
have affinity to bind to its receptor, but it has zero Pharmacol. 165, 1288–1305.
intrinsic ability to activate the receptor. Partial Khilnani, G., Khilnani, A.J., 2011. Inverse agonism and its
agonists can also have an antagonist effect in the therapeutic significance. Indian J. Pharmacol. 43, 492–501.
presence of a full agonist. Receptors with inherent Luttrell, L.M., 2014. More than just a hammer: ligand ‘bias’ and
signalling activity, even when unoccupied, can be pharmaceutical discovery. Mol. Endocrinol. 28, 281–294.
Maxwell, S., Walley, T., 2003. Teaching safe and effective
antagonised by inverse agonists. prescribing in UK medical schools: a core curriculum for
9. True. A fixed dose of a competitive antagonist tomorrow’s doctors. Br. J. Clin. Pharmacol. 55, 496–503.
shifts the log dose–response curve of the agonist to Odoemelam, C.S., Percival, B., Wallis, H., Chang, M-W, Ahmad,
the right in a parallel fashion; it can be surmounted Z., et al., 2020. G-protein coupled receptors: structure and
by increasing the dose of agonist, so that the same function in drug discovery. RSC Adv. 10, 36337–36348.
Rosenbaum, D.M., Rasmussen, S.G.F., Kobilka, B.K., 2009.
maximal response can be achieved. The structure and function of G-protein-coupled receptors.
10. True. A partial agonist has low intrinsic ability to Nature 459, 356–363.
induce conformational change in the receptor, so it Schöneberg, T., Kleinau, G., Brüser, A., 2016. What are they
does not elicit a maximal response even with full waiting for? Tethered agonism in G protein-coupled receptors.
receptor occupancy. Pharmacol. Res. 108, 9–15.
Wang, L., McLeod, H.L., Weinshilboum, R.M., 2011. Genomics
11. False. Many full agonists are able to elicit a maxi- and drug response. N. Engl. J. Med. 364, 1144–1153.
mal response when less than 100% of receptors are
22 SECTION 1 General Principles

Examples of Cell Surface Receptor Families and Their Properties.

This is a reference list of members of important families of GPCRs, LGICs and VGICs, many of which are therapeutic drug targets.
Examples of agonists and antagonists are also shown; these include endogenous ligands and some drugs not currently in clinical
use. For further information see the relevant sections of Armstrong, J.F., et al. 2019. The IUPHAR/BPS Guide to Pharmacology in
2020: extending immunopharmacology content and introducing the IUPHAR/MMV guide to malaria pharmacology. Nucl. Acids Res.
48 (D1), D1006-D1021. For examples of important intracellular receptors and enzymes targeted by therapeutic drugs, see Tables 1.2
and 1.4.
G-Protein–Coupled Receptors (GPCRs)
M1 CNS, salivary, gastric; Gq Neurotransmission Nonselective for all M Pirenzepine
minor role in in CNS, gastric receptors: carbachol Nonselective for
autonomic ganglia secretion all M receptors:
M2 Heart, CNS Gi Bradycardia, smooth
muscle contraction
(GI tract, airways,
M3 Smooth muscles, Gq Contraction, secretion Darifenacin,
secretory glands, tiotropium
M4 CNS Gi Inhibitory autoreceptor
M5 CNS Gq Unclear
α1 (α1A, α1B, CNS, postsynaptic Gq Contraction of Phenylephrine, Prazosin, indoramin
α1D) in sympathetic arterial smooth methoxamine, NA (tamsulosin α1A)
nervous system, muscle, decrease ≥ Adr
human prostate in contractions of
(α1A) gut, contraction of
prostate tissue
α2 (α2A, α2B, Presynaptic (in Gi Decreased NA release Clonidine, Adr > NA Yohimbine
α2C) both α- and (oxymetazoline α2A)
β1 CNS, heart (nodes Gs Increased force and Dobutamine, NA > Adr Atenolol,
and myocardium), rate of cardiac metoprololol
kidney contraction, renin
β2 Bronchial smooth Gs Bronchodilation, Salbutamol, salmeterol, Butoxamine
muscle, also decrease in terbutaline, Adr > NA
widespread contraction of gut,
β3 Adipocytes, bladder Gs Lipolysis, bladder Adr = NA –
CB1 CNS (FC, Am, BG, Gi/o Behaviour, pain, Tetrahydrocannabinol, Rimonabant
Hi, Cb) – see nausea, stimulation anandamide,
footnote for key to of appetite, 2-arachidonylglycerol,
CNS areas) addiction, nabilone
Principles of Pharmacology and Mechanisms of Drug Action CHAPTER 1 23

Examples of Cell Surface Receptor Families and Their Properties–cont’d.

CB2 Leucocytes, Gi/o Immunity, bone growth Tetrahydrocannabinol,
osteocytes nabilone
D1 CNS (NA, OT, Pu, Gs Vasodilation in kidney Fenoldopam Chlorpromazine
St), kidney, heart
D2 CNS (CP, NA, Gi Cognition Cabergoline, Butyrophenones,
OT, SN), (schizophrenia), pramipexole, chlorpromazine,
pituitary gland, prolactin secretion, ropinirole, rotigotine domperidone,
chemoreceptor nigrostriatal control metoclopramide,
trigger zone, of movement, sulpiride
gastrointestinal memory
D3 CNS (FC, Me, Mi) Gi Cognition, emotion Cabergoline, Chlorpromazine,
(limbic system) pramipexole, sulpiride
ropinirole, rotigotine
D4 CNS, heart Gi Cognition Cabergoline, ropinirole, Chlorpromazine,
(schizophrenia) rotigotine clozapine
D5 CNS (Hi, Hy) Gs Similar to D1
5-Hydroxytryptamine (5-HT, serotonin)
5-HT1A CNS, blood vessels Gi Anxiety, appetite, Buspirone
mood, sleep
5-HT1B CNS, blood vessels Gi Vasoconstriction, Sumatriptan, eletriptan,
presynaptic inhibition naratriptan,
5-HT1D CNS, blood vessels Gi Anxiety, Sumatriptan, eletriptan, Metergoline
vasoconstriction naratriptan,
5-HT1E CNS, blood vessels Gi
5-HT1F CNS Gi Sumatriptan, eletriptan
5-HT2A CNS, GI tract, Gq Schizophrenia, platelet LSD, psilocybin Ketanserin, atypical
platelets, smooth aggregation, antipsychotics,
muscle vasodilation/ e.g. olanzapine
5-HT2B CNS, GI tract, Gq Contraction,
platelets morphogenesis
5-HT2C CNS, GI tract, Gq Satiety
5-HT4 CNS, myenteric Gs Anxiety, memory, gut Metoclopramide,
plexus, smooth motility renzapride
5-HT5a CNS Gi Anxiety, memory,
5-HT6 CNS Gs Anxiety, memory,
5-HT7 CNS, GI, blood Gs Anxiety, memory, LSD
vessels mood
H1 CNS, endothelium, Gq Sedation, sleep, Cetirizine,
smooth muscle vascular desloratadine
H2 CNS, cardiac Gs Gastric acid secretion Dimaprit Cimetidine,
muscle, stomach ranitidine
24 SECTION 1 General Principles

Examples of Cell Surface Receptor Families and Their Properties–cont’d.

H3 CNS (presynaptic), Gi Appetite, cognition Thioperamide,
myenteric plexus pitolisant
H4 Eosinophils, Gi 4-Methylhistamine (Adriforant)
basophils, mast
Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid Receptor Type B (GABAB)
GABAb Brain neurons, glial Gi Inhibition of Baclofen
cells, spinal motor neurotransmission
neurons and in brain and spinal
interneurons cord
BLT1 Immune cells Gi, Gq Leucocyte LTB4
BLT2 Immune cells Gi Leucocyte LTB4
CysLT1 Smooth muscle Gq Allergy, LTD4 > LTC4 Montelukast,
bronchoconstriction, pranlukast,
mucus secretion zafirlukast
CysLT2 Smooth muscle Gq Allergy, inflammation LTC4 = LTD4 Gemilukast
Angiotensin II
AT1 Blood vessels, Gq/Go Vasoconstriction, Candesartan,
adrenal cortex, salt retention, losartan,
brain aldosterone valsartan
synthesis, increased
activity, cardiac
AT2 Blood vessels, Gi/o, tyrosine Weak vasodilation
endothelium, and ser/thr (endothelial nitric
adrenal cortex, phosphatases oxide release),
brain fetal development,
vascular growth
B1 (induced) Widespread (induced Gq Acute inflammation; ACE inhibitors
by injury, cytokines) stimulates nitric (indirect, by
oxide synthesis blocking bradykinin
B2 (constitutive) Gq Chronic inflammation. Icatibant
Most kinin actions
(vasodilation, pain)
ETA Endothelium Gq Vasoconstriction, Bosentan,
angiogenesis ambrisentan
ETB Endothelium Gq, Gi Indirect vasodilation Bosentan
(nitric oxide
release), direct
NK1 Peripheral and Gq Nociception, vomiting Substance P, Aprepitant,
central nervous reflex neurokinins A and B fosaprepitant,
system rolapitant
Principles of Pharmacology and Mechanisms of Drug Action CHAPTER 1 25

Examples of Cell Surface Receptor Families and Their Properties–cont’d.

NK2 / NK3 Peripheral and Gs, Gq Nociception Neurokinins A and B
central nervous
DOP (δ), KOP Brain, spinal cord, Gi Analgesia, nociception, Endogenous opioids, Naloxone,
(κ), MOP (µ), peripheral sensory respiratory opioid drugs naltrexone
neurons depression, sedation (morphine)
Protease-Activated Receptors
PAR1, PAR2, Platelets, endothelial Gq, Gi Activated by proteolytic Trypsin, thrombin,
PAR3, PAR4 cells, epithelial cleavage tryptase
cells, myocytes,
Vasopressin and Oxytocin
Vasopressin V1a Brain, uterus, blood Gq Vasoconstriction, Desmopressin Conivaptan,
vessels, platelets platelet aggregation demeclocycline
Vasopressin V1b Pituitary, brain Gq Modulates ACTH Desmopressin Conivaptan,
secretion demeclocycline
Vasopressin V2 Kidney Gs Antidiuretic effect on Desmopressin Conivaptan
collecting duct and demeclocycline,
ascending limb of tolvaptan
loop of Henle
Oxytocin OXT Brain, uterus Gq, Gi Lactation, uterine Oxytocin > Atosiban
contraction, CNS arg-vasopressin
actions (mood)
Purinergic Receptors (Purinoceptors)
Adenosine A1 Heart, lung Gi Cardiac depression, Methylxanthines
Adenosine A2A Widespread Gs Vasodilation, Regadenoson Methylxanthines
inhibition of platelet
Adenosine A2B Leucocytes Gs Bronchoconstriction Methylxanthines
Adenosine A3 Leucocytes Gi Inflammatory mediator Methylxanthines
Purinergic Widespread Gq, Gs or Gi Depends upon ATP, ADP, UTP, UDP, P2Y12: clopidogrel,
P2Y family G-protein coupling UDP-glucose ticlopidine,
(P2Y1, P2Y2, ticagrelor
P2Y4, P2Y6,
Ligand-Gated Ion Channels (LGICs)
Nicotinic N1 (NG Autonomic ganglia LGIC (mainly Na+/ Ganglionic Carbachol, nicotine Trimetaphan,
or ‘ganglion- K+) neurotransmission mecamylamine
Nicotinic N2 (NM Neuromuscular LGIC (mainly Na+/ Skeletal muscle Nicotine, Gallamine,
or ‘muscle- junction K+) contraction suxamethonium vecuronium,
type’) (depolarising) atracurium
Nicotinic NN Central nervous LGIC (mainly Na+/ Post- and presynaptic Nicotine, cytisine Mecamylamine
(‘CNS-types’ system K+) excitation (partial), varenicline
- various) (partial)
Serotonin CNS (AP), enteric Ligand-gated Na+/ Emesis Granisetron,
5-HT3 nerves, sensory K+ channel ondansetron,
nerves metoclopramide
26 SECTION 1 General Principles

Examples of Cell Surface Receptor Families and Their Properties–cont’d.

GABAA Brain neurons, spinal Ligand-gated Cl− Inhibition of Muscimol, barbiturates,
motor neurons and channel (open) neurotransmission benzodiazepines, flumazenil
interneurons in brain and spinal zolpidem (benzodiazepine
cord antagonist)
Glycine GlyR Brain neurons, spinal Ligand-gated Cl− Inhibition of Intravenous Strychnine,
motor neurons and channel (open) neurotransmission anaesthetics, alanine, caffeine,
interneurons in brain and spinal taurine tropisetron,
cord endo­-
Ionotropic CNS (BG, CP, Ligand-gated Ca2+ Synaptic plasticity, NMDA Ketamine,
glutamate sensory pathways) channel (slow) excitatory transmitter phencyclidine,
(NMDA) release; excessive memantine
receptor amounts may cause
neuronal damage
Ionotropic CNS (Hi) Ligand-gated Ca2+ Synaptic plasticity, Kainate Topiramate
glutamate channel (fast) transmitter release
Ionotropic CNS (similar to Ligand-gated Ca2+ Synaptic plasticity, AMPA Topiramate
glutamate NMDA receptors) channel (fast) transmitter release
Purinergic CNS, autonomic LGICs (Na+, Ca2+, Neuronal ATP Suramin
P2X family nervous system K+) depolarisation, influx
(P2X1–P2X7) (P2X2), smooth of Na+ and Ca2+,
muscle (P2X1), efflux of K+
Voltage-Gated Ion Channels (VGICs)
Epithelial Renal tubule, Na+ channel, Sodium reabsorption Expression upregulated Amiloride,
sodium airways, colon tonically open in aldosterone- by aldosterone triamterene
channel sensitive distal
(ENaC) tubule and collecting
L-type calcium Widespread Voltage-gated Vascular and cardiac Nifedipine,
channels Ca2+ channels smooth muscle amlodipine,
(Cav1.1–1.4) (dihydropyridine- contraction, prolong diltiazem,
sensitive) cardiac action verapamil
Ryanodine Skeletal muscle Ca2+ channels Calcium-induced Ca2+ Cytosolic Ca2+, ATP, Dantrolene
(RyR1, (RyR1), heart release (CICR) ryanodine, caffeine
RyR2, RyR3) (RyR2),
widespread (RyR3)
ACE, Angiotensin-converting enzyme; ACTH, adrenocorticotropic hormone (corticotropin); Adr, adrenaline; ADP, adenosine diphosphate; AMPA, α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-
methyl-4-isoxazole propionic acid; ATP, adenosine triphosphate; CNS, central nervous system; GI, gastrointestinal; LSD, lysergic acid diethylamide; LT, leukotriene; NA,
noradrenaline; NMDA, N-methyl d-aspartate; UDP, uridine diphosphate; UTP, uridine triphosphate.
Key to CNS areas: Am, Amygdala; AP, area postrema; BG, basal ganglia; Cb, cerebellum; CP, caudate putamen; FC, frontal cortex; Hi, hippocampus; Hy, hypothala-
mus; Me, medulla; Mi, midbrain; NA, nucleus accumbens; OT, olfactory tubercle; Pu, putamen; St, striatum; SN, substantia nigra.
Principles of Pharmacology and Mechanisms of Drug Action CHAPTER 1 27

Appendix: Student Formulary.

This student formulary used for educational purposes at the University of Southampton Faculty of Medicine is adapted from
the formulary described by Maxwell and Walley, 2003 (Br. J. Clin. Pharmacol. 55, 496–503). See also the lists of commonly
prescribed drugs in Audi et al. 2018 (Br. J. Clin. Pharmacol. 84, 2562-2571) and the World Health Organisation (WHO) Model
List of Essential Medicines at
Gastrointestinal System
Emergency treatment of poisoning Adsorbent: activated charcoal
Paracetamol antidotes, e.g. acetylcysteine, methionine
Opioid antagonist, e.g. naloxone
Organophosphate antidote, e.g. pralidoxime
Dyspepsia, GORD and gastric Antacids, e.g. magnesium salts
ulcer healing Compound alginates, e.g. Gaviscon
Proton pump inhibitors, e.g. omeprazole, lansoprazole
H2 receptor antagonists, e.g. ranitidine, cimetidine
Helicobacter pylori antibiotics: clarithromycin, amoxicillin, metronidazole
Motility stimulants, e.g. metoclopramide
Others: misoprostol, sucralfate
Inflammatory bowel disease Corticosteroids, e.g. prednisolone
(ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s Aminosalicylates, e.g. sulfasalazine, mesalazine
disease) Cytokine inhibitors, e.g. infliximab
Antibiotic-associated colitis Antibiotics for Clostridioides difficile, e.g. metronidazole, vancomycin
Diarrhoea Oral rehydration therapy
Opiate antimotility drugs, e.g. loperamide
Constipation Bulk-forming laxatives, e.g. ispaghula, methylcellulose
Stimulant laxatives, e.g. senna, docusate
Osmotic laxatives, e.g. magnesium hydroxide, lactulose
Antispasmodics Antimuscarinics, e.g. atropine, hyoscine
Others: mebeverine
Cardiovascular System
Hypertension β-Adrenoceptor antagonists, e.g. atenolol
α-Adrenoceptor antagonists, e.g. doxazosin
Centrally acting drugs, e.g. clonidine
Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, e.g. captopril, ramipril, perindopril
Angiotensin receptor antagonists, e.g. candesartan, losartan
Thiazide diuretics, e.g. bendroflumethiazide, indapamide
Loop diuretics, e.g. furosemide, bumetanide
Potassium-sparing diuretics, e.g. amiloride, spironolactone
Compound potassium-sparing diuretic: co-amilofruse
Calcium channel blockers, e.g. nifedipine verapamil
Potassium channel openers, e.g. minoxidil, nicorandil
Heart failure β-Adrenoceptor antagonist: bisoprolol
Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, e.g. captopril, ramipril, perindopril
Positive inotropic drugs:
Cardiac glycosides, e.g. digoxin
PDE inhibitors, e.g. milrinone
Acute coronary syndrome (angina, Many drugs listed under hypertension plus the following:
myocardial infarction) Inhibitors of platelet aggregation, e.g. aspirin, dipyridamole, clopidogrel, abciximab
Thrombolytics, e.g. alteplase, tenecteplase
Heparin: unfractionated, LMW heparins (enoxaparin, dalteparin), fondaparinux
Direct oral anticoagulants (DOAC), e.g. dabigatran, rivaroxaban
Vitamin K antagonists, e.g. warfarin
Thrombolytics, e.g. alteplase, tenecteplase
Hyperlipidaemia Statins, e.g. simvastatin, atorvastatin, pravastatin, rosuvastatin
Fibrates, e.g. gemfibrozil, fenofibrate
Arrhythmias Antiarrhythmic drugs of class I (e.g. lidocaine), class II (β-adrenoceptor antagonists),
class II (e.g. amiodarone, sotalol), class IV (calcium channel blockers, e.g. verapamil),
others (e.g. adenosine, digoxin)
28 SECTION 1 General Principles

Appendix: Student Formulary—cont’d.

Respiratory System
Asthma, COPD, respiratory failure Oxygen
β2-Adrenoceptor agonists, e.g. salbutamol, salmeterol
Antimuscarinics, e.g. ipratropium, tiotropium
Methylxanthines, e.g. theophylline, aminophylline
PDE type 4 inhibitor, e.g. roflumilast
Leukotriene antagonist: montelukast
Antiallergic drugs, e.g. cromoglicate, nedocromil
Magnesium sulfate
Inhaled corticosteroids, e.g. beclometasone, fluticasone
Oral corticosteroid, e.g. prednisolone
β2-Agonist/corticosteroid co-formulations, e.g. Seretide
Allergy, anaphylaxis Antihistamines, e.g. cetirizine, loratadine
Cough suppression Dextromethorphan, codeine
Central Nervous System
Insomnia, anxiety Benzodiazepines, e.g. temazepam, diazepam
Z-drugs, e.g. zopiclone, zolpidem
Others, e.g. buspirone, propranolol
Schizophrenia, mania Conventional antipsychotics, e.g. chlorpromazine, haloperidol, flupentixol
Atypical antipsychotics, e.g. aripiprazole, clozapine, olanzapine, quetiapine, risperidone
Depot preparations, e.g. fluphenazine decanoate
Mood stabilisers, e.g. lithium
Depression Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs), e.g. amitriptyline
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), e.g. citalopram, fluoxetine, sertraline
Serotonin-noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors, e.g. venlafaxine
Monoamine oxidase-B inhibitors, e.g. moclobemide
Others, e.g. mirtazepine
Analgesia Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs): see section on musculoskeletal disease
Compound analgesics, e.g. co-codamol, co-dydramol
Moderately potent opioid analgesics, e.g. tramadol
Potent opioid analgesics, e.g. fentanyl, morphine, oxycodone
Nausea and vertigo Dopamine antagonists, e.g. metoclopramide
Serotonin receptor antagonists, e.g. ondansetron
Muscarinic receptor antagonists, e.g. hyoscine hydrobromide
Others: betahistine
Migraine Acute: 5-HT1 receptor agonists, e.g. sumatriptan, naratriptan, zolmitriptan
Prophylaxis: β-adrenoceptor antagonists, e.g. propranolol, antiepileptic drugs, calcitonin
gene-related peptide antagonists
Epilepsy Sodium channel blockers, e.g. carbamazepine, lamotrigine, phenytoin, zonisamide
Benzodiazepines, e.g. diazepam, clonazepam
GABA reuptake inhibitors e.g. tiagabine
GABA transaminase inhibitor: vigabatrin
Other GABA-related drugs e.g. sodium valproate, gabapentin, pregabalin
Neuronal calcium channel blocker, e.g. ethosuximide
Neuronal potassium channel openers, e.g. retigabine
Others, e.g. levetiracetam
Parkinson’s disease Levodopa/DOPA decarboxylase co-formulations, e.g. co-careldopa, co-beneldopa
Dopamine receptor agonists, e.g. ropinirole, rotigotine, apomorphine
COMT inhibitors, e.g. entacapone
MAO-B inhibitors: selegiline, rasagiline
Antimuscarinic drugs, e.g. procyclidine
Others, e.g. amantadine
Dementia (Alzheimer’s) Anticholinesterases, e.g. donepezil
NMDA receptor antagonists, e.g. memantine
Principles of Pharmacology and Mechanisms of Drug Action CHAPTER 1 29

Appendix: Student Formulary—cont’d.

Infectious Diseases
Community- and hospital-acquired Drugs acting on bacterial cell walls:
infections Penicillins, e.g. benzylpenicillin
Penicillinase-resistant penicillins, e.g. flucloxacillin
Broad-spectrum penicillins, e.g. amoxicillin, co-amoxiclav
Cephalosporins, e.g. cefalexin, cefuroxime, cefotaxime
Monobactams, e.g aztreonam
Carbapenems, e.g. ertapenem, imipenem
Glycopeptides, e.g. vancomycin
Others e.g. daptomycin, polymyxins
Drugs acting on bacterial DNA:
Quinolones e.g. ciprofloxacin, moxifloxacin
Metronidazole (for anaerobes & protozoans)
Drugs acting on bacterial protein synthesis:
Macrolides, e.g. azithromycin, clarithromycin
Aminoglycosides, e.g. gentamicin, streptomycin
Tetracyclines, e.g. doxycycline, oxytetracycline
Others e.g. chloramphenicol, clindamycin, fusidic acid
Drugs acting on bacterial metabolism:
Sulfonamides, e.g. sulfadiazine, sulfamethoxazole
Folate inhibitors, e.g. trimethoprim
Drugs used in tuberculosis:
Isoniazid, rifampicin, ethambutol, pyrazinamide
Antifungal drugs:
Polyenes, e.g. amphotericin,
Imidazoles and triazoles, e.g. clotrimazole, fluconazole
Squalene epoxidase inhibitor, e.g. terbinafine
Echinocandins, e.g. caspofungin
Drugs for HIV infections:
Nucleoside HIV RT inhibitors, e.g. abacavir, lamivudine
Nonnucleoside HIV RT inhibitors, e.g. efavirenz
HIV protease inhibitors, e.g. ritonavir, fosamprenavir
HIV fusion-entry inhibitors, e.g. enfuvirtide
HIV integrase inhibitors, e.g. raltegravir
Drugs for herpesviruses and CMV infections:
Viral DNA polymerase inhibitors, e.g. aciclovir, ganciclovir, foscarnet
Drugs for influenza virus infections:
Neuraminidase inhibitors, e.g. zanamivir
M2 ion channel inhibitor: amantadine
Drugs for viral hepatitis:
Nucleoside analogues, e.g. entacavir, tenofovir
HCV protease inhibitors, e.g. boceprevir
Interferon alfa
Antimalarial drugs, e.g. mefloquine, proguanil, atovaquone, artemisinins, primaquine
Drugs for coronavirus disease (COVID-19):
Corticosteroid: dexamethasone
Nucleotide analogue: remdesivir
Endocrine System
Diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease Insulins, e.g. soluble insulin
and hypothalamo-pituitary Insulin analogues, e.g. insulin lispro, insulin glargine
hormones Biguanide: metformin
SGLT-2 inhibitors, e.g. dapagliflozin
Sulfonylureas, e.g. gliclazide
Meglitinides, e.g. repaglinide, nateglinide
DPP4 inhibitors, e.g. saxagliptin
GLP agonists, e.g. exenatide
Thiazolidinediones, e.g. pioglitazone
30 SECTION 1 General Principles

Appendix: Student Formulary—cont’d.

AThyroid disease, e.g. levothyroxine, carbimazole
ADH mimetics, e.g. desmopressin
LHRH, e.g. gonadorelin
Human growth hormone, e.g. somatropin
Osteoporosis Calcium, vitamin D, calcitonin, parathyroid hormone, teriparatide
Bisphosphonates, e.g. alendronic acid, risedronate
Selective oestrogen receptor modulators (SERM), e.g. clomifene
Genitourinary System
Urinary retention, benign prostatic α1-Adrenoceptor antagonists, e.g. doxazosin
hypertrophy and prostate 5α-Reductase inhibitors, e.g. finasteride
cancer Antiandrogens, e.g. flutamide
Urinary frequency/incontinence Antimuscarinic drugs, e.g. darifenacin, fesoterodine
Erectile dysfunction PDE5 inhibitors, e.g. sildenafil, tadalafil
Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Steroidal contraception Combined hormonal contraceptives (oral, transdermal patch)
Progestogen-only contraceptives (oral, subdermal implant)
Progestogen-containing intrauterine device
Emergency contraception, e.g. levonorgestrel, ulipristal
Injectable contraception, e.g. medroxyprogesterone acetate
Dyswmenorrhoea Combined oral hormonal contraceptives
NSAIDs, e.g. mefenamic acid
Menorrhagia Antifibrinolytic agent, e.g. tranexamic acid
Progestogen-containing intrauterine device
Endometriosis Progestins
Gonadorelin analogues, e.g. goserelin
Induction of labour Oxytocics, e.g. oxytocin
Prostaglandin analogues, e.g. gemeprost
Prevention of pre-term labour Calcium channel blockers, e.g. nifedipine
(tocolysis) β-Adrenoceptor agonists, e.g. terbutaline
Induction of abortion Oxytocics, mifepristone
Antiprogestogen, e.g. mifepristone
Prostaglandin analogues, e.g. gemeprost
Postpartum haemorrhage Oxytocics, ergometrine
Menopause Oestrogens (with progestins)
Others: tibolone, raloxifene
Malignant Disease and Immunosuppression
Cancer and immunosuppression Alkylating agents, e.g. cyclophosphamide
Cytotoxic antibiotics, e.g. doxorubicin
Antimetabolites, e.g. methotrexate, fluorouracil
Vinca alkaloids, e.g. vinblastine, vincristine
Taxanes, e.g. paclitaxel
Topoisomerase I and II inhibitors, e.g. irinotecan, etoposide
Tyrosine kinase (TK) inhibitors, e.g. imatinib, dasatinib, erlotinib
TK receptor inhibitors, e.g. bevacizumab, trastuzumab
Other cytotoxic drugs, e.g. crisantaspase, cisplatin
Antioestrogens, e.g. tamoxifen, anastrazole
Immunosuppressant drugs, e.g. azathioprine, corticosteroids, ciclosporin
Immunobiologicals, e.g. rituximab (anti-B-lymphocyte CD20), interferon alfa
Others, e.g. asparaginase, procarbazine
Principles of Pharmacology and Mechanisms of Drug Action CHAPTER 1 31

Appendix: Student Formulary—cont’d.

Musculoskeletal Disease
Rheumatoid arthritis NSAIDs, e.g. indometacin, diclofenac
Corticosteroids, e.g. prednisolone
Disease-modifiers, e.g. methotrexate, azathioprine, sulfasalazine, leflunomide,
ciclosporin, cyclophosphamide
Cytokine (TNFα) inhibitors, e.g. infliximab, etanercept, adalimumab
B-cell CD20 inhibitor, e.g. rituximab
T-cell CD80/CD86 inhibitor, e.g. abatacept
Antimalarial, e.g. hydroxychloroquine
Myasthenia gravis Anticholinesterases, e.g. pyridostigmine
Spasticity Skeletal muscle relaxants, e.g. baclofen, dantrolene
Gout Acute: NSAIDs, colcichine
Chronic: Xanthine oxidase inhibitors (e.g. allopurinol, febuxostat); uricosuric agents (e.g.
sulfinpyrazole); recombinant urate oxidase (rasburicase).
Glaucoma β-Adrenoceptor antagonists, e.g. timolol
Prostaglandin analogues, e.g. latanoprost
Sympathomimetics (α2-agonists), e.g. brimonidine
Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, e.g. acetazolamide
Miotics, e.g. pilocarpine
Conjunctivitis Topical antibiotics, e.g. chloramphenicol
Tear deficiency Ocular lubricants, e.g. hypromellose
Others Mydriatics, e.g. phenylephrine
Mydriatics/cycloplegics, e.g. atropine, tropicamide
Topical formulations (eye drops) of many drugs, including antiinflammatory corticosteroids
(e.g. betamethasone), antivirals and local anaesthetics (e.g. tetracaine)
Surgery, Anaesthetics and Intensive Care
Surgery, anaesthetics and Many drugs used are listed in other sections, including opioid analgesics,
intensive care sympathomimetics and antiemetics, plus the following:
Intravenous (induction) anaesthetics, e.g. thiopentone, propofol
Inhalation (maintenance) anaesthetics, e.g. isoflurane
Muscle relaxants, e.g. suxamethonium, atracurium
Antimuscarinics, e.g. atropine, glycopyrronium
Anticholinesterases, e.g. neostigmine
Local anaesthetics, e.g. lidocaine, bupivacaine
ADH, Antidiuretic hormone; CMV, cytomegalovirus; COMT, catechol-O-methyltransferase; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; DPP4, dipeptidyl peptidase
4; GLP, glucagon-like peptide; GORD, gastrooesophageal reflux disease; HER2, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2; LHRH, luteinising hormone-releasing
hormone; LMW, low molecular weight; MAO-B, monoamine oxidase B; NMDA, N-methyl d-aspartate; NSAID, nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug; PDE, phosphodies-
terase; RT, reverse transcriptase; SGLT, sodium-glucose co-transporter 2; TNFα, tumour necrosis factor alpha.
2 Pharmacokinetics

Chapter Outline
The Biological Basis of Clinical Pharmacokinetics 32 The Mathematical Basis of Clinical
General Considerations 33 Pharmacokinetics 47
Absorption 37 General Considerations 47
Absorption from the Gut 37 Absorption 48
Absorption from Other Routes 38 Distribution 50
Distribution 39 Elimination 52
Reversible Protein Binding 40 Chronic Administration 54
Irreversible Protein Binding 40 Pharmacokinetics of Biological Drugs 55
Distribution to Specific Tissues 40 Genetic Variation and Pharmacokinetics 56
Elimination 41 Self-Assessment 57
Metabolism 41 Answers 59
Excretion 45 Further Reading 61

Pharmacokinetics refers to the movement of drugs • Absorption—The transfer of the drug from its site of
into, through and out of the body. The nature of the administration to the general circulation.
response of an individual to a particular drug depends • Distribution—The transfer of the drug from the
on the inherent pharmacological properties of the drug general circulation into the different tissues of the
at its site of action, but the speed of onset, the intensity body.
and the duration of the response usually depend on • Metabolism—The extent to which the drug molecule
parameters such as: is chemically modified in the body.
• the rate and extent of uptake of the drug from its site • Excretion—The removal of the parent drug and any
of administration; metabolites from the body; metabolism and excre-
• the rate and extent of distribution of the drug to dif- tion together account for drug elimination.
ferent tissues, including the site of action; This chapter will first describe each of these
• the rate of elimination of the drug from the body. processes qualitatively in biological terms, and
Overall, the response to a drug depends upon a then in terms of the clinical calculations that deter-
combination of the effects of the drug at its site of mine many of the quantitative aspects of drug
action in the body, called pharmacodynamics (or ‘what prescribing.
the drug does to the body’) and the way the body
influences drug delivery to its site of action, called
pharmacokinetics (or ‘what the body does to the drug’;
Fig. 2.1). Both pharmacodynamic and pharmacoki-
netic aspects are subject to a number of variables, Most drug structures bear little resemblance to normal
which affect the dose–response relationship. Phar- dietary constituents such as carbohydrates, fats and
macodynamic aspects are determined by processes proteins, and they are handled in the body by different
such as drug–receptor interaction and are specific processes. Drugs that bind to the same receptor as an
to the class of the drug (see Chapter 1). Pharmaco- endogenous ligand rarely resemble the natural ligand
kinetic aspects are determined by general processes sufficiently closely in chemical structure to share the
such as transfer across membranes, metabolism and same carrier processes or the same pathways of metab-
elimination from the body, which apply irrespective olism. Consequently, the movement of drugs in the tis-
of the pharmacodynamic properties, but together sues is mostly by simple passive diffusion rather than
these determine the dosage regimen (dose and fre- by specific transporters, whereas metabolism is usually
quency) for drugs in a clinical setting. by enzymes of low substrate specificity that can handle
The core of pharmacokinetics is based on four pro- a wide variety of drug substrates and other xenobiotics
cesses, sometimes referred to collectively as ADME: (foreign substances).
Pharmacokinetics CHAPTER 2 33

general circulation. Drugs acting at intracellular sites

GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS must also cross the cell membrane to exert an effect.
Passage Across Membranes The main mechanisms by which drugs can cross mem-
With the exception of intravenous or intraarterial injec- branes (Fig. 2.2) are:
tions, a drug must cross at least one membrane in its • passive diffusion through the lipid layer,
movement from the site of administration into the • diffusion through pores or ion channels,
• carrier-mediated processes,
Pharmacology • pinocytosis.

Passive diffusion
Pharmacodynamics Pharmacokinetics To dissolve in body fluids a drug usually needs a
degree of aqueous solubility, but to cross a phospho-
Specific to drug or Nonspecific, general lipid bilayer by direct diffusion (see Fig. 2.2), it must
drug class processes have a degree of lipid solubility, such as that shown
by ethanol or steroids. All drugs can move passively
Interaction with cellular Absorption from the site down a concentration gradient, and when a concentra-
component, e.g. receptor of administration
or target site tion gradient occurs across a membrane permeable to
Delivery to the site of the drug, then a state of equilibrium will eventually be
Effects at the site of action action
reached in which equal concentrations of the diffusible
Concentration–effect Elimination from the body form of the drug are present in solution on each side
relationship of the membrane. The net rate of diffusion is directly
Time to onset of effect
Reduction in symptoms proportional to the concentration gradient across the
Duration of effect membrane, and to the area and permeability of the
Modification of disease
progression Accumulation on repeat membrane, but inversely proportional to its thickness
dosage (Fick’s law).
Unwanted effects
Drug interactions
Drug interactions Passage through membrane pores or ion channels
Inter- and intraindividual Movement through channels occurs down a concentra-
Inter- and intraindividual differences
differences tion gradient and is restricted to extremely small water-
soluble molecules (<100 Da), such as gases and ions.
This is applicable to therapeutic ions such as lithium
Dose–response relationship and also radioactive iodine. Water itself crosses mem-
branes rapidly via a family of aquaporin protein chan-
Fig. 2.1 Factors determining the response of an individual to a drug. nels found in epithelial membranes in the renal tubule

Extracellular fluid


ion channel
Passive diffusion Diffusion Facilitated Active
through lipid through open diffusion transport
bilayer (lipid- ion channel (SLC transporters) (ABC transporters)
soluble drugs) (small molecules, (nutrients, e.g., (numerous drugs,
water-soluble drugs) glucose, and some see Table 2.1)
Fig. 2.2 The passage of drugs across membranes. Molecules can cross the membrane by simple passive diffusion
through the lipid bilayer or via a channel, or by facilitated diffusion, or by ATP-dependent active transport. ABC, ATP-
binding cassette superfamily of transport proteins; D, drug; NBD, nucleotide-binding domain; SLC, solute carrier super-
family of transporters; TMD, transmembrane domain (see Table 2.1).
34 SECTION 1 General Principles

and elsewhere. Some aquaporins may also allow the (OCT1, OCT2 and OCT3) effect facilitated diffusion
passage of very small, uncharged drug molecules. In and can transport cations in both directions across the
the laboratory, transient water-filled pores can be cre- membrane. Substrates common to all three OCT trans-
ated artificially in phospholipid bilayers by applying porters are serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT),
a strong external electric field, and this process (elec- noradrenaline, histamine and agmatine; although
troporation) is used to introduce large or charged mol- some drugs are substrates for the transporters (see
ecules, such as DNA, drugs and probes into live cells Table 2.1), many basic drugs act as inhibitors of the
in suspension. transporters.
Members of the ABC and SLC transporter families
Carrier-mediated processes are therefore important in many of the processes by
Two carrier-mediated processes are of widespread which drugs are absorbed in the gut, distributed into
importance in the transmembrane transport of drugs, tissues and eliminated in the liver or kidney. Inter-
particularly those with low lipid solubility. actions between drugs at the same transporter, or
Active transport utilises energy in the form of between drugs and the natural substrates of the trans-
adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and transports drugs porter, may contribute to variation in kinetic param-
into or out of cells against their concentration gradi- eters for individual drugs between patients and over
ent. It is performed particularly by a family of non- time. Genetic variation in the expression and func-
specific carriers termed the ATP-binding cassette tioning of transporters may also contribute to drug
(ABC) superfamily of membrane transporters (see toxicity.
Fig. 2.2 and Table 2.1). In humans, the ABC active
transporter superfamily contains 49 members organ- Pinocytosis
ised into seven subfamilies (A–G) based on their This can be regarded as a form of carrier-mediated
relative sequence homology. P-glycoprotein (P-gp), entry into the cell cytoplasm. Pinocytosis is normally
also known as multidrug resistance 1 (MDR1) or concerned with the uptake of endogenous macro-
ABCB1 transporter, transports a wide range of drug molecules and may be involved in the uptake of
substrates, including anticancer drugs, steroids and recombinant therapeutic proteins; drugs can also be
immunosuppressive agents, from the cytoplasm to incorporated into a lipid vesicle or liposome for pino-
the extracellular side of the cell membrane, and there- cytotic uptake (e.g. amphotericin and doxorubicin; see
fore acts as an efflux transporter. Inhibition of P-gp Chapter 51).
by verapamil increases the concentrations of anti-
cancer drugs at their intracellular sites of action (see Drug Ionisation and Membrane Diffusion
Chapter 52). ABCB transporter proteins contain two Ionisation is a fundamental property of those drugs
hydrophobic transmembrane domains, which consist that are either weak acids, such as aspirin, or weak
of different numbers of membrane-spanning α-helices bases, such as propranolol. The presence of an ionisa-
(12 in P-gp), and two hydrophilic nucleotide (ATP)- ble group(s) is essential for the mechanism of action of
binding domains, which bind and hydrolyse intracel- most drugs, because ionic forces represent a key part of
lular ATP. The transporter is on the apical surface and many ligand–receptor interactions (see Chapter 1). The
acts as an efflux pump that transports substrates from extent of ionisation may also influence the extent of
the cell into the interstitial fluid, plasma, bile, urine or absorption of a drug, its distribution into organs such
gut lumen. Examples of other ABC transporters are as the brain or adipose tissue, and the mechanism and
given in Table 2.1. route of its elimination from the body.
Facilitated transport of a molecule by a carrier either Drugs with ionisable groups exist in equilibrium
aids its passive movement down its own concentration between charged (ionised) and uncharged (nonion-
gradient, or uses the electrochemical gradient of a co- ised) forms (Fig. 2.3). The extent of ionisation of a drug
transported solute to transport the molecule against depends on the strength of the ionisable group and the
its own concentration gradient – in neither case is the pH of the solution. The extent of ionisation is given by
use of ATP required. The major examples are members the acid dissociation constant, Ka.
of the solute carrier (SLC) superfamily of transport-
[conjugate base][H + ]
ers (see Fig. 2.2 and Table 2.1). The SLC superfamily Ka =  (Equation 2.1)
comprises over 300 types of organic anion transport- [conjugate acid]
ers (OATs), organic anion-transporting polypeptides The term conjugate acid refers to a form of the drug
(OATPs), organic cation transporters (OCTs), organic able to release a proton, such as:
cation/carnitine transporters (OCTNs), and members • a nonionised acidic drug (Drug–COOH), or
of other transporter families (see Table 2.1). OAT1 • an ionised basic drug (Drug–NH3+).
to OAT4 are present in various tissues; OAT1 is the The conjugate base is the corresponding equilibrium
classic organic anion transporter in the kidney, which form of the drug that has lost a proton, such as:
secretes urate and penicillins and is blocked by pro- • an ionised acidic drug (Drug–COO−), or
benecid (see Chapter 31). Organic cation transporters • a nonionised basic drug (Drug–NH2).
Pharmacokinetics CHAPTER 2 35

Table 2.1 Examples of Carrier Molecules Involved in Drug Transport.

ABC Superfamily ATP-binding cassette superfamily of transport proteins. All use ATP hydrolysis and
function as active efflux or uptake transporters.
MDR1 or P-glycoprotein Hydrophobic and cationic (basic) molecules; Apical surface of membranes of epithelial
(ABCB1) numerous drugs, including anticancer drugs cells of intestine, liver, kidney, blood–
brain barrier, testis, placenta and lungs
MRP1 (ABCC1) Numerous, including anticancer drugs, Basolateral surface of membranes of most
glucuronide and glutathione conjugates cell types with high levels in lung, testis
and kidney and in blood–tissue barriers
MRP2 (ABCC2) Numerous, including anticancer drugs, Apical surface of membranes; mainly in
glucuronide and glutathione conjugates liver, intestine and kidney tubules
BCRP (ABCG2) Breast cancer Anticancer, antiviral drugs, fluoroquinolones, Apical surface of breast ducts and lobules,
resistance protein flavonoids small intestine, colon epithelium, liver,
placenta, brain barrier and lung
SLC Superfamily Solute carrier superfamily of transporters. Comprises organic anion transporters (OATs),
organic anion-transporting polypeptides (OATPs), organic cation transporters (OCTs),
organic cation/carnitine transporters (OCTNs) and many other families. Solute carriers do
not use ATP hydrolysis and most function as uptake transporters.
OAT1 (SLC22A6) Anionic drugs, aciclovir, adefovir, NSAIDs, Kidney (basolateral), brain, placenta,
penicillins, diuretics and phase 2 drug smooth muscle
OAT2 (SLC22A7) Anionic drugs, aciclovir, salicylate, Kidney (basolateral), liver
acetylsalicylate, PGE2, dicarboxylates
OAT3 (SLC22A8) Similar to OAT1 Kidney (basolateral), liver, brain, smooth
muscle, testis
OAT4 (SLC22A11) Methotrexate, pravastatin, sulfated sex Kidney (apical), placenta
OATP1B1 (SLCO1B1) Pravastatin, rosuvastatin Liver
OATP1B3 (SLCO1B3) Methotrexate, rosuvastatin Liver
OCT1 (SLC22A1) Cationic drugs, serotonin, noradrenaline, Mainly in the liver, but also in kidney, small
histamine, agmatine, aciclovir, ganciclovir, intestine, heart, skeletal muscle and
metformin placenta
OCT2 (SLC22A2) Cationic drugs, serotonin, noradrenaline, Mainly in the kidney, but also in placenta,
histamine, agmatine, amantadine, adrenal gland, neurons and choroid
metformin, cimetidine plexus
OCT3 (SLC22A3) Cationic drugs, serotonin, noradrenaline, Liver, kidney, intestine, skeletal and
histamine, agmatine, metformin smooth muscle, heart, lung, spleen,
neurons, placenta and the choroid
OCTN1 (SLC22A4) Carnitine, acetylcholine Kidney, intestine
OCTN2 (SLC22A5) Carnitine, choline Kidney, skeletal muscle
ABC, ATP-binding cassette; ATP, adenosine triphosphate; MRP, multidrug-resistance-associated protein; NSAIDs, nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs; PGE2, prosta-
glandin E2; SLC, solute carrier.
For further details of ABC and SLC transporters, see Nigam, 2015, and Jetter & Kullak-Ublick, 2020, in the Further Reading section.

The value of Ka is normally a very small fraction of for basic functional groups, the stronger the base, the
1, so it is easier to compare compounds using the nega- greater its ability to retain the H+, resulting in low Ka
tive logarithm of Ka, which is called pKa. For example, a and high pKa values. Strongly basic groups therefore
Ka of 10−5 becomes pKa 5, and a Ka of 10−10 becomes pKa have a pKa of 10 to 11, while weakly basic groups have
10. Based on the equation given previously, a strong a pKa of 7 to 8.
acid (such as an −SO3H functional group) that read- Drugs are 50% ionised when the pH of the solu-
ily donates its H+ ion will have a relatively high Ka tion equals the pKa of the drug. Acidic drugs (low
value (e.g. 10−1 or 10−2) and hence a low pKa (i.e. 1 or pKa values) are least ionised in acidic solutions (low
2), whereas weakly acidic groups, which donate their pH) and most ionised in alkaline solutions (high pH).
H+ ion less readily, have a pKa of 4 to 5. Conversely, Conversely, basic drugs (high pKa values) are least
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