Hong Ngoc Essay6

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Danh Thị Hồng Ngọc B2200291

Nowadays, most people want a long vacation after a hard working time. However,
there are also people who think that a vacation should not be too long. So what
advantages and disadvantages do it have? The following paragraph will answer
that question.
Long holidays brings us several benefits. Firstly, long vacation helps you have
more time for family and friends. If you are a student, a person who goes to work,
most of you can only be with your family on vacations due to studying and
working in cities away from home. Long vacation you can stay with your family
longer than short holidays. Second, long vacation you have a lot of time to . During
a long vacation you can travel to relax such as going to the beach or climbing. You
can go to many places to experience. Finally, you can know more things. Long
vacation you can spend time to learn some soft skills or learn ethnic traditions such
as learning banh chung cake, learning to cook, learning ethnic languages.
Despite these advantages, there are also significant disadvantages to consider.
Firstly, the long thought will cost a lot of money. At that time, you did not go to
work but used a lot of money such as eating, playing, traveling. Second, the long
thought will create laziness. If the break is too long, the working habits will
gradually fade. From there you gradually become lazy than a short vacation.
Finally, the long vacation was the national economy. If there is a long vacation, the
labor will not go to work, from which there is no product to exchange and sell,
making the average income per capita. Since then, the country’s economy has also
In conclusion, long vacation has many advantages. However, there are also some
major challenges. People should consider all advantages and disadvantages before
deciding whether to have a long vacation or not.

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