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Pradip kumar

E-mail: Contact: + 91-9700234975

I am looking forward to work in an organization, which provides the environment for growth with
competent and strong leaders in Manual and Automation Testing. I have an urge and inclination for learning new
technologies, a strong work ethic combined with a commitment to excellence in all projects undertaken.

Executive Digest
 2.7 years of experience in Software Testing.
 1 year of experience in automation Testing
 Extensive experience in Manual Testing.
 Have experience in the entire Software Testing Life Cycle and specialized in Verification &
 Good exposure in SDLC, Testing Methods and Testing Techniques.
 Thoroughly involved in different types of testing like Smoke, GUI, Functional Testing, Regression
Testing, System Integration Testing, Ad-hoc and Browser Compatibility Testing.
 Good experience in Test Case Design and Test Execution
 Good exposure with Bug Tracking on Bug Life Cycle.
 Good Knowledge on Linux commands
 Good knowledge on banking domain.
 Hands-on in using API Testing Tools such as Postman Tools.
 Experience in Designing and Developing Test cases & and generating Test reports, Defect
 Sending daily testing reports & transaction report to the Managers, team leads and clients
 Experience in gathering and analysis of requirements and writing Requirement Specification
Document and related Use cases.
 Deploy the application paths in UAT servers & texted then moving to Production environment

 Working as a Software Tester in Integra micro system pvt Ltd, Chennai, Mar 2021 to Till now.

Academic Profile

➢ M.Tech from Malla Reddy Engineering College, J.N.T.U. Hyderabad.

Skill Set

Manual testing : Test case design, Test Execution, Bug Tracking, Test Reporting &
Peer reviews (Manual Test scripts)
Automation Tools : Selenium web driver.
Operating systems : Windows XP ,Windows 7, Linux OS
RDBMS : SQL-Server

Projects Handled #1



Adya Chat Bot 2.0

Operating System : Linux Red hat 7.7, 7.8,Windows
Data Base : MySQL
Applications : NGINX , node JS, pm2,IIS
Meet ADYA - Automated Dost for Your Assistance! Ask her your queries on our website and she will help you
with quick replies. Customer no need to go bank for checking the balance enquiry , mini statement,chequebook
request etc by using your mobile number and dob fetch the account details.

Roles & Responsibilities:

 Daily Testing all functionalities

 Team Communication
 Send logs to the developer.
 Checking the API in postman
 Test the mobile APK.
 Checking all server status(UAT,PROD)
 Taking daily backup
 Send monthly MIS report to Bank team
 Deploy the application paths in UAT servers & texted then moving to Production environment

Projects Handled #2


Bhim Aadhaar Pay:

Operating System : Linux Red hat 7.7, 7.8,Windows
Data Base : MySQL
Applications : NGINX , node JS, pm2,IIS

BHIM Aadhaar Pay enables Merchants to receive digital payments from customers over the counter through
Aadhaar Authentication. It allows for any Merchant associated with any acquiring bank live on BHIM Aadhaar
Pay , to accept payment from customer of any bank by authenticating customer’s biometric.To be able to effect the
same, merchant should have an Android mobile with BHIM Aadhaar app and certified biometric scanner attached
with mobile phone/Kiosk/Tablet on USB Port or Micro-ATM/POS, mPOS. Both Customer and Merchant should
have their Aadhaar linked to their Bank Account.

Roles & Responsibilities:

 Resolving Merchant issues

 Daily send Transaction Report to Bank
 Team Communication
 Send logs to the developer.
 Checking the Transaction and Transaction count.
 Test the mobile APK..
 Resolving the Zonal mapping issue

I, hereby declare that all the details furnished above are true to the best of my knowledge & belief.

(Pradip Kumar M)

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