Attunement Catalog 2011

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Last updated 6/2/11

All attunements come with:

 Emailed manual or information sheets
 Certificate suitable for framing
 Unlimited support

Kristen C. Dietz
Member of the International Natural Healers Association

Please email any questions to


Yahoo Group:

Must be done during full moon.

This form of reiki helps one manifest abundance and prosperity in the world...not just material wealth
but more importantly spiritual growth, prosperity mentality and manifesting world peace in our
lifetime. Gratitude is the key in helping the mind manifest the new goals of abundance and prosperity
in one's we say together our mantra "I AM gratitude, I AM abundance, I AM prosperity.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 An e-book (―A Pocket Full of Money‖)
 One attunement
 A certificate

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When Founder Jens Soeborg was receiving the Abundance/Prosperity Reiki attunement, he was struck
with the idea to channel additional empowerments to get closer connections to the deities Ganesha and
Lakshmi. It was also around this same time that he was receiving the Abundantia Abundance Ray
attunement and found he had incorrect lineage. He then re-channelled the energy but it came out
somewhat different with a triple connection to Demeter (the Greek form of Abundantia), Abundantia
(the Roman version) and Archangel Abundantia. From this channelling, he created ―Abundantia
Demeter Empowerment‖.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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This system was created by Lisa Center and is the first of the Earth Medicine Empowerment series. It
helps us to understand the Four Directions of the Medicine Wheel, thus helping us to see where we
began, our strengths and our weaknesses.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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This system was created by Lisa Center and is the second of the Earth Medicine Empowerment series.
It does NOT make you a Shaman but does allow you to Shakti of the Shaman and to carry it with you in
your healing practices

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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Adama StarFire Reiki is another form of Reiki energy that is channeling to the Earth from the stars. It is
a very fiery energy and helps one to change their life for good. I would like to think this is a very
special energy for it has already changed many people, helping them to overcome obstacles that
prevented them from obtaining their goals in life.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 Three attunements
 A certificate

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Ahara Reiki is a simple system containing only 4 symbols. The system is directed by the intent of the
practitioner. It is an Ancient Egyptian based energy that is connected to Isis and Bast.

The four symbols are the Ahara Master Symbol, the Isis symbol that is used for cleansing and
energizing, the Akru for all forms of healing, and the TET for the oneness of all things.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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This system will help strengthen your Ajna Chakra, located in the middle of your forehead, between the
brows, to help you:

 Scan people/animals
 Scan objects
 See energy colors
 See auras

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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Alchemy is the study of scientific transformation. Alchemy Reiki teaches you how to turn negative
energy into positive energy to transform the whole body for the highest good.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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This is part of the Hawaiian Trinity system. It can be received alone or as part of the Hawaiian Trinity
system as a whole.

If you are drawn to Aloha Reiki it is time to clear and open your heart space. This is a very heart
centered energy.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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This is a fabulous healing system which is simple and yet extremely powerful.

Ama Deus means "I love God"‘

This system has been used for the past 6000 years by the Guarani Indians who live deep in the Amazon
jungle of central Brazil.

It came to the West courtesy of Alberto Aguas, a third-generation Brazilian healer, who lived alongside
and studied the practices of the Guarani shamans for many years.

This system combines God‘s love with a series of ancient multi-dimensional symbols, which act as
vehicles for the energy transmission. It's similar in many ways to Reiki as it seeks to balance the energy
centers within the body but the Ama Deus symbols are intended for more specialized actions than those
used in Reiki.

Ama Deus can be sent over long distances, and it can also be used in conjunction with other methods of
healing. You, as the practitioner, are simply a channel for God‘s love.

Ama Deus is known as a heart-based energy system. The healing energy is projected through intent and
attunement with the energies of God and the symbols.

Ama Deus can be used in many different situations, including the following:

- Healing for oneself and others

- Distance healing
- Healing for emergency situations
- Healing for animals, birds and plants
- Helping those near death or dying
- Helping departed souls in their transition to the spirit world
- Purification of food, water, medicines etc
- Physical and emotional healing of the heart
- Helping babies make a smooth transition into the world
- Receiving a spiritual gift on your birthday
- Receiving spiritual information during your dreams
- Recollection of past lives/journeying in the Akashic Records
- Supporting world leaders in making important decisions
- Healing the Earth
- Exorcism

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 Two attunements
 A certificate

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I have tried to write about the Amara system in my own words but I cannot do it justice so I have chosen
to quote from the founders, Omar & Nichole Antila an extract from the manual...

Amara is an energy-consciousness of individual empowerment and self-discovery. Even though Amara

can bring forth healing on all levels and dimensions, the actual intent is not to heal but to become aware
of our subconscious currents.

These deep ―inner waters‖ hold the key to the mystery of our being.

The energy consciousness of Amara assists us to accept our wounds and issues as they are now and
helps us to become fully aware of their reasons for manifesting. We all experience pain at some point or
another and some experiences leave wounds that stay open even through many lifetimes. By becoming
aware of the patterns that keep these wounds open, we finally allow them to heal naturally. Nothing
needs to be undone or fixed, as our true nature is whole and perfect.

Allowance is the only thing needed to experience healing.

Amara will help us to see our ―darkness‖, our shadow self, and accept those aspects of ours that we do
not like, or feel separated from. Amara will help us connect with our subconscious, where most of our
true power and magic currently resides. The energy-consciousness will work with us so that we can
bring these subconscious aspects into our conscious experience of whom and what we are. Through
understanding the mystery of our Self we reach mastery. Amara represents the aspect of the self that is
fully grounded in its own divinity, radiating the full spectrum of its being outwards. Amara is like water,
transforming itself to fit every possible situation that manifests.

Amara is ever-evolving, flowing and unfolding.

When we experience that state of being, we become Amara itself, as it is not some form of
consciousness that is separate from our own. The core nature of Amara is consciousness and it should
not be seen as a mere energy stream. The movement of consciousness creates energy. This movement is
quite important, as it will help in aligning ourselves with the core of Amara. The energy guides us to the
core by facilitating shifts in perceptions and consciousness. Unlike some systems that focus more in
simply balancing the energy flow of our subtle bodies, Amara also works in the level of pure
consciousness. The energies will align the subtle bodies so that the actual consciousness can ground
itself into our being. This is not ―better‖ or ―worse‖ than systems that focus more in getting direct results
with energy manipulation. This is simply different. Amara works extremely well for those who resonate
more with this particular approach.

Amara does not offer quick fixes to physical or psychological imbalances. It does not offer a fast path to
―enlightenment‖ either. Amara simply offers a journey within.

When we reach and experience the core we begin to understand everything that happens around it. In
that space we can find true healing and empowerment. Amara has connections to many different realms
of consciousness. It can be said that Amara is actually a unified group consciousness composed of
several unique aspects of the divine. The cetaceans (whales, dolphins and porpoises), the ancient
civilization of Emuria, the Lemurian goddess Amara, the Rainbow Serpent and Dragons among others
are the most prominent connections. Many of these have strong connections to water and it seems to be
the main symbol for this whole system. The energies can be seen or felt as flowing liquid light and
liquid ―dark matter‖, which represent the Void energies.
Trust your guidance. Always do what feels right for you. Amara is not about rules or guidelines…
Amara is an initiation to our internal magic and power. It flows from within and thus there can be no
rules except for the ones that come from within as well.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 A distance Amara session, both before and after your initiation
 Your Amara Initiation (one)
 A certificate

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Available to Reiki Masters only.

The Great Sun Goddess of Japan, she is the supreme deity of the Shinto religion and is ruler of all the
kami, the gods, or, more properly, the forces inherent in nature. She is the "Great Shining Light" that
illuminates the heavens and earth. Her special sacred site is the Grand Shrine of Ise, where she is
enshrined in the Inner Sanctuary (shown at right; below right: the steps leading to the outer gate of the
inner sanctuary, in which the Great Bright Light is enshrined.)

In the mythology of Japan, according to the eighth-century Kojiki (Records of Ancient Matters), in the
beginning there was chaos, and yin and yang, the heavens and the earth, the waters and the land were not
separated. Heaven formed first, and then earth, and numerous gods were born who remained hidden.
Then a reed-shoot rose up from between heaven and earth, and it transformed into the first god, Kuni-
toko-tachi no Mikoto ("Earthly-Eternally-Standing-August Deity").

Next the Eight Divine Pillars were born, and last two being Izanagi ("He Who Invites") and Izanami
("She Who Invites"). She gave birthto several kami, but when delivering the god of fire (Kagu-tsuchi),
she died. Izanagi grieved, and followed her to the netherworld (Yomi no kuni). He begged her to return
to the world of the living with him, and she left to prepare for the journey, admonishing him not to look
at her until they were back. Like Orpheus, however, he looked, and saw her putrefying flesh swarming
with maggots. He ran away and eventually returned to this world, where he immediately bathed himself
to wash away the defilement. When he washed his left eye, Amaterasu Omikami ("Heaven-Illuminating
Great-August-Deity"), goddess of the sun, was born; when he washed his right eye, Tsuki-yomi no
Mikoto ("His Augustness Bow-like Moon"), god of the moon, was born; and when he washed his nose,
he sneezed, which produced Take-haya Susano-o no Mikoto ("His Brave-Swift-Impetuous-Male-
Augustness"), the god of storms.

Amaterasu ruled the Plain of High Heaven (Takama-no-hara), Tsuki-yomi ruled the seas and the night
sky, and Susano-ruled the earth, and all got along well for a while. But once in a drunken rampage, the
jealous Susano-o trampled Amaterasu's rice fields, filled in her irrigation ditches, and threw feces into
her palaces and shrines. Amaterasu pleaded with him to stop but he not only ignored her-he then went
on to throw the carcass of a partially flayed piebald horse into her weaving room-at which her weaving
maidens, startled, leaped up, and, in Chamberlain's quaint rendering, impegerunt privatas partes adversis
radiis et obierunt-impaled their private parts on the spindles and died! (In the seventh-century Nihongi
[Chronicles of Japan], it is Amaterasu herself who wounded herself on a shuttle, but not mortally.) In
protest at this great and evil violence, Amaterasu withdrew into a cave and sealed it shut with a giant

As a result, the world was plunged into darkness. Without her light and warmth, the gods of rice and all
living things began to wither and die. The eight million gods gathered in front of the cave and tried to
coax her out, pleading with her to return. But Amaterasu remained unmoved. Then the voluptuous
young goddess of merriment named Ame-no-Uzume turned over a washtub. Standing on top of it, she
began a sensual dance, stamping out a rhythm with her feet on the washtub. She eventually exposed her
breasts and lifted her skirts. Her audience clapped along, shouting and laughing with delight. Behind
Uzume was hidden a great round mirror. When Amaterasu peeked out of the cave to see what all the
commotion was about, Uzume moved aside and Amaterasu stared directly into the great mirror.
Amaterasu, who had never seen her own beauty before, was dazzled and delighted. She was surprised at
the bright face she saw, and said "white face," which is a direct translation of the Japanese phrase omo-
shiroi, which really means "interesting, fascinating." Just then, Tajikara-o ("He of Powerful Arms")
rolled back the stone. Amaterasu returned to her heavenly throne to warm the winter-weary earth. All
the kami rejoiced in her divine warmth and light. Life stirred and the world turn green once again.

This is her REIKI.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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AMON RA -- $10

Amon Ra is esteemed as the ―Tsar of all Gods‖ who raises your courage, talents and skills.
This system helps you to achieve those goals.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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Angel contact clears the way for you to connect with the angelic realm and for angels to connect with
you. Once the way is cleared you will connect with those angels/angel energies that are most suited to
your needs.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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Through these meditations, we are able to connect with the different Archangels and receive help and
guidance with different situations. The manual lists each Archangel and what situations they cover. It
also tells you how to do specific meditations to assist you.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 Up to 8 attunements
 A certificate

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Available to Reiki or Seichim Masters only.

The Angel Flames Reiki Attunements are for the energy that one accesses for use in working with others.

You will receive:

 Two manuals by email

 Three attunements
 A certificate

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If you have a desire to walk with your angels then this is for you.....Angels have never existed on the
earth plan as they are a higher vibrational consciousness. They bare gifts of pure love & light.

Included is a preparation exercise, a simple Invocation method and 4 initiations which are sent to you as
one attunement. The initiations are as below.

The Third Eye Initiation - Although there are different variations of Third Eye Initiations which have
been passed down in various beliefs such as Wiccan, Buddhism, Tibetan teachings, we will use the
mandala which originated in Eastern religions. It is circular and represents the Universe and wholeness.
The mandala has been used by many to align themselves to the Angels.

Upper Astral Crown Initiation - helping you to open up a clear channel to the Angels to help you to
accept messages and healing directly.

The Heart Initiation - helps to open the heart chakra, which is important when working with any type of
healing energy. This Initiation plants a seed but it is up to you to work with and develop the energy
through meditation and practice.

Angel Initiation- These Initiations aim to connect you directly a spiritual presence or a new guide or
angel guide. It is the final attunement in the set and the most important. You are open and you are ready.
This initiation is for channeling healing, receiving guidance and forming a connection to celestial beings.

It is usual to feel waves of pure love and energy washing over you as the Angels make themselves

Please note that Angel Light Initiation is not connected with the Lightarian Institute AngelLinks TM.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement which incorporates all four initiations
 A certificate

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Available to Reiki Masters only.

There were times that some students had some concerns with the source of Reiki and the idea of having
Angels was more palatable for them.

This Angel Reiki attunement therefore combines Angels and Reiki. The angels are incorporated into the
Reiki Attunement, and the Angels are called and requested to assist in the healing.

Angels are both a manifestation of the power of God as well as personifications of that power. Most
angels do not generally interact with humans unless specifically asked, but Guardian Angels are always
with us.

The Archangels take particular interest in humans, and assisting and strengthening them. The Angel
Reiki System is a way to connect to the loving healing power of the angels and with the Reiki Source

Angel Reiki can be learned as a stand-alone system, or as an adjunct to regular Usui Reiki.

The four Primary Angels that are included in this system are:
~Archangel Raphael
~Archangel Gabriel
~Archangel Michael
~Archangel Uriel.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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Angel Reiki for children is a form of energy attunement that permits adults to attune children to
heavenly vibrations at a very specific energy vibrational length that corresponds to the energy vibrations
of child‘s light being.

Children go through specific phases of emotional turmoil as they first have to adapt to living on the
earthly plane. The archangels mentioned in this course will help them to overcome some of the most
common problems and ailments children will encounter in their everyday lives.

If there are any children near you suffering from any of the problems described in the Manual just make
a pray to the angels who can help with their specific problem.

We can all call upon the Angels at any time and you do not need an attunement to do this but by
receiving an attunement to there energies you are forming a even closer connection with them on an
Energetic/Astral level.

In Angel Reiki for Children, You can also give children a semi-precious stone that is infused with your
praying or dress a child in a particular colour, which emanates the vibrations that are most appropriate
for tackling a specific problem.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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Your Angel Stones Attunement will enable you to make an Angel Stone that is very pure and powerful.
From this attunement, you can infuse energy directly into material items, by God and the Angels.

The Angel stone you attune will have an angel connected to it! It is quite a different experience than
wearing a crystal or other subtle energy tools. When wearing an Angel Stone, a special assigned angel
is constantly in your energy field, providing you with the energy you need. The Angel stone balances,
heals and protects you. It feels very gentle and soothing.

The angel works on our blocks and helps us to stay balanced and more focused on beauty and joy. It
lifts our spirit and is perfect in healing sessions! Just place a stone (one is enough) on the person you are
giving healing to. As a distance healing, just write the person's name on a piece of paper and place the
stone on the name for as long as you wish.

It can also be placed under your pillow while you sleep.

When placed in a room, the stone will begin to work with the energies in that room. It will send out
soothing and balancing energies, to lift the atmosphere.

A further property of the stone is that it can charge your drinking water. Just hold the stone on the side
of the glass/jar/bottle of water for some seconds and the water has been charged. The cells in your body
will accept this water much better than ordinary uncharged water, as the cells better accept the "love
structured" water.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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This system connects you with the Archangels and helps to assist you in:

 Clearing Space/Creating a Sacred Space

 Healing and Balancing Yourself and Others

The manual also covers the Angels and the Angelic Realms, Celestial Hierarchy and the Triads.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 Five attunements
 A certificate

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Available to Reiki Masters only.

This attunement will connect you to the Angels through the following senses:

 Sight
 Aroma
 Touch
 Sound
 Love

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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This empowerment will activate the Angels of Power, Wisdom and Love in the 3 Fold Sacred Flame. It
includes an empowerment and then a meditation.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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With this attunement, Angelwings can grant protection and security, transmit love to you, help with
affairs of the heart and much more. This is a wonderful system from Angela Grotsch.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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This is a compilation of several animal empowerments. The manual is made up of a collection of

short manuals and includes instructions for attuning others. Animals have many magical, protective
and telepathic abilities which may be accessed through empowerments. The empowerments included
in this system include the following:


Dolphins work on all levels of our existence, especially on an emotional level, helping us to
release our fears, upsets and anxieties that are holding us back. Dolphins help us to heal and
stop any addictive habits.


Jaguar is a flexible, powerful, strong and a fast predator that reminds us of our inner strength
and huge capabilities so we can be encouraged to fulfill our goals quickly with
determination. The Jaguar Empowerment allows us to reach our full potential NOW! A
meditation is offered so you can meet and communicate with your power animal.


Bat is a symbol of re-birth. For centuries it has been a treasured medicine of Aztec, Toltec, Tolucan
and Mayan peoples. Hanging upside down is a symbol for learning to transform your former self into
a newborn being. Bat can symbolize a time of letting go of old habits.


Dragonfly is a magical totem, signifying our ability to transform ourselves as we travel our
path of self knowing toward enlightenment. Its iridescence and shifting colors lift us into
dreamtime, where we understand that "reality" is the illusion. Our visions are channeled
through our unconscious mind, ever connected to the great mystery that is life. Dragonfly reminds
us to celebrate spirit in all living beings.


Spider medicine is the medicine of the master weaver. Spider wove the alphabet, and brought the
ability for man to communicate, and record their history through language. It is through Spiders
weaving that the creative forces bring forth the beautiful intricate patterns of our lives. Spider
medicine reminds us that it is not ourselves, but the Universe which has the design for the fabric of
our lives.


Dragons are referred to as divine, mythical creatures that bring with them ultimate
abundance, prosperity and good fortune and bring physical and spiritual strength.


Crow is the medicine of the "Universal Law." If you are blessed with the medicine of Crow you are
so in tune with the law of the universe you are able to bend the law of the physical universe. Those
who possess Crow medicine are given the duty of protecting the sacred universal law.


Scientific research has shown that the butterfly is the only living being capable of changing
entirely its genetic structure during the process of transformation: the caterpillar's DNA is
totally different from the butterflies.


Owls help us to utilize energies to the fullest. The great horned owls see's and knows, and for this
reason the owls are very good at guiding us when we have lost our way. The owl‘s essence will guide
you to your proper path and bring wisdom.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 Nine attunements
 A certificate

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This system was created by Lisa Center, a very good friend of mine. She created this system for those
that wish to walk closer with animals we encounter in our lives. There are three symbols for this system
which connect you with the animals through visualization, hearing and meditation. Through this system
you will be able to understand why an animal has come into your life and what their message may be to

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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―Simply put, the Antahkarana is the bridge between the personality and the soul (and), later in one's
development, between the soul and the monad). The word itself is Sanskrit and is a compound word:
antar - "interior", "within"; karana - "sense organ". In the west, the word is used with a different
emphasis than in Sanskrit, i.e. it refers to the
structure which is responsible for our inner seeing.‖

Though this system, the attunements and work that you do, you will be able to build your antahkarana or
the bridge between your personality and your soul.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 Four attunements
 A certificate

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This system connects you to the energy of the God Apollo.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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By receiving this distant attunement, you will be able to strengthen the connection to Archangel Michael
and be able to call on him for his strength and protection.

Archangel Michael can help you fulfill your divine life purpose and this attunement is especially
recommended for lightworkers who may feel a bit isolated at times. It will show you that no matter
how lonely you may have felt that you have never been alone...

This attunement is also ideal if you have major life changes to make as Archangel Michael can help to
smooth your path and keep you safe as he guides you.

You will receive:

 A brief manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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Available to Reiki Masters or Seichim Masters only.

This form of Seichim includes the archangelic attunement. Seichim comes to us from ancient Indian
Sanskrit traditions, although its original origins would have been as Sekhem in the temples of ancient
Egypt. The energy of Seichim is extremely feminine goddess energy and its subtlety belies its power to
shift energetic blocks at all levels – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Symbology taught in
Seichim contains a number of flowing, beautiful symbols such as Angel Wings and Aligning Higher and
Lower God Selves. Angel Seichim takes over where Reiki Level II leaves off, so Reiki Level II is a
prerequisite to ensure your body is able to handle the increasingly high vibrational level.

The Seichim energy channeled is referred to as Living Light Energy, although ultimately there is only
one Source of channeled energy, no matter how it is manifested in Reiki, Seichim or Sekhem.

This system will work with both the Seichim / Reiki energy and the Archangels. You may use this
system when you are working with someone by simply call down the energies of Archangelic Seichim
Reiki. Archangels, like all angels, are an "intelligence", a power and personification of a specific aspect
of god, and the energy that power represents. The number of Archangels that there are varies from
school to school. Some identify only three, while others have as many as ten or twelve. This information
is acquired from a number of sources. These include Biblical, Gnostic, Arabic, Kaballist, and from the
Apocryphal works.

Experience their Magnificence!

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement and one self-attunement
 A certificate

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This system connects you to Goddess Artemis, who care for all living things. This system is believed to
work on the endocrine system and helps to normalize it.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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Everyone can call upon the Ascended Masters and Archangels at any time but this set of 20
Attunements will bring the Energies of the Masters and Archangels much closer to you allowing
them to work in your etheric background.

Through this system, you will be connected to the following Ascended Masters and their unique

 Buddha
 Sanat Kumara
 Jesus
 Mary
 Abundentia
 Maitreya
 Quan Yin
 Merlin
 Saint Germain
 Master Kuthumi
 Moses
 The Holy Padre Pio
 Serapis Bey

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 Thirteen attunements
 A certificate

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Athena is the Greek goddess of Wisdom. Through this system, Athena will help you understand the
greater perspective of things and see things for what they really are.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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Part of trilogy including Crystal Skull Activation and Elemental Earth Star Activation.

The Atlantian Crystal Activation was channeled by Jay Burrell with the assistance of Linda C.
Colibert. It is not a healing system as such although it can be used for this purpose. It is more of a
spiritual progression system that will help you on your spiritual path and mankind‘s ultimate
The purpose of this Activation is to bring in the knowledge and energy that was and is stored into
the main Atlantian Crystal which was kept in the Great Poseidon Healing Temple in Atlantis.
This Crystal is nothing like anything we have here on the Earth. It holds all the ancient information
that the Atlantians used. This included levitation, telepathy, manifestation, transportation by intent
and most importantly it holds the key to Earth‘s Ascension.
The Atlantian Crystal Empowerment will activate the lost strands of DNA within us and an Etheric
Atlantian Crystal will permanently be placed above your Crown Chakra to permanently
connect you to its energies.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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Available to Reiki Masters only.

Attraction Reiki is a new system that opens your energy field to strengthen your aura and make
you a magnet to whatever you want in life – money, love, opportunities and much more. There are
three levels to this system with 3 symbols in each level ~

Level 1 works on belief and you will look at what it means to believe and how our beliefs affect our

Level 2 works with intention. You will become clearer on what your intention is and is a vital step in
the manifestation process.

Level 3 (Master Level) works with Attraction. You will take what you have learned in the two
previous levels and integrate it into your attraction strategy.

Each level gives three symbols to activate the Reiki energy – these symbols correspond with mind,
body and soul.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 Three attunements
 A certificate

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Aura Empowerment Reiki was founded by E. Peca and Victor Glanckopf. The following description is
excerpted from the manual and remains copyright of them.

―Aura Empowerment Reiki is a powerful tool for healers to protect their aura during healing energy

Aura Empowerment Reiki works well for people working in the medical profession as well as for
individuals who are involved in public work.

Aura Empowerment Reiki also works well for anyone in the military or similar professions.

Aura Empowerment Reiki is very beneficial for people whose daily lives are characterized by an
environment with difficult interpersonal relationships for instance problematic work environments or
family situations.

Aura Empowerment Reiki is works well with children whose energy fields are still open to outside
negative vibrations.

Aura Empowerment Reiki works for sensitive children and indigo children.‖

You will receive:

 Manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate
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Available to Usui Reiki Masters only.

What Is Aurora Reiki?

Each individual has an Aura surrounding them. Aurora Reiki is used to strengthen and heal the Aura.

Aurora Reiki has 2 levels:

1. Elementary - Cleaning the Aura

2. Master - Ability to attune others.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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This is new and old energy from Avalon, medium of the light and guardian of the gates. She tells you
the way: detecting, integration of the pure and true love. Used in pure love, the symbols will serve us for
fulfillment for clean and spiritual wealth.

Crown Of Success contains 12 symbols plus the energies of Avalon (new & old).

This system will help you discover pure love, clarify your thoughts and balance your ego.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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This is not a healing system, but it serves the further development, the Awakening of hidden talents and
the expansion of your possibilities.

With this attunement, the sleeping energy is awakened in you, the energy, which the select guardians of
the Grail carry into themselves. Have these energies awakened in you and protect the Holy Grail so that
it doesn't fall into the false hands and contributes to the setting of the world.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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Ayurveda Reiki is a new system of healing by Mohan Chute.

Ayu" means life and "Veda" means knowledge from the Vedic texts.

This holistic science is the knowledge of complete balance of the Body, Mind and Spirit, including
emotions and psychology, on all levels.

This system empowers your body, mind and spirit. This is created by combining energies of the great
Ayurveda and Reiki.

This is not confined to being only a healing system but also involves spiritual growth.

This system helps awaken Kundalini and attunes you for the vital energy frequencies of Ayurvedic
Medicine, Mantras, Colors, Planets, Panchamahabootas (empowers you to the metaphysical properties
of Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Space), etc.

It is extremely powerful and effective, yet gentle. Ayurveda angels (like Lord Dhanvantari) help to
diagnose the disease and direct the appropriate frequency energy to the patient.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 Three attunements
 A certificate

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Bat is a symbol of re-birth. For centuries it has been a treasured medicine of Aztec, Toltec,
Tolucan and Mayan peoples. Hanging upside down is a symbol for learning to transform your former
self into a newborn being. Bat can symbolize a time of letting go of old habits.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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According to the system founder, this energy "gives insight, brings in new energies, and is
loving and protective." The bear is an important power animal and can greatly help you in your
spiritual path and healing sessions.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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Available to Usui Reiki Masters only.

Blue Lotus Energy Healing is a new energy channeled in 2003 by Ansara Moldave.

The Blue Lotus has been admired for thousands of years. It is connected to the expansion of the higher
mind. It eases the spirit out of the body and assists it forward towards its highest potential in the realm
of Spirit.

Blue Lotus is one of the highest vibrations of any energy.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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This course is only available to Reiki Masters.

This advanced healing system comes from the Pleiades star system and was used in ancient Egypt. It
was channeled by John Williams in 1995 and then further developed with Gary Jirauch. This system
emphasizes galactic and spiritual healing, and is "a transmission of spiritual ability to bridge the gap
between God and man - The Rainbow Bridge - enabling the adept to utilize this potential and to function
at expanded levels of awareness".

A strong sense of balance between mind and heart is the key to manifesting with the Blue Star energy,
which is said to be the vehicle for bringing peace and planetary healing as fast as it can happen.

There are two attunements that include seven practitioner and seven master symbols, plus there are
several meditations and spiritual growth exercises found in the manual.

Subjects covered in Level One:

Ancient Origins of the Blue Star System

Blue Star Celestial Energy & Sound
(7) Blue Star Celestial Energy Practitioner Symbols
Basic & Intermediate Mer-Ka-Ba Breathing Technique
Distance Healing with Blue Star
Extracting and Short-circuiting Disease and Psychic Surgery
Enhancing the Body Defense System Against Disease

Level Two (Master Level) , gives the student the ability to teach and transmit the energies of the Blue
Star, This Level is available only to current Reiki Masters (Usui, Shamballa, Karuna ®, Tera Mai™)

Subjects covered in the Master Level:

(7) Blue Star Celestial Energy Master Symbols

Manifesting with Blue Star Celestial Energy
Integrating Blue Star Celestial Energy with the chakras & the planets
Triangulation Exercise
Personal Symbol Exercise
Advanced Mer-Ka-Ba Breathing Technique
Performing Blue Star Celestial Energy Attunements
Miscellaneous Meditations

You will receive:

 Two manuals by email

 Two attunements
 A certificate

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This is a marvelous tool for transformation and requires no symbols…just contact with Source and
program the pure Bliss to transmute the negatives. With this attunement, you are given the bliss
encountered as you contact Source and it stays with you for as long as you ask. It can also be
programmed to help counteract all kinds of negative things such as hurts, addictions, negative karma, etc.
from this life and all lives in all dimensions. It gives a wonderful blissful feeling as a result and one can
program it to start up at any point in time. Ideally, one would work on one item at a time…and find the
source of the problem and have Breathe of Bliss go and transmute it into bliss.

You will receive:

 One manual
 One attunement
 A certificate

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If Butterfly is your Power Animal or if you feel in any way attracted to it, this means you are ready to
undergo some kind of transformation. This empowerment deals with your own metamorphosis and

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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Available to Usui 2 or Reiki Masters only.

The goal of Yoga is the Union of the individual Self with the universal one. In the western world,
Yoga is usually associated with physical exercises, but there are many different kinds of Yoga: Some
make indeed,
as already mentioned, use of physical exercises whereas others stress mental concentration
and a
meditative approach.

Cabbalistic Emotion-Yoga© is one of the latter.

This type of Yoga enables you to reach balance for your emotional body - a body that every one of
us has. You will learn how to discharge your emotions that have been piling up throughout the years
– resulting in a state of well-being and the ability to confront your everyday tasks emotionally
strengthened. It is many times the case that you will not experience all of the emotions that are
being described further down, but you experience those which burden you most and are in need of
After having received your initiations, you can pick whichever symbol you want to use or
whichever seems
to confront you with difficulties. Now you have the possibility to store the symbol in the respective
charka and dissolve those emotions that are unwanted. The whole works like a big Let-Go-Of-
Everything, so the stored emotional energy is set free in order to deal freely and unbiasedly
with your everyday-emotions again. The impressions you will then make without coined emotions
will prove to be freer and jauntier.

The good thing about Cabbalistic Emotion-Yoga© is the pure form of emotions that you will
experience after the work. You will perceive your world without emotional blockades again, which
can be very burdening in certain situations.
Each new situation will be perceived unbiasedly, the old emotion will not reappear, not even when
in front of your Boss or suffering from exam nerves. This all seems to be wiped off and you can
deal with every situation equanimously. But that is not all that Cabbalistic Emotion Yoga© can
do for you. You will experience a complete new form of love, which you will never have
perceived before. It is a pure form of love that you will live through in exactly that form of purity.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 Three attunements
 A certificate

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This is an energy which helps you to rid of mental sufferings, drooping and spleen issues.

You will receive:

 Two manuals by email

 Three attunements
 A certificate

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Celestial Reiki is a form of Reiki that uses the universe as our guide and channel for energy. The
system is built upon the 9 planets, sun, moon, and 12 signs of the Zodiac. For this type of Reiki,
much information is already written about the stars and how each system works. Celestial Reiki
simply takes this already known information and sets it in a different light.
For each of these planets have a core of energy and each of these cores can be used to heal.

In addition, each constellation has an energy signature and this signature can be used to heal one as

Celestial Reiki is a beautiful type of Reiki that allows us to connect spiritually with not only the Earth,
but with each planet and star system within our reach.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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Available to Usui Reiki Masters only.

―Celestial Wind Energy Healing System works through the element of stone/earth and the
Grandmother‘s energy of healing. It is female in nature and is an effective tool for healing relationship
issues and karma.‖

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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Celtic Reiki is a beautiful style of Reiki which uses vibrations from the Earth and certain types of trees
& plants to create energies ideal for both, healing and manifestation.

Although similar to Usui Reiki, this is an Earth energy so it is channeled upwards rather than through
the crown chakra as in Usui.

It uses various symbols which are very straightforward and based on the ancient Druid alphabet.

Celtic philosophy and tradition is also covered in the manual and you will learn about new techniques
which are based on Celtic rituals.

It can be used to treat many health issues as well as helping you and your clients to attain desires and

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 Three attunements
 A certificate

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This course is only available to Usui Reiki Masters.

This exciting new energy system was chanelled and created by Steve Malcolm to celebrate the energies
from the Summer Solstice 2003.

The 10 symbols forming the Celtic Wisdom Energy System were chanelled following a visit to Croft
Moraig, a megalithic site comprised of three concentric stone circles near Aberfeldy in Perthshire,
Scotland. Croft Moraig translates from Gaelic as the ‗Field of Mary‘ and is believed to be situated on an
energy ley-line alignment with the ‗Praying Hands of Mary‘, a megalithic standing stone 15 miles away
in Glenlyon.

The symbols stem from Celtic wisdom and are largely Goddess symbols in origin. This beautiful energy
system is highly balancing and grounding, and assists us in connecting with our true nature and place in
the Universe. It will help release untapped potential, promote balance and tranquillity in our lives, and
brings all those who are attuned to it the energy of unconditional love.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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Through this attunement, you can learn to unite strength, fight and wisdom of the Centaurs and get a
chance to become a great healer.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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Through this empowerment, you can connect with Cerridwen, the Goddess of creativity, inspiration and

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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The Chakra Healing Attunements work to cleanse and heal the chakras from old issues and
negative energies that are being held there. A healing attunement is like a super-charged healing
session and is an extremely powerful way to make changes in your life quickly. If you are not used to
running energy then it is recommended to receive one attunement at a time.

With any attunement process, you may experience a clearing following the attunement. This could
include physical detox (getting a cold, etc.) or emotional release (experiencing some emotional
turmoil following the attunement). Please know that any clearing processes are temporary and will
ease as your energy adjusts
to the new level.

First Chakra: Root (base of spine): Basic physical survival, money, career, home, foundation,
grounding. This attunement helps with: money issues, physical health, focus and concentration,
depression, career issues.

Second Chakra: Sacral (lower abdomen): Emotions and sexuality. This attunement helps with: issues
with sexuality (past abuse, impotence, fridigity, orientation), deep emotional blockages (especially
for men), addictions, female problems (cysts, menstrual pain, fertility).

Third Chakra: Solar Plexus (upper abdomen): Personal power, boundaries, protection. This
attunement helps with: fear, emotional blockages, setting boundaries with people, learning how to
say no, feeling confident about yourself in the world.

Fourth Chakra: Heart (centre of chest): Ability to give and receive love. This attunement helps with:
healing heart wounds, opening up to new love, attracting a soul mate, being unconditionally loving.

Fifth Chakra: Throat (throat area): Our ―voice,‖ both literally and figuratively. This attunement
helps with: creativity, writing, singing, the arts, speaking up for oneself, receiving and channeling
divine information, ear, nose and throat.

Sixth Chakra: Third Eye (middle of forehead): The third eye is our centre of intuition and psychic
ability. This attunement helps with: improving intuition and psychic abilities, seeing clearly
(being able to perceive and accept what's going on in our lives), spiritual insight.

Seventh Chakra: Crown (top of head): This chakra is our connection to the divine. This
attunement helps with: connection to spirit guides and angels, connection with God, life purpose,
universal love, Christ consciousness.

These Attunements and the Manual are not a course on chakra theory, but the manual does cover
how to read the chakras in addition to instructions on sending the attunements.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 Seven attunements
 A certificate

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This system opens and develops each of the seven chakras.

You will receive:

 Seven manuals by email

 Seven attunements
 A certificate

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This is a form of spiritual healing which specifically balances the female and male energies within the
chakras. It awakens the Kundalini energy to set free the strength and force running through our main
shushuma (energy channel) which, through the Crown Chakra, unites humans to the universal creative
and expanding force.

This system is especially effective for:

 the balancing of the mail and female energies within us and helps us in discovering our
animus/anima aspects as the psychologist Jung would define it
 integrating the male and female energies of our personality

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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This is a 10-part channel course to learn to channel in a spiritual way.

You will receive:

 Ten courses
 One manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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Chenrezig is known by the name Arya-Avalokiteshvara, which means "The Noble One Who Regards
the Cries of the World."

Chenrezig is considered to be the Bodhisattva (an enlightened being who has vowed to help all other
beings attain enlightenment before becoming a buddha) of Mercy and Compassion. Though primarily
male in Indian and Tibetan iconography, Avalokiteshvara can appear in any form, and the thirty-three
forms are listed in the Lotus Sutra.

Many of those forms are female, and it is primarily in female form that this deity is known in Southeast
and East Asia, the name varying from Kum-yam to Guan-yin to Kuan-yin to Kannon.

Chenrezig is also invoked for healing, often for, but not limited to, problems of a spiritual nature.
Historically, it is believed helpful to meditate on his image and to chant his mantra with the desire to
alleviate suffering and attain enlightenment. It is thought that Dr. Mikao Usui, the originator of Reiki in
its modern form, may have meditated on the Kannon sutra (Chapter 25 of the Lotus Sutra) as part of his
efforts to tap into the healing energies of the Buddha.

Chenrezig is an enlightened being who has unbiased compassion for all living beings. He protects living
beings from physical and mental illnesses and other dangers and obstacles, and helps them to eradicate
the three poisons-attachment, hatred, and ignorance-which are the source of all sickness and danger. He
is the "Buddha Doctor."

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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Description by Founder SolKarina: “In the 80‘s Lord Sananda, Jesus came to me several times.
He gave me energy and loving feelings I went through hard times then. In the early 90‘s when I
started channelling I asked him about life purpose, of course I asked him lots of questions. He
then took my hand and we travelled out in the universe so we could see earth by a distance. Look
he said, the purpose of life is not only your life it is the life of all living beings on planet earth.

You all need to support eat other to grow spiritually. It is not only one person who is
supposed to be enlightened the whole earth must do this together. You must help each other.

This was some of all the information he gave me. When all people have light minds then you
can see what happened with the earth. He pointed on the globe from space and I could se how it
glow, glitter in space like a star. The purpose is for the whole earth to ascend and you all become a
glowing and glittering star in space together. It is important to understand the word of compassion
and loving all living beings. Those people who had a spiritually awakening have a responsibility to
enlighten them who is not by your daily actions.

I understood that my actions will reflect and influence everybody that I meet daily.‖

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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This is an attunement to the Universal Christ Healing Energy – the energy which Jesus Christ brought
to the planet Earth about 2000 years ago, not an attunement to Jesus Christ, Jesus or the ascended
master Sananda.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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Clear View Energy attunement is most effective for healing vision problems and almost eye
ailments/diseases. It can be used for self healing or healing of others, by intention method, hands on
healing or disant healing.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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This Karmic clearing is all encompassing and includes your karmic relationship to money/

You will receive:

 Information sheet by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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Angels are always watching over us, listening waiting to be called upon and by receiving this beautiful
attunement you will be able to strengthen the connection to each Archangel and the Color ray that they

work from just by visualizing the color to which they are associated with, this makes it a very easy way
of making the connection.

The Archangels and the color rays they are associated with are:

Archangel Michael (Protection & Power) - Blue Ray

Archangel Jophiel (Illumination & Knowledge) - Yellow Ray
Archangel Chamuel (Love) - Pink Ray
Archangel Gabriel (Harmony & Purity) - White Ray
Archangel Raphael (Healing) - Green Ray
Archangel Uriel (Peace) - Gold Ray
Archangel Zadkiel (Freedom) - Violet Ray

You will receive:

 Information sheets by email

 One attunement where you will receive the permanent connections to each Archangel & Ray
 A certificate

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Cougars have tremendous insight and perception. Though this empowerment, you will realize that you
are a person of power and your power calls to you with the appearance of the Cougar (Puma, Puma
Concolor, Mountain Lion, Florida Panther, Screamer and Catamount).

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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This empowerment will connect you with the energies and qualities of Coyote. If you see Coyote,
Coyote comes to you, you can expect lessons. These lessons may or may not be want you want or like
but you must learn those lessons. Coyote usually shows up when we are taking ourselves far too
seriously and we need laughter in our lives.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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This system is meant to help facilitate astral travel and will protect you from demonic beings there and
negative energies. You will be protected from everything and you can travel between many worlds. It
can help facilitate going to different worlds on the Astral Plane as well as being able to access them for
helpful information.

You will receive:

 No manual available, per founder

 One attunement
 A certificate

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Crow is the medicine of the "Universal Law." If you are blessed with the medicine of Crow you
are so in tune with the law of the universe you are able to bend the law of the physical universe.
Those who possess Crow medicine are given the duty of protecting the sacred universal law.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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The Energies of the Crystal Dragons were channeled to Reiki Master Jay Burrell on August 10, 2005 as
he was dedicating his Dragon Eggs to the Energies of the Dragon Realm. On the evening of this
Dedication, he went out into the garden and sat under his grounding tree. He placed three Dragon Eggs
between his hands in a prayer position and raised them above his head and then asked the Dragons to
bless the eggs with their energies and also to bless him.

What happened next was totally unexpected.

He could feel the Dragon Energy coming in through his fingertips, flowing through each stone then
traveling down through all his chakras, opening and cleansing each one as it flowed through them down
into mother Earth.

When he felt the Energies calming down, he heard in his mind a loud rough voice telling him that he had
just received the Attunements and knowledge of the Crystal Dragons and that this knowledge and set of
Spiritual Attunements should be passed onto as many people as possible to prepare us all for the hard
times that are coming.
He was told that a great Energy Shift of Planet Earth was on its way and that the Dragons were going to
make themselves known to us again at this time to help us through this transition.

The Dragons are here with us now but they live at a higher vibration than we do. This is why we do not
see them as often as we used to.

This system is not a Healing System. Jay was told that the three Crystal Dragon Attunements were for
Spiritual Development and Spiritual Progression. He was also shown a Key that was to be placed within
the Palms, Heart and Brow Chakra during the 3rd Crystal Dragon Attunement. This will enable you to
enter into the Crystal Dragon Realms during Meditation.

The 3 crystal Dragons are: The Clear Quartz Dragon, the Rose Quartz Dragon and the Amethyst

The Crystal Dragon Manual includes the following information:

* The 3 Crystal dragons

* A Guided Dragon Meditation so you can meet you Dragon Companion who will always be with you
sitting on your shoulder
* Information on the body‘s Chakra System
* A very powerful Chakra Meditation
* The Crystal Dragon Key

You will receive:

 Manual by email
 Three attunements
 A certificate

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This course is only available to Reiki Masters.

Please note: For this Attunement you will need 7 Single terminated Clear Quartz Crystals.

Crystal Reiki Attunement‘s are for Reiki Masters who are ready to progress to the next stage of their
ascension and who are ready to accept the challenges of their next spiritual journey.

Attunement to the higher vibrational frequencies of a Crystal Reiki Master will amplify all your psychic
faculties and healing energies.

You will enter into the Onement of All-That-Is; the fount of all wisdom, knowledge and understanding.
And through accessing your deepest cellular memories you will once again resonate with the sacred
Word, the energies of which will transport you into a new dimension of space and time.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement

 A certificate

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Part of a trilogy including Atlantian Crystal Activation and Elemental Earth Star Activation.

The Crystal Skull Activation was channeled by Jay Burrell and assisted by Linda C. Colibert.
The Crystal Skull Activation in the second system in a trilogy of attunements that will connect you
to the healing energies and knowledge of Atlantis, the Atlantians and the energy of our Mother Earth
The Crystal Skull Activation came to Jay while he was passing the Atlantian Crystal Activation to a
student. He had tried to block out the energies and information, but a gentleman came forward and
introduced himself as MOLDOR. He told Jay that he was the keeper of the crystal skulls and that
now was the time for these skulls to come forward etherically to help mankind in the ascension
process that has been going on for thousands of years.
The Crystal Skull that you will receive during your Attunement will always be with you, as it is
placed above your crown Chakra into your 8th Chakra (Transpersonal Point/Soul Star Chakra)
which will be above the Atlantian Crystal that is placed into your 7th Chakra or crown chakra.
Through this Activation/Attunement, you will always be able to access the energy and knowledge
contained within this Ethereal Crystal Skull.
Once attuned to the energies of the Crystal Skull, and have had your own Ethereal Skull placed
into your 8th Chakra, this will help you with any and all psychic abilities you may have or may not
know you have.
You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate
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Deep Red Reiki helps in many areas of our life, including protection, grounding, revitalization and
psycho-spiritual cleansing.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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"This healing process is based on the groundbreaking work of Larry Nims, Ph.D. and Gary Flint, Ph.D.
It also includes elements of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, TAT (Tapas Acupressure Technique), EFT
(Emotional Freedom Technique) EmoTrance, Acu-Energetics and reflects the teachings of many
traditional eastern spiritual, religious and philosophical systems."

With this system, you will be able to use Deep Subconscious Healing (DSH) to help with issues
involving anything that upsets you, disappoints you, hurts you, etc. This is a two-step process.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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Deer are thought to be good listeners, grateful and giving, sacrificing, show paths to a goal. Through
this empowerment, you will be able to connect with the deer and its energies and qualities.
You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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These are the founder‘s words: ―This system is designed to help maintain good dental health. It is
composed of three attunements. The first attunement is called ‗Dental Shakti‘ and it is for general
cleaning and strengthening. The second attunement is called ‗Deep Dental Shakti‘ and it goes deeper
into the less physical origins of dental issues. And the third is ‗Comfortably Numb‘. It is used only for
pain. Reading the descriptions of the energies in each attunement will let you know just what each
attunement does.

This attunement does not take the place of brushing, flossing or any other physical means of dental care.
Please brush and floss carefully twice a day. And see a dentist once or twice a year for a check up.‖
You will receive:

 One manual by email

 Three attunements
 A certificate

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Created By Anthony Glenn Agee

Devic Templates, by its powerful attunement process, enables one to consciously work with many levels
of Higher Intelligences. These Higher Intelligences include the Overlighting Devas, Solar Angels,
Nature Spirits, White Brotherhood and your Higher Self.

Devic Templates was created by Mr. Agee to enable Light Workers to reach their Full potential.

After the attunements, many people find a dramatic increase in their intuitive abilities as well as greater
healing abilities. These special attunements allow one to use the various templates for personal healing,
personal meditation, personal instruction, personal dream, professional healing, professional meditation,
professional instruction, professional attunement, group healing, group meditation, group instruction,
group attunement, miscellaneous attunement and/or miscellaneous energy clearing.

The Devic Template attunements will enable you to create your own custom templates.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 Two attunements
 A certificate

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Aladya - the Angel of revival, regeneration. An angel giving the second breath to a body, soul and
spirit. It allows us to restore the forces, giving live energy when we feel weakened. At the same time it
actuates both reason and intuition, and helps to get out of the confused situation. These virtues
Aladya transfers to those who wish to accept them.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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The Diamond of Zapharel is placed etherically in your aura to permanently offer the qualities and
assistance of a diamond along with Zapharel‘s presence.

Once you have received this attunement you will be able to call upon Seraph Zapharel and his diamond
whenever you need assistance, guidance or simply his presence. The Diamond is a symbol of purity and
can assist in bringing your life to a more balanced and whole state.

You do not need to be attuned to Reiki or any of the other Zapharel attunements to receive the Diamond
of Seraph Zapharel and after you have received the attunement you will be able to pass it on to others.

The Diamond is a symbol of purity with a brilliant and pure white light. The Diamond can help bring
completeness and wholeness to your life and is able to assist you in many ways.

The Diamond is a stone that doesn‘t need recharging so once you receive this attunement you will be
connected to Seraph Zapharel and his Diamond for life. You will not need to be reattuned to it.

The Diamond is an amplifier of energy and can assist with removing negativity and fear from a person
or situation. It is also useful for repairing holes that may appear in your aura and recharges and
energizes the aura.

If you have any negativity attached to your aura which is preventing you from moving along your
spiritual path, the Diamond can help to release this negativity and replace it with a new, refreshing
energy enabling you to move forwards with a renewed enthusiasm and passion.

The Diamond can also assist in matters of the heart, whether it is a relationship difficulty or life in
general, the placing of the diamond in your aura and chakras can bring harmony and peace to you.

Finally, the Diamond can assist with mental clarity enabling you to see more clearly the path that you
need to take.

You will receive:

 An information booklet by email

 One attunements
 A certificate
 You will also be registered with Wings Therapies as a teacher of this attunement and listed on
the website

*** More information on work with Seraph Zapharel can be found at

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Many know that Quan Yin (or Kuan Yin) is the Goddess of Mercy. Few may know that she has taken a
vow to serve the Planet Earth until all children of light become free. This system connects you to Quan
Yin‘s energy and allows you to call upon her to receive her light to the highest level possible for

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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Divine Healing Wisdom is a healing method based on the characters and the nature of Arabic
hijaiyah writing. On every hijaiyah letter there is a specific energy which can be used for self defense or
healing matters. The release of the energy contained in each letter is based on the knowledge which is
written down in the Book Ushulul Hikmah by Imam Abil Abbas Ahmad Bin Alil Bauni Al Mashiri.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 Four attunements
 A certificate
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This course is available to Usui Reiki Masters only.

Divine Light Reiki is a new system based on the Japanese system Jôrei, or Johrei, that was developed in
the early 20th century by Mokichi Okada, founder of the Church of World Messianity. It is a wonderful
system of spiritual healing whose intent is to rid toxins from the body. This is accomplished through the
application of Divine energy.

A Divine Light treatment lasts 30–45 minutes, and is conducted with the client fully clothed and seated.
The therapist will ask questions about physical and mental health, and then hold their right hand over the
body to channel healing energy; areas of toxic build-up are found and, with the Light, the toxins are
channeled to the kidneys, which flush them out.

Practitioners claim that Johrei boosts the body's immune system by eliminating toxins and encouraging
the body to heal itself. The treatment is also beneficial for stress-related conditions, allergies, and
chronic pain.

Divine Light Reiki borrows from several energy systems to achieve the most optimal healing effect
possible. Divine Light Reiki is very versatile and intense and can be used with or without symbols.

You will receive:

 A 37-page manual by the creator of the system by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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This system is designed to offer divine protection and oneness with the Universe. This system is so
simple that even a child can use it, but is very strong.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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Must be either Usui or Seichim Master.

This system was created with the help of Archangel Gabriel, the compassionate parental persona. This
system will help you to work to your fullest potential and Divine Will.

You will receive:

 One manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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Through this attunement, the Dolphins teach you how to release emotions through their wonderful
breath technique.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate
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This system, with the help of the Dolphins, will help you to balance, align and cleanse each chakra.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 Fourteen attunements
 A certificate
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System founded by Mark Scott. This system brings one in touch with the energy of the oceans. If you
feel drawn to dolphins, this system is for you.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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Shanti Johnson created this system after she was offered information by the dolphins. The dolphins
informed Shanti that drumming was to be added for healing with dolphin energy.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate
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This system was founded by Peggy Jentoft. While she was pregnant with her daughter, she visited the
old Marine World Africa USA and met ―Spock‖, one of the dolphins there. Spock shared this energy
with her and her unborn daughter.

This system has spiritual healing and meditation enhancement effects that also support interspecies
communication. This allows for universal/planetary memory to be activated by intention. During
meditation, it will run until it has done the work it needs to.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate
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Dolphin Trilogy Reiki was founded by Shanti Johnson it builds upon the energies and
principles of Dolphin Reiki to give you 3 levels of healing.

These are: Dolphin Healing Reiki

This is the 1st level of Dolphin Trilogy Reiki and this level teaches you to use the
Dolphin Reiki breathing and to connect you with the energy of the dolphins. If practiced
regularly, this breathing technique will enable you to circulate life energy through your
physical and energy body. It will help you to unblock energy pathways and rid you of
negative patterns.

Orca Empowerment Reiki

This is the 2nd level of Dolphin Trilogy Reiki. This level encourages you to release
memories and improves communication, thus enabling us to heal.

Dolphin Crystal Reiki

The third level of the Dolphin Trilogy Reiki sees the amazing energy of the dolphins
come together with powerful crystal energy, to form a complete healing system healing
system that can heal on many levels.

This system is particularly recommended to help addictions, depression, and feelings of

being incomplete. It can help you to release past traumas from the soul and help you to
find your way.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 Three attunements
 A certificate

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Known also as "Cowboy Reiki", Dos Rios Reiki is a gentle therapy that blossomed out of work done
with AIDS patients in the American Southwest. Dos Rios Reiki is effective with touching only the head
and feet of the patient. Also the Tibetan Medicine Buddha mantra is used in healing session.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 Three attunements
 A certificate

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Dragons are referred to as divine, mythical creatures that bring with them ultimate
abundance, prosperity and good fortune and bring physical and spiritual strength. This empowerment
connects you with their energies and qualities.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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This system connects you with the unique energies of the Green Dragon, Yellow Dragon, Red Dragon,
and Blue Dragon to help clean our homes and heal the sick from the pollution of the planet.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 Four attunements
 A certificate

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This course is available to Usui or Karuna Reiki Masters only.

On the spiritual path, the Dragon energy symbolizes the power to fight against evil and the will to protect
people. It‘s the real energy of the Spiritual Warrior, a Warrior of Light who continuously fights evil and
darkness, or those who bring darkness. Dragon Ki energy transforms the spirit at the highest levels and
brings protection against evil spirits. Dragon Ki brings physical and spiritual strength. In martial arts,
Dragon power represents the power to dominate evil and the control of Ki.
You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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DRAGON REIKI 1+2 -- $15
This course is available to Reiki Masters only.

Dragons – are they real or only a myth? Dragons are considered to have very different attributes. They
are strong, cruel, brave, helpful, clever, wise, are related to magic, are keeping hidden knowledge. They
are the guardians at the gates, guardians of precious treasures. They are sentinels at the transitions from
fire to light, from knowledge to wisdom.

Are you ready to trust your dragon companion again, like once – a long, long time ago?

Dragons represent sexual power, fractious energy, force and shelter, greatest mischief and poison – and
greatest healing. As long as dragons were born, the whole life energy is revolved. Dragons are always
appearing when all forces were needed to transit a swell.

The power lines of the earth – the Leylines – were called dragon traces; also the energy points of our
body, the acupuncture points, are named dragon points. The ascending and descending lunar node in the
horoscope is the dragon power; it is revealing where man is coming from, the power he is provided with,
and where he is going.

A human being not living his potency and power will encounter this force coming from the outside.

With the Dragon Reiki we try to come into conjunction with these forces again. Too much of it has been
lost in the evolution of mankind leading to our age of technology and too many people are feeling
uprooted. We are yearning for getting back our spirituality, the ability to see again the things behind
the veils.

Dragon Reiki is one way we can go to reach this goal.

The power of the different symbols of Dragon Reiki is endorsing you at your efforts to harmonize body,
spirit, soul and the higher self. They are enlightening your heart and are bringing light into the
darkness. The contact to the healing energies from the well will be strengthened. Furthermore, the
symbols will help you bringing force, power, balance, wisdom, peace, light and love into your life.



You will receive:

 Two manuals by email

 Two attunements
 A certificate
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Dragonfly is a magical totem, signifying our ability to transform ourselves as we travel our
path of self knowing toward enlightenment. Its iridescence and shifting colors lift us into
dreamtime, where we understand that "reality" is the illusion. Our visions are channeled
through our unconscious mind, ever connected to the great mystery that is life. Dragonfly reminds
us to celebrate spirit in all living beings. This attunement connects you with the Dragonfly‘s energies
and qualities.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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Connects with the attributes of this animal -keeper of dreams, the knower within sees all of our true
potential and ability, and connects us with the power of color.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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Dragonsoul is a mantra based energy style with the energy of cosmic helpers such as angels, dragons or
ascended masters.

Degrees of Dragonsoul© Energies:

 Dragon Claw – Hand Degree: What is the first degree in the Usui-Reiki is the Dragonclaw
degree in the Dragonsoul. However, laying on of hands is first degree 3-4 times as strongly as
Usui. One can make a full treatment in a quarter hour with that. Caution: Longer than one and
half minutes never first degree which is so weak in a position stays, it otherwise is too strong and
causes irritations unlike Usui‘s this it doesn‘t care, how long one establishes his hands. The
Dragonclaw degree can be deduced and used simultaneously also with the first degree Usui.
 Dragon Far – Far Degree: This degree is a Far Degree like Usui 2.
 Dragon Angel – Angel Degree: The Angellinks.
 Dragon Master – Teacher Degree: This degree is needed to give attunements to Dragonsoul.
 Dragon Earth – Earthangel Degree: Communication and meditation with the Earthangels.
 Dragon Sensei – Degree of the Ascended Masters: Working with the Ascended Masters.
 Dragon Faery – Degree of the Fairies: Working with the fairies.
 Dragon Tree – Degree of the Trees: Working with the energies of the trees.
 Dragon Stone – Degree of the Stones: Degree is needed for programming Dragonstones.
 Dragonheart – Healing Energy Degree: The heart of the dragon was always seat of the well-
being energy. It therefore is this degree to soothe pain conditions imaginarily to this and a faster
cure to promote. In connection with the Dragonfar degree, it is even possible to send this well-
being energy to others in the distance.
 Dragonglove – Degree of Universal Love: Universal love and forgiveness.
 Dragon-Phantasy-Animal – Power animals of the Phantasy: self-explaining.
 Dragon-Air-Animal – Power animals of the Air: self-explaining.
 Dragon-Water-Animal – Power animals of the Water: self-explaining.
 Dragon-Fire-Animal – Power animals of the Fire: self-explaining.
 Dragon-Earth-Animal – Power animals of the Earth: self-explaining.
 Dragon-Witch-Plants – Degree of the magic plants: Etheric witch plants.
 Dragonclearing – Cleaning Degree: self-explaining.
 Dragon Essence Degree: With this degree you may produce essences for rooms and aura.
 Dragon Star Degree: Self-explaining.
 Dragon Declamp: I have got the information play oned by happy chance, which becomes Usui-
Reiki (and therefore almost all Reiki types) with an energetic ―numb‖ tradiert. In particular, this
means that Reikianer energy is removed and is conducted to an unknown nature this. I took this
as an opportunity, an Entklammerung to channel which is equipped with a sealing which
prevents a clipping once more at following inaugurations. This Entklammerung is rather a
treatment with a durable effect as a ―normal‖ inauguration, to but this doesn‘t play a large role.
 Dragon Flame: The Flames of Atlantis are well known. Here are the flames transformed by the
 Dragon Water – Degree of Lightwaters: Produce your own lightwaters like Lourdes.
 Dragon Shield: Energetic shield an esotheric weapon.
 Dragonfear – Transformation of fear: Transforms your fear with golden light.
 Dragon Silence and Security: It‘s the degree for kids, good sleep without bad dreams.
 Dragonfire – Degree of karmic fire: for burning bad karma.
 Dragon Ground – Grounding Degree: For better grounding.
 Dragonpain: Like Dragongheart but more against pain.
 Dragon Toolkit 0.1: Some energetic tools
 Dragonseed
 Dragonchakra

You will receive:

 A manual by email for each level you wish to complete

 One attunement for each level you wish to complete
 A certificate

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This system will connect you to the soil, wind, light and water…thus, grounding you.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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This energy is here to clean, heal and transform the energies of Mother Earth. By using this energy,
you can help Mother Earth and Mother Nature. As you use these energies, the energies will return
to you and support you.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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Only available to Reiki Masters who have completed the Yod Initiation.

Initiation into YOD connects the initiate to higher thought patterns and will bring greater accuracy for
those who give readings of any sort. It also serves to further open the heart to love and compassion.
With an open and loving heart, prosperity has to follow. Initiation into YOD helps to re-establish the
connection between the heart, third eye, soul star and soul (as per Alice Bailey).

Cartouche acts as a bridge between day to day things and the Transpersonal, or Higher Self, which
makes it very much a part of the Aquarian age. Cartouche is based on ancient Egyptian (or
older) knowledge and should not be confused with tarot cards. The symbols depicted on the cards
capture the essence of forces, or energies that govern the Universe.

The Egyptian Mastery is in 4 stages and also includes the four elements Water, Fire, Earth and Air.

First Power symbol given
Initiation into the energies of Horus (Courage)
Initiation into the energies of Osiris (Christ Ray)
Initiation into the energies of Isis (Magic attunement)
Initiation into the energies of Bast (For mental body)
Initiation into the energies of Hathor (Sekhem or Power)
Initiation into the energies of Earth (Grounding)
Initiation into the energies of Thoth (Akashic Records)
Second Power symbol given
Meditation Symbol
Initiation into the energies of Nephthys (Psychic attunement)
Initiation into the energies of Water (Emotional cleanse)
Initiations into the energies of the Buckle of Isis (Fertility)
Initiation into the energies of the twins (Male/Female Balance)
Initiation into the Scarab (Personal transformation)
Initiation into the energies of Uraeus (Kundalini attunement)
Meditation Symbol Given
Initiation into the energies of Air (For Channeling)
Initiation into the Lotus (Psyche, Alpha waves/Spiritual balance)
Initiation into the energies of Crook and Flail (Mastering EGO)
Initiation into the energies of the Winged Disk (Clearing the mind)
Initiation into the energies of the Sphinx (Healing and understanding animals)
Initiations into the energies of the Anubis (Total Protection on all levels)
Master Symbol Given
Initiation into the energies of Fire (Kundalini/ higher self)
Initiation into the energies of Ankh (Life Force)
Initiation into the energies of Ptah (Balancing masculinity)
Initiation into the energies of Horus (Sahu- Spiritual body)
Initiation into the energies of Egyptian Pyramid (Awakening)
Initiation into the energies of Sirius (Universal Awareness)
You will receive:

 Two manuals which includes all initiations by email

 Four attunements
 A certificate

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This beautiful meditational empowerment awakens memories that we have long forgotten. Initiates of
the Ancient Egyptian Mystery Schools are awakening their memories. They will be guided to initiations
to that end.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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This course is available to Reiki Masters only.

El Morya is Cohan of the First Ray, The BLUE RAY, of Power, Goodwill and Faith. He Also
Exemplifies the BLUE RAY qualities of Leadership, Proper use of Power and Speech, and ultimate
surrender to the Divine Will. He will assist all Students who receive this Attunement and desire to
embody these Virtues, Master the Throat Chakra and receive the Holy Spirit‘s Gifts of the word of
Wisdom and Faith in the Divine will.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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Part of trilogy including Crystal Skull Activation and Atlantian Crystal Activation.

The Elemental Earth Star Empowerment is the final Attunement in the Atlantian and Gaia trilogy of
energy systems channelled by Jay Burrell.

During your Attunements to the Atlantian Crystal Activation and Crystal Skull Activation, which are
prerequisites for receiving this empowerment, you were connected to higher bands of energy as well as
the higher aspect of yourself (your Higher self). Now is the time to anchor and draw upon the energies
of our mother Earth (Gaia) to help ground yourself and to tap into the unlimited energies that mother
earth has to offer to clear and cleans all levels of your being to become whole.

In the Atlantian Crystal Activation Manual, Jay talked about Lay Lines or Energy Lines that run
throughout the Earth. These lay lines run directly through the Earth Star Chakra that we all have and is
situated just 3 ft below our Earth Chakras (Soles of Feet).

The main benefits that you will receive from accepting this attunement is that you will become whole in
yourself and the balance of Masculine and Feminine energies within us all will become one. You will
also gain a stronger connection to mother earth and through using the energy of the elements you will
bring healing to not only yourself and Mankind but also to mother earth.

PLEASE NOTE: The Prerequisites for receiving this Empowerment are the Atlantian Crystal Activation
and the Crystal Skull Activation. If you have not received these Attunement directly from myself I will
need to see a copy of your certificate and the teacher‘s name that attuned you.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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This course is available to Reiki Masters only.

Elemental Reiki is one of my favorites and was developed by Rebecca Doolin. It uses 8 symbols
derived from Goddess, Elemental, and Pagan symbology.

This is a very unique but easy to understand style of Reiki and combines healing energies as well as
connecting you with the elements.

This course will show you the various frequencies of the energy symbols and guide you in techniques
that you can use to improve and enrich your life.

Usui Masters only need to receive one attunement, others will have to reach Master level or receive 2
attunements in Elemental Reiki. If you need 2 attunements, they will be given separately.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One or two attunements, depending on your present level
 A certificate

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The Elenari Healing System is a sharing system---free of all money exchange/energy exchange. It is
truly one of the first ‗pay it forward‘ systems, in which there is a degree of passing it on to be passed on
and on. Therefore, no money or energy need be used as a way to ‗pay‘ for this system. Share it
completely on every level.

Elenari translates to ―Star Elf‖. All healing on this dimension comes from the Higher Realms of the
traditional Source—the Higher Source/Creator/God/Goddess of All.

The Star Realms.

This healing system utilizes our senses of visualization and intention to heal. The connection is Earth
based and Star based. It implements only 3 symbols, by visualization Only and can be used to heal any
element, person, animal, or plant.

It may be used to magnify and manifest our needs. It may be used as a way of communication—sending
energy from one person to another through our intention and breath, for breath is a translation of Life
and Spirit.

This system allows us to know who we are---Beings of Light. It will assist in even greater knowing as it
grows within you and you connect to the Source of All Life For those who are Starseeds and Starbornes.
This system will assist in your growth in a very powerful way. It will bring your reasons for being here
into reality.

This system will also open the door to a new connection to the Realm of the Faery, in which this system
if initially based.

There is a deep opening to Nature within this system—the connection to Mother Earth heightens and
broadens as you walk this path.


You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One big attunement
 A certificate

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Anyone can call upon the Ascended Masters, Archangels and planetary intelligences. The Elixirs I & II
empowerments will further strengthen your power to call and work with these beings of light. Your
strength to infuse items (such as jewelry, oils, stones, water, etc.) with the energy of these beings will
further increase.

If you are sensitive to energies, you will most likely notice that your ability to connect, work and
channel the energy of these light beings will be much improved.

As an example, these laminated cards have been made into a channel for the appropriate energy. They
are not infused with energy but rather made into a link for the specific planetary/angelic intelligence to
work thru. This way energy is constantly flowing through the cards, which makes them very pure and

Planet Cards:

Jupiter: Abundance, business success, finances, growth, travel, learning

Venus: Love, beauty, art, relationships, romance, harmony
Uranus: Liberation, change, originality, freedom
Mercury: Communication, divination, intelligence, mental activity
Sun: Authority, prosperity, power, health, vitality, energy, healing, happiness
Moon: Clarity, fertility, nurturing, memories, looking inward
Mars: Action, leadership, courage, physical energy
Saturn: Structure, discipline, perseverance, responsibility
Neptune: Clairvoyance, intuition, spirituality, subconscious, idealism
Pluto: Regeneration, destruction of old patterns, transformation, rebirth

Archangel Cards:

Archangel Michael: Means "he who is like God". Protection, space clearing, spirit releasement
Archangel Raphael: Means "God heals" or "God has healed". Healing humans and animals, guidance
and support for healers
Archangel Gabriel: Means "God is my strength". Art, communication, for all artists, writing, child
conception and fertility

Archangel Jophiel: Means "Beauty of God". Known as "The patron of artists". Artistic projects and
artists, beautiful thoughts, creativity
Archangel Zadkiel: Means "The righteousness of God". Benevolence, mercy, compassion, physical and
emotional healing, memory enhancement, studies, tests, help to forgive yourself or someone else

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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Buddha: Inner peace, joy, spiritual growth and understanding.

Sanat Kumara: Ridding of negative entities and lower energies, healing work, space clearing.

Jesus: Divine guidance and direction, forgiveness, healing, manifestation.

Abundentia: Attracting abundance, guidance about financial investments.

Maitreya: Joy, laughter, sense of humour, peace, compassion.

Mary: All issues related to children, fertility.

Kuan Yin: Compassion, giving and receiving love, mercy, kindness, gentleness and sweetness towards
self and others.

Merlin: Alchemy, crystals, divine magic, psychic abilities, divination.

Saint Germain: Protection, courage, direction, healing, inspiration.

Kuthumi: Focus, dedication to life purpose, relaxation, calming, "anti-stress".

Moses: Living in the NOW, clear communication with God, courage, faith, leadership.

Saint Padre Pio: Healing, forgiveness, spiritual growth, eyesight.

Serapis Bey: Personal and global peace, ascension, overcoming addictions and cravings, artists and
creative endeavours, clear communication with god.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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Description taken from the founders own words:

Elven Shamanic Healing is a form of natural healing that comes to us from the Elven

I am a strong believer in otherkin species, and therefore, this form of natural healing has been
recovered from my memories of my past lives.

The Elvens are a society much like our own, of healers, scientists, herbologists, priests,
teachers, and doctors. Their knowledge in these subjects is vast and always evolving. When I
first awakened this knowledge of Elven Healing I was given only 9 symbols. These symbols were
the building blocks for the entire complicated healing system. Along with the symbols came their
names and what they were meant for. The Elven system uses the symbols to call upon different
elements of their lifestyle in order to empower their healing.

Seven days after receiving the first set of symbols I received five more symbols which represent the
master level of this healing system. In addition to the symbols a text file appeared on my desktop,
entitled "eifin". I wasn't sure what it was so I opened it, and I found a dictionary of elven words,
translated to english. Some words I recognized from the version of Elven as published by J.R.R.
Toklien. This dictionary will also be included in this package as I find that doing the incantations,
mantras and techniques in the elven language allow us to make this form of natural healing more

The attunement I received was another seven days later, and during meditation. I was taken to
a thick forest by two guides, one male and one female. They stopped at a clearing in the forest with
only one large tree in the center. They then brought down the symbols and infused them into my
palms, my heart, my third eye and my crown. Both of them each did this once, using one of the
master symbols to sweep my aura, and cleanse my energy. They spoke the mantras in the elven
language and when they were finished, looked to the sky, and assumed a namaste position. i was
released from them, and felt like I was floating back into my body. The meditation ended and I could
intuitively see the symbols on my hands.

The Elven Shamanic Healing Manual contains the following:

Elven History Elven Gods Symbols and Herbs and Their Uses
Healing Techniques Herbal Techniqus
Receiving Attunements Passing the Attunements

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 Two attunements
 A certificate

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Empowerment Reiki is a special Reiki system designed to help you step into your power as a
powerful spiritual being and contributor to the planet. Therefore, unlike many Reiki systems, you
will not learn this system in one or even two attunements.


First, you must receive the individual empowerments, in the order listed below.

You can take as much or as little time as you want to receive the empowerments. (An
empowerment is much like an attunement, only it is to raise your own vibration and clear your
energy channels than to simply open up your healing abilities.)

You may also repeat any empowerment you have already received at any time. Some may be
called to receive multiple empowerments due to needing to really work on that specific area. (For
example, if you have a hard time being grounded, you may want to receive the "Grounding and
Centering" empowerment a few times.)

With each empowerment you will receive a distance healing. Once you have completed an
empowerment, you can receive the next one (in order). Upon receiving all empowerments, Reiki
Masters are eligible to take the Master course and receive the Master-level attunement to pass the
energy to others.

PLEASE NOTE: Completing all empowerments at once may trigger major clearing symptoms
depending on where you are with your life! Your fears and resistance may come up to be
released if you move very quickly with the energy! For this reason, it is recommended that those
who are extremely new to Reiki energy take no more than one empowerment per.

Empowerment 1: Grounding and Centering

Serves to ground the person in physical reality, to be here, now, in the present moment. It also
assists the person in becoming more comfortable in the physical body. This is an
important foundational empowerment, as many lightworkers and those attracted to Reiki don't
really want to "be here" and tend to connect too much to the spiritual.

Empowerment 2: Releasing Resistance

Releases resistance, conflicting intentions, negative thoughts, stuck energy, and other blocks to
your highest good.

Empowerment 3: Summoning the Light

Brings light into your entire being, raising your vibration in preparation for achieving your life

Empowerment 4: Integration and Alignment

Aligns your energy with your intention and your deepest heart's desire.

Empowerment 5: Stepping into Your Power

Any remaining obstacles are cleared as all elements are brought together for you to step into your

Empowerment Reiki Master Attunement
Prerequisite for this attunement: You must be a Reiki Master and have received all 5 empowerments.
You will learn the Empowerment Reiki symbols, the special hand positions and moving meditation.
You will also learn how to attune others to Empowerment Reiki. You will also receive a Master-
level attunement and certificate for completing the course.

You can also choose to receive the 5 empowerments for your personal benefit without receiving the
Master attunement. This is available to everyone and you do not need to have been attuned to
Reiki to receive the empowerments.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 Six attunements
 A certificate

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Coyote's Wisdom Includes:

Understanding that all things are sacred--yet nothing is sacred

Teaching that only when all masks have fallen will we connect with the Source
Singing humans into being
Childhood trust in truth
Teaching us how to rear our young
Brings rain
Ability to laugh at one‘s own mistakes
Placing the North Star
Teaching balance between risk and safety

You will be connected to and learn the Coyote‘s ways, energy and qualities.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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―Raccoon magic is based on masks and disguise. Masks have been used to achieve altered states in
many religions and indigenous groups. Raccoon medicine can teach you to change your face. Are you
hiding behind a mask? Is someone close to you not what they appear to be? Do you need to present a
new face to the world? These answers can be found within with Raccoons help.‖
You will be connected to and learn the Raccoon‘s ways, energy and qualities.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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This course is available to Usui 2 Reiki or above.

Channels are opened to the Fairy World. Through this special attunement there are activations of the
third eye, the heart chakras and the root chakras. Naturally the attunement works on all Chakras, trying
to manufacture equilibrium between them, but special attention lies on the three Chakras specified above.

The Symbols work as gate keys to the various Fairy functions.

All Fairy kinds are in different age groups and experience stages. Although each kind has certain
registration numbers, one cannot always recognize the individual Fairy by its appearance alone. You
need a certain experience and much intuition to distinguish them. Thus, calmly listen to your intuition
about what the Fairies have told you.

Most frequently very young Fairies come into contact with humans and they have not yet had many
negative experiences. Accordingly, one can communicate with them more easily.

You will learn about a variety of Fairy Species, these are:

~ Nature Fairies ~
~ Metal Fairies ~
~ Air Fairies ~
~ Water Fairies ~
~ PSI Fairies ~
~ Light Fairies ~
~ Stone fairies ~
~ Chaos Fairies ~
~ Energy Fairies ~
~ Fire Fairies ~
~ Darkness Fairies ~
~ Ice Fairies ~

An attunement alone will not create contact with the Fairies, but gives you a closer relationship to them.

An attunement, however, can facilitate the introduction to them for you.

You must do this work for yourself; no one else can do this for you. Also practicing effective
communication with the Fairies is left to you alone.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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Enyovden (June 24) is a festival connected with the summer solstice that is celebrated in Bulgaria.
Herbs gathered on 24th June (Enyovden) have stronger healing powers than those gathered on any other
day of the year. This system is so rich in healing customs and ideas. You can use this energy whenever
you gather herbs, drink herbal tea, or use medicines of an herbal base.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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The Eternal Healing Light focuses on the purification of the body, to the design created before this
incarnation. It can give a clean sweep through the cellular structure and channel a vibration with energy
high enough to host the Christ/Buddha self.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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This system will help you achieve the following:

 Become balanced in peace and love

 Dissolve and separate haphazard energies from you
 Low vibrations will leave your mind and body

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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Once you have received your Ethereal Crystals attunements you will be able to give a powerful crystal
healing WITHOUT crystals. Through you attunement, you will gain access to a large number of crystal
energies and you can channel any one of them by intention.

Ethereal crystals are much stronger than those found in earth. You can place them on the body, just by
pointing at a certain area of the body, and by thinking the stones name. The stone will disappear when
the energy is no longer needed.

You will also learn how to create powerful gem elixirs in seconds and increase the strength in certain
gemstones by up to 400%!

Ethereal Crystal healing can be used on its own or combined with other healing methods, such as
Traditional Reiki.

You will also learn how to use distance healing and how to pass on Ethereal Crystals 1-12

You receive 4 attunements:-

 Ethereal Crystals 1-2-3

 Ethereal Crystals 4-5-6
 Ethereal Crystals 7-8-9
 Ethereal Crystals 10-11-12

Once you have received all 3 attunements you will be able to use the following crystals:-

1st Attunement includes

PINK BERYL (also known as Morganite)
2nd Attunement Adds:-


3rd Attunement adds:


4th Attunement adds:

Abundance Crystal
Isis Crystal
Channeling Crystal
Warrior Crystal
Laser Crystal
Needle Crystal
Generator Crystal
Key Crystal
E.T. Crystal
Phantom Crystal
Crystal Cluster
Master Matrix Crystal
Dolphin Crystal
Record Keeper Crystal
Twin Flame Crystal
Time Link Crystal

You will receive:

 Brief course notes by email

 Four attunements
 A certificate

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Learn how to make powerful flower remedies in seconds. Through attunement, you gain access to a
specific flower‘s energy and can channel it by intention. These are the same flowers that are used in the
Bach Flower Essences. You will be attuned to the following flowers:

 Agrimony – Mental torture behind a cheerful face

 Aspen – Fear of unknown things
 Beech – Intolerance
 Centaury – Have difficulty in saying no or are anxious to please
 Cerato – Doubt your own ability to judge situations
 Cherry Plum – Fear of losing control of the mind
 Chestnut Bud – Refuses to learn by experience
 Chicory – Are overly possessive; the care for others is self-centered and manipulative
 Clematis – Dreamy, absent-minded, lack of interest in present
 Crab Apple – The cleansing remedy, have a poor self-image
 Elm – Overwhelmed by responsibility
 Gentian – Easily discouraged
 Gorse – Hopelessness and despair, pessimistic
 Heather – Obsessed with own troubles and experiences, dislike being alone
 Holly – Hatred, envy, jealousy, suspicion
 Honeysuckle – Living in the past, nostalgic, feeling homesick
 Hornbeam – ‗Monday morning‘ feeling, tiredness at the thought of doing something,
 Impatiens – Impatience, easily irritated
 Larch – Lack of self-confidence

You will learn to make a remedy, prepare a remedy for another person and to pass on Ethereal Flowers.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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Learn how to make powerful flower remedies in seconds. Through attunement, you gain access to a
specific flower‘s energy and can channel it by intention. These are the same flowers that are used in the
Bach Flower Essences. You will be attuned to the following flowers:

 Mimulus – Fear of known things

 Mustard – Deep gloom for no reason
 Oak – Are driven by a strong sense of duty and struggle on although exhausted
 Olive – Fatigued, feel exhausted
 Pine – Guilt, blame yourself for other people‘s mistakes
 Red Chestnut – Over-concerned for others
 Rock Rose – Scared, terror, fright
 Rock Water – Are inflexible, self-denial, rigidity and self-repression
 Scleranthus – Suffer from indecision
 Star of Bethlehem – Grief of shock
 Sweet Chestnut – Extreme mental anguish
 Vervain – Over-enthusiasm
 Vine – Dominance and inflexibility
 Walnut – Protection from change and unwanted influences, assists in adjustment to transition or
 Water Violet – Pride and aloofness
 White Chestnut – Persistent unwanted thoughts
 Wild Oat – Uncertainty over one‘s direction in life
 Wild Rose – Drifting, resignation, apathy
 Willow – Self-pit and resentment

You will further learn how to make a ―rescue remedy‖.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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This system was created by Jay Burrell after working with Ethereal Crystals and Ethereal Flowers (Ole
Gabrielsen‘s systems). He thought these were good systems but wondered why herbs were left out. So,
he created this system to include the herb family.

This system will allow you to etherically use the herbs rather than ingesting them, which can be
extremely harmful.

The manual lists many herbs and their qualities as well as being able to look up certain characteristics
and finding the correct herb to use for it.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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In the founder‘s own words: ―This system gives one the ability to place etheric acupuncture needles into
a person or animal. The etheric needles will have the same affect as physical needles. The etheric
needles can carry any though, feeling or intension you desire them to. They can also act as antennas for
any energy, healing force, healing symbols and mantras as well as anything found in nature such as the
energy of any herb, crystal, mineral, flower, the five elements, light, colors, sounds, and homeopathic
remedies, etc. All you have to do is specify what you want the needles to carry. You can also, perhaps
you should, intend what you want the needles to do in general. Your intension may be as general as,
"balance" or as specific as, "bring in Violate Flame Reiki to send to the Liver for healing". You can also
use the etheric needled without any intension.‖

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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Attunes you to over 50 herbs on the etheric level, along with self attunements to any other herbs that are
in existence, plus comes with a huge index of different herbs to research.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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This course is available to Reiki Masters only.

In this Reiki system, you will be attuned to the energy of Excalibur, the Sword of Truth. You will learn
how to tap into the archetypal energies of Merlin and the Lady of the Light to heal and manifest. This is

an excellent system for manifestation as well as clearing away external obstacles to success and
happiness. You will also use the principles of alchemy to create the life you want.

This system is designed for existing Reiki practitioners, so it is assumed you understand the basics of
Reiki and how to visualize a Reiki symbol to flow the Reiki energy. The Excalibur Reiki energy can be
used in the same way that regular Reiki can. You can flow the energy to yourself or another person
through the palms of your hands just as in regular Reiki. The focus of this course, however, is to show
how to use the special qualities of Excalibur Reiki.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunements
 A certificate

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This is a system to create great powers of mind and also to give physical power of the body and Will. It
will allow us to access the Time Lines. It will end all fears from one‘s mind of anything. It is a Dying
Star in the shape of an Eye so it is releasing enormous amounts of energy and if they are harnessed then
we can see things through the Eye of the Universe and this means seeing behind the veil of time and
space. So the ones who are not afraid to get to the last boundaries of the universe – this system is for

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 Five attunements
 A certificate

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Description taken from the Founders own words

Faeries are all around us, they are like the angels that help us and guide us into new adventures.

I first founded Faery Reiki while completing my Celtic Reiki attunement. I was taken on a journey
through the forest, and shown 6 symbols and a master symbol. These symbols are used to channel
the energy of the Faeries to us.

Faeries exist on many realms, and as I was being taken through the forest I also heard a voice
whisper to me, "Avalon". I can only assume then that this gift of the faeries comes to us from
Avalon. After having worked with this energy I find it to be a beautiful calming energy that heals
with a gentle touch. I have done many self healings, and I find the energy always makes me feel
much more uplifted and light hearted.

The Faery Reiki Manual contains the following:

Faery Lore
History of Avalon
My Journey through the Avalon Healing Process
The Symbols and Attunement Process
Faery Healing

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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Please Note: Anyone can receive this attunement but you must be a
Reiki Master to be able to pass this attunement.

This is a brand new "Reiki" system inspired by the fairies.

The purpose is to help you "lighten up" and have more joy and fun in your life.
You'll learn some unique ways to get the energy going (the fairies are quite mischievous!).

This is a simple, fun system that's sure to expand your outlook.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate
 You'll receive the designation "Fairy Light Mage" after your Attunement

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This course is available to Usui Reiki 2 practitioners or above only.

On July 4th, 2005, Keith Zang was gifted with a form of Reiki called Fairy Realms Reiki. Keith‘s
family has cultivated quite a wonderful relationship with the fairies and nature spirits that live with his
family at the Moonglow Enlightenment Center.

They have worked together for years to create a natural and energetic place. It all came together on that
day. They relayed to Keith that he needed to get this form of Reiki out to help heal the planet. This
includes not only the earth, but all beings that reside here.

Keith was instructed to share with as many people as he could reach.

The colors associated with Fairy Realms Reiki are Green and Brown. Fairy Realms Reiki is geared

towards the natural environment. It is focused on helping growth of plants and animals, cleansing the
earth of toxins, grounding, and facilitating contact between the human and fairy realms. It is a perfect
form to use in helping gardens, flowers and forests grow, aiding in the healing of animals, and opening
the psychic centers to communicate with fairies and other nature spirits. It is encouraged that sessions
with people or animals be done outside (weather permitting) in the natural environment where earth
energies abound. Don‘t be surprised if you feel the presence of fairies or nature spirits while you do
your work.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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This energy relieves the past of fault, the present of anxiety and the future of fear in the form of a
whirlwind from white feathers.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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With this attunement, you will learn to oversee situations and have high inspirations. You are able to
have an open mind and be curious about the world again. This is through consciously looking at both
your ―Dark‖ and ―Bright‖ sides and working on them accordingly in connection with this new energy.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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This is a system based on the 5 Traditional Chinese elemental energies. The essence of the Five
Element Healing system is to work with five distinct energies, represented by five symbols. There are
five separate attunements (one for each of the five elemental energies) and you will be meditating on
these energies so that you thoroughly assimilate them, so that you start to ‗become‘ these energies.

You will receive:

 Four manuals by email

 Five attunements
 A certificate

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This system allows you to use the essence or energy of the flowers when healing on all levels (mental,
emotional, spiritual and etheric). Different flowers have different healing qualities and you can call on
these at any time.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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Attunes you to the attributes of this animal - master of camouflage.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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This course is available to Usui Reiki 1 practitioners or above only.

The Full Spectrum Healing attunement connects you to all frequencies of healing so is able to work on
many levels...

If you have used Reiki with someone and have felt as though it failed to heal them then this may be a
good system to try as Reiki works with the green specter only, whereas full spectrum healing works with
all of the specters. The easiest way for me to explain this is if you imagine a rainbow and the green arch
is Reiki...Full spectrum healing is the whole rainbow!

You will learn:

 A method to clear your past.

 How to make your healings more powerful.
 How to use distance healing.

You may notice a big difference in self healing too.

You will receive:

 An information sheet by email

 Three attunements
 A certificate

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Reiki vs. Full Spectrum Healing

Full Spectrum Healing (FSH) consists of all frequencies and is therefore able to heal on all levels. Reiki
will "only" reach the green spectre (Green Ray). Imagine a rainbow: The green area is Reiki and the
whole rainbow is Full Spectrum Healing. Therefore, where Reiki sometimes fail to heal, FSH will have
a much higher success rate! Will also raise the success level for self-healing.

Tachyon vs. Full Spectrum Healing

Tachyon is the source of all frequencies. FSH is all frequencies. This makes FSH much more direct and
targeted than Tachyon.

In this course, you will:

Learn a method to clear your past

Find out how to make your healings more powerful
Use distance healing
Work with the Full Spectrum Angels
Receive 1 empowerment & learn how to
pass it on.

The Full Spectrum Healing II empowerment replaces all previous versions of Full Spectrum Healing.

You will receive:

 An information sheet by email

 Three attunements
 A certificate

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From the Founder of Kundalini Reiki: Ole Gabrielsen

Attunements vs. Initiations: Initiations go much deeper and are very personal. The initiation procedure
is quite new and will increase your healing powers many times. The initiation levels have to be taken
one by one, because of their high frequency.

Full Spectrum Light initiation (level 1): You will become initiated into the Full Spectrum Light and
have the flame of the Full Spectrum Light inserted in your heart chakra. Your abilities to channel and
work with this energy will be much increased.

Full Spectrum Light initiation (level 2): In this second level your power to channel and work with the
Full Spectrum Light will be further increased.

Full Spectrum Light initiation (level 3 - teachers level): In this third level your power to channel and
work with the Full Spectrum Light will be further increased. You will learn how to perform the initiation
procedure and become able to initiate others into Full Spectrum Light 1-2-3. . You will further learn to
create an anointing oil to use when you initiate others.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 Three attunements
 A certificate

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Dr. Jason Storm received a symbol with instructions for its use. The symbol gave its name
simply as "FUSION" and is a mixture of the energies of Usui Reiki, Karuni Ki, Karuna,
Seichim, and Tao Tian An Mian Chi Gong.
After you have been attuned to Fusion, you will find your High Sense Perception greatly amplified
and quite easy to develop. Fusion works very quickly, usually requiring only about one third the
amount of time of the other styles alone, and the attunement is likely to pass to and through you very
quickly as well. This is quite normal.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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Gaia Now energy gives you a very strong grounding and helps you to become more centered. It has a
powerful effect on helping those it comes into contact with to move on from unresolved issues and move
more firmly into the now.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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This system in only available to those with Reiki 2 or Master.

A new creative power has emerged as a specific practice that integrates two things, namely, the daily
recitation of the ancient Gayatri Mantra (which is thousands of years old) and the modern-day healing
practice known as Seichim. This new system of healing, called Gayatri Seichim, is built of the powers
that have formed the universe and that trace out the Creation Process that creates all things in all places
and in all times. It is through the invocation of these powerful tools of creation that a new solution is
now available that has the power to heal the souls of millions of people and soothe the troubles of the

Western Usui Reiki and systems of Seichim do not contain daily practice techniques to help
practitioners access, develop, and strengthen healing powers on all seven levels of existence (physical,
emotional, astral, mental, causal, etheric, and spiritual,). They also do not contain a built-in system
through which practitioners can work on increasing their own healing and creative powers.

In most cases, Reiki and Seichim practitioners have been led to believe that Reiki and Seichim healing
power is the same for all practitioners and that it becomes available simply through an initiation process.
This is far from the truth.

Gayatri Seichim gives you the tools needed to expand your powers through the addition of a
development system that utilizes ancient Sound (mantra) and Light (yantra) technology. As you increase
your healing power, you will also learn how to manifest any desire, since healing is nothing more than a
portion of the spectrum of creation. To become a powerful healer, you need to first learn how to become
a powerful creator.

If you are already an initiated Reiki or Seichim practitioner, Gayatri Seichim techniques offer you the
unique keys capable of taking healing and creation to a newer and much more powerful level.

There are 8 symbols to this system.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement and one empowerment
 A certificate

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Distant attunement only.

Reiki is universal energy of the highest dimension, and carries the properties of "wave of love, wave of
harmony and wave of healing". Love is essence of the universe, harmony is its will and healing is its

This system is designed to attain a state of bliss by awaking to the true self and a peaceful mind as
taught by Usui Sensei through an utilization of Reiki that leads to a happy life.

There exists the premise that man is an eternal life form and, the realm phenomena is a place of learning.
We are to understand that the purpose of life is to reach, by radiating light of the true self, the bliss in
higher dimension. We should live this day fully striving to complete our learning.
You will receive:

 One manual by email

 Three attunements
 A certificate

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This is the Reiki of the Silent Ones and Master Wei Chi. This system gently and lovingly allows you to
grow. You can never receive too much or too little.

The cleansing process lasts approximately 2 weeks.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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Through this attunement anything is possible. It works on all on levels and dimensions of reality
and through all times and can be sent anywhere. It is activated by intention. All you need to do is say
or think to yourself, ―God attunement‖ and it activates. (This is not how one receives the
attunement. This is for after the attunement has been received.) After it is activated, you ask for
what you want or ask God to do what ever is for the highest good.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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This course is available to Kundalini Reiki Masters only.

Gold Reiki transmutes fear and darkness into light and joy! Gold Light is the strongest light of
transformation in the physical universe!

There is little information on Gold Reiki, but it is powerful due to its association with the Gold Ray,
which is well known for its purifying powers. This system of Reiki is thought to produce energy that is
so pure, that it will raise the vibration of the person being treated to the extent that healing can occur in
the physical body.

You can use Gold Reiki as ordinary Reiki, alone or as a combination.

There is a brief manual which is a follow on to the Kundalini Reiki Manual which gives details of how
to pass on Gold Reiki Attunements.

You need to leave at least 5 days between Gold Reiki 1 and 2, and the same between 2 and 3.

You will receive:

 An information sheet by email

 Three attunements
 A certificate

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This attunement is available to Reiki Masters only.

The Activations are being brought forth by Chérie Haydon. On February 17, 2002 Chérie began to
bring in and anchor these heightened energies. She has been working steadily in anchoring and
stabilizing the energies.

Christ Activation is a series of activations that will activate your 3rd chakra all the way to the 7th

This Activation will Re-Strand your DNA and then add more Strands to that DNA. This series of
activations also unlocks the frequency keys to ―inner doors‖ so that you can more freely open them
on your own. The keys are opened at all levels, from 5 feet below your feet, all the way to Source.

Christ Activation also activates 5 of your chakras located above your head. These chakras are
beyond the 5 chakras being activated from your 3rd chakra to your 7th chakra. With these
Activations, all of your chakras begin to merge together to become one Unified Chakra rather than
several chakras operating on their own. This merging includes all your major chakras and all your
secondary chakras all coming together to become one energy operating center.

You are activated on the 12th golden ray, the highest energetic grid and energy matrix on Planet
Earth and in our entire galaxy at this time. It's one of the highest rays now. These activations open
the doorways to the Divine Consciousness so that we have greater access to communicating with our
Higher Self. It assists in opening up all the chakras in the lower self (7 in the physical body) and it
opens up the upper chakras in the Higher Self (at least 5 in the above the head).

These activations also open up the doorways of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine within
each of us and balances them.
You will receive:

 One manual by email

 Three attunements
 A certificate

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The Golden Triangle Healing System was founded by James Purner and is indeed a very spiritual system
that works more at a soul level than a physical level.

Once attuned, you can activate the energies to heal yourself or others. It can be used alone or in
combination with other Reiki systems and is ideal for distance work. When used in combination with
other systems it will increase the healing ability by 100% because the Golden Triangle energies work at
such a high frequency.

Many people report that they have an increased amount of activity within their third eye so this system is
highly recommended for those who wish to aid their spiritual connections. Telepathic skills are also
greatly enhanced with regular use of The Golden Triangle system.

This attunement is available to anyone; you do not need to have any experience of Reiki to receive this

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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Available to Reiki Masters only.

Reiki V & VI is considered a Master/Teacher continuation and completion of the Usui System of
Natural Healing.

Reiki Level V & VI are not given directly from Dr. Mikao Usui. Symbols were not given at the
beginning of these levels. They were formed by a Qi Gong & Reiki Master from Berlin, Germany. He
saw a chance to channel Qi Gong energy the same way as Reiki during meditation.

Experience with V & VI is very positive, it being a powerful energy also called - Laser Energy.

To be initiated into levels V & VI, you must be a Reiki III for at least 6 months. Both levels are taught
together. The two levels are Yin and Yang energies. Level V is also called the Great Harmony. Level
VI is called the Great Separation.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement (combining both V & VI)
 A certificate

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Owls help us to utilize energies to the fullest. The great horned owls see's and knows, and for this
reason the owls are very good at guiding us when we have lost our way. The owl‘s essence will
guide you to your proper path and bring wisdom.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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This course is available to Reiki Masters only.

Seichim, a word (pronounced "SAY-keem") of unknown origin-but closely related to the ancient
Egyptian word sekhem, which means life-force, or energy-is used to indicate a system of healing that
many feel has ancient origins in Tibet. This practice is said to have been handed down from very ancient


What Is Green Tara Seichim?

What Is Seichim?
Ancient Origins
Seichim and Buddhism
Origin of the Cult of Tara
Her Name
More Than One Tara? The Two Wives
Green Tara Relation to Amitabha
White Tara
About the Tara Mantras
Who Is Tara and Why Do We Pray to Her?
The Origin of Tara
Why Do We Need to Practice Tara
The Benefits of Tara Practice
Green Tara and the Twenty-One Taras
The Symbolism of Green Tara
The Twenty-One Taras
The Mantra of Tara
Green Tara Heart Exercise
The Popular Mantras of Some Forms of Tara

Other Popular Forms of Tara:

a) Kurukulle (Wrathful Red/Black Tara)

b) Norgyun (Peaceful Yellow Tara)

c) Marici (Peaceful Red/Yellow Tara)
d) Red Tara (Peaceful Red Tara)

The Process of Using Green Tara Seichim

4 Tibetan Symbols to Use with the Green Tara Healing Energy
Self-Empowerment Method
Method of Green Tara Empowerment
Tibetan Empowerment Method

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 Two attunements
 A certificate
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Gtummo means "sacred" which is the mystical energy of the Tibetan Lhama. This is a secret Tibetan
method of Healing. You will receive the energies of gtummo by a special Activation process called

Only a Vajra master can give the Gtummo Initiation from touch, affirmation and meditation remotely or
in person.

These ancient teachings have been REFORMULATED with contemporary/old symbols to modernize
the process.

There are 4 Levels which include:

Gtummo Level 1- Respa Energy

Gtummo Level 2- High Respa Energy
Gtummo Level 3- Master of Gtummo
Gtummo Level 4- Vajra master of Gtummo

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 Four attunements
 A certificate

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―This attunement is not being offered as part of a "religious" or evangelistic package. It is being offered
to anyone who would like to have it - and feels it is appropriate to accept.‖

This attunement takes one back to the roots of what Jesus taught his disciples about being able to heal
using their hands.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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Reiki Masters can perform a "Happy Trails" attunement on anyone experiencing a life-threatening
situation where death seems probable in the near future. This is a self attunement.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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In the founder‘s words:

―The Harmony Stone is made with specific colours and frequencies to create a harmonious field around
the carrier.

It can be placed under your pillow while you sleep.

When placed in a room, the stone will begin to work with the energies in that room. It will send out
soothing and balancing energies, to lift the atmosphere.

A further property of the stone is that it can charge your drinking water. Just hold the stone on the side
of the glass/jar/bottle of water for some seconds and the water has been charged. The cells in your body
will accept this water much better than ordinary uncharged water, as the cells better accept the ―love
structured‖ water.‖

You will receive:

 Course notes by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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In the founder‘s own words: ―This wonderful system has three healing levels: Kahuna Reiki, Aloha
Reiki and ‗Uhane Nui Reiki. By doing these three levels, you will feel the unity of your (mental),
Pu‘Uwai (heart) and Na‘au (gut instincts) with your ‗Uhane (spirit)! Also included are wonderful
healing spa treatments and beautiful symbols and meditations! Enjoy this system!‖

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 Three attunements
 A certificate

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Originally taught as three separate systems, Hawaiian Trinity Reiki synthesizes the following three
Reiki systems:
~ KaHuna Reiki (aka Huna Reiki)
~ Aloha Reiki and
~ Uhane Nui Reiki.

In this updated and revised system, the three Hawaiian Reiki systems work not only as standalones,
but also work together as an entire system. New and significantly improved attractive manuals for
each system are now available, ones that you will be proud to pass on to your own Students.

Please see the individual system names for descriptions of these systems.

You will receive:

 Three manuals by email

 Three attunements
 A certificate

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Hawks represent visionary power and guardianship. They are the messengers, protectors and visionaries
of the air.

With this empowerment, you will connect with the hawk‘s energies and qualities.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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Founded by: Nicole Hermann

What stands behind the energy of Helarias Light?

"Your energy contains protection and strength of Archangel Michael, the all-encompassing love of the
virgin Mary, the healing energy of Jesus and the radiant light of the Sun God Helios, in which these
three energies unite."

Hilarion: "I am guardian/ keeper of the energy and stand in the background. Be open for my messages
as well. I will also be glad to accompany you with Helarias Licht as I accompany you, anyway. So listen
and see what is yet to come. I am with you."

For whom and for what is this energy intended?

"Your energy will be a sign of love and healing. It is especially for healers and for those, who want to
experience love and healing.―

"Those who love are healers. Healing is no mystery or a privilege for a few individuals. Love and you

Thus, the energy is available to all beings. There are no particular requirements. Since the energy is
comparatively strong, it would be beneficial to you if you had been initiated into another energy or if
you had done some other form of energy work, prior. But this is no requirement.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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This system will help heal Gaia or Mother Earth. There are four symbols for this system.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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This energy is a higher octave of the celebrated Violet Flame of Transmutation. This ray is useful for all
sorts of detoxification, Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
(a/k/a Intuition & Enorasis 2)

This system helps to boost your love, light, life-force quotient and opens your third eye and all
psychic powers of true Spirit.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
HIGHER SELF 1-4 -- $10

This system connects you with Spirit to allow you to receive Spirit‘s messages.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
This course is available to Reiki Masters only.

Angela Grötsch:

The first ―official‖ initiation in the Holy Grail Energy and the information, that she is one of the keepers
of the Holy Grail and its energy, Angela received the Energies on 25 December 2003 during a
channeling from Kryon and Archangel Michael. This information she kept as a well protected secret.
After Angela received this information, she started working with the Holy Grail Energy and made
experience to integrate the energy into self made essences. That was successful because the essences
showed the desired effect for the users very fast.

On 28 June 2005 Angela received another initiation and four Symbols from Kryon, Tobias and St.
Germaine. Another initiation she received on 29 June 2005 from Kryon, Tobias and St. Germaine.

This initiation was so intensive, that she did not know had happened to her. Eight additional symbols
were given during this initiation.

In the beginning Angela was in doubt whether it was right, but all doubt dissolved in the following
channeling with St. Germaine: From him she received the information again that she is one of the
keepers of the Holy Grail and its energy‘s. St. Germaine told her that she should make a decision now.
―Which decision?‖ she asked him. And he told her that the time had arrived for the opening of the
energy doors of the Holy Grail and to share this information to others, but she should decide wisely and
wait until the right point in time. Immediately she received another initiation on how the transmission of
these energies has to take place:

There are three attunements in the Holy Grail Energy. Every attunement strengthens the one before.
After the third attunement you can pass the energies to others.

The energy can be used with or without the symbols.

Carola Hundt:

In June 2005 Carola received the channeled information from a medium, that she should prepare herself
to receive some amazing information after her Usui Reiki Grand Master attunement.

On June 30th 2005. Carola who had no previous knowledge on channeling was given symbols 13 to 17
after she gave a Reiki attunement to Angela. She was very surprised because she was aware of the other
symbols which Angela had received but she knew these symbols were a part of Angela‘s.

This was confirmed by her.

Nils Gratza:

On 02 July 2005 Nils received symbol number 21.

He also had not received any direct messages up to this time. On receipt of the symbol no further
information was given to him. Later they all learned the meaning and how the symbol has to be
integrated in the system of the Holy Grail Energy from St. Germaine, Tobias and Kryon.

Angela Grötsch:

While Angela had known that Carola had channeled 5 symbols she received the confirmation that she is
also a keeper of the Holy Grail as she guessed right. After that she received the symbols 18 to 20.

In her first initiation she received the information that there are 21 symbols, so the system is now

This system is simple ness. Work with it creatively, without using your brain. This system is feeling and
love. It is coming at this very moment, for everyone without any restriction, fitting to the new energy.

Now is the time to share the energy. For a long time the secret of the Holy Grail as well as itself has
been protected carefully and only was revealed to a few and to the keepers of the Holy Grail.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 Three attunements

 A certificate

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Also known in ancient times as Ho'omana, Huna is a Hawaiian Tradition that is incredibly old and traces
its roots back to Lemuria or Mu.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement (sent three days in a row)
 A certificate

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Imara Reiki is a powerful system of Reiki developed by Barton & Geoffrey Wendel, it is of a higher
vibration energy level than most common Reiki systems.

Reiki can be split up into vibration (frequency) bands. Imara Reiki is a ―Level 5‖ on the ―Reiki scale‖.
To simplify things, Traditional Usui Reiki is level 1-3 (First, second and Master levels and Karuna Reiki
is considered Level 4. Imara Reiki is Level 5.

This is a very intense form of Reiki energy and is therefore only available to Reiki Masters..

You will notice the energy has a slightly different feel about it yet it is very simple to use:-

 You do not need symbols

 Attunements are very simple
 Distance healing methods are also very simple BUT strong.

Many users will experience a Strong Spiritual Connection and it can also help to to heal past life and
trauma issues.

The name ―Imara‖ simply put means "more‖.

Once you are attuned to Imara Reiki, it is extremely simple to use the energy, especially compared to
Usui or Karuna.

Until now, Imara Reiki has not been very widely used.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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Channeled by Mrs. Linda C. Colibert and assisted by Jay M. Burrell

This system is more of a personal growth system than a healing system. It raises your vibration and
allows you to develop your psychic abilities and will also help you to learn to communicate with
others, animals, and the nature Spirits through empathy and intuition at a faster pace by
connecting you to the higher realms. As such, it also works to help raise the vibration of Earth and
Humanity, which in turn, speeds our evolution to higher dimensional thinking.

The Indigo Light System energy works with the third eye chakra and psychic centers. It
enhances psychic abilities through empathy and love. This system will provide a calming effect on
Indigo Children and Indigo Adults. This system is also perfect when working with animals since it
helps you to connect with the animal in a telepathic manner and through empathy.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Inga Reiki contains new possibilities for healing and also contains some very interesting energies.

Inga Reiki was developed or rediscovered by Severina Silva in Brazil. Inga Reiki is based on the
mysterious stone carvings in Ingá, Brazil. These stone carvings are said have originated in Lemuria
many thousands of years ago.

In the Lemurian society, stone carvings were used by Adepts to reach altered states of consciousness and
to confer upon them powers to communicate with the beyond and to intervene in the real world.

Since there are many different energy systems in the world today from many different cultures, Inga
Reiki presents for the first time the Lemurian Brazilian energy connection. Ingá Reiki has 3 Levels with
the 1st level containing 2 symbols and Mantras. The energy is soft and pleasant and penetrates the body
blancing our Chi flow. Blockages are worked on and dissolved. Level II has two symbols and you learn
long distance healing the Inga Reiki way. The level III contains the master/teacher Attunements.
Ingá Reiki can be regarded as a wonderful alternative to Usui Reiki or can be combined with it.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 Three attunements
 A certificate

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~


In the founder‘s own words: ―Inner Baptism is a remote energy attunement that I developed from a
spontaneous spiritual experience I had in the Autumn of 1986. It is a means of clearing, balancing,
harmonizing, adjusting and stabilizing your physical and energy system of blockages, frozen energy,
misaligned or dysfunctional energy patterns related to physical, emotional, relational, psychological,
behavioral or spiritual problems and limiting beliefs about yourself, others or the world. While I can't
guarantee everyone will feel it (some undoubtedly won‘t), most feedback I get is that it feels really

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Each of us is a shining light that collectively helps to raise the vibration of the earth and lead us to a
common goal of happiness and love. Sometimes we fail to see our own inner beauty and light and often
we cannot see the light and beauty that is present in everyone around us. How often do we judge
someone by the way they look, dress or act? How often do we just see qualities that prevent us from
seeing into the real person and discovering that inner beauty that resides in us all?

We are exposed daily to less than peaceful situations and happenings – wars within and between
countries, violence and crime to name but a few. We may feel that our inner light is not burning as
brightly as it should be – this connection will help to re-ignite the inner light and beauty that is within us
all and help us to see more clearly the good in others.

This connection is not a healing system as such but is more of a focus and a tool to enable us to shine
radiantly throughout each day.

This connection brings forth the energies of Archangel Haniel and helps to bring beauty, love and peace
into your life to assist you in strengthening your inner light.

Archangel Haniel represents beauty, love and friendships and is able to fill gaps in your life that were
previously empty. Times of sadness and emptiness can be turned into times of love and joy. Haniel can
also help us to stop looking outside for inner happiness and find the answers to these problems from
within. When we find inner happiness, beauty and light we can then confidently shine these qualities to
those around us and encourage them to grow in the same way. Archangel Haniel is the angel of
December and is usually represented by the colour green and is also associated with the rose which
symbolises beauty and upliftment.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
This course is available to Usui Reiki 1 practitioners or above only.

This system was founded by Stephanie Brail and is a peaceful and loving attunement to receive.

Inner Light Reiki is a simple but powerful system to help the light of the soul shine through. The energy
works to clear blockages, increase joy, and help you accomplish your life purpose. In this course you
will learn how to practice Inner Light Reiki on yourself and others, and how to pass attunements. This is
a beautiful system that will help lift your personal vibration to new levels just for receiving the

You will receive:

 A brief set of notes by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

'Enorasis' means 'Clairvoyance'

This Sacred Empowerment of Divine Light and Divine Love will boost your psychic and spiritual

Your inner channeling wisdom and your highest healing wisdom will be activated. It will open, clear &
balance the third eye, the divine eye of spirit elevating awareness and consciousness to new levels. This
will bring clarity and simplicity in communicating with the Angels / Archangels / Higher Self / the Spirit
/ the Mahatma / the Ascended Masters & All Beings of Light.

Many advantages, abilities, benefits and gifts of all kinds follow!

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
This attunement is available to Reiki Masters only.

This particular energy stream was offered to Linda Vaughn while meditating with Isis one day. Isis
sent the energies through Linda and she named it Isis Blue Moon as that is the simple visualization that
is used to connect with this energy stream. Everyone has known it as Isis Blue Moon since that time.

She had considered the alternative names of Full Spectrum Isis & The Spiritual Order of Isis. Full
Spectrum Isis would have been self-explanatory.... simply put, everything Isis or All Isis energies and

frequencies. You are already part of the Spiritual Order of Isis just by receiving the Isis Blue Moon

The following is taken from Linda‘s manual: ―In all likelihood, you were already or you wouldn't have
been interested in Isis Blue Moon. Basically, the Order is just a nice way of saying you're part of the
Isis family at the spiritual levels.

Some alternate names for the Order have been The Ancient Order of Isis, The Sacred Order of Isis and
The Order of the Temple Isis. Those are just the immediate ones that come to mind when Linda asked
Isis about the names. The Isis energy streams all have many energetic aspects and frequencies. Isis Blue
Moon includes them all.

The more you work with Isis and use Isis Blue Moon healing, the more likely you will be to notice these
individual aspects. Listed below are some of the main Isis frequencies below along with some of the
ancient associated symbols.

Someone recently posted something online about the Golden Isis frequencies of Isis being "new." That
is not true at all. Isis energies have always contained the golden frequencies; however, not everyone has
always been able to access them. Linda states ―I have never read about the Golden Star of Isis anywhere
before. That is something Isis shared directly with me and I know in my heart these frequencies have
always been available. Also, if you spend some time with the Golden Star of Isis you will begin
remembering your past Egyptian lifetimes.‖

How does it feel? To me this energy usually feels cold and blue or bluish white. Sometimes I feel it as
electric. Others have reported that it feels calming and soothing to them.

What can Isis Blue Moon be used for? Mostly I've used Isis Blue Moon energy can be used for any
cooling and/or clearing types of healing work. I used it once simply to reduce swelling in a pinched
nerve for a friend of mine. Others in the room said they noticed my skin turn pale white. I've also called
upon it to help clear rooms that have large amounts of negative energy. You can use Isis Blue Moon
healing for just about anything though from swelling to cancers.‖

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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This attunement is available to Reiki Masters only.

Seichim (say sheem) comes from the Egyptian word SekHem which translated into English means
‗Power of Powers‖.

Seichim is an ancient advanced form of hands on healing having sounds and symbols. It is said Seichim
is the parent energy of all hands on healing systems.

Although ancient in its essence, in modern times Seichim is often regarded as being new and exciting as
well as much more than simply a hands on healing technique.
You will receive:

 A manual by email
 Two attunements
 A certificate

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~


This is wonderful energy that is not Reiki. This system has the power to get rid of stagnant, dense,
―congested‖ energy patters in the Aura (Light Body). It is a highly personalized system and needs to be
respected and appreciated each time it is used.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

This system connects you with the energies and qualities of the jaguar though a meditation. You
become one with the jaguar and are shown whatever medicine you need to learn in your journey.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

This system combines the mysticism of Kabbalah with the energies of Reiki.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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Pastor Tabitha Trimble received this form of Reiki during a prophetic dream, perceived as one source to
connect all forms of Healing/Reiki modalities to by the Creator. ―All things were created to work
together as a whole.‖

This form a Reiki uses the Kabbalah and tree of life charts using the sacred names of God to heal the
body on all levels and dimensions.

This method uses various tools for Healing, including using Prayer, Colors and sounds to align and
balance the whole Chakra systems, by chanting the Sacred Names of God and by using Reiki symbols
and Hand positions.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Huna is a very powerful and helps to connect to the sacred kapu space. The word Huna means among
other things secret, and the word Kahuna, can mean keeper of the secret, but also can mean powerful
one…Huna is not a religion, but a way to your light & your path to spiritual greatness. Practicing Huna
Reiki can lead to incredibly soul blessings. And then you can connect with spirit connection between all
things and tapping into our heart unity. It deals with all aspects of our lives so we can embrace our spirit

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Karmic Reiki is the Reiki version of regression therapy!

Created by Martyn Pentecost, Karmic Reiki is a great style of Reiki which is used in a different way to
help deal with the various issues that arise from negative karmic events.

It is a style of Reiki that uses incredibly powerful frequencies of energy to deal with Karmic issues and
to help the client to connect with their guides for complete karmic healing.

There are 5 Karmic Reiki symbols: 2 are used as other Reiki symbols to help ease the effects of
‗anonymous‘ karma and 3 others which provide extremely powerful frequencies of energy which can
bring about truly amazing results, even revealing in great detail events from people‘s past lives.

This attunement is only available to those who have completed Reiki level 2

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 Two attunements
 A certificate

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~


Karuna Ki which was created by Vincent Amador is an ideal compliment to Usui Reiki and is only
available to Reiki Masters it has been developed from, but is in no way affiliated with Karuna Reiki
although some of the symbols are the same.

Karuna Ki means "Compassionate Energy" and is all about healing and spreading the love &
compassion to everyone.

Karuna Ki offers a way to connect to this compassion and share it with all creation. There are several
aspects of Karuna Ki which include Healing, Meditation (Karuna Ki Do), and Chanting (or Toning).

Karuna Ki also uses the practice of chanting or "toning". The simplest of these practices is chanting the
name of the symbol as you use it during meditation or healing. It is thought that the power and energy of
the symbol passes with the breath into the client, intensifying the effect of the healing.

Another part of the Karuna Ki experience is to practice the energy consistently so that the true nature of
the loving compassionate heart of Karuna develops. The practice of connecting to your spiritual guides
who are connected with the Karuna Ki Do is also a path you may explore. The guides we connect to
most likely will be directly related to our personal beliefs. People who are Christian are likely to see
Jesus, Mary, or angels. People with more new age beliefs might see ascended masters or St. Germaine.
You may experience Spiritual guides such as these, or none at all. Both are acceptable and "right" for

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~


This attunement is available to Reiki 2 or above.

A Brand New Reiki System, that focuses on the love, compassion and communication rays of Reiki.
Kava Reiki was founded by Rosemary Feld (also known as Lazufare) in 2002.

Kava Reiki will assist in your spiritual growth and development, opening you to more of your potential
and connecting you to more of who you truly are at a very deep heart level.

Kava Reiki is a direct communication with the "well of compassion" cradled within the human heart. Its
nature is soothing and not confrontational so therefore it is a beautiful energy with which to restore
balance to ones personal emotional issues and events.

Kava Reiki focuses on the love and compassion rays of Reiki and is a very powerful heart-centered
healing energy.

Kava Reiki consists of 4 base levels, each level layering upon the next. With each successive attunement
there comes a profound healing within the very core of your spiritual heart space, ultimately displaying a
strengthening of connection with your own source essence.

The Master/Teacher level or 5th level prepares to share this wonderful energy with others.

You will receive:

 Several manuals by email

 Five attunements given at least 7 days apart
 A certificate

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
KI MANNA -- $10
This attunement is available to Reiki Masters only.

By the time you have reached the path to Ki Manna, you will have released a lot of old beliefs and have
grown in self and in spirit.

You are now ready to remove the veil and live in truth. There is no judgment here; all are not called to
this at this time, but for those that are, Ki Manna is an amazing energy system to work with, for yourself
and others.

Ki Manna is all about mastery of self and the divine power you have as a being of light.

You are a Master. It is time to step into your Knowing of this fact. You have mastered this plane, and
are now ready to accept all the personal power that is within you.

You are the power, the essence and the wisdom. Ki Manna recognizes your power as a healer, teacher
and spiritual soul. You will work with so many guides. Let‘s call them friends and our support team!

You will have faced many lessons in your own personal life as the bricks and mortar of your self-made
lifeless structures have fallen off, to reveal the beautiful gardens, lakes and flowers that were hidden in
your soul.

If these words resonate with you, you are ready to receive Ki Manna energy!

Not only do you work healing on this level but you also work with other levels, planets, beings and
dimensions, as you are a multidimensional being co-existing simultaneously in multiple realities, worlds,

Ki Manna has the power to increase your Light body, (meaning, making you pure spirit or energy on
earth, other planes and planets and focus healing and awakening).

It also is able to chase scattered parts of souls that are lost (fragments, extensions), and bring them back
to aid in healing totally, multidimensionally.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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KOFU 1-3 -- FREE
Pre-requisite: Kos Rays and Sokaisi, in this order.

Kofu means Essence of God. It is an initiation that will allow you to master the most powerful energy
ever given here on earth.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 Three attunements (one attunement sent for three consecutive days)
 A certificate

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Kofutu is a self-development and spiritual healing system based on the use of symbols. Kofutu symbols
allow individuals to access their inner resources in order to accelerate growth, discovery and healing. In
Kofutu Touch Healing, the hands are used to connect the energy inherent in the symbols with the energy
channels in the body. This process can bring immediate inner centering and release from pain, both
physical and emotional. It usually produces a deep sense of relaxation. The Kofutu symbols allow
growth and healing to be unaffected by the healer's state of health and well-being.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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Komyo Reiki Kai is a Reiki system based on the teachings of Dr. Chuujiro Hayashi as learned by his
student Mrs. Chiyoku Yamaguchi from 1938 to 1940.

Hyakuten Inamoto, an 'independent' Buddhist priest from the Pure Land sect of Buddhism, studied Reiki
with Yamaguchi and created a manual/workbook for his own students, and modified elements of Jikiden
Reiki to reflect his own personal understanding of Reiki.

Level 1 covers the basic history and knowledge of Reiki including hand positions for self and others,
and includes 4 attunements.

Level 2 covers the first three shirushi (symbols) and their jumon (mantras) and how to use them; also
includes 4 attunements.

Level 3 covers the fourth shirushi (symbol) and jumon (mantra) and how to use it.

Level 4 covers attunements and how to pass them to others, as well as teaching three mudras used in the
Komyo Reiki attunement process.

The Komyo Reiki motto is: "Go placidly in the midst of praise or blame."

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 Three attunements
 A certificate

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Available to Reiki Masters only.

KorManu comes to us from the fourteenth dimension, which is the full circle of past, present and future.
It has its birth in the language of the Dolphins.

KorManu is being brought to Earth through the co-creative efforts of human receivers, dolphin holders
and interdimensional beings who are committed to the awakening of this planet.

KorManu is intelligent, powerful, creative and dramatic. It is evolutionary, therefore individuals who
have received these attunements will be inspired by Spirit in the moment, and will bring through many
other symbols and methods of moving Light.

Adepts of KorManu will be assisted in their own personal evolution --- their ascension process.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 Two attunements
 A certificate

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Platform system for Sokaisi and Kofu.

VERY IMPORTANT: This system is only for those who want to cross borders. None of these Koso
Rays have anything in common with any rays used on the Planet Earth before. This is NOT REIKI. All
these energies have NO CONNECTION with any previous existing human experience

The Koso Rays were given to us by a master who channels them from another star system. He says they
are a much higher vibration than anything we know on this planet. There are 9 rays and each one has its
own specified purpose. There are no symbols and nothing that you have to other systems.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 Nine attunements
 A certificate

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Kuan Yin is one of the Lords of Karma. She is also associated with the violet 7th Ray.

Kuan Yin assists the Chohan St. Germaine, Lady Portia and the Archangel Zadkiel on this ray, which
links spirit and matter.

The 7th Ray works through law, organization and ritual. Those under its impulse delight in order and
perfection of form. Since it is concerned with the concretizing of energy, finance comes within its
province, as well as all ceremonial activity.

This energy will give you a deep connection to the loving and compassionate heart of Kuan Yin as well
as abilities of magnified healing.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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Kundalini Reiki is thought to be the easiest healing system that exists mainly because there are no
specific hand positions or symbols to learn.

Kundalini means that certain healing channels and chakras have been opened, and you have thereby
gained access to the Earth's energy. The Root chakra, which is the energy centre located near the coccyx,
acts as an entrance for the Kundalini energy. The Kundalini energy is also referred to as ―the Kundalini
Fire‖. Hereafter, the energy runs all the way up through the body, through the ―main energy channel‖,
and out of the Crown chakra.

This energy channel goes from the Root chakra to the Crown chakra on the top of the head. An open
Kundalini means that over a period of time, a complete cleansing of the chakras, the body parts and the
energy channels is obtained.

Anyone interested in receiving Kundalini Reiki must begin with Kundalini Reiki 1, even though you
may have attunements from other systems.

This very powerful set of Kundalini attunements also includes 6 Booster attunements.......

The First 3 Boosters strengthens the previously received attunements: Kundalini Reiki 1-2-3. With each
step all chakras, the main energy channel and the channels to the hands are widened and strengthened.
After Kundalini Reiki Booster 3, your power to channel Reiki will have been increased approx. 100%!
You will also be able to pass on the Kundalini Reiki Booster 1-2-3

The Following 3 boosters 4-6 widen and strengthen all chakras, the main energy channel and the
channels to the hands After Kundalini Reiki Booster 6, your power to channel Reiki will have been
increased approx. 300 percent! You will also be able to pass on the Kundalini Reiki Booster 4-5-6

Extra attunements also included: 1 - Balance, 2 - Diamond Reiki, 3 - Crystalline Reiki, 4 - DNA Reiki, 5
- Birth trauma Reiki, 6 - Location Reiki, 7 - Past Life Reiki.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 Three attunements leading to a complete rising of the Kundalini (Plus 6 Booster attunements
which strengthen the previous attunements)
 A certificate

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This attunement is available to Reiki Masters and Silver Violet Flame only.

The Lavender Flame of Quan Yin is a fraction of the Violet Flame of Transmutation. It is part of a triad
of energies sourced from that flame, namely Purple, Amethyst and Lavender. All three of these energies
are associated in some way with transformation, transmutation, purification or divine alchemy. With the
Lavender aspect we deal mainly with purification and divine alchemy: in other words clearing the
unwanted and turning our experiences into the Light.

Acting as a gentler version of Violet, the Lavender Flame possesses nurturing aspects and has a definite
Feminine feel. Lavender soothes away negative energies, slowly purifying our energy fields and brings
us back into balance. It clears those blocks, which we may have raised against the Feminine Divine due
to our social or religious conditioning. The Lavender Flame also brings a sense of peace and mercy with
it, and as a result, may be used when Violet seems too strong an energy for us. Lavender embraces us,
nurturing away our traumas and is particularly good for those of us who need Mother's Love.

The healing aspect of Lavender surrounds dis-ease with a layer of love, guiding it out of the system. It is
especially helpful for respiratory illnesses, and immune system disorders.

This energy teaches us that it is perfectly acceptable to be gentle with ourselves, and that there is nothing
to be gained by self-abuse or being extreme. It tells us to: "Be here Now. You are perfect as you are and
need nothing else to be complete. You are a precious Child of God and you are Enough."

The Lavender Flame Attunement will create a special bond between you and Quan Yin, one that can
never be broken. It will connect you with Her love and unwavering compassion, serving as a bridge to
divine energy. Once you have been empowered, you are able to call upon Quan Yin's Lavender Flame at
any time. From this point on you will be a channel of Her gift and She will always be ready to assist you
as you move though life.

Please note: If you have not been Attuned to the Silver Violet Flame this will be sent to you free of
charge before the Lavender Flame Attunement.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One or two attunements
 A certificate

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You will learn how to facilitate the Lemurian Temple Initiation, The Dimensional Resonance
Activation, The Dimensional Resonance Alignment, and how to facilitate all other types of Lemurian
You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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This attunement is available to Reiki Masters only. Must be attuned to Lemurian Facilitator.

Lemurian Seed crystals are said to have been left by an advanced ancient civilization known as the
Lemurians. They were imbued with a message of equality and unconditional love.

Unlike mentally based modern societies, Lemuria is said to have been a civilization whose
consciousness was cantered upon spiritual and emotional dimensions

The Lemurian Seed Crystal Attunements were Channeled by Carola Hundt and Angela Grotsch during
their own Lemurian Facilitator Attunements.

They were both given 13 symbols between them that were to be used in Meditation and healing to help
the development of the light body and for unifying the soul.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 Two attunements
 A certificate

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Must be attuned to Lemurian Seed Crystals 1 & 2.

Lemurian Seed crystals are said to have been left by an advanced ancient civilization known as the
Lemurians. They were imbued with a message of equality and unconditional love.

Unlike mentally based modern societies, Lemuria is said to have been a civilization whose
consciousness was cantered upon spiritual and emotional dimensions

This system is very much like Lemurian Seed Crystals 1 & 2 but there are four new symbols for this

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
Must be attuned to Lemurian Seed Crystals 3.

Lemurian Seed crystals are said to have been left by an advanced ancient civilization known as the
Lemurians. They were imbued with a message of equality and unconditional love.

Unlike mentally based modern societies, Lemuria is said to have been a civilization whose
consciousness was cantered upon spiritual and emotional dimensions.

The symbols for this level are from the 5th Dimension which makes the transition on this level easier on

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~


Sleepiness, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and irritability can all be effects of Insomnia.

If you wake up feeling unrefreshed, if you wake too early, constantly suffer disturbed sleep then you
may be suffering from Insomnia.

Insomnia is terrible for sufferers and their families and although some people can cope well with much
less sleep than others, the average person needs between 7-8 hours of sleep a night to function properly,
some need even more!!

Insomnia can increase with age and affects about 40 percent of women and 30 percent of men.

Light Dream Reiki can help.

Light Dream was channeled in 2003 by Alla Sharkia. There are no symbols in this method and this is
highest frequency based on the power of the Violet Ray of St. Germain.

Light Dream Reiki works well for those suffering from insomnia.

After the first attunement, you will be able to start working with the energy, perform self-healing and
heal other people in person.

After the 2nd attunement, you will be able to send a distance healing session.

After the master/teacher level attunement, you will be able to attune others to a Light Dream Reiki 1-2-3
and became a Master Teacher of this energy healing system.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 Three attunements
 A certificate

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~


This attunement is available to Reiki Masters only.

Reiki Master Stephen Lovering was first introduced to Seraph Zapharel whilst sending a distant
attunement to a client.

During this Attunement he had a very strong and vivid image of an angel in front of him, so vivid and
real that he asked the angel its name. Stephen was given the name Zapharel and he then continued with
the attunement.

Later when Stephen did some research on the internet about the name Zapharel he was surprised to see
that there was no information available.

The name and the vision of the angel Zapharel were so incredibly strong and vivid, he HAD to know
Every opportunity Stephen had, He would contact Zapharel and channeled more information.

During the initial channeling/conversation He was informed that Zapharel is an Archangel. As Stephen
continued his work he discovered he is, in fact, a member of the Seraphim.

This information was confirmed by a friend and co-healer of Stephens upon her attunement to Zapharel.

Angelic energies radiate from beyond our universe and arrange themselves into different layers. The
highest energy layer is known as the Seraphim.

There are nine groups or choirs of Angels these are:

~ Seraphim,
~ Cherubim,
~ Thrones,
~ Dominations,
~ Virtues,
~ Powers,
~ Principalities,
~ Archangels and
~ Angels.

First in this hierarchy of angels are the Seraphim. An individual member of this group is called a Seraph.
The Seraphim is the highest level and it is to this group that Seraph Zapharel belongs.

Seraphim represent the highest forms of love and joy and are not as serious and regulated as we think.
Seraphim have a great sense of humor and have great joy in all that they do.

Seraphim are described as having three pairs of wings – one pair covering their face, another covering
their feet and the other pair for flying.
Seraph Zapharel primarily offers passion and enthusiasm and helps to release negativity and anger.
This then helps you to see and accept passion and enthusiasm in yourself and others around you. Often
we see aspects of ourselves in others and by releasing any negative aspects of ourself we can view others
in a different light.

These attunements are of a very high vibration and frequency and are therefore only suitable for students
who are currently at a high vibrational level, i.e. Reiki Masters.

Zapharel also gave Stephen Lovering a symbol to be used to focus your intention during healing
treatments and for passing attunements.

Zapharel informed Stephen that four attunements were available and these are listed below.

~ The Light of Passion and Enthusiasm

~ The Light of Clear Vision and Understanding
~ The Light of Protection and Guidance
~ The Light of Love and Acceptance

The Light of Zapharel Initiation is the prerequisite to receiving The Light of Passion and
The remaining attunements can then be received in any order.

The Light of Passion and Enthusiasm can be used to self treat or given to others as a treatment to
help release anger and negativity.

As you progressively receive the other Light Attunements these can be incorporated into your
healing sessions.

After receiving each attunement you will be able to pass them on to other students who are
currently Reiki Masters.

To receive the Light of Zapharel attunements you will need to be a Reiki Master in one of the
following forms of Reiki -

Usui Based
Tera Mai TM
Karuna Based
You will receive:

 A manual by email
 Five attunements
 A certificate
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
LIGHTARIAN ANGELLINK™ -- $60 plus actual shipping charges for manuals
Pre-requisite: Rose Aura’s AngelLink

Create powerful connections with an "A-Team"... a specialized team of angelic energies

consisting of a Seraph and four assist you in your day-to-day life.

Expand the pure angelic qualities of unconditional love, non-judgment, courage, beauty and joy
within your energy fields. Establish a series of five unique and permanent guideship connections
with these supportive angelic beings.

The five Lightarian AngelLinks™ are designed to create extraordinary connections for you with a
high vibrational team of angelic beings we call the ―A-Team‖. This ―team‖ consists of a Seraph
(named Rose Aura) and four Archangels. These Archangels are Archangel Michael, Archangel
Raphael, Archangel Uriel and Archangel Gabriel.

The AngelLinks™ have been inspired by Seraph Rose Aura and these Archangels in order to
directly and more strongly work with humans to advance their spiritual development.

Their intentions are to infuse into the energy fields of humans many of the qualities and energetic
patterns which they embody. Typically, the connections created via the AngelLinks are much
deeper than the angelic contacts that humans have long been experiencing. These linkages with
Seraph Rose Aura and the four Archangels are especially fine-tuned, extremely high-vibrational and
truly permanent in nature.

They are very different from the more traditional "telepathic and etheric interactions" that many
individuals already have with the Angels. Each of these AngelLinks sets up a new, very special
kind of linkage within your energy fields to allow you and these angelic beings to work together
more effectively.

How will these angelic energies work with me?

In general, these five angelic beings have committed to working intimately and powerfully with
us... Their focus is to help you embody and expand the pure angelic qualities of unconditional love,
non-judgment, courage, beauty and joy in your day-to-day life.

In addition to these five major angelic qualities, each angelic being will be a guide for you in these
other specialized ways:

™ Assisting you in navigating within the etheric realms,

™ Supporting you with divine healing,

™ "Lighting your way" into the future time,

™ Stimulating your creative expression and

™ Making your communications more effective.

More specifically, Seraph Rose Aura's AngelLink™ for unconditional love...

From the highest level of the Angelic Realms called the Seraphim, a Seraph by the name of Rose
Aura has stepped forward to spread the angelic quality of purest unconditional love to humanity.

Via her AngelLink connection with you, an "angelic flame of unconditional love" will be
placed into your heart space, fully radiate through your energy fields and then ripple out into all
areas of your experience. Afterwards, Rose Aura will be working in your "etheric background" as
an Angelic Guide to assist you in all matters of the heart...especially the expansion of unconditional
love of self and others.

The Seraph Rose Aura AngelLink™ represents ―Lightarian Doorway‖ into the energetic level of the
Archangels and is a pre-requisite for receiving the four Archangel AngelLinks.

About the four Archangel AngelLinks™:

After receiving your Rose Aura connection, additional AngelLinks are available for
creating more specialized etheric links with Archangels Michael, Raphael, Uriel and Gabriel.

Your initial AngelLink with Seraph Rose Aura is received in a few simple steps... Your
Rose Aura AngelLink™ connection is passed on to you by myself via a simple, guided meditation
technique called a distance attunement. I will send you an AngelLink Information Booklet in
advance for self-study. As you review the Booklet, you will learn all about the AngelLink process,
especially how simple and easy it is to share the AngelLinks with others once you are attuned.
When you have completed your reading of the Booklet, just contact me to arrange for your
appointment to receive the Rose Aura AngelLink. The angelic connection takes place through a
guided meditation. During the meditation, I establish a simple, permanent, etheric energy connection
directly between you and the angelic being. This guided meditation takes place in a remote (telepathic)

There is no formal training involved with the AngelLink process. However, if you have any questions
about the information in the Booklet, you can discuss them with me before or after your
attunement. After receiving your Rose Aura AngelLink, you become a "Facilitator" and can
immediately begin sharing your Rose Aura connection with others. In this way, you become an
"angelic conduit" and participate in the expansion of these divine qualities and patterns throughout

The Archangel AngelLinks:

Following your Attunement with Seraph Rose Aura you can receive the Archangel
AngelLinks and also begin sharing them with others using these same simple steps.

Archangel Michael‘s AngelLink:

Through this AngelLink connection, Archangel Michael will work "in your etheric
background" to provide ongoing support for you in creating non-judgment in all areas of your life.

He will also focus on assisting you in successfully navigating within the etheric realms via
telepathy, channeling, conscious etheric travel, etc. Michael was the first Archangel to step
forward to offer his AngelLink.

Archangel Uriel‘s AngelLink:

Archangel Uriel has stepped forward to provide us with an infusion of angelic beauty that will allow
you to experience the "feminine side of beauty" through a heightened sense of appreciation and
the masculine side of beauty through the stimulation of your talents for creative expression.

Through this AngelLink connection, Uriel can help stimulate your creativity and inspiration
for artistic expression in its many forms.

Archangel Raphael‘s AngelLink:

Archangel Raphael has stepped forward to support us with an infusion of angelic courage and
divine healing. He will assist you in moving more courageously through life and will help to light
your way into the future.

Also, with Raphael's assistance via this AngelLink, you will be able to more effectively avoid the
challenges and hurdles of life...and also more clearly see the opportunities and spiritual rewards that
lay ahead.

Archangel Raphael's AngelLink will also provide support for you in your healing process. He is
known as the "divine healer" and will help you discover the "divine healer" within yourself.

Archangel Gabriel‘s AngelLink:

Archangel Gabriel‘s focus is on joy and communications! Through this AngelLink, he teaches
us to take time to recognize and experience the existing joys that abound for us and to
manifest new and exciting levels of joy in our day-to-day lives.
Gabriel is also traditionally known as the great communicator for the Divine. So, he is especially
able to help you with inner communications for accessing your "personal knowing and
intuition", as well as to provide practical support for effective communications in your outer, day-
to-day life.

These four attunement-based connections with the Archangels can be received in any order and at a
pace that feels appropriate for you. They can be shared with others in the same way as the Seraph
Rose Aura AngelLink. As you progressively receive your AngelLink attunements and begin to
experience the benefits of each of these connections...first with Seraph Rose Aura and then the four'll be building a very effective angelic support group to powerfully assist you along
your spiritual path

You will receive:

 Five manuals by mail

 Five attunements
 Five certificates

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
Available to Reiki Masters only.

Accelerate your spiritual transformation by receiving the Lightarian Ray Program, a series of
powerful, guided-meditation attunements inspired by the Celestial Masters...Maitreya, El Morya,
Buddha, Sananda and St. Germain...and by our Universal Source.

The first five Rays focus on the essential phases of spiritual processing…Empowerment, Clearing,
Healing, Activation and Manifestation. The sixth Ray called the Source Ray focuses on lifting you
further into the unfolding global-human ascension process.

The first five Lightarian Rays are a series of guided-meditation attunements...each creating a
powerful and permanent connection for you with one of the Masters. Each Ray is an ―attunement
event‖ that launches extraordinary ―energetic processing‖ within your chakras, subtle bodies
and physical body...creating spiritual, mental, emotional and physical transformation in your life.

Once this connection is made, the particular Master works with you energetically "in your
etheric background" to support an essential aspect of your spiritual self-development. After
receiving the Ray attunements, you will accelerate along your spiritual path perhaps more quickly
and effectively...and with more grace and joy... than you would naturally be experiencing!

The Empowerment Ray™ - Inspired by Ascension Master Maitreya, the Empowerment Ray
is the starting point for the spiritual awakening process and serves as prerequisite for receiving the
other Rays. The Empowerment Ray stimulates a dramatic "spiritual wake-up call" of the highest
order...triggering waves of energetic acceleration and vibrational change.

The Clearing Ray™ - Created by Ascended Master El Morya, the Clearing Ray launches a gentle,
yet effective "etheric deep cleaning"... stripping away all of your adverse soul programming,
inappropriate belief structures and undesired mental and emotional patterns.

The Activation Ray ™ - Inspired by Ascended Master Sananda, the Activation Ray energetically

activates your latent etheric coding and triggers powerful, ongoing spiritual initiations...allowing
more of your Higher Self energies to flow into your day-to-day life.

The Healing Ray ™ - Sourced by Ascended Master Buddha, the Healing Ray initiates a powerful
of holistic self-healing... returning you to a state of balance and alignment.

The Manifestation Ray ™ - Sourced by Ascended Master St. Germain, the Manifestation Ray
expands your capacity for manifesting on all levels...opening you to attract spiritual, mental,
emotional and physical abundance... all to serve your highest purpose!

The Lightarian Source Ray™ - Beyond the first five Lightarian Rays, The Institute offers an
advanced, ascension focused attunement called the Source Ray - a connection with the energies
of our Universal Source.

The first five Rays (with their focus on stimulating spiritual processing) serve as an "energetic
platform" and prerequisite for the Source Ray, which creates a dramatic leap to a new vibrational
connection with even higher levels of divine energies.

Regarding the progression of spiritual development stimulated by the Rays, here is the
Lightarian perspective...

™ Self-empowerment is the starting point for the spiritual awakening process,

™ Then, the clearer you become, the more effectively you can heal,
™ The more you clear and heal, then the greater can be your rate of personal energetic
™ All leading to a greater ability for you to manifest a higher level of Light in your day-
to-day life!
Over time, the background energy work set in motion by these five Ray attunements cumulatively
creates an ongoing, long-term program for dramatic change in your life...with the five Masters
serving as your spiritual guides...all in complete collaboration with your Higher Self energies.

How does the Lightarian Ray Program fit into the overall process of global, human
transformation that is taking place at this time?

As individuals move along their spiritual paths, the five essential aspects of personal energetic
development (as described above) will be taking place. With varying intensity and varying pace,
these areas of personal growth are unfolding within all of us. As we experience our learning and
growth lessons in life, movement in these fundamental areas occurs quite naturally!

However, given that a divine plan for human, global transformation is dramatically impacting
on our personal processes, many of us feel that our preparation work must be stimulated and
enhanced beyond the natural unfolding that may be taking place. For some of us, there is even a
growing sense of urgency to accelerate this process, in order to more quickly and properly prepare for
spiritual service during the coming times. For those who find themselves on a "fast track" for
spiritual development, their progression of self- empowerment, clearing, healing, activation and
manifestation can be enhanced by support from the five Masters via the Lightarian Ray

You will receive:

 Six manuals by mail

 Six attunements
 Six certificates

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
Available to Reiki Masters or Karuna Masters.
If you are not a Karuna Master, you will need the Buddhic Boost attunement.

Lightarian Reiki offers the most potent, highest vibrational Reiki healing energies available.

Lightarian Reiki is a unique, expanded and higher vibrational form of Reiki that enhances the
opportunity for healing by vibrationally "stretching" the healing process into a new space!
In this New Space are the six vibrational bands of Lightarian Reiki that have been organized into
just four levels. These levels are called Lightarian Reiki I & II, Lightarian Reiki III, Lightarian
Reiki IV and Lightarian Reiki V & VI.
In Level I & II, the majority of the principles of Lightarian Reiki are taught and your initial
Lightarian attunement with Ascended Master Buddha is delivered. This first training/attunement
prepares you vibrationally to receive the further attunements in the three higher levels.
The three advanced attunements are about progressively "stepping up" your energies into higher
vibrational levels within the Reiki spectrum, connecting you into higher aspects of the Buddhic
No formal training is required for these levels.
During the remaining advanced attunement‘s, an introduction and permanent connection is made
with a different supportive energy to assist in creating an expansion of the healing work and to
enhance the healing process.
In Lightarian Reiki III you are introduced to Gaia, (Earth Mother) whose energies will be
available as a healing platform for your personal healing process and your treatments with clients.
In Level Reiki IV, you receive the loving and powerful overlighting effects of special healing
energies of the Godhead.
In Lightarian Reiki V & VI, another supportive healing energy is introduced, that of Ascended
Master Sananda.
Sananda joins with Ascended Master Buddha, Gaia and the Godhead to create what we call the
Divine Healing Chamber. This unique and powerful healing tool, the Divine Healing Chamber, is
then available to you for your work with clients as well as for yourself.
A minimum 30-day waiting period between receiving each of the four Lightarian Reiki
training/attunements is recommended although this can be shortened or lengthened to suit the

PREREQUISITES for taking Lightarian Reiki: In order to move to the higher vibrational levels
within the Reiki spectrum, one must always start with Usui- based Reiki. From there, one proceeds to
the next frequency band of Karuna-based Reiki (or alternatively, the Lightarian Buddhic Boost).
After this, one is energetically prepared to receive the higher vibrational levels of Lightarian Reiki.

Therefore, Usui Based Reiki Master Level (1st Band) plus either the Lightarian "Buddhic Boost" or
Karuna- based Reiki Master Level (2nd Band) are prerequisites for receiving Lightarian Reiki.

Please Note: By "Usui-based" the institute also means other forms of Usui Reiki Master level, such
as Shamballa Reiki and Seichim Reiki. By "Karuna-based" they also mean Karuna Ki Reiki as a
form of Karuna® Reiki.

Lightarian Buddhic Boost

The Lightarian Buddhic Boost is offered as a means to energetically "bridge the vibrational gap"
between Usui-based Reiki and Lightarian Reiki. Receiving the Buddhic Boost will simply and
effectively lift your vibration up to the Second Band of the Reiki energies, in preparation for
receiving the higher vibrational bands of Lightarian Reiki I & II.

The Buddhic Boost is a very simple attunement designed to vibrationally prepare you for getting
started with the Lightarian Reiki Training Program. It requires no formal training of its own and no
manual is provided in advance of receiving the Boost attunement.

Complete details about the Buddhic Boost are covered in the Lightarian Reiki I&II Manual.
Approximately 30 days after receiving the Boost, you would be ready to receive Lightarian Reiki I &
II. However, under certain circumstances, the timing can be accelerated.
If you are not currently attuned to a Karuna based Reiki you will receive the Buddhic Boost at no
extra cost.

You will receive:

 Six manuals by mail

 Six attunements
 Six certificates

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Lightning Reiki connects the magnificent power and energy of lighting, with the wonderful energy of
Reiki in a powerful way.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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This is the third in the series of Earth Medicine Empowerments by Lisa P. Center.

This system will teach you about Labyrinths, which are ceremonial pathways. ―Some say that if you
dance the Labyrinth…you will activate your own magical powers.‖

This empowerment will take you on a journey toward innovative answers and visions of pathways.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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This empowerment will connect you with Bear Medicine, which is a feminine energy which speaks of
power, dreamtime and the world of unconscious.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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This empowerment will connect you with Great Blue Heron, which is considered a peacemaker and
quite independent.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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This attunement is available to Usui Reiki 2 and above only.

Lotus Petal Reiki™ was channeled in the summer of 2000 by Daria Marin of New Zealand while
meditating on the Green Mountains of Vermont.

Lotus Petal Reiki™ was updated in April 2004 by Victor to a new and higher level.

LPR seems to work quickly with stress and anxiety issues bringing a state of calm and relaxation with
the first treatment.

LPR energy knows where it is needed most and finds its way to those areas. There are two symbols and
two powerful mandalas (one is a crop circle) in LPR.

These Mandalas are very powerful. The first Mandala can be used to double the power of other
workshops you have taken. The second Mandala can be used to raise your consciousness to very high

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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A piece of Selenite is needed for this attunement.

Reiki Master Stephen Lovering and fellow Reiki Master, Lesley Williams, went on a development
session with Zapharel and they both went on an amazing journey where they received further
connections with his energies.

The Love and Peace Alignment was first given to Stephen and then shortly afterwards to
Lesley. They were guided to share this energy with all who choose to receive it with the hope of
reducing anger, hate and negativity in the world and replacing it with unconditional love and peace.

The Love and Peace Alignement is an energetic connection with the energies of Seraph Zapharel
which will assist you in your daily life and enable you to send love and peace to people
around you and also worldwide. Feelings of anger and hurt are felt by us all and this attunement
will help you to replace these feelings with calm thoughts and love and peace.

The energy can be used to help yourself, people around you or on a worldwide basis – Sending love
and peace to the world can only help to make it a better place for us all to live together in harmony.
Seraph Zapharel works with the crystal Selenite and you will be able to charge this crystal with the
love and peace energies.

You will need a piece of Satin Spar Selenite in either wand or tumblestone form to receive the
attunement. Selenite is readily available in crystal shops and on the internet. If you have difficulty
obtaining a piece of Selenite please let me know and I will be able to provide a piece for a small
additional charge.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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This is a special symbol from Heidi Gebhard-Burger, a very well-known Reiki Master/Teacher from

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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From the Founder of Kundalini Reiki: Ole Gabrielsen

The energy of the moon, is a high vibrant loving energy that is, like the energy of the sun, very
beneficial in healing sessions. Lunar light has many excellent properties. The most important here is
emotional healing.

Its energies help with all feminine aspects of life. It promotes peace of mind, calmness and balance. It
cleanses and protects from negative energies. It's further great for use in meditation.

Lunar Light is excellent in help to deal with the subconscious mind and issues related to it.

Lunar Light and Solar Light is a great combination and acts like Yin and Yang. Yin is the Moon, the
feminine and Yang is the Sun, the masculine.

You can use Lunar Light as ordinary Reiki, alone or as a combination. It's very easy to use and learn,
even for a child.

The Lunar Light Empowerment is received as one attunement. Actually it is 3 attunements that have
been gathered into one single empowerment. You will further learn how to pass on the Lunar Light

The Solar Light Empowerment is also available in my listings and the two work well together.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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This is a continuation and improvement of the Lunar Light Empowerment I.

The energy of the moon, is a high vibrant loving energy that is, like the energy of the sun, very
beneficial in healing sessions. Lunar light has many excellent properties. The most important here is
emotional healing.

Its energies help with all feminine aspects of life. It promotes peace of mind, calmness and balance. It
cleanses and protects from negative energies. It's further great for use in meditation.

Lunar Light is excellent in help to deal with the subconscious mind and issues related to it.

Lunar Light and Solar Light is a great combination and acts like Yin and Yang. Yin is the Moon, the
feminine and Yang is the Sun, the masculine.

You can use Lunar Light as ordinary Reiki, alone or as a combination. It's very easy to use and learn,
even for a child.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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MA HEO O Reiki means Great Spirit, Great One or God. The word MA HEO O is Cheyenne, Native
American Language. This system of energy works will combine the elements of Fire, Water, Air and
Earth with the Great Spirit to effectively promote and activate healing the human condition. This
system is simple yet powerful and can be used by anybody. The system combines the gentleness of
Reiki with the raw power of the Elements. It can bring you into contact with your Spirit Totems, give
you your sacred name and balance your body with the elements.

I am a registered Ma Heo O Reiki Master.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 Three attunement
 A certificate
 Upon completion of your attunement, you can register as a Ma Heo O Reiki Master

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Ancient Origins of Knowledge of other ancient healing systems sheds light on the pre-Usui origins of
Reiki. The Hindu and Tibetan Buddhist devotion to Kali the Mother and Maha Kali is normally thought
of as just performing sadhana (daily prayer rituals) and reciting her mantras. However, taught orally
from teacher to student, there was also a healing system that is similar to the Reiki/Seichim method of
initiation and attunement. There are other spiritual lineages in the Orient involving the transmission of
ability through empowerments. It is known that a spiritual lineage of this type may end due to the
failure of the teacher to pass it on.
The lineage may resume hundreds or thousands of years later when a monk or spiritual seeker receives
instruction and empowerment during a mystical experience.

Maha Kali contains two symbols used to receive her healing energy.

Maha Kali Seichim contains Yantras.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement and one empowerment
 A certificate

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The Mahatma Ascension & Enlightenment Empowerment helps with:

 Ascension Work
 Contacting the Mahatma energy and the holy masters/ascended masters
 Bringing more Light into one‘s energy system, body mind, cells and DNA
 Empowers Meditation and Visualization
 Boosts healing energy and one‘s healing power
 Speeds up path to enlightenment
 Helps the self become one with All that is / God / the Source
 Brings many blessings and positive energies, protection, light, joy, peace and love into
one‘s body, mind, spirit and everyday life!

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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This encompasses many different energy healing systems in a one-hour attunement. It is the simplest
path to knowledge, love and oneness. Just substitute your teachers name for those that are embedded in
the manual.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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This attunement is available to Reiki Masters only.

Maitri Vihara Reiki was created by Ana Noriega Gonzalez during a trip to Macchu Picchu in Peru at the
time of the Fall Equinox of 2000.While meditating there, she felt a profound connection to the God and
was guided into developing her own system of subtle energy healing with a Reiki base. Maitri Vihara
comes from the Sanskrit word meaning, "The Abode of Love". It contains a spiral meditation and 14
symbols. They use shapes, names and colors to bridge the Source. It is for those who have already
completed their Usui Reiki training.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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This attunement is available to Reiki Masters only.

MariEL Reiki was one of the first energy systems to evolve in America after the introduction of the Usui
Reiki healing system.

It is the healing energy of Mother Mary. The theory behind MariEL healing is that every cell in our
body has a memory. Memories we store of a negative emotional or physical experience will block the
flow of energy.

MariEL healing helps to release these memories.

Created in the early 80's, by Ethel Lombardi, MarEl contains a unique way of healing using MariEL
Reiki Lines and three symbols which work very powerfully for those who have been attuned and worked
with them for any period of time.

In a MariEl session the practitioners channels the energy, which is very loving and gentle, the same way
Reiki is channeled either hands on or with the hands not touching the body, but close.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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Reiki is a well-known healing practice, and many believe that it originates from the Buddhist tradition.
As we know it today, Reiki is the work of a Shintoist-Buddhist physician and teacher named Mikao Usui.
Usui is said to have discovered a Tantra, or Esoteric teaching, originally given by Shakyamuni Buddha
on the practice of the Medicine Buddha. Due to visions he had of the various Buddhas, and the guidance
of his own spiritual teacher, he fasted and meditated on the practice and received empowerment directly
from the Buddhas. He then adapted the teaching so that it could be practiced by anyone who wished,
including non-Buddhists. Some believe that Usui transmitted several forms of Reiki-one for non-
Buddhists, one for Buddhists, and one for Tantric (Vajrayana) Buddhists.

This course is very powerful and is derived from the sacred Buddhists scriptures. The Medicine Buddha
is an enlightened being who protects living beings from physical and mental illnesses and other dangers
and obstacles, and helps them to eradicate the three poisons-attachment, hatred, and ignorance-which are
the source of all sickness and danger.

You will need to be a Usui Reiki Master to receive this course.


· What is Medicine Buddha Reiki

· Ancient origins of healing systems
· Introduction to the Medicine Buddha Reiki
· The power of the Medicine Buddha
· Medicine Buddha Sadhana
· Medicine Buddha Sutra
· Using Medicine Buddha Reiki
· Tibetan short and long mantras
· Visualizing all the Medicine Buddha's
· 3 Tibetan symbols are taught
· Tibetan Medicine Buddha's mantras
· Tibetan healing rituals
· Tibetan empowerment method
· 2 attunements are given

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 Two attunements
 A certificate

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The Melchizedek Synthesis Ray is a fourfold cosmic ray. It is a major ray of creation and spiritual
freedom. It is directly overlit by Lord Melchizedek, the Mahatma, Archangel Metatron and the

In the attunement / initiation you receive the Ray of Being and Becoming, which holds your original
DNA activation keycodes and fire letters, healing symbols, immortality and cellular rejuvenation fire
letters from the Torah, which includes all personal and planetary karmic clearings. Melchizedek is also
known as the educator of the soul, the one responsible for awakening us to who we really are and to
Unity Consciousness.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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This system helps to increase one‘s personal and spiritual vibration, as well as connect more strongly
with Melchizedek.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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Merfolk Reiki allows us to explore the healing energies of the Mermaids. The Merfolk are a people
of grace, emotion and compassion. They are a shy race, only seen once or twice by the human eye.
What has been seen has been documented and learned from.

Merfolk use the power of sonar communication, song, and vibrations to send energy healing.

The manual covers the following and more:

 Physiology of Mermaids
 The Legend of the Swordwhale Sliffin
 The Legend of Echra
 Mermish Language
 Merfolk Healing

Come and explore the beauty of the mermaid with Merfolk Reiki.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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Meridian Flush 1 removes bad energy from one‘s body and clears up the energy pathways in the body,
thereby improving energy flow and distribution.

Meridian Flush 2 is far more effective and powerful than its predecessor Meridian Flush Level 1. It is a
truly remarkable energy cleaning tool. Once activated it begins to cleanse your meridian system
automatically. The energy is conscious, and it releases blockages as it moves through your meridians.
You can literally feel the energy coursing through your system and radiating from your body. It feels

Meridian Flush 3 provides a very gentle cleanse of the energy system with a specific intent of releasing
past issues.

Meridian Flush 4 is used to clear away and finish the energies brought up in Meridan Flush 3. It is then
also used on its own to strengthen the energetic system and align you with spirit so you are in tune with
the present.

Meridian Flush 5 and 6 are designed to balance out the male/female energies of the energetic system, the
yin and yang. (You can use or share these without the previous flushes.)

Meridian 7 and 8 bring in positive energies of insight and inspiration, to uplift the spirit and help the
individual follow their true life path. (You can use or share these without the previous flushes.)

Meridian 9 and 10 help release resistance and connect the individual with the ―flow‖ of life. (You can
use or share these without the previous flushes.)

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 Five attunements
 A certificate

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Throughout all of the metaphysical literature available in books, on the internet and at seminars,
information on open-eyed meditation using sacred geometry is extremely scarce, if at all available. It is
one of the most powerful and rapid systems of spiritual advancement that we have at our disposal, yet it
is largely ignored. It is baffling in its simplicity of use, yet encompasses many of the most guarded and
complex esoteric secrets of the universe and creation.

Partial Workshop Outline

5 Planetary Attunements.

10 Sephira's of the Tree Of Life Empowered with esoteric properties attuned. This part of the Workshop
is very powerful and rare.

Ancient Of Days Empowerment.

Metatron's Sigil on The Rose Cross Empowered.

Metatron Initiation.

Special Metatron Heart Attunement.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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This system is composed of three attunements in one:

1. Scale Attunement – Attunement to the God of Dragon (Taro Taru); his protection will be
2. Moyamoya Owarai Attunement – If you draw this symbol on a glass of water, the water is
instantly tuned to her energy and is cleansed
3. Owarai-San Attunement – after this attunement, you will regain your smile. When you need a
smile in daily life, you may ask Owarai-San for help.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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Must wait 30 days between Levels 1 and 2.

The name of this course comes from the energy channels referred to in the Taoist and pre-Taoist
traditions by such names as the miraculous vessels, the extraordinary vessels, the psychic vessels or
channels, etc.

One reason that has been given for the name of these channels is that they are remarkable reservoirs of
energy; this energy can either be drawn upon or the vessels will hold what some traditional sources
describe as virtually any amount of excess.

However, the deeper reason for the title "miraculous" comes from ancient teachings about the powers
which these channels can develop, much of this knowledge having been lost over the centuries.

The ancient Taoists and pre-Taoists used these vessels to greatly accelerate spiritual evolution, as well as
to develop various supernormal powers. Because there were abuses of these powers, the guardians of
the Taoist tradition did not reinstitute the ancient teachings after the knowledge had died out.
Through the use of S.U.N.'s star tetrahedron technology (a star tetrahedron is a three dimensional
generalization of the Star of David. It consists of two intersecting tetrahedra, one pointing up and one
pointing down. A tetrahedron is a pyramid with four equal faces, each of which is an equilateral
triangle.) a new way has been found to focus on the spiritual attributes associated with these vessels
while tapping into only those special powers that are already available in other systems (such as
clairvoyance and external projection of chi).

Therefore S.U.N. has been commissioned by Master Yό Huang, a traditional Taoist source, to reinstitute
an ancient initiatory system which makes use of these vessels.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 Two attunements
 A certificate

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Money Reiki is a new system of Reiki that is here to help you and the planet with money issues. Money
Reiki is about the Spiritual Energy of Money. Here's what that means:

 When you are attuned to the Spiritual Energy of Money, you become part of a movement to
increase the vibration of money around the world to one that is more generous, cooperative, and
 You align yourself with the intention that you can and will earn money with integrity by
following your highest path.
 You remove energetic blocks that cause you to sabotage yourself with money. If your bank
account is frequently overdrawn, if you tend to have late fees on your bills, or if you have other
financial management problems, Money Reiki should help.
 You become more capable of manifesting money in your life.

Money Reiki is not a "get-rich-quick" scheme. It is here to help transform the energy of money on the
planet in addition to helping you personally. The big difference between Money Reiki philosophy and
most prosperity programs is the acknowledgement that collective negative thought forms and energies
surrounding money also need to be cleared and healed. If you are excited about the idea of helping
everyone become more prosperous then Money Reiki is for you!

In this course you will learn how to use Money Reiki energies, including performing treatments, giving
financial blessings, and creating a money magnet.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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***Prerequisite: Money Reiki Practitioner course***

Money Reiki is a new system of Reiki that is here to help you and the planet with money issues. Money
Reiki is about the Spiritual Energy of Money. Here's what that means:

 When you are attuned to the Spiritual Energy of Money, you become part of a movement to
increase the vibration of money around the world to one that is more generous, cooperative, and
 You align yourself with the intention that you can and will earn money with integrity by
following your highest path.
 You remove energetic blocks that cause you to sabotage yourself with money. If your bank
account is frequently overdrawn, if you tend to have late fees on your bills, or if you have other
financial management problems, Money Reiki should help.
 You become more capable of manifesting money in your life.

Money Reiki is not a "get-rich-quick" scheme. It is here to help transform the energy of money on the
planet in addition to helping you personally. The big difference between Money Reiki philosophy and
most prosperity programs is the acknowledgement that collective negative thought forms and energies
surrounding money also need to be cleared and healed. If you are excited about the idea of helping
everyone become more prosperous then Money Reiki is for you!

This course delves deeper into Money Reiki - you will get three new symbols and more tools to use
Money Reiki, as well as the Master level attunement and ability to attune others to Money Reiki.
Money Reiki works to help you manifest your life purpose on this planet, so this course also covers the
issues that may come up for you as you make these shifts, and how to ride through the rough spots as
your life gets adjusted to support your purpose.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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Prerequisite: Money Reiki Master Attunement

Money Reiki is a new system of Reiki that is here to help you and the planet with money issues. Money
Reiki is about the Spiritual Energy of Money. Here's what that means:

 When you are attuned to the Spiritual Energy of Money, you become part of a movement to
increase the vibration of money around the world to one that is more generous, cooperative, and
 You align yourself with the intention that you can and will earn money with integrity by
following your highest path.
 You remove energetic blocks that cause you to sabotage yourself with money. If your bank
account is frequently overdrawn, if you tend to have late fees on your bills, or if you have other
financial management problems, Money Reiki should help.

 You become more capable of manifesting money in your life.

Money Reiki is not a "get-rich-quick" scheme. It is here to help transform the energy of money on the
planet in addition to helping you personally. The big difference between Money Reiki philosophy and
most prosperity programs is the acknowledgement that collective negative thought forms and energies
surrounding money also need to be cleared and healed. If you are excited about the idea of helping
everyone become more prosperous, then Money Reiki is for you!

The Money Reiki Grand Master Level 3 is a wonderful energy to work with and it is very powerful. This
attunement does cost more than the first 2 levels, because there are actually three attunements being sent
together, which takes more time than the other two attunements to send.

This course delves deeper into Money Reiki - you will get three new symbols and more tools to use
Money Reiki, as well as the Master level attunement and ability to attune others to Money
Reiki. Money Reiki works to help you manifest your life purpose on this planet, so this course also
covers the issues that may come up for you as you make these shifts, and how to ride through the rough
spots as your life gets adjusted to support your purpose.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One large attunement combining three attunements
 A printed certificate by mail (suitable for framing)

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This attunement is available to Reiki Masters only.

A Feminine Healing Energy.

An experience for women and men.

Experience the power of your Divine Self in healing you and others through Moon Reiki.

The moon in many ancient traditions is a symbol of the feminine. According to the Chinese tradition of
yin/yang, the daytime is considered yang - a more active, outgoing energy.

The night is yin - a more inner, nurturing energy. So to honor and recognize the Sacred Feminine within,
we stand in ceremony together at night and honor the moon - pray to the moon - or actually to the
Sacred Feminine within each of us - to call on that aspect of ourselves to become more active in our

The Sacred Feminine is our feelings, our insights, our ideas, our intuitive self, our hidden dreams, that
creative self that is unique to each of us, whether we are women or men.

It is the belief of equality in all things to live with love and forgiveness in our hearts.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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Founded by E. Peca

Nature Devas and Fairies Attunements are designed for people interested in working with the
Devas and Spirits inhabiting the Kingdom of Nature.

Nature Devas and Fairies Attunements are for healers who want to integrate the energy vibrations of
these beings in their therapeutic healing work as well as for people generally interested in
self-healing and guidance on their path to self-development. The energies of these beings vibrate on
a more earthly plane and unlike angels these beings are easier to perceive by humans for they are
more similar in appearance to humans; the main difference is that they are etheric beings –
meaning they are predominated by the ―natural-subtle‖ energy vibrations.

Nature Devas and their sub-categories such as Fairies, Elves, etc. are of great help in guiding us
through difficult periods in our lives and giving us advice as well as for helping us in re-charging
our ―energy tank‖ by absorbing the strengthening and invigorating energies of nature.

You will receive:

 One manual by email (includes oracle cards you can print)

 One large or 3 small attunements
 A certificate

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NECARI 1-3 -- $20

This system is a powerful combination of several forms of Reiki which is still developing. It has been
found highly effective when working with cancer patients.

You will receive:

 Three manuals by email

 Three attunements
 A certificate

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This attunement enables you to release a plum-like nectar from your heart chakra that goes through the
physical and subtle bodies to release fear from your emotions and thoughts.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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This is intended to aid individuals or places to be free of negative entities/influences/spirits and bring in
peace and be free of worry of their return. It can also help with psychic attacks.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 Five attunements
 A certificate

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Neptune's Breath now combines the Reiki Energy with the powerful force of Atlantis and the God

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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This attunement is available to Reiki Masters only.

This system is a Channeled System given to us by St. Germaine and Sananda. This sttunement will
enable students to transit into the New Energy.

This New Energy is being made available to us at this time to allow us to step into ONENESS.

It is no solution to simply deny our negativity, In Doing so we only build up new blocks in our life.

We will only experience harmony with ourselves when we accept ourselves like we are, and with this
also accept the so called negativity.

Only when we can accept our negativity, we can discharge it. With this we go into oneness and leave
duality behind. So we become observers and do not judge anymore.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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New Energy Ways (―NEW‖) is a bioenergetic development system. This system allows for speedy
energy movement sensations with just the first session.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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Must complete Lemurian Seed Crystals 1-3.

The New Lemurian Energy is a mixture of ―old‖ and ―new‖ energy. Serapis Bay, called the Egyptian,
is the guardian of this new energy. He is an incarnated angel. He worked with the Lemurians to help
them better understand self-love. He will lead you to the gate of advancement.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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NEW USUI REIKI 1-2-3 -- $20

This system was created by Ole Gabrielsen‘s to simplify the Reiki system.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 Three attunements
 A certificate

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This is another Ole Gabrielsen system and is an ―upgraded‖ version of Reiki.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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OBE REIKI -- $10
This course is available to Reiki Masters only.

WHAT IS OBE Reiki? OBE Reiki is Reiki energy to strengthen our OBE or Out Body Experience. It
has two levels: Elementary – OBE for self and Master – Allowing you to give attunements.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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Appearing before us is the energy of the ―Eye of God‖, it is a shimmering, iridescent white dimension . . .
There is 3 steps up to this dimension and as we walk through it there is a feeling of total peace, love and
light. Some of your guides will be there to walk with you . . . Who are they?

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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One Spirit is an Energy System especially beneficial to anyone interested in Animal Healing,
Shamanism, Totem Animals and Native American Tribal Culture.

This system was channelled by Diane Bellefeuille

Diane Bellefuille is a 4th Generation Native American who has always had a strong connection to her
heritage and the animal Kingdom.
One Spirit is a very powerful energy based Shamanic Healing System that uses your heart, unconditional
love, and symbols. One Spirit takes you inside yourself, so that you can look deeper, beneath the surface
and see your true self.

Within all of us there are Animal Totems that protect the chakras. There are animals with their own
special abilities that guard each chakra – each chakra also has its own special animal guardian.

This system is similar to Reiki, in that both Reiki and One Spirit teaches how to heal yourself and
others, how to send energy distantly and remotely, both Reiki and One Spirit works to heal body, mind,
and spirit.

One Spirit also teaches you how to love and forgive yourself unconditionally and without judgment. The
main difference between Reiki and One Spirit, is that One Spirit connects you to your animal guardians-
animal totems and animal spirit guides. It works more with animals and Nature. You will learn how to
meet your animal guides and get to know them, how to help heal each other, and how to work together
toward specific goals, including healing yourself, others, animals, and Mother Earth.

We are all connected. We all have One Mind, One Body, One Heart, and One Spirit.


You will receive:

 Two Manuals
 Two attunements
 A certificate

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The Orb of Life is an amazing new method of energy-work that anyone can learn to access. There are
no pre-requisites for receiving your Orb of Life. You do not need to be attuned to any other healing
energy system to benefit from the Orb of Life.


The Orb of Life is a kind of etheric "generator"...a focus and amplifier of Life Force energy for you or
for other people. You can use it alongside other healing methods or use it on its own…Reiki
practitioners and other healers can use it to increase the effect of their treatments.

You can also use it to:

 Cleanse a room of negative energy.

 Fill a room with Life Force energy.
 Create energetic protection for yourself, your kids, your pets, your home and possessions.
 Charge water and other objects like crystals and jewelry.
 Connect with your personal Guides and Angels.
 Find help for your problems.

 Find help to achieve your life goals and attract success.
 You can also pass this amazing energy on to other people so that they can use it too !!


In simple terms, an Orb of Life is an energy ball of highly concentrated and focused Life Force
energy. It isn‘t a physical ball (you won‘t see it unless you have psychic sight); it is a ball of pure
etheric energy that acts an antenna that draws in, concentrates and focuses the natural Life Force (also
called Chi or Qi in China, Ki in Japan or Prana in India). It keeps on generating Life Force energy and
will never wear out.

Your Orb of Life stays with you permanently, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, giving you positive
energy and helping to balance your chakras, clear energy blockages, cleanse and strengthen your aura
and even protect you from negative energy too.

Your orb of Life does not need to be told what to do, it does not need to be programmed or renewed. It
works automatically to protect you from negative energies and channel good positive energy into you.
BUT YOU CAN GIVE IT INSTRUCTIONS IF YOU WISH…you can ask it to do anything you want it
to, like:

* Cleansing your Aura

* Clearing and balancing your Chakras

* Protecting your home from unwanted energies

* Helping you with your healing work

You can learn to create orbs for the following:

* Give to other people

* Remain in each room in your house

* Fulfill a single special purpose

You will receive:

 Orb of Life notes by email

 Your own Orb to call in
 A certificate

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This is the second level of Dolphin Trilogy Reiki, but is also a stand-alone empowerment.

It connects with the energy of the Orca Whale and experience the attributes of this animal.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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―The initiation is a kind of compassionate call to arms as at this time in history we are asked to stand
with the Light, to heal the fears within our own hearts through unconditional Love, to bring forth peace
and love upon this planet.‖

You will receive:

 Brief notes by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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This attunement is available to Reiki Masters only.

This is a priesthood open to all that are called to higher levels of service & Light work in our current
time. The Ascended Masters Melchizedek and St. Germain have brought the priesthood to a higher level
of ascension energy for priests who are being called to deeper service and 5th dimensional energy.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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Available to Tachyon Masters only.
Now you can make very powerful orgone generators, without using a specific material!

This method is much easier then standard way of making Orgone generators because it is not
dependent on specific materials. You can make anything into a powerful Orgone generator-Life
Force intensifier. You are actually changing the material on an etheric level, so it will become a
powerful life force antenna in itself, which will never wear out! Make Orgone/life force pendants,
earrings, finger rings, wands, blankets, crystals, massage oils, etc. Plus, you will to learn to make a
powerful Radionics manifestation device.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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The Radiance Technique, as it was most commonly called, was devised by Dr Barbara Ray.

Ray was a favourite student of Takata in the early years of Reiki being taught in the United States.
Takata made 22 Masters, all in the three years before her death in 1980. It was thought that Ray was
going to be the natural successor to Takata.

A not so commonly told story is that Takata gave Ray a task to prove her commitment, and this was to
write Takata's biography. Takata gave Ray her notes and also a number of Reiki symbols imparted to
her by Hayashi. At a later stage there would have appeared to have been a split between the two women
during a workshop and this was never resolved. Consequently the biography was never written and
Takata demanded her notes back. After some effort, which may, or may not, have involved the Georgia
State Police, they were returned. Takata then promoted the idea of Phyllis Furumoto as Lineage Bearer
and successor to Takata.

As a result of this Barbara Ray produced the Radiance Technique. She departed from the traditional
Usui method of teaching claiming that it's teaching had become polluted. It is not known if this was
directed at Takata as it is known that Takata changed some of the symbols in the system. It is certain
that the Master Symbol has had a few variations during the course of Takata's teachings.

Ray developed a system of 7 Degrees, corresponding to the 7 Chakras. She has claimed that it is she, not
Furumoto, who holds the full Usui system. All of Ray's literature states that the Radiance Technique is
the only authentic system of Reiki taught. This may be because it is believed that Takata was given 12
sacred symbols and these may have been transmitted to Ray with Takata's notes. Furumoto maintains
that she is only in possession of 4 symbols from Takata. This is odd because reports suggest that
Furumoto does indeed share further symbols with other Masters during intensives. If it is the case that
Takata's symbols were not passed to Furumoto, Ray may be correct with her claims.

This system as taught first came into existence in Europe. It includes seven attunements which
correspond with the seven major chakras.

You will receive:

 Manual by email
 Seven attunements
 A certificate

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This attunement connects you to the energy of the Ouroboros, the purifying glyph in Alchemy.
Ouroboros teach us that linear time is an illusion.

―May Ouroboros teach you the importance of Now and allow you to see the work that is needed to be
reborn.‖ (Taken from the manual.)

You will receive:

 Manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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Pegasus types have a particular flair for creating beautiful surroundings in which to live. They are
perfectionists and detest disturbances and ugliness. Pegasus types are very concerned with promoting
social harmony.

They are curious and open-minded but they also want proof to support their ideas. Also they have an
exceptional organizational ability. Since they are objective and just they are wished as unbiased
mediators at disputes. They are extremely independent.

You will receive:

 Manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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Founded by Linda C. Colibert and assisted by Jay M. Burrell.

The Phoenix Rising Reiki System will help you to Rise above life‘s challenges and circumstances
whether this is Financial, Relationships, and Health etc.

Since ancient times, the Phoenix has been considered a sun bird. Associated with the sun Gods,
the Phoenix will catch fire at the end of its life only to return rising from the Ashes being reborn
again to fly to the sun. Therefore, the Phoenix is a bird that comes from the power of the Sun, fire and
air, and represents purification as well as rebirth and transformation.

The Phoenix Rising attunement will burn away any negative thought patterns you have acquired
during this lifetime and past lifetimes that are no longer needed.

Through the Attunement these Negative Thought Patterns are released to be transformed into
positive energies. By letting go of these negative thought forms, you can then begin to allow the
positive things that the Universe has for us to come into us.

You will receive:

 Manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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With Phoenix Seichim we can stop negative patterns in one‘s life because we all know ―The energy
follows the thought‖, so when we are working over the thoughts, we can heal. This spectrum of the
Universal‘s source energy can be used to accelerate our very own spiritual development. The soul and
the phoenix are identical - they perform a constant transformation.

Phoenix Seichim is an energy healing and enlightenment system, focused at the soul-level treatment,
modulation and transformation.

You will receive:

 Manual by email
 Three attunements
 A certificate

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This is an energy shower that works to remove fear based emotions and thoughts/thought forms
throughout the physical and subtle bodies.

You will receive:

 Notes by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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Founder Requests that you donate $7 to a good cause – not to the one attuning you
This comes from Satya Sai Baba and opens the heart to allow love to flow in and out.

You will receive:

 Manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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This course is available to Reiki Masters only.

These attunements will connect you to the energy of the Priests of the Order of Melchizadek. There are
two levels to this system and each level contains many different meditations.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 Two large attunements
 A certificate

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Another great system by Angela Grotsch which connects you ―to the Source of All Being‖.

You will receive:

 Manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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Prime Reiki combines energy from a number of different energies including traditional Reiki from Dr.
Mikao Usui and a special type of energy practiced by different martial artists in Indonesia (generically
known as inner power).

Prime Reiki uses a cleansing vortex-like energy and can be used with or without symbols.

You will receive:

 Manual by email
 Three attunements
 A certificate

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This course includes:

A distant attunement to all the PRISMology symbols. You will learn the following:
* distant healing technique

* Manifestation Power Grid

* animal healing technique

* meditation

If you chose to continue with this training and become a Master/Teacher and be registered as a certified
teacher, you must complete the following:

* Students are required to practice each section for a MINIMUM of 30 days (you may take longer if you
* submit written case histories for 4 healings ( 2 hands on and 2 distant)
* submit written case histories for 2 animal healings (1 hands on and 1 distant)
* submit written case history for 2 healings done on yourself

Once the above requirements have been completed, the student can then receive the Master/Teacher
attunement. This attunement will teach the student how to attune others to PRISMology with detailed
instructions for both hands on and distant attunements. After receiving this attunement, the student will
need to complete the following:

*Again, you will be required to practice the attunement process for a MINIMUM of 30 days (you may
take longer if you wish)
* written case histories for 2 hands on attunements
* written case histories for 2 long distant attunements

When all required information has been completed and submitted, the student will then receive their
PRISMology Of Light Healing Master/Healer certificate and will be a qualified teacher of this modality.
You will then be registered in the Worldwide Registry as a registered teacher of PRISMology.

You will receive:

 Two manuals by email (must wait 30 days between attunements and complete all case studies
before receiving second manual and attunement)
 Two attunements
 A certificate
 Certificate template

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This system helps to protect against psychic attacks and is shared with us by Archangel Michael.

You will receive:

 Manual by email
 One attunement

 A certificate

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This system is quick and easy to use and offers reported benefits such as:

 more energy
 enhanced psychic abilities
 ability to fall asleep quicker and stay asleep

You will receive:

 Manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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This course is available to Reiki Masters only.

There is not much information on this system but Purple Reiki is very effective to open and remove
blockages. To understand where the blockage is located, you can practice by flowing purple Reiki just
from one location of yourself, your patient's body to all of his/her organs. The blockage will be felt as a
resistance to the energy.

You will receive:

 Manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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This course is available to Reiki Masters only.

Pyramids can be used to amplify a powerful healing vibration. By combining pyramid power with Reiki
we can channel higher levels of energy.

This is a very powerful advanced attunement, as many Pyramid Reiki Masters will testify. This
attunement can increase your healing vibration to levels which exceed any other form of energy

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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Ra-Sheeba is a very powerful energy system founded by Merilyn Bretherick and Peter Johansen in
Victoria, Australia. The founders explain the System, "As a collective vibration of humans, we reached
the required level of vibration and the vortex of information and energy began to filter through.

The last time that this level was accessed was in Egypt when "The Watchers" vibration finally reached
this level. The main players were ready and the one who had the power to pass this on to the people was
the Pharaoh. After the Pharaoh died all was lost. These Deities are here and ready to activate this energy
once again. This time it will be held by the many and will be valuable in assisting in the ascension status.
This time it is not to be abused! And it cannot be as there is not one person or group responsible in
holding it. When the many hold it and are able to show integrity, then the greater flow of energy will
begin as never before. This is the first time that the "RA" energy has combined with the "SHEEBA"

The SHEEBA sexual energy is creative, joyful and an expression of LOVE. The feminine "part" of this
column of Universal Healing Energy, which leads straight to the Source.

The "RA" - The Source, from the center of the Great Central Sun.

The "Sheeba" shows the way to "Ra". Only through "Sheeba" can we access "Ra" and find our true path

The RA~SHEEBA healing works directly on the Chakras. Changing our DNA and electro-magnetism.
In doing so it teaches us and connects us to LOVE. Love being the thing that helps us progress on all

We need to hold the Energy and allow the vibration to change us. Hold the Light. Show our Light to all
and see who recognizes the Light.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 Two attunements
 A certificate

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Attunes you to the attributes of this animal - understanding the nature of masks, disguise, balancing

You will receive:

 Manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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This course is available to Reiki Masters only.

Channeled by Jay Burrell with the help of Archangel Michael and Sylvia, his rainbow guide during the
month in January, 2005, the Rainbow Light Healing System is a form of energy healing using the colors
of the Rainbow which correspond to the colors of the seven main chakras of the body.

Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet are the colors of the Rainbow but they are also the
Colors of the Seven Main Energy Centers (Chakras) of the Body.

By using this form of energy healing, one is able to open, cleanse and bring balance to the Chakras,
leading to a more balanced life.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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This System was created by Reiki Master Dr. Dawn Rothwell, founder of the Reiki Rays Institute USA.

She was told by a Shaman that she was going to Channel a system of Sacred Gemstone Activations and
in time this system was developed.

The Rainbow Rays are a two-step process of activations and attunement to 11 Sacred Gemstones,
Representing the Chakras and the Elements.

The student must also play an active role in the Attunement/Activation procedure for it to work properly.

This is not hands-on healing system, but rather a transformational energy system, connecting the student
to the natural energies of the Sacred Gemstones

The Sacred Gemstones are as follows:

~ Red Jasper
~ Carnelian
~ Amber
~ Rose Quartz
~ Blue Calcite
~ Amethyst
~ Clear Quartz
~ Petrified wood
~ Aquamarine
~ Obsidian
~ Fluorite

This system is excellent for those who are Gemstone Healers, Massage Therapists, those who work with
Energy Therapies, or those who simply want to manifest change and growth on there spiritual path.


You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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Founder: Violet Paille

Rainforest Reiki uses the power and energy of the animal kingdom to promote healing in oneself, the
world and the animal kingdom.

The animal kingdom is filled with many beautiful creatures that have become our familiars, our
pets, our guides and totem animals.

We will all feel a deep connection to one animal in particular during our lifetime and this will more
than likely be our main Animal Guide/Totem Animal.

Our main Animal Guide/Totem Animal will always be with us but many others will pop in and out
during our spiritual journeys.

Rainforest Reiki allows us to use the collective energy from all the animals, or we can break it down
to only one or two animals to promote healing on a physical, spiritual, psychological and emotional

You will receive:

 Manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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This course is available to Usui Reiki Masters only.

The words Rei-Ki originate from the words Raku-Kei. It is thought to have been a forerunner of Reiki
and incorporates the Fire element of breathing used to increase the energy of Reiki. Raku-Kei is the
ancient science of Self-development and Self-improvement. It is believed that the origins of Raku-Kei
come from Tibet. Raku Kei is also sometimes referred to as "The way of the Fire Dragon". Raku is the
vertical flow of energy and Kei is the horizontal flow of energy in the body.

Raku Kei is the ancient science of self development and self improvement and it is believed that Raku
Kei originated in Tibet. The Raku is the vertical energy flow within the body, whilst the Kei energy
flows horizontally. The two cross at the 'Hara' or solar plexus centre. In the Samurai ritual of 'Hara Kiri'
it is this centre which the Samurai warrior would cut out, effectively cutting out the 'centre of his being'.
The cross formed by the Raku and Kei energy is the cross which represents the four Cardinal Points and
four elements. This pagan form was used by the Christians after the death of Christ and to this day
'crossing oneself' is regarded as a devotional act for Christians.

For centuries the oriental races have linked the dragon to the 'airy' or mental aspect of our nature.
Mastering the Dragon energy is mastering the mind. The Chinese use the expression 'chasing the dragon'
in opium smoking because dragons have always provoked fear in the weak-minded, but have inspired
leaders and countries to adopt the symbol of the dragon as a powerful symbol of strength and fortitude.
It is likely that St George, the Patron Saint of England, most famous for his dragon-slaying, was actually
conquering his own mental fears towards inner enlightenment.

Dragons have always been linked to having fiery breath by which they overcome their adversaries. It is
this breath, with the fire being supplied by the RAKU energy that blasts away obstacles to a clear mind,
thereby bringing understanding to the student and presenting a clear channel for the attunement to take

The seven major chakra points, the seven colors of the rainbow and the seven notes of the musical scale
are all connected and balanced harmoniously with the various Raku Kei symbols to create a powerful
healing and development key.

Raku Kei Master Level

 History of Raku Kei Reiki

 The Sacred Secret of Reiki
 Kidney Breathing
 The Breath of the Fire Dragon
 Raku Kei Symbols
 Master Symbol
 Raku Kei Kanji Mudras
 Antahkarana Information and Meditation
 The Seven Layer Auric Body System
 Chart of the Seven Chakras
 Initiation by way of HA-AHI-WAI - The Water Ceremony
 The Raku Kei Affirmation

You will receive:

 Three manuals by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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This is a high-spectrum energy which clears all bodies of the person from all others (not belonging to
that person). It dissolves unnecessary communications. It is a good preventative maintenance for power

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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This system opens and develops each of the seven chakras.

You will receive:

 Seven manuals by email

 Seven attunements
 A certificate

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This system is the connection of the founder, Sastra Vardhana, to Reiki energy. The energy he accessed
he called Reiki Inti.

This system is very simple and easy to use. It consists of healing and meditating. You can use symbols
if you wish, but they are not necessary.

You will receive:

 Manual by email
 Six attunements
 A certificate

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This course is available to Reiki Masters only.


This energy combines the spiritual practices of the East and West. This energy is used to assist you on
your spiritual path.

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 Three attunements
 A certificate

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This course is available to Reiki Masters only.

All Reiki attunements can help with psychic abilities however this attunement is aimed to specifically
assist with your psychic gifts.

This attunement helps increase awareness on mental, physical, spiritual and emotional levels. It also
helps open and expand your natural psychic abilities and clear the body to help your natural psychic
talents to surface.

The Reiki Psychic attunement will NOT give you instant psychic talents but it will help to open you
more to allow natural abilities to come through.

Everyone has some psychic ability but a lot of us do not explore this aspect or maybe don‘t know how to.
People sometimes find that their intuition and psychic talents become more open after receiving this
attunement. The change can be subtle and could be as simple as finding it easier to make decisions and
find direction in life.

You will receive:

 Brief instructions by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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This course is available to Reiki Masters only.

Reiki-Rainbows energy is for opening, cleansing, charging, and balancing chakras of Usui Reiki

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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―Selaras‖ means ―in a state of harmony‖.

With this system, an etheric crystal called Selaras Crystal will be placed in your crown chakra to purify
and amplify the energy you channel and work with.

This system helps to:

 open your energy channels
 activate all of your chakras
 activate your Kundalini in a safe and harmonious manner

You will receive:

 Manual by email
 Five attunements
 A certificate

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This course is available to Reiki Masters only.

Rosari is a powerful energy Workshop.

Rosari has these benefits:

1. Cleans the Chakras

2. Heals the Physical and non Physical

3. Gives peace in your meditation

4. Can access Natural Energies-water, earth, air, fire simultaneously

5. Can be implemented with reflexology etc.

6. Can open your third eye

Rosari Reiki Level:

1. Self Healing Reiki

2. Distant Healing Reiki

3. Advanced Rosari Reiki

You will receive:

 Manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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This course is available to Reiki Masters only.

Rún Valdr means Rune Power or Authority

Rún Valdr was given to us by Mr. Rodney Cox.

Mr. Cox's own words:

"Rún Valdr Is based on the Norse Runes.

Rún Valdr is complete unto itself and does not rely in any way to other systems beyond cursory
similarities in using the new symbols and in giving attunements. This system that I call Rún Valdr goes
beyond what other systems do in that the symbols and techniques can be used for more than healing.

Rún Valdr can be used for magic as well including a way to easily and powerfully charge objects to
create magical items, programmed to do whatever you desire.

Much of the material was revealed to me during mental journeys I took to meet with my Gods, Odin and
Freya. They gave me the symbols, their names and what they were for. Even though there are quite a
few new symbols they have, curiously enough, an internal consistency. That is, they have a consistent
look about them that indicates that they are not merely random symbols, but are part of a larger system.

You will receive:

 Manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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Sacred Breath is the name of an exquisite healing system that was created by the Rev. Wanda S. Ruffner.
It combines many different therapies and comes with a huge 76-page manual containing details of them

Sacred Breath is primarily a self healing system but it can be used to heal others.

Here‘s a list of what the Manual covers:

Introduction & History The Breath
Breath of the East Wind and the Elemental
Breath of Air Breath of the West and the Elemental
Breath of Water Breath of the South and the Elemental Breath of Fire
Breath of the North and the Elemental Breath of Earth
Breath of the Rainbow Breathing in the Moon
Breathing in the Sun
Crystal Clearing Breath
Dolphin Breath/Meditation
Healing With Sound
Hand Positions
Additional Information/Aides
Bach Flower Remedies
Healing With Essential Oils/Herbs
Gifts of the Stone Lodge People
Ethereal Crystals/Stones
Animal Medicine/Totems
Working With Colors
Feather Healing/ The Winged Ones
Cardinal Directions
Smudging Ceremony
Attunement Process

As you can see, the Sacred Breath manual contains lots of information and the attunement is a very
gentle one, suitable for anyone.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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This course is available to Usui Reiki Masters only.

By using a series of symbols and exercises connecting to the natural energies of the earth it is possible to
feel more vibrant, be free of worry and stresses and much more.

Based on Ancient principles it is a unique way to join together your consciousness and match you
vibration to the elements of the earth, once you regain your connection with the earth you can move
forward the way it was intended.

It is the energy that resonates within us and all around us. It is in the air, the plants, the trees, the animals,
the rocks; it is you, it is me; it is the here, the now, the past, present and future. It is in life it is in death;
it knows no boundaries, multi-dimensional, knowing not of religion, knowing not of time or distance. It
can be found in everything; the knowing and feeling, it is that which makes all things possible.

Sacred Earth TM is a series of symbols used initially to enable a pure connection to our Sacred Earth
and from there we can go forward on our journey with the tools and knowledge to light up our path.

It is to assist us in raising our vibration to mirror that of our surroundings and aid us in all we do. It is to
enable us to attune and sensitize ourselves to others. It is left to choice how you use this gift of love and

It can aid us in connecting to our angels, guides, messengers. It can help us still our minds and find
freedom and enlightenment within ourselves. We can connect to the Sacred Earth and let it heal us,
mentally emotionally and physically, it truly is magical.

It is in our quest for our conscious to know no limitations of the physical. Our minds are strong, our
beliefs and faith are strong, yet we allow our ego and self doubt prohibit us from progression on our

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 Two attunements and four boosters
 A certificate

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Sacred Flames Reiki (SFR) is a powerful system compiled by Allison Dahlhaus from different resources
(in the physical and spiritual realms) to share with all those drawn to it. SFR is a set of guided
visualizations and meditations designed to help the body, mind, and spirit heal themselves, and/or to
maintain good balance within the systems of the body, both physically and energetically. There are no
symbols or complicated techniques to learn. The methods used in SFR are very simple, yet extremely

Allison makes no claim that the Sacred Flames Reiki energy is more powerful or of a higher frequency
than any other. This is an individual perception and is left up to you to decide. All Reiki energies come
from the same Source, it is how we connect to the energy that makes it unique. If you feel drawn to this
method, it is most likely because it resonates well with your Spirit. This is reason enough to learn these
techniques, which are brought to us from the Highest Source.

In SFR, you will find references to connecting with specific Ascended Masters, as well as Archangels
and other 'spirit guides'. There is no requirement or suggestion to change any of your current beliefs.
These specific aspects of God/Goddess/The All That Is/etc are here to help humans of all religious
backgrounds and spiritual beliefs. We are all individuals and unique and, therefore, it is believed that our
spiritual natures are also unique. You are encouraged to honor the Divine Source that you are familiar
with and again, in no way change your belief system. It is necessary to give credit to these aspects of the
Divine for their guidance and support of Sacred Flames Reiki, for without them, this system would not

SFR works with the gifts that fire bestows on us in the metaphysical sense. These gifts can be related to
the physical world as well. Think for a moment about what fire would provide you with in a totally
natural setting:

* Protection
* Nourishment - We can use fire to cook meals to satisfy our hunger
* Light

Metaphysically speaking, the element of fire is used for protection from negative energy. Fire is the
element of the South in shamanism and its attributes are strength, protection, purification, and faith. Fire
nourishes our spiritual hunger - the desire to grow and heighten our awareness. This fire burns inside us
all. Just as it is necessary to exercise the body to keep it functioning, it is also imperative to exercise the
mind and spirit to maintain proper health. Fire is a gift from above and below - it is fuelled by the
resources of Mother Nature and the air from above and around us. The element of fire provides us with
spiritual light, making our soul's path visible to us.

Now, what does fire do for our mental/emotional state? Have you ever sat in front of a fire and just
stared at the flames? You have probably heard of meditations that involve candle light. This is
commonly known as Tratak and will be discussed in the course. If you've tried this type of meditation,
you know how effective it is. Our minds connect to fire in a very special way. Perhaps, subconsciously,
we recognize how much we relied on fire in ancient times. There is something awesome about a force
that is so graceful, yet powerful.

Support: The Seven Sacred Flames of Sacred Flames Reiki are supported by the Seven Chohans:
Ascended Masters El Morya, Lanto, Serapis Bey, Paul the Venetian, Hilarion, Lady Nada, and St.

Some others adding to the power and force of each Sacred Flame are: Archangels Michael, Faith,
Raphael, Chamuel, Charity, Gabriel, Hope, Jophiel, Christine, Uriel, Aurora, Zadkiel and Amethyst.
Mother Mary, Ascension Master Maitreya, Ascended Master Buddha, Goddess Isis, Quan Yin, and the
Goddess of Prosperity.

We all have access to these aspects of the Divine, but in receiving the attunement to Sacred Flames
Reiki, you will be clearing the channel to these Masters and Archangels, who anxiously await the chance
to raise the vibrational level of humankind.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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Sacred Geometry Reiki is a Channeled System by Reiki Master Rebecca Donaldson, BA (Hons) PGCE.

Sacred Geometry Reiki is a set of spiritual development Attunements & a healing course.

The symbols are based on the spiritual language of Sacred Geometry. The square circle triangle for
example have been used throughout history, the evidence is all around us, in nature & the design of
buildings and sacred places.

The Ancients believed that sacred geometry was vital to the education & development of the soul.

This is a unique opportunity to receive the attunements and energy to spiritual geometry. These symbols
create a link to a 'new' combination of healing energies.

This healing technique uses Universal life force energy. You will enhance your intuition and begin to
unearth your own natural healing ability.

The course is designed to enhance your own abilities and empower you to go on to heal yourself and
others. You will work at your own pace through meditation and spiritual development exercises.

The course consists of 3 levels of development, clearing negative energy patterns, balancing &
grounding and healing at the soul level to enhance your ability to receive instructions from your soul and
Higher Self.

A Free distance healing session is included in your package to assist your progression. This may involve
clearing & balancing as this is an essential element of self healing & development.

These symbols will assist you along your path whatever stage you are at. If you feel you need to
accelerate your development & practices or if you are at the start of your journey & want to discover
your true healing potential

The course will suit Reiki practitioners who would like to enhance their ability to work intuitively and
anyone who feels they would benefit from clearing negative patterns in their life.

Working with these symbols will enhance any healing modality, incorporate it into your existing
practices such as Usui Reiki or develop your own unique style of working with healing energy,

A basic understanding of energy based healing would be an advantage.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 Three attunements
 A certificate

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Sacred Moon Reiki was channeled by Shelly Mayer on May 9th 2002, during a sweat lodge ceremony.

These are Shelly‘s own words:

―I just wanted to say I have always had a special connection to the moon I find when full moon is upon
us I recharge and healing is a part of that. Since the beginning of time women have been connected to
the moon.

While in the lodge which we consider the womb of mother earth I had a vision that the moon was in the
lodge with me even though the lodge is very dark it seemed very bright for me.
I could see all the others in the lodge clearly. When grandmother moon visited me she spoke to my heart.
She said there are many things we as human are doing to the earth and the sky. Grandmother Moon was
weeping and told me I had a job to do, my job was to share her wisdom of the earth and the sky. Native
American (and other cultures) women have full moon ceremonies.

It is a time when women gather in celebration of being a woman from first menstruation until they
become Crone and after. The women share stories about happy times and sad times. The other women
offer support during the ceremony for healing. This is a time when women have no judgments or
jealousy towards each other only an open heart.

Grandmother Moon shared with me one symbol that I was to pass on to others that have shown
commitment to healing themselves and the planet that is why I have decided to offer it only to Masters
of a Reiki system. I promised to do the Ritual and pass on all that she has given me since my first
encounter with her. She still visits me to make sure I have done all that I needed to do before sharing this
gift from her with others.

Sacred Moon Reiki is good for a wide range of problems just to name a few: addictions, bad habits and
suppressed energies from abuse and much more. The purpose for Sacred Moon Reiki is to bring Unity to
Mind, Body and Spirit as well as Global Unity among all of nature.‖

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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This course is available to Reiki Masters only.

This Reiki style is a combination of three schools, those being Raku Kei Reiki, Tibetan Reiki and
Traditional Usui Reiki along with additional things that are useful to the Initiate, the Practitioner as well
as the Master.


Sacred Path Reiki is essentially the same as Usui Reiki, except that there are three additional symbols,
"We Are Open," (which learn at first degree) and "We Are Centered" (which learn at second degree).
"We Are Opened" is used to open the aura of a person and can be used to increase communication and

rapport between people. This symbol can be used reversed as well. When done in reverse it makes "We
Are Closed", which acts to close down the aura. This helps bring the aura back into a natural state after
it has been opened. Both symbols used in conjunction can have a grounding effect and also to snap
someone out of an unbalanced energy state such as during a possession. "We Are Centered" is used to
center a person and ground them.


Course contents:

* Your lineage
* Morning and evening meditations
* Reiki affirmations (The western Reiki ideals, original Reiki affirmations taught by dr. Mikao Usui)
* Basic chakra information
* Traditional self-treatment
* Additional Sacred Path Reiki (SPR) treatment
* Treating others
* The use of the symbol We Are Open
* Scanning and Reiki hands
* Alternate hands positions
* Treating plants and animals
* Personal uses of the symbols We Are Open and We Are Closed
* Psychotherapy and Traditional Usui Reiki
* Psychotherapy and SPR (Initiate Level)
* SPR and the Philosophy of the Sacred Path
* An essay on the art of healing
* An interview with Mikao Usui, founder of Reiki
* 2 symbols are taught
* One or four attunements are given


Course contents:
* The traditional symbols as taught in Traditional Usui Reiki
* Specific characteristics of the traditional symbols
* General information about the SPR Symbols
* Activating SPR Symbols
* Personal uses for We Are Open, We Are Closed, We Are Centered
* Using HSZSN to transcend time and space
* Mental - Emotional healing
* Chakra balancing
* The SPR Distant healing technique
* Affirmations techniques
* Branches of Reiki
* 6 symbols are taught
* 1 attunement is given


Course contents:
* Public display of Sacred and Secret Reiki information
* The Masters Symbols are taught
* The attunement process (single attunement method, multiple attunement method and alternate
attunement method)
* Reiki Healing Attunement is taught
* Removing negative energy
* Empowering goals
* Self-attunements and distant attunements are taught
* Water Ceremony
* 5 symbols are taught
* 1 attunement is given

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 Three attunements
 A certificate

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You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement (must repeat self-attunement for 4 consecutive days)
 A certificate

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This course is available to Seichim Masters only.

Sakara belongs to the Fire Element. It can be experienced as tingling, rapid electrical impulses or sparks
of low voltage electricity. Often the healer will experience the sensation of pins & needles-like energy in
the palms of his or her hands. The receiver often feels the sparkling energy or a current or energy on or
in their body. Sakara gives the healer the ability to heal the aura or energy field surrounding the living.
Here it burns through and transforms blockages in the physical, mental, emotional and other spiritual

You will receive:

 One manual by email

 Five attunements in one
 A certificate

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The Colours of Angels Attunement is a prerequisite for receiving the Sapphires of Angels

Following on from the work of the Colours of Angels, Stephen Lovering was shown Sapphires on many
occasions. He had always associated a Sapphire with the colour blue, so he connected this with
Archangel Michael. Stephen was then shown Sapphires in many other colours and during a channelling
session was given the connections with the other Archangels.

Sapphires are available in many different colours and all have different properties. Each Angel
connected Stephen to the energy of these wonderful Sapphires and he was guided to pass these
connections on to others.

You do not need to purchase each Sapphire as a stone – they can be placed etherically into a person‘s
aura and the qualities and properties of each sapphire will be with that person permanently.

As with the Colours of Angels, visualization is the key to working with the Sapphires of Angels.
Sapphires are also known as the wisdom stone and this, along with the guidance of each Archangel, will
help you on your spiritual and life path.

Simply welcome and accept the wisdom that each angelic sapphire is bringing to you and feel the
qualities and wisdom infuse your body, soul and aura to help guide you on your spiritual path.
When you are in need of extra guidance and wisdom simply, call upon the Archangel and Sapphire to
guide and protect you.

Each connection is sent as a separate connection and may be received in any order at a pace that suits

The Seven Sapphire Connections are as follows:

 Archangel Michael‘s Blue Sapphire – spiritual truth and protection.

 Archangel Jophiel‘s Yellow Sapphire – spiritual abundance.
 Archangel Chamuel‘s Pink Sapphire – love and emotions.
 Archangel Gabriel‘s White Sapphire – higher spiritual consciousness.
 Archangel Raphael‘s Green Sapphire – vision and compassion.
 Archangel Zadkiel‘s Purple Sapphire – awakening and calming.
 Archangel Uriel‘s Star Sapphire – intuition.

You will receive:

 Seven manuals by email

 Seven attunements
 A certificate

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This system combines the Egyptian goddess Sekhmet with the Seichim energy founded by Patrick
Ziegler for healing and wholeness.

This system was founded by Bro David Paul chc on 2-6-05.

You will receive:

 Manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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This course is available to Reiki Masters only.

This is attunement is available for by distance only. SEICHIM REIKI is very similar to USUI REIKI
but is based on an Ancient Egyptian healing system. SEICHIM REIKI was discovered by Patrick
Ziegler and has developed as it has been passed down over the years. SEICHIM REIKI works in
partnership with your conscious intent, higher self and angelic guides. It opens the heart to create a
multi dimensional bridge of "at-one-ment" with the Source. Upon payment you will receive all the
information necessary for preparation for your attunement, with a mutually agreed day and time. These
attunements can be a life changing experience. Includes email support both before and after attunement,
symbols and beautiful Certificate.

Seichim is a powerful and beautiful healing energy and is channeled in the same way as reiki or many
other healing modalities. It may be used alone or to compliment reiki treatments or in conjunction with
other complementary therapies. Seichim is uncomplicated and requires no beliefs, when you are attuned
to seichim you may simply use it to give healing to others or yourself.

There are four main symbols to be used in Seichim; these are used as a focus to access specific aspects
of the seichim healing. There are many variations on the symbols; however, they all work, as it is the
intention that counts. I have also included additional symbols for you to try.

Seichim should be used intuitively. There are no rules and regulations, I find that the seichim leads me
and tells me when to use a symbol, where to place hands.
You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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Learn to use colors in a simple but powerful way for healing.

Learn to work with and create:

 Colour Plates
 Colour Orbs

You will receive:

 Manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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This course is available to Reiki Masters only.

Seichim is an energy that was developed by Patrick Ziegler and passed with Reiki in its original form. It
is thought that Seichim has been around for a very long time and that it originated in Ancient Egypt.

The Seven Facet Seichim Distance Attunement that you receive here is a system of Seichim that was
developed by T'OM Seaman and Ken Lowry and although some say it will help you receive energies
from a higher level than traditional Reiki, I like to call them "different" energies.

Here's some of what's included in the Manual:

Facet 1 - History & Styles, Meditations, Symbols & Techniques, Intuitive Hand Positions

Facet 2 - Symbols, Information, Meditations, Emotional Healing

Facet 3 - Zara symbol, Meditations, Technique, Healing on objects

Facet 4 - Angel Wings symbol, Meditations, Techniques, Healing using Angel Wings Symbol

Facet 5 - Male-Female Balance Symbol, Meditate with Symbol, Healing Using Symbol.

Facet 6 - High/Low/God Symbols, Meditations, Self healing, Spiritual Healing

Facet 7 - Symbols, Infinity meditation, Practicing Attunement, Learning how to Attune others.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 Seven attunements
 A certificate

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(Prerequisite Usui Reiki Level 2 and above)
The teaching and the symbol of the Seven Pearls of Reiki has been received by the Reiki Master
Michele Blanc, by channeling her guide DJWAL KHUL in 2004.

Michele received the message that she should initiate the Channel Reiki Master Elise Prévot and
that they should work together to channel the additional information to be able to transmit
this new tool of transformation. They both meditated and experimented on the specific uses
of the symbols in order to develop the Teaching program and the Attunement of the 7 symbols

The training of the Seven Pearls of Reiki is aimed to all Usui Reiki Masters and helps to improve the
of care during a treatment. Its main goal is to raise the vibration level of the Initiated but also to
raise the mental and spiritual qualities of the Master Practitioner in order to perfect their
commitment towards the Divine Plane. This transmission brings us back to our forgotten very
ancient sources of knowledge dating back to Atlantis and Lemuria. It permits us to reconnect
to our hidden memories where we already transmitted, the Love Energy of our Diamond Heart.
It also allows us to fill up with the energy of the seven Ascended Masters, while developing our
abilities of channelling as well as our healing power.

When receiving this wonderful sacred teaching, transmitted by our Ascended Masters, we need
to show great humility and wisdom in order to be worthy. During the attunement, our
vibration level raises and brings us to a higher compassion, patience, forgiveness and most of all
understanding of others. We can no longer judge, critic or interfere: this task seem easy but it is
not. It is when we reach this expansion level of our consciousness, that we must as a guide take
responsibility by turning to the light.

This is how we can climb the seven steps of wisdom in order to become more worthy of this
incredible gift which are the Seven Pearls of Reiki or the Seven Steps of the spirituality which is
in direct contact with the divine energies of the seven Ascended Masters. These Masters, wanted
to help us, in this great period of planet changes to accelerate our spiritual evolution, to serve and
aid all that exists.

The Seven Pearls of Reiki is not an entertainment, a trend or even a game. Great forces are put into
in order for us to access higher and higher vibration levels and to become conscious guides and
Masters of our spiritual responsibilities for the physical and spiritual well-being for the ones who
solicits us.

The learning of the Seven Pearls of Reiki is an incredible gift offered by the seven Ascended
Masters to aid humanity in its spiritual path.

Contents of Manual

The Seven Pearls Of Teaching Transmitted By Introduction
Reiki Channelling
The Compassion By MasterOf
Teaching Djwal th
The 4Khul The Chakras
Working With The Contact With
Dimension The Divine The Ascended Masters
Ascended Beings
Masters Meditation Grounding Exercise The Symbols Of The Seven
After A Treatment Pearls
Auto-Treatment With The The Seven Symbols Of The Balancing
Of Reiki Of Chakras
Seven Seven
Tips To Send And
Symbols Symbols
Pearls OfUsed
ReikiDuring The Violet Breath Technique
Receive An Attunements
Attunement Ritual
By Distance Purification Meditation The Authors Of The Seven
Pearls Of
Appendix The Great Invocation Reiki

You will receive:

 Manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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The easterners say that when each chakra is perfectly tuned, the body is in utter bliss. So too, the balance
of the 7 rays can bring us to a higher level of consciousness and we can experience more of a connection
to the God Source. The chakras serve the purpose of anchoring the seven force-fields and qualities of the
seven rays of Light into our bodies, directly from the Godhead.

When our chakras are perfectly aligned and spinning along the spine, they infuse our being with vitality
and pure energy from God, creating wellness, health and harmony in our bodies, minds and spirits. In
this way they give us the capacity to express the qualities of these rays within our world.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 Seven attunements
 A certificate

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This system has seven symbols which can help you to get in contact with your soul again or more deeply.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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a/k/a Sexual Empowerment 1
Prerequisite Usui Reiki Master

Founded by Mr Roger Hill.

This System is a truly unique energy System that is extremely good for Couples to share with each
other, but it will also work very well if you are single. A lot of people are still very shy and
embarrassed when we come to talking about sex and sexual relationships between loving couples
but this system is to get rid of these feelings and for couples to enjoy the act of love making and to
make it a spiritual experience rather then just an act.

The energy of the Sexual Empowerment System comes from the element of FIRE and enters in
through the base Chakra travelling up through all chakras until it exits through the Crown.

You will receive 3 symbols - 2 of which are Usui Reiki Symbols - plus the Sexual Empowerment
Symbol which is a Pink Rose.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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(Prerequisite Usui Reiki Master and completion of Sexual Empowerment)

This system picks up where Sexual Empowerment 1 left off. It adds another symbol and works on
fertility issues.

You will receive:

 Manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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The information contained within this powerful healing system is universal and available to all who seek
power and healing. The symbols were passed on to SAN by a Master who sought the most effective
symbols from various symbols and Attunements were amended by San. It must be noted that Shaman
Power was attained by specially trained SAN Masters. The attunements bring in the flow of the Shaman
Power, connecting the initiate to the Power.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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This system helps one to learn to "know thyself" and master the skills needed to receive and use
intuition, imagination and creativity. As we increase our personal awareness of self and the worlds
around us, especially the higher worlds, we become the spiritual warrior/adventurer of the future.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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This course is available to Reiki Masters or those with energy healing experience.

Shamanic Reiki was developed by M. Lyn Michaels and includes a weave of all the earth-base energies
and as such is a ―master‖ or combined energetic attunement… to use it, you can ask for repeated
attunements on your own. It is a large energy stream, and definitely too much for most folks to take all
at once. It is set up to be self adjusting according to the needs of the person, that is, the energy is
intended to be self-regulating in terms of attunement pacing. You just keep asking for it until you feel
finished, or you ask for a particular aspects that you want to focus on… like elemental attunements,
etc…, Shamanic Reiki is the ―pool‖… you decide where to dive and how long to swim. The first
attunement is facilitated to help you establish a good connection. All of the following attunements are
optional and can be done on your own as described above. There is no manual for this healing system.
The attunement can be passed by connecting to the recipient, calling upon the Shamanic Reiki energies
and simply allowing them to flow for about 30minutes to an hour.

You will receive:

 Information sheet by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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This attunement is a fantastic combination of dolphin, chakra, crystal, and angelic energies.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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―Shield of Light is like a Shakti.‖

With this initiation, the Shield of Light will learn to repel/transmute darkness. The longer the Shield
runs, the stronger it becomes.

You will receive:

 Manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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Work of adjustment goes through a backbone, cleans and protects the person from negative display of
society. Removes stress, depression, cures fears. There is a condition of ease and it would be
desirable to operate. Sensation of constant inflating by energy. Repeatedly increases and condenses
a bio-field, works on diseases and gradually cures them. The majority of people are shown extrasensory
abilities and the latent talents. After attunement, it is possible to work with adjustment constantly and
to transfer it to another. Clears premises.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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"A Silver Star" energy - calming fears and removing all doubts. All insignificance lives in the
past, the vital situation easily is authorized, there is a mood and confidence with the forces of
tomorrow. After attunement, it is possible to apply intention. Energy possesses huge getting ability;
the Power stream removes from levels of consciousness the power substances causing despondency,
denying, irritation, opening heart and reason of the person for Spirit Divine.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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The Silver Violet Flame is a high frequency spiritual energy, which is for those who hear the call of
community or spiritual service to mankind, and it also provides the wisdom needed to overcome the
selfishness in our lives.

As well as expelling toxins lodged in our physical organs, the Silver Violet Flame can also transmute
the karmas and traumas of our present and past lives, which are recorded in our etheric, mental,
emotional and physical bodies. Sometimes our personal karma feels like a heavy weight, but
by invoking the Violet Flame we will feel lighter and less burdened since it literally consumes the cause
of our personal problems. .

Silver Violet Flame energies are highly transformational and can be used on both yourself and others.
You can call upon the angels/guides of the Silver Violet Flame and also on St. Germain before going to
sleep at night, asking them to work on whatever issue requires healing. By the morning, the issue is
typically released, although for deeper problems you can repeat the procedure for up to 30 consecutive
nights. People who have directed the Silver Violet Flame into relationship problems report sensing a
tremendous burden being lifted and feeling free to move on with their lives again.

The Silver Violet Flame can also be used to cleanse and purify the aura and major chakras by invoking it
on a daily basis.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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SIN-ILAHI -- $15

In the founder‘s words:

―Sin-Ilahi attunement, with GOD‘s permission, is useful for immediately opening, cleansing and
activating energy channels in our body:

 open and cleanse main channel (sushumna), ida (cool channel) & pingala (hot channel)
 open, cleanse & activate main chakras (root, sex, solar plexus, heart, throat, ajna & crown)
 arouse & purify Kundalini (arounse Kundalini‘s core pass through crown chakra)
 open, cleanse & activate Ilahi chakras (those chakras which are higher than crown chakras), then
connect and unify them in one with heart chakra‖
You will receive:

 A manual by email
 Two attunements
 A certificate

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First Stellar Transformational Attunement System on Earth

Founder: Armand-Manuel Ratundu

I wished with this system to allow my students to learn stronger energies that would transform them into
real Universal spiritual beings.

Those who will guide others shall see the whole truth, and it seems that in one way or another I

All these energies are absolutely brand new here on the planet Earth and obviously have nothing in
common with any existing spiritual knowledge from Earth.

They are absolutely amazing from the very simple reason that they were not created by humans.

It is absolutely true that they come from "Source."

All the new energies that I brought to this plane will help this planet to ascend and the new vibrations
will wake up more of us.

But first SOKAISI System will allow those pioneers who find the courage now to cross borders, to see
beyond and increase their possibilities.

SOKAISI Attunements will allow new energies to work within you and this system is a perfect
instrument to gain more knowledge and expand your consciousness.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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The energy of the sun is a warm, high vibrant loving energy that is very beneficial in healing sessions.

Solar light has many excellent properties and the most important is healing and regeneration.

Its energies also promote joy, happiness, peace of mind, calmness and balance. It cleanses and protects
from negative energies. It's further great for use in meditation.

Solar Light is excellent in help to overcome grief and sorrow and in help to shed light on a specific issue
or situation.

You can use Solar Light as ordinary Reiki, alone or as a combination. It's very easy to use and learn.

The Solar Light Empowerment is received as one attunement. Actually it is 3 attunements that have
been gathered into one single empowerment.

You will further learn how to pass on the Solar Light Empowerment.

You will receive:

 A brief set of notes by email

 One empowerment
 A certificate

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The energy of the sun is a warm, high vibrant loving energy that is very beneficial in healing sessions.
Solar light has many excellent properties. The most important is healing and regeneration.

Its energies also promote joy, happiness, peace of mind, calmness and balance. It cleanses and protects
from negative energies. It's further great for use in meditation.

Solar Light is excellent in help to overcome grief and sorrow and in help to shed light on a specific issue
or situation.

You can use Solar Light as ordinary Reiki, alone or as a combination. It's very easy to use and learn,
even for a child.

You will receive:

 A brief set of notes by email

 One empowerment
 A certificate

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Sophie El connects to the water element. This can be experienced as undulating waves of cool energy,
which brings up deep emotional issues for healing.

You will receive:

 A brief set of notes by email

 One empowerment
 A certificate

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Prerequisite: Seichim Master – Sekhem Seichim, Archangelic Seichim, Isis Seichim

This is a new energy system channeled in the Winter of 2005. There is no claim made that this is
better or more powerful than other systems in existence, but rather this system claims to be different.

Each person who is attuned will be the judge of how it is different for him or her. All healing
begins with the desire to be healed and the belief one can be healed. Reiki works by intent. You
intend to heal another. You intend for yourself to be healed.

It‘s that simple. You will receive information on Seichim and where it originated, Seichim Symbols
and the Soul Star Seichim Symbol.
You will receive:

 One manual by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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Connects with the attributes of this animal - master weaver, reminds us that it is not ourselves but the
Universe which has the design for the fabric of our lives.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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This course is available to Reiki Masters only.

Linda Horton received four symbols and was told by her guides to pass them on in the form of Spirit
Reiki. Spirit Reiki also uses two of the symbols used in Usui Reiki and therefore this attunement is only
available to Reiki Masters.

The Symbols will help you with the following:

 To help you reach your spirit's highest goal
 To help people with pain in their soul and their physical body.
 Protection
 Increase prosperity in all areas of your life
 Clear up confusion.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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Spirit-Wolf is one of Lisa Center‘s (founder) Indian Guides. He is a shapeshifter, and travels all
Realms/Dimensions, a Shaman, Guardian and Protector.

With this attunement, he will guide you on a journey to meet your guides and teachers.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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This course is available to Reiki 2 or Masters only.

Spiritual Ray Reiki is the Universal Healing Energies given to us by the Holy Trinity.
You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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St. Ivan Rilski, known also as the The Miracle Worker, is the most famous Bulgarian hermit. You would
use St. Ivan Rilski‘s healing power every time you need a special help and countenance, when you need
a miracle in your life to pass any problem or insoluble situation.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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During Reiki Master Stephen Lovering‘s extensive channelling with Seraph Zapharel, he was given
the Star of Zapharel.

The Star of Zapharel is etherically placed into the student‘s aura and chakras to enable an infusion of
Zapharel‘s energy to flow through the body causing subtle changes to occur as well as balancing and
aligning the chakras. Working well with relationship issues on all levels, the Star is also of great
benefit to those who have identity or orientation issues or are recovering from confusion regarding
orientation. These issues can be difficult to deal with alone and often we feel that there is no one to
turn to. Receiving the Star of Zapharel can assist in this healing process.

The Star of Zapharel will infuse you with a calming and relaxing flow of energy and will assist you in
seeing more clearly the issues that are causing you pain at this moment in time. Relationship break
ups can be traumatic and emotionally damaging to us all, the Star of Zapharel will help to balance and
calm your emotions and feelings and assist you in reacting in a more positive manner.

The Star of Zapharel is available to those who feel drawn to receive it. The Star of Zapharel is
received in a similar way to distance Reiki attunements and you will need to be able to relax in an
undisturbed place for 30 minutes.

The Star of Zapharel will continue to work with you and assist you in your day to day life on many
different levels.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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This system anciently heals merging stones with energies to create a 5th dimensional Earth awareness.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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This course is available to Reiki Masters only.

Sufi Reiki is a Reiki that accesses Sufistic energy by the moment method. The aim of the energy is to
enable the practitioner of Sufi Reiki to become a spiritually enlightened person who is also able to do
healing for him/herself as well as for others. Sufi Reiki has 3 levels followed by the band

The Band attunements are equivalent to what is known as Shing Chi for other Reiki types. Sufi
Reiki also contains Element Breathing techniques and a special Sufi Meditation.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 Three attunements
 A certificate

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This system is a combination of self-activating health exercises.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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This course is available to Reiki Masters only.

This is a system of spiritual healing which aims to eliminate toxins from the body through the
application of Divine Energy.

Practitioners claim that this system boosts the immune system by eliminating toxins and encouraging the
body to heal itself.

This system may be beneficial for:

 Chronic pain
 Allergies
 Stress-related symptoms

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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TACHYON I (1-9) -- $20
This course is available to Kundalini Reiki Masters only.

Tachyon (or Tacyon - pronounced "Takion") is not a frequency/energy but is though seed to all
- Everything evolves/comes from Tachyon.
- When Tachyon is close to disharmony, it creates balance.
- Perfect form is encoded in Tachyon.
- Tachyon does not heal, but the body transforms Tachyon to the needed energy for healing.
- Tachyon is faster than the speed of light.
- When Tachyon is close to EMF (Electromagnetic fields e.g. from electric appliances), it changes the
effect of the negative fields, to useful positive energies.

Tachyon 1-2-3
Tachyon 1: Here you will be attuned/strengthened to Tachyon. You will learn to create Tachyon tools,
which can be laid on the body, for charging water, to neutralize EMF etc.

Tachyon 2: Further attuned/strengthened to Tachyon.

Tachyon 3: Further attuned/strengthened to Tachyon. You will learn to create stronger tools for therapy
use. Further you are taught to pass on Tachyon 1-2-3.

Tachyon 4-5-6:
Further attunement to Tachyon (100 % after Tachyon 6). Theory on how to create a Laser antenna, for
directing energy. You will be able to pass on Tachyon 4-5-6.

Tachyon 7-8-9:
Further attunement to Tachyon (300 % after Tachyon 9). You will be shown how to gently create your
body into a Tachyon antenna. You will be able to pass on Tachyon 7-8-9.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 Nine attunements
 A certificate

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This course is available to Kundalini Reiki Masters only.

Tachyon (or Tacyon - pronounced "Takion") is not a frequency/energy but is though seed to all
- Everything evolves/comes from Tachyon.
- When Tachyon is close to disharmony, it creates balance.
- Perfect form is encoded in Tachyon.
- Tachyon does not heal, but the body transforms Tachyon to the needed energy for healing.
- Tachyon is faster than the speed of light.
- When Tachyon is close to EMF (Electromagnetic fields e.g. from electric appliances), it changes the
effect of the negative fields, to useful positive energies.

This is a new level and replaces Tachyon I.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 Nine attunements
 A certificate

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This course is available to Kundalini Reiki Masters only.

Tachyon (or Tacyon - pronounced "Takion") is not a frequency/energy but is though seed to all
- Everything evolves/comes from Tachyon.
- When Tachyon is close to disharmony, it creates balance.
- Perfect form is encoded in Tachyon.
- Tachyon does not heal, but the body transforms Tachyon to the needed energy for healing.
- Tachyon is faster than the speed of light.
- When Tachyon is close to EMF (Electromagnetic fields e.g. from electric appliances), it changes the
effect of the negative fields, to useful positive energies.

Tachyon III is a new level and replaces all previous levels of Tachyon.

You will receive:

 Manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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This course is available to Reiki Masters only.

Tanaka San energies are supposed to be really good for the healing of cancers and viruses. The first
attunement is supposed to be for healing of cancers and the second or healing of viruses.

There are no symbols for this system. It can be used with intent or with hands-on healing.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 Two attunements
 A certificate

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Taokan Reiki™ means compassionate energy, or as it is more appropriately, "The Way of
Compassionate Energy". It is healing and spreading the Compassion of the Creator to all, and all
creation. It is "being" the compassion of God, as St. Paul calls us to be, or as Kuan Yin personifies.

Taokan Reiki™ is a heart-centered healing. It is a loving, heart-centered, compassionate healing art

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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This course is available to Reiki Masters only.

This system empowers your mind and body. This is created by combining energies of the great Tathgata
and Reiki. This is not only a good healing system it also involves spiritual growth.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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Telos is an ancient Lemurian city that exists right beneath Mount Shasta. It's a real city in the physical
realm, with over 1 million inhabitants that are living in peace and prosperity. The city of Telos has a
very special frequency of love. This energy is very beneficial in healing sessions.

With the Telos Healing System, 5 programmed stones are used and placed in a special "grid" on and
around a person. The stones will automatically connect to each other and start broadcasting the love
frequency to the body. This is very relaxing and often results in healing on a deep level. A session
normally takes 10-15 minutes.

The system is very easy to learn and perform.

Learn how to

Make and use the 5 Telos healing stones on people, distance healing, for specific situations and to set up
a love grid in rooms.

Make and use a special water treatment plate, to infuse water with the frequency of love.

How to pass on the Telos Healing System empowerment.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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The Templar Degree is a symbol of Oneness and the manifestation of Christ Consciousness into our
world. It is intended to be shared with Reiki practitioners who feel called to receive it and is related to a
higher conscious. It is considered an advanced attunement that is an ascension activation of the divine
blueprint of the oversoul.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement that connects you with the symbol of oneness
 A certificate

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This system can be used for:

 Angelic/Archangelic communication
 Angelic work
 Angelic healing
 Angelic channeling
 Speeding up one‘s path to enlightenment
 Holding more Light, Life-force Energy and Love in one‘s energy system, body/mind/soul, cells
and DNA
 Helps one become ONE with God/Source/Spirit, etc.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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**Channelled by Jay Burrell**

The Thor‘s Hammer Empowerment is the first system in a number of Viking Energy and Viking God,
Goddess Empowerments that he is currently channelling.

This empowerment will bring in the mighty power of the Viking God Thor and the power of his hammer.

Thor is a very misunderstood God. History has portrayed him as an evil person causing war among
peoples; but this is not true. Man has his own free will!

Thor is a very intelligent and wise being who will assist you in all you desire, so long as you harm no

Through this empowerment, you will be given an extra tool in helping you to break down barriers that
are preventing you from progressing spiritually and any barriers that no longer serve you.

Thor is not a God who brings war upon others for the sake of war. He is a God who is fearless and
defends what is right fiercely and with vigor.

Ask for his help and assistance, and he will lovingly give it. Ask him to unjustly harm others, and he
will not comply.

He admires courage and strength, gives it to those who need it or allows them to realize it is within
themselves all along, waiting to be called forth.

He gives you the confidence to stand up for yourself, to stand true to your beliefs and to yourself.

You will receive:

 Manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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This system is available to Reiki Masters only.

Tibetan Reiki helps to bring our energies into balance and harmony. The spiritual information of the
symbols is similar to that found in many Eastern philosophies but it is difficult to prove or disprove that
Tibetan Reiki began in Tibet as the symbols do not come from the Tibetan Sanskrit language.

Whatever its origin, Tibetan Reiki is an energy system that helps in the healing process that is needed by
so many people today.

Included are symbols that help to

 Energize and revitalize the chakras,

 Cleanse and open the third eye,
 Balance and calm chaotic energy
 Increase intuition
 Strengthen the light body and invoke beneficial spiritual entities.

You will also find included the Tree of Life Meditation, Usui Master Mantra, Archangel Michael‘s
Sword Technique,

You will find out about distant healing and learn how to perform attunements in different ways.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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This is the brand new updated Tiger Reiki system, complete with two new symbols (Tiger Reiki can also
be sent by intent), and instructions on connecting with your Guardian Tiger. This is a beautiful system to
increase courage and strength. You'll also find out about the color tigers and how they can help you in
your healing sessions. Also, a perfect system for the cat lover and/or anyone who performs healing
sessions on cats (system works great on pets and humans!).

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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In the founders‘ words:

―This Empowerment was co-created by two people who both suffered from high symptom PTSD and
one of them from severe ME which left her virtually bedridden for two years. Both of us have healed
ourselves and trained as therapists in various modalities. This Empowerment is part of a complete
system of healing and development being created by ourselves; however the Tranquillity Integrity
Empowerment is being given out now in order to assist as many people as possible to heal so that they
may evolve.‖

―The Tranquillity Integrity Empowerment will not force any changes on anyone that they are not already
doing battle with, it simply assists the developmental process that is already taking place and assists
connectedness and is in essence no different in that respect than saying a prayer for world peace or
sending out planetary or global healing which many people do anyway.‖

This system is great for working with PTSD symptoms.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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Attunes you to the attributes of this animal - sacrifice of self for a higher purpose, honoring the Earth

You will receive:

 Manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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Attunes you to the attributes of this animal - symbol of Earth, patience, longevity, developing new ideas.

You will receive:

 Manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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‗Uhane nui reiki is the last part of the ancient shaman reiki series… the first is Kahuna reiki, where we
relearned to empower ourselves by letting go and releasing the past. the second in the series is aloha
reiki, where we relearned to return to aloha (love) and that self aloha is what we do first to be able to
spread aloha…now the third in the series is ‗uhane nui reiki (spirit greatness). We cleared away the past,
(kahuna reiki) , started to relove ourselves (aloha reiki) and now we shine and own our spirit greatness
(‗uhane nui reiki). This is the joyful embracing of our ‗uhane nui and we honor our la‘a kea (sacred
light, knowledge) and hilina‘I (trust) ourselves. As well as Feeling at peace and full of ‗uhane knowing
you are iki ola pau‘ole ( living in the moment).

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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The Unicorn Energy Healing System was channelled by Jay Burrell and a very dear friend, Mrs.
Heidi Gebhard Burger from Germany.

They were both told by the Unicorns that it is now time for there energies to be made available to
mankind to help them on there Spiritual Journey and to also assist them in any Healing Work that
they do. They were given a symbol to use in this attunement that has been named the Etheric
Unicorn Horn which will be placed into your 3rd Eye Chakra.

You will also be required to Meditate using the Guided Meditation in the manual to meet your
very own Unicorn Guide who will always be with you. This must be done before you receive the

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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In Peggy Jentoft‘s (one of the receivers) words: ―Having Unified Chakra allows you to carry higher
frequencies of spiritual energy and helps function better in your energy body. This attunement comes
from spiritual source and is grounded by a human as it comes in. Unified chakra meditations and
attunements simply accelerate a natural process of harmonization and spiritual evolution.‖

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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Founded by Rev. Gail Lehman in 2003. This system when activated by intent helps healing/teaching
masters regenerate quickly and provides a power boost to their work.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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The Universal Rays, a system that was chanelled by Dawn Rothwell, founder of Reiki Rays Institute, is
a series of seven attunements that correspond to the Chakra System. Each ray is brought forth by an
ascended master who serves as a guardian of the higher lesson of that realm.

The Universal Rays are not a system of religion, nor are they a healing system like Reiki. While we
utilize the chakras and aura, it is not chakra or aura therapy. Instead, the rays serve as a self-
transformational series which, when completed, will propel the client further along his or her spiritual

The Seven Realm Rays are:

Root Chakra - One Place - Master Hilarion

Sacral Chakra - One Being - Mother Mary

Solar Plexus Chakra - One Self - Serapis Bey

Heart Chakra - One Heart - Quan Yin

Throat Chakra - One Voice - El Moyra

Brow Chakra - One Vision – St. Germain

Crown Chakra - One Spirit - Melchizedek

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 Seven attunements
 A certificate

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USUI REIKI LEVEL 1, 2 OR 3 -- $10

Much has been written about distant attunements in Reiki and my experience of distant attunements
shows that these are just as effective as in person attunements.

The three levels listed below are for the Traditional Western form of Reiki called Usui Shiki Reiki
Ryoho which was brought to the west by Mrs. Takata. This is the most popular form of Reiki being
taught and is the ideal course to start with on your Reiki journey. For the attunement you need to
relax in a room where you will not be disturbed for 30 minutes.

Shoden ( First Degree)

This Form of Reiki is the traditional western Branch it was brought to the western world by Mrs

During your Level 1 course you will be introduced to Reiki and taught how to give yourself and
family members a Reiki treatment. This energy is all around us everything you see, touch, taste,
smell is made up of this universal life force. After receiving this attunement, your Chakras will be
cleared and opened so you can become a channel for the Reiki energy. YOU WILL BECOME A

Okuden ( Second Degree)

Once you are happy and comfortable with Usui Reiki Level 1, you can progress onto Level 2.
During your Level 2 course, your Reiki abilities will increase. You will be attuned to 3 Reiki
Symbols and taught how to send healing to someone distantly.

Shinpiden ( Master Degree)

During your Master Level course you will be shown and attuned to the Master Symbol. This will
increase your Reiki abilities even further and allow you to teach and attune others into Reiki, if this
is what you decide to do.

You are paying for one attunement.

By receiving your attunement, you are connected permanently to the source of energy, and once you're
attuned then this ability will always be with you. Try it and see. Reiki really did change my life and
could do the same for you. People experience many different things when they are attuned. Some say
they feel very little but others say they have never had an experience like it..... Whatever your
attunement experience, remember…

Reiki works for everyone.

This includes one distance attunement in Usui Reiki to either 1, 2 or Master level. You need to have
level 1 before you can move on to level 2 and can only receive Master Level if you have been attuned to
levels 1 & 2. Most people decide to go to level 2 but a few will decide to move on to Master Level,
enabling them to give attunements and teach others about Reiki.

You will receive:

 A Reiki manual by email for the level you are being attuned to
 One attunement to either level 1, 2 or 3
 A certificate

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Tibetan Reiki is often considered the Usui IIIa and IIIb attunements. It is a continuation of the Usui
Reiki. There is one attunement for Tibetan Reiki, and you must be a Usui Reiki level III to accept this

Tibetan Reiki was originally added to traditional Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki by Arthur Robertson, he was a
student of Ms Takata's master, Iris Ishikuro. If you are wishing to learn more in depth Usui symbols
strengthen your connection to Usui Reiki then Tibetan Reiki may be what you are seeking.

I will provide a manual with the symbols, the information about the Hui yin, the violet breath,
manifesting your goals, reiki crystal grid, a reiki meditation, reiki psychic surgery technique, the
antakarana symbol and much more. The manual is full of great information that I am sure you will find
useful in your workings with Reiki.

You will receive:

 Manual by email
 One attunement
 Certificates

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This course is available to Reiki 2 or Masters only.

The History of Vajra Tummo Reiki:

Vajra Tummo Reiki or VTR is a variation of Reiki whose roots come from the esoteric Ancient Tibetan
systems. The earliest form of VTR is the tradition called Vajra gTummo.

Vajra means "Thunder". The word represents the energy from knowledge which has brightness.

gTummo or Tummo means "Holy Fire" Mostly, this gTummo or Tummo also known as "Kundalini".
Kundalini is part of a Yoga tradition known as "The Six Yogas Of Naropa". Reiki means "Universal
Life-Force Energy". The word represents the universal life force accessed to assist healing.

VTR was founded by Grand Master Yan Nurindra from a conscious channelling process with Prana
Shakti Samadhi to the Tibetan Ascended Master. From this Ascended Master he received the knowledge
and energy of gTummo and "Angkur Vajra gTummo".

Vajra in this VTR is different from Vajra in gTummo because the meaning of these two words are very
different. In gTummo, Vajra is the Highest Level or rank in gTummo. While in VTR, Vajra means we
have accessed Vajra gTummo Energy. Vajra gTummo itself should be learnt separately and through an
initiation or attunement process called "Anchor".

Technically, Vajra gTummo energy consists of gTummo energy with Vajra energy. Both of these
energies can be activated / used together or separately.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 Four attunements
 A certificate

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Gtummo, in Tibet language doesn't mean hot or warm, but it refers to a mystic technique as well as the
energy produced which first is not to warm the body of the Gtummo practitioner, but is to support the
efforts in achieving the spiritual perfection. People in Tibet divided the gtummo into three functions,
they are: the exoteric gtummo, which can give the ability to heal an illness by using a gentle warmth, the
esoteric gtummo, which can give the survival ability at the very cool temperature, and the mystic
gtummo, which can give the warmth in achievement of spiritual happiness in life. Esoteric gtummo is
very famous and mastered by almost of people in Tibet; either by their own effort, initiation, or by the
Angkur that given by a Vajra Master. Mystic gtummo is not mastered by many people, even in the Tibet
mystic environment, there are only some people who mastered all three kinds of gtummo.
You will receive:

 A manual by email
 Four attunements
 A certificate

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Violet Flame Reiki is an amazing system developed by a lady called Ivy Moore and it helps us
rediscover our own inner powers by connecting us with loving energies. It's all about using a pure heart
to heal.

Violet Flame Reiki can be used alone or in conjunction with other healing methods including traditional
Reiki. However because there are so many symbols to learn (40 in all) I am only making this available
to students who have achieved Reiki Level 2 or above.

Although it is possible to receive this as separate attunement, I prefer to give 4 individual ones; again,
because of the large amount of symbols. However, if you feel you would like to receive this all at once
then please contact me beforehand.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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From the founder:

"Violet Light Reiki is a revision of the popular Violet Flame Reiki as founded by Ivy Moore. This
revision of the original includes techniques from the essence of the Violet Flame itself, as well as
corrections to the symbols, attunement processes, self healings and history of the Violet Flame.

I had the pleasure of channeling this unique new energy as soon as I began studying the original version
of Violet Flame Reiki. As I looked over each of the symbols used I felt that the original was incomplete
and needed clarity. During an attunement I was taken on a journey to the origin of the Violet Flame. I
saw its history, its creation, and each of its most important incarnations. The flame then took me on a
journey to the origin of the symbols, and showed me 9 for each level, as well as the meanings for each.
Some of the symbols I was shown, I had been signing on assignments for high school years ago.

Since writing the revision I have been able to attune people to this energy and I find that they feel a
sense of completion, calm, relaxation and fulfillment with the Violet Flame. I hope that you too can take
this energy to better your spiritual development.

Note: This is NOT Violet FLAME Reiki as this manual has completely changed the symbols
suggested in the original version."

You will receive:

 Manual by email
 Two attunements
 A certificate

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In the Hawaiian culture, when someone passes on, they are said to be ―walking the rainbow‖.

This system is a guide to advanced principles and techniques designed to accelerate ascension of the
human consciousness through the study and practice of spiritual healing and applying those practices to
walking the spiritual path.

The course is a workbook containing the steps to spiritual healing required for your ascension process.

You will receive:

 Manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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This course is available to Reiki Masters only.

White Dove Reiki was given to the Rev. Richard D. Kidd during a meditation, it was a peaceful and
enlightening happening and this is the way White Dove attunements are usually received.

White Dove Reiki uses the concept of visualizing the energy being carried on the Dove's wings,
delivered to and absorbed by the recipient. In this way all the Reiki energies can be concentrated
directly into the Dove. The White Dove represents the purity of energy which gives you the ability to
have the purity and freeness of the White Dove to assist you with your healing and attunement processes.

White Dove can be incorporated with all other Reiki modalities as it provides a focal point for you to
direct your energy.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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In the founder‘s own words: ―Whole-Self Attunement (also known as Axiatonal Re-Alignment) focuses
on re-establishing connection with the larger Self, and to work with IT to achieve total Self-

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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Merlin is a legend, if one starts out from the historical traditions. It isn't proved clearly that he really
existed, but he is part of many legends. And as we know: in every legend there is also a spark of truth.

After your Attunement, you can ask Merlin for his help. Merlin will share his knowledge with you. He
will do it if you are ready for it.

Merlin decides when you have achieved the maturity for his advanced knowledge but the Attunement
will connect you to him.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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Connects with the attributes of this animal - pack leader, strong family ties, wisdom and knowledge.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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Energy in the Universe consists of 3 kinds of energy; Yin or negative, Yang or positive and the neutral
energy. The metaphysical energy that usually is composed of Yin-Yang energies, in the human body can
be transformed into physical energy and vice-versa.

You will receive:

 Manual by email
 Two attunements
 A certificate

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This course is available to Seichim or Usui Reiki Masters only.

The Yod Initiation connects the adept to higher thought patterns.

It awakens the qualities inherent in the human soul. The initiation helps to reconnect the "Rainbow
Bridge" or the channel to the Egoic Lotus.

The Yod Initiation serves to further open the heart to love and compassion. Astrology, tarot and
channellers are able to divine more accurate information.

Symbol provided.

You will receive:

 A manual by email
 One attunement
 A certificate

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Founded by: Mary La Sota

The information given here was taken from a channeled message from Archangel Raphael.

Our beloved Archangel Raphael ends all of his inspiring messages to us all with You Are Love.

Raphael emphasizes that each and every Being on this our earthly planet is love! We are total love! The
energy associated with those tender words is at all times exceedingly prevailing.

In this most recent message from Raphael, it was his definite sentiment that there were too many Beings
who didn't really accept as true that they were in totality love. Raphael indicated that All Beings do want
to consider this yet there are distinct reasons why some Beings will not allow themselves to sincerely
deem it so.

Our Archangel firmly states the 'actual' explanation is directly related to the lack of enthusiasm and
pessimism which took place through the generations from the last Age of Innocence up to the present
Now. Genetically, these belief systems are deeply ingrained within us. There are in addition to the
above, countless added reasons which stop us from believing that we are love. Raphael mentions some
of them but the list could go on and on. He recognizes it may be due to a Being's formidable early years,
hurtful life experiences, the inability of one Being understand another Being, peer pressure, a
devastating relationship, and a lack of a definite want. High on the list for our beloved Raphael is the
unjust and unfair class system.

Raphael profoundly stated that if an individual felt they were not love, total love, then, most likely, the
reason was known to the person. Most Beings, if not all, like the sound of the words, You Are Love, but
some individuals feel they are not worthy of being love, total and complete love. Archangel Raphael's
loving activation, You Are Love™, is an entirely soothing, tranquil, and peaceful activation. Our
beloved Raphael refers to this activation as an experience devoted to YOU, for it is your Divine right to
know and fully believe that You Are Love™. And, that is the essence of this activation! It will support
an individual in better understanding him/herself and to accept as truth that You Are Love™.

You will receive:

 A set of notes by email

 One attunement
 A certificate

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I custom created this package to help with creating abundance for oneself. You will receive the
following attunements:

1. Abundantia Abundance Ray

2. Abundantia Demeter empowerment
3. Abundance/prosperity reiki
4. Money Reiki Practitioner Attunement
5. Money Reiki Master Attunement (prerequisite: Money Reiki Practitioner)
6. Money Reiki grand master Attunement (prerequisite: Money Reiki Master)

You will receive:

• Manuals for each of the systems listed above by email

• Six attunements
• Six printed certificates by mail (suitable for framing)

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This package offers the best deal for your money in Angel and Archangel attunements. This package is
suitable for all who would like to connect with the Angels and Archangels or just learn more about

You will receive all of the following courses:

1. Angel Flames Reiki (must be Reiki or Seichim Master - 3 attunements)

2. Angel Light Initiation (1 attunement)
3. Angel Reiki (must be Reiki Master; 1 attunement)
4. Angel Stones Reiki (1 attunement)
5. Angelic Senses (must be Reiki Master; 1 attunement)
6. Archangelic Seichim (must be Reiki or Seichim Master; 1 attunement)
7. Colours of Angels (1 attunement)
8. Sapphires of Angels (prerequisite: Colours of Angels; 7 attunements)

You will receive:

• All manuals by email

• Fifteen attunements

• Nine certificates by email (suitable for framing)

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This package offers the best deal for your money in Dragon attunements. This package is suitable for all
who would like to connect with the Dragons or just learn more about them.

You will receive all of the following courses:

1. Dragon Empowerments (4 attunements)

2. Dragon Ki Reiki (Usui or Karuna Master; 1 attunement)
3. Dragon Reiki 1 & 2 (Reiki Master; 2 attunements)

You will receive:

• All manuals by email

• Seven attunements

• Three printed certificates by mail (suitable for framing)

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This package offers the best deal for your money in Fairies and Elves attunements. This package is
suitable for all who would like to connect with the Fairies and Elves or just learn more about them.

You will receive all of the following courses:

1. Elven Shamanic Healing (2 attunements)

2. Faery Reiki (1 attunement)
3. Fairy Light RayKey (must be Reiki Master to pass attunements; 1 attunement)
4. Fairy Realms Reiki (Usui 2 or above; 3 attunements)
5. Nature Devas and the Fairies (1 attunement; comes with oracle cards you can print)

You will receive:

• All manuals by email

• Eight attunements

• Five printed certificates by mail (suitable for framing)

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Money Reiki Practitioner, Money Reiki Master and Money Reiki Grand Master attunements in one
discounted package!

You will receive:

Three manuals by email

Three attunements for all of the levels of Money Reiki
Three printed certificates by mail (suitable for framing)

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Any Five of the following:

Abundance Prosperity Reiki

Amara-Omni Spiritual Empowerment
Aurora Reiki
Bear Reiki
Celtic Wisdom Energy System
Crystal Reiki Master
Divine Light Reiki
Dolphin Reiki
Dragon Ki Reiki
Dragonfly Empowerment
Egyptian Pyramid
El Morya Healing System
Excalibur Reiki
Fairy Light RayKey
Gold Triangle Healing System
Imara Reiki
Inner Light Reiki
Isis Blue Moon Healing
Kabbalah Reiki
Ki Manna Reiki
Lunar Light Empowerment
Money Reiki Practitioner
Money Reiki Master
OBE Reiki
Orb of Life
Pyramid Reiki
Reiki Psychic
Sacred Breath Healing
Sacred Flames Reiki
Silver Violet Flame
Solar Light Empowerment
Spirit Reiki
Tacyon Reiki
Templar Degree
Tibetan Reiki
Usui Reiki 1
Usui Reiki 2
Usui Reiki 3
Usui Tibetan Reiki
White Dove Reiki

You will receive:

 Five manuals by email

 Five attunements
 Five certificates

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Any Five of the following:

Ama Deus Shamanic Healing

Attraction Reiki
Ayurveda Reiki
Blue Star Celestial Energy
Celtic Reiki
Dolphin Trilogy Reiki
Dragon Reiki
Ethereal Crystal Reiki
Fairy Realms Reiki
Gold Reiki
Grand Master V&VI
Green Tara Seichim
Karmic Reiki
Karuna Ki Reiki
Medicine Buddha Reiki
Meridian Flush Empowerment
Ra Sheeba Reiki
Seichim Reiki

You will receive:

 Five manuals by email

 Five (or more) attunements
 Five certificates

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All three, very powerful distance attunements to levels 1, 2 and Master Level (these will need to be
given over a period of time).

By receiving your attunements, you will be connected permanently to the source of energy, and once
you're attuned then this ability will always be with you. Try it and see. Reiki really did change my life
and could do the same for you.

People experience many different things when they are attuned. Some say they feel very little but others
say they have never had an experience like it (please see my feedback for comments)..... Whatever your
attunement experience,

This is for a full set of distance attunements to Usui Reiki levels 1, 2 and Master Level. You need to
have level 1 before you can move on to level 2 etc..... Most people decide to go to level 2 but a few will
decide to move on to Master Level, enabling them to give attunements and teach others about Reiki.

You will receive:

 Three Reiki manuals by email

 Three attunements
 Certificates

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All of the following (plus any other systems added as time goes on):

Abundance Prosperity Reiki

Ama Deus Shamanic Healing
Amara-Omni Spiritual Emp.
Angel Light Initiation
Angel Reiki
Angel Stones Reiki
Angelic Senses
Archangelic Seichim
Attraction Reiki
Aurora Reiki
Ayurveda Reiki

Bear Reiki
Blue Star Celestial Energy
Celtic Reiki
Celtic Wisdom Energy System
Chakra Healing Attunements
Chakra Healing System
Colours of Angels
Crystal Reiki
Devic Templates
Diamond of Zapharel
Divine Light Reiki
Dolphin Reiki
Dolphin Trilogy Reiki
Dragon Ki Reiki
Dragon Reiki
Dragonfly Empowerment
Egyptian Pyramid
El Morya Healing System
Elemental Reiki
Ethereal Crystal
Excalibur Reiki
Fairy Light RayKey
Fairy Realms Reiki
Full Spectrum Healing
Gold Reiki
Golden Triangle
Grand Master V & VI
Imara Reiki
Inner Light Reiki
Innersun Reiki
Isis Blue Moon
Kabbalah Reiki
Karmic Reiki
Karuna Ki
Ki Manna
Kundalini Reiki
Light Dream
Lightarian AngelLinks
Lightarian Rays
Lightarian Reiki
Lunar Light Empowerment
Ma Heo O Reiki
Medicine Buddha Reiki
Meridian Flush Empowerment
Money Reiki Practitioner
Money Reiki Master
Money Reiki Grand Master
OBE Reiki
Orb of Life
Pyramid Reiki
Ra Sheeba Reiki
Reiki Psychic
Sacred Breath Healing System
Sacred Flames
Sapphires of Angels
Seichim Reiki
Seven Facet Seichim
Seven Rays of Enlightenment
Shamballa MDH
Silver Violet Flame
Solar Light Empowerment
Spirit Reiki
Tachyon Reiki
Templar Degree
Tibetan Reiki
Universal Rays
Usui Reiki 1, 2 and 3
Usui Tibetan Reiki
Violet Flame Reiki
White Dove Reiki

You will receive:

 A manual for each system by email

 One (or more) attunements per system
 A certificate for each system

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