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…………………………… :Modern Education Language School Name

..……………………………… :English Department Class
………………………………… :M 3 , term 2 Date

:Supply the following dialogue-1

?Operator: This is the police station. Can I help you

. …………………………………………………………………………………Caller :1

?………………………………………………………………………………Operator: 2

.Caller: It is 110 Franklin Street

?………………………………………………………………………………Operator: 3

.Caller : It is actually the opposite flat

?……………………………………………………………………………………Operator: 4

.Caller : No one is in the flat. They have travelled

………………………………………………Operator: Don’t worry. I will5

.Caller : OK. Thanks

:Choose the correct answer -2

.The last earthquake had a great ...................on the city -1

d-significance c-influential b-impact a-affect

.My work requires me to be three days at the office and three days.......... call -2

d-on c-of b-at a-in

.The judge announced the man innocent as the ................against him was not strong-3

d-sentence c-witness b-crime a-evidence

.Her future is .................You can't tell what will become of her -4

d-expected c-inaccurate b-unpredictable a-acceptable

.Forensic evidence proved that the man was murdered ................ sharp tool -5

d-in c-with b-of a-by

.Our team is doing its best as it is the .................time of the game -6

d-crucial c-deadly b-dangerous a-fatal

.He accepted to ..................the blame for his sister's mistakes -7

d-offer c-take b-give a-put

.The last earthquake had a great ...................on the city -8

d-significance c-influential b-impact a-affect

.My work requires me to be three days at the office and three days.......... call -9

d-on c-of b-at a-in

.The judge announced the man innocent as the ................against him was not strong-10

d-sentence c-witness b-crime a-evidence

:Rewrite the following sentences -3

I had a security alarm installed by the technician. (A technician) -1


Students must follow school uniform code. (be) -2


The film was boring. We had left the cinema before it finished. (so………….. that) -3


(illegal) It's against the law to hunt endangered animals.-4


The bridge collapsed because it was so old. (broke)-5


:Read the following and answer the questions -4
Clocks are used to measure and show the time. Clocks are used so that people can agree
on the time. People use clocks to measure units of time that are shorter than natural units.
.Natural units are the day, the month, and the year

The clock is a very old invention. Sundials were used in ancient times. Sundials work by
measuring shadows that are cast by the sun. Candle clocks were used a very long time ago.
Candle clocks work by measuring the time it takes for the wax to melt Hourglasses are similar
to candle clocks because they also measure the time it takes for something to happen.
Hourglasses work by measuring the time it takes for sand to pour through a small opening into
a glass. Mechanical clocks appeared in the 13th century in Europe. They work with a system of
moving gears. The gears always move at the same speed. Pendulum clocks work with a
.swinging weight

The swinging weight is called a pendulum. The pendulum makes the clock parts move. Now
people typically use mechanical clocks or digital clocks. Digital clocks show numbers on a
screen. The numbers represent the time. Some people use auditory clocks. Auditory clocks use
language to tell the time aloud. Computers also use internal clocks in order to work properly.
Clocks are everywhere – in homes, schools, offices, and public places. People go to work and
return home according to the clock. School days start and end according to the clock.
!Airplanes take off and land according to the clock. It is fun to imagine a world without clocks

?Why clocks are used -1


?How sundials work -2


.How hourglasses are similar to candle clocks -3


.What types of clocks have been invented -4


B) Choose the correct answer

. .................. The word “auditory” most closely means .5

a) related to machines b) related to numbers

c) related to hearing d) related to the sun

.................. Airplanes depend on the clock because .6

.a) they take off according to the clock. b) they land according to the clock

c) they use clocks to book tickets d) both a and b

Novel -5

Great Expectations
A) Answer one of the following questions

Although Provis tried to secure a Pip’s great expectation, Pip seemed to refuse it all. -1


.Illustrate the theme 0f love in the novel applying on two of the characters -2


Herbert always proved to be a true friend to Pip. Explain -3


:B-Comment on one of the following
He was as cold as death, and was as evil as the devil.' Comment '-1


If you ask me to give you what you never gave me, that is impossible.' Comment '-2


,Behold her, single in the field

!Yon solitary Highland Lass

;Reaping and singing by herself

!Stop here, or gently pass

,Alone she cuts and binds the grain

;And sings a melancholy strain

O listen! for the Vale profound

.Is overflowing with the sound

:Answer the questions

.Identify the personification in the stanza -1


.Identify two sound devices in the stanza -2


.Paraphrase the previous stanza -3



” .Write an essay on “ The day you witnessed a crime




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