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…………………………… :Modern Education Language School Name

..……………………………… :English Department Class
………………………………… :M 2 , term 2 Date

:Supply the following dialogue-1

.Jane’s laptop stopped suddenly

?Assistant : Hello. How can I help you, Jane

.------------------------------------------------- Jane: (1)

?------------------------------------------------- Assistant : (2)

.Jane: Yesterday, when I was doing my homework, it suddenly turned off

?------------------------------------------------ Assistant : (3)

.Jane: It was plugged in. I was charging the battery

?Assistant : Did you turn on the computer again

.------------------------------------------------ Jane: (4)

.Assistant : One moment, please. I just e-mailed you a form to fill in a new password

.------------------------------------------------ Jane: (5)

:Choose the correct answer -2

The ………………………….. was shocked by the blood on the discarded -1

.knife on the floor

a- criminal b- suspected c- witness d- muggler

.Their father was killed in a………………………… road accident -2

a- forensic b- fatal c- detached d- victim

.Doctors are always on………………………….. 24 hours a day -3

a- evidence b- view c- clue d- call

.Three masked young men………………………….nmy house last summer -4

a- kidnapped b- burgled c- shoplifted d- mugged

.You can report the crime to the police officer ………………………. duty -5

a- out b- in c- on d- at

.My friend’s house was broke ………………………………. in the last earthquake -6

a- into b- out c- down d- up

.A lot of schools …………………………. in the last few years -7

a- are being built b- have built c- were built d- can be built

.It ………………………………. that athief was in the national museum -8

a- has reported b- reported c- is reported d- reports

.Homework……………………..done when dad arrived home -9

a- is b- has been c- will be d- was being

.I………………….. my car checd by the mechanic -10

a- have b- make c- let d- know

:Rewrite the following sentences -3

I had a security alarm installed by the technician. (A technician) -1


Students must follow school uniform code. (be) -2


The film was boring. We had left the cinema before it finished. (so………….. that) -3


There was little sugar in the tea. I couldn’t drink it.(such) -4


My flat is painted every year.(I…………………….) -5


:Read the following and answer the questions -4

UBER is a new transport system. It aims at having a car

,on demand to go anywhere. This system is used in Cairo

Giza and Alexandria, Whether you are heading to your

work, going on business or for a visit to someone, UBER

connects you with a quick a reliable ride. The driver knows

exactly where to go as he uses GPS maps. You can pay

with either cash or card. This system depends on the

internet. When you have UBER application on your

mobile, you can decide where you are going. Then you

will have many cars to choose. You can easily know how

long the journey takes and what you will pay. You don't

have to worry as this system is controlled and followed

online. Surely, you will ride a clean modern car which is

usually air conditioned. In addition, the driver, the car

owner, is a polite well-dressed person who is usually


:A) Answer the following questions

?How can people pay in UBER transport system .1

?Why do you think a lot of people can use this system .2

?What does the word "heading" mean .3

:B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d

.............. The underlined word "you" refers to any .4

a) passenger b) driver c) car owner d) system

.GPS maps are related to..................maps .5

a) online b) book c) unreal d) offline


A Tale of Two Cities

A Answer one of the following question

Show how sacrifice helps the theme of love and revenge the theme of hatred in the novel -1


Madame Defarge played a central role in the people’s revenge .Discuss -2


It seems that Sydney Carton was doomed with his misfortune. Illustrate -3


:B-Comment on one of the following

Comment -1



Poetry 6

Along with the progress of science

,Is the killing of our conscience

,We run for money, we run for fame

,Killing and murdering has become a game

At present, what we need is

......… Peace, peace and peace

.Identify the personification in the stanza -1


.Identify two sound devices in the stanza -2


.Paraphrase the previous stanza -3


Writing -7

Write an essay on “ The advantages and disadvantages following online advertising

” .commercials




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