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Oöncopta of Phytc Newton's LAWs of Motion 75

SotioR : (a) Suppase in a

360 N is applied to it,
ho acoeleration of m, with
in displaced fromA to A'small thme interval a the rìng an upurd oe gater than dirction d,-4 (downward) and tho respect the
to ground
from C to C. Drop a igure 5.w8) and tho block Fnd the naximum aeleration in the upward acceleration of m, with Adding, 20, -2-W l ,1)
friction roapect to the ground =a,+a (downward). 2 m, m,
For small displncomentperpendicular AP fhom A' to AB with whioh the man cn cimb safely Neglect
AB PB, Sinc the length of the at the tre dranch. Thke g 10 nva " Thoso accolerations will be used in Newton's laws,
Rtring is constant, we have tho tension be T in the upper string and Let
T'in the lower 4 m,
string. Consider the motion of the pulley B.

m 3

tc booN
T 10. A particle slides down a smooth inelined plane of
4 Figuro 5-W9 elevation 6, fixed in an elevator going up wiüh an
Ngure 5-W8
acceleration a, (figure 6-W12), The base of the incline has
2 sosolution : Let Tbe tho tenaion in the ropo. Tho upward a lengthL Find the time taken by the particle to reach
AB + BC =AB+ BC force on the clamp is Tsin 30° =T/2. The maximum the bottom.
or AP+ PB + BC -A'B+ BC Figure 5-W11
tension that will not detach the clamp from the ground
or, AP = BC - BC=CC (as is, therefore, given by
Or. AA' cOs 9=CC
AB-PB) 120N The forces on this light pulley are
360N T upwards by the upper string and
or AA' cos e CC T=720 N. (b) 2T' downwards by tho lower string.
or, (velocity of the ring) cos : If the acceleration of the man in the upward direction As the mass of the pulley is negligible,
(velocity of the block). is a, the equation of motion of the man is 2T'-T= 0
(b) If the initial acceleration of the
ring is a, that of the T-600 Ne (60 kg) a giving
block will be a cOs 0. Let T be the
at this instant. Consider the block as
tension in the string The maximum acceleration of the man for safe climbing T'=T/2. Figure 5-W12

forces acting on the block are the system. The is, therefore Motion of m, :
() Mg dowaward due to the earth, 720 N- 600 N The acceleration is a, in the horizontal direction. The Solution: Let us work in the elevator frame. A pseudo
and a= =2 m/s. force ma, in the downward direction is to be applied on
(i) Tupward due to the string. 60 kg forces on m, are
The equation of motion of the block is the particle of mass m together with the real forces.
(9) Three blocks of masses m,,m, and m, are connected as (a) T by the string (horizontal). Thus, the forces on m are (figure 5-W13)
Mg -T Ma cos®. (i) shown in the figure (6-W10). AI the surfaces are (b) m,g by the earth (vertically downwards) and (i) Nnormal force.
Now consider the ring as the system. The forces on the frictionless and the string and the pulleys are light. Find (c) N by the tablo (vertically upwards). (ii) mg downward (by the earth),
ring are the acceleration of m.
(i) Me downward due to 0-600N In the horizontal direction, the equation is (ii) ma, downward (pseudo).
Nupward due to the rod, bnNM T=mao ... ()
(iü) T along the string due to the string. Motion of m, : acceleration is a, -a in the downward
Taking components along the rod, the equation of motion direction. The forces n, are
of the ing is 2M2 (a) m, g downward, by tho earth and
T cos=ma. i (b) T'= T/2 upward by the string.
Figure 5-W13
From (i) and (iü) Thus, m,g-Th= m, (a, - a) (i)

ma Motion of m, :The acceleration is (a, +a) downward, The

Mg Macos Figuro 5-W10 Let a be the acceleration of the particle with respect to
cos0 forces on m, are
the incline. Taking components of the forces parallel to
Mg cos0 Solution : Suppose the acceleration of m, is a (a)' m,g downward by the earth and the incline and applying Newton's law,
m +M cos 'e right. That will also be the towards (b) T'= T/2 upward by the string. Thus, mg sin8 + ma, sin® = m a
Putting 0 = 30°, M = 2m and g=98 ms'; therefore the pulley B because the stringdownward acceleration of m,g-½= m,(a + a). (iv) or. a=g+a) sina,
constant in length.. Also theconnecting
m, and B is a
a= 678 m/s.
string We want to calculate a,, 80 we shall eliminate T and This is the acceleration with respect to the elevator. In
m, and m, has a constant length. This cónnecting from (ii), (ii) and (iv). this frame, the distance travelled by the particie is
8. Alight rope fired at one end ofa wooden clamp on the decrease in the separation between m,implies that the
and B equals Putting T from (ii) in (ii) and (iv), L/cose Hence,
ground passes over a tree branch and hangs on the other the increase in the
separation between Cos5a) sine.4'
side (igure 5-W9). It makes an angle of 30° with the
ground. A man weighing (60 kg) wants to climb up the
rope. The wooden clamp can come out of the ground if
the upward
the downward
this acceleration be a.
m, and B. So,
acceleration of m, with respect to B equals
of m, with respect to B.
Let And a, +a
m,g-m,g!g-m 2 m,
or,: 2L

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